コード例 #1
ファイル: Converter.cpp プロジェクト: dazz007/AndroidAKE
std::string Converter::SecByteBlockToString(SecByteBlock data){
	Integer a;
	a.Decode(data.BytePtr(), data.SizeInBytes());
	//cout<< "ze secbyteblock do integera: "<<a<<endl;
	std::ostrstream oss;
	oss << std::hex << a;
	std::string s(oss.str());
	s = s.substr(0, 2*data.SizeInBytes()+1); //Do zapamiêtania. d³ugoœæ stringa z s wynosi 2*d³ugoœæ w bytach plus 1.
	return s;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Converter.cpp プロジェクト: dazz007/AndroidAKE
Integer Converter::decodeSecByteBlock(SecByteBlock key)
    Integer x;
    x.Decode(key.BytePtr(), key.SizeInBytes());
    return x;
コード例 #3
int main()
    using namespace CryptoPP;

    AutoSeededRandomPool rng;

    DH                dhA;         //< Diffie-Hellman structure
    DH2               dh2A(dhA);   //< Diffie-Hellman structure
    SecByteBlock      sprivA;      //< static private key
    SecByteBlock      spubA;       //< static public key
    SecByteBlock      eprivA;      //< ephemeral private key
    SecByteBlock      epubA;       //< ephemeral public key
    SecByteBlock      sharedA;     //< shared key

    DH                dhB;         //< Diffie-Hellman structure
    DH2               dh2B(dhA);   //< Diffie-Hellman structure
    SecByteBlock      sprivB;      //< static private key
    SecByteBlock      spubB;       //< static public key
    SecByteBlock      eprivB;      //< ephemeral private key
    SecByteBlock      epubB;       //< ephemeral public key
    SecByteBlock      sharedB;     //< shared key

    std::cout << "Initializing DH parameters" << std::endl;;

    std::cout << "Generating Keys" << std::endl;;
    sprivA = SecByteBlock( dh2A.StaticPrivateKeyLength() );
    spubA  = SecByteBlock( dh2A.StaticPublicKeyLength() );
    eprivA = SecByteBlock( dh2A.EphemeralPrivateKeyLength() );
    epubA  = SecByteBlock( dh2A.EphemeralPublicKeyLength() );

    dh2A.GenerateEphemeralKeyPair(rng,eprivA, epubA);
    sharedA= SecByteBlock( dh2A.AgreedValueLength() );

    sprivB = SecByteBlock( dh2B.StaticPrivateKeyLength() );
    spubB  = SecByteBlock( dh2B.StaticPublicKeyLength() );
    eprivB = SecByteBlock( dh2B.EphemeralPrivateKeyLength() );
    epubB  = SecByteBlock( dh2B.EphemeralPublicKeyLength() );

    dh2B.GenerateEphemeralKeyPair(rng,eprivB, epubB);
    sharedB= SecByteBlock( dh2B.AgreedValueLength() );

    if(!dh2A.Agree(sharedA, sprivA, eprivA, spubB, epubB) )
        std::cerr << "A failed to agree " << std::endl;

    if(!dh2B.Agree(sharedB, sprivB, eprivB, spubA, epubA) )
        std::cerr << "B failed to agree " << std::endl;

    Integer sharedAOut, sharedBOut;
    sharedAOut.Decode(sharedA.BytePtr(), sharedA.SizeInBytes());
    sharedBOut.Decode(sharedB.BytePtr(), sharedB.SizeInBytes());

    std::cout << "shared secret:"
              << "\n A: " << std::hex << sharedAOut
              << "\n B: " << std::hex << sharedBOut
              << std::endl;
