コード例 #1
bool CryptoECDSA::VerifyPublicKeyValid(SecureBinaryData const & pubKey65)
      cout << "BinPub: " << pubKey65.toHexStr() << endl;

   // Basically just copying the ParsePublicKey method, but without
   // the assert that would throw an error from C++
   SecureBinaryData pubXbin(pubKey65.getSliceRef( 1,32));
   SecureBinaryData pubYbin(pubKey65.getSliceRef(33,32));
   CryptoPP::Integer pubX;
   CryptoPP::Integer pubY;
   pubX.Decode(pubXbin.getPtr(), pubXbin.getSize(), UNSIGNED);
   pubY.Decode(pubYbin.getPtr(), pubYbin.getSize(), UNSIGNED);
   BTC_ECPOINT publicPoint(pubX, pubY);

   // Initialize the public key with the ECP point just created
   BTC_PUBKEY cppPubKey;
   cppPubKey.Initialize(CryptoPP::ASN1::secp256k1(), publicPoint);

   // Validate the public key -- not sure why this needs a PRNG
   static BTC_PRNG prng;
   return cppPubKey.Validate(prng, 3);
コード例 #2
BTC_PUBKEY CryptoECDSA::ParsePublicKey(SecureBinaryData const & pubKey65B)
   SecureBinaryData pubXbin(pubKey65B.getSliceRef( 1,32));
   SecureBinaryData pubYbin(pubKey65B.getSliceRef(33,32));
   return ParsePublicKey(pubXbin, pubYbin);