コード例 #1
static void createSensors(::World* world, Joint* jnt,  SensorInfoSequence iSensors)
	int numSensors = iSensors.length();

	for(int i=0; i < numSensors; ++i)
		SensorInfo iSensor = iSensors[i];

		//int id = iSensor->id();
		int id = iSensor.id;

		if(id < 0){
			std::cerr << "Warning:  sensor ID is not given to sensor " << iSensor.name
					  << "of character " << jnt->CharName() << "." << std::endl;
		} else {

			int sensorType = Sensor::COMMON;

			//switch(iSensor.type) {
			//case ::FORCE_SENSOR:		sensorType = Sensor::FORCE;				break;
			//case ::RATE_GYRO:			sensorType = Sensor::RATE_GYRO;			break;
			//case ::ACCELERATION_SENSOR: sensorType = Sensor::ACCELERATION;		break;
			//case ::PRESSURE_SENSOR:		sensorType = Sensor::PRESSURE;			break;
			//case ::PHOTO_INTERRUPTER:	sensorType = Sensor::PHOTO_INTERRUPTER; break;
			//case ::VISION_SENSOR:		sensorType = Sensor::VISION;			break;
			//case ::TORQUE_SENSOR:		sensorType = Sensor::TORQUE;			break;

			CORBA::String_var type0 = iSensor.type;
			string type(type0);

			if( type == "Force" )				{ sensorType = Sensor::FORCE; }			// 6Ž²Í�EZ¥ó¥µ
			else if( type == "RateGyro" )		{ sensorType = Sensor::RATE_GYRO; }		// ¥�E¼¥È¥¸¥ã¥¤¥úÁ»¥ó¥µ
			else if( type == "Acceleration" )	{ sensorType = Sensor::ACCELERATION; }	// ±�E¡¦x¥»¥ó¥µ
			else if( type == "Vision" )			{ sensorType = Sensor::VISION; }		// ¥Ó¥¸¥ç¥ó¥»¥ó¥µ

			CORBA::String_var name0 = iSensor.name;
			string name(name0);
			const DblArray3& p = iSensor.translation;
			static fVec3 localPos;
			static fMat33 localR;
			array_to_vec3(p, localPos);
			const DblArray4& rot = iSensor.rotation;
			array_to_mat33(rot, localR);
			world->addSensor(jnt, sensorType, id, name, localPos, localR);
コード例 #2
  void createSensors(Link* link, const SensorInfoSequence& sensorInfoSeq, const Matrix33& Rs)
    int numSensors = sensorInfoSeq.length();

    for(int i=0 ; i < numSensors ; ++i ) {
        const SensorInfo& sensorInfo = sensorInfoSeq[i];

        int id = sensorInfo.id;
        if(id < 0) {
            std::cerr << "Warning:  sensor ID is not given to sensor " << sensorInfo.name
                      << "of model " << body->modelName() << "." << std::endl;
        } else {
            int sensorType = Sensor::COMMON;

            CORBA::String_var type0 = sensorInfo.type;
            string type(type0);

            if(type == "Force")             { sensorType = Sensor::FORCE; }
            else if(type == "RateGyro")     { sensorType = Sensor::RATE_GYRO; }
            else if(type == "Acceleration")	{ sensorType = Sensor::ACCELERATION; }
            else if(type == "Vision")       { sensorType = Sensor::VISION; }
            else if(type == "Range")        { sensorType = Sensor::RANGE; }

            CORBA::String_var name0 = sensorInfo.name;
            string name(name0);

            Sensor* sensor = body->createSensor(link, sensorType, id, name);

            if(sensor) {
                const DblArray3& p = sensorInfo.translation;
                sensor->localPos = Rs * Vector3(p[0], p[1], p[2]);

                const Vector3 axis(sensorInfo.rotation[0], sensorInfo.rotation[1], sensorInfo.rotation[2]);
                const Matrix33 R(rodrigues(axis, sensorInfo.rotation[3]));
                sensor->localR = Rs * R;
#if 0
            if ( sensorType == Sensor::RANGE ) {
                RangeSensor *range = dynamic_cast<RangeSensor *>(sensor);
                range->scanAngle = sensorInfo.specValues[0];
                range->scanStep = sensorInfo.specValues[1];
                range->scanRate = sensorInfo.specValues[2];
                range->maxDistance = sensorInfo.specValues[3];
            }else if (sensorType == Sensor::VISION) {
                VisionSensor *vision = dynamic_cast<VisionSensor *>(sensor);
                vision->near   = sensorInfo.specValues[0];
                vision->far    = sensorInfo.specValues[1];
                vision->fovy   = sensorInfo.specValues[2];
                vision->width  = sensorInfo.specValues[4];
                vision->height = sensorInfo.specValues[5];
                int npixel = vision->width*vision->height;
                case Camera::NONE: 
                    vision->imageType = VisionSensor::NONE; 
                case Camera::COLOR:
                    vision->imageType = VisionSensor::COLOR;
                case Camera::MONO:
                    vision->imageType = VisionSensor::MONO;
                case Camera::DEPTH:
                    vision->imageType = VisionSensor::DEPTH;
                case Camera::COLOR_DEPTH:
                    vision->imageType = VisionSensor::COLOR_DEPTH;
                case Camera::MONO_DEPTH:
                    vision->imageType = VisionSensor::MONO_DEPTH;
                vision->frameRate = sensorInfo.specValues[6];