コード例 #1
QString UniversalUpdates::LoadAndUpdateOneHTMLFile(HTMLResource *html_resource,
        const QHash<QString, QString> &html_updates,
        const QHash<QString, QString> &css_updates,
        const QList<XMLResource *> &non_well_formed)
    SettingsStore ss;
    QString source;

    if (!html_resource) {
        return QString();

    QString currentpath = html_resource->GetCurrentBookRelPath();
    QString version = html_resource->GetEpubVersion();

    // non_well_formed will only be set if the user has chosen not to have
    // the file auto fixed.
    if (non_well_formed.contains(html_resource)) {
        return QString("%1: %2").arg(NON_WELL_FORMED_MESSAGE).arg(html_resource->Filename());

    try {
        source = XhtmlDoc::ResolveCustomEntities(html_resource->GetText());
        source = CleanSource::CharToEntity(source);

        if (ss.cleanOn() & CLEANON_OPEN) {
            source = CleanSource::Mend(source, version);
        // Even though well formed checks might have already run we need to double check because cleaning might
        // have tried to fix and may have failed or the user may have said to skip cleanning.
        if (!XhtmlDoc::IsDataWellFormed(source)) {
            throw QObject::tr(NON_WELL_FORMED_MESSAGE);

        source = PerformHTMLUpdates(source, html_updates, css_updates, currentpath, version)();
        // For files that are valid we need to do a second clean becasue PerformHTMLUpdates) will remove
        // the formatting.
        if (ss.cleanOn() & CLEANON_OPEN) {
            source = CleanSource::Mend(source, version);
        return QString();
    } catch (ErrorBuildingDOM) {
        // It would be great if we could just let this exception bubble up,
        // but we can't since QtConcurrent doesn't let exceptions cross threads.
        // So we just leave the old source in the resource.
        return QString(QObject::tr("Invalid HTML file: %1")).arg(html_resource->Filename());
    } catch (QString err) {
        return QString("%1: %2").arg(err).arg(html_resource->Filename());
    } catch (...) {
        return QString("Cannot perform HTML updates there was an unrecoverable error: %1").arg(html_resource->Filename());
コード例 #2
void CleanSourceWidget::readSettings()
    SettingsStore settings;
    SettingsStore::CleanLevel level = settings.cleanLevel();
    ui.CleanLevelPrettyPrintGumbo->setChecked(level == SettingsStore::CleanLevel_PrettyPrintGumbo);
    ui.CleanLevelGumbo->setChecked(level == SettingsStore::CleanLevel_Gumbo);
    int cleanOn = settings.cleanOn();
    ui.CleanOnOpen->setChecked(cleanOn & CLEANON_OPEN);
    ui.CleanOnSave->setChecked(cleanOn & CLEANON_SAVE);
コード例 #3
void GeneralSettingsWidget::readSettings()
    SettingsStore settings;
    QString version = settings.defaultVersion();
    ui.EpubVersion2->setChecked(version == "2.0");
    ui.EpubVersion3->setChecked(version == "3.0");
    int cleanOn = settings.cleanOn();
    ui.MendOnOpen->setChecked(cleanOn & CLEANON_OPEN);
    ui.MendOnSave->setChecked(cleanOn & CLEANON_SAVE);
    int remoteOn = settings.remoteOn();
コード例 #4
ファイル: ImportHTML.cpp プロジェクト: Mingkeo/Sigil
// Loads the source code into the Book
QString ImportHTML::LoadSource()
    SettingsStore ss;

    if (m_CachedSource.isNull()) {
        if (!Utility::IsFileReadable(m_FullFilePath)) {
            throw (CannotReadFile(m_FullFilePath.toStdString()));

        m_CachedSource = HTMLEncodingResolver::ReadHTMLFile(m_FullFilePath);
        m_CachedSource = CleanSource::CharToEntity(m_CachedSource);

        if (ss.cleanOn() & CLEANON_OPEN) {
            m_CachedSource = CleanSource::Clean(XhtmlDoc::ResolveCustomEntities(m_CachedSource));

    return m_CachedSource;
コード例 #5
void GeneralSettingsWidget::readSettings()
    SettingsStore settings;
    QString version = settings.defaultVersion();
    ui.EpubVersion2->setChecked(version == "2.0");
    ui.EpubVersion3->setChecked(version == "3.0");
    QString css_epub2_spec = settings.cssEpub2ValidationSpec();
    ui.Epub2css20->setChecked(css_epub2_spec == "css2");
    ui.Epub2css21->setChecked(css_epub2_spec == "css21");
    ui.Epub2css30->setChecked(css_epub2_spec == "css3");
    QString css_epub3_spec = settings.cssEpub3ValidationSpec();
    ui.Epub3css20->setChecked(css_epub3_spec == "css2");
    ui.Epub3css21->setChecked(css_epub3_spec == "css21");
    ui.Epub3css30->setChecked(css_epub3_spec == "css3");
    int cleanOn = settings.cleanOn();
    ui.MendOnOpen->setChecked(cleanOn & CLEANON_OPEN);
    ui.MendOnSave->setChecked(cleanOn & CLEANON_SAVE);
    int remoteOn = settings.remoteOn();
コード例 #6
ファイル: FlowTab.cpp プロジェクト: AmesianX/Sigil
void FlowTab::SaveTabContent()
    // In PV, content is read-only so nothing to do
    // In CV, the connection between QPlainTextEdit and the underlying QTextDocument
    //        means the resource already is "saved". We just need to reset modified state.
    // In BV, we only need to save the BV HTML into the resource if user has modified it,
    //        which will trigger ResourceModified() to set flag to say PV needs reloading.
    if (m_ViewState == MainWindow::ViewState_BookView && m_wBookView && m_wBookView->IsModified()) {
        SettingsStore ss;
        QString html = m_wBookView->GetHtml();
        if (ss.cleanOn() & CLEANON_OPEN) {
            html = CleanSource::Clean(html);
        m_safeToLoad = true;

    // Either from being in CV or saving from BV above we now reset the resource to say no user changes unsaved.
コード例 #7
ファイル: ImportEPUB.cpp プロジェクト: JksnFst/Sigil
// Reads and parses the file
// and returns the created Book
QSharedPointer<Book> ImportEPUB::GetBook(bool extract_metadata)
    QList<XMLResource *> non_well_formed;
    SettingsStore ss;

    if (!Utility::IsFileReadable(m_FullFilePath)) {
        throw (EPUBLoadParseError(QString(QObject::tr("Cannot read EPUB: %1")).arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_FullFilePath)).toStdString()));

    // These read the EPUB file
    QHash<QString, QString> encrypted_files = ParseEncryptionXml();

    if (BookContentEncrypted(encrypted_files)) {
        throw (FileEncryptedWithDrm(""));


    // These mutate the m_Book object
    // These mutate the m_Book object
    const QHash<QString, QString> updates = LoadFolderStructure();
    const QList<Resource *> resources     = m_Book->GetFolderKeeper()->GetResourceList();

    // We're going to check all html files until we find one that isn't well formed then we'll prompt
    // the user if they want to auto fix or not.
    // If we have non-well formed content and they shouldn't be auto fixed we'll pass that on to
    // the universal update function so it knows to skip them. Otherwise we won't include them and
    // let it modify the file.
    for (int i=0; i<resources.count(); ++i) {
        if (resources.at(i)->Type() == Resource::HTMLResourceType) {
            HTMLResource *hresource = dynamic_cast<HTMLResource *>(resources.at(i));
            if (!hresource) {
            // Load the content into the HTMLResource so we can perform a well formed check.
            try {
            } catch (...) {
                if (ss.cleanOn() & CLEANON_OPEN) {
                    non_well_formed << hresource;
            if (ss.cleanOn() & CLEANON_OPEN) {
              if (!XhtmlDoc::IsDataWellFormed(hresource->GetText())) {
                    non_well_formed << hresource;
    if (!non_well_formed.isEmpty()) {
        if (QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::warning(QApplication::activeWindow(),
                tr("This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed. "
                   "Sigil can attempt to automatically fix these files, although this "
                   "can result in data loss.\n\n"
                   "Do you want to automatically fix the files?"),
           ) {

    const QStringList load_errors = UniversalUpdates::PerformUniversalUpdates(false, resources, updates, non_well_formed);

    Q_FOREACH (QString err, load_errors) {