NodeQuerySynthesizedAttributeType NodeQuery::querySolverVariableDeclarations (SgNode * astNode) { ROSE_ASSERT (astNode != 0); NodeQuerySynthesizedAttributeType returnNodeList; switch (astNode->variantT ()) { case V_SgVariableDeclaration: returnNodeList.push_back (astNode); break; case V_SgFunctionDeclaration: case V_SgMemberFunctionDeclaration: { SgFunctionDeclaration * sageFunctionDeclaration = isSgFunctionDeclaration (astNode); ROSE_ASSERT (sageFunctionDeclaration != NULL); SgInitializedNamePtrList sageInitializedNameList = sageFunctionDeclaration->get_args (); typedef SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator variableIterator; for (variableIterator variableListElement = sageInitializedNameList.begin (); variableListElement != sageInitializedNameList.end (); ++variableListElement) { SgInitializedName* elmVar = *variableListElement; //SgVariableDeclaration* sageVariableDeclaration = isSgVariableDeclaration((elmVar.get_declaration())->copy()); //ROSE_ASSERT(sageVariableDeclaration != NULL); //if( sageVariableDeclaration != NULL) //AS (9/26/03) I must put an object of type const SgDeclarationStatement into the list because // I have no other way of finding the SgVariableDeclaration in the arguments. This is safe // because arguments are Variable Declarations, but puts unwelcome limits on use of returned // list because of it's constantness. ROSE_ASSERT (elmVar != NULL); returnNodeList.push_back (elmVar->get_declaration ()); //returnNodeList.push_back (sageVariableDeclaration); } break; } default: { // DQ (8/20/2005): Added default to avoid compiler warnings about unrepresented cases } } /* End switch-case */ return returnNodeList; } /* End function querySolverVariableDeclarations() */
NameQuerySynthesizedAttributeType NameQuery::queryNameArgumentNames (SgNode * astNode) { ROSE_ASSERT (astNode != 0); NameQuerySynthesizedAttributeType returnNameList; SgFunctionDeclaration *sageFunctionDeclaration = isSgFunctionDeclaration (astNode); if (sageFunctionDeclaration != NULL) { typedef SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator argumentIterator; SgInitializedNamePtrList sageNameList = sageFunctionDeclaration->get_args (); int countArguments = 0; for (argumentIterator i = sageNameList.begin(); i != sageNameList.end(); ++i) { SgInitializedName* elementNode = *i; ROSE_ASSERT (elementNode != NULL); string sageArgument(elementNode->get_name().str()); returnNameList.push_back(sageArgument.c_str()); countArguments += 1; } #if DEBUG_NAMEQUERY printf ("\nHere is a function declaration :Line = %d Columns = %d \n", ROSE::getLineNumber (isSgLocatedNode (astNode)), ROSE::getColumnNumber (isSgLocatedNode (astNode))); cout << "The filename is:" << ROSE:: getFileName (isSgLocatedNode (astNode)) << endl; cout << "The count of arguments is: " << countArguments << endl; #endif } return returnNameList; } /* End function queryNameArgumentNames() */
NodeQuerySynthesizedAttributeType NodeQuery::querySolverVariableTypes (SgNode * astNode) { ROSE_ASSERT (astNode != NULL); NodeQuerySynthesizedAttributeType returnNodeList; /* SgVariableDeclaration* sageVariableDeclaration = isSgVariableDeclaration(astNode); if(sageVariableDeclaration != NULL) { SgInitializedNamePtrList sageInitializedNameList = sageVariableDeclaration->get_variables(); printf ("\nHere is a function declaration :Line = %d Columns = %d \n", ROSE:: getLineNumber (isSgLocatedNode(astNode) ), ROSE:: getColumnNumber ( isSgLocatedNode(astNode) )); cout << "The filename is:" << ROSE::getFileName(isSgLocatedNode(astNode)) << endl; typedef SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator LI; for ( LI i = sageInitializedNameList.begin(); i != sageInitializedNameList.end(); ++i) { SgType* sageElementType = i->get_type(); ROSE_ASSERT( sageElementType != NULL); cout << "The class name is: " << sageElementType->sage_class_name() << endl; returnNodeList.push_back( sageElementType ); } cout << endl << "End printout of this Initialized Name list" << endl; } */ // SgVarRefExp *sageVarRefExp = isSgVarRefExp (astNode); switch (astNode->variantT ()) { case V_SgVariableDeclaration: { SgVariableDeclaration *sageVariableDeclaration = isSgVariableDeclaration (astNode); ROSE_ASSERT (sageVariableDeclaration != NULL); SgInitializedNamePtrList sageInitializedNameList = sageVariableDeclaration->get_variables (); #if DEBUG_NODEQUERY printf ("\nIn filename: %s ", ROSE::getFileName (isSgLocatedNode (astNode))); printf ("\nHere is a variable :Line = %d Columns = %d \n", ROSE::getLineNumber (isSgLocatedNode (astNode)), ROSE::getColumnNumber (isSgLocatedNode (astNode))); //cout << "The typename of the variable is: " << typeName << endl; #endif typedef SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator variableIterator; SgType *typeNode; for (variableIterator variableListElement = sageInitializedNameList.begin (); variableListElement != sageInitializedNameList.end (); ++variableListElement) { SgInitializedName* elmVar = *variableListElement; ROSE_ASSERT (elmVar != NULL); typeNode = elmVar->get_type (); ROSE_ASSERT (typeNode != NULL); returnNodeList.push_back (typeNode); } break; } /* End case V_SgVariableDeclaration */ case V_SgFunctionDeclaration: case V_SgMemberFunctionDeclaration: { SgFunctionDeclaration * sageFunctionDeclaration = isSgFunctionDeclaration (astNode); ROSE_ASSERT (sageFunctionDeclaration != NULL); SgInitializedNamePtrList sageInitializedNameList = sageFunctionDeclaration->get_args (); SgType *typeNode; typedef SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator variableIterator; for (variableIterator variableListElement = sageInitializedNameList.begin (); variableListElement != sageInitializedNameList.end (); ++variableListElement) { SgInitializedName* elmVar = *variableListElement; ROSE_ASSERT (elmVar != NULL); typeNode = elmVar->get_type (); ROSE_ASSERT (typeNode != NULL); returnNodeList.push_back (typeNode); } break; } default: { // DQ (8/20/2005): Added default to avoid compiler warnings about unrepresented cases } } /* End switch case astNode */ return returnNodeList; } /* End function querySolverType() */
void SystemDependenceGraph::build() { boost::unordered_map<CFGVertex, Vertex> cfgVerticesToSdgVertices; boost::unordered_map<SgNode*, Vertex> astNodesToSdgVertices; //map<SgFunctionCallExp*, vector<SDGNode*> > funcCallToArgs; vector<CallSiteInfo> functionCalls; map<SgNode*, vector<Vertex> > actualInParameters; map<SgNode*, vector<Vertex> > actualOutParameters; map<SgNode*, Vertex> formalInParameters; map<SgNode*, Vertex> formalOutParameters; vector<SgFunctionDefinition*> funcDefs = SageInterface::querySubTree<SgFunctionDefinition>(project_, V_SgFunctionDefinition); foreach (SgFunctionDefinition* funcDef, funcDefs) { SgFunctionDeclaration* funcDecl = funcDef->get_declaration(); CFG* cfg = new CFG(funcDef, cfgNodefilter_); functionsToCFGs_[funcDecl] = cfg; // For each function, build an entry node for it. SDGNode* entry = new SDGNode(SDGNode::Entry); entry->astNode = funcDef; //entry->funcDef = funcDef; Vertex entryVertex = addVertex(entry); functionsToEntries_[funcDecl] = entryVertex; // Add all out formal parameters to SDG. const SgInitializedNamePtrList& formalArgs = funcDecl->get_args(); foreach (SgInitializedName* initName, formalArgs) { // If the parameter is passed by reference, create a formal-out node. if (isParaPassedByRef(initName->get_type())) { SDGNode* formalOutNode = new SDGNode(SDGNode::FormalOut); formalOutNode->astNode = initName; Vertex formalOutVertex = addVertex(formalOutNode); formalOutParameters[initName] = formalOutVertex; // Add a CD edge from call node to this formal-out node. addTrueCDEdge(entryVertex, formalOutVertex); } } // A vertex representing the returned value. Vertex returnVertex; // If the function returns something, build a formal-out node. if (!isSgTypeVoid(funcDecl->get_type()->get_return_type())) { SDGNode* formalOutNode = new SDGNode(SDGNode::FormalOut); // Assign the function declaration to the AST node of this vertex to make // it possible to classify this node into the subgraph of this function. formalOutNode->astNode = funcDecl; returnVertex = addVertex(formalOutNode); formalOutParameters[funcDecl] = returnVertex; // Add a CD edge from call node to this formal-out node. addTrueCDEdge(entryVertex, returnVertex); } // Add all CFG vertices to SDG. foreach (CFGVertex cfgVertex, boost::vertices(*cfg)) { if (cfgVertex == cfg->getEntry() || cfgVertex == cfg->getExit()) continue; SgNode* astNode = (*cfg)[cfgVertex]->getNode(); // If this node is an initialized name and it is a parameter, make it // as a formal in node. SgInitializedName* initName = isSgInitializedName(astNode); if (initName && isSgFunctionParameterList(initName->get_parent())) { SDGNode* formalInNode = new SDGNode(SDGNode::FormalIn); formalInNode->astNode = initName; Vertex formalInVertex = addVertex(formalInNode); formalInParameters[initName] = formalInVertex; cfgVerticesToSdgVertices[cfgVertex] = formalInVertex; astNodesToSdgVertices[astNode] = formalInVertex; // Add a CD edge from call node to this formal-in node. addTrueCDEdge(entryVertex, formalInVertex); continue; } // Add a new node to SDG. SDGNode* newSdgNode = new SDGNode(SDGNode::ASTNode); //newSdgNode->cfgNode = (*cfg)[cfgVertex]; newSdgNode->astNode = astNode; Vertex sdgVertex = addVertex(newSdgNode); cfgVerticesToSdgVertices[cfgVertex] = sdgVertex; astNodesToSdgVertices[astNode] = sdgVertex; // Connect a vertex containing the return statement to the formal-out return vertex. if (isSgReturnStmt(astNode) || isSgReturnStmt(astNode->get_parent())) { SDGEdge* newEdge = new SDGEdge(SDGEdge::DataDependence); addEdge(sdgVertex, returnVertex, newEdge); } // If this CFG node contains a function call expression, extract its all parameters // and make them as actual-in nodes. if (SgFunctionCallExp* funcCallExpr = isSgFunctionCallExp(astNode)) { CallSiteInfo callInfo; callInfo.funcCall = funcCallExpr; callInfo.vertex = sdgVertex; // Change the node type. newSdgNode->type = SDGNode::FunctionCall; vector<SDGNode*> argsNodes; // Get the associated function declaration. SgFunctionDeclaration* funcDecl = funcCallExpr->getAssociatedFunctionDeclaration(); if (funcDecl == NULL) continue; ROSE_ASSERT(funcDecl); const SgInitializedNamePtrList& formalArgs = funcDecl->get_args(); SgExprListExp* args = funcCallExpr->get_args(); const SgExpressionPtrList& actualArgs = args->get_expressions(); if (formalArgs.size() != actualArgs.size()) { cout << "The following function has variadic arguments:\n"; cout << funcDecl->get_file_info()->get_filename() << endl; cout << funcDecl->get_name() << formalArgs.size() << " " << actualArgs.size() << endl; continue; } for (int i = 0, s = actualArgs.size(); i < s; ++i) { // Make sure that this parameter node is added to SDG then we // change its node type from normal AST node to a ActualIn arg. ROSE_ASSERT(astNodesToSdgVertices.count(actualArgs[i])); Vertex paraInVertex =[i]); SDGNode* paraInNode = (*this)[paraInVertex]; paraInNode->type = SDGNode::ActualIn; actualInParameters[formalArgs[i]].push_back(paraInVertex); callInfo.inPara.push_back(paraInVertex); // Add a CD edge from call node to this actual-in node. addTrueCDEdge(sdgVertex, paraInVertex); // If the parameter is passed by reference, create a parameter-out node. if (isParaPassedByRef(formalArgs[i]->get_type())) { SDGNode* paraOutNode = new SDGNode(SDGNode::ActualOut); paraOutNode->astNode = actualArgs[i]; //argsNodes.push_back(paraInNode); // Add an actual-out parameter node. Vertex paraOutVertex = addVertex(paraOutNode); actualOutParameters[formalArgs[i]].push_back(paraOutVertex); callInfo.outPara.push_back(paraOutVertex); // Add a CD edge from call node to this actual-out node. addTrueCDEdge(sdgVertex, paraOutVertex); } } if (!isSgTypeVoid(funcDecl->get_type()->get_return_type())) { // If this function returns a value, create a actual-out vertex. SDGNode* paraOutNode = new SDGNode(SDGNode::ActualOut); paraOutNode->astNode = funcCallExpr; // Add an actual-out parameter node. Vertex paraOutVertex = addVertex(paraOutNode); actualOutParameters[funcDecl].push_back(paraOutVertex); callInfo.outPara.push_back(paraOutVertex); callInfo.isVoid = false; callInfo.returned = paraOutVertex; // Add a CD edge from call node to this actual-out node. addTrueCDEdge(sdgVertex, paraOutVertex); } functionCalls.push_back(callInfo); //funcCallToArgs[funcCallExpr] = argsNodes; } } // Add control dependence edges. addControlDependenceEdges(cfgVerticesToSdgVertices, *cfg, entryVertex); }
// Main inliner code. Accepts a function call as a parameter, and inlines // only that single function call. Returns true if it succeeded, and false // otherwise. The function call must be to a named function, static member // function, or non-virtual non-static member function, and the function // must be known (not through a function pointer or member function // pointer). Also, the body of the function must already be visible. // Recursive procedures are handled properly (when allowRecursion is set), by // inlining one copy of the procedure into itself. Any other restrictions on // what can be inlined are bugs in the inliner code. bool doInline(SgFunctionCallExp* funcall, bool allowRecursion) { #if 0 // DQ (4/6/2015): Adding code to check for consitancy of checking the isTransformed flag. ROSE_ASSERT(funcall != NULL); ROSE_ASSERT(funcall->get_parent() != NULL); SgGlobal* globalScope = TransformationSupport::getGlobalScope(funcall); ROSE_ASSERT(globalScope != NULL); // checkTransformedFlagsVisitor(funcall->get_parent()); checkTransformedFlagsVisitor(globalScope); #endif SgExpression* funname = funcall->get_function(); SgExpression* funname2 = isSgFunctionRefExp(funname); SgDotExp* dotexp = isSgDotExp(funname); SgArrowExp* arrowexp = isSgArrowExp(funname); SgExpression* thisptr = 0; if (dotexp || arrowexp) { funname2 = isSgBinaryOp(funname)->get_rhs_operand(); if (dotexp) { SgExpression* lhs = dotexp->get_lhs_operand(); // FIXME -- patch this into p_lvalue bool is_lvalue = lhs->get_lvalue(); if (isSgInitializer(lhs)) is_lvalue = false; if (!is_lvalue) { SgAssignInitializer* ai = SageInterface::splitExpression(lhs); ROSE_ASSERT (isSgInitializer(ai->get_operand())); #if 1 printf ("ai = %p ai->isTransformation() = %s \n",ai,ai->isTransformation() ? "true" : "false"); #endif SgInitializedName* in = isSgInitializedName(ai->get_parent()); ROSE_ASSERT (in); removeRedundantCopyInConstruction(in); lhs = dotexp->get_lhs_operand(); // Should be a var ref now } thisptr = new SgAddressOfOp(SgNULL_FILE, lhs); } else if (arrowexp) { thisptr = arrowexp->get_lhs_operand(); } else { assert (false); } } if (!funname2) { // std::cout << "Inline failed: not a call to a named function" << std::endl; return false; // Probably a call through a fun ptr } SgFunctionSymbol* funsym = 0; if (isSgFunctionRefExp(funname2)) funsym = isSgFunctionRefExp(funname2)->get_symbol(); else if (isSgMemberFunctionRefExp(funname2)) funsym = isSgMemberFunctionRefExp(funname2)->get_symbol(); else assert (false); assert (funsym); if (isSgMemberFunctionSymbol(funsym) && isSgMemberFunctionSymbol(funsym)->get_declaration()->get_functionModifier().isVirtual()) { // std::cout << "Inline failed: cannot inline virtual member functions" << std::endl; return false; } SgFunctionDeclaration* fundecl = funsym->get_declaration(); fundecl = fundecl ? isSgFunctionDeclaration(fundecl->get_definingDeclaration()) : NULL; SgFunctionDefinition* fundef = fundecl ? fundecl->get_definition() : NULL; if (!fundef) { // std::cout << "Inline failed: no definition is visible" << std::endl; return false; // No definition of the function is visible } if (!allowRecursion) { SgNode* my_fundef = funcall; while (my_fundef && !isSgFunctionDefinition(my_fundef)) { // printf ("Before reset: my_fundef = %p = %s \n",my_fundef,my_fundef->class_name().c_str()); my_fundef = my_fundef->get_parent(); ROSE_ASSERT(my_fundef != NULL); // printf ("After reset: my_fundef = %p = %s \n",my_fundef,my_fundef->class_name().c_str()); } // printf ("After reset: my_fundef = %p = %s \n",my_fundef,my_fundef->class_name().c_str()); assert (isSgFunctionDefinition(my_fundef)); if (isSgFunctionDefinition(my_fundef) == fundef) { std::cout << "Inline failed: trying to inline a procedure into itself" << std::endl; return false; } } SgVariableDeclaration* thisdecl = 0; SgName thisname("this__"); thisname << ++gensym_counter; SgInitializedName* thisinitname = 0; if (isSgMemberFunctionSymbol(funsym) && !fundecl->get_declarationModifier().get_storageModifier().isStatic()) { assert (thisptr != NULL); SgType* thisptrtype = thisptr->get_type(); const SgSpecialFunctionModifier& specialMod = funsym->get_declaration()->get_specialFunctionModifier(); if (specialMod.isConstructor()) { SgFunctionType* ft = funsym->get_declaration()->get_type(); ROSE_ASSERT (ft); SgMemberFunctionType* mft = isSgMemberFunctionType(ft); ROSE_ASSERT (mft); SgType* ct = mft->get_class_type(); thisptrtype = new SgPointerType(ct); } SgConstVolatileModifier& thiscv = fundecl->get_declarationModifier().get_typeModifier().get_constVolatileModifier(); // if (thiscv.isConst() || thiscv.isVolatile()) { FIXME thisptrtype = new SgModifierType(thisptrtype); isSgModifierType(thisptrtype)->get_typeModifier().get_constVolatileModifier() = thiscv; // } // cout << thisptrtype->unparseToString() << " --- " << thiscv.isConst() << " " << thiscv.isVolatile() << endl; SgAssignInitializer* assignInitializer = new SgAssignInitializer(SgNULL_FILE, thisptr); assignInitializer->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); #if 1 printf ("before new SgVariableDeclaration(): assignInitializer = %p assignInitializer->isTransformation() = %s \n",assignInitializer,assignInitializer->isTransformation() ? "true" : "false"); #endif thisdecl = new SgVariableDeclaration(SgNULL_FILE, thisname, thisptrtype, assignInitializer); #if 1 printf ("(after new SgVariableDeclaration(): assignInitializer = %p assignInitializer->isTransformation() = %s \n",assignInitializer,assignInitializer->isTransformation() ? "true" : "false"); #endif thisdecl->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); thisdecl->get_definition()->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); thisdecl->set_definingDeclaration(thisdecl); thisinitname = (thisdecl->get_variables()).back(); //thisinitname = lastElementOfContainer(thisdecl->get_variables()); // thisinitname->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); assignInitializer->set_parent(thisinitname); markAsTransformation(assignInitializer); // printf ("Built new SgVariableDeclaration #1 = %p \n",thisdecl); // DQ (6/23/2006): New test ROSE_ASSERT(assignInitializer->get_parent() != NULL); } // Get the list of actual argument expressions from the function call, which we'll later use to initialize new local // variables in the inlined code. We need to detach the actual arguments from the AST here since we'll be reattaching // them below (otherwise we would violate the invariant that the AST is a tree). SgFunctionDefinition* targetFunction = PRE::getFunctionDefinition(funcall); SgExpressionPtrList funargs = funcall->get_args()->get_expressions(); funcall->get_args()->get_expressions().clear(); BOOST_FOREACH (SgExpression *actual, funargs) actual->set_parent(NULL); // Make a copy of the to-be-inlined function so we're not modifying and (re)inserting the original. SgBasicBlock* funbody_raw = fundef->get_body(); SgInitializedNamePtrList& params = fundecl->get_args(); std::vector<SgInitializedName*> inits; SgTreeCopy tc; SgFunctionDefinition* function_copy = isSgFunctionDefinition(fundef->copy(tc)); ROSE_ASSERT (function_copy); SgBasicBlock* funbody_copy = function_copy->get_body(); renameLabels(funbody_copy, targetFunction); ASSERT_require(funbody_raw->get_symbol_table()->size() == funbody_copy->get_symbol_table()->size()); // We don't need to keep the copied SgFunctionDefinition now that the labels in it have been moved to the target function // (having it in the memory pool confuses the AST tests), but we must not delete the formal argument list or the body // because we need them below. if (function_copy->get_declaration()) { ASSERT_require(function_copy->get_declaration()->get_parent() == function_copy); function_copy->get_declaration()->set_parent(NULL); function_copy->set_declaration(NULL); } if (function_copy->get_body()) { ASSERT_require(function_copy->get_body()->get_parent() == function_copy); function_copy->get_body()->set_parent(NULL); function_copy->set_body(NULL); } delete function_copy; function_copy = NULL; #if 0 SgPragma* pragmaBegin = new SgPragma("start_of_inline_function", SgNULL_FILE); SgPragmaDeclaration* pragmaBeginDecl = new SgPragmaDeclaration(SgNULL_FILE, pragmaBegin); pragmaBeginDecl->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); pragmaBegin->set_parent(pragmaBeginDecl); pragmaBeginDecl->set_definingDeclaration(pragmaBeginDecl); funbody_copy->prepend_statement(pragmaBeginDecl); pragmaBeginDecl->set_parent(funbody_copy); #endif // In the to-be-inserted function body, create new local variables with distinct non-conflicting names, one per formal // argument and having the same type as the formal argument. Initialize those new local variables with the actual // arguments. Also, build a paramMap that maps each formal argument (SgInitializedName) to its corresponding new local // variable (SgVariableSymbol). ReplaceParameterUseVisitor::paramMapType paramMap; SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator formalIter = params.begin(); SgExpressionPtrList::iterator actualIter = funargs.begin(); for (size_t argNumber=0; formalIter != params.end() && actualIter != funargs.end(); ++argNumber, ++formalIter, ++actualIter) { SgInitializedName *formalArg = *formalIter; SgExpression *actualArg = *actualIter; // Build the new local variable. // FIXME[Robb P. Matzke 2014-12-12]: we need a better way to generate a non-conflicting local variable name SgAssignInitializer* initializer = new SgAssignInitializer(SgNULL_FILE, actualArg, formalArg->get_type()); ASSERT_not_null(initializer); initializer->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); #if 1 printf ("initializer = %p initializer->isTransformation() = %s \n",initializer,initializer->isTransformation() ? "true" : "false"); #endif SgName shadow_name(formalArg->get_name()); shadow_name << "__" << ++gensym_counter; SgVariableDeclaration* vardecl = new SgVariableDeclaration(SgNULL_FILE, shadow_name, formalArg->get_type(), initializer); vardecl->set_definingDeclaration(vardecl); vardecl->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); vardecl->get_definition()->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); vardecl->set_parent(funbody_copy); // Insert the new local variable into the (near) beginning of the to-be-inserted function body. We insert them in the // order their corresponding actuals/formals appear, although the C++ standard does not require this order of // evaluation. SgInitializedName* init = vardecl->get_variables().back(); inits.push_back(init); initializer->set_parent(init); init->set_scope(funbody_copy); funbody_copy->get_statements().insert(funbody_copy->get_statements().begin() + argNumber, vardecl); SgVariableSymbol* sym = new SgVariableSymbol(init); paramMap[formalArg] = sym; funbody_copy->insert_symbol(shadow_name, sym); sym->set_parent(funbody_copy->get_symbol_table()); } // Similarly for "this". We create a local variable in the to-be-inserted function body that will be initialized with the // caller's "this". if (thisdecl) { thisdecl->set_parent(funbody_copy); thisinitname->set_scope(funbody_copy); funbody_copy->get_statements().insert(funbody_copy->get_statements().begin(), thisdecl); SgVariableSymbol* thisSym = new SgVariableSymbol(thisinitname); funbody_copy->insert_symbol(thisname, thisSym); thisSym->set_parent(funbody_copy->get_symbol_table()); ReplaceThisWithRefVisitor(thisSym).traverse(funbody_copy, postorder); } ReplaceParameterUseVisitor(paramMap).traverse(funbody_copy, postorder); SgName end_of_inline_name = "rose_inline_end__"; end_of_inline_name << ++gensym_counter; SgLabelStatement* end_of_inline_label = new SgLabelStatement(SgNULL_FILE, end_of_inline_name); end_of_inline_label->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); #if 0 printf ("\n\nCalling AST copy mechanism on a SgBasicBlock \n"); // Need to set the parent of funbody_copy to avoid error. funbody_copy->set_parent(funbody_raw->get_parent()); printf ("This is a copy of funbody_raw = %p to build funbody_copy = %p \n",funbody_raw,funbody_copy); printf ("funbody_raw->get_statements().size() = %" PRIuPTR " \n",funbody_raw->get_statements().size()); printf ("funbody_copy->get_statements().size() = %" PRIuPTR " \n",funbody_copy->get_statements().size()); printf ("funbody_raw->get_symbol_table()->size() = %d \n",(int)funbody_raw->get_symbol_table()->size()); printf ("funbody_copy->get_symbol_table()->size() = %d \n",(int)funbody_copy->get_symbol_table()->size()); printf ("Output the symbol table for funbody_raw \n"); funbody_raw->get_symbol_table()->print("debugging copy problem"); // printf ("Output the symbol table for funbody_copy \n"); // funbody_copy->get_symbol_table()->print("debugging copy problem"); SgProject* project_copy = TransformationSupport::getProject(funbody_raw); ROSE_ASSERT(project_copy != NULL); const int MAX_NUMBER_OF_IR_NODES_TO_GRAPH_FOR_WHOLE_GRAPH = 4000; generateAstGraph(project_copy,MAX_NUMBER_OF_IR_NODES_TO_GRAPH_FOR_WHOLE_GRAPH); #endif funbody_copy->append_statement(end_of_inline_label); end_of_inline_label->set_scope(targetFunction); SgLabelSymbol* end_of_inline_label_sym = new SgLabelSymbol(end_of_inline_label); end_of_inline_label_sym->set_parent(targetFunction->get_symbol_table()); targetFunction->get_symbol_table()->insert(end_of_inline_label->get_name(), end_of_inline_label_sym); // To ensure that there is some statement after the label SgExprStatement* dummyStatement = SageBuilder::buildExprStatement(SageBuilder::buildNullExpression()); dummyStatement->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); funbody_copy->append_statement(dummyStatement); dummyStatement->set_parent(funbody_copy); #if 0 SgPragma* pragmaEnd = new SgPragma("end_of_inline_function", SgNULL_FILE); SgPragmaDeclaration* pragmaEndDecl = new SgPragmaDeclaration(SgNULL_FILE, pragmaEnd); pragmaEndDecl->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); pragmaEnd->set_parent(pragmaEndDecl); pragmaEndDecl->set_definingDeclaration(pragmaEndDecl); funbody_copy->append_statement(pragmaEndDecl); pragmaEndDecl->set_parent(funbody_copy); #endif ChangeReturnsToGotosPrevisitor previsitor = ChangeReturnsToGotosPrevisitor(end_of_inline_label, funbody_copy); replaceExpressionWithStatement(funcall, &previsitor); // Make sure the AST is consistent. To save time, we'll just fix things that we know can go wrong. For instance, the // SgAsmExpression.p_lvalue data member is required to be true for certain operators and is set to false in other // situations. Since we've introduced new expressions into the AST we need to adjust their p_lvalue according to the // operators where they were inserted. markLhsValues(targetFunction); #ifdef NDEBUG AstTests::runAllTests(SageInterface::getProject()); #endif #if 0 // DQ (4/6/2015): Adding code to check for consitancy of checking the isTransformed flag. ROSE_ASSERT(funcall != NULL); ROSE_ASSERT(funcall->get_parent() != NULL); ROSE_ASSERT(globalScope != NULL); // checkTransformedFlagsVisitor(funcall->get_parent()); checkTransformedFlagsVisitor(globalScope); #endif // DQ (4/7/2015): This fixes something I was required to fix over the weekend and which is fixed more directly, I think. // Mark the things we insert as being transformations so they get inserted into the output by backend() markAsTransformation(funbody_copy); return true; }
// Main inliner code. Accepts a function call as a parameter, and inlines // only that single function call. Returns true if it succeeded, and false // otherwise. The function call must be to a named function, static member // function, or non-virtual non-static member function, and the function // must be known (not through a function pointer or member function // pointer). Also, the body of the function must already be visible. // Recursive procedures are handled properly (when allowRecursion is set), by // inlining one copy of the procedure into itself. Any other restrictions on // what can be inlined are bugs in the inliner code. bool doInline(SgFunctionCallExp* funcall, bool allowRecursion) { SgExpression* funname = funcall->get_function(); SgExpression* funname2 = isSgFunctionRefExp(funname); SgDotExp* dotexp = isSgDotExp(funname); SgArrowExp* arrowexp = isSgArrowExp(funname); SgExpression* thisptr = 0; if (dotexp || arrowexp) { funname2 = isSgBinaryOp(funname)->get_rhs_operand(); if (dotexp) { SgExpression* lhs = dotexp->get_lhs_operand(); // FIXME -- patch this into p_lvalue bool is_lvalue = lhs->get_lvalue(); if (isSgInitializer(lhs)) is_lvalue = false; if (!is_lvalue) { SgAssignInitializer* ai = SageInterface::splitExpression(lhs); ROSE_ASSERT (isSgInitializer(ai->get_operand())); SgInitializedName* in = isSgInitializedName(ai->get_parent()); ROSE_ASSERT (in); removeRedundantCopyInConstruction(in); lhs = dotexp->get_lhs_operand(); // Should be a var ref now } thisptr = new SgAddressOfOp(SgNULL_FILE, lhs); } else if (arrowexp) { thisptr = arrowexp->get_lhs_operand(); } else { assert (false); } } if (!funname2) { // std::cout << "Inline failed: not a call to a named function" << std::endl; return false; // Probably a call through a fun ptr } SgFunctionSymbol* funsym = 0; if (isSgFunctionRefExp(funname2)) funsym = isSgFunctionRefExp(funname2)->get_symbol(); else if (isSgMemberFunctionRefExp(funname2)) funsym = isSgMemberFunctionRefExp(funname2)->get_symbol(); else assert (false); assert (funsym); if (isSgMemberFunctionSymbol(funsym) && isSgMemberFunctionSymbol(funsym)->get_declaration()->get_functionModifier().isVirtual()) { // std::cout << "Inline failed: cannot inline virtual member functions" << std::endl; return false; } SgFunctionDeclaration* fundecl = funsym->get_declaration(); SgFunctionDefinition* fundef = fundecl->get_definition(); if (!fundef) { // std::cout << "Inline failed: no definition is visible" << std::endl; return false; // No definition of the function is visible } if (!allowRecursion) { SgNode* my_fundef = funcall; while (my_fundef && !isSgFunctionDefinition(my_fundef)) { // printf ("Before reset: my_fundef = %p = %s \n",my_fundef,my_fundef->class_name().c_str()); my_fundef = my_fundef->get_parent(); ROSE_ASSERT(my_fundef != NULL); // printf ("After reset: my_fundef = %p = %s \n",my_fundef,my_fundef->class_name().c_str()); } // printf ("After reset: my_fundef = %p = %s \n",my_fundef,my_fundef->class_name().c_str()); assert (isSgFunctionDefinition(my_fundef)); if (isSgFunctionDefinition(my_fundef) == fundef) { std::cout << "Inline failed: trying to inline a procedure into itself" << std::endl; return false; } } SgVariableDeclaration* thisdecl = 0; SgName thisname("this__"); thisname << ++gensym_counter; SgInitializedName* thisinitname = 0; if (isSgMemberFunctionSymbol(funsym) && !fundecl->get_declarationModifier().get_storageModifier().isStatic()) { assert (thisptr != NULL); SgType* thisptrtype = thisptr->get_type(); const SgSpecialFunctionModifier& specialMod = funsym->get_declaration()->get_specialFunctionModifier(); if (specialMod.isConstructor()) { SgFunctionType* ft = funsym->get_declaration()->get_type(); ROSE_ASSERT (ft); SgMemberFunctionType* mft = isSgMemberFunctionType(ft); ROSE_ASSERT (mft); SgType* ct = mft->get_class_type(); thisptrtype = new SgPointerType(ct); } SgConstVolatileModifier& thiscv = fundecl->get_declarationModifier().get_typeModifier().get_constVolatileModifier(); // if (thiscv.isConst() || thiscv.isVolatile()) { FIXME thisptrtype = new SgModifierType(thisptrtype); isSgModifierType(thisptrtype)->get_typeModifier().get_constVolatileModifier() = thiscv; // } // cout << thisptrtype->unparseToString() << " --- " << thiscv.isConst() << " " << thiscv.isVolatile() << endl; SgAssignInitializer* assignInitializer = new SgAssignInitializer(SgNULL_FILE, thisptr); assignInitializer->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); // thisdecl = new SgVariableDeclaration(SgNULL_FILE, thisname, thisptrtype, new SgAssignInitializer(SgNULL_FILE, thisptr)); thisdecl = new SgVariableDeclaration(SgNULL_FILE, thisname, thisptrtype, assignInitializer); thisdecl->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); thisdecl->get_definition()->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); thisdecl->set_definingDeclaration(thisdecl); thisinitname = (thisdecl->get_variables()).back(); //thisinitname = lastElementOfContainer(thisdecl->get_variables()); // thisinitname->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); assignInitializer->set_parent(thisinitname); // printf ("Built new SgVariableDeclaration #1 = %p \n",thisdecl); // DQ (6/23/2006): New test ROSE_ASSERT(assignInitializer->get_parent() != NULL); } std::cout << "Trying to inline function " << fundecl->get_name().str() << std::endl; SgBasicBlock* funbody_raw = fundef->get_body(); SgInitializedNamePtrList& params = fundecl->get_args(); SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator i; SgExpressionPtrList& funargs = funcall->get_args()->get_expressions(); SgExpressionPtrList::iterator j; //int ctr; // unused variable, Liao std::vector<SgInitializedName*> inits; SgTreeCopy tc; SgFunctionDefinition* function_copy = isSgFunctionDefinition(fundef->copy(tc)); ROSE_ASSERT (function_copy); SgBasicBlock* funbody_copy = function_copy->get_body(); SgFunctionDefinition* targetFunction = PRE::getFunctionDefinition(funcall); renameLabels(funbody_copy, targetFunction); std::cout << "Original symbol count: " << funbody_raw->get_symbol_table()->size() << std::endl; std::cout << "Copied symbol count: " << funbody_copy->get_symbol_table()->size() << std::endl; // std::cout << "Original symbol count f: " << fundef->get_symbol_table()->size() << std::endl; // std::cout << "Copied symbol count f: " << function_copy->get_symbol_table()->size() << std::endl; // We don't need to keep the copied function definition now that the // labels in it have been moved to the target function. Having it in the // memory pool confuses the AST tests. function_copy->set_declaration(NULL); function_copy->set_body(NULL); delete function_copy; function_copy = NULL; #if 0 SgPragma* pragmaBegin = new SgPragma("start_of_inline_function", SgNULL_FILE); SgPragmaDeclaration* pragmaBeginDecl = new SgPragmaDeclaration(SgNULL_FILE, pragmaBegin); pragmaBeginDecl->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); pragmaBegin->set_parent(pragmaBeginDecl); pragmaBeginDecl->set_definingDeclaration(pragmaBeginDecl); funbody_copy->prepend_statement(pragmaBeginDecl); pragmaBeginDecl->set_parent(funbody_copy); #endif ReplaceParameterUseVisitor::paramMapType paramMap; for (i = params.begin(), j = funargs.begin(); i != params.end() && j != funargs.end(); ++i, ++j) { SgAssignInitializer* ai = new SgAssignInitializer(SgNULL_FILE, *j, (*i)->get_type()); ROSE_ASSERT(ai != NULL); ai->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); SgName shadow_name((*i)->get_name()); shadow_name << "__" << ++gensym_counter; SgVariableDeclaration* vardecl = new SgVariableDeclaration(SgNULL_FILE,shadow_name,(*i)->get_type(),ai); vardecl->set_definingDeclaration(vardecl); vardecl->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); vardecl->get_definition()->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); printf ("Built new SgVariableDeclaration #2 = %p = %s initializer = %p \n",vardecl,shadow_name.str(),(*(vardecl->get_variables().begin()))->get_initializer()); vardecl->set_parent(funbody_copy); SgInitializedName* init = (vardecl->get_variables()).back(); // init->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); inits.push_back(init); ai->set_parent(init); init->set_scope(funbody_copy); funbody_copy->get_statements().insert(funbody_copy->get_statements().begin() + (i - params.begin()), vardecl); SgVariableSymbol* sym = new SgVariableSymbol(init); paramMap[*i] = sym; funbody_copy->insert_symbol(shadow_name, sym); sym->set_parent(funbody_copy->get_symbol_table()); } if (thisdecl) { thisdecl->set_parent(funbody_copy); thisinitname->set_scope(funbody_copy); funbody_copy->get_statements().insert(funbody_copy->get_statements().begin(), thisdecl); SgVariableSymbol* thisSym = new SgVariableSymbol(thisinitname); funbody_copy->insert_symbol(thisname, thisSym); thisSym->set_parent(funbody_copy->get_symbol_table()); ReplaceThisWithRefVisitor(thisSym).traverse(funbody_copy, postorder); } ReplaceParameterUseVisitor(paramMap).traverse(funbody_copy, postorder); SgName end_of_inline_name = "rose_inline_end__"; end_of_inline_name << ++gensym_counter; SgLabelStatement* end_of_inline_label = new SgLabelStatement(SgNULL_FILE, end_of_inline_name); end_of_inline_label->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); #if 0 printf ("\n\nCalling AST copy mechanism on a SgBasicBlock \n"); // Need to set the parent of funbody_copy to avoid error. funbody_copy->set_parent(funbody_raw->get_parent()); printf ("This is a copy of funbody_raw = %p to build funbody_copy = %p \n",funbody_raw,funbody_copy); printf ("funbody_raw->get_statements().size() = %zu \n",funbody_raw->get_statements().size()); printf ("funbody_copy->get_statements().size() = %zu \n",funbody_copy->get_statements().size()); printf ("funbody_raw->get_symbol_table()->size() = %d \n",(int)funbody_raw->get_symbol_table()->size()); printf ("funbody_copy->get_symbol_table()->size() = %d \n",(int)funbody_copy->get_symbol_table()->size()); printf ("Output the symbol table for funbody_raw \n"); funbody_raw->get_symbol_table()->print("debugging copy problem"); // printf ("Output the symbol table for funbody_copy \n"); // funbody_copy->get_symbol_table()->print("debugging copy problem"); SgProject* project_copy = TransformationSupport::getProject(funbody_raw); ROSE_ASSERT(project_copy != NULL); const int MAX_NUMBER_OF_IR_NODES_TO_GRAPH_FOR_WHOLE_GRAPH = 4000; generateAstGraph(project_copy,MAX_NUMBER_OF_IR_NODES_TO_GRAPH_FOR_WHOLE_GRAPH); #endif // printf ("Exiting as a test after testing the symbol table \n"); // ROSE_ASSERT(false); funbody_copy->append_statement(end_of_inline_label); end_of_inline_label->set_scope(targetFunction); SgLabelSymbol* end_of_inline_label_sym = new SgLabelSymbol(end_of_inline_label); end_of_inline_label_sym->set_parent(targetFunction->get_symbol_table()); targetFunction->get_symbol_table()->insert(end_of_inline_label->get_name(), end_of_inline_label_sym); // To ensure that there is some statement after the label SgExprStatement* dummyStatement = SageBuilder::buildExprStatement(SageBuilder::buildNullExpression()); dummyStatement->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); funbody_copy->append_statement(dummyStatement); dummyStatement->set_parent(funbody_copy); #if 0 SgPragma* pragmaEnd = new SgPragma("end_of_inline_function", SgNULL_FILE); SgPragmaDeclaration* pragmaEndDecl = new SgPragmaDeclaration(SgNULL_FILE, pragmaEnd); pragmaEndDecl->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); pragmaEnd->set_parent(pragmaEndDecl); pragmaEndDecl->set_definingDeclaration(pragmaEndDecl); funbody_copy->append_statement(pragmaEndDecl); pragmaEndDecl->set_parent(funbody_copy); #endif // std::cout << "funbody_copy is " << funbody_copy->unparseToString() << std::endl; ChangeReturnsToGotosPrevisitor previsitor = ChangeReturnsToGotosPrevisitor(end_of_inline_label, funbody_copy); // std::cout << "funbody_copy 2 is " << funbody_copy->unparseToString() << std::endl; replaceExpressionWithStatement(funcall, &previsitor); // std::cout << "Inline succeeded " << funcall->get_parent()->unparseToString() << std::endl; return true; }
ATerm convertNodeToAterm(SgNode* n) { if (n == NULL) { #if 0 printf ("convertNodeToAterm(): n = %p = %s \n",n,"NULL"); #endif return ATmake("NULL"); } ROSE_ASSERT(n != NULL); #if 0 printf ("convertNodeToAterm(): n = %p = %s \n",n,n->class_name().c_str()); #endif ATerm term; switch (n->variantT()) { // case V_SgFile: case V_SgSourceFile: // Special case needed to include file name // term = ATmake("File(<str>, <term>)", isSgFile(n)->getFileName(), convertNodeToAterm(isSgFile(n)->get_root())); term = ATmake("File(<str>, <term>)", isSgSourceFile(n)->getFileName().c_str(), convertNodeToAterm(isSgSourceFile(n)->get_globalScope())); break; case V_SgPlusPlusOp: case V_SgMinusMinusOp: // Special cases needed to include prefix/postfix status term = ATmake("<appl(<appl>, <term>)>", getShortVariantName((VariantT)(n->variantT())).c_str(), (isSgUnaryOp(n)->get_mode() == SgUnaryOp::prefix ? "Prefix" : isSgUnaryOp(n)->get_mode() == SgUnaryOp::postfix ? "Postfix" : "Unknown"), convertNodeToAterm(isSgUnaryOp(n)->get_operand())); break; case V_SgExpressionRoot: // Special case to remove this node term = convertNodeToAterm(isSgExpressionRoot(n)->get_operand()); break; case V_SgCastExp: // Special case needed to include type term = ATmake("Cast(<term>, <term>)>", convertNodeToAterm(isSgUnaryOp(n)->get_operand()), convertNodeToAterm(isSgCastExp(n)->get_type())); break; case V_SgVarRefExp: // Special case needed to include id term = ATmake("Var(<str>)", uniqueId(isSgVarRefExp(n)->get_symbol()->get_declaration()).c_str()); break; case V_SgFunctionRefExp: // Special case needed to include id term = ATmake( "Func(<str>)", uniqueId(isSgFunctionRefExp(n)->get_symbol()->get_declaration()).c_str()); break; case V_SgIntVal: // Special case needed to include value term = ATmake("IntC(<int>)", isSgIntVal(n)->get_value()); break; case V_SgUnsignedIntVal: term = ATmake("UnsignedIntC(<int>)", isSgUnsignedIntVal(n)->get_value()); break; case V_SgUnsignedLongVal: { ostringstream s; s << isSgUnsignedLongVal(n)->get_value(); term = ATmake("UnsignedLongC(<str>)", s.str().c_str()); } break; case V_SgUnsignedLongLongIntVal: { ostringstream s; s << isSgUnsignedLongLongIntVal(n)->get_value(); term = ATmake("UnsignedLongLongC(<str>)", s.str().c_str()); } break; case V_SgDoubleVal: term = ATmake("DoubleC(<real>)", isSgDoubleVal(n)->get_value()); break; case V_SgInitializedName: { // Works around double initname problem SgInitializer* initializer = isSgInitializedName(n)->get_initializer(); const SgName& name = isSgInitializedName(n)->get_name(); SgType* type = isSgInitializedName(n)->get_type(); ROSE_ASSERT(type != NULL); #if 0 printf ("convertNodeToAterm(): case V_SgInitializedName: name = %s initializer = %p type = %p = %s \n",name.str(),initializer,type,type->class_name().c_str()); #endif // Works around fact that ... is not really an initname and shouldn't be a type either if (isSgTypeEllipse(type)) { term = ATmake("Ellipses"); } else { std::string uniqueIdString = uniqueId(n); #if 0 printf ("uniqueIdString = %s \n",uniqueIdString.c_str()); printf ("Calling generate ATerm for SgInitializedName->get_name() name = %s \n",name.str()); ATerm name_aterm = ATmake("Name(<str>)",name.str()); // ATerm name_aterm = ATmake(name.str()); printf ("Calling convertNodeToAterm(type) \n"); ATerm type_aterm = convertNodeToAterm(type); printf ("Calling convertNodeToAterm(initializer) \n"); #endif ATerm initializer_aterm = convertNodeToAterm(initializer); #if 0 printf ("Calling ATmake() \n"); #endif #if 1 term = ATmake("InitName(<str>, <term>, <term>) {[id, <str>]}", (name.str() ? name.str() : ""), convertNodeToAterm(type), convertNodeToAterm(initializer), uniqueId(n).c_str()); // uniqueIdString.c_str()); #else term = ATmake("InitName(<term>,<term>)", //(name.str() ? name.str() : ""), // name_aterm, type_aterm, initializer_aterm // uniqueId(n).c_str()); // uniqueIdString.c_str()); ); #endif #if 0 printf ("Calling ATsetAnnotation() \n"); #endif term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("id"), ATmake("<str>", uniqueId(n).c_str())); #if 0 printf ("DONE: Calling ATsetAnnotation() \n"); #endif } break; } case V_SgFunctionDeclaration: { // Special case needed to include name SgFunctionDeclaration* fd = isSgFunctionDeclaration(n); term = ATmake("Function(<str>, <term>, <term>, <term>)", fd->get_name().str(), convertNodeToAterm(fd->get_orig_return_type()), convertSgNodeRangeToAterm(fd->get_args().begin(), fd->get_args().end()), convertNodeToAterm(fd->get_definition())); term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("id"), ATmake("<str>", uniqueId(n).c_str())); } break; case V_SgClassDeclaration: { // Special case needed to distinguish forward/full definitions and to // include class name SgClassDeclaration* decl = isSgClassDeclaration(n); assert (decl); SgName sname = decl->get_name(); const char* name = sname.str(); // Suggestion: have a field named local_definition in each class // declaration that is 0 whenever the current declaration doesn't // have a definition attached, even if there is another declaration // which does have a definition attached. SgClassDefinition* defn = decl->get_definition(); // cout << "defn = 0x" << hex << defn << endl << dec; if (decl->isForward()) defn = 0; if (defn) term = ATmake("Class(<str>, <term>)", (name ? name : ""), // Will be simpler when SgName // becomes string convertNodeToAterm(defn)); else term = ATmake("ClassFwd(<str>)", (name ? name : "")); term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("id"), ATmake("<str>", uniqueId(n).c_str())); } break; case V_SgEnumDeclaration: { // Special case to include enum name and enumerator names which are not // traversal children SgName sname = isSgEnumDeclaration(n)->get_name(); const char* name = sname.str(); const SgInitializedNamePtrList& enumerators = isSgEnumDeclaration(n)->get_enumerators(); term = ATmake("Enum(<str>, <term>)", (name ? name : "{anonymous}"), convertSgNodeRangeToAterm(enumerators.begin(), enumerators.end())); term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("id"), ATmake("<str>", uniqueId(n).c_str())); } break; case V_SgPointerType: { // Special case because types can't be traversed yet SgType* type = isSgPointerType(n)->get_base_type(); ATerm t = convertNodeToAterm(type); term = ATmake("Pointer(<term>)", t); } break; case V_SgReferenceType: { // Special case because types can't be traversed yet SgType* type = isSgReferenceType(n)->get_base_type(); ATerm t = convertNodeToAterm(type); term = ATmake("Reference(<term>)", t); } break; case V_SgModifierType: { // Special case for type traversal and to prettify modifier names SgType* type = isSgModifierType(n)->get_base_type(); SgTypeModifier& modifier = isSgModifierType(n)->get_typeModifier(); SgConstVolatileModifier& cvmod = modifier.get_constVolatileModifier(); term = convertNodeToAterm(type); if (cvmod.isConst()) term = ATmake("Const(<term>)", term); if (cvmod.isVolatile()) term = ATmake("Volatile(<term>)", term); } break; case V_SgArrayType: { // Special case because types can't be traversed yet, and to get length SgType* type = isSgArrayType(n)->get_base_type(); ATerm t = convertNodeToAterm(type); term = ATmake("Array(<term>, <term>)", t, (isSgArrayType(n)->get_index() ? convertNodeToAterm((n->get_traversalSuccessorContainer())[4]) : ATmake("<str>", "NULL"))); assert (term); } break; case V_SgFunctionType: { // Special case to allow argument list to be traversed SgFunctionType* ft = isSgFunctionType(n); ATerm ret = convertNodeToAterm(ft->get_return_type()); ATerm args_list = convertSgNodeRangeToAterm(ft->get_arguments().begin(), ft->get_arguments().end()); term = ATmake("FunctionType(<term>, <term>)", ret, args_list); } break; case V_SgEnumType: case V_SgClassType: case V_SgTypedefType: { // Special cases to optionally put in type definition instead of // reference SgNamedType* nt = isSgNamedType(n); assert (nt); SgName sname = nt->get_name(); // char* name = sname.str(); SgDeclarationStatement* decl = nt->get_declaration(); assert (decl); SgClassDefinition* defn = isSgClassDeclaration(decl) ? isSgClassDeclaration(decl)->get_definition() : 0; term = ATmake("Type(<term>)", (nt->get_autonomous_declaration() || !defn ? ATmake("id(<str>)", uniqueId(decl).c_str()) : convertNodeToAterm(nt->get_declaration()))); } break; case V_SgLabelStatement: { // Special case to put in label id const char* name = isSgLabelStatement(n)->get_name().str(); term = ATmake("Label(<str>)", (name ? name : "")); term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("id"), ATmake("<str>", uniqueId(n).c_str())); } break; case V_SgGotoStatement: { // Special case to put in label id term = ATmake("Goto(<str>)", uniqueId(isSgGotoStatement(n)->get_label()).c_str()); } break; case V_SgTypedefDeclaration: { // Special case to put in typedef name const SgName& name = isSgTypedefDeclaration(n)->get_name(); SgType* type = isSgTypedefDeclaration(n)->get_base_type(); term = ATmake("Typedef(<str>, <term>)", (name.str() ? name.str() : ""), convertNodeToAterm(type)); term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("id"), ATmake("<str>", uniqueId(n).c_str())); } break; case V_SgTemplateDeclaration: { // Traversal doesn't work for these SgTemplateDeclaration* td = isSgTemplateDeclaration(n); ROSE_ASSERT (td); // SgTemplateParameterPtrListPtr paramsPtr = td->get_templateParameters(); // SgTemplateParameterPtrList & paramsPtr = td->get_templateParameters(); // SgTemplateParameterPtrList params = paramsPtr ? *paramsPtr : SgTemplateParameterPtrList(); SgTemplateParameterPtrList & params = td->get_templateParameters(); string templateKindString; switch (td->get_template_kind()) { case SgTemplateDeclaration::e_template_none: templateKindString = "None"; break; case SgTemplateDeclaration::e_template_class: templateKindString = "Class"; break; case SgTemplateDeclaration::e_template_m_class: templateKindString = "MemberClass"; break; case SgTemplateDeclaration::e_template_function: templateKindString = "Function"; break; case SgTemplateDeclaration::e_template_m_function: templateKindString = "MemberFunction"; break; case SgTemplateDeclaration::e_template_m_data: templateKindString = "MemberData"; break; default: templateKindString = "Unknown"; break; } term = ATmake("TemplateDeclaration(<appl>, <str>, <term>, <str>)", templateKindString.c_str(), td->get_name().str(), convertSgNodeRangeToAterm(params.begin(), params.end()), td->get_string().str()); } break; case V_SgTemplateInstantiationDecl: { // Traversal doesn't work for these SgTemplateInstantiationDecl* td = isSgTemplateInstantiationDecl(n); ROSE_ASSERT (td); // SgTemplateArgumentPtrListPtr argsPtr = td->get_templateArguments(); // SgTemplateArgumentPtrList args = argsPtr ? *argsPtr : SgTemplateArgumentPtrList(); SgTemplateArgumentPtrList & args = td->get_templateArguments(); term = ATmake("TemplateInstantiationDecl(<str>, <term>)", td->get_templateDeclaration()->get_name().str(), convertSgNodeRangeToAterm(args.begin(), args.end())); } break; case V_SgTemplateParameter: { // Traversal doesn't work for these SgTemplateParameter* tp = isSgTemplateParameter(n); ROSE_ASSERT (tp); switch (tp->get_parameterType()) { case SgTemplateParameter::parameter_undefined: { term = ATmake("Undefined"); } break; case SgTemplateParameter::type_parameter: { term = ATmake("Type(<term>)", convertNodeToAterm(tp->get_defaultTypeParameter())); } break; case SgTemplateParameter::nontype_parameter: { term = ATmake("Nontype(<term>, <term>)", convertNodeToAterm(tp->get_type()), convertNodeToAterm(tp->get_defaultExpressionParameter())); } break; case SgTemplateParameter::template_parameter: { term = ATmake("Template"); } break; default: term = ATmake("Unknown"); break; } } break; case V_SgTemplateArgument: { // Traversal doesn't work for these SgTemplateArgument* ta = isSgTemplateArgument(n); ROSE_ASSERT (ta); switch (ta->get_argumentType()) { case SgTemplateArgument::argument_undefined: term = ATmake("Undefined"); break; case SgTemplateArgument::type_argument: term = ATmake("Type(<term>)", convertNodeToAterm(ta->get_type())); break; case SgTemplateArgument::nontype_argument: term = ATmake("Nontype(<term>)", convertNodeToAterm(ta->get_expression())); break; // case SgTemplateArgument::template_argument: // term = ATmake("Template"); // break; default: term = ATmake("Unknown"); break; } } break; default: { bool isContainer = (AstTests::numSuccContainers(n) == 1) || (!isSgType(n) && (n->get_traversalSuccessorContainer().size() == 0)); term = ATmake((isContainer ? "<appl(<term>)>" : "<appl(<list>)>"), getShortVariantName((VariantT)(n->variantT())).c_str(), (isSgType(n) ? ATmake("[]") : getTraversalChildrenAsAterm(n))); // Special case for types is because of traversal problems } break; } #if 0 printf ("Base of switch statement in convertNodeToAterm(): n = %p = %s \n",n,n->class_name().c_str()); #endif assert (term); term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("ptr"), pointerAsAterm(n)); #if 1 if (n->get_file_info() != NULL) { term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("location"),convertFileInfoToAterm(n->get_file_info())); } if (isSgExpression(n)) term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("type"), convertNodeToAterm(isSgExpression(n)->get_type())); #endif #if 0 printf ("Leaving convertNodeToAterm(): n = %p = %s \n",n,n->class_name().c_str()); #endif #if 0 printf ("--- n->class_name() = %s ATwriteToString(term) = %s \n",n->class_name().c_str(),ATwriteToString(term)); #endif // cout << n->sage_class_name() << " -> " << ATwriteToString(term) << endl; return term; }
NameQuerySynthesizedAttributeType NameQuery::queryVariableNamesWithTypeName (SgNode * astNode, string matchingName) { ROSE_ASSERT (astNode != 0); ROSE_ASSERT (matchingName.length () > 0); NameQuerySynthesizedAttributeType returnNameList; // SgVarRefExp *sageVarRefExp = isSgVarRefExp (astNode); switch (astNode->variantT ()) { case V_SgVariableDeclaration: { SgVariableDeclaration *sageVariableDeclaration = isSgVariableDeclaration (astNode); ROSE_ASSERT (sageVariableDeclaration != NULL); SgInitializedNamePtrList sageInitializedNameList = sageVariableDeclaration->get_variables (); #if DEBUG_NAMEQUERY printf ("\nIn filename: %s ", ROSE::getFileName (isSgLocatedNode (astNode))); printf ("\nHere is a variable :Line = %d Columns = %d \n", ROSE::getLineNumber (isSgLocatedNode (astNode)), ROSE::getColumnNumber (isSgLocatedNode (astNode))); //cout << "The typename of the variable is: " << typeName << endl; #endif SgType *typeNode; typedef SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator variableIterator; for (variableIterator variableListElement = sageInitializedNameList.begin (); variableListElement != sageInitializedNameList.end (); ++variableListElement) { SgInitializedName* elmVar = *variableListElement; ROSE_ASSERT (elmVar != NULL); typeNode = elmVar->get_type (); ROSE_ASSERT (typeNode != NULL); string typeName = TransformationSupport::getTypeName(typeNode); if (typeName == matchingName) { string name = elmVar->get_name ().str (); ROSE_ASSERT (name.length () > 0); returnNameList.push_back (name); #if DEBUG_NAMEQUERY cout << "The name of the variable is: " << name << endl; #endif } } break; } /* End case V_SgVariableDeclaration */ case V_SgFunctionDeclaration: case V_SgMemberFunctionDeclaration: { SgFunctionDeclaration * sageFunctionDeclaration = isSgFunctionDeclaration (astNode); ROSE_ASSERT (sageFunctionDeclaration != NULL); SgInitializedNamePtrList sageInitializedNameList = sageFunctionDeclaration->get_args (); SgType *typeNode; typedef SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator variableIterator; for (variableIterator variableListElement = sageInitializedNameList.begin (); variableListElement != sageInitializedNameList.end (); ++variableListElement) { SgInitializedName* elmVar = *variableListElement; ROSE_ASSERT (elmVar != NULL); typeNode = elmVar->get_type (); ROSE_ASSERT (typeNode != NULL); string typeName = TransformationSupport::getTypeName (typeNode); if (typeName == matchingName) { string name = elmVar->get_name ().str (); ROSE_ASSERT (name.length () > 0); returnNameList.push_back (name); #if DEBUG_NAMEQUERY cout << "The name of the variable is: " << name << endl; #endif } } break; } default: { // DQ (8/20/2005): Added default to avoid compiler warnings about unrepresented cases } } /* End switch case astNode */ return returnNameList; } /* End function NameQuery::queryNameVariableNames() */
NameQuerySynthesizedAttributeType NameQuery::queryNameVariableNames (SgNode * astNode) { ROSE_ASSERT (astNode != 0); NameQuerySynthesizedAttributeType returnNameList; // SgVarRefExp *sageVarRefExp = isSgVarRefExp (astNode); switch (astNode->variantT ()) { /* case V_SgVarRefExp: { SgVarRefExp* sageVarRefExp = isSgVarRefExp(astNode); ROSE_ASSERT( sageVarRefExp != NULL); SgVariableSymbol* variableSymbol = sageVarRefExp->get_symbol(); ROSE_ASSERT (variableSymbol != NULL); SgType* type = variableSymbol->get_type(); ROSE_ASSERT (type != NULL); string typeName = TransformationSupport::getTypeName(type); ROSE_ASSERT (typeName.length() > 0); // Only define the variable name if we are using an object of array type SgInitializedName* initializedName = variableSymbol->get_declaration(); ROSE_ASSERT (initializedName != NULL); SgName variableName = initializedName->get_name(); printf("\nIn filename: %s ", ROSE::getFileName(isSgLocatedNode(astNode))); printf ("\nHere is a variable :Line = %d Columns = %d \n", ROSE:: getLineNumber (isSgLocatedNode(astNode) ), ROSE:: getColumnNumber ( isSgLocatedNode(astNode) )); cout << "The typename of the variable is: " << typeName << endl; cout << "The name of the variable is: " << variableName.str() << endl; // copy the string to avoid corruption of the AST's version of the string string name = variableName.str(); returnNameList.push_back (name); break; } */ case V_SgVariableDeclaration: { SgVariableDeclaration *sageVariableDeclaration = isSgVariableDeclaration (astNode); ROSE_ASSERT (sageVariableDeclaration != NULL); SgInitializedNamePtrList sageInitializedNameList = sageVariableDeclaration->get_variables (); #if DEBUG_NAMEQUERY printf ("\nIn filename: %s ", ROSE::getFileName (isSgLocatedNode (astNode))); printf ("\nHere is a variable :Line = %d Columns = %d \n", ROSE::getLineNumber (isSgLocatedNode (astNode)), ROSE::getColumnNumber (isSgLocatedNode (astNode))); //cout << "The typename of the variable is: " << typeName << endl; #endif typedef SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator variableIterator; for (variableIterator variableListElement = sageInitializedNameList.begin (); variableListElement != sageInitializedNameList.end (); ++variableListElement) { SgInitializedName* elmVar = *variableListElement; ROSE_ASSERT (elmVar != NULL); string name = elmVar->get_name ().str (); ROSE_ASSERT (name.length () > 0); returnNameList.push_back (name); #if DEBUG_NAMEQUERY cout << "The name of the variable is: " << name << endl; #endif } break; } /* End case V_SgVariableDeclaration */ case V_SgFunctionDeclaration: case V_SgMemberFunctionDeclaration: { SgFunctionDeclaration * sageFunctionDeclaration = isSgFunctionDeclaration (astNode); ROSE_ASSERT (sageFunctionDeclaration != NULL); SgInitializedNamePtrList sageInitializedNameList = sageFunctionDeclaration->get_args (); typedef SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator variableIterator; for (variableIterator variableListElement = sageInitializedNameList.begin (); variableListElement != sageInitializedNameList.end (); ++variableListElement) { SgInitializedName* elmVar = *variableListElement; ROSE_ASSERT (elmVar != NULL); string name = elmVar->get_name ().str (); ROSE_ASSERT (name.length () > 0); returnNameList.push_back (name); #if 1 cout << "The name of the variable is: " << name << endl; #endif } break; } default: { // DQ (8/20/2005): Added default to avoid compiler warnings about unrepresented cases } } /* End switch case astNode */ return returnNameList; } /* End function queryNameVariableNames() */