コード例 #1
ファイル: nodeQuery.C プロジェクト: LindaLovelace/rose
NodeQuerySynthesizedAttributeType NodeQuery::queryNodeClassDeclarationFromName(SgNode* node, SgNode* nameNode){
  NodeQuerySynthesizedAttributeType returnList;
  ROSE_ASSERT( nameNode != NULL );
  ROSE_ASSERT( node     != NULL );

  //finds the name which should be matched to 
  SgName* sageName = isSgName(nameNode);
  ROSE_ASSERT( sageName != NULL );
  std::string nameToMatch = sageName->str();
  ROSE_ASSERT( nameToMatch.length() > 0 );

  SgClassDeclaration *sageClassDeclaration = isSgClassDeclaration (node);

  if (sageClassDeclaration != NULL)

    std::string name = sageClassDeclaration->get_name ().str ();

    if( name == nameToMatch )


  return returnList;

} /* End function:queryNodeCLassDeclarationFromName() */
コード例 #2
ファイル: nodeQuery.C プロジェクト: LindaLovelace/rose
 * The function
 *     queryNodePragmaDeclarationFromName()
 * takes as a first parameter a SgNode*. As a second parameter it takes
 * a SgNode* who must be of type SgName. The SgName contains a std::string which
 * should be the same as the left side in the pragma or a part of the left
 * side of the pragma. If the std::string is empty,
 * there will be an error message.
 *        #pragma std::stringInSgNode = information
Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> NodeQuery::queryNodePragmaDeclarationFromName(SgNode* node, SgNode* nameNode){
  ROSE_ASSERT( nameNode != NULL );
  ROSE_ASSERT( node     != NULL );

  Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> returnList;

  //finds the name which should be matched to 
  SgName* sageName = isSgName(nameNode);
  ROSE_ASSERT( sageName != NULL );
  std::string nameToMatch = sageName->str();
  ROSE_ASSERT( nameToMatch.length() > 0 );

  if(node->variantT() == V_SgPragmaDeclaration){
    SgPragmaDeclaration* sagePragmaDeclaration = isSgPragmaDeclaration(node);
    ROSE_ASSERT( sagePragmaDeclaration );
    ROSE_ASSERT( sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma() != NULL ); 
    // ROSE_ASSERT( sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma()->get_pragma() );
    std::string pragmaDeclarationString =  sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma()->get_pragma();
    //extract the part before the leftmost = is pragmaDeclarationString
    pragmaDeclarationString = pragmaDeclarationString.substr(0,pragmaDeclarationString.find("="));
    //if the name-criteria is met accept node
    if(pragmaDeclarationString.find( nameToMatch ) != pragmaDeclarationString.length() ){
      cout << pragmaDeclarationString << endl;
  return returnList;
コード例 #3
mangleFunctionName (const SgName& n, const SgName& ret_type_name )
    string s_mangled = mangleFunctionNameToString (n.getString (),
                                                   ret_type_name.str ());
    SgName n_mangled (s_mangled.c_str ());
    return n_mangled;
コード例 #4
Unparse_Jovial::unparseVarDecl(SgStatement* stmt, SgInitializedName* initializedName, SgUnparse_Info& info)
     SgName name         = initializedName->get_name();
     SgType* type        = initializedName->get_type();
     SgInitializer* init = initializedName->get_initializer();

     SgVariableDeclaration* variableDeclaration = isSgVariableDeclaration(stmt);
     ROSE_ASSERT(variableDeclaration != NULL);

#if 0
     if (variableDeclaration->get_declarationModifier().get_typeModifier().isStatic() == true)
           curprint("STATIC ");

     switch (type->variantT())
          case V_SgArrayType:
             curprint("TABLE ");
             curprint("ITEM ");
             curprint(" ");

     unparseType(type, info);

     if (init != NULL)
           curprint(" = ");
           SgInitializer* initializer = isSgInitializer(init);
           ROSE_ASSERT(initializer != NULL);
           // TODO
           // unparseExpression(initializer, info);

     curprint(" ;\n");
コード例 #5
ファイル: helpFunctions.C プロジェクト: 8l/rose
queryNodeClassDeclarationFromTypedefName (SgNode * astNode,
							   SgNode * nameNode)
  NodeQuerySynthesizedAttributeType returnList;
  ROSE_ASSERT (nameNode != NULL);
  ROSE_ASSERT (nameNode != NULL);

  //finds the name which should be matched to 
  SgName *sageName = isSgName (nameNode);
  ROSE_ASSERT (sageName != NULL);
  string nameToMatch = sageName->str ();
  ROSE_ASSERT (nameToMatch.length () > 0);

  if (isSgType (astNode) != NULL)
      /*SgTypedefType* sageTypedefType = isSgTypedefType(astNode);
         string name = TransformationSupport::getTypeName(sageTypedefType);
         ROSE_ASSERT( nameToMatch.length() > 0 );
         cout << nameToMatch << endl; */
      cout << TransformationSupport::getTypeName (isSgType (astNode)) << endl;
      if (TransformationSupport::getTypeName (isSgType (astNode)) ==
	  returnList.push_back (astNode);
	  if(nameToMatch == name){
		  SgClassDeclaration *sageClassDeclaration = isSgClassDeclaration (sageTypedefType->get_declaration());
		  ROSE_ASSERT( sageClassDeclaration != NULL );

  return returnList;

コード例 #6
ファイル: nodeQuery.C プロジェクト: LindaLovelace/rose
Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> NodeQuery::queryNodeVariableDeclarationFromName(SgNode* astNode, SgNode* nameNode){
  ROSE_ASSERT( nameNode != NULL );
  ROSE_ASSERT( astNode  != NULL );

  Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> returnList;

  if(astNode->variantT() == V_SgVariableDeclaration){

    SgName* sageName = isSgName(nameNode);
    ROSE_ASSERT( sageName != NULL );
    std::string nameToMatch = sageName->str();
    ROSE_ASSERT( nameToMatch.length() > 0 );

    SgVariableDeclaration* sageVariableDeclaration = isSgVariableDeclaration(astNode);
    ROSE_ASSERT(sageVariableDeclaration != NULL);
    ROSE_ASSERT( sageVariableDeclaration->get_definition() != NULL );

    SgInitializedNamePtrList sageInitializedNameList = sageVariableDeclaration->get_variables ();

    //see if this variable declaration fits the criteria
    typedef SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator variableIterator;

    for (variableIterator k = sageInitializedNameList.begin ();
        k != sageInitializedNameList.end(); ++k)
      SgInitializedName* elmVar = *k;
      std::string name = elmVar->get_name().str();
      if(name == nameToMatch)



  return returnList;

}; /* End function: queryNodeVariableDeclarationFromName */
コード例 #7
ファイル: instrumentationExample.C プロジェクト: 8l/rose
SimpleInstrumentation::visit ( SgNode* astNode )
  // Demonstrate and test append mechanism for statements

  // printf ("In assemblyFunction(): astNode->sage_class_name() = %s \n",astNode->sage_class_name());

     if (isSgFunctionDeclaration(astNode) != NULL)
       // printf ("Found a function declaration \n");
          SgFunctionDeclaration* functionDeclarationStatement = isSgFunctionDeclaration(astNode);
          SgName sageName = functionDeclarationStatement->get_name();
          string functionNameString = sageName.str();

       // Make sure this is the "main" function before we insert new code
          if (functionNameString == "main")
               string globalDeclarations = "int k;";
               string functionSource = "";
	       string localDeclarations = "\
void myTimerFunctionStart(void) \n\
   { \n\
     int xyzVariable; \n\
   } \n\n\
コード例 #8
//  int UnparseOrigFormat::special_cases
//  Handles and calculates the length to subtract from the total number of spaces
//  to indent. The column information returned from a declaration is designated
//  at the name. Thus, the length of the type must be found to subtract from the 
//  column number of the name. 
UnparseOrigFormat::special_cases(SgLocatedNode* node)
  // column length to subtract
     int subcol = 0;

     if (isSgVariableDeclaration(node))
          SgVariableDeclaration* vardecl_stmt = isSgVariableDeclaration(node);
          assert(vardecl_stmt != NULL);
          SgInitializedNamePtrList initname_list = vardecl_stmt->get_variables();
       // SgInitializedNamePtrList::const_iterator iter = initname_list.begin();
          SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator iter = initname_list.begin();
          if (iter != initname_list.end())
               ROSE_ASSERT ((*iter) != NULL);
               SgType* tmp_type = (*iter)->get_type();
               assert(tmp_type != NULL);

            // adding one since there's a space in between the type and name
               subcol += get_type_len(tmp_type) + 1; 
          if (isSgMemberFunctionDeclaration(node))
               SgMemberFunctionDeclaration* mfuncdecl_stmt = isSgMemberFunctionDeclaration(node);
               assert(mfuncdecl_stmt != NULL);
               SgType* rtype = NULL;
               if ( !( mfuncdecl_stmt->get_specialFunctionModifier().isConstructor() || 
                       mfuncdecl_stmt->get_specialFunctionModifier().isDestructor()  ||
                       mfuncdecl_stmt->get_specialFunctionModifier().isConversion() ) )
                 // this means that the function has a return type, so calculate the length of this type
                    if (mfuncdecl_stmt->get_orig_return_type())
                         rtype = mfuncdecl_stmt->get_orig_return_type();
                         rtype = mfuncdecl_stmt->get_type()->get_return_type();

                    subcol += get_type_len(rtype) + 1;

               if ( !isSgClassDefinition(mfuncdecl_stmt->get_parent()) )
                 // this means that the function is not in a class structure, so we must get
                 // the length of the class name <class>::<function name>
                    SgName scopename;
                 // DQ (11/17/2004): Interface modified, use get_class_scope() if we want a
                 // SgClassDefinition, else use get_scope() if we want a SgScopeStatement.
                 // scopename = mfuncdecl_stmt->get_scope()->get_declaration()->get_qualified_name();
                    scopename = mfuncdecl_stmt->get_class_scope()->get_declaration()->get_qualified_name();
                    subcol += strlen(scopename.str()) + 2;     // 2 extra spaces from the "::"
               if (isSgFunctionDeclaration(node))
                    SgFunctionDeclaration* funcdecl_stmt = isSgFunctionDeclaration(node);
                    assert(funcdecl_stmt != NULL);
                    SgType* tmp_type = funcdecl_stmt->get_type()->get_return_type();
                    assert(tmp_type != NULL);
                    subcol += get_type_len(tmp_type) + 1;
                    if (isSgClassDeclaration(node))
                         SgClassDeclaration* classdecl_stmt = isSgClassDeclaration(node);
                         assert(classdecl_stmt != NULL);
                         subcol += 6;   //for "class "
                         if (isSgCaseOptionStmt(node))
                              SgCaseOptionStmt* case_stmt = isSgCaseOptionStmt(node);
                              assert(case_stmt != NULL);
                              subcol += 5;   //for "case "
                              if (isSgLabelStatement(node))
                                   SgLabelStatement* label_stmt = isSgLabelStatement(node);  
                                   assert(label_stmt != NULL);
                                   // assert(label_stmt->get_label().str() != NULL);
                                   subcol += strlen(label_stmt->get_label().str());
                                   if (isSgTypedefDeclaration(node))
                                        SgTypedefDeclaration* typedef_stmt = isSgTypedefDeclaration(node);
                                        assert(typedef_stmt != NULL);
                                        subcol += 8;   //for "typedef "
                                        SgType* tmp_type = typedef_stmt->get_base_type();
                                        subcol += get_type_len(tmp_type) + 1;

  // may need to take care of more special cases here
     return subcol;
コード例 #9
ファイル: nodeQuery.C プロジェクト: LindaLovelace/rose
NodeQuerySynthesizedAttributeType NodeQuery::queryNodeClassDeclarationsFromTypeName(SgNode* node, SgNode* nameNode)
  NodeQuerySynthesizedAttributeType returnList;
  ROSE_ASSERT( nameNode != NULL );
  ROSE_ASSERT( node     != NULL );

  // finds the name which should be matched to 
  SgName* sageName = isSgName(nameNode);
  ROSE_ASSERT( sageName != NULL );
  std::string nameToMatch = sageName->str();
  ROSE_ASSERT( nameToMatch.length() > 0 );

  SgClassDeclaration *sageClassDeclaration = isSgClassDeclaration (node);

  if (sageClassDeclaration != NULL)
    if(TransformationSupport::getTypeName(sageClassDeclaration->get_type()) == nameToMatch)
      SgClassDefinition* classDefinition = isSgClassDefinition(sageClassDeclaration->get_definition());
      ROSE_ASSERT( classDefinition != NULL );

      // SgBaseClassList baseClassList = classDefinition->get_inheritances();
      SgBaseClassPtrList baseClassList = classDefinition->get_inheritances();

      typedef SgBaseClassPtrList::iterator SgBaseClassPtrListIterator;
      for( SgBaseClassPtrListIterator baseClassElm = baseClassList.begin();
          baseClassElm != baseClassList.end(); ++baseClassElm)
        // SgBaseClass baseClass = *baseClassElm;
        SgBaseClass* baseClass = *baseClassElm;
        // sageClassDeclaration = baseClass.get_base_class();
        sageClassDeclaration = baseClass->get_base_class();
        std::string typeName  = TransformationSupport::getTypeName ( sageClassDeclaration->get_type() );
        if( typeName == nameToMatch )

       SgType* typeNode = sageClassDeclaration->get_type ();
       ROSE_ASSERT (typeNode != NULL);

       string currentTypeName  = "";
       string previousTypeName = ""; 

       previousTypeName = currentTypeName;
       currentTypeName  = TransformationSupport::getTypeName (typeNode);

       typeNode = typeNode->findBaseType();
       ROSE_ASSERT( typeNode != NULL );

       if( currentTypeName == nameToMatch ){
       cout<< "\n\n The typenames is : " << currentTypeName << "\n\n" << previousTypeName << "\n\n";

       }while( previousTypeName != currentTypeName);

  return returnList;
} /* End function:queryNodeCLassDeclarationFromName() */
コード例 #10
generateDeclarationString ( SgDeclarationStatement* declaration ) const
  // This function generates a string for a declaration. The string is required for 
  // the intermediate file to make sure that all transformation code will compile 
  // (since it could depend on declarations defined within the code).

  // Details:
  //   1) Only record declarations found within the source file (exclude all header files 
  //      since they will be seen when the same header files are included).
  //   2) Resort the variable declarations to remove redundent entries.
  //        WRONG: variable declarations could have dependences upon class declarations!
  //   3) Don't sort all declarations since some could have dependences.
  //        a) class declarations
  //        b) typedefs
  //        c) function declarations
  //        d) template declarations
  //        e) variable definition???

      ROSE_ASSERT (this != NULL);
      ROSE_ASSERT ( declaration != NULL );
      string declarationString;

   // Build a SgUnparse_Info object to represent formatting options for
   // this statement (use the default values).
      SgUnparse_Info info;

   // exclude comments

   // exclude all CPP directives (since they have already been evaluated by the front-end)

      switch ( declaration->variantT() )
       // Enum declarations should not skip their definition since 
       // this is where the constants are declared.
          case V_SgEnumDeclaration:

          case V_SgVariableDeclaration:
          case V_SgTemplateDeclaration:
          case V_SgTypedefDeclaration:
            // Need to figure out if a forward declaration would work or be 
            // more conservative and always output the complete class definition.

            // turn off output of initializer values
            // output the declaration as a string
               declarationString = globalUnparseToString(declaration,&info);

          case V_SgClassDeclaration:
            // Need to figure out if a forward declaration would work or be 
            // more conservative and always output the complete class definition.

            // turn off the generation of the function definitions only 
            // (we still want the restof the class definition since these 
            // define all member data and member functions).
            // info.set_SkipClassDefinition();

            // output the declaration as a string
               declarationString = globalUnparseToString(declaration,&info);

       // For functions just output the declaration and skip the definition
       // (This also avoids the generation of redundent definitions since the 
       // function we are in when we generate all declarations would be included).
          case V_SgMemberFunctionDeclaration:
          case V_SgFunctionDeclaration:
            // turn off the generation of the definition

            // output the declaration as a string
               declarationString = globalUnparseToString(declaration,&info);

          case V_SgFunctionParameterList:
            // Handle generation of declaration strings this case differnetly from unparser
            // since want to generate declaration strings and not function parameter lists
            // (function parameter lists would be delimited by "," while declarations would
            // be delimited by ";").
               SgFunctionParameterList* parameterListDeclaration = dynamic_cast<SgFunctionParameterList*>(declaration);
               ROSE_ASSERT (parameterListDeclaration != NULL);
               SgInitializedNameList & argList = parameterListDeclaration->get_args();
               SgInitializedNameList::iterator i;
               for (i = argList.begin(); i != argList.end(); i++)
                    string typeNameString = (*i).get_type()->unparseToString();
                 // (9/8/2003) Bug Fix suggested by Nils
                 // string variableName   = (*i).get_name().str();
                    string variableName;
                    SgName nodeName   = (*i).get_name();
                    if(nodeName.str() != NULL)
                         variableName = nodeName.str();
                         variableName = "";

                    declarationString += typeNameString + " " + variableName + "; ";

       // ignore this case ... not really a declaration
          case V_SgCtorInitializerList:
            // printf ("Ignore the SgCtorInitializerList (constructor initializer list) \n");

          case V_SgVariableDefinition:
               printf ("ERROR: SgVariableDefinition nodes not used in AST \n");

       // default case should always be an error
               printf ("Default reached in AST_Rewrite::AccumulatedDeclarationsAttribute::generateDeclarationString() \n");
               printf ("     declaration->sage_class_name() = %s \n",declaration->sage_class_name());

  // Add a space to make it easier to read (not required)
     declarationString += " ";

  // printf ("For this scope: declarationString = %s \n",declarationString.c_str());

     return declarationString;
コード例 #11
ファイル: unparseJava_types.C プロジェクト: utke1/rose
Unparse_Java::unparseEnumType(SgEnumType* type, SgUnparse_Info& info)
     SgEnumType* enum_type = isSgEnumType(type);

     if (info.isTypeSecondPart() == false)
          SgEnumDeclaration *edecl = isSgEnumDeclaration(enum_type->get_declaration());
          SgClassDefinition *cdefn = NULL;
          SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement* namespaceDefn = NULL;

          ROSE_ASSERT(edecl != NULL);

       // Build reference to any possible enclosing scope represented by a SgClassDefinition or SgNamespaceDefinition
       // to be used check if name qualification is required.
          unp->u_exprStmt->initializeDeclarationsFromParent ( edecl, cdefn, namespaceDefn );

          if (info.isTypeFirstPart() == true && info.SkipEnumDefinition() == false)
               unp->u_exprStmt->unparseAttachedPreprocessingInfo(edecl, info, PreprocessingInfo::before);

          curprint ( "enum ");

          SgNamedType *ptype = NULL;
          if (cdefn != NULL)
               ptype = isSgNamedType(cdefn->get_declaration()->get_type());

          if (SageInterface::is_C_language() == true || SageInterface::is_C99_language() == true)
               curprint ( enum_type->get_name().getString() + " ");
            // DQ (7/20/2011): Test compilation without the generateNameQualifier() functions.
            // The C++ support is more complex and can require qualified names!
            // SgName nameQualifier = unp->u_name->generateNameQualifier( edecl , info );
               SgName nameQualifier;

            // printf ("nameQualifier (from unp->u_name->generateNameQualifier function) = %s \n",nameQualifier.str());
            // curprint ( "\n/* nameQualifier (from unp->u_name->generateNameQualifier function) = " + nameQualifier + " */ \n ";
               curprint ( nameQualifier.str());
               SgName nm = enum_type->get_name();

               if (nm.getString() != "")
                 // printf ("Output qualifier of current types to the name = %s \n",nm.str());
                    curprint ( nm.getString() + " ");

     if (info.isTypeFirstPart() == true)
      // info.display("info before constructing ninfo");
         SgUnparse_Info ninfo(info);

      // don't skip the semicolon in the output of the statement in the class definition


      // printf ("info.SkipEnumDefinition() = %s \n",(info.SkipEnumDefinition() == true) ? "true" : "false");

         if ( info.SkipEnumDefinition() == false)
              SgUnparse_Info ninfo(info);
              SgInitializer *tmp_init = NULL;
              SgName tmp_name;

              SgEnumDeclaration *enum_stmt = isSgEnumDeclaration(enum_type->get_declaration());
              ROSE_ASSERT(enum_stmt != NULL);

           // This permits support of the empty enum case! "enum x{};"
              curprint ( "{");

              SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator p = enum_stmt->get_enumerators().begin();
              if (p != enum_stmt->get_enumerators().end())
                // curprint ( "{";
                   while (1)
                        unp->u_exprStmt->unparseAttachedPreprocessingInfo(*p, info, PreprocessingInfo::before);
                        curprint ( tmp_name.str());
                             curprint ( "=");
                             unp->u_exprStmt->unparseExpression(tmp_init, ninfo);
                        if (p != enum_stmt->get_enumerators().end())
                             curprint ( ",");
                 // curprint ( "}";

            // Putting the "inside" info right here is just a wild guess as to where it might really belong.
               unp->u_exprStmt->unparseAttachedPreprocessingInfo(enum_stmt, info, PreprocessingInfo::inside);

               curprint ( "}");

               unp->u_exprStmt->unparseAttachedPreprocessingInfo(enum_stmt, info, PreprocessingInfo::after);
コード例 #12
void fixupEdgBugDuplicateVariablesInAST()
  // DQ (3/11/2006): Introduce tracking of performance of ROSE.
     TimingPerformance timer1 ("Fixup known EDG bug where some variable declarations are dropped from the source sequence lists:");

     std::set<SgVariableDeclaration*> declarations_to_remove;

  // Loop over all variables added using the convert_field_use() function.
     std::set<SgVariableDeclaration*>::iterator i = nodesAddedWithinFieldUseSet.begin();
     while (i != nodesAddedWithinFieldUseSet.end())
          SgVariableDeclaration* var_decl = *i;
          SgName name = var_decl->get_variables()[0]->get_name();

          SgClassDefinition* classDefinition = isSgClassDefinition(var_decl->get_parent());
          ROSE_ASSERT(classDefinition != NULL);

          std::vector<SgDeclarationStatement*> & members = classDefinition->get_members();

       // Loop over all data members in the class.
          std::vector<SgDeclarationStatement*>::iterator j = members.begin();
          while (j != members.end())
               SgVariableDeclaration* possible_matching_variable_declaration = isSgVariableDeclaration(*j);
               if (possible_matching_variable_declaration != NULL && possible_matching_variable_declaration != var_decl)
                    if (possible_matching_variable_declaration->get_variables()[0]->get_name() == name)
#if 0
                         printf ("matching variable declaration found for name = %s \n",name.str());


  // Now remove all of the variable declarations that we detected to be duplicates.
     std::set<SgVariableDeclaration*>::iterator k = declarations_to_remove.begin();
     while (k != declarations_to_remove.end())
          SgDeclarationStatement* var_decl = *k;

          SgClassDefinition* classDefinition = isSgClassDefinition(var_decl->get_parent());
          ROSE_ASSERT(classDefinition != NULL);

          std::vector<SgDeclarationStatement*> myvector;

          std::vector<SgDeclarationStatement*> & members = classDefinition->get_members();

       // members.erase(*k);
       // members.erase(myvector.begin(),myvector.end());

       // This is the remove/erase idiom.
          members.erase(remove(members.begin(), members.end(), *k), members.end());


コード例 #13
SIDL_TreeTraversal::generateSIDLFunctionDeclaration(SgFunctionDeclaration* functionDeclarationStatement )
    ROSE_ASSERT (functionDeclarationStatement != NULL);
    ROSE_ASSERT (functionDeclarationStatement->get_file_info() != NULL);
    const SgSpecialFunctionModifier &functionModifier = functionDeclarationStatement->get_specialFunctionModifier();

    string functionName = functionDeclarationStatement->get_name().str();
    string sidlFunctionName ;
    if (functionModifier.isConstructor()) {
        if (functionDeclarationStatement->get_args().size() == 0) return ""; // skip empty constructor
        sidlFunctionName = constructorName;
    else {
        sidlFunctionName = functionName;

    // We have to force the mangled name to be generated before we access it (else we just get "defaultName")
    string mangledFunctionName = functionDeclarationStatement->get_mangled_name().str();

    sidlFunctionName = stringifyOperatorWithoutSymbols(sidlFunctionName);

    // Get the class name
    SgClassDefinition* classDefinition   = isSgClassDefinition(functionDeclarationStatement->get_scope());

    // DQ (1/7/2004): Modified for make EDG version 3.3 work (member function declarations's normalized by EDG)
    if (classDefinition != NULL)
        SgClassDeclaration* classDeclaration = classDefinition->get_declaration();

        string className = classDeclaration->get_name().str();

        overloadInformation info = isOverloaded(classDefinition,functionName,mangledFunctionName);
        int orderofOverloadedFunction = info.get_order();

        // If function is overloaded then append the number indicating the order of appearance in the
        // class declaration
        if (info.get_count() > 1)
            vector<SgType*> types = info.get_types();

            // SgInitializedNamePtrList &args = functionDeclarationStatement->get_args ();
            int size = types.size();
            if(size > 0)
                if(size < 3)
                    sidlFunctionName += "[";
                    for(vector<SgType*>::iterator i = types.begin(); i!= types.end(); i++)
                        if(i != types.begin()) sidlFunctionName += "_";
                        if(isSgPointerType(*i) != NULL)	sidlFunctionName += "P";
                        sidlFunctionName += sidlOverloadExtension(TransformationSupport::getTypeName(*i));
                    sidlFunctionName += "]";
                    sidlFunctionName += "["+numberToOverloadString(orderofOverloadedFunction)+"]";
        printf ("EDG version 3.3 can return a null pointer to the member function definition \n");

    SgFunctionType* functionType = functionDeclarationStatement->get_type();
    ROSE_ASSERT(functionType != NULL);

    // SgType* returnType = functionType->get_return_type();
    // ROSE_ASSERT (returnType != NULL);
    // string returnTypeName = TransformationSupport::getTypeName(returnType);

    // printf ("function has_ellipses %s \n",(functionType->get_has_ellipses() != false) ? "true" : "false");
    // showSgFunctionType(cout, functionType, "Called from generateSIDLFunctionDeclaration", 0 );
    // printf ("Function return type = %s \n",returnTypeName.c_str());

#if 0
    SgTypePtrList & argumentTypeList = functionType->get_arguments();
    ROSE_ASSERT (argumentTypeList.size() >= 0);
    SgTypePtrList::iterator argumentIterator = argumentTypeList.begin();

    for (argumentIterator = argumentTypeList.begin(); argumentIterator != argumentTypeList.end(); argumentIterator++)
        // showSgType(os,(*argumentIterator), label, depth+1);

        string argumentTypeName = TransformationSupport::getTypeName(*argumentIterator);
        printf ("-----> argument #%d  argumentTypeName = %s \n",argumentCounter++,argumentTypeName.c_str());

    //Determine the SIDL parameter passing mechanism (in,out,inout)
    SgInitializedNamePtrList & argumentList = functionDeclarationStatement->get_args();
    string parameterTypesAndNames;
    SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator i;

    unsigned int argumentCounter = 0;
    for (i = argumentList.begin(); i != argumentList.end(); i++)
        SgType* type = (*i)->get_type();
        ROSE_ASSERT (type != NULL);

        string typeName = TransformationSupport::getTypeName(type);
        ROSE_ASSERT (typeName.c_str() != NULL);

        string sidlParameterPassingMechanim = "in";

        //it seems like the has_ellipses value is wrong, so we'll set it
        if(type->variantT() == V_SgTypeEllipse)
            sidlParameterPassingMechanim = "inout";
        //else if (type->variantT() == V_SgTypeVoid)
        /*else if (rose::stringDuplicate(type->sage_class_name()) == "SgTypeVoid")
        	printf("found a void\n");
        	//void type is only viable for a pointer.  foo(void) will just become foo()
        	if(isSgPointerType(type) != NULL)
        		printf("found a void pointer\n");
        		sidlParameterPassingMechanim ="inout opaque";
        else if (isSgReferenceType(type) != NULL)
            sidlParameterPassingMechanim = "inout";
        else if (isSgPointerType(type) != NULL)
            sidlParameterPassingMechanim = "inout";
        else if (isSgArrayType(type) != NULL)
            SgArrayType array = isSgArrayType(type);
            sidlParameterPassingMechanim = "inout Array<";
            SgType* baseType = array.get_base_type();
            sidlParameterPassingMechanim += TransformationSupport::getTypeName(baseType);
            sidlParameterPassingMechanim += ",1>";
            //FIXME: I don't see a way to determine the dimention of the array

        // Build the substring for each parameter

        parameterTypesAndNames += sidlParameterPassingMechanim;
        parameterTypesAndNames += " ";

        //if(type->variantT() != V_SgTypeGlobalVoid)
        if(type->variantT() == V_SgTypeEllipse)
            parameterTypesAndNames += "Array<BabelBaseType,1> "; //FIXME: need to include a declaration for BaseType
            parameterTypesAndNames += "elips" +  argumentCounter; //this fails to actually append the counter, but I don't think it will matter: kmk
            SgName name = (*i)->get_name();
            string nameString = name.str();
            string typeName = TransformationSupport::getTypeName(type);

            if(typeName == "void")
                    parameterTypesAndNames += "opaque ";
                    parameterTypesAndNames += nameString;
                parameterTypesAndNames += typeName;
                parameterTypesAndNames += " ";
                if(nameString != "") //will be empty if the function declaration doesn't provide a name
                    parameterTypesAndNames += nameString;

        // Add a "," to the string if there are more parameters in the list
        if ( argumentCounter < argumentList.size()-1 )
            parameterTypesAndNames += ",";
        //}else printf("avoiding the void\n");

    SgType* returnType = functionType->get_return_type();
    ROSE_ASSERT (returnType != NULL);
    string returnTypeName = "void";
    if(returnType->variantT() != V_SgTypeVoid)
        returnTypeName = TransformationSupport::getTypeName(returnType);

    string sidlMemberFunctionDeclaration = "          $RETURN_TYPE $FUNCTION_NAME($PARAMETERS);\n";

    sidlMemberFunctionDeclaration = StringUtility::copyEdit ( sidlMemberFunctionDeclaration, "$RETURN_TYPE" , returnTypeName );
    sidlMemberFunctionDeclaration = StringUtility::copyEdit ( sidlMemberFunctionDeclaration, "$FUNCTION_NAME" , sidlFunctionName );
    sidlMemberFunctionDeclaration = StringUtility::copyEdit ( sidlMemberFunctionDeclaration, "$PARAMETERS" , parameterTypesAndNames );

    return sidlMemberFunctionDeclaration;
コード例 #14
ファイル: pre.C プロジェクト: rose-compiler/rose-edg3
// Do partial redundancy elimination, looking for copies of one expression expr
// within the basic block root.  A control flow graph for root must be provided
// in cfg, with a map from nodes to their statements in node_statements, a map
// from edges to their CFG edge types in edge_type, and a map from edges to
// their insertion points in edge_insertion_point.  The algorithm used is that
// of Paleri, Srikant, and Shankar ("Partial redundancy elimination: a simple,
// pragmatic, and provably correct algorithm", Science of Computer Programming
// 48 (2003) 1--20).
void PRE::partialRedundancyEliminationOne( SgExpression* expr, SgBasicBlock* root, const myControlFlowGraph& cfg)
    // SgBasicBlock* myFunctionBody = getFunctionDefinition(expr)->get_body();

    // DQ (3/16/2006): Added assertions
    ROSE_ASSERT(expr != NULL);
    ROSE_ASSERT(root != NULL);

    vector<SgVariableSymbol*> symbols_in_expression = SageInterface::getSymbolsUsedInExpression(expr);

    if (anyOfListPotentiallyModifiedIn(symbols_in_expression, expr))
        // This expression updates its own arguments, and so is not idempotent
        // Return immediately

    // Simple or not user-definable expressions
    if (isSgVarRefExp(expr)) return;
    if (isSgValueExp(expr)) return;
    if (isSgFunctionRefExp(expr)) return;
    if (isSgExprListExp(expr)) return;
    if (isSgInitializer(expr)) return;
#if 0
    if ( (isSgAddOp(expr) || isSgSubtractOp(expr)) &&
            (isSgVarRefExp(isSgBinaryOp(expr)->get_lhs_operand()) ||
             isSgValueExp(isSgBinaryOp(expr)->get_lhs_operand())) &&
            (isSgVarRefExp(isSgBinaryOp(expr)->get_rhs_operand()) ||

    // Expressions which do not keep a consistent value each time they are used
    if (!expressionTreeEqual(expr, expr))

    // cerr << "Trying to do PRE using expression " << expr->unparseToString() << " whose type is " << expr->sage_class_name() << endl;

    VertexIter i   = cfg.graph.vertices().begin(),
               end = cfg.graph.vertices().end();

    // cerr << "CFG has " << distance(i, end) << " nodes" << endl;

    bool needToMakeCachevar = false;
    set<SgNode*> replacements;
    vector<pair<SgNode*, bool /* before */> > insertions;

    vector<bool> transp(cfg.graph.vertices().size()),

    vector<SgNode*> first_computation(cfg.graph.vertices().size()),

    // Set values of local node properties
    for (i = cfg.graph.vertices().begin(); i != end; ++i)
        const vector<SgNode*>& stmts = cfg.node_statements[*i];

        // Precompute test values for each statement
        vector<bool> argumentsModifiedInStatement(stmts.size());
        vector<int> expressionComputedInStatement(stmts.size());
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < stmts.size(); ++j)
            if (anyOfListPotentiallyModifiedIn(symbols_in_expression, stmts[j]))
                argumentsModifiedInStatement[j] = true;
            expressionComputedInStatement[j] = countComputationsOfExpressionIn(expr, stmts[j]);

        // Compute transp
        transp[*i] = true;
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < stmts.size(); ++j)
            if (argumentsModifiedInStatement[j])
                transp[*i] = false;

        // Compute comp and do local redundancy elimination
        comp[*i] = false;
        SgNode* firstComputationInChain = 0;
        bool needToInsertComputation = false;
        bool computationInsertedOrUsed = false;
        // cout << "In node " << *i << endl;
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < stmts.size(); ++j)
            // cout << "In stmt " << j << ", expressionComputedInStatement = " << expressionComputedInStatement[j]
            //      << ", argumentsModifiedInStatement = " << argumentsModifiedInStatement[j] << endl;
            if (expressionComputedInStatement[j] && !argumentsModifiedInStatement[j] && comp[*i] /* from last iter */)
                // Do local redundancy elimination
                if (firstComputationInChain && needToInsertComputation)
                    insertions.push_back(make_pair(firstComputationInChain, true));
                    needToInsertComputation = false;
                computationInsertedOrUsed = true;
                needToMakeCachevar = true;
            if (expressionComputedInStatement[j])
                comp[*i] = true;
                if (!firstComputationInChain)
                    firstComputationInChain = stmts[j];
                    needToInsertComputation = true;
                    if (expressionComputedInStatement[j] >= 2)
                        insertions.push_back(make_pair(stmts[j], true));
                        needToMakeCachevar = true;
                        needToInsertComputation = false;
                        computationInsertedOrUsed = true;
                last_computation[*i] = stmts[j];
            if (argumentsModifiedInStatement[j])
                comp[*i] = false; // Must come after expressionComputedInStatement check
                firstComputationInChain = 0;
                needToInsertComputation = false;

        assert (!computationInsertedOrUsed || needToMakeCachevar);

        // Compute antloc
        antloc[*i] = false;
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < stmts.size(); ++j)
            if (expressionComputedInStatement[j] && !argumentsModifiedInStatement[j])
                antloc[*i] = true;
                first_computation[*i] = stmts[j];
            if (argumentsModifiedInStatement[j])
                antloc[*i] = false;

// #define PRINT_PROPERTY(p) // for (i = cfg.graph.vertices().begin(); i != end; ++i) if (p[*i]) cerr << #p ": " << *i << endl;
#define PRINT_PROPERTY(p) // for (i = cfg.graph.vertices().begin(); i != end; ++i) if (p[*i]) cerr << #p ": " << *i << endl;

    int (simpleGraph::*source_ptr)(int) const = &simpleGraph::source;
    int (simpleGraph::*target_ptr)(int) const = &simpleGraph::target;

    vector<bool> avin(cfg.graph.vertices().size(), true);
    vector<bool> avout(cfg.graph.vertices().size(), true);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_BEGIN(avout, cfg);
    avin[v] = accumulate_neighbors(cfg, v, avout,cfg.graph.in_edges(v),&simpleGraph::source, logical_and<bool>(), true, false);
    avout[v] = comp[v] || (avin[v] && transp[v]);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_END(avout, <=, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_END(avin, <=, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_END(cfg, out_edges, OutEdgeIter)


    vector<bool> antin(cfg.graph.vertices().size(), true);
    vector<bool> antout(cfg.graph.vertices().size(), true);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_BEGIN(antin, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_BEGIN(antout, cfg);
    antout[v] = accumulate_neighbors(cfg, v, antin, cfg.graph.out_edges(v), target_ptr, logical_and<bool>(), true, false);
    antin[v] = antloc[v] || (antout[v] && transp[v]);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_END(antout, <=, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_END(antin, <=, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_END(cfg, in_edges, InEdgeIter)


    vector<bool> safein(cfg.graph.vertices().size()), safeout(cfg.graph.vertices().size());

    for (i = cfg.graph.vertices().begin(); i != end; ++i)
        safein[*i] = avin[*i] || antin[*i];
        safeout[*i] = avout[*i] || antout[*i];


    vector<bool> spavin(cfg.graph.vertices().size(), false);
    vector<bool> spavout(cfg.graph.vertices().size(), false);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_BEGIN(spavin, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_BEGIN(spavout, cfg);
    spavin[v] = safein[v] && accumulate_neighbors(cfg, v, spavout, cfg.graph.in_edges(v), source_ptr, logical_or<bool>(), false, false);
    spavout[v] = safeout[v] && (comp[v] || (spavin[v] && transp[v]));
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_END(spavout, >=, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_END(spavin, >=, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_END(cfg, out_edges, OutEdgeIter)


    vector<bool> spantin(cfg.graph.vertices().size(), false);
    vector<bool> spantout(cfg.graph.vertices().size(), false);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_BEGIN(spantin, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_BEGIN(spantout, cfg);
    spantout[v] = safeout[v] && accumulate_neighbors(cfg, v, spantin, cfg.graph.out_edges(v), target_ptr, logical_or<bool>(), false, false);
    spantin[v] = safein[v] && (antloc[v] || (spantout[v] && transp[v]));
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_END(spantout, >=, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_OUTPUT_END(spantin, >=, cfg);
    FIXPOINT_END(cfg, in_edges, InEdgeIter)


    vector<bool> node_insert(cfg.graph.vertices().size());
    vector<bool> replacef(cfg.graph.vertices().size());
    vector<bool> replacel(cfg.graph.vertices().size());

    // printf ("Intermediate test 1: needToMakeCachevar = %s \n",needToMakeCachevar ? "true" : "false");

    for (i = cfg.graph.vertices().begin(); i != end; ++i)
        node_insert[*i] = comp[*i] && spantout[*i] && (!transp[*i] || !spavin[*i]);
        replacef[*i] = antloc[*i] && (spavin[*i] || (transp[*i] && spantout[*i]));
        replacel[*i] = comp[*i] && (spantout[*i] || (transp[*i] && spavin[*i]));

        if (node_insert[*i])
            needToMakeCachevar = true;
            insertions.push_back(make_pair(last_computation[*i], true));
            // cerr << "Insert computation of " << expr->unparseToString() << " just before last computation in " << *i << endl;

        if (replacef[*i])
            needToMakeCachevar = true;
            // cerr << "Replace first computation of " << *i << endl;

        if (replacel[*i])
            needToMakeCachevar = true;
            // cerr << "Replace last computation of " << *i << endl;

    vector<bool> edge_insert(cfg.graph.edges().size());

    // printf ("Intermediate test 2: needToMakeCachevar = %s \n",needToMakeCachevar ? "true" : "false");

    EdgeIter j = cfg.graph.edges().begin(), jend = cfg.graph.edges().end();
    for (; j != jend; ++j)
        edge_insert[*j] = !spavout[cfg.graph.source(*j)] && spavin[cfg.graph.target(*j)] && spantin[cfg.graph.target(*j)];

        // printf ("edge_insert[*j] = %s \n",edge_insert[*j] ? "true" : "false");
        if (edge_insert[*j])
            needToMakeCachevar = true;
            // cerr << "Insert computation of " << expr->unparseToString() << " on edge from "
            //      << cfg.graph.source(*j) << " to " << cfg.graph.target(*j) << endl;

    // printf ("Before final test: needToMakeCachevar = %s \n",needToMakeCachevar ? "true" : "false");

    // Add cache variable if necessary
    SgVarRefExp* cachevar = 0;
    if (needToMakeCachevar)
        SgName cachevarname = "cachevar__";
        cachevarname << ++SageInterface::gensym_counter;

        // printf ("Building variable name = %s \n",cachevarname.str());

        SgType* type = expr->get_type();
        if (isSgArrayType(type))
            type = new SgPointerType(isSgArrayType(type)->get_base_type());
        assert (SageInterface::isDefaultConstructible(type));
        // FIXME: assert (isAssignable(type));
        SgVariableDeclaration* decl = new SgVariableDeclaration(SgNULL_FILE, cachevarname, type, NULL);
        SgInitializedName* initname = decl->get_variables().back();

        // DQ (10/5/2007): Added an assertion.
        ROSE_ASSERT(initname != NULL);

            new PreprocessingInfo(PreprocessingInfo::CplusplusStyleComment,
                                  (string("// Partial redundancy elimination: ") + cachevarname.str() +
                                   " is a cache of " + expr->unparseToString()).c_str(),
                                  "Compiler-Generated in PRE", 0, 0, 0, PreprocessingInfo::before));
        SgVariableSymbol* cachevarsym = new SgVariableSymbol(initname);

        // DQ (10/5/2007): Added scope (suggested by Jeremiah).


        root->insert_symbol(cachevarname, cachevarsym);
        cachevar = new SgVarRefExp(SgNULL_FILE, cachevarsym);

    // Do expression computation replacements
    for (set<SgNode*>::iterator i = replacements.begin(); i != replacements.end(); ++i)
        ReplaceExpressionWithVarrefVisitor(expr, cachevar).traverse(*i, postorder);

    // Do edge insertions
    // int count = 0;
    bool failAtEndOfFunction = false;
    for (j = cfg.graph.edges().begin(); j != jend; ++j)
        // printf ("Build the insertion list! count = %d \n",count++);
        if (edge_insert[*j])
#if 0
            // DQ (3/13/2006): Compiler warns that "src" is unused, so I have commented it out!
            Vertex src = cfg.graph.source(*j), tgt = cfg.graph.target(*j);
            cerr << "Doing insertion between " << src << " and " << tgt << endl;
            pair<SgNode*, bool> insert_point = cfg.edge_insertion_point[*j];
            if (insert_point.first)
                // DQ (3/16/2006): This is a visited when we fixup the NULL pointer to the initializer in a SgForStatment.
                cerr << "Warning: no insertion point found" << endl; //FIXME was assert
                printf ("Need to figure out what to do here! cfg.edge_insertion_point[*j] = %p \n",&(cfg.edge_insertion_point[*j]));

                failAtEndOfFunction = true;

    // Do within-node insertions
    // printf ("At start of loop: insertions.size() = %zu \n",insertions.size());
    for (vector<pair<SgNode*, bool> >::iterator i = insertions.begin(); i != insertions.end(); ++i)
        SgTreeCopy tc1, tc2;
        SgVarRefExp* cachevarCopy = isSgVarRefExp(cachevar->copy(tc1));
        ROSE_ASSERT (cachevarCopy);
        SgExpression* operation = new SgAssignOp(SgNULL_FILE, cachevarCopy, isSgExpression(expr->copy(tc2)));
#if 0
        printf ("Inside of loop: insertions.size() = %zu \n",insertions.size());
        printf ("\n\ni->first = %p = %s = %s \n",i->first,i->first->class_name().c_str(),i->first->unparseToString().c_str());
        printf ("operation = %p = %s = %s \n",operation,operation->class_name().c_str(),operation->unparseToString().c_str());
        if (isSgExpression(i->first) && !i->second)
            SgNode* ifp = i->first->get_parent();
            SgCommaOpExp* comma = new SgCommaOpExp(SgNULL_FILE, isSgExpression(i->first), operation);
            if (isSgForStatement(ifp))
            else if (isSgBinaryOp(ifp) && isSgBinaryOp(ifp)->get_lhs_operand() == i->first)
            else if (isSgBinaryOp(ifp) && isSgBinaryOp(ifp)->get_rhs_operand() == i->first)
            else if (isSgUnaryOp(ifp) && isSgUnaryOp(ifp)->get_operand() == i->first)
                cerr << ifp->sage_class_name() << endl;
                assert (!"Bad parent type for inserting comma expression");
            SgStatement* the_computation = new SgExprStatement(SgNULL_FILE, operation);
            // printf ("In pre.C: the_computation = %p = %s \n",the_computation,the_computation->class_name().c_str());

            if (isSgBasicBlock(i->first) && i->second)
#if 0
                // DQ (3/14/2006): Bug here when SgExprStatement from SgForStatement test is used here!
                printf ("Bug here when SgExprStatement from SgForStatement test is used: i->first = %s \n",i->first->class_name().c_str());
                i->first->get_file_info()->display("Location i->first");
                printf ("Bug here when SgExprStatement from SgForStatement test is used: TransformationSupport::getStatement(i->first) = %s \n",
                printf ("Bug here when SgExprStatement from SgForStatement test is used: the_computation = %s \n",the_computation->class_name().c_str());
                the_computation->get_file_info()->display("Location the_computation: debug");
                ROSE_ASSERT(i->first != NULL);
                ROSE_ASSERT(i->first->get_parent() != NULL);
                printf ("i->first->get_parent() = %s \n",i->first->get_parent()->class_name().c_str());
                i->first->get_file_info()->display("Location i->first: debug");

                SgForStatement*  forStatement = isSgForStatement(i->first->get_parent());
                if (forStatement != NULL)
                    // Make sure that both pointers are not equal because they are both NULL!
                    ROSE_ASSERT(forStatement->get_test() != NULL);
                    SgExprStatement* possibleTest = isSgExprStatement(i->first);
                    if ( forStatement->get_test() == possibleTest )
                        // This is a special case of a SgExpressionStatement as a target in a SgForStatement
                        // printf ("Found special case of target being the test of a SgForStatement \n");
                    SgForInitStatement*  forInitStatement = isSgForInitStatement(i->first->get_parent());
                    if (forInitStatement != NULL)
                        // printf ("Found the SgForInitStatement \n");
                        SgVariableDeclaration* possibleVariable = isSgVariableDeclaration(i->first);
                        SgExprStatement* possibleExpression = isSgExprStatement(i->first);
                        SgStatementPtrList & statementList = forInitStatement->get_init_stmt();
                        SgStatementPtrList::iterator i = statementList.begin();
                        bool addToForInitList = false;
                        while ( (addToForInitList == false) && (i != statementList.end()) )
                            // if ( *i == possibleVariable )
                            if ( *i == possibleVariable || *i == possibleExpression )
                                // This is a special case of a SgExpressionStatement as a target in a SgForStatement
                                // printf ("Found special case of SgForInitStatement transformation \n");
                                addToForInitList = true;

                        // Only modify the STL list outside of the loop over the list to avoid interator invalidation
                        if (addToForInitList == true)
                            // Add the the_computation statment to the list in the SgForInitStatement.
                            // Later if we abandon the SgForInitStatement then we would have to add it to
                            // the list of SgInitializedName objects in the SgVariableDeclaration OR modify
                            // the expression list to handle the extra expression (but I think this case in
                            // handled above).
                            // printf ("Adding the_computation to the list in the SgForInitStatement \n");

    // DQ (3/16/2006): debugging code to force failure at inspection point
    if (failAtEndOfFunction == true)
        printf ("Error: internal error detected \n");
コード例 #15
// first visits the VarRef and then creates entry in operandDatabase which is
// useful in expressionStatement transformation. Thus, we replace the VarRef
// at the end of the traversal and insert loops during traversal
ArrayAssignmentStatementQuerySynthesizedAttributeType ArrayAssignmentStatementTransformation::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(
		SgNode* astNode,
		ArrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedAttributeType arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData,
		SubTreeSynthesizedAttributes synthesizedAttributeList) {
	// This function assembles the elements of the input list (a list of char*) to form the output (a single char*)

	printf ("\n$$$$$ TOP of evaluateSynthesizedAttribute (astNode = %s) (synthesizedAttributeList.size() = %d) \n",
	//cout << " Ast node string: " << astNode->unparseToString() << endl;

	// Build the return value for this function
	ArrayAssignmentStatementQuerySynthesizedAttributeType returnSynthesizedAttribute(astNode);

	// Iterator used within several error checking loops (not sure we should declare it here!)
	vector<ArrayAssignmentStatementQuerySynthesizedAttributeType>::iterator i;

	// Make a reference to the global operand database
	OperandDataBaseType & operandDataBase = accumulatorValue.operandDataBase;

	// Make sure the data base has been setup properly
	ROSE_ASSERT(operandDataBase.transformationOption > ArrayTransformationSupport::UnknownIndexingAccess);
	ROSE_ASSERT(operandDataBase.dimension > -1);

	// Build up a return string
	string returnString = "";

	string operatorString;

	// Need to handle all unary and binary operators and variables (but not much else)
	switch (astNode->variant()) {

	case FUNC_CALL: {

		// Error checking: Verify that we have a SgFunctionCallExp object
		SgFunctionCallExp* functionCallExpression = isSgFunctionCallExp(astNode);
		ROSE_ASSERT(functionCallExpression != NULL);

		string operatorName = TransformationSupport::getFunctionName(functionCallExpression);
		ROSE_ASSERT(operatorName.c_str() != NULL);

		string functionTypeName = TransformationSupport::getFunctionTypeName(functionCallExpression);

		if ((functionTypeName != "doubleArray") && (functionTypeName != "floatArray") && (functionTypeName
				!= "intArray")) {
			// Use this query to handle only A++ function call expressions
			// printf ("Break out of overloaded operator processing since type = %s is not to be processed \n",functionTypeName.c_str());
		} else {
			// printf ("Processing overloaded operator of type = %s \n",functionTypeName.c_str());

		ROSE_ASSERT((functionTypeName == "doubleArray") || (functionTypeName == "floatArray") || (functionTypeName
				== "intArray"));

		// printf ("CASE FUNC_CALL: Overloaded operator = %s \n",operatorName.c_str());

		// Get the number of parameters to this function
		SgExprListExp* exprListExp = functionCallExpression->get_args();
		ROSE_ASSERT(exprListExp != NULL);

		SgExpressionPtrList & expressionPtrList = exprListExp->get_expressions();
		int numberOfParameters = expressionPtrList.size();

		TransformationSupport::operatorCodeType operatorCodeVariant =
				TransformationSupport::classifyOverloadedOperator(operatorName.c_str(), numberOfParameters);
		// printf ("CASE FUNC_CALL: numberOfParameters = %d operatorCodeVariant = %d \n",
		//      numberOfParameters,operatorCodeVariant);

		ROSE_ASSERT(operatorName.length() > 0);

		// Separating this case into additional cases makes up to some
		// extent for using a more specific higher level grammar.
		switch (operatorCodeVariant) {

		case TransformationSupport::ASSIGN_OPERATOR_CODE: {
			vector<ArrayOperandDataBase>::iterator lhs = operandDataBase.arrayOperandList.begin();
			vector<ArrayOperandDataBase>::iterator rhs = lhs;
			while (rhs != operandDataBase.arrayOperandList.end()) {
				// look at the operands on the rhs for a match with the one on the lhs
				if ((*lhs).arrayVariableName == (*rhs).arrayVariableName) {
					// A loop dependence has been identified

					// Mark the synthesized attribute to record
					// the loop dependence within this statement



	case EXPR_STMT: {
		printf("Found a EXPR STMT expression %s\n", astNode->unparseToString().c_str());

		// The assembly associated with the SgExprStatement is what 
		// triggers the generation of the transformation string
		SgExprStatement* expressionStatement = isSgExprStatement(astNode);
		ROSE_ASSERT(expressionStatement != NULL);

		ArrayAssignmentStatementQuerySynthesizedAttributeType innerLoopTransformation =

		// Call another global support
		// Create appropriate macros, nested loops, etc
		expressionStatementTransformation(expressionStatement, arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData,
				innerLoopTransformation, operandDataBase);


		//		case TransformationSupport::PARENTHESIS_OPERATOR_CODE: {
		//			ROSE_ASSERT (operatorName == "operator()");
		//			// printf ("Indexing of InternalIndex objects in not implemented yet! \n");
		//			// Now get the operands out and search for the offsets in the index objects
		//			// We only want to pass on the transformationOptions as inherited attributes
		//			// to the indexOffsetQuery
		//			// list<int> & transformationOptionList = arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData.getTransformationOptions();
		//			// string offsetString;
		//			string indexOffsetString[6]; // = {NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
		//			// retrieve the variable name from the data base (so that we can add the associated index object names)
		//			// printf ("WARNING (WHICH OPERAND TO SELECT): operandDataBase.size() = %d \n",operandDataBase.size());
		//			// ROSE_ASSERT (operandDataBase.size() == 1);
		//			// string arrayVariableName = returnSynthesizedAttribute.arrayOperandList[0].arrayVariableName;
		//			int lastOperandInDataBase = operandDataBase.size() - 1;
		//			ArrayOperandDataBase & arrayOperandDB = operandDataBase.arrayOperandList[lastOperandInDataBase];
		//			// string arrayVariableName =
		//			//      operandDataBase.arrayOperandList[operandDataBase.size()-1].arrayVariableName;
		//			string arrayVariableName = arrayOperandDB.arrayVariableName;
		//			string arrayDataPointerNameSubstring = string("_") + arrayVariableName;
		//			// printf ("***** WARNING: Need to get identifier from the database using the ArrayOperandDataBase::generateIdentifierString() function \n");
		//			if (expressionPtrList.size() == 0) {
		//				// Case of A() (index object with no offset integer expression) Nothing to do here (I think???)
		//				printf("Special case of Indexing with no offset! exiting ... \n");
		//				ROSE_ABORT();
		//				returnString = "";
		//			} else {
		//				// Get the value of the offsets (start the search from the functionCallExp)
		//				SgExprListExp* exprListExp = functionCallExpression->get_args();
		//				ROSE_ASSERT (exprListExp != NULL);
		//				SgExpressionPtrList & expressionPtrList = exprListExp->get_expressions();
		//				SgExpressionPtrList::iterator i = expressionPtrList.begin();
		//				// Case of indexing objects used within operator()
		//				int counter = 0;
		//				while (i != expressionPtrList.end()) {
		//					// printf ("Looking for the offset on #%d of %d (total) \n",counter,expressionPtrList.size());
		//					// Build up the name of the final index variable (or at least give
		//					// it a unique number by dimension)
		//					string counterString = StringUtility::numberToString(counter + 1);
		//					// Call another transformation mechanism to generate string for the index
		//					// expression (since we don't have an unparser mechanism in ROSE yet)
		//					indexOffsetString[counter] = IndexOffsetQuery::transformation(*i);
		//					ROSE_ASSERT (indexOffsetString[counter].c_str() != NULL);
		//					// printf ("indexOffsetString [%d] = %s \n",counter,indexOffsetString[counter].c_str());
		//					// Accumulate a list of all the InternalIndex, Index, and Range objects
		//					printf(" Warning - Need to handle indexNameList from the older code \n");
		//					i++;
		//					counter++;
		//				}

		// Added VAR_REF case (moved from the local function)
	case VAR_REF: {
		// A VAR_REF has to output a string (the variable name)
		printf ("Found a variable reference expression \n");

		// Since we are at a leaf in the traversal of the AST this attribute list should a size of 0.
		ROSE_ASSERT(synthesizedAttributeList.size() == 0);

		SgVarRefExp* varRefExp = isSgVarRefExp(astNode);
		ROSE_ASSERT(varRefExp != NULL);
		SgVariableSymbol* variableSymbol = varRefExp->get_symbol();
		ROSE_ASSERT(variableSymbol != NULL);
		SgInitializedName* initializedName = variableSymbol->get_declaration();
		ROSE_ASSERT(initializedName != NULL);
		SgName variableName = initializedName->get_name();

		string buffer;
		string indexOffsetString;

		// Now compute the offset to the index objects (form a special query for this???)

		SgType* type = variableSymbol->get_type();
		ROSE_ASSERT(type != NULL);

		string typeName = TransformationSupport::getTypeName(type);
		ROSE_ASSERT(typeName.c_str() != NULL);

		// Recognize only these types at present
		if (typeName == "intArray" || typeName == "floatArray" || typeName == "doubleArray") {
			// Only define the variable name if we are using an object of array type
			// Copy the string from the SgName object to a string object
			string variableNameString = variableName.str();

			printf("Handle case of A++ array object VariableName: %s \n", variableNameString.c_str());

			if (arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData.arrayStatementDimensionDefined == TRUE) {
				cout << " Dim: " << arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData.arrayStatementDimension << endl;
				// The the globally computed array dimension from the arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData
			} else {
				dimensionList.push_back(6); // Default dimension for A++/P++

			//processArrayRefExp(varRefExp, arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData);

			// Setup an intry in the synthesized attribute data base for this variable any
			// future results from analysis could be place there at this point as well
			// record the name in the synthesized attribute
			ROSE_ASSERT(operandDataBase.transformationOption > ArrayTransformationSupport::UnknownIndexingAccess);
			ArrayOperandDataBase arrayOperandDB = operandDataBase.setVariableName(variableNameString);


	default: {
	} // End of main switch statement

	printf ("$$$$$ BOTTOM of arrayAssignmentStatementAssembly::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute (astNode = %s) \n",astNode->sage_class_name());
	printf ("      BOTTOM: returnString = \n%s \n",returnString.c_str());

	return returnSynthesizedAttribute;
コード例 #16
ファイル: options.C プロジェクト: 8l/rose
TransformationSupport::getTransformationOptionsFromVariableDeclarationConstructorArguments (
   SgVariableDeclaration* variableDeclaration,
   list<OptionDeclaration> & returnEnumValueList )
     ROSE_ASSERT (variableDeclaration != NULL);
     SgInitializedNamePtrList & variableList = variableDeclaration->get_variables();

     printf ("Inside of getTransformationOptionsFromVariableDeclarationConstructorArguments() \n");

     for (SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator i = variableList.begin(); i != variableList.end(); i++)
       // We don't care about the name
       // SgName & name = (*i).get_name();

          ROSE_ASSERT ((*i) != NULL);
       // QY 11/10/04 removed named_item in SgInitializedName
       // printf ("Processing a variable in the list \n");
       //   if ((*i)->get_named_item() != NULL)
       //      {
       //        ROSE_ASSERT ((*i)->get_named_item() != NULL);
       //        SgInitializer *initializerOther = (*i)->get_named_item()->get_initializer();
               SgInitializer *initializerOther = (*i)->get_initializer();

            // This is not always a valid pointer
            // ROSE_ASSERT (initializerOther != NULL);

            // printf ("Test for initialized in variable \n");
               if (initializerOther != NULL)
                 // There are other things we could ask of the initializer
                    ROSE_ASSERT (initializerOther != NULL);

                 // printf ("Found a valid initialized in variable \n");

                    SgConstructorInitializer* constructorInitializer = isSgConstructorInitializer(initializerOther);
                    ROSE_ASSERT (constructorInitializer != NULL);

                    SgExprListExp* argumentList = constructorInitializer->get_args();
                    ROSE_ASSERT (argumentList != NULL);

                    SgExpressionPtrList & expressionPtrList = argumentList->get_expressions();
                    ROSE_ASSERT(expressionPtrList.empty() == false);
                    SgExpressionPtrList::iterator i = expressionPtrList.begin();

                    ROSE_ASSERT (*i != NULL);

                 // First value is a char* identifying the option
                    SgStringVal* charString = isSgStringVal(*i);
                    ROSE_ASSERT (charString != NULL);

#if 1
                    string optionString;
                    string valueString;

                    int counter = 0;
                    while (i != expressionPtrList.end())
                      // printf ("Expression List Element #%d of %d (total) (*i)->sage_class_name() = %s \n",
                      //      counter,expressionPtrList.size(),(*i)->sage_class_name());

                         switch ( (*i)->variant() )
                              case ENUM_VAL:
                                   SgEnumVal* enumVal = isSgEnumVal(*i);
                                   ROSE_ASSERT (enumVal != NULL);

                                // int enumValue = enumVal->get_value();
                                   SgName enumName = enumVal->get_name();
                                // printf ("Name = %s value = %d \n",enumName.str(),enumValue);
                                // printf ("Name = %s \n",enumName.str());

                                   string name = enumName.str();
                                // char* name = rose::stringDuplicate( enumName.str() );

                                // Put the value at the start of the list so that the list can be processed in
                                // consecutive order to establish options for consecutive scopes (root to
                                // child scope). Order is not important if we are only ORing the operands!
                                // returnEnumValueList.push_front (name);
                                // returnEnumValueList.push_front (enumValue);

                                   ROSE_ASSERT (counter == 0);

                              case STRING_VAL:
                                // ROSE_ASSERT (counter == 1);

                                // printf ("Found a SgStringVal expression! \n");

                                   SgStringVal* stringVal = isSgStringVal(*i);
                                   ROSE_ASSERT (stringVal != NULL);

                                   if (counter == 0)
                                        optionString = stringVal->get_value();
                                        valueString  = "";
                                     // printf ("optionString = %s \n",optionString);

                                   if (counter == 1)
                                        valueString = stringVal->get_value();
                                     // printf ("valueString = %s \n",valueString);

                              case DOUBLE_VAL:
                                   ROSE_ASSERT (counter == 1);

                                // printf ("Found a SgStringVal expression! \n");

                                   SgDoubleVal* doubleVal = isSgDoubleVal(*i);
                                   ROSE_ASSERT (doubleVal != NULL);

                                   valueString = StringUtility::numberToString(doubleVal->get_value()).c_str();
                                // printf ("valueString = %s \n",valueString);

                                   printf ("Default reached in switch in getTransformationOptionsFromVariableDeclarationConstructorArguments() (*i)->sage_class_name() = %s \n",(*i)->sage_class_name());


                 // printf ("optionString = %s valueString = %s \n",optionString,valueString);

                    OptionDeclaration optionSpecification(optionString.c_str(),valueString.c_str());
                    returnEnumValueList.push_front (optionSpecification);
                 // printf ("Valid initializer not found in variable \n");
            // printf ("Warning: In getTransformationOptionsFromVariableDeclarationConstructorArguments(): (*i).get_named_item() = NULL \n");
コード例 #17
//  int UnparseOrigFormat::get_type_len
//  Auxiliary function used by special_cases to determine the length of
//  the given type. This length is then subtracted from the amount to indent.
UnparseOrigFormat::get_type_len(SgType* type)
     assert(type != NULL);
          case T_UNKNOWN: return 0;
          case T_CHAR: return 4;        
          case T_SIGNED_CHAR: return 11;        
          case T_UNSIGNED_CHAR: return 13;      
          case T_SHORT: return 5;       
          case T_SIGNED_SHORT: return 12;       
          case T_UNSIGNED_SHORT: return 14;     
          case T_INT: return 3; 
          case T_SIGNED_INT: return 10; 
          case T_UNSIGNED_INT: return 12;       
          case T_LONG: return 4;        
          case T_SIGNED_LONG: return 11;        
          case T_UNSIGNED_LONG: return 13;      
          case T_VOID: return 4;        
          case T_GLOBAL_VOID: return 11;        
          case T_WCHAR: return 5;       
          case T_FLOAT: return 5;       
          case T_DOUBLE: return 6;      
          case T_LONG_LONG: return 9;
          case T_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG: return 18; 
          case T_LONG_DOUBLE: return 11;        
          case T_STRING: return 6;
          case T_BOOL: return 4;        
          case T_COMPLEX: return 7;

          case T_DEFAULT:
               // (*os) << "T_DEFAULT not implemented" << endl;
               //  printf ("In Unparser::get_type_len(): T_DEFAULT not implemented (returning 0) \n");
               // ROSE_ABORT();
               return 0;

          case T_POINTER:
               SgPointerType* ptr_type = isSgPointerType(type);
               assert(ptr_type != NULL);
               return 1 + get_type_len(ptr_type->get_base_type());

          case T_MEMBER_POINTER:
               // (*os) << "T_MEMBER_POINTER not implemented" << endl;
                cerr << "In Unparser::get_type_len(): T_MEMBER_POINTER not implemented (returning 0)" << endl;
               // ROSE_ABORT();
               return 0;

  case T_REFERENCE: {  // not sure
    SgReferenceType* ref_type = isSgReferenceType(type);
    assert(ref_type != NULL);
    return 1 + get_type_len(ref_type->get_base_type());
  case T_NAME: {
    cerr << "T_NAME not implemented" << endl;
  case T_CLASS: {
    int length = 0;
    SgClassType* class_type = isSgClassType(type);
    assert (class_type != NULL);
    SgName qn = class_type->get_name();

 // We can't force all SgName objects to have a valid string!
 // assert (qn.str() != NULL);

    if (qn.str() != NULL)
         length += strlen(qn.str());
    return length;

  case T_ENUM: {
    SgEnumType* enum_type = isSgEnumType(type);
    assert (enum_type != NULL);
    SgName qn = enum_type->get_name();
    return strlen(qn.str());

  case T_TYPEDEF: {
    SgTypedefType* typedef_type = isSgTypedefType(type);
    SgName nm = typedef_type->get_name();
    return strlen(nm.str());

  case T_MODIFIER: {
    SgModifierType* mod_type = isSgModifierType(type);
    assert(mod_type != NULL);
    int length = 0;
    if (mod_type->get_typeModifier().get_constVolatileModifier().isConst()) length += 5;
    if (mod_type->get_typeModifier().get_constVolatileModifier().isVolatile()) length += 8;
 // DQ (4/22/2004): Removed CC++ support
 // if (mod_type->isSync()) length += 0;
 // if (mod_type->isGlobal()) length += 0;
    if (mod_type->get_typeModifier().isRestrict()) length += 8;
    if (mod_type->get_typeModifier().get_constVolatileModifier().isConst() && 
         length += 1;

    return length + get_type_len(mod_type->get_base_type()) + 1;
  case T_FUNCTION: {
    SgFunctionType* func_type = isSgFunctionType(type);
    assert(func_type != NULL);
    SgType* ret_type = func_type->get_return_type();
    assert(ret_type != NULL);
    return get_type_len(ret_type);

    SgMemberFunctionType* mfunc_type = isSgMemberFunctionType(type);
    assert(mfunc_type != NULL);

    int length = 0;
    SgClassDefinition* class_stmt = mfunc_type->get_struct_name();
    assert(class_stmt != NULL);
    length += get_type_len(class_stmt->get_declaration()->get_type());

    SgType* ret_type = mfunc_type->get_return_type();
    assert(ret_type != NULL);

    length += 2;                  //space for "::"
    return length + get_type_len(ret_type);


    cerr <<  "T_PARTIAL_FUNCTION not implemented" << endl;
  case T_ARRAY: {
    SgArrayType* array_type = isSgArrayType(type);
    assert(array_type != NULL);
    SgType* base_type = array_type->get_base_type();

    return get_type_len(base_type);
  case T_ELLIPSE:{
    cerr << "T_ELLIPSE not implemented" << endl;

  default: return 0;
  return 0;
コード例 #18
// Do finite differencing on one expression within one context.  The expression
// must be defined and valid within the entire body of root.  The rewrite rules
// are used to simplify expressions.  When a variable var is updated from
// old_value to new_value, an expression of the form (var, (old_value,
// new_value)) is created and rewritten.  The rewrite rules may either produce
// an arbitrary expression (which will be used as-is) or one of the form (var,
// (something, value)) (which will be changed to (var = value)).
void doFiniteDifferencingOne(SgExpression* e, 
                             SgBasicBlock* root,
                             RewriteRule* rules)
     SgStatementPtrList& root_stmts = root->get_statements();
     SgStatementPtrList::iterator i;
     for (i = root_stmts.begin(); i != root_stmts.end(); ++i)
          if (expressionComputedIn(e, *i))
     if (i == root_stmts.end())
          return; // Expression is not used within root, so quit
     vector<SgVariableSymbol*> used_symbols = SageInterface::getSymbolsUsedInExpression(e);
     SgName cachename = "cache_fd__"; cachename << ++SageInterface::gensym_counter;
     SgVariableDeclaration* cachedecl = new SgVariableDeclaration(SgNULL_FILE, cachename, e->get_type(),0 /* new SgAssignInitializer(SgNULL_FILE, e) */);
     SgInitializedName* cachevar = cachedecl->get_variables().back();
     ROSE_ASSERT (cachevar);
     root->get_statements().insert(i, cachedecl);
     SgVariableSymbol* sym = new SgVariableSymbol(cachevar);
     root->insert_symbol(cachename, sym);
     SgVarRefExp* vr = new SgVarRefExp(SgNULL_FILE, sym);
     replaceCopiesOfExpression(e, vr, root);

     vector<SgExpression*> modifications_to_used_symbols;
     FdFindModifyingStatementsVisitor(used_symbols, modifications_to_used_symbols).go(root);

          new PreprocessingInfo(PreprocessingInfo::CplusplusStyleComment,(string("// Finite differencing: ") + 
               cachename.str() + " is a cache of " + 
               e->unparseToString()).c_str(),"Compiler-Generated in Finite Differencing",0, 0, 0, PreprocessingInfo::before));

     if (modifications_to_used_symbols.size() == 0)
          SgInitializer* cacheinit = new SgAssignInitializer(SgNULL_FILE, e);
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < modifications_to_used_symbols.size(); ++i)
               SgExpression* modstmt = modifications_to_used_symbols[i];
#ifdef FD_DEBUG
               cout << "Updating cache after " << modstmt->unparseToString() << endl;
               SgExpression* updateCache = 0;
               SgVarRefExp* varref = new SgVarRefExp(SgNULL_FILE, sym);
               SgTreeCopy tc;
               SgExpression* eCopy = isSgExpression(e->copy(tc));
               switch (modstmt->variantT())
                    case V_SgAssignOp:
                         SgAssignOp* assignment = isSgAssignOp(modstmt);
                         assert (assignment);
                         SgExpression* lhs = assignment->get_lhs_operand();
                         SgExpression* rhs = assignment->get_rhs_operand();
                         replaceCopiesOfExpression(lhs, rhs, eCopy);

                    case V_SgPlusAssignOp:
                    case V_SgMinusAssignOp:
                    case V_SgAndAssignOp:
                    case V_SgIorAssignOp:
                    case V_SgMultAssignOp:
                    case V_SgDivAssignOp:
                    case V_SgModAssignOp:
                    case V_SgXorAssignOp:
                    case V_SgLshiftAssignOp:
                    case V_SgRshiftAssignOp:
                         SgBinaryOp* assignment = isSgBinaryOp(modstmt);
                         assert (assignment);
                         SgExpression* lhs = assignment->get_lhs_operand();
                         SgExpression* rhs = assignment->get_rhs_operand();
                         SgTreeCopy tc;
                         SgExpression* rhsCopy = isSgExpression(rhs->copy(tc));
                         SgExpression* newval = 0;
                         switch (modstmt->variantT())
#define DO_OP(op, nonassignment) \
                              case V_##op: { \
                                   newval = new nonassignment(SgNULL_FILE, lhs, rhsCopy); \
                                   newval->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); \
                              } \

                              DO_OP(SgPlusAssignOp, SgAddOp);
                              DO_OP(SgMinusAssignOp, SgSubtractOp);
                              DO_OP(SgAndAssignOp, SgBitAndOp);
                              DO_OP(SgIorAssignOp, SgBitOrOp);
                              DO_OP(SgMultAssignOp, SgMultiplyOp);
                              DO_OP(SgDivAssignOp, SgDivideOp);
                              DO_OP(SgModAssignOp, SgModOp);
                              DO_OP(SgXorAssignOp, SgBitXorOp);
                              DO_OP(SgLshiftAssignOp, SgLshiftOp);
                              DO_OP(SgRshiftAssignOp, SgRshiftOp);
#undef DO_OP

                              default: break;
                         assert (newval);
                         replaceCopiesOfExpression(lhs, newval, eCopy);

                    case V_SgPlusPlusOp:
                         SgExpression* lhs = isSgPlusPlusOp(modstmt)->get_operand();
                         SgIntVal* one = new SgIntVal(SgNULL_FILE, 1);
                         SgAddOp* add = new SgAddOp(SgNULL_FILE, lhs, one);

                    case V_SgMinusMinusOp:
                         SgExpression* lhs = isSgMinusMinusOp(modstmt)->get_operand();
                         SgIntVal* one = new SgIntVal(SgNULL_FILE, 1);
                         SgSubtractOp* sub = new SgSubtractOp(SgNULL_FILE, lhs, one);

                         cerr << modstmt->sage_class_name() << endl;
                         assert (false);

#ifdef FD_DEBUG
            cout << "e is " << e->unparseToString() << endl;
            cout << "eCopy is " << eCopy->unparseToString() << endl;
               updateCache = doFdVariableUpdate(rules, varref, e, eCopy);
#ifdef FD_DEBUG
            cout << "updateCache is " << updateCache->unparseToString() << endl;
               if (updateCache)
                    ROSE_ASSERT(modstmt != NULL);
                    SgNode* ifp = modstmt->get_parent();
                    SgCommaOpExp* comma = new SgCommaOpExp(SgNULL_FILE, updateCache, modstmt);

                    if (ifp == NULL)
                         printf ("modstmt->get_parent() == NULL modstmt = %p = %s \n",modstmt,modstmt->class_name().c_str());
                         modstmt->get_startOfConstruct()->display("modstmt->get_parent() == NULL: debug");
                    ROSE_ASSERT(ifp != NULL);
#ifdef FD_DEBUG
                 cout << "New expression is " << comma->unparseToString() << endl;
                 cout << "IFP is " << ifp->sage_class_name() << ": " << ifp->unparseToString() << endl;
                    if (isSgExpression(ifp))
                         isSgExpression(ifp)->replace_expression(modstmt, comma);
                      // DQ (12/16/2006): Need to handle cases that are not SgExpression (now that SgExpressionRoot is not used!)
                      // cerr << ifp->sage_class_name() << endl;
                      // assert (!"Bad parent type for inserting comma expression");
                         SgStatement* statement = isSgStatement(ifp);
                         if (statement != NULL)
#ifdef FD_DEBUG
                              printf ("Before statement->replace_expression(): statement = %p = %s modstmt = %p = %s \n",statement,statement->class_name().c_str(),modstmt,modstmt->class_name().c_str());
                              SgExprStatement* expresionStatement = isSgExprStatement(statement);
                              if (expresionStatement != NULL)
                                   SgExpression* expression = expresionStatement->get_expression();
                                   printf ("expressionStatement expression = %p = %s \n",expression,expression->class_name().c_str());
                              statement->replace_expression(modstmt, comma);
                              ROSE_ASSERT(ifp != NULL);
                              printf ("Error: parent is neither a SgExpression nor a SgStatement ifp = %p = %s \n",ifp,ifp->class_name().c_str());

#ifdef FD_DEBUG
                    cout << "IFP is now " << ifp->unparseToString() << endl;
コード例 #19
ファイル: Classhierarchy.C プロジェクト: Sciumo/rose
// Functions required by the tree traversal mechanism
ClasshierarchyTraversal::evaluateInheritedAttribute (
                SgNode* astNode,
                ClasshierarchyInhAttr inheritedAttribute )
        GlobalDatabaseConnection *gdb;    // db connection
        //long funcId;                                                                                  // id of a function declaration
        Classhierarchy *classhier = getClasshierarchy();
        gdb = getDB();  


                case V_SgMemberFunctionDeclaration: {
                        SgMemberFunctionDeclaration *funcDec = isSgMemberFunctionDeclaration( astNode );
                        //funcDec = funcDef->get_declaration();
                        //if(isSgMemberFunctionDeclaration(funcDec)) {
                                // add to class hierarchy if member function definition
                                //if(isSgMemberFunctionDeclaration()) {
                                //cerr << " adding CHvinf for MembFunc " << endl;
                                SgClassDefinition *classDef = isSgClassDefinition( funcDec->get_scope() );
                                if(classDef) {
                                        string classname = classDef->get_qualified_name().str();
                                        // get the classhier. vertex
                                        Classhierarchy::dbgVertex chVert = 0; //?? init necessary
                                        bool foundClass = false;
                                        Classhierarchy::dbgVertexIterator chvi,chvend;
                                        boost::tie(chvi,chvend) = boost::vertices( *getClasshierarchy() );
                                        for(; chvi!=chvend; chvi++) {
                                                if( boost::get( vertex_dbg_data,  *getClasshierarchy() , *chvi).get_typeName() == classname ) {
                                                        chVert = *chvi;
                                                        foundClass = true;
                                        if(foundClass) {
                                                property_map< Classhierarchy::dbgType, boost::vertex_classhierarchy_t>::type chMap = boost::get( boost::vertex_classhierarchy, *getClasshierarchy() );
                                                chMap[ chVert ].defined.insert( funcDec );
                                                //get type?
                                                //cerr << " added! "; // debug

                        cerr << " found V_SgMemberFunctionDeclaration done for " <<funcDec->get_mangled_name().str()<< " " << endl; // debug
                        } break;

                case V_SgClassDefinition: {
                        cerr << " found V_SgClassDef of "; // debug
                        SgClassDefinition *classDef = isSgClassDefinition( astNode );
                        assert( classDef );
                        SgName classname = classDef->get_qualified_name();

                        // make db entry
                        long typeId = UNKNOWNID;
                        typesTableAccess types( gdb );
                        typesRowdata newtype( typeId, getProjectId(), classname.str() );
                        typeId = types.retrieveCreateByColumn( &newtype, "typeName", newtype.get_typeName(), newtype.get_projectId() );
                        cerr << classname.str()<< ", id:" << newtype.get_id() << endl; // debug
                        //classhier->addNode( newtype, newtype.get_typeName() );
                        //classhier->insertWithName( newtype, newtype.get_typeName() );
                        classhier->insertVertex( newtype, newtype.get_typeName() );

                        SgBaseClassList inherits = classDef->get_inheritances();
                        for( SgBaseClassList::iterator i=inherits.begin(); i!=inherits.end(); i++) {
                                SgClassDeclaration *parentDecl = (*i).get_base_class();
                                cerr << " found inheritance from " ; // debug
                                assert( parentDecl );

                                // add new edge
                                typesRowdata partype( UNKNOWNID, getProjectId(), parentDecl->get_name().str() ); // MANGLE
                                long parentId = types.retrieveCreateByColumn( &partype, "typeName", partype.get_typeName(), partype.get_projectId() );
                                cerr << parentDecl->get_name().str() << ", id: " << parentId << endl;

                                // add to class hierarchy graph, allow only one edge per inheritance
                                //A classhier->addNode( partype, partype.get_typeName() );
                                //A classhier->addEdge( newtype, partype, false );
                                classhier->insertEdge( newtype, partype );
                        } break;

        } // switch node type

        // Note that we have to use a particular constructor (to pass on context information about source code position).
        // This allows the Rewrite mechanism to position new source code relative to the current position using a simple interface.
        ClasshierarchyInhAttr returnAttribute(inheritedAttribute,astNode);
        // FIXME why not return inheritedAttribute???

        return returnAttribute;
コード例 #20
ファイル: Classhierarchy.C プロジェクト: Sciumo/rose
//! search for all possible (virtual) function calls 
Classhierarchy::searchMemberFunctionCalls(SgMemberFunctionDeclaration* mfCall)
        vector<SgMemberFunctionDeclaration*> retvec;
        property_map< dbgType, boost::vertex_classhierarchy_t>::type chMap = boost::get( boost::vertex_classhierarchy, *this );

        SgClassDefinition *classDef  = mfCall->get_scope();
        SgName                                           classname = classDef->get_qualified_name(); // MANGLE
        string                                           cnamestr  = classname.str();
        graph_traits< dbgType >::vertex_iterator vi,vend;
        dbgVertex vdesc = *vi;
        bool foundVertex = false;
        tie(vi,vend) = vertices( *this );
        for(; vi!=vend; vi++) {
                //cerr << " BCH v i"<< get(vertex_index,*this,*vi)<< " i1" << get(vertex_index1, *this, *vi)<<","<< get(vertex_name, *this, *vi) << endl;
                if( get(vertex_dbg_data, *this, *vi).get_typeName() == cnamestr ) {
                        //cerr << " SMF srch "<< cnamestr <<" vi "<< get(vertex_index,*this,*vi)<< " i1" << get(vertex_index1, *this, *vi)<<","<< get(vertex_name, *this, *vi) << endl;
                        vdesc = *vi;
                        foundVertex = true;
        if(!foundVertex) { cerr << " SMF srch "<< cnamestr <<" vi "<< get(vertex_index,*this,*vi)<< " i1" << get(vertex_index1, *this, *vi)<<","<< get(vertex_name, *this, *vi) << endl; }
        assert( foundVertex );

        set<dbgVertex> treeset;
        treeset.insert( vdesc );

        // first find "highest" class in CH that still provides this MF
        dbgVertex vhighest = vdesc; // first assume its the current one
        graph_traits<dbgType>::out_edge_iterator oi,oend;
        tie(oi,oend) = out_edges( vdesc, *this);
        for(; oi!=oend; oi++) {
                //cerr << " SMF inherits from "<< get(vertex_index,*this,target(*oi,*this))<< " i1" << get(vertex_index1, *this, target(*oi,*this))<<","<< get(vertex_name, *this, target(*oi,*this)) << endl;
                // does any of the base classes implement the member function?
                bool noParentImpl = true; 
                // check if this base class also implements MF
                for(set<SgNode*>::iterator chd= chMap[target(*oi,*this)].inherited.begin(); 
                                chd!= chMap[target(*oi,*this)].inherited.end(); chd++) {
                        SgFunctionDeclaration *inhFunc = isSgFunctionDeclaration( *chd );
                        bool virt = false;
                        //cerr << "  TOPO v srch1" << endl;
                        if(inhFunc->isVirtual()) virt = true;
                        if( (virt) && (compareFunctionDeclarations(inhFunc,mfCall)) ) {
                                // remeber for traversal
                                treeset.insert( target(*oi, *this) );
                                noParentImpl = false;
                if(noParentImpl) {
                        // we found it
                        vhighest = target(*oi, *this);
        //cerr << " SMF high "<< cnamestr <<" vi "<< get(vertex_index,*this,vhighest)<< " i1" << get(vertex_index1, *this, vhighest)<<","<< get(vertex_name, *this, vhighest) << endl; 

        // now traverse class hierachy downwards, for all children that implement this function, add to set
        set<dbgVertex> tovisit;
        set<dbgVertex> visited;
        tovisit.insert( vhighest );
        //hier weiter
        while( tovisit.size() > 0 ) {
                dbgVertex currVert = *(tovisit.begin());
                tovisit.erase( currVert );
                visited.insert( currVert );
        //cerr << " SMF visi "<< get(vertex_index,*this,currVert)<< " i1" << get(vertex_index1, *this, currVert)<<","<< get(vertex_name, *this, currVert) << endl; 
                for(set<SgNode*>::iterator chd= chMap[currVert].defined.begin(); chd!= chMap[currVert].defined.end(); chd++) {
                        SgMemberFunctionDeclaration*inhFunc = isSgMemberFunctionDeclaration( *chd );
                        if(compareFunctionDeclarations(inhFunc,mfCall)) {
                                retvec.push_back( inhFunc );
                graph_traits<dbgType>::in_edge_iterator ii,iend;
                tie(ii,iend) = in_edges( currVert, *this);
                for(; ii!=iend; ii++) {
                        dbgVertex child = source(*ii, *this);
                        // only insert of not already visited
                        set<dbgVertex>::iterator found = visited.find( child );
                        if(found == visited.end()) 
                                tovisit.insert( child );

        //retvec.push_back( mfCall );
        return retvec;
コード例 #21
ファイル: astToAtermImpl.C プロジェクト: Tim02/edg4x-rose
ATerm convertNodeToAterm(SgNode* n) 
     if (n == NULL)
#if 0
          printf ("convertNodeToAterm(): n = %p = %s \n",n,"NULL");
          return ATmake("NULL");

     ROSE_ASSERT(n != NULL);
#if 0
     printf ("convertNodeToAterm(): n = %p = %s \n",n,n->class_name().c_str());

     ATerm term;
     switch (n->variantT())
       // case V_SgFile:
          case V_SgSourceFile:
            // Special case needed to include file name
            // term = ATmake("File(<str>, <term>)", isSgFile(n)->getFileName(), convertNodeToAterm(isSgFile(n)->get_root()));
               term = ATmake("File(<str>, <term>)", isSgSourceFile(n)->getFileName().c_str(), convertNodeToAterm(isSgSourceFile(n)->get_globalScope()));

          case V_SgPlusPlusOp:
          case V_SgMinusMinusOp:
            // Special cases needed to include prefix/postfix status
               term = ATmake("<appl(<appl>, <term>)>",
                  (isSgUnaryOp(n)->get_mode() == SgUnaryOp::prefix ? "Prefix" :
                   isSgUnaryOp(n)->get_mode() == SgUnaryOp::postfix ? "Postfix" :

          case V_SgExpressionRoot:
            // Special case to remove this node
               term = convertNodeToAterm(isSgExpressionRoot(n)->get_operand());

    case V_SgCastExp:
    // Special case needed to include type
    term = ATmake("Cast(<term>, <term>)>",

    case V_SgVarRefExp:
    // Special case needed to include id
    term = ATmake("Var(<str>)", 

    case V_SgFunctionRefExp:
    // Special case needed to include id
    term = ATmake(

    case V_SgIntVal:
    // Special case needed to include value
    term = ATmake("IntC(<int>)", isSgIntVal(n)->get_value());

    case V_SgUnsignedIntVal:
    term = ATmake("UnsignedIntC(<int>)", isSgUnsignedIntVal(n)->get_value());

    case V_SgUnsignedLongVal: {
      ostringstream s;
      s << isSgUnsignedLongVal(n)->get_value();
      term = ATmake("UnsignedLongC(<str>)", s.str().c_str());

    case V_SgUnsignedLongLongIntVal: {
      ostringstream s;
      s << isSgUnsignedLongLongIntVal(n)->get_value();
      term = ATmake("UnsignedLongLongC(<str>)", s.str().c_str());

    case V_SgDoubleVal:
    term = ATmake("DoubleC(<real>)", isSgDoubleVal(n)->get_value());

          case V_SgInitializedName:
            // Works around double initname problem
               SgInitializer* initializer = isSgInitializedName(n)->get_initializer();
               const SgName& name = isSgInitializedName(n)->get_name();
               SgType* type = isSgInitializedName(n)->get_type();

               ROSE_ASSERT(type != NULL);
#if 0
               printf ("convertNodeToAterm(): case V_SgInitializedName: name = %s initializer = %p type = %p = %s \n",name.str(),initializer,type,type->class_name().c_str());
            // Works around fact that ... is not really an initname and shouldn't be a type either
               if (isSgTypeEllipse(type))
                    term = ATmake("Ellipses");
                    std::string uniqueIdString = uniqueId(n);
#if 0
                    printf ("uniqueIdString = %s \n",uniqueIdString.c_str());
                    printf ("Calling generate ATerm for SgInitializedName->get_name() name = %s \n",name.str());
                    ATerm name_aterm = ATmake("Name(<str>)",name.str());
                 // ATerm name_aterm = ATmake(name.str());
                    printf ("Calling convertNodeToAterm(type) \n");
                    ATerm type_aterm = convertNodeToAterm(type);
                    printf ("Calling convertNodeToAterm(initializer) \n");
                    ATerm initializer_aterm = convertNodeToAterm(initializer);
#if 0
                    printf ("Calling ATmake() \n");
#if 1
                    term = ATmake("InitName(<str>, <term>, <term>) {[id, <str>]}", 
                                    (name.str() ? name.str() : ""), 
                                 // uniqueIdString.c_str());
                    term = ATmake("InitName(<term>,<term>)",
                                  //(name.str() ? name.str() : ""), 
                                  // name_aterm,
                                 // uniqueId(n).c_str());
                                 // uniqueIdString.c_str());
#if 0
                    printf ("Calling ATsetAnnotation() \n");
                    term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("id"), ATmake("<str>", uniqueId(n).c_str()));
#if 0
                    printf ("DONE: Calling ATsetAnnotation() \n");


    case V_SgFunctionDeclaration: {
      // Special case needed to include name
      SgFunctionDeclaration* fd = isSgFunctionDeclaration(n);
      term = ATmake("Function(<str>, <term>, <term>, <term>)", 
      term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("id"),
                             ATmake("<str>", uniqueId(n).c_str()));

    case V_SgClassDeclaration: {
      // Special case needed to distinguish forward/full definitions and to
      // include class name
      SgClassDeclaration* decl = isSgClassDeclaration(n);
      assert (decl);
      SgName sname = decl->get_name();
      const char* name = sname.str();
      // Suggestion: have a field named local_definition in each class
      // declaration that is 0 whenever the current declaration doesn't
      // have a definition attached, even if there is another declaration
      // which does have a definition attached.
      SgClassDefinition* defn = decl->get_definition();
      // cout << "defn = 0x" << hex << defn << endl << dec;
      if (decl->isForward())
	defn = 0;
      if (defn)
	term = ATmake("Class(<str>, <term>)", 
		      (name ? name : ""), // Will be simpler when SgName
		      // becomes string
	term = ATmake("ClassFwd(<str>)", (name ? name : ""));
      term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("id"),
                             ATmake("<str>", uniqueId(n).c_str()));

    case V_SgEnumDeclaration: {
      // Special case to include enum name and enumerator names which are not
      // traversal children
      SgName sname = isSgEnumDeclaration(n)->get_name();
      const char* name = sname.str();
      const SgInitializedNamePtrList& enumerators = 
      term = ATmake("Enum(<str>, <term>)",
		    (name ? name : "{anonymous}"), 
      term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("id"),
                             ATmake("<str>", uniqueId(n).c_str()));

    case V_SgPointerType: {
      // Special case because types can't be traversed yet
      SgType* type = isSgPointerType(n)->get_base_type();
      ATerm t = convertNodeToAterm(type);
      term = ATmake("Pointer(<term>)", t);

    case V_SgReferenceType: {
      // Special case because types can't be traversed yet
      SgType* type = isSgReferenceType(n)->get_base_type();
      ATerm t = convertNodeToAterm(type);
      term = ATmake("Reference(<term>)", t);

    case V_SgModifierType: {
      // Special case for type traversal and to prettify modifier names
      SgType* type = isSgModifierType(n)->get_base_type();
      SgTypeModifier& modifier = isSgModifierType(n)->get_typeModifier();
      SgConstVolatileModifier& cvmod = modifier.get_constVolatileModifier();
      term = convertNodeToAterm(type);
      if (cvmod.isConst())
	term = ATmake("Const(<term>)", term);
      if (cvmod.isVolatile())
	term = ATmake("Volatile(<term>)", term);

    case V_SgArrayType: {
      // Special case because types can't be traversed yet, and to get length
      SgType* type = isSgArrayType(n)->get_base_type();
      ATerm t = convertNodeToAterm(type);
      term = ATmake("Array(<term>, <term>)", t, (isSgArrayType(n)->get_index() ? convertNodeToAterm((n->get_traversalSuccessorContainer())[4]) : ATmake("<str>", "NULL")));
      assert (term);

    case V_SgFunctionType: {
      // Special case to allow argument list to be traversed
      SgFunctionType* ft = isSgFunctionType(n);
      ATerm ret = convertNodeToAterm(ft->get_return_type());
      ATerm args_list = convertSgNodeRangeToAterm(ft->get_arguments().begin(),
      term = ATmake("FunctionType(<term>, <term>)", ret, args_list);

    case V_SgEnumType:
    case V_SgClassType: 
    case V_SgTypedefType: {
      // Special cases to optionally put in type definition instead of
      // reference
      SgNamedType* nt = isSgNamedType(n);
      assert (nt);
      SgName sname = nt->get_name();
   // char* name = sname.str();
      SgDeclarationStatement* decl = nt->get_declaration();
      assert (decl);
      SgClassDefinition* defn = isSgClassDeclaration(decl) ?
				isSgClassDeclaration(decl)->get_definition() :
      term = ATmake("Type(<term>)",
		    (nt->get_autonomous_declaration() || !defn ? 
                     ATmake("id(<str>)", uniqueId(decl).c_str()) :

    case V_SgLabelStatement: {
      // Special case to put in label id
      const char* name = isSgLabelStatement(n)->get_name().str();
      term = ATmake("Label(<str>)", (name ? name : ""));
      term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("id"),
                             ATmake("<str>", uniqueId(n).c_str()));

    case V_SgGotoStatement: {
      // Special case to put in label id
      term = ATmake("Goto(<str>)", 

    case V_SgTypedefDeclaration: {
      // Special case to put in typedef name
      const SgName& name = isSgTypedefDeclaration(n)->get_name();
      SgType* type = isSgTypedefDeclaration(n)->get_base_type();
      term = ATmake("Typedef(<str>, <term>)", (name.str() ? name.str() : ""), 
      term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("id"),
                             ATmake("<str>", uniqueId(n).c_str()));

    case V_SgTemplateDeclaration: {
      // Traversal doesn't work for these
      SgTemplateDeclaration* td = isSgTemplateDeclaration(n);
      ROSE_ASSERT (td);
   // SgTemplateParameterPtrListPtr paramsPtr = td->get_templateParameters();
   // SgTemplateParameterPtrList & paramsPtr = td->get_templateParameters();
   // SgTemplateParameterPtrList params =	paramsPtr ? *paramsPtr : SgTemplateParameterPtrList();
      SgTemplateParameterPtrList & params =	td->get_templateParameters();
      string templateKindString;
      switch (td->get_template_kind()) {
	case SgTemplateDeclaration::e_template_none:
	  templateKindString = "None"; break;
	case SgTemplateDeclaration::e_template_class:
	  templateKindString = "Class"; break;
	case SgTemplateDeclaration::e_template_m_class:
	  templateKindString = "MemberClass"; break;
	case SgTemplateDeclaration::e_template_function:
	  templateKindString = "Function"; break;
	case SgTemplateDeclaration::e_template_m_function:
	  templateKindString = "MemberFunction"; break;
	case SgTemplateDeclaration::e_template_m_data:
	  templateKindString = "MemberData"; break;
	default: templateKindString = "Unknown"; break;
      term = ATmake("TemplateDeclaration(<appl>, <str>, <term>, <str>)",
		    convertSgNodeRangeToAterm(params.begin(), params.end()),

    case V_SgTemplateInstantiationDecl: {
      // Traversal doesn't work for these
      SgTemplateInstantiationDecl* td = isSgTemplateInstantiationDecl(n);
      ROSE_ASSERT (td);
   // SgTemplateArgumentPtrListPtr argsPtr = td->get_templateArguments();
   // SgTemplateArgumentPtrList args = argsPtr ? *argsPtr : SgTemplateArgumentPtrList();
      SgTemplateArgumentPtrList & args = td->get_templateArguments();
      term = ATmake("TemplateInstantiationDecl(<str>, <term>)", td->get_templateDeclaration()->get_name().str(), convertSgNodeRangeToAterm(args.begin(), args.end()));

    case V_SgTemplateParameter: {
      // Traversal doesn't work for these
      SgTemplateParameter* tp = isSgTemplateParameter(n);
      ROSE_ASSERT (tp);
      switch (tp->get_parameterType()) {
	case SgTemplateParameter::parameter_undefined: {
	  term = ATmake("Undefined");

	case SgTemplateParameter::type_parameter: {
	  term = ATmake("Type(<term>)",

	case SgTemplateParameter::nontype_parameter: {
	  term = ATmake("Nontype(<term>, <term>)",

	case SgTemplateParameter::template_parameter: {
	  term = ATmake("Template");

	default: term = ATmake("Unknown"); break;

    case V_SgTemplateArgument: {
      // Traversal doesn't work for these
      SgTemplateArgument* ta = isSgTemplateArgument(n);
      ROSE_ASSERT (ta);
      switch (ta->get_argumentType()) {
	case SgTemplateArgument::argument_undefined:
	  term = ATmake("Undefined");
	case SgTemplateArgument::type_argument:
	  term = ATmake("Type(<term>)", 
	case SgTemplateArgument::nontype_argument:
	  term = ATmake("Nontype(<term>)", 
	// case SgTemplateArgument::template_argument:
	  // term = ATmake("Template");
	  // break;
	default: term = ATmake("Unknown"); break;

    default: {
      bool isContainer = 
	(AstTests::numSuccContainers(n) == 1) ||
	(!isSgType(n) && (n->get_traversalSuccessorContainer().size() == 0));
      term = ATmake((isContainer ? "<appl(<term>)>" : "<appl(<list>)>"), 
                    (isSgType(n) ? ATmake("[]") : getTraversalChildrenAsAterm(n)));
               // Special case for types is because of traversal problems

#if 0
     printf ("Base of switch statement in convertNodeToAterm(): n = %p = %s \n",n,n->class_name().c_str());
     assert (term);

     term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("ptr"), pointerAsAterm(n));

#if 1
     if (n->get_file_info() != NULL)
          term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("location"),convertFileInfoToAterm(n->get_file_info()));

     if (isSgExpression(n))
        term = ATsetAnnotation(term, ATmake("type"), convertNodeToAterm(isSgExpression(n)->get_type()));

#if 0
     printf ("Leaving convertNodeToAterm(): n = %p = %s \n",n,n->class_name().c_str());
#if 0
     printf ("--- n->class_name() = %s ATwriteToString(term) = %s \n",n->class_name().c_str(),ATwriteToString(term));

  // cout << n->sage_class_name() << " -> " << ATwriteToString(term) << endl;
     return term;
コード例 #22
// Constructs _A_pointer[SC_A(_1,_2)]
SgPntrArrRefExp* buildAPPArrayRef(SgNode* astNode,
		ArrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedAttributeType & arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData,
		OperandDataBaseType & operandDataBase, SgScopeStatement* scope, SgExprListExp* parameterExpList) {
	printf("Contructing A++ array reference object \n");

	string returnString;

	SgVarRefExp* varRefExp = isSgVarRefExp(astNode);
	ROSE_ASSERT(varRefExp != NULL);
	SgVariableSymbol* variableSymbol = varRefExp->get_symbol();
	ROSE_ASSERT(variableSymbol != NULL);
	SgInitializedName* initializedName = variableSymbol->get_declaration();
	ROSE_ASSERT(initializedName != NULL);
	SgName variableName = initializedName->get_name();

	vector<SgExpression*> parameters;

	// Figure out the dimensionality of the statement globally
	int maxNumberOfIndexOffsets = 6; // default value for A++/P++ arrays
	ROSE_ASSERT(arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData.arrayStatementDimensionDefined == TRUE);
	if (arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData.arrayStatementDimensionDefined == TRUE) {
		// The the globally computed array dimension from the arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData
		maxNumberOfIndexOffsets = arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData.arrayStatementDimension;

	// Then we want the minimum of all the dimensions accesses (or is it the maximum?)
	for (int n = 0; n < maxNumberOfIndexOffsets; n++) {
		parameters.push_back(buildVarRefExp("_" + StringUtility::numberToString(n + 1), scope));

	// Make a reference to the global operand database
	//OperandDataBaseType & operandDataBase = accumulatorValue.operandDataBase;

	SgType* type = variableSymbol->get_type();

	string typeName = TransformationSupport::getTypeName(type);
	ROSE_ASSERT(typeName.c_str() != NULL);

	// Copy the string from the SgName object to a string object
	string variableNameString = variableName.str();

	// Setup an intry in the synthesized attribute data base for this variable any
	// future results from analysis could be place there at this point as well
	// record the name in the synthesized attribute
	ROSE_ASSERT(operandDataBase.transformationOption > ArrayTransformationSupport::UnknownIndexingAccess);
	ArrayOperandDataBase arrayOperandDB = operandDataBase.setVariableName(variableNameString);

	// We could have specified in the inherited attribute that this array variable was
	// index and if so leave the value of $IDENTIFIER_STRING to be modified later in
	// the assembly of the operator() and if not do the string replacement on
	// $IDENTIFIER_STRING here (right now).

	returnString = string("$IDENTIFIER_STRING") + string("_pointer[SC") + string("$MACRO_NAME_SUBSTRING") + string("(")
			+ string("$OFFSET") + string(")]");

	string functionSuffix = "";
	SgPntrArrRefExp* pntrRefExp;

	cout << " arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData.getIsIndexedArrayOperand() "
			<< arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData.getIsIndexedArrayOperand() << endl;
	// The inherited attribute mechanism is not yet implimented
	if (arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData.getIsIndexedArrayOperand() == FALSE)
		// do the substitution of $OFFSET here since it our last chance
		// (offsetString is the list of index values "index1,index2,...,indexn")
		//returnString = StringUtility::copyEdit(returnString,"$OFFSET",offsetString);

		string operandIdentifier = arrayOperandDB.generateIdentifierString();
		// do the substitution of $IDENTIFIER_STRING here since it our last chance
		// if variable name is "A", generate: A_pointer[SC_A(index1,...)]
		// returnString = StringUtility::copyEdit (returnString,"$IDENTIFIER_STRING",variableNameString);
		ROSE_ASSERT(arrayOperandDB.indexingAccessCode > ArrayTransformationSupport::UnknownIndexingAccess);

		// Edit into place the name of the data pointer
		returnString = StringUtility::copyEdit(returnString, "$IDENTIFIER_STRING", operandIdentifier);

		// Optimize the case of uniform or unit indexing to generate a single subscript macro definition
		if ((arrayOperandDB.indexingAccessCode == ArrayTransformationSupport::UniformSizeUnitStride)
				|| (arrayOperandDB.indexingAccessCode == ArrayTransformationSupport::UniformSizeUniformStride))
			returnString = StringUtility::copyEdit(returnString, "$MACRO_NAME_SUBSTRING", "");
		else {
			returnString = StringUtility::copyEdit(returnString, "$MACRO_NAME_SUBSTRING", operandIdentifier);
			functionSuffix = operandIdentifier;

		 * Create SgPntrArrRefExp lhs is VarRefExp and rhs is SgFunctionCallExp
		SgVarRefExp* newVarRefExp = buildVarRefExp(operandIdentifier + "_pointer", scope);

		string functionName = "SC" + functionSuffix;

		SgFunctionCallExp* functionCallExp;
		if (parameterExpList == NULL)
			functionCallExp = buildFunctionCallExp(functionName, buildIntType(), buildExprListExp(parameters), scope);
			functionCallExp = buildFunctionCallExp(functionName, buildIntType(), parameterExpList, scope);

		pntrRefExp = buildPntrArrRefExp(newVarRefExp, functionCallExp);

		cout << " pntrArrRefExp = " << pntrRefExp->unparseToString() << endl;


	return pntrRefExp;
FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols::visit ( SgNode* node )
  // DQ (11/24/2007): Output the current IR node for debugging the traversal of the Fortran AST.
     printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols::visit() (preorder AST traversal) node = %p = %s \n",node,node->class_name().c_str());

#if 0
  // DQ (7/23/2011): New support for linking namespaces sharing the same name (mangled name).
  // std::map<SgName,std::vector<SgNamespaceDefinition*> > namespaceMap;
     SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement* namespaceDefinition = isSgNamespaceDefinitionStatement(node);
     if (namespaceDefinition != NULL)
       // DQ (7/23/2011): Assemble namespaces with the same name into vectors defined in the map 
       // accessed using the name of the namespace as a key.

#error "DEAD CODE"

          SgName name = namespaceDefinition->get_namespaceDeclaration()->get_name();
          printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols: namespace definition found for name = %s #symbols = %d \n",name.str(),namespaceDefinition->get_symbol_table()->size());
       // It is important to use mangled names to define unique names when namespaces are nested.
          SgName mangledNamespaceName = namespaceDefinition->get_namespaceDeclaration()->get_mangled_name();
          printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols: namespace definition associated mangled name = %s \n",mangledNamespaceName.str());
       // DQ (7/23/2011): Fixup the name we use as a key in the map to relect that some namespaces don't have a name.
          if (name == "")
            // Modify the mangled name to reflect the unnamed namespace...

               printf ("Warning in FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols::visit(): Unnamed namespaces shuld be mangled to reflect the lack of a name \n");
               mangledNamespaceName += "_unnamed_namespace";

          printf ("namespace definition associated mangled name = %s \n",mangledNamespaceName.str());
          printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols: associated mangled name = %s namespaceMap size = %" PRIuPTR " \n",mangledNamespaceName.str(),namespaceMap.size());
          std::map<SgName,std::vector<SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement*> >::iterator i = namespaceMap.find(mangledNamespaceName);
          if (i != namespaceMap.end())
               std::vector<SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement*> & namespaceVector = i->second;
               printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols: (found an entry): Namespace vector size = %" PRIuPTR " \n",namespaceVector.size());
            // Testing each entry...
               for (size_t j = 0; j < namespaceVector.size(); j++)
                    ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceVector[j] != NULL);
                    SgName existingNamespaceName = namespaceVector[j]->get_namespaceDeclaration()->get_name();
                    printf ("Existing namespace (SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement) %p = %s \n",namespaceVector[j],existingNamespaceName.str());
                    if (j > 0)
                         ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceVector[j]->get_previousNamespaceDefinition() != NULL);

                    if (namespaceVector.size() > 1 && j < namespaceVector.size() - 2)
                         ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceVector[j]->get_nextNamespaceDefinition() != NULL);

#error "DEAD CODE"

               size_t namespaceListSize = namespaceVector.size();
               if (namespaceListSize > 0)
                    size_t lastNamespaceIndex = namespaceListSize - 1;

                 // DQ (5/9/2013): Before setting these, I think they should be unset (to NULL values).
                 // ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]->get_nextNamespaceDefinition() == NULL);
                 // ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDefinition->get_previousNamespaceDefinition() == NULL);
                 // ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]->get_nextNamespaceDefinition() == NULL);
                    ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDefinition->get_previousNamespaceDefinition() != NULL);

                 // namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]->set_nextNamespaceDefinition(namespaceDefinition);
#if 1
                    printf ("namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]->get_nextNamespaceDefinition() = %p \n",namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]->get_nextNamespaceDefinition());
                    if (namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]->get_nextNamespaceDefinition() == NULL)
                      // DQ (5/9/2013): If this is already set then make sure it was set to the correct value.
                         ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]->get_nextNamespaceDefinition() == namespaceDefinition);

#error "DEAD CODE"

                 // DQ (5/9/2013): If this is already set then make sure it was set to the correct value.
                 // namespaceDefinition->set_previousNamespaceDefinition(namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]);
                    ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDefinition->get_previousNamespaceDefinition() != NULL);
                    ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDefinition->get_previousNamespaceDefinition() == namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]);

                 // DQ (5/9/2013): I think I can assert this.
                    ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]->get_namespaceDeclaration()->get_name() == namespaceDefinition->get_namespaceDeclaration()->get_name());
                    ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDefinition->get_previousNamespaceDefinition() != NULL);
#if 1
                    printf ("namespaceDefinition = %p namespaceDefinition->get_nextNamespaceDefinition() = %p \n",namespaceDefinition,namespaceDefinition->get_nextNamespaceDefinition());
                 // ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDefinition->get_nextNamespaceDefinition()     == NULL);
                 // ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]->get_nextNamespaceDefinition() == NULL);

            // Add the namespace matching a previous name to the list.

#error "DEAD CODE"

            // Setup scopes as sources and distinations of alias symbols.
               SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement* referencedScope = namespaceDefinition->get_previousNamespaceDefinition();
               ROSE_ASSERT(referencedScope != NULL);
               SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement* currentScope = namespaceDefinition;
               ROSE_ASSERT(currentScope != NULL);

               printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols: Suppress injection of symbols from one namespace to the other for each reintrant namespace \n");
               printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols: referencedScope #symbols = %d currentScope #symbols = %d \n",referencedScope->get_symbol_table()->size(),currentScope->get_symbol_table()->size());
               printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols: referencedScope = %p currentScope = %p \n",referencedScope,currentScope);
#if 1
            // Generate the alias symbols from the referencedScope and inject into the currentScope.
               printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols: (entry NOT found): Insert namespace %p for name = %s into the namespaceMap \n",namespaceDefinition,mangledNamespaceName.str());
               std::vector<SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement*> list(1);
               ROSE_ASSERT(list.size() == 1);

#error "DEAD CODE"

               list[0] = namespaceDefinition;
#if 0
            // DQ (3/11/2012): New code, but maybe we should instead put the implicit "std" namespace into the global scope more directly.
               if (mangledNamespaceName == "std" && false)
                 // This case has to be handled special since the implicit "std" namespace primary declaration was 
                 // constructed but not added to the global scope.  But maybe it should be.
                 // DQ (7/24/2011): get_nextNamespaceDefinition() == NULL is false in the case of the AST copy tests 
                 // (see tests/nonsmoke/functional/CompileTests/copyAST_tests/copytest2007_30.C). Only  get_nextNamespaceDefinition() 
                 // appears to sometimes be non-null, so we reset them both to NULL just to make sure.

                    ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDefinition->get_nextNamespaceDefinition()     == NULL);
                    ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDefinition->get_previousNamespaceDefinition() == NULL);
            // DQ (7/24/2011): get_nextNamespaceDefinition() == NULL is false in the case of the AST copy tests 
            // (see tests/nonsmoke/functional/CompileTests/copyAST_tests/copytest2007_30.C). Only  get_nextNamespaceDefinition() 
            // appears to sometimes be non-null, so we reset them both to NULL just to make sure.

               ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDefinition->get_nextNamespaceDefinition()     == NULL);
               ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDefinition->get_previousNamespaceDefinition() == NULL);
               namespaceMap.insert(std::pair<SgName,std::vector<SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement*> >(mangledNamespaceName,list));

#error "DEAD CODE"

               printf ("namespaceMap.size() = %" PRIuPTR " \n",namespaceMap.size());

#error "DEAD CODE"

  // DQ (5/23/2013): Commented out since we now have a newer and better namespace support for symbol handling.
  // printf ("NOTE:: COMMENTED OUT old support for namespace declarations in FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols traversal \n");

     SgUseStatement* useDeclaration = isSgUseStatement(node);
     if (useDeclaration != NULL)
       // This must be done in the Fortran AST construction since aliased symbols must be inserted
       // before they are looked up as part of name resolution of variable, functions, and types.
       // For C++ we can be more flexible and support the construction of symbol aliases within 
       // post-processing.

  // DQ (4/14/2010): Added this C++ specific support.
  // In the future we may want to support the injection of alias symbols for C++ "using" directives and "using" declarations.
     SgUsingDeclarationStatement* usingDeclarationStatement = isSgUsingDeclarationStatement(node);
     if (usingDeclarationStatement != NULL)
          printf ("Found the SgUsingDeclarationStatement \n");
          SgScopeStatement* currentScope = usingDeclarationStatement->get_scope();
          ROSE_ASSERT(currentScope != NULL);

          SgDeclarationStatement* declaration     = usingDeclarationStatement->get_declaration();
          SgInitializedName*      initializedName = usingDeclarationStatement->get_initializedName();

       // Only one of these can be non-null.
          ROSE_ASSERT(initializedName != NULL || declaration != NULL);
          ROSE_ASSERT( (initializedName != NULL && declaration != NULL) == false);

          if (declaration != NULL)
               printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols::visit(): declaration = %p = %s \n",declaration,declaration->class_name().c_str());
               if (initializedName != NULL)
                    printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols::visit(): initializedName = %s \n",initializedName->get_name().str());
                    printf ("Error: both declaration and initializedName in SgUsingDeclarationStatement are NULL \n");

#if 0
          printf ("Exiting at the base of FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols::visit() \n");

     SgUsingDirectiveStatement* usingDirectiveStatement = isSgUsingDirectiveStatement(node);
     if (usingDirectiveStatement != NULL)
          printf ("Found the SgUsingDirectiveStatement \n");
          SgNamespaceDeclarationStatement* namespaceDeclaration = usingDirectiveStatement->get_namespaceDeclaration();
          ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDeclaration != NULL);

          SgScopeStatement* currentScope    = usingDirectiveStatement->get_scope();

       // To be more specific this is really a SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement
          SgScopeStatement* referencedScope = namespaceDeclaration->get_definition();

          if (referencedScope == NULL)
            // DQ (5/21/2010): Handle case of using "std" (predefined namespace in C++), but it not having been explicitly defined (see test2005_57.C).
               if (namespaceDeclaration->get_name() != "std")
                    printf ("ERROR: namespaceDeclaration has no valid definition \n");
                    namespaceDeclaration->get_startOfConstruct()->display("ERROR: namespaceDeclaration has no valid definition");

                 // DQ (5/20/2010): Added assertion to trap this case.
                    printf ("Exiting because referencedScope could not be identified.\n");

       // Note that "std", as a predefined namespace, can have a null definition, so we can't 
       // insist that we inject all symbols in namespaces that we can't see explicitly.
          if (referencedScope != NULL)
               ROSE_ASSERT(referencedScope != NULL);
               ROSE_ASSERT(currentScope != NULL);
#if 0
               printf ("Calling injectSymbolsFromReferencedScopeIntoCurrentScope() for usingDirectiveStatement = %p = %s \n",node,node->class_name().c_str());

#if 0
          printf ("Exiting at the base of FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols::visit() \n");

  // DQ (5/6/2011): Added support to build SgAliasSymbols in derived class scopes that reference the symbols of the base classes associated with protected and public declarations.
     SgClassDefinition* classDefinition = isSgClassDefinition(node);
     if (classDefinition != NULL)
       // Handle any derived classes.
          SgBaseClassPtrList & baseClassList = classDefinition->get_inheritances();
          SgBaseClassPtrList::iterator i = baseClassList.begin();
          for ( ; i != baseClassList.end(); ++i)
            // Check each base class.
               SgBaseClass* baseClass = *i;
               ROSE_ASSERT(baseClass != NULL);

               /* skip processing for SgExpBaseClasses (which don't have to define p_base_class) */
               if (baseClass->variantT() == V_SgExpBaseClass) {

            // printf ("baseClass->get_baseClassModifier().displayString()                      = %s \n",baseClass->get_baseClassModifier().displayString().c_str());
            // printf ("baseClass->get_baseClassModifier().get_accessModifier().displayString() = %s \n",baseClass->get_baseClassModifier().get_accessModifier().displayString().c_str());

            // if (baseClass->get_modifier() == SgBaseClass::e_virtual)
               if (baseClass->get_baseClassModifier().get_modifier() == SgBaseClassModifier::e_virtual)
                 // Not clear if virtual as a modifier effects the handling of alias symbols.
                 // printf ("Not clear if virtual as a modifier effects the handling of alias symbols. \n");

            // DQ (6/22/2011): Define the access level for alias symbol's declarations to be included.
               SgAccessModifier::access_modifier_enum accessLevel = baseClass->get_baseClassModifier().get_accessModifier().get_modifier();

               SgClassDeclaration* tmpClassDeclaration    = baseClass->get_base_class();
               ROSE_ASSERT(tmpClassDeclaration != NULL);
#if 0
            // ROSE_ASSERT(tmpClassDeclaration->get_definingDeclaration() != NULL);
               SgClassDeclaration* targetClassDeclaration = isSgClassDeclaration(tmpClassDeclaration->get_definingDeclaration());
               ROSE_ASSERT(targetClassDeclaration != NULL);
               SgScopeStatement*   referencedScope  = targetClassDeclaration->get_definition();
            // We need this function to restrict it's injection of symbol to just those that are associated with public and protected declarations.
            // DQ (2/25/2012) We only want to inject the symbol where we have identified the defining scope.
               if (tmpClassDeclaration->get_definingDeclaration() != NULL)
                    SgClassDeclaration* targetClassDeclaration = isSgClassDeclaration(tmpClassDeclaration->get_definingDeclaration());
                    ROSE_ASSERT(targetClassDeclaration != NULL);
                    SgScopeStatement*   referencedScope  = targetClassDeclaration->get_definition();
#if 0
                    printf ("Calling injectSymbolsFromReferencedScopeIntoCurrentScope() for classDefinition = %p = %s baseClass = %p accessLevel = %d \n",
                 // DQ (7/12/2014): Use the SgBaseClass as the causal node that has triggered the insertion of the SgAliasSymbols.
                 // We need this function to restrict it's injection of symbol to just those that are associated with public and protected declarations.
                 // DQ (2/25/2012): Print a warning message when this happens (so far only test2012_08.C).
                    if (SgProject::get_verbose() > 0)
                         mprintf ("WARNING: In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols::visit(): Not really clear how to handle this case where tmpClassDeclaration->get_definingDeclaration() == NULL! \n");

     SgFunctionDeclaration* functionDeclaration = isSgFunctionDeclaration(node);
     if (functionDeclaration != NULL)
          printf ("Found a the SgFunctionDeclaration \n");
       // SgScopeStatement*  functionScope   = functionDeclaration->get_scope();
          SgScopeStatement*  currentScope    = isSgScopeStatement(functionDeclaration->get_parent());
          SgClassDefinition* classDefinition = isSgClassDefinition(currentScope);

          if (classDefinition != NULL)
            // This is a function declared in a class definition, test of friend (forget why it is important to test for isOperator().
               if (functionDeclaration->get_declarationModifier().isFriend() == true || functionDeclaration->get_specialFunctionModifier().isOperator() == true)
                 // printf ("Process all friend function with a SgAliasSymbol to where they are declared in another scope (usually global scope) \n");
#if 0
                    SgName name = functionDeclaration->get_name();

                    SgSymbol* symbol = functionDeclaration->search_for_symbol_from_symbol_table();
                    ROSE_ASSERT ( symbol != NULL );

                    SgAliasSymbol* aliasSymbol = new SgAliasSymbol (symbol);

                 // Use the current name and the alias to the symbol
#if 0
                    printf ("Error: friend functions not processed yet! \n");

     printf ("Leaving FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols::visit() (preorder AST traversal) node = %p = %s \n",node,node->class_name().c_str());