int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // This program test the conversion of the ROSE AST to n ATerm and back to a ROSE AST. // Generate a ROSE AST as input. // printf ("Building the ROSE AST \n"); SgProject* project = frontend(argc,argv); // printf ("Done: Building the ROSE AST \n"); // Output an optional graph of the AST (just the tree, when active) // generateDOT(*project); SgFile* roseFile = project->operator[](0); ROSE_ASSERT(roseFile != NULL); SgSourceFile* sourceFile = isSgSourceFile(roseFile); ROSE_ASSERT(sourceFile != NULL); // printf ("Calling ATinit \n"); ATerm bottom; ATinit(argc, argv, &bottom); // printf ("Calling convertAstNodeToRoseAterm \n"); // ATerm term = convertNodeToAterm(project); // ATerm term = convertNodeToAterm(sourceFile); // ATerm term = convertAstNodeToRoseAterm(sourceFile); // Actually this implementation in convertNodeToAterm already adds the pointer value to the aterm, so we can just return this Aterm directly. ATerm term = convertNodeToAterm(sourceFile); // printf ("DONE: Calling convertAstNodeToRoseAterm term = %p \n",term); ROSE_ASSERT (term != NULL); string roseAST_filename = project->get_file(0).getFileName(); char* s = strdup(roseAST_filename.c_str()); string file_basename = basename(s); // ATerm_Graph::graph_aterm_ast(term,file_basename); #if 1 // DQ (9/17/2014): Adding test for conversion of Aterm back to AST. printf ("Testing the reverse process to generate the ROSE AST from the Aterm \n"); SgNode* rootOfAST = convertAtermToNode(term); printf ("rootOfAST = %p = %s \n",rootOfAST,rootOfAST->class_name().c_str()); #endif // generateDOT(*project); generateDOTforMultipleFile(*project, "AFTER_ATERM"); // Output an optional graph of the AST (the whole graph, of bounded complexity, when active) const int MAX_NUMBER_OF_IR_NODES_TO_GRAPH_FOR_WHOLE_GRAPH = 5000; generateAstGraph(project,MAX_NUMBER_OF_IR_NODES_TO_GRAPH_FOR_WHOLE_GRAPH,"AFTER_ATERM"); #if 0 printf ("Program Terminated Normally \n"); #endif return 0; }
int main ( unsigned argc, char * argv[] ) { string sInputFile, sOutputFile; ofstream outputFile; // for debugging only switch between persistentand "pointer" handles // (pointers are faster, persistent are easier to debug bool p_h=FALSE; // p_h = TRUE; // read in command line arguments // usage: CtoOA inputFile if(argc < 2) { usage(argv[0]); return 1; } sInputFile = argv[1]; //sOutputFile = argv[2]; // load the Sage project, open the output file, and construct the // code generator (which outputs .oa notation to the file) SgProject * sageProject = frontend((int)argc, &argv[0]); //; // debug output //AstPDFGeneration pdftest; //pdftest.generateInputFiles(sageProject); //AstDOTGeneration dottest; //dottest.generateInputFiles(sageProject); // Loop over every file. BW 4/13/06 int filenum = sageProject->numberOfFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < filenum; ++i) { SgFile &sageFile = sageProject->get_file(i); SgGlobal *root = sageFile.get_root(); // Loop through every function in the file of this project. std::vector<SgNode*> nodeArray; OA::OA_ptr<SageIRInterface> irInterface; irInterface = new SageIRInterface(sageProject, &nodeArray, p_h); OA::OA_ptr<SageIRProcIterator> procIter; // Do not process include files, e.g., iostream.h. bool excludeInputFiles = true; procIter = new SageIRProcIterator(sageProject, irInterface, excludeInputFiles); for (; procIter->isValid(); ++(*procIter) ) { // output notation for this function outputNotation(procIter->current(), irInterface, std::cout); } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ SgProject* sgproject = frontend(argc, argv); // SgProject *sgproject_copy = static_cast<SgProject*>(sgproject->copy(SgTREE_COPY)); // This copy of the sgproject fails due to the copy function of the SgFile fails (aborts) SgFile &file = sgproject->get_file(0); // SgFile *file_copy = static_cast<SgFile*>(file.copy(SgTREE_COPY)); // Calling the copy function of SgFile fails: // Before aborting the execution, the following error message is displayed: // "This is the default constructor, use SgFile (argc,argv) instead" SgGlobal *root = file.get_root(); SgGlobal *root_copy = static_cast<SgGlobal*>(root->copy(SgTREE_COPY)); // Copying the SgGlobal object is OK // removing the return statement...from the copy! list<SgNode*> returnstmt_list = NodeQuery::querySubTree(root_copy, V_SgReturnStmt); SgStatement* stmt = isSgStatement(*returnstmt_list.begin()); LowLevelRewrite::remove(stmt); sgproject->unparse(); // should output unmodified sgproject and it does. The deep copy // mechanism works for the SgGlobal object. // moving the output file to a new file, so that we can unparse the sgproject again without // overwriting the results char *outputfile = file.get_unparse_output_filename(); string move = "mv " + string(outputfile) + " orig_" + string(outputfile); system(move.c_str()); // want to output modified sgproject file.set_root(root_copy); //sgproject->set_file(file); sgproject->unparse(); // or use: file.unparse();? // Unparsing the sgproject after adding the root_copy to the file-object (I want // to unparse the modified copy...), gives me an error message: // /home/hauge2/ROSE/src/backend/unparser/unparse_stmt.C:1047: void Unparser::unparseFuncDefnStmt(SgStatement*, SgUnparse_Info&): Assertion `funcdefn_stmt->get_declaration() != __null' failed. return 0; }
int main ( int argc, char * argv[] ) { int a; if (argc <= 1) { PrintUsage(argv[0]); return -1; } DEBUG_ICFG = 1; DEBUG_STMT = 0; SgProject sageProject ( argc,argv); SageInterface::changeAllBodiesToBlocks(&sageProject); CmdOptions::GetInstance()->SetOptions(argc, argv); // TestPtrAnal op; // ptr_Anal_ICFG_Creator op; int filenum = sageProject.numberOfFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < filenum; ++i) { SgFile &sageFile = sageProject.get_file(i); SgGlobal *root = sageFile.get_root(); AstInterfaceImpl scope(root); AstInterface fa(&scope); SgDeclarationStatementPtrList& declList = root->get_declarations (); for (SgDeclarationStatementPtrList::iterator p = declList.begin(); p != declList.end(); ++p) { SgFunctionDeclaration *func = isSgFunctionDeclaration(*p); if (func == 0) continue; SgFunctionDefinition *defn = func->get_definition(); if (defn == 0) continue; op(fa, defn); } } op.draw("out.jpg"); return 0; }
int main ( int argc, char* argv[] ) { Rose_STL_Container<std::string> l = CommandlineProcessing::generateArgListFromArgcArgv(argc,argv); if ( CommandlineProcessing::isOptionWithParameter(l, "-taurose:","(v|verbose)",verbose ,false)) { std::cerr << "Verbose logging enabled" << std::endl; verbose = 1; std::cerr << "Verbose: " << verbose << std::endl; } SgProject* project = frontend(l); ROSE_ASSERT (project != NULL); SgFile & localFile = project->get_file(0); localFile.get_file_info()->display("localFile information"); InheritedAttribute inheritedAttribute(0); visitorTraversal exampleTraversal; exampleTraversal.traverse(project,inheritedAttribute); return 0; }
int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { std::vector<std::string> newArgv(argv,argv+argc); newArgv.push_back("-rose:wave"); newArgv.push_back("-rose:excludePath"); newArgv.push_back("/include/g++_HEADERS/"); newArgv.push_back("-rose:excludePath"); newArgv.push_back("/include/gcc_HEADERS/"); newArgv.push_back("-rose:excludePath"); newArgv.push_back("/include-staging/g++_HEADERS/"); newArgv.push_back("-rose:excludePath"); newArgv.push_back("/include-staging/gcc_HEADERS/"); newArgv.push_back("-rose:excludePath"); newArgv.push_back("/usr/include/"); newArgv.push_back("-rose:excludePath"); newArgv.push_back("/tests/CompileTest/"); newArgv.push_back("-rose:excludePath"); newArgv.push_back("<builtin>"); newArgv.push_back("-rose:excludePath"); newArgv.push_back("<built-in>"); newArgv.push_back("-rose:excludePath"); newArgv.push_back("<builltin>"); // Build the AST used by ROSE SgProject* project = frontend(newArgv); ROSE_ASSERT(project != NULL); // Run internal consistency tests on AST AstTests::runAllTests(project); // Assume that there is only one file std::string filename; for(int i = 0 ; i < project->numberOfFiles(); i++) { SgSourceFile* file = isSgSourceFile(&project->get_file(i)); if( file != NULL) filename = file->getFileName(); }; ROSE_ASSERT(filename != ""); filename+=".out"; filename = StringUtility::stripPathFromFileName(filename); //Output the macro diretives to the file ofstream myfile; (filename.c_str()); ROSE_ASSERT(myfile.is_open()); std::cout << "Outputing to the file " << filename << std::endl; backend(project); print_out_all_macros(myfile, project); // Insert your own manipulation of the AST here... // Generate source code from AST and call the vendor's compiler return backend(project); }
int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { if(argc < 3){ Usage(argc, argv); } char * roseTraceFile = argv[1]; FILE * roseTraceFilePtr; if(!(roseTraceFilePtr = fopen(roseTraceFile, "rb"))){ fprintf(stderr, "\n Failed to read TraceFile %s",roseTraceFile); exit(-1); } FILE * roseProjectDBFilePtr; const char * roseProjectDBFile = argv[2]; // Open the DB file... Don't need lock for reading. if(!(roseProjectDBFilePtr = fopen(roseProjectDBFile, "r"))){ fprintf(stderr, "\n Failed to read roseDBFile %s", roseProjectDBFile); exit(-1); } char fileName[PATH_MAX]; // Read DB file and assign file Ids while(fgets(fileName, PATH_MAX, roseProjectDBFilePtr)){ // kill \n fileName[strlen(fileName)-1] = '\0'; idToFile.push_back(string(fileName)); } fclose(roseProjectDBFilePtr); // Read all trace records from the trace uint64_t traceId; boost::unordered_map<uint64_t, SgNode*>::iterator it; std::set<uint64_t> fileSet; vector<uint64_t> traceRecordVector; while(fread(&traceId, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, roseTraceFilePtr)){ uint32_t fileId = traceId >> 32; if (fileId > idToFile.size()) { cout<<"\n"<< std::hex << traceId << " MISSING FILE!!!! id" << std::hex << fileId; traceRecordVector.push_back(NULL); } else { // If we have not seen this file, add it to teh set of files we want to open if(fileSet.find(fileId) == fileSet.end()){ fileSet.insert(fileId); } traceRecordVector.push_back(traceId); } } fclose(roseTraceFilePtr); // Now build AST for each file in the set. for(std::set<uint64_t>::iterator it = fileSet.begin(), e = fileSet.end(); it != e; it++) { // prepare args. uint32_t fileId = *it; int numArgs = argc - 2 + 1; // -2 becoz we remove the trace and DB file. +1 because we add the source file. char * arguments[numArgs]; for(int i = 3 ; i < numArgs - 1; i++){ arguments[i] = argv[i]; } arguments[0] = argv[0]; arguments[numArgs-1] = (char *) idToFile[fileId].c_str(); // Generate the ROSE AST. SgProject* project = frontend(numArgs, arguments); // AST consistency tests (optional for users, but this enforces more of our tests) AstTests::runAllTests(project); // Build node to trace id map. for(int i = 0 ; i < project->numberOfFiles(); i++) { SgFile & file = project->get_file(i); IdToNodeMapper mapper(&file, string(roseProjectDBFile)); } } // Now, print the mapping from trace id to its SgNode for( vector<uint64_t>::iterator it = traceRecordVector.begin(), e = traceRecordVector.end(); it != e; it++){ uint64_t traceId = *it; uint32_t fileId = traceId >> 32; SgNode * curSgNode = idToNodeMap[traceId]; if(idToNodeMap.find(traceId) != idToNodeMap.end()) cout <<"\n" << std::hex << traceId << idToFile[fileId] << ":" << std::hex << curSgNode << ":" << curSgNode->class_name(); else cout <<"\n" << std::hex << traceId << "HAS NO MAPPING!!!"; } return 0; }
int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { if(argc < 4){ Usage(argc, argv); } int numTraces = 0; try { numTraces = boost::lexical_cast<int>(argv[1]); } catch(...) { Usage(argc, argv); } FILE * roseTraceFilePtrs[numTraces]; char * roseTraceFiles[numTraces]; FILE * roseProjectDBFilePtr; const char * roseProjectDBFile; for(int i = 0 ; i < numTraces; i++) { roseTraceFiles[i] = argv[i+2]; if(!(roseTraceFilePtrs[i] = fopen(roseTraceFiles[i], "rb"))){ fprintf(stderr, "\n Failed to read TraceFile %s",roseTraceFiles[i]); exit(-1); } } // patch argv for(int i = numTraces + 2 ; i < argc; i++){ argv[i - 1 - numTraces] = argv[i]; } int patchedArgc = argc - (numTraces + 1); // Generate the ROSE AST. SgProject* project = frontend(patchedArgc ,argv); // AST consistency tests (optional for users, but this enforces more of our tests) AstTests::runAllTests(project); // Open the DB file... DOn't need lock for reading. roseProjectDBFile = project->get_projectSpecificDatabaseFile().c_str(); if(!(roseProjectDBFilePtr = fopen(roseProjectDBFile, "r"))){ fprintf(stderr, "\n Failed to read roseDBFile %s", roseProjectDBFile); exit(-1); } char fileName[PATH_MAX]; // Read DB file and assign file Ids while(fgets(fileName, PATH_MAX, roseProjectDBFilePtr)){ // kill \n fileName[strlen(fileName)-1] = '\0'; idToFile.push_back(string(fileName)); } fclose(roseProjectDBFilePtr); // Build node to trace id map. for(int i = 0 ; i < project->numberOfFiles(); i++) { SgFile & file = project->get_file(i); IdToNodeMapper mapper(&file, project->get_projectSpecificDatabaseFile()); } // Read all trace records from all traces uint64_t traceId; boost::unordered_map<uint64_t, SgNode*>::iterator it; vector<SgNode *> traceRecordVector[numTraces]; for(int curTraceNo = 0 ; curTraceNo < numTraces ; curTraceNo++) { while(fread(&traceId, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, roseTraceFilePtrs[curTraceNo])){ uint32_t fileId = traceId >> 32; uint32_t nodeId = (traceId & 0xffffffff); if (fileId > idToFile.size()) { cout<<"\n"<< std::hex << traceId << " MISSING FILE!!!! id" << std::hex << fileId; traceRecordVector[curTraceNo].push_back(NULL); } else { it = idToNodeMap.find(traceId); if(it == idToNodeMap.end()){ cout<<"\n"<< std::hex << traceId << " can't map back!!!" << std::hex << fileId << std::hex << nodeId; traceRecordVector[curTraceNo].push_back(NULL); } else { cout<<"\n"<< std::hex << traceId << ":"<< idToFile[fileId] << ":" << std::hex << (*it).second << ":" << ((*it).second)->class_name(); traceRecordVector[curTraceNo].push_back((*it).second); } } } fclose(roseTraceFilePtrs[curTraceNo]); } // Now, compare traces till they start to diverge and populate them in a vector so that one can iterate over them. vector<SgNode *> commonPrefix; uint64_t minTraceSize = -1; uint64_t maxTraceSize = 0; for( int i = 0 ; i < numTraces; i++){ if( traceRecordVector[i].size() < minTraceSize) { minTraceSize = traceRecordVector[i].size(); } if( traceRecordVector[i].size() > maxTraceSize) { maxTraceSize = traceRecordVector[i].size(); } } uint64_t commonPrefixLength = 0; for( ; commonPrefixLength < minTraceSize; commonPrefixLength++){ SgNode * curSgNode = traceRecordVector[0][commonPrefixLength]; for(int traceNo = 1 ; traceNo < numTraces ; traceNo++){ if(traceRecordVector[traceNo][commonPrefixLength] != curSgNode){ // Paths diverged cout<<"\n Paths diverge, common prefix length = " << commonPrefixLength; goto DONE; } } commonPrefix.push_back(curSgNode); } if(maxTraceSize == minTraceSize) cout<<"\n Paths match perfectly, length = " << commonPrefixLength; DONE: // Print the common prefix nodes cout<<"\n Common prefix is:"; for( uint64_t i = 0; i < commonPrefixLength ; i++){ SgNode * node = commonPrefix[i]; cout<<"\n"<< std::hex << node << ":" << node->class_name(); } return 0; }
string globalUnparseToString ( SgNode* astNode, SgUnparse_Info* inputUnparseInfoPointer ) { // This global function permits any SgNode (including it's subtree) to be turned into a string // DQ (3/2/2006): Let's make sure we have a valid IR node! ROSE_ASSERT(astNode != NULL); string returnString; // all options are now defined to be false. When these options can be passed in // from the prompt, these options will be set accordingly. bool _auto = false; bool linefile = false; bool useOverloadedOperators = false; bool num = false; // It is an error to have this always turned off (e.g. pointer = this; will not unparse correctly) bool _this = true; bool caststring = false; bool _debug = false; bool _class = false; bool _forced_transformation_format = false; bool _unparse_includes = false; // printf ("In globalUnparseToString(): astNode->sage_class_name() = %s \n",astNode->sage_class_name()); Unparser_Opt roseOptions( _auto, linefile, useOverloadedOperators, num, _this, caststring, _debug, _class, _forced_transformation_format, _unparse_includes ); int lineNumber = 0; // Zero indicates that ALL lines should be unparsed // Initialize the Unparser using a special string stream inplace of the usual file stream ostringstream outputString; SgLocatedNode* locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode(astNode); string fileNameOfStatementsToUnparse; if (locatedNode == NULL) { // printf ("WARNING: applying AST -> string for non expression/statement AST objects \n"); fileNameOfStatementsToUnparse = "defaultFileNameInGlobalUnparseToString"; } else { ROSE_ASSERT (locatedNode != NULL); // DQ (5/31/2005): Get the filename from a traversal back through the parents to the SgFile // fileNameOfStatementsToUnparse = locatedNode->getFileName(); // fileNameOfStatementsToUnparse = rose::getFileNameByTraversalBackToFileNode(locatedNode); if (locatedNode->get_parent() == NULL) { // DQ (7/29/2005): // Allow this function to be called with disconnected AST fragments not connected to // a previously generated AST. This happens in Qing's interface where AST fragements // are built and meant to be unparsed. Only the parent of the root of the AST // fragement is expected to be NULL. fileNameOfStatementsToUnparse = locatedNode->getFileName(); } else { fileNameOfStatementsToUnparse = rose::getFileNameByTraversalBackToFileNode(locatedNode); } } ROSE_ASSERT (fileNameOfStatementsToUnparse.size() > 0); Unparser roseUnparser ( &outputString, fileNameOfStatementsToUnparse, roseOptions, lineNumber ); // Information that is passed down through the tree (inherited attribute) // Use the input SgUnparse_Info object if it is available. SgUnparse_Info* inheritedAttributeInfoPointer = NULL; if (inputUnparseInfoPointer != NULL) { // printf ("Using the input inputUnparseInfoPointer object \n"); // Use the user provided SgUnparse_Info object inheritedAttributeInfoPointer = inputUnparseInfoPointer; } else { // DEFINE DEFAULT BEHAVIOUR FOR THE CASE WHEN NO inputUnparseInfoPointer (== NULL) IS // PASSED AS ARGUMENT TO THE FUNCTION // printf ("Building a new Unparse_Info object \n"); // If no input parameter has been specified then allocate one // inheritedAttributeInfoPointer = new SgUnparse_Info (NO_UNPARSE_INFO); inheritedAttributeInfoPointer = new SgUnparse_Info(); ROSE_ASSERT (inheritedAttributeInfoPointer != NULL); // MS: 09/30/2003: comments de-activated in unparsing ROSE_ASSERT (inheritedAttributeInfoPointer->SkipComments() == false); // Skip all comments in unparsing inheritedAttributeInfoPointer->set_SkipComments(); ROSE_ASSERT (inheritedAttributeInfoPointer->SkipComments() == true); // Skip all whitespace in unparsing (removed in generated string) inheritedAttributeInfoPointer->set_SkipWhitespaces(); ROSE_ASSERT (inheritedAttributeInfoPointer->SkipWhitespaces() == true); // Skip all directives (macros are already substituted by the front-end, so this has no effect on those) inheritedAttributeInfoPointer->set_SkipCPPDirectives(); ROSE_ASSERT (inheritedAttributeInfoPointer->SkipCPPDirectives() == true); } ROSE_ASSERT (inheritedAttributeInfoPointer != NULL); SgUnparse_Info & inheritedAttributeInfo = *inheritedAttributeInfoPointer; // Turn ON the error checking which triggers an error if the default SgUnparse_Info constructor is called // SgUnparse_Info::forceDefaultConstructorToTriggerError = true; #if 1 // DQ (10/19/2004): Cleaned up this code, remove this dead code after we are sure that this worked properly // Actually, this code is required to be this way, since after this branch the current function returns and // some data must be cleaned up differently! So put this back and leave it this way, and remove the // "Implementation Note". // Both SgProject and SgFile are handled via recursive calls if ( (isSgProject(astNode) != NULL) || (isSgFile(astNode) != NULL) ) { // printf ("Implementation Note: Put these cases (unparsing the SgProject and SgFile into the cases for nodes derived from SgSupport below! \n"); // Handle recursive call for SgProject if (isSgProject(astNode) != NULL) { SgProject* project = isSgProject(astNode); ROSE_ASSERT(project != NULL); for (int i = 0; i < project->numberOfFiles(); i++) { SgFile* file = &(project->get_file(i)); ROSE_ASSERT(file != NULL); string unparsedFileString = globalUnparseToString(file,inputUnparseInfoPointer); string prefixString = string("/* TOP:") + string(rose::getFileName(file)) + string(" */ \n"); string suffixString = string("\n/* BOTTOM:") + string(rose::getFileName(file)) + string(" */ \n\n"); returnString += prefixString + unparsedFileString + suffixString; } } // Handle recursive call for SgFile if (isSgFile(astNode) != NULL) { SgFile* file = isSgFile(astNode); ROSE_ASSERT(file != NULL); SgGlobal* globalScope = file->get_root(); ROSE_ASSERT(globalScope != NULL); returnString = globalUnparseToString(globalScope,inputUnparseInfoPointer); } } else #endif { // DQ (1/12/2003): Only now try to trap use of SgUnparse_Info default constructor // Turn ON the error checking which triggers an error if the default SgUnparse_Info constructor is called SgUnparse_Info::set_forceDefaultConstructorToTriggerError(true); if (isSgStatement(astNode) != NULL) { SgStatement* stmt = isSgStatement(astNode); roseUnparser.unparseStatement ( stmt, inheritedAttributeInfo ); } if (isSgExpression(astNode) != NULL) { SgExpression* expr = isSgExpression(astNode); roseUnparser.unparseExpression ( expr, inheritedAttributeInfo ); } if (isSgType(astNode) != NULL) { SgType* type = isSgType(astNode); roseUnparser.unparseType ( type, inheritedAttributeInfo ); } if (isSgSymbol(astNode) != NULL) { SgSymbol* symbol = isSgSymbol(astNode); roseUnparser.unparseSymbol ( symbol, inheritedAttributeInfo ); } if (isSgSupport(astNode) != NULL) { // Handle different specific cases derived from SgSupport // (e.g. template parameters and template arguments). switch (astNode->variantT()) { #if 0 case V_SgProject: { SgProject* project = isSgProject(astNode); ROSE_ASSERT(project != NULL); for (int i = 0; i < project->numberOfFiles(); i++) { SgFile* file = &(project->get_file(i)); ROSE_ASSERT(file != NULL); string unparsedFileString = globalUnparseToString(file,inputUnparseInfoPointer); string prefixString = string("/* TOP:") + string(rose::getFileName(file)) + string(" */ \n"); string suffixString = string("\n/* BOTTOM:") + string(rose::getFileName(file)) + string(" */ \n\n"); returnString += prefixString + unparsedFileString + suffixString; } break; } case V_SgFile: { SgFile* file = isSgFile(astNode); ROSE_ASSERT(file != NULL); SgGlobal* globalScope = file->get_root(); ROSE_ASSERT(globalScope != NULL); returnString = globalUnparseToString(globalScope,inputUnparseInfoPointer); break; } #endif case V_SgTemplateParameter: { SgTemplateParameter* templateParameter = isSgTemplateParameter(astNode); roseUnparser.unparseTemplateParameter(templateParameter,inheritedAttributeInfo); break; } case V_SgTemplateArgument: { SgTemplateArgument* templateArgument = isSgTemplateArgument(astNode); roseUnparser.unparseTemplateArgument(templateArgument,inheritedAttributeInfo); break; } case V_SgInitializedName: { // QY: not sure how to implement this // DQ (7/23/2004): This should unparse as a declaration // (type and name with initializer). break; } case V_Sg_File_Info: { // DQ (5/11/2006): Not sure how or if we shoul implement this break; } // Perhaps the support for SgFile and SgProject shoud be moved to this location? default: printf ("Error: default reached in node derived from SgSupport astNode = %s \n",astNode->sage_class_name()); ROSE_ABORT(); } } // Turn OFF the error checking which triggers an if the default SgUnparse_Info constructor is called SgUnparse_Info::set_forceDefaultConstructorToTriggerError(false); // MS: following is the rewritten code of the above outcommented // code to support ostringstream instead of ostrstream. returnString = outputString.str(); // Call function to tighten up the code to make it more dense if (inheritedAttributeInfo.SkipWhitespaces() == true) { returnString = roseUnparser.removeUnwantedWhiteSpace ( returnString ); } // delete the allocated SgUnparse_Info object if (inputUnparseInfoPointer == NULL) delete inheritedAttributeInfoPointer; } return returnString; }
void TransformationSupport::getTransformationOptions ( SgNode* astNode, list<OptionDeclaration> & generatedList, string identifingTypeName ) { // This function searches for variables of type ScopeBasedTransformationOptimization. Variables // of type ScopeBasedTransformationOptimization are used to communicate optimizations from the // application to the preprocessor. If called from a project or file object it traverses down to // the global scope of the file and searches only the global scope, if called from and other // location within the AST it searches the current scope and then traverses the parent nodes to // find all enclosing scopes until in reaches the global scope. At each scope it searches for // variables of type ScopeBasedTransformationOptimization. // printf ("######################### START OF TRANSFORMATION OPTION QUERY ######################## \n"); ROSE_ASSERT (astNode != NULL); ROSE_ASSERT (identifingTypeName.c_str() != NULL); #if 0 printf ("In getTransformationOptions(): astNode->sage_class_name() = %s generatedList.size() = %d \n", astNode->sage_class_name(),generatedList.size()); SgLocatedNode* locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode(astNode); if (locatedNode != NULL) { printf (" locatedNode->get_file_info()->get_filename() = %s \n",locatedNode->get_file_info()->get_filename()); printf (" locatedNode->get_file_info()->get_line() = %d \n",locatedNode->get_file_info()->get_line()); } #endif switch (astNode->variant()) { case ProjectTag: { SgProject* project = isSgProject(astNode); ROSE_ASSERT (project != NULL); //! Loop through all the files in the project and call the mainTransform function for each file int i = 0; for (i=0; i < project->numberOfFiles(); i++) { SgFile* file = &(project->get_file(i)); // printf ("Calling Query::traverse(SgFile,QueryFunctionType,QueryAssemblyFunctionType) \n"); getTransformationOptions ( file, generatedList, identifingTypeName ); } break; } case SourceFileTag: { SgSourceFile* file = isSgSourceFile(astNode); ROSE_ASSERT (file != NULL); SgGlobal* globalScope = file->get_globalScope(); ROSE_ASSERT (globalScope != NULL); ROSE_ASSERT (isSgGlobal(globalScope) != NULL); getTransformationOptions ( globalScope, generatedList, identifingTypeName ); break; } // Global Scope case GLOBAL_STMT: { SgGlobal* globalScope = isSgGlobal(astNode); ROSE_ASSERT (globalScope != NULL); SgSymbolTable* symbolTable = globalScope->get_symbol_table(); ROSE_ASSERT (symbolTable != NULL); getTransformationOptions ( symbolTable, generatedList, identifingTypeName ); // printf ("Processed global scope, exiting .. \n"); // ROSE_ABORT(); break; } case SymbolTableTag: { // List the variable in each scope // printf ("List all the variables in this symbol table! \n"); SgSymbolTable* symbolTable = isSgSymbolTable(astNode); ROSE_ASSERT (symbolTable != NULL); bool foundTransformationOptimizationSpecifier = false; // printf ("Now print out the information in the symbol table for this scope: \n"); // symbolTable->print(); #if 0 // I don't know when a SymbolTable is given a name! printf ("SymbolTable has a name = %s \n", (symbolTable->get_no_name()) ? "NO: it has no name" : "YES: it does have a name"); if (!symbolTable->get_no_name()) printf ("SymbolTable name = %s \n",symbolTable->get_name().str()); else ROSE_ASSERT (symbolTable->get_name().str() == NULL); #endif if (symbolTable->get_table() != NULL) { SgSymbolTable::hash_iterator i = symbolTable->get_table()->begin(); int counter = 0; while (i != symbolTable->get_table()->end()) { ROSE_ASSERT ( isSgSymbol( (*i).second ) != NULL ); // printf ("Initial info: number: %d pair.first (SgName) = %s pair.second (SgSymbol) sage_class_name() = %s \n", // counter,(*i).first.str(),(*i).second->sage_class_name()); SgSymbol* symbol = isSgSymbol((*i).second); ROSE_ASSERT ( symbol != NULL ); SgType* type = symbol->get_type(); ROSE_ASSERT ( type != NULL ); SgNamedType* namedType = isSgNamedType(type); string typeName; if (namedType != NULL) { SgName n = namedType->get_name(); typeName = namedType->get_name().str(); // char* nameString = namedType->get_name().str(); // printf ("Type is: (named type) = %s \n",nameString); ROSE_ASSERT (identifingTypeName.c_str() != NULL); // ROSE_ASSERT (typeName != NULL); // printf ("In getTransformationOptions(): typeName = %s identifingTypeName = %s \n",typeName.c_str(),identifingTypeName.c_str()); // if ( (typeName != NULL) && ( typeName == identifingTypeName) ) if ( typeName == identifingTypeName ) { // Now look at the parameter list to the constructor and save the // values into the list. // printf ("Now save the constructor arguments! \n"); SgVariableSymbol* variableSymbol = isSgVariableSymbol(symbol); if ( variableSymbol != NULL ) { SgInitializedName* initializedNameDeclaration = variableSymbol->get_declaration(); ROSE_ASSERT (initializedNameDeclaration != NULL); SgDeclarationStatement* declarationStatement = initializedNameDeclaration->get_declaration(); ROSE_ASSERT (declarationStatement != NULL); SgVariableDeclaration* variableDeclaration = isSgVariableDeclaration(declarationStatement); ROSE_ASSERT (variableDeclaration != NULL); getTransformationOptionsFromVariableDeclarationConstructorArguments(variableDeclaration,generatedList); foundTransformationOptimizationSpecifier = true; // printf ("Exiting after saving the constructor arguments! \n"); // ROSE_ABORT(); } else { #if 0 printf ("Not a SgVariableSymbol: symbol->sage_class_name() = %s \n", symbol->sage_class_name()); #endif } } else { #if 0 printf ("typeName != identifingTypeName : symbol->sage_class_name() = %s \n", symbol->sage_class_name()); #endif #if 0 // I don't think this should ever be NULL (but it is sometimes) if (typeName != NULL) printf ("typeName == NULL \n"); #endif } } else { typeName = (char *)type->sage_class_name(); } // printf ("In while loop at the base: counter = %d \n",counter); i++; counter++; } } else { // printf ("Pointer to symbol table is NULL \n"); } // printf ("foundTransformationOptimizationSpecifier = %s \n",foundTransformationOptimizationSpecifier ? "true" : "false"); // SgSymbolTable objects don't have a parent node (specifically they lack a get_parent // member function in the interface)! break; } case BASIC_BLOCK_STMT: { // List the variable in each scope // printf ("List all the variables in this scope! \n"); SgBasicBlock* basicBlock = isSgBasicBlock(astNode); ROSE_ASSERT (basicBlock != NULL); SgSymbolTable* symbolTable = basicBlock->get_symbol_table(); ROSE_ASSERT (symbolTable != NULL); getTransformationOptions ( symbolTable, generatedList, identifingTypeName ); // Next go (fall through this case) to the default case so that we traverse the parent // of the SgBasicBlock. // break; } default: // Most cases will be the default (this is by design) // printf ("default in switch found in globalQueryGetListOperandStringFunction() (sage_class_name = %s) \n",astNode->sage_class_name()); // Need to recursively backtrack through the parents until we reach the SgGlobal (global scope) SgStatement* statement = isSgStatement(astNode); if (statement != NULL) { SgNode* parentNode = statement->get_parent(); ROSE_ASSERT (parentNode != NULL); // printf ("parent = %p parentNode->sage_class_name() = %s \n",parentNode,parentNode->sage_class_name()); SgStatement* parentStatement = isSgStatement(parentNode); if (parentStatement == NULL) { printf ("parentStatement == NULL: statement (%p) is a %s \n",statement,statement->sage_class_name()); printf ("parentStatement == NULL: statement->get_file_info()->get_filename() = %s \n",statement->get_file_info()->get_filename()); printf ("parentStatement == NULL: statement->get_file_info()->get_line() = %d \n",statement->get_file_info()->get_line()); } ROSE_ASSERT (parentStatement != NULL); // Call this function recursively (directly rather than through the query mechanism) getTransformationOptions ( parentStatement, generatedList, identifingTypeName ); } else { // printf ("astNode is not a SgStatement! \n"); } break; } #if 0 printf ("At BASE of getTransformationOptions(): astNode->sage_class_name() = %s size of generatedList = %d \n", astNode->sage_class_name(),generatedList.size()); #endif // printf ("######################### END OF TRANSFORMATION OPTION QUERY ######################## \n"); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SgProject *sgproject = frontend(argc,argv); //copying the sgproject so that the code isn't destructive // OBS: THIS COPYING HAS NO EFFECT!!! // SgProject *sgproject = sgproject_original; ROSE_ASSERT(sgproject != NULL); char* filename = sgproject->get_file(0).getFileName(); char* outputname = sgproject->get_file(0).get_unparse_output_filename(); char* interface; if(argv[2] == NULL){ cout << "Please choose an interface number (1, (2) or 3)." << endl; cout << "usage: ./slice inputfile interface_number\n\n" << endl; return 0; } else{ interface = argv[2]; //cout << "interface = " << interface << endl; // COMPLETE SLICE if(*interface == '1'){ //slice the code Slicing::completeSlice(sgproject); cout << "RESULT OF SLICING:" << endl; printf("Slicing of %s went OK. The result is in the file %s.\n\n",filename,outputname); } // This slicing is slightly meaningless else if(*interface == '2'){ set<SgNode*> stmt; Slicing::sliceOnlyStmtWithControl(sgproject, stmt); cout << "RESULT OF SLICING;" << endl; // meaningless output...? includes return statements... set<SgNode*>::const_iterator s; for(s=stmt.begin();s!=stmt.end();++s){ cout <<" - " << (*s)->unparseToString() << endl; } cout << "\n(No rose_filename written. Only the above list is the output.)\n\n" <<endl; } // ONLY STATEMENTS else if(*interface == '3'){ set<SgNode*> stmt_in_slice; Slicing::sliceOnlyStmts(sgproject, stmt_in_slice); cout << "RESULT OF SLICING:" << endl; set<SgNode*>::const_iterator s; for(s=stmt_in_slice.begin();s!=stmt_in_slice.end();++s){ cout <<" - " << (*s)->unparseToString() << endl; } cout << "\n(No rose_filename written. Only the above list is the output.)\n\n" <<endl; } } // backend(sgproject); /* The reason for not calling backend: Calling prelink utility ... sh: line 1: edg_prelink: command not found sl slice: /home/hauge2/ROSE/src/roseSupport/templateSupport.C:236: void instantiateTemplates(SgProject*): Assertion `errorCode == 0' failed. */ //delete sgproject; return 0; }
int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { { std::vector<std::string> newArgv(argv,argv+argc); newArgv.push_back("-rose:skip_rose"); SgProject* project = frontend(newArgv); backend(project); } std::vector<std::string> newArgv(argv,argv+argc); newArgv.push_back("-rose:wave"); newArgv.push_back("-rose:excludePath"); newArgv.push_back("/include/g++_HEADERS/"); newArgv.push_back("-rose:excludePath"); newArgv.push_back("/include/gcc_HEADERS/"); newArgv.push_back("-rose:excludePath"); newArgv.push_back("/include-staging/g++_HEADERS/"); newArgv.push_back("-rose:excludePath"); newArgv.push_back("/include-staging/gcc_HEADERS/"); newArgv.push_back("-rose:excludePath"); newArgv.push_back("/usr/include/"); newArgv.push_back("-rose:excludePath"); newArgv.push_back("/tests/CompileTest/"); newArgv.push_back("-rose:excludePath"); newArgv.push_back("<builtin>"); newArgv.push_back("-rose:excludePath"); newArgv.push_back("<built-in>"); newArgv.push_back("-rose:excludePath"); newArgv.push_back("<builltin>"); // Build the AST used by ROSE SgProject* project = frontend(newArgv); ROSE_ASSERT(project != NULL); // Build a list of functions within the AST AnalyzeMacroCalls* macroCalls = new AnalyzeMacroCalls(project, false, std::cerr); // Assume that there is only one file std::string filename; for(int i = 0 ; i < project->numberOfFiles(); i++) { SgSourceFile* file = isSgSourceFile(&project->get_file(i)); if( file != NULL) filename = file->getFileName(); }; ROSE_ASSERT(filename != ""); filename+=".out"; filename = StringUtility::stripPathFromFileName(filename); ofstream myfile; (filename.c_str()); ROSE_ASSERT(myfile.is_open()); std::cout << "Outputing to the file " << filename << std::endl; macroCalls->print_out_all_macros(myfile); // return backend(project); myfile.close(); }