コード例 #1
main ( int argc,  char * argv[] )

     if (argc <= 1) {
         return -1;

     SgProject sageProject ( (int)argc,argv);
    CmdOptions::GetInstance()->SetOptions(argc, argv);

   int filenum = sageProject.numberOfFiles();
   for (int i = 0; i < filenum; ++i) {
     SgSourceFile* sageFile = isSgSourceFile(sageProject.get_fileList()[i]);
     ROSE_ASSERT(sageFile != NULL);
     SgGlobal *root = sageFile->get_globalScope();
     SgDeclarationStatementPtrList& declList = root->get_declarations ();
     for (SgDeclarationStatementPtrList::iterator p = declList.begin(); p != declList.end(); ++p) {
          SgFunctionDeclaration *func = isSgFunctionDeclaration(*p);
          if (func == 0)
          SgFunctionDefinition *defn = func->get_definition();
          if (defn == 0)
          SgBasicBlock *stmts = defn->get_body();  
          AstInterfaceImpl scope(stmts);
          AstInterface fa(&scope);
          StmtVarAliasCollect alias;
          alias(fa, AstNodePtrImpl(defn));
          if (GenerateDOT(argc, argv)) {
             string name = string(strrchr(sageFile->getFileName().c_str(),'/')+1) + ".dot";
             TestDUWrap_DOT op(alias);
             op(fa, defn, name);
          else {
             string name = string(strrchr(sageFile->getFileName().c_str(),'/')+1) + ".outx";
#if 0   // Test harness uses stdout now rather than a temporary file [Robb P. Matzke 2013-02-25]
             TestDUWrap_Text op(alias,name);
             TestDUWrap_Stdout op(alias);
             op(fa, defn);

  return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ScopExtractor.cpp プロジェクト: 8l/rose
ScopExtractor::ScopExtractor(SgProject* project, PolyRoseOptions& polyopts)
  //   this->project = project;
  this->polyoptions = polyopts;
  isVerbose = ! polyopts.getQuiet();
  if (isVerbose)
    std::cout << "[PolyOpt] Using generic scop extractor" << std::endl;

  SgFilePtrList& file_list = project->get_fileList();
  SgFilePtrList::const_iterator file_iter;
  // Iterate on all files of the project.
  for (file_iter = file_list.begin(); file_iter != file_list.end(); file_iter++)
      SgSourceFile* file = isSgSourceFile(*file_iter);
      if (polyoptions.getScVerboseLevel())
	cout << "[Extr] File: " << file->getFileName() << endl;
      SgNodePtrList funcDefnList =
	NodeQuery::querySubTree(file, V_SgFunctionDefinition);
      SgNodePtrList::const_iterator iter;
      // Iterate on all function defined in a file.
      for (iter = funcDefnList.begin(); iter != funcDefnList.end(); ++iter)
	  SgFunctionDefinition *fun = isSgFunctionDefinition(*iter);
	  if (!fun)
	      cout << "[Extr] Warning: Expected SgFunctionDefinition in " <<
		file->getFileName() << endl;
	      continue; // with the next function definition
	  SgName name = fun->get_declaration()->get_name();
	  if (polyoptions.getScVerboseLevel())
	    cout << "[Extr] Function: " << name.getString() << endl;
	  SgBasicBlock* body = fun->get_body();

	  // Ensure the function is a candidate (no (unsafe) function
	  // calls).
	  if (assertFunctionIsCandidate(project, body))
	      // Proceed recursively, bottom up.
	      inspectBottomUpFunctionBody(project, body);
  if (isVerbose)
    std::cout << "[ScopExtraction] Generic: done" << std::endl;
コード例 #3
ファイル: CFGTest.C プロジェクト: Federico2014/edg4x-rose
main ( int argc,  char * argv[] )

     if (argc <= 1) {
         return -1;

     SgProject sageProject ( (int)argc,argv);


    CmdOptions::GetInstance()->SetOptions(argc, argv);

   int filenum = sageProject.numberOfFiles();
   for (int i = 0; i < filenum; ++i) {
      SgSourceFile* sageFile = isSgSourceFile(sageProject.get_fileList()[i]);
      ROSE_ASSERT(sageFile != NULL);

      TestCFGWrap::AnalysisDomain t = UseOA(argc, argv)? TestCFGWrap::OA : TestCFGWrap::ROSE;
      string filename = sageFile->getFileName();

#if 0 // Test harness uses stdout rather than a temporary file
      string txtname = filename.substr(filename.rfind('/')+1) + ".outx"; 
      TestCFGWrap_Text txtop(t,txtname);
      TestCFGWrap_Stdout txtop(t);
      //string dotname = string(strrchr(sageFile.getFileName(),'/')+1) + ".dot";
      string dotname = filename.substr(filename.rfind('/')+1) + ".dot";
      TestCFGWrap_DOT dotop(t);
     SgGlobal *root = sageFile->get_globalScope();
     SgDeclarationStatementPtrList& declList = root->get_declarations ();
     for (SgDeclarationStatementPtrList::iterator p = declList.begin(); p != declList.end(); ++p) {
          SgFunctionDeclaration *func = isSgFunctionDeclaration(*p);
          if (func == 0)
          SgFunctionDefinition *defn = func->get_definition();
          if (defn == 0)
          SgNode* stmts = defn;
          if (GenerateDOT(argc, argv)) {
             dotop(stmts, dotname);
          else {

  return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Translator.cpp プロジェクト: ioz9/OP2_ROSE_Fortran
        virtual void
        visit (SgNode * node)
          using boost::iequals;
          using boost::filesystem::path;
          using boost::filesystem::system_complete;

          SgSourceFile * file = isSgSourceFile (node);

          if (file != NULL)
            path p = system_complete (path (file->getFileName ()));

            if (generator->isDirty (p.filename ()))
              Debug::getInstance ()->debugMessage ("Unparsing '"
                  + p.filename () + "'", Debug::FUNCTION_LEVEL, __FILE__,

              outputFiles.push_back ("rose_" + p.filename ());

              file->unparse ();
            else if (iequals (p.filename (), generator->getFileName ()))
              Debug::getInstance ()->debugMessage ("Unparsing generated file '"
                  + p.filename () + "'", Debug::FUNCTION_LEVEL, __FILE__,

              outputFiles.push_back (p.filename ());

              generatedFile = p.filename ();

              file->unparse ();
              Debug::getInstance ()->debugMessage ("File '" + p.filename ()
                  + "' remains unchanged", Debug::FUNCTION_LEVEL, __FILE__,

              outputFiles.push_back ("rose_" + p.filename ());

              file->unparse ();
コード例 #5
  string roseNode::getFileName() const
    string result;
    // no uniform way to get file name in ROSE
    SgLocatedNode* lnode = isSgLocatedNode(mNode);
    SgSourceFile* sfile = isSgSourceFile(mNode);
    if (lnode)
      result = lnode->getFilenameString();
    else if (sfile)
      result = sfile->getFileName();
      cerr<<"error: unrecognized sage node to get a file name:"

    return result;
コード例 #6
ファイル: testWave.C プロジェクト: billhoffman/rose-develop
int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) 

     std::vector<std::string> newArgv(argv,argv+argc);


  // Build the AST used by ROSE
     SgProject* project = frontend(newArgv);
     ROSE_ASSERT(project != NULL);

  // Run internal consistency tests on AST

     // Assume that there is only one file
     std::string filename;
     for(int i = 0 ; i < project->numberOfFiles(); i++)
       SgSourceFile* file = isSgSourceFile(&project->get_file(i));
       if( file != NULL)
         filename = file->getFileName();


     ROSE_ASSERT(filename != "");

     filename = StringUtility::stripPathFromFileName(filename);

     //Output the macro diretives to the file
     ofstream myfile;
     myfile.open (filename.c_str());

     std::cout << "Outputing to the file " << filename << std::endl;

     print_out_all_macros(myfile, project);
  // Insert your own manipulation of the AST here...

  // Generate source code from AST and call the vendor's compiler
     return backend(project);
コード例 #7
void postProcessingSupport (SgNode* node)
    // DQ (5/24/2006): Added this test to figue out where Symbol parent pointers are being reset to NULL
    // TestParentPointersOfSymbols::test();

    // DQ (7/25/2005): It is presently an error to call this function with a SgProject
    // or SgDirectory, since there is no way to compute the SgFile from such IR nodes
    // (could be multiply defined).
    // ROSE_ASSERT(isSgProject(node) == NULL && isSgDirectory(node) == NULL);
    // GB (8/19/2009): Removed the assertion against calling this function on
    // SgProject and SgDirectory nodes. Nothing below needs to compute a
    // SgFile, as far as I can tell; also, calling the AstPostProcessing just
    // once on an entire project is more efficient than calling it once per
    // file.

    // JJW (12/5/2008): Turn off C and C++ postprocessing steps when the new EDG
    // interface is being used (it should produce correct, complete ASTs on its
    // own and do its own fixups)

    // Only do AST post-processing for C/C++
    bool doPostprocessing = (SageInterface::is_Fortran_language() == true) ||
                            (SageInterface::is_PHP_language() == true) ||
                            (SageInterface::is_Python_language() == true);

    // If this is C or C++ then we are using the new EDG translation and althrough fewer
    // fixups should be required, some are still required.
    if (doPostprocessing == false)
        printf ("Postprocessing AST build using new EDG/Sage Translation Interface. \n");
#if 0
        // DQ (4/26/2013): Debugging code.
        printf ("In postProcessingSupport: Test 1: Calling postProcessingTestFunctionCallArguments() \n");
        // DQ (10/31/2012): Added fixup for EDG bug which drops variable declarations of some source sequence lists.

        // DQ (5/1/2012): After EDG/ROSE translation, there should be no IR nodes marked as transformations.
        // Liao 11/21/2012. AstPostProcessing() is called within both Frontend and Midend
        // so we have to detect the mode first before asserting no transformation generated file info objects
        if (SageBuilder::SourcePositionClassificationMode != SageBuilder::e_sourcePositionTransformation)

        // DQ (8/12/2012): reset all of the type references (to intermediately generated types).

        // Reset and test and parent pointers so that it matches our definition
        // of the AST (as defined by the AST traversal mechanism).

        // DQ (8/23/2012): Modified to take a SgNode so that we could compute the global scope for use in setting
        // parents of template instantiations that have not be placed into the AST but exist in the memory pool.
        // Another 2nd step to make sure that parents of even IR nodes not traversed can be set properly.
        // resetParentPointersInMemoryPool();

        // DQ (6/27/2005): fixup the defining and non-defining declarations referenced at each SgDeclarationStatement
        // This is a more sophisticated fixup than that done by fixupDeclarations. See test2009_09.C for an example
        // of a non-defining declaration appearing before a defining declaration and requiring a fixup of the
        // non-defining declaration reference to the defining declaration.

        // DQ (6/11/2013): This corrects where EDG can set the scope of a friend declaration to be different from the defining declaration.
        // We need it to be a rule in ROSE that the scope of the declarations are consistant between defining and all non-defining declaration).

        // Fixup the symbol tables (in each scope) and the global function type
        // symbol table. This is less important for C, but required for C++.
        // But since the new EDG interface has to handle C and C++ we don't
        // setup the global function type table there to be uniform.

        // DQ (4/14/2010): Added support for symbol aliases for C++
        // This is the support for C++ "using declarations" which uses symbol aliases in the symbol table to provide
        // correct visability of symbols included from alternative scopes (e.g. namespaces).

        // DQ (2/12/2012): Added support for this, since AST_consistancy expects get_nameResetFromMangledForm() == true.

        // **********************************************************************
        // DQ (4/29/2012): Added some of the template fixup support for EDG 4.3 work.
        // DQ (6/21/2005): This function now only marks the subtrees of all appropriate declarations as compiler generated.
        // DQ (5/27/2005): mark all template instantiations (which we generate as template specializations) as compiler generated.
        // This is required to make them pass the unparser and the phase where comments are attached.  Some fixup of filenames
        // and line numbers might also be required.

#if 0
        // DQ (4/26/2013): Debugging code.
        printf ("In postProcessingSupport: Test 2: Calling postProcessingTestFunctionCallArguments() \n");

        // DQ (8/19/2005): Mark any template specialization (C++ specializations are template instantiations
        // that are explicit in the source code).  Such template specializations are marked for output only
        // if they are present in the source file.  This detail could effect handling of header files later on.
        // Have this phase preceed the markTemplateInstantiationsForOutput() since all specializations should
        // be searched for uses of (references to) instantiated template functions and member functions.

        // DQ (6/21/2005): This function marks template declarations for output by the unparser (it is part of a
        // fixed point iteration over the AST to force find all templates that are required (EDG at the moment
        // outputs only though template functions that are required, but this function solves the more general
        // problem of instantiation of both function and member function templates (and static data, later)).

        // DQ (10/21/2007): Friend template functions were previously not properly marked which caused their generated template
        // symbols to be added to the wrong symbol tables.  This is a cause of numerous symbol table problems.
        // DQ (4/29/2012): End of new template fixup support for EDG 4.3 work.
        // **********************************************************************

        // DQ (5/14/2012): Fixup source code position information for the end of functions to match the largest values in their subtree.
        // DQ (10/27/2007): Setup any endOfConstruct Sg_File_Info objects (report on where they occur)

#if 0
        // DQ (4/26/2013): Debugging code.
        printf ("In postProcessingSupport: Test 3: Calling postProcessingTestFunctionCallArguments() \n");

        // DQ (2/12/2012): This is a problem for test2004_35.C (debugging this issue).
        // printf ("Exiting after calling resetTemplateNames() \n");
        // ROSE_ASSERT(false);

        // DQ (10/4/2012): Added this pass to support command line option to control use of constant folding
        // (fixes bug pointed out by Liao).
        // DQ (9/14/2011): Process the AST to remove constant folded values held in the expression trees.
        // This step defines a consistent AST more suitable for analysis since only the constant folded
        // values will be visited.  However, the default should be to save the original expression trees
        // and remove the constant folded values since this represents the original code.
#if 1
        // DQ (10/11/2012): This is helpful to allow us to see both expression trees in the AST for debugging.
        printf ("Skipping AST Postprocessing resetConstantFoldedValues() \n");

#if 0
        // DQ (4/26/2013): Debugging code.
        printf ("In postProcessingSupport: Test 4: Calling postProcessingTestFunctionCallArguments() \n");

        // DQ (10/5/2012): Fixup known macros that might expand into a recursive mess in the unparsed code.

        // Make sure that frontend-specific and compiler-generated AST nodes are marked as such. These two must run in this
        // order since checkIsCompilerGenerated depends on correct values of compiler-generated flags.

        // This resets the isModified flag on each IR node so that we can record
        // where transformations are done in the AST.  If any transformations on
        // the AST are done, even just building it, this step should be the final
        // step.

        // DQ (5/2/2012): After EDG/ROSE translation, there should be no IR nodes marked as transformations.
        // Liao 11/21/2012. AstPostProcessing() is called within both Frontend and Midend
        // so we have to detect the mode first before asserting no transformation generated file info objects
        if (SageBuilder::SourcePositionClassificationMode !=SageBuilder::e_sourcePositionTransformation)

#if 0
        // DQ (4/26/2013): Debugging code.
        printf ("In postProcessingSupport: Test 10: Calling postProcessingTestFunctionCallArguments() \n");

        // DQ (4/24/2013): Detect the correct function declaration to declare the use of default arguments.
        // This can only be a single function and it can't be any function (this is a moderately complex issue).

        // DQ (12/20/2012): We now store the logical and physical source position information.
        // Although they are frequently the same, the use of #line directives causes them to be different.
        // This is part of debugging the physical source position information which is used in the weaving
        // of the comments and CPP directives into the AST.  For this the consistancy check is more helpful
        // if done befor it is used (here), instead of after the comment and CPP directive insertion in the
        // AST Consistancy tests.

        printf ("DONE: Postprocessing AST build using new EDG/Sage Translation Interface. \n");
#endif // ROSE_USE_NEW_EDG_INTERFACE -- do postprocessing unconditionally when the old EDG interface is used

    // DQ (7/7/2005): Introduce tracking of performance of ROSE.
    // TimingPerformance timer ("AST Fixup: time (sec) = ");

    if ( SgProject::get_verbose() >= AST_POST_PROCESSING_VERBOSE_LEVEL )
        cout << "/* AST Postprocessing started. */" << endl;

    ROSE_ASSERT(node != NULL);

    // DQ (7/19/2005): Moved to after parent pointer fixup!
    // subTemporaryAstFixes(node);

    // DQ (3/11/2006): Fixup NULL pointers left by users when building the AST
    // (note that the AST translation fixes these directly).  This step is
    // provided as a way to make the AST build by users consistant with what
    // is built elsewhere within ROSE.

    // DQ (8/9/2005): Some function definitions in Boost are build without
    // a body (example in test2005_102.C, but it appears to work fine).

    // DQ (8/10/2005): correct any template declarations mistakenly marked as compiler-generated

    // Output progress comments for these relatively expensive operations on the AST
    if ( SgProject::get_verbose() >= AST_POST_PROCESSING_VERBOSE_LEVEL )
        cout << "/* AST Postprocessing reset parent pointers */" << endl;

    topLevelResetParentPointer (node);

    // DQ (6/10/2007): This is called later, but call it now to reset the parents in SgTemplateInstantiationDecl
    // This is required (I think) so that resetTemplateNames() can compute template argument name qualification correctly.
    // See test2005_28.C for where this is required.
    // resetParentPointersInMemoryPool();

    // Output progress comments for these relatively expensive operations on the AST
    if ( SgProject::get_verbose() >= AST_POST_PROCESSING_VERBOSE_LEVEL )
        cout << "/* AST Postprocessing reset parent pointers (done) */" << endl;

    // DQ (7/19/2005): Moved to after parent pointer fixup!
    // subTemporaryAstFixes(node);

    // DQ (3/17/2007): This should be empty
    ROSE_ASSERT(SgNode::get_globalMangledNameMap().size() == 0);

    // DQ (12/1/2004): This should be done before the reset of template names (since that operation requires valid scopes!)
    // DQ (11/29/2004): Added to support new explicit scope information on IR nodes
    // initializeExplicitScopeData(node);

    // DQ (5/28/2006): Fixup names in declarations that are inconsistent (e.g. where more than one non-defining declaration exists)

    // DQ (3/17/2007): This should be empty
    ROSE_ASSERT(SgNode::get_globalMangledNameMap().size() == 0);

    // Output progress comments for these relatively expensive operations on the AST
    if ( SgProject::get_verbose() >= AST_POST_PROCESSING_VERBOSE_LEVEL )
        cout << "/* AST Postprocessing reset template names */" << endl;

#if 0
    // DQ (5/15/2011): I don't feel comfortable with this being called before the AST is finied being post processed.
    // This used to be called in the unparser, but that is after resetTemplateNames() below and that is a problem
    // because template names have already been generated.
    void newBuildHiddenTypeAndDeclarationLists( SgNode* node );
    printf ("Developing a new implementation of the name qualification support. \n");
    printf ("DONE: new name qualification support built. \n");

    printf ("Calling SgNode::clearGlobalMangledNameMap() \n");

    // DQ (5/15/2011): This causes template names to be computed as strings and and without name qualification
    // if we don't call the name qualification before here. Or we reset the template names after we do the
    // analysis to support the name qualification.
    // reset the names of template class declarations

    // DQ (2/12/2012): This is a problem for test2004_35.C (debugging this issue).
    // printf ("Exiting after calling resetTemplateNames() \n");
    // ROSE_ASSERT(false);

    // DQ (3/17/2007): This should be empty
    ROSE_ASSERT(SgNode::get_globalMangledNameMap().size() == 0);

    // Output progress comments for these relatively expensive operations on the AST
    if ( SgProject::get_verbose() >= AST_POST_PROCESSING_VERBOSE_LEVEL )
        cout << "/* AST Postprocessing reset template names (done) */" << endl;

    // DQ (6/26/2007): Enum values used before they are defined in a class can have NULL declaration pointers.  This
    // fixup handles this case and traverses just the SgEnumVal objects.

    // DQ (4/7/2010): This was commented out to modify Fortran code, but I think it should NOT modify Fortran code.
    // DQ (5/21/2008): This only make since for C and C++ (Error, this DOES apply to Fortran where the "parameter" attribute is used!)
    if (SageInterface::is_Fortran_language() == false && SageInterface::is_Java_language() == false)
        // DQ (3/20/2005): Fixup AST so that GNU g++ compile-able code will be generated

    // DQ (3/24/2005): Fixup AST to generate code that works around GNU g++ bugs

    // DQ (4/19/2005): fixup all definingDeclaration and NondefiningDeclaration pointers in SgDeclarationStatement IR nodes
    // fixupDeclarations(node);

    // DQ (5/20/2005): make the non-defining (forward) declarations added by EDG for static template
    // specializations added under the "--instantiation local" option match the defining declarations.

#if 0
    // DQ (6/27/2005): fixup the defining and non-defining declarations referenced at each SgDeclarationStatement

    // DQ (6/21/2005): This function now only marks the subtrees of all appropriate declarations as compiler generated.
    // DQ (5/27/2005): mark all template instantiations (which we generate as template specializations) as compiler generated.
    // This is required to make them pass the unparser and the phase where comments are attached.  Some fixup of filenames
    // and line numbers might also be required.

    // DQ (8/19/2005): Mark any template specialization (C++ specializations are template instantiations
    // that are explicit in the source code).  Such template specializations are marked for output only
    // if they are present in the source file.  This detail could effect handling of header files later on.
    // Have this phase preceed the markTemplateInstantiationsForOutput() since all specializations should
    // be searched for uses of (references to) instantiated template functions and member functions.

    // DQ (6/21/2005): This function marks template declarations for output by the unparser (it is part of a
    // fixed point iteration over the AST to force find all templates that are required (EDG at the moment
    // outputs only though template functions that are required, but this function solves the more general
    // problem of instantiation of both function and member function templates (and static data, later)).

    // DQ (3/17/2007): This should be empty
    ROSE_ASSERT(SgNode::get_globalMangledNameMap().size() == 0);

    // DQ (3/16/2006): fixup any newly added declarations (see if we can eliminate the first place where this is called, above)
    // fixup all definingDeclaration and NondefiningDeclaration pointers in SgDeclarationStatement IR nodes
    // driscoll6 (6/10/11): this traversal sets p_firstNondefiningDeclaration for defining declarations, which
    // causes justifiable failures in AstConsistencyTests. Until this is resolved, skip this test for Python.
    if (SageInterface::is_Python_language()) {
        //cerr << "warning: python. Skipping fixupDeclarations() in astPostProcessing.C" << endl;
    } else {

    // DQ (3/17/2007): This should be empty
    ROSE_ASSERT(SgNode::get_globalMangledNameMap().size() == 0);

    // DQ (2/12/2006): Moved to trail marking templates (as a test)
    // DQ (6/27/2005): fixup the defining and non-defining declarations referenced at each SgDeclarationStatement
    // This is a more sophisticated fixup than that done by fixupDeclarations.

#if 0
    ROSE_ASSERT(saved_declaration != NULL);
    printf ("saved_declaration = %p saved_declaration->get_definingDeclaration() = %p saved_declaration->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration() = %p \n",
    ROSE_ASSERT(saved_declaration->get_definingDeclaration() != saved_declaration->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration());

    // DQ (10/21/2007): Friend template functions were previously not properly marked which caused their generated template
    // symbols to be added to the wrong symbol tables.  This is a cause of numerous symbol table problems.

    // DQ (3/17/2007): This should be the last point at which the globalMangledNameMap is empty
    // The fixupAstSymbolTables will generate calls to function types that will be placed into
    // the globalMangledNameMap.
    ROSE_ASSERT(SgNode::get_globalMangledNameMap().size() == 0);

    // DQ (6/26/2005): The global function type symbol table should be rebuilt (since the names of templates
    // used in qualified names of types have been reset (in post processing).  Other local symbol tables should
    // be initalized and constructed for any empty scopes (for consistancy, we want all scopes to have a valid
    // symbol table pointer).

    // DQ (3/17/2007): At this point the globalMangledNameMap has been used in the symbol table construction. OK.
    // ROSE_ASSERT(SgNode::get_globalMangledNameMap().size() == 0);

    // DQ (8/20/2005): Handle backend vendor specific template handling options
    // (e.g. g++ options: -fno-implicit-templates and -fno-implicit-inline-templates)

    // DQ (5/22/2005): relocate compiler generated forward template instantiation declarations to appear
    // after the template declarations and before first use.
    // relocateCompilerGeneratedTemplateInstantiationDeclarationsInAST(node);

    // DQ (8/27/2005): This disables output of some template instantiations that would result in
    // "ambiguous template specialization" in g++ (version 3.3.x, 3.4.x, and 4.x).  See test2005_150.C
    // for more detail.

    // DQ (9/5/2005): Need to mark all nodes in any subtree marked as a transformation

    // DQ (3/5/2006): Mark functions that are provided for backend compatability as compiler generated by ROSE
#if 1
    printf ("Warning: Skipped marking of backend specific functions ... \n");

    // DQ (5/24/2006): Added this test to figure out where Symbol parent pointers are being reset to NULL
    // TestParentPointersOfSymbols::test();

    // DQ (5/24/2006): reset the remaining parents in IR nodes missed by the AST based traversals
    // resetParentPointersInMemoryPool();

    // DQ (3/17/2007): This should be empty
    // ROSE_ASSERT(SgNode::get_globalMangledNameMap().size() == 0);

    // DQ (5/29/2006): Fixup types in declarations that are not shared (e.g. where more than one non-defining declaration exists)

    // DQ (3/17/2007): This should be empty
    // ROSE_ASSERT(SgNode::get_globalMangledNameMap().size() == 0);

    // DQ (3/10/2007): fixup name of any template classes that have been copied incorrectly into SgInitializedName
    // list in base class constructor preinitialization lists (see test2004_156.C for an example).

    // DQ (10/27/2007): Setup any endOfConstruct Sg_File_Info objects (report on where they occur)

    // DQ (1/19/2008): This can be called at nearly any point in the ast fixup.

    // DQ (2/21/2010): This normalizes an EDG trick (well documented) that replaces "__PRETTY_FUNCTION__" variable
    // references with variable given the name of the function where the "__PRETTY_FUNCTION__" variable references
    // was found. This is only seen when compiling ROSE using ROSE and was a mysterious property of ROSE for a long
    // time until it was identified.  This fixup traversal changes the name back to "__PRETTY_FUNCTION__" to make
    // the code generated using ROSE when compiling ROSE source code the same as if GNU processed it (e.g. using CPP).
    if (SageInterface::is_Java_language() == false) {

#if 0
    // DQ (1/22/2008): Use this for the Fortran code to get more accurate source position information.

    // DQ (4/16/2007): comment out to test how function declaration prototypes are reset or set wrong.
    // DQ (11/1/2006): fixup source code position information for AST IR nodes.

#if 0
    // DQ (11/10/2007): Moved computation of hidden list from astPostProcessing.C to unparseFile so that
    // it will be called AFTER any transformations and immediately before code generation where it is
    // really required.  This part of a fix for Liao's outliner, but should be useful for numerous
    // transformations.
    // DQ (8/6/2007): Only compute the hidden lists if working with C++ code!
    if (SageInterface::is_Cxx_language() == true)
        // DQ (5/22/2007): Moved from SgProject::parse() function to here so that propagateHiddenListData() could be called afterward.
        // DQ (5/8/2007): Now build the hidden lists for types and declarations (Robert Preissl's work)

        // DQ (6/5/2007): We actually need this now since the hidden lists are not pushed to lower scopes where they are required.
        // DQ (5/22/2007): Added support for passing hidden list information about types, declarations and elaborated types to child scopes.

    // DQ (11/24/2007): Support for Fortran resolution of array vs. function references.
    if (SageInterface::is_Fortran_language() == true)
        // I think this is not used since I can always figure out if something is an
        // array reference or a function call.

        // DQ (10/3/2008): This bug in OFP is now fixed so no fixup is required.
        // This is the most reliable way to introduce the Fortran "contains" statement.
        // insertFortranContainsStatement(node);

    // DQ (9/26/2008): fixup the handling of use declarations (SgUseStatement).
    // This also will fixup C++ using declarations.

#if 0
    ROSE_MemoryUsage memoryUsage1;
    printf ("Test 1: memory_usage = %f \n",memoryUsage1.getMemoryUsageMegabytes());

    // DQ (4/14/2010): Added support for symbol aliases for C++
    // This is the support for C++ "using declarations" which uses symbol aliases in the symbol table to provide
    // correct visability of symbols included from alternative scopes (e.g. namespaces).

#if 0
    ROSE_MemoryUsage memoryUsage2;
    printf ("Test 2: memory_usage = %f \n",memoryUsage2.getMemoryUsageMegabytes());

    // DQ (6/24/2010): To support merge, we want to normalize the typedef lists for each type so that
    // the names of the types will evaluate to be the same (and merge appropriately).

#if 0
    ROSE_MemoryUsage memoryUsage3;
    printf ("Test 3: memory_usage = %f \n",memoryUsage3.getMemoryUsageMegabytes());

    // DQ (3/7/2010): Identify the fragments of the AST that are disconnected.
    // Moved from astConsistancy tests (since it deletes nodes not connected to the AST).
    // TestForDisconnectedAST::test(node);

    // DQ (9/14/2011): Process the AST to remove constant folded values held in the expression trees.
    // This step defines a consistant AST more suitable for analysis since only the constant folded
    // values will be visited.  However, the default should be to save the original expression trees
    // and remove the constant folded values since this represents the original code.  This mechanism
    // will provide a default when it is more fully implemented.

    // Make sure that compiler-generated AST nodes are marked for Sg_File_Info::isCompilerGenerated().

    // DQ (5/22/2005): Nearly all AST fixup should be done before this closing step
    // QY: check the isModified flag
    // CheckIsModifiedFlagSupport(node);

#if 0
    ROSE_MemoryUsage memoryUsage4;
    printf ("Test 4: memory_usage = %f \n",memoryUsage4.getMemoryUsageMegabytes());

    // ROSE_ASSERT(saved_declaration->get_definingDeclaration() != saved_declaration->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration());

    // DQ (3/17/2007): This should be empty
    // ROSE_ASSERT(SgNode::get_globalMangledNameMap().size() == 0);

    // This is used for both of the fillowing tests.
    SgSourceFile* sourceFile = isSgSourceFile(node);

#if 1
    // DQ (9/11/2009): Added support for numbering of statements required to support name qualification.
    if (sourceFile != NULL)
        // DQ (9/11/2009): Added support for numbering of statements required to support name qualification.
        // sourceFile->buildStatementNumbering();
        SgGlobal* globalScope = sourceFile->get_globalScope();
        ROSE_ASSERT(globalScope != NULL);
        if (SgProject* project = isSgProject(node))
            SgFilePtrList &files = project->get_fileList();
            for (SgFilePtrList::iterator fileI = files.begin(); fileI != files.end(); ++fileI)
                if ( (sourceFile = isSgSourceFile(*fileI)) )
                    SgGlobal* globalScope = sourceFile->get_globalScope();
                    ROSE_ASSERT(globalScope != NULL);

    // DQ (4/4/2010): check that the global scope has statements.
    // This was an error for Fortran and it appeared that everything
    // was working when it was not.  It appeared because of a strange
    // error between versions of the OFP support files.  So as a
    // way to avoid this in the future, we issue a warning for Fortran
    // code that has no statements in the global scope.  It can still
    // be a valid Fortran code (containing only comments).  but this
    // should help avoid our test codes appearing to work when they
    // don't (in the future). For C/C++ files there should always be
    // something in the global scope (because or ROSE defined functions),
    // so this test should not be a problem.
    if (sourceFile != NULL)
        SgGlobal* globalScope = sourceFile->get_globalScope();
        ROSE_ASSERT(globalScope != NULL);
        if (globalScope->get_declarations().empty() == true)
            printf ("WARNING: no statements in global scope for file = %s \n",sourceFile->getFileName().c_str());
        if (SgProject* project = isSgProject(node))
            SgFilePtrList &files = project->get_fileList();
            for (SgFilePtrList::iterator fileI = files.begin(); fileI != files.end(); ++fileI)
                if ( (sourceFile = isSgSourceFile(*fileI)) )
                    SgGlobal* globalScope = sourceFile->get_globalScope();
                    ROSE_ASSERT(globalScope != NULL);
                    if (globalScope->get_declarations().empty() == true)
                        printf ("WARNING: no statements in global scope for file = %s \n",(*fileI)->getFileName().c_str());

    if ( SgProject::get_verbose() >= AST_POST_PROCESSING_VERBOSE_LEVEL )
        cout << "/* AST Postprocessing finished */" << endl;

    // DQ (5/3/2010): Added support for binary analysis specific post-processing.
    SgProject* project = isSgProject(node);
    if (project != NULL)
#if 0
        // printf ("In postProcessingSupport(): project->get_exit_after_parser() = %s \n",project->get_exit_after_parser() ? "true" : "false");
        // printf ("In postProcessingSupport(): project->get_binary_only()       = %s \n",project->get_binary_only() ? "true" : "false");
        if (project->get_binary_only() == true)
            printf ("Inside of postProcessingSupport(): Processing binary project \n");
            // ROSE_ASSERT(false);

            // addEdgesInAST();

コード例 #8
ファイル: compassMain.C プロジェクト: 8l/rose
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  // DQ (9/1/2006): Introduce tracking of performance of ROSE at the top most level.
     TimingPerformance timer_main ("Compass performance (main): time (sec) = ",true);

     std::ios::sync_with_stdio();     // Syncs C++ and C I/O subsystems!

     if (SgProject::get_verbose() > 0)
          printf ("In compassMain.C: main() \n");

     Rose_STL_Container<std::string> commandLineArray = CommandlineProcessing::generateArgListFromArgcArgv (argc,argv);


  // Read the Compass parameter file (contains input data for all checkers)
  // This has been moved ahead of the parsing of the AST so that it is more 
  // obvious when it is a problem.
     Compass::Parameters params(Compass::findParameterFile());

#ifdef ROSE_MPI
     // Initialize MPI if needed...
     // need to do this to make test cases pass with MPI. 
     /* setup MPI */
     MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
     MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &Compass::my_rank);
     MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &Compass::processes);

  // Use a modified commandline that inserts specific additional options
  // to the ROSE frontend to make use with Compass more appropriate.
  // SgProject* project = frontend(argc,argv);
     SgProject* project = frontend(commandLineArray);


     std::vector<bool> was_modified;

     //Determine if any file has been modified since the last run. If so, rerun
     //the compass checkers. The first run will always run the compass checkers.
     for (int i = 0; i < project->numberOfFiles(); ++i)
       // In each file find all declarations in global scope
       SgSourceFile* sageFile = isSgSourceFile(project->get_fileList()[i]);
       std::string filename   = sageFile->getFileName();

       struct stat file_info;
       if ( stat(filename.c_str(), &file_info) != 0 )
           std::cerr << "Error: Can not determine last modification time of file " << filename 
                     << std::endl;

         std::string last_modified = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(file_info.st_mtime);
         try {

           /* Read in from database here */
           sqlite3x::sqlite3_command cmd(Compass::con, "SELECT last_modified from file_last_modified where filename=\""+filename+ "\"" );

           sqlite3x::sqlite3_reader r = cmd.executereader();

           while (r.read()) {
             std::string last_modified_in_db = r.getstring(0);
             was_modified.push_back( (last_modified_in_db == last_modified) ? false : true );


         } catch (std::exception& e) {std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;}

         //Update last modified time in database
           sqlite3x::sqlite3_command cmd(Compass::con,"DELETE from file_last_modified where filename=\""+filename+ "\"");
         } catch (std::exception& e) {std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;}

           sqlite3x::sqlite3_command cmd(Compass::con,"INSERT into file_last_modified(filename, last_modified) VALUES(?,?)");

         } catch (std::exception& e) {std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;}



     //Continue processign iff at least one file was modified
     if( ( find(was_modified.begin(), was_modified.end(), true) != was_modified.end() )
         ||  (was_modified.size() == 0) )
       //Delete violation entries that correspond to this file
       for (int i = 0; i < project->numberOfFiles(); ++i)
         // In each file find all declarations in global scope
         SgSourceFile* sageFile = isSgSourceFile(project->get_fileList()[i]);
         std::string filename   = sageFile->getFileName();
           sqlite3x::sqlite3_command cmd(Compass::con,"DELETE from violations where filename=\""+filename+ "\"");
         } catch (std::exception& e) {std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;}

       //continue processing


#if 0
     project->display("In Compass");

     std::vector<const Compass::Checker*> traversals;

#ifdef USE_QROSE
  // This is part of incomplete GUI interface for Compass using QRose from Imperial.

  // Both of these output object work, but one is more useful for QRose.
     QRoseOutputObject* output = new QRoseOutputObject();

     Compass::PrintingOutputObject output(std::cerr);
       // Make this in a nested scope so that we can time the buildCheckers function
          TimingPerformance timer_build ("Compass performance (build checkers and run prerequisites): time (sec) = ",false);

          buildCheckers(traversals,params,output, project);
          for ( std::vector<const Compass::Checker*>::iterator itr = traversals.begin(); itr != traversals.end(); itr++ ) {
            ROSE_ASSERT (*itr);
            Compass::runPrereqs(*itr, project);

     TimingPerformance timer_checkers ("Compass performance (checkers only): time (sec) = ",false);

     std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > errors;
     for ( std::vector<const Compass::Checker*>::iterator itr = traversals.begin(); itr != traversals.end(); itr++ )
          if ( (*itr) != NULL )
               if (Compass::verboseSetting >= 0)
                    printf ("Running checker %s \n",(*itr)->checkerName.c_str());

                    int spaceAvailable = 40;
                    std::string name = (*itr)->checkerName + ":";
                    int n = spaceAvailable - name.length();
                    //Liao, 4/3/2008, bug 82, negative value
                    if (n<0) n=0;
                    std::string spaces(n,' ');
                    TimingPerformance timer (name + spaces + " time (sec) = ",false);
                    (*itr)->run(params, &output);
               catch (const std::exception& e)
                    std::cerr << "error running checker : " << (*itr)->checkerName << " - reason: " << e.what() << std::endl;
                    errors.push_back(std::make_pair((*itr)->checkerName, e.what()));
             } // if( (*itr) != NULL )
               std::cerr << "Error: Traversal failed to initialize" << std::endl;
               return 1;
             } // else
        } // for()

  // Support for ToolGear
     if (Compass::UseToolGear == true)
          Compass::outputTgui( Compass::tguiXML, traversals, &output );

     if (Compass::UseDbOutput == true)
          Compass::outputDb( Compass::outputDbName, traversals, &output );

  // Output errors specific to any checkers that didn't initialize properly
     if (!errors.empty())
          std::cerr << "The following checkers failed due to internal errors:" << std::endl;
          std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >::iterator e_itr;
          for (e_itr = errors.begin(); e_itr != errors.end(); ++e_itr)
               std::cerr << e_itr->first << ": " << e_itr->second << std::endl;

  // Just set the project, the report will be generated upon calling the destructor for "timer"

#ifdef ROSE_MPI
#if 1  // Liao, 2/26/2009, add this backend support to be more friendly to build systems
     return backend(project);
     return 0;
コード例 #9
ファイル: testPruning.C プロジェクト: 8l/rose
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )

       std::vector<std::string> newArgv(argv,argv+argc);
       SgProject* project = frontend(newArgv);

     std::vector<std::string> newArgv(argv,argv+argc);

  // Build the AST used by ROSE
     SgProject* project = frontend(newArgv);
     ROSE_ASSERT(project != NULL);

  // Build a list of functions within the AST
     AnalyzeMacroCalls* macroCalls = new AnalyzeMacroCalls(project, false, std::cerr);

  // Assume that there is only one file
     std::string filename;
     for(int i = 0 ; i < project->numberOfFiles(); i++)
       SgSourceFile* file = isSgSourceFile(&project->get_file(i));
       if( file != NULL)
         filename = file->getFileName();


     ROSE_ASSERT(filename != "");

     filename = StringUtility::stripPathFromFileName(filename);

     ofstream myfile;
     myfile.open (filename.c_str());

     std::cout << "Outputing to the file " << filename << std::endl;

     //     return backend(project);
