bool HTMLSlotElement::findHostChildWithSameSlotName() const { ShadowRoot* root = containingShadowRoot(); DCHECK(root); DCHECK(root->isV1()); SlotAssignment& assignment = root->ensureSlotAssignment(); return assignment.findHostChildBySlotName(name()); }
void HTMLSlotElement::removedFrom(ContainerNode* insertionPoint) { // `removedFrom` is called after the node is removed from the tree. // That means: // 1. If this slot is still in a tree scope, it means the slot has been in a // shadow tree. An inclusive shadow-including ancestor of the shadow host was // originally removed from its parent. // 2. Or (this slot is now not in a tree scope), this slot's inclusive // ancestor was orginally removed from its parent (== insertion point). This // slot and the originally removed node was in the same tree. ShadowRoot* root = containingShadowRootBeforeRemoved(*this, *insertionPoint); if (root) { if (ElementShadow* rootOwner = root->owner()) rootOwner->setNeedsDistributionRecalc(); } // Since this insertion point is no longer visible from the shadow subtree, it // need to clean itself up. clearDistribution(); if (root && root->isV1() && root == insertionPoint->treeScope().rootNode()) { // This slot was in a shadow tree and got disconnected from the shadow root. root->ensureSlotAssignment().slotRemoved(*this); } HTMLElement::removedFrom(insertionPoint); }
bool HTMLSlotElement::hasAssignedNodesSlow() const { ShadowRoot* root = containingShadowRoot(); DCHECK(root); DCHECK(root->isV1()); SlotAssignment& assignment = root->ensureSlotAssignment(); if (assignment.findSlotByName(name()) != this) return false; return assignment.findHostChildBySlotName(name()); }
Node::InsertionNotificationRequest HTMLSlotElement::insertedInto( ContainerNode* insertionPoint) { HTMLElement::insertedInto(insertionPoint); ShadowRoot* root = containingShadowRoot(); if (root) { DCHECK(root->owner()); root->owner()->setNeedsDistributionRecalc(); // Relevant DOM Standard: // - 6.4: Run assign slotables for a tree with node's tree and a set // containing each inclusive descendant of node that is a slot. if (root->isV1() && !wasInShadowTreeBeforeInserted(*this, *insertionPoint)) root->ensureSlotAssignment().slotAdded(*this); } // We could have been distributed into in a detached subtree, make sure to // clear the distribution when inserted again to avoid cycles. clearDistribution(); return InsertionDone; }