コード例 #1
    /** \verbatim
     * Assumptions:
     * 1) Test CreateResources_r10b has run prior.
     * \endverbatim
    CE ce;
    vector<uint32_t> activeNamespaces;
    string work;
    LOG_NRM("Admin queue setup");

    SharedASQPtr asq = CAST_TO_ASQ(gRsrcMngr->GetObj(ASQ_GROUP_ID));
    SharedACQPtr acq = CAST_TO_ACQ(gRsrcMngr->GetObj(ACQ_GROUP_ID));
    LOG_NRM("Test proper");

    LOG_NRM("Form identify cmd for namespace list and associate some buffer");
    SharedIdentifyPtr idCmdNamSpcList = SharedIdentifyPtr(new Identify());

    SharedMemBufferPtr idMemNamSpcList = SharedMemBufferPtr(new MemBuffer());
    idMemNamSpcList->InitAlignment(NAMSPC_LIST_SIZE * NAMSPC_ENTRY_SIZE);

    send_64b_bitmask idPrpNamSpc =
        (send_64b_bitmask)(MASK_PRP1_PAGE | MASK_PRP2_PAGE);
    idCmdNamSpcList->SetPrpBuffer(idPrpNamSpc, idMemNamSpcList);

    LOG_NRM("Sending Identify command CNS.%02Xh", CNS_NamespaceListActive);
    IO::SendAndReapCmd(mGrpName, mTestName, CALC_TIMEOUT_ms(1), asq, acq,
        idCmdNamSpcList, "namspcList", true);

    LOG_NRM("Reading in active Namespaces.");
    const uint8_t *data = &((idCmdNamSpcList->GetROPrpBuffer())[0]);

    while ((*((uint32_t *)data) & 0xffff) != 0x0000){
        uint32_t nsid = (*((uint32_t *)data) & 0xffff);
        LOG_NRM("Found active NSID: %08X", nsid);
        data += 4;

    // Lookup objs which were created in a prior test within group
    SharedIOSQPtr iosq = CAST_TO_IOSQ(gRsrcMngr->GetObj(IOSQ_GROUP_ID));
    SharedIOCQPtr iocq = CAST_TO_IOCQ(gRsrcMngr->GetObj(IOCQ_GROUP_ID));

    ConstSharedIdentifyPtr idCtrlr = gInformative->GetIdentifyCmdCtrlr();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < activeNamespaces.size(); i++) {
        LOG_NRM("Processing namspc %ld", i);
        SharedFlushPtr flushCmd = SharedFlushPtr(new Flush());

        ce = IO::SendAndReapCmdWhole(mGrpName, mTestName, CALC_TIMEOUT_ms(1), iosq, iocq,
            flushCmd, "none.set", true);
        if (ce.n.SF.b.SC != 0x0 || ce.n.SF.b.SCT != 0x0){
            throw new FrmwkEx(HERE, "Error sending flush command expected (SCT:SC) 0x00:0x00, "
                    "but detected 0x%02X:0x%02X", ce.n.SF.b.SCT, ce.n.SF.b.SC);

        if (ce.n.reserved != 0){
            throw new FrmwkEx(HERE, "Reserved completion entry not cleared found: %08X",
        } else if(ce.n.cmdSpec != 0){
            throw new FrmwkEx(HERE, "Command specific field not cleared found: %08X",

        LOG_NRM("Set all cmd's rsvd bits");
        uint32_t work = flushCmd->GetDword(0);
        work |= 0x00003c00;      // Set DW0_b13:10 bits
        flushCmd->SetDword(work, 0);

        flushCmd->SetDword(0xffffffff, 2);
        flushCmd->SetDword(0xffffffff, 3);
        flushCmd->SetDword(0xffffffff, 4);
        flushCmd->SetDword(0xffffffff, 5);
        flushCmd->SetDword(0xffffffff, 6);
        flushCmd->SetDword(0xffffffff, 7);
        flushCmd->SetDword(0xffffffff, 8);
        flushCmd->SetDword(0xffffffff, 9);
        flushCmd->SetDword(0xffffffff, 10);
        flushCmd->SetDword(0xffffffff, 11);
        flushCmd->SetDword(0xffffffff, 12);
        flushCmd->SetDword(0xffffffff, 13);
        flushCmd->SetDword(0xffffffff, 14);
        flushCmd->SetDword(0xffffffff, 15);

        ce = IO::SendAndReapCmdWhole(mGrpName, mTestName, CALC_TIMEOUT_ms(1),
                iosq, iocq,flushCmd, "all.set", true);
        if (ce.n.SF.b.SC != 0x0 || ce.n.SF.b.SCT != 0x0){
            throw new FrmwkEx(HERE, "Error sending flush command expected (SCT:SC) 0x00:0x00, "
                    "but detected 0x%02X:0x%02X", ce.n.SF.b.SCT, ce.n.SF.b.SC);

        if (ce.n.reserved != 0){
            throw new FrmwkEx(HERE, "Reserved completion entry not cleared found: %08X",
        } else if(ce.n.cmdSpec != 0){
            throw new FrmwkEx(HERE, "Command specific field not cleared found: %08X",

    // This highestNSID could provide a case where it issues to an inactive NSID
    // In the case of an inactive NSID the error status would be Invalid Field
    /*uint32_t highestNSID = 0;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < activeNamespaces.size(); i++){
        if (activeNamespaces[i] > highestNSID)
            highestNSID = activeNamespaces[i];

    if (highestNSID != 0xffffffff){
        SharedFlushPtr invalidFlushCmd = SharedFlushPtr(new Flush());
        invalidFlushCmd->SetNSID(highestNSID + 1);
        // Could be Invalid Field or Invalid Namespace or Format
        IO::SendAndReapCmd(mGrpName, mTestName, CALC_TIMEOUT_ms(1), iosq, iocq,
            invalidFlushCmd, "none.set", true, CESTAT_INVAL_NAMSPC);
    ConstSharedIdentifyPtr idCtrlrStruct = gInformative->GetIdentifyCmdCtrlr();
    uint32_t nn = (uint32_t)idCtrlrStruct->GetValue(IDCTRLRCAP_NN);
    // Issuing flush cmd with a few invalid NSIDs
    int count = 0;
    for (uint64_t i = 0; pow(2, i) <= 0xffffffff; i++) {
        if (pow(2, i) <= nn)
        LOG_NRM("Issue flush cmd with illegal namspc ID=%llu",
                (unsigned long long)i);
        SharedFlushPtr invalidFlushCmd = SharedFlushPtr(new Flush());
        invalidFlushCmd->SetNSID(pow(2, i));
        IO::SendAndReapCmd(mGrpName, mTestName, CALC_TIMEOUT_ms(1), iosq,
                iocq, invalidFlushCmd, "Flush.Invalid", true, CESTAT_INVAL_NAMSPC);
    LOG_NRM("Ran with: %d invalid NSIDs", count);
コード例 #2
    /** \verbatim
     * Assumptions:
     * None.
     * \endverbatim
	LOG_NRM("Start CreateAndAttachMaxNamespacesAndVerify::RunCoreTest");

	SharedIOSQPtr iosq = CAST_TO_IOSQ(gRsrcMngr->GetObj(IOSQ_GROUP_ID));
	SharedIOCQPtr iocq = CAST_TO_IOCQ(gRsrcMngr->GetObj(IOCQ_GROUP_ID));
	SharedASQPtr   asq = CAST_TO_ASQ(gRsrcMngr->GetObj(ASQ_GROUP_ID));
	SharedACQPtr   acq = CAST_TO_ACQ(gRsrcMngr->GetObj(ACQ_GROUP_ID));
	//uint8_t keyToRegister[16];
	//uint32_t memAlignment = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
	//CEStat retStat;
	send_64b_bitmask prpBitmask = (send_64b_bitmask) (MASK_PRP1_PAGE | MASK_PRP2_PAGE);
	uint8_t userBuffer[4096];
    if (userBuffer == 0){} // Suppress unused variable warning

    const uint32_t *namespaceIdListBuffer32BitPtr = NULL;
    const uint16_t *controllerIdListBuffer16BitPtr;

    ConstSharedIdentifyPtr idCtrlrCap = gInformative->GetIdentifyCmdCtrlr();
    uint32_t identifyControllerMaxNSID = (uint32_t)idCtrlrCap->GetValue(IDCTRLRCAP_NN);

    // BUGBUG large assumption that NVMCAP values will not be larger than 64bit num bytes, which is 16384 PETAbytes
    // BUGBUG Also assume we need to create on GB multiples

    uint64_t identifyControllerUnallocatedCapacity = idCtrlrCap->GetValue(IDCTRLRCAP_UNVMCAP_LOWER);
    uint64_t identifyControllerTotalCapacity       = idCtrlrCap->GetValue(IDCTRLRCAP_TNVMCAP_LOWER);

    uint64_t individualNamespaceCapacityInGB       = (uint64_t) floor( identifyControllerUnallocatedCapacity / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / identifyControllerMaxNSID); // In GB units
    uint64_t individualNamespaceCapacity = individualNamespaceCapacityInGB * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 / 512; // In 512B LBA units
    uint32_t newlyCreatedNSID = 0;

    if( identifyControllerUnallocatedCapacity != identifyControllerTotalCapacity) {
    	LOG_NRM("TNVMCAP != UNVMCAP, which points to a namespace being allocated but the previous test should have deleted all");

	LOG_NRM("Create Identify Command To Get All Present NSIDs");
	SharedIdentifyPtr identifyCmd = SharedIdentifyPtr(new Identify());
    SharedMemBufferPtr identifyControllerStruct = SharedMemBufferPtr(new MemBuffer());
    identifyControllerStruct->Init(4096, true, 0x0);
    SharedMemBufferPtr identifyNamespaceStruct = SharedMemBufferPtr(new MemBuffer());
    identifyNamespaceStruct->Init(4096, true, 0x0);
    SharedMemBufferPtr identifyNamespaceList = SharedMemBufferPtr(new MemBuffer());
    identifyNamespaceList->Init(4096, true, 0x0);
    SharedMemBufferPtr identifyControllerList = SharedMemBufferPtr(new MemBuffer());
    identifyControllerList->Init(4096, true, 0x0);

    // Figure 86 in 1.2 spec               CNS  NSID CNTID Returns
    // CNS_Namespace                      0x00    X     -   (Identify Namespace from NSID X. If attached, receive struct, else all 0's, else invalid namespace ID)
    // CNS_Controller                     0x01    -     -   (Identify Controller struct)
    // CNS_NamespaceListAttached          0x02    Y     -   (Identify Namespace LIST, starting at NSID Y and in an increasing order)
    // CNS_NamespaceListSubsystem         0x10    Z     -   (Identify Namespace LIST, starting at NSID Z present in subsystem that may or may not be attached)
    // CNS_NamespaceStructSubsystem       0x11    X     -   (Identify Namespace from NSID A. If attached or not, receive the struct, else invalid namespace ID)
    // CNS_ControllerListAttachedToNSID   0x12    X     A   (Controller List that are attached to NSID X, starting with CNTID greater than A)
    // CNS_ControllerListSubsystem        0x13    -     B   (Controller List present in subsystem starting with CNTID greater than B)

    LOG_NRM("First ensure there are no namespaces present, as this test depends on deleteAllNamespacesAndVerify to complete successfully");
	// See 8.11 in 1.2 spec for describing the process this test is following
	identifyCmd->SetPrpBuffer(prpBitmask, identifyNamespaceList);
	identifyCmd->SetNSID( 0 );
	identifyCmd->SetCNS(  CNS_NamespaceListSubsystem ); // Get all NSIDs attached (or not) to controllers
    IO::SendAndReapCmd(mGrpName, mTestName, CALC_TIMEOUT_ms(1), asq, acq, identifyCmd, "Reading back (up to) 1024 NSIDs attached to this controller (CNS=2). Command should pass, with 0 NSIDs to be returned", false, CESTAT_SUCCESS);
    namespaceIdListBuffer32BitPtr = (uint32_t*) identifyCmd->GetROPrpBuffer();
    if( namespaceIdListBuffer32BitPtr[0] != 0) {
    	throw FrmwkEx(HERE, "Before creating any namespaces, subsystem was expected to have no NSIDs active and present, but Identify CNS=0x10 returned at least one NSID.");

    LOG_NRM("No namespaces are active, test can continue. Pull back the controller list to be used to attach all NSIDs to all controllers on subsystem");
	identifyCmd->SetPrpBuffer(prpBitmask, identifyControllerList);
	identifyCmd->SetNSID( 0 );
	identifyCmd->SetCNS(  CNS_ControllerListSubsystem ); // Get all controllers in this subsystem
    IO::SendAndReapCmd(mGrpName, mTestName, CALC_TIMEOUT_ms(1), asq, acq, identifyCmd, "Reading back what controllers are on this subsystem (CNS=0x13), should find at LEAST one.", false, CESTAT_SUCCESS);
    controllerIdListBuffer16BitPtr = (uint16_t*) identifyCmd->GetROPrpBuffer();
    if( controllerIdListBuffer16BitPtr[0] == 0) {
    	throw FrmwkEx(HERE, "Before creating any namespaces, subsystem was expected to have at least one controller ID present, but found zero.");

    SharedNamespaceAttachPtr namespaceAttachCmd = SharedNamespaceAttachPtr(new NamespaceAttach() );
    //BUGBUG APL is returning an improper list (Ctrlr IDs 1/2 wheras they ID themselves as actually 0/1)
    for(uint32_t bufferIndex = 0; bufferIndex < 4096; bufferIndex++) {
    userBuffer[0] = 2; // 2 Controllers
    userBuffer[4] = 1; // 1st (byte 2) is 0 and 2nd (byte 4) is 1 to match APL
    identifyControllerList->InitAlignment(4096, 4096, false, 0, userBuffer);
    LOG_NRM("Controller list hardcoded to 0/1 for the time being... BUGBUG");
    // END BUG BUG
    // Set attach namespace buffer to be the full controller list, to attach all new NSIDs to to all on this subsystem
    namespaceAttachCmd->SetPrpBuffer(prpBitmask, identifyControllerList);

	LOG_NRM("Create Namespace Management to create all namespaces before attaching to all contollers");
    SharedNamespaceManagementPtr namespaceManagementCmd = SharedNamespaceManagementPtr(new NamespaceManagement() );
    SharedMemBufferPtr managementBuffer = SharedMemBufferPtr(new MemBuffer() );

    NamespaceManagementCreateStruct nscreate;
    nscreate.NSZE = individualNamespaceCapacity;
    nscreate.NCAP = individualNamespaceCapacity;
    nscreate.FLBAS = 0;
    nscreate.DPS   = 0;
    nscreate.NMIC  = 1;

    //NamespaceManagementCreateStruct nscreate( individualNamespaceCapacity, individualNamespaceCapacity, 0, 0, 1 );
    // BUGBUG we are going to assume a 512B size and barenamespace as FLBAS=0... otherwise we need to determine what format via namespace structs...
    //CreateNamespaceManagementStructure( individualNamespaceCapacity, individualNamespaceCapacity, 0, 0, 1, userBuffer);
    LOG_NRM("Each of the %d namespaces will be of 0x%llx size", identifyControllerMaxNSID, (long long unsigned int) individualNamespaceCapacity);

    managementBuffer->InitAlignment(384, 4096, false, 0x0, (uint8_t*) &nscreate); // Contains namespace struct info for namespace management to consume (384B)
    namespaceManagementCmd->SetPrpBuffer(prpBitmask, managementBuffer);
    namespaceAttachCmd->SetSEL( 0 );
    namespaceAttachCmd->SetNSID( 0 );

	LOG_NRM("Start main loop over valid NSIDs to create/attach them.");
	for(uint64_t currentNamespaceIdToCreate = 0; currentNamespaceIdToCreate < identifyControllerMaxNSID; currentNamespaceIdToCreate++ ) {
		// Get the current
		// Create this namespace using 1/NNth amount of the total available space.
	    IO::SendAndReapCmd(mGrpName, mTestName, CALC_TIMEOUT_ms(1), asq, acq, namespaceManagementCmd, "Creating namespace that is 1/NNth size of total NVM capacity, 512B bare LBAs.", false, CESTAT_SUCCESS);
	    newlyCreatedNSID = (acq->PeekCEwithCID( namespaceManagementCmd->GetCID() ) ).t.dw0;
	    LOG_NRM("Newly created NS has NSID of 0x%llu", (long long unsigned) newlyCreatedNSID);

		// ID this namespace and see if it is all 0s. Namespace should be created but 'inactive'.
		identifyCmd->SetCNS(CNS_Namespace ); // Standard Namespace ID, should also be attached to this controller
		identifyCmd->SetNSID( newlyCreatedNSID ); //
		identifyCmd->SetPrpBuffer(prpBitmask, identifyNamespaceStruct);
	    IO::SendAndReapCmd(mGrpName, mTestName, CALC_TIMEOUT_ms(1), asq, acq, identifyCmd, "Read Identify Controller struct from created NSID, expecting it to be all 0's since it has not yet attached", false, CESTAT_SUCCESS);
	    // Currently fails on FW
	    for(uint32_t bufferIndex = 0; bufferIndex < 4096; bufferIndex++) {
    		if ( identifyCmd->GetROPrpBuffer()[bufferIndex] != 0) {
    			throw FrmwkEx(HERE, "Expected Identify Namespace to returned all zero buffer as namespace should be inactive and non-attached");

	    // Now attach the drive to all controllers on the subsystem
	    namespaceAttachCmd->SetNSID( newlyCreatedNSID );
	    // Should already have the ControllerList associated with the NamespaceAttach command
	    IO::SendAndReapCmd(mGrpName, mTestName, CALC_TIMEOUT_ms(1), asq, acq, namespaceAttachCmd, "Attaching NSID to all controllers on subsystem", false, CESTAT_SUCCESS);

	    // Reread this NS struct back and make sure the values match what we had requested...
	    IO::SendAndReapCmd(mGrpName, mTestName, CALC_TIMEOUT_ms(1), asq, acq, identifyCmd, "Read Identify Controller struct from created NSID, expecting non-zero since it is now attached", false, CESTAT_SUCCESS);
	    // First ensure the buffer is not completely non-zero
	    bool identifyNamespaceBufferIsZeroFilled = true;
	    for(uint32_t bufferIndex = 0; bufferIndex < 4096; bufferIndex++) {
    		if ( identifyCmd->GetROPrpBuffer()[bufferIndex] != 0) {
    			identifyNamespaceBufferIsZeroFilled = false;
	    if( identifyNamespaceBufferIsZeroFilled == true) {
	    	throw FrmwkEx(HERE, "Expected Identify Namespace to returned a non-zero buffer as namespace should now be attached");

	    // Now check a couple fields (BUGBUG should check all!)
	    IdNamespcStruct *currentNamespaceStruct = (IdNamespcStruct*) identifyCmd->GetROPrpBuffer();
	    if(currentNamespaceStruct->NSZE != individualNamespaceCapacity) {
	    	LOG_NRM("Namespace NSZE 0x%llx != what was passed to namespaceManagement 0x%08llx", (long long unsigned) currentNamespaceStruct->NSZE, (long long unsigned) individualNamespaceCapacity);
	    	throw FrmwkEx(HERE, "Newly created namespace's NSZE does not match what was sent to namespaceManagement");
	    if(currentNamespaceStruct->NCAP != individualNamespaceCapacity) {
	    	LOG_NRM("Namespace NCAP 0x%llx != what was passed to namespaceManagement 0x%08llx", (long long unsigned) currentNamespaceStruct->NCAP, (long long unsigned) individualNamespaceCapacity);
	    	throw FrmwkEx(HERE, "Newly created namespace's NCAP does not match what was sent to namespaceManagement");

	    // Repull the Identify Controller information and make sure the UNVMCAP values have decreased the amount we just allocatd for this create namespace
	    identifyCmd->SetPrpBuffer(prpBitmask, identifyControllerStruct);
	    IO::SendAndReapCmd(mGrpName, mTestName, CALC_TIMEOUT_ms(1), asq, acq, identifyCmd, "Pull Identify Controller to check usage sizes have changed.", false, CESTAT_SUCCESS);
	    IdCtrlrCapStruct *currentControllerStruct = (IdCtrlrCapStruct*) identifyCmd->GetROPrpBuffer();
	    uint64_t expectedNVMCAP = identifyControllerTotalCapacity - (individualNamespaceCapacity * (currentNamespaceIdToCreate+1) * 512);
	    if(currentControllerStruct->UNVMCAP_LOWER != expectedNVMCAP) {
	    	LOG_NRM("Expecting UNVMCAP to decrease by last allocated namespace. UNVMCAP = 0x%llx expecting 0x%llx", (long long unsigned) currentControllerStruct->UNVMCAP_LOWER, (long long unsigned) expectedNVMCAP);
	    	throw FrmwkEx(HERE, "Identify Controller UNVMCAP is not adjusted after creating a namespace of 1/NNth size");

	    // Try to retry the attachment again and ensure a proper fail case
	    IO::SendAndReapCmd(mGrpName, mTestName, CALC_TIMEOUT_ms(1), asq, acq, namespaceAttachCmd, "Attaching an already attached NSID to all controllers again to check fail case", false, CESTAT_NS_ALREADY_ATTACHED);

	// At this point we can double sanity check.
	// 1) Controller should state 0 bytes available
	// 2) Should be Cntrl.NN namespaces active and attached to all controllers on the subsystem

    LOG_NRM("Completed CreateAndAttachMaxNamespacesAndVerify::RunCoreTest");