コード例 #1
execplan::ReturnedColumn* buildPseudoColumn(Item* item,
                                            gp_walk_info& gwi,
                                            bool& nonSupport,
                                            uint32_t pseudoType)
	Item_func* ifp = (Item_func*)item;

	// idblocalpm is replaced by constant
	if (pseudoType == PSEUDO_LOCALPM)
		int64_t localPm = idblocalpm();
		ConstantColumn* cc;
		if (localPm)
			cc = new ConstantColumn(localPm);
			cc = new ConstantColumn("", ConstantColumn::NULLDATA);
		cc->alias(ifp->name? ifp->name : "");
		return cc;

	// convert udf item to pseudocolumn item.
	// adjust result type
	// put arg col to column map
	string funcName = ifp->func_name();
	if (ifp->arg_count != 1 ||
	    !(ifp->arguments()) ||
	    !(ifp->arguments()[0]) ||
	    ifp->arguments()[0]->type() != Item::FIELD_ITEM)
		return nullOnError(gwi, funcName);

	Item_field* field = (Item_field*)(ifp->arguments()[0]);

	// @todo rule out derive table
	if (!field->field || !field->db_name || strlen(field->db_name) == 0)
		return nullOnError(gwi, funcName);

	SimpleColumn *sc = buildSimpleColumn(field, gwi);
	if (!sc)
		return nullOnError(gwi, funcName);

	if ((pseudoType == PSEUDO_EXTENTMIN || pseudoType == PSEUDO_EXTENTMAX) &&
	   (sc->colType().colDataType == CalpontSystemCatalog::VARBINARY ||
	   (sc->colType().colDataType == CalpontSystemCatalog::VARCHAR && sc->colType().colWidth > 7) ||
	   (sc->colType().colDataType == CalpontSystemCatalog::CHAR && sc->colType().colWidth > 8)))
		return nullOnError(gwi, funcName);

	// put arg col to column map
	if (gwi.clauseType == SELECT || gwi.clauseType == GROUP_BY) // select clause
		SRCP srcp(sc);
		gwi.columnMap.insert(CalpontSelectExecutionPlan::ColumnMap::value_type(sc->columnName(), srcp));
		gwi.tableMap[make_aliastable(sc->schemaName(), sc->tableName(), sc->tableAlias(), sc->isInfiniDB())] =
		       make_pair(1, field->cached_table);
	else if (!gwi.rcWorkStack.empty())

	if (pseudoType == PSEUDO_PARTITION)
		// parms: psueducolumn dbroot, segmentdir, segment
		SPTP sptp;
		FunctionColumn *fc = new FunctionColumn(funcName);
		funcexp::FunctionParm parms;
		PseudoColumn *dbroot = new PseudoColumn(*sc, PSEUDO_DBROOT);
		sptp.reset(new ParseTree(dbroot));
		PseudoColumn *pp = new PseudoColumn(*sc, PSEUDO_SEGMENTDIR);
		sptp.reset(new ParseTree(pp));
		PseudoColumn* seg = new PseudoColumn(*sc, PSEUDO_SEGMENT);
		sptp.reset(new ParseTree(seg));

		// string result type
		CalpontSystemCatalog::ColType ct;
		ct.colDataType = CalpontSystemCatalog::VARCHAR;
		ct.colWidth = 256;

		// operation type integer
		funcexp::Func_idbpartition* idbpartition = new funcexp::Func_idbpartition();
		fc->operationType(idbpartition->operationType(parms, fc->resultType()));
		fc->alias(ifp->name? ifp->name : "");
		return fc;

	PseudoColumn *pc = new PseudoColumn(*sc, pseudoType);

	// @bug5892. set alias for derived table column matching.
	pc->alias(ifp->name? ifp->name : "");
	return pc;