static bool checkPNGFile(const char *filename) { SmartBuf buffer; FILE *file = fopen(filename, "rb"); if(file == NULL) return false; fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); long fileSize = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); if(fileSize > 0) { buffer = smartAnyAlloc(fileSize); if(!!buffer) fread(buffer.get(), 1, fileSize, file); } SAFE_CLOSE(file); return !buffer ? false : checkPNGBuf(buffer.get()); }
void loadCheatFile(SmartBuf &buffer, u32 &size, const char *cheatPath, const char *gameId) { FILE *fp = 0; u32 fileSize; SmartBuf fileBuf; buffer.release(); size = 0; fp = fopen(fmt("%s/%s.gct", cheatPath, gameId), "rb"); if (fp == 0) return; fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); fileSize = ftell(fp); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); fileBuf = smartCoverAlloc(fileSize); if (!fileBuf) { fclose(fp); return; } if (fread(fileBuf.get(), 1, fileSize, fp) != fileSize) { fclose(fp); return; } fclose(fp); buffer = fileBuf; size = fileSize; }
s8 CMenu::_versionTxtDownloader() // code to download new version txt file { u32 bufferSize = 0x001000; // Maximum download size 4kb SmartBuf buffer = smartAnyAlloc(bufferSize); if(!buffer) { _setThrdMsg(L"Not enough memory", 1.f); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg1", L"Initializing network..."), 0.f); if(_initNetwork() < 0) _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg2", L"Network initialization failed!"), 1.f); else { _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg11", L"Downloading..."), 0.2f); m_thrdStep = 0.2f; m_thrdStepLen = 0.9f - 0.2f; gprintf("TXT update URL: %s\n\n", m_cfg.getString("GENERAL", "updatetxturl", UPDATE_URL_VERSION).c_str()); download = downloadfile(buffer.get(), bufferSize, m_cfg.getString("GENERAL", "updatetxturl", UPDATE_URL_VERSION).c_str(),CMenu::_downloadProgress, this); if( == 0 || download.size < 19) _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg20", L"No version information found."), 1.f); // TODO: Check for 16 else { _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg13", L"Saving..."), 0.9f); FILE *file = fopen(m_ver.c_str(), "wb"); if(file != NULL) { fwrite(, 1, download.size, file); SAFE_CLOSE(file); // // version file valid, check for version with GIT_REV // int svnrev = atoi(SVN_REV); // gprintf("Installed Version: %d\n", svnrev); // m_version.load(m_ver.c_str()); // int rev = m_version.getInt("GENERAL", "version"); // gprintf("Latest available Version: %d\n", rev); // if(svnrev < rev) // _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg19", L"New update available!"), 1.f); // else _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg17", L"No new updates found."), 1.f); } else _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg15", L"Saving failed!"), 1.f); } } m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; }
static bool checkPNGFile(const char *filename) { FILE *file = NULL; long fileSize = 0; SmartBuf ptrPng; file = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (file == NULL) return false; fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); fileSize = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); if (fileSize > 0) { ptrPng = smartCoverAlloc(fileSize); if (!!ptrPng) fread(ptrPng.get(), 1, fileSize, file); } fclose(file); file = NULL; return !ptrPng ? false : checkPNGBuf(ptrPng.get()); }
int CMenu::_gametdbDownloaderAsync() { string langCode; u32 bufferSize = 0x800000; // 8 MB SmartBuf buffer = smartAnyAlloc(bufferSize); if(!buffer) { _setThrdMsg(L"Not enough memory", 1.f); return 0; } langCode = m_loc.getString(m_curLanguage, "gametdb_code", "EN"); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg1", L"Initializing network..."), 0.f); if(_initNetwork() < 0) _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg2", L"Network initialization failed!"), 1.f); else { _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg11", L"Downloading..."), 0.0f); m_thrdStep = 0.0f; m_thrdStepLen = 1.0f; download = downloadfile(buffer.get(), bufferSize, sfmt(GAMETDB_URL, langCode.c_str()).c_str(), CMenu::_downloadProgress, this); if( == 0) _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg12", L"Download failed!"), 1.f); else { string zippath = sfmt("%s/", m_settingsDir.c_str()); gprintf("Downloading file to '%s'\n", zippath.c_str()); remove(zippath.c_str()); _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg4", L"Saving %s"), ""), 1.f); FILE *file = fopen(zippath.c_str(), "wb"); if(file == NULL) { gprintf("Can't save zip file\n"); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg15", L"Couldn't save ZIP file"), 1.f); } else { fwrite(, download.size, 1, file); SAFE_CLOSE(file); gprintf("Extracting zip file: "); ZipFile zFile(zippath.c_str()); bool zres = zFile.ExtractAll(m_settingsDir.c_str()); gprintf(zres ? "success\n" : "failed\n"); // We don't need the zipfile anymore remove(zippath.c_str()); // Update cache m_gameList.SetLanguage(m_loc.getString(m_curLanguage, "gametdb_code", "EN").c_str()); UpdateCache(); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg26", L"Updating cache..."), 0.f); _loadList(); _initCF(); } } } m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; }
s8 CMenu::_versionDownloader() // code to download new version { char dol_backup[33]; strcpy(dol_backup, m_dol.c_str()); strcat(dol_backup, ".backup"); if(m_app_update_size == 0) m_app_update_size = 0x400000; if(m_data_update_size == 0) m_data_update_size = 0x400000; // check for existing dol ifstream filestr; gprintf("DOL Path: %s\n", m_dol.c_str());; if( { filestr.close(); rename(dol_backup, m_dol.c_str());; if( _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg18", L"boot.dol not found at default path!"), 1.f); filestr.close(); sleep(3); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } filestr.close(); u32 bufferSize = max(m_app_update_size, m_data_update_size); // Buffer for size of the biggest file. SmartBuf buffer = smartAnyAlloc(bufferSize); if(!buffer) { _setThrdMsg(L"Not enough memory!", 1.f); sleep(3); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg1", L"Initializing network..."), 0.f); if(_initNetwork() < 0) { _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg2", L"Network initialization failed!"), 1.f); sleep(3); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } // Load actual file _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg22", L"Updating application directory..."), 0.2f); m_thrdStep = 0.2f; m_thrdStepLen = 0.9f - 0.2f; gprintf("App Update URL: %s\n", m_app_update_url); gprintf("Data Update URL: %s\n", m_app_update_url); download = downloadfile(buffer.get(), bufferSize, m_app_update_url, CMenu::_downloadProgress, this); if( == 0 || download.size < m_app_update_size) { _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg12", L"Download failed!"), 1.f); sleep(3); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } // download finished, backup boot.dol and write new files. _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg13", L"Saving..."), 0.8f); remove(dol_backup); rename(m_dol.c_str(), dol_backup); remove(m_app_update_zip.c_str()); FILE *file = fopen(m_app_update_zip.c_str(), "wb"); if(file != NULL) { fwrite(, 1, download.size, file); SAFE_CLOSE(file); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg24", L"Extracting..."), 0.8f); ZipFile zFile(m_app_update_zip.c_str()); bool result = zFile.ExtractAll(m_appDir.c_str()); remove(m_app_update_zip.c_str()); if(!result) goto fail; //Update apps dir succeeded, try to update the data dir. = NULL; download.size = 0; //memset(&buffer, 0, bufferSize); should we be clearing the buffer of any possible data before downloading? _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg23", L"Updating data directory..."), 0.2f); download = downloadfile(buffer.get(), bufferSize, m_data_update_url, CMenu::_downloadProgress, this); if( == 0 || download.size < m_data_update_size) { _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg12", L"Download failed!"), 1.f); goto success; } // download finished, write new files. _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg13", L"Saving..."), 0.9f); remove(m_data_update_zip.c_str()); file = fopen(m_data_update_zip.c_str(), "wb"); if(file != NULL) { fwrite(, 1, download.size, file); SAFE_CLOSE(file); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg24", L"Extracting..."), 0.8f); ZipFile zDataFile(m_data_update_zip.c_str()); result = zDataFile.ExtractAll(m_dataDir.c_str()); remove(m_data_update_zip.c_str()); if(!result) _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg15", L"Saving failed!"), 1.f); } } else goto fail; success: _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg21", L"Wiiflow Advanced will now exit to allow the update to take effect."), 1.f);; if( { _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg25", L"Extraction must have failed! Renaming the backup to boot.dol"), 1.f); rename(dol_backup, m_dol.c_str()); } filestr.close(); m_exit = true; goto out; fail: rename(dol_backup, m_dol.c_str()); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg15", L"Saving failed!"), 1.f); out: sleep(3); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; }
int CMenu::_coverDownloader(bool missingOnly) { pair<string, string> coverPaths; vector<string> coverList; int count = 0, countFlat = 0; float listWeight = missingOnly ? 0.125f : 0.f; // 1/8 of the progress bar for testing the PNGs we already have float dlWeight = 1.f - listWeight; u32 bufferSize = 0x280000; // Maximum download size 2 MB SmartBuf buffer = smartAnyAlloc(bufferSize); if(!buffer) { _setThrdMsg(L"Not enough memory!", 1.f); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } bool savePNG = m_cfg.getBool("GENERAL", "keep_png", true); vector<string> fmtURLBox = stringToVector(m_cfg.getString("GENERAL", "url_full_covers", FMT_BPIC_URL), "|"); vector<string> fmtURLFlat = stringToVector(m_cfg.getString("GENERAL", "url_flat_covers", FMT_PIC_URL), "|"); u32 nbSteps = m_gameList.size(); u32 step = 0; if(m_coverDLGameId.empty()) { coverList.reserve(m_gameList.size()); for(GameListIter list_iter = m_gameList.begin(); list_iter != m_gameList.end() && !m_thrdStop; list_iter++) { _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg7", L"Listing covers to download..."), listWeight *(float)step++ / (float)nbSteps); string id((*list_iter).id, sizeof(*list_iter).id); coverPaths = m_cf.getCoverPaths(id); if(!missingOnly || (!m_cf.fullCoverCached(id.c_str()) && !checkPNGFile(coverPaths.first.c_str()))) coverList.push_back(id); } } else coverList.push_back(m_coverDLGameId); u32 n = coverList.size(); if(!n || m_thrdStop) { if(!m_thrdStop) _setThrdMsg(L"Nothing in the list to download!", 1.f); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } step = 0; nbSteps = 1 + n * 2; if(!m_thrdStop) _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg1", L"Initializing network..."), listWeight + dlWeight *(float)step / (float)nbSteps); if(_initNetwork() < 0 || m_thrdStop) { if(!m_thrdStop) _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg2", L"Network initialization failed!"), 1.f); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } m_thrdStepLen = dlWeight / (float)nbSteps; Config m_newID; m_newID.load(sfmt("%s/newid.ini", m_settingsDir.c_str()).c_str()); m_newID.setString("CHANNELS", "WFSF", "DWFA"); for(vector<string>::iterator id_iter = coverList.begin(); id_iter != coverList.end() && !m_thrdStop; id_iter++) { // Try to get the full cover string url; const char *domain = _domainFromView(); bool success = false; FILE *file = NULL; string newID = m_newID.getString(domain,(*id_iter),(*id_iter)); if(!newID.empty() && strncasecmp(newID.c_str(), id_iter->c_str(), m_current_view != COVERFLOW_USB ? 4 : 6) == 0) m_newID.remove(domain,(*id_iter)); else if(!newID.empty()) gprintf("old id = %s\nnew id = %s\n", id_iter->c_str(), newID.c_str()); coverPaths = m_cf.getCoverPaths(*id_iter); for(vector<string>::iterator box_iter = fmtURLBox.begin(); box_iter != fmtURLBox.end() && !(m_thrdStop || success) && ++step; box_iter++) { url = makeURL(*box_iter, newID, countryCode(newID)); m_thrdStep = listWeight + dlWeight *(float)step / (float)nbSteps; _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg3", L"Downloading from %s"), url.c_str()), m_thrdStep); download = downloadfile(buffer.get(), bufferSize, url.c_str(), CMenu::_downloadProgress, this); if( == NULL || download.size == 0 || !checkPNGBuf( continue; if(savePNG) { _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg4", L"Saving %s"), coverPaths.first.c_str()), m_thrdStep); file = fopen(coverPaths.first.c_str(), "wb"); if(file == NULL) continue; fwrite(, download.size, 1, file); SAFE_CLOSE(file); } _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg10", L"Making %s"), sfmt("%s.wfc",id_iter->c_str()).c_str()), m_thrdStep); if(m_cf.preCacheCover(id_iter->c_str(),, true)) { count++; success = true; } } if(success || checkPNGFile(coverPaths.second.c_str())) continue; if(m_thrdStop) break; // Try to get the front cover for(vector<string>::iterator flat_iter = fmtURLFlat.begin(); flat_iter != fmtURLFlat.end() && !(m_thrdStop || success) && ++step; flat_iter++) { m_thrdStep = listWeight + dlWeight *(float)step / (float)nbSteps; url = makeURL(*flat_iter, newID, countryCode(newID)); _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg8", L"Full cover not found. Downloading from %s"), url.c_str()), m_thrdStep); download = downloadfile(buffer.get(), bufferSize, url.c_str(), CMenu::_downloadProgress, this); if( == NULL || download.size == 0 || !checkPNGBuf( continue; if(savePNG) { _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg4", L"Saving %s"), coverPaths.second.c_str()), m_thrdStep); file = fopen(coverPaths.second.c_str(), "wb"); if(file != NULL) { fwrite(, download.size, 1, file); SAFE_CLOSE(file); } } _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg10", L"Making %s"), sfmt("%s.wfc", id_iter->c_str()).c_str()), m_thrdStep); if(m_cf.preCacheCover(id_iter->c_str(),, false)) { countFlat++; success = true; } } newID.clear(); } coverList.clear(); m_newID.unload(); if(countFlat == 0) _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg5", L"%i/%i files downloaded."), count, n), 1.f); else _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg9", L"%i/%i files downloaded. %i are front covers only."), count + countFlat, n, countFlat), 1.f); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; }
void CMenu::_CheatSettings() { s32 padsState; WPADData *wd; u32 btn; WPAD_Rumble(WPAD_CHAN_0, 0); // try to load cheat file int txtavailable=0; m_cheatSettingsPage = 1; // init page txtavailable = m_cheatfile.openTxtfile(fmt("%s/%s.txt", m_txtCheatDir.c_str(), m_cf.getId().c_str())); _showCheatSettings(); _textCheatSettings(); if (txtavailable) m_btnMgr.setText(m_cheatLblTitle,wfmt(L"%s",m_cheatfile.getGameName().c_str())); else m_btnMgr.setText(m_cheatLblTitle,L""); while (true) { WPAD_ScanPads(); padsState = WPAD_ButtonsDown(0); wd = WPAD_Data(0); btn = _btnRepeat(wd->btns_h); if ((padsState & (WPAD_BUTTON_HOME | WPAD_BUTTON_B)) != 0) break; if (wd->ir.valid) m_btnMgr.mouse(wd->ir.x - m_cur.width() / 2, wd->ir.y - m_cur.height() / 2); else if ((padsState & WPAD_BUTTON_UP) != 0) m_btnMgr.up(); else if ((padsState & WPAD_BUTTON_DOWN) != 0) m_btnMgr.down(); if ((padsState & WPAD_BUTTON_MINUS) != 0) { if (m_cheatSettingsPage > 1) --m_cheatSettingsPage; _hideCheatSettings(); _showCheatSettings();; } else if ((padsState & WPAD_BUTTON_PLUS) != 0) { _hideCheatSettings(); if (m_cheatSettingsPage < (m_cheatfile.getCnt()+CHEATSPERPAGE-1)/CHEATSPERPAGE) ++m_cheatSettingsPage; _showCheatSettings();; } if ((padsState & WPAD_BUTTON_A) != 0) {; if (m_btnMgr.selected() == m_cheatBtnBack) break; else if (m_btnMgr.selected() == m_cheatBtnPageM) { _hideCheatSettings(); if (m_cheatSettingsPage > 1) --m_cheatSettingsPage; _showCheatSettings(); } else if (m_btnMgr.selected() == m_cheatBtnPageP) { _hideCheatSettings(); if (m_cheatSettingsPage < (m_cheatfile.getCnt()+CHEATSPERPAGE-1)/CHEATSPERPAGE) ++m_cheatSettingsPage; _showCheatSettings(); } for (int i = 0; i < CHEATSPERPAGE; ++i) if (m_btnMgr.selected() == m_cheatBtnItem[i]) { // handling code for clicked cheat m_cheatfile.sCheatSelected[(m_cheatSettingsPage-1)*CHEATSPERPAGE + i] = !m_cheatfile.sCheatSelected[(m_cheatSettingsPage-1)*CHEATSPERPAGE + i]; _showCheatSettings(); } if (m_btnMgr.selected() == m_cheatBtnApply) { int operation_ok,check = 0; //checks if at least one cheat is selected for (unsigned int i=0; i < m_cheatfile.getCnt(); ++i) { if (m_cheatfile.sCheatSelected[i] == true) { check = 1; break; } } if (check) { operation_ok = m_cheatfile.createGCT(fmt("%s/%s.gct", m_cheatDir.c_str(), m_cf.getId().c_str())); operation_ok = m_cheatfile.createTXT(fmt("%s/%s.txt", m_txtCheatDir.c_str(), m_cf.getId().c_str())); } m_cfg.setOptBool(m_cf.getId(), "cheat",1); if (operation_ok) break; } if (m_btnMgr.selected() == m_cheatBtnDownload) { // Download cheat code m_btnMgr.hide(m_cheatLblTitle); u32 bufferSize = 0x100000; // Maximum download size 1 MB SmartBuf buffer; block cheatfile; FILE *file; char ip[16]; if (!m_networkInit && _initNetwork(ip) < 0) { m_btnMgr.hide(m_cheatLblTitle); break; } m_networkInit = true; buffer = smartCoverAlloc(bufferSize); cheatfile = downloadfile(buffer.get(), bufferSize, sfmt(GECKOURL, m_cf.getId().c_str()).c_str(),CMenu::_downloadProgress, this); if ( != NULL && cheatfile.size > 65 &&[0] != '<') { // cheat file was downloaded and presumably no 404 file = fopen(fmt("%s/%s.txt", m_txtCheatDir.c_str(), m_cf.getId().c_str()), "wb"); if (file != NULL) { fwrite(, 1, cheatfile.size, file); fclose(file); break; } } else { // cheat code not found, show result m_btnMgr.setText(m_cheatLblItem[0], _t("cheat4", L"Download not found.")); m_btnMgr.setText(m_cheatLblItem[1], wfmt(L"",m_cf.getId().c_str()));[1]); } } } _mainLoopCommon(wd); } _hideCheatSettings(); }
int CMenu::_titleDownloader(bool missingOnly) { block txt; Config titles; char ip[16]; string langCode; wstringEx ws; bool ok = false; SmartBuf buffer; const char *p; const char *txtEnd; u32 len; u32 bufferSize = 1 * 0x100000; // Maximum download size 1 MB buffer = smartCoverAlloc(bufferSize); if (!buffer) { _setThrdMsg(L"Not enough memory", 1.f); return 0; } titles.load(sfmt("%s/titles.ini", m_dataDir.c_str()).c_str()); langCode = m_loc.getString(m_curLanguage, "wiitdb_code", "EN"); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg1", L"Initializing network..."), 0.f); if (!m_networkInit && _initNetwork(ip) < 0) { _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg2", L"Network initialization failed"), 1.f); } else { m_networkInit = true; _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg11", L"Downloading..."), 0.1f); m_thrdStep = 0.1f; m_thrdStepLen = 0.9f - 0.1f; txt = downloadfile(buffer.get(), bufferSize, sfmt(TITLES_URL, langCode.c_str()).c_str(), CMenu::_downloadProgress, this); if ( == 0 || txt.size < 42) { _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg12", L"Download failed"), 1.f); } else {[min(txt.size, bufferSize - 1)] = 0; p = (const char *); txtEnd = (const char *) + txt.size; while (p < txtEnd) { len = strcspn((char *)p, "\n"); if (len > 7) { string l((char *)p, len); u32 i = l.find_first_of('='); u32 j = l.find_first_of(' '); u32 n = min(i, j); if (i != string::npos && n >= 4 && (n == 6 || n == 4)) { u32 m = l.find_first_not_of(' ', i + 1); if (m != string::npos) { ok = true; wstringEx w; w.fromUTF8(l.substr(m, l[l.size() - 1] == '\r' ? l.size() - 1 - m : l.size() - m).c_str()); if (missingOnly) titles.getWString("TITLES", l.substr(0, n), w); else titles.setWString("TITLES", l.substr(0, n), w); } } } p += len + 1; } if (!ok) { _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg16", L"Couldn't read file"), 1.f); } } } if (ok) { _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg13", L"Saving..."), 0.9f);; _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg14", L"Done."), 1.f); } m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; }
int CMenu::_coverDownloader(bool missingOnly) { u32 n; u32 nbSteps; u32 step; float listWeight = missingOnly ? 0.125f : 0.f; // 1/8 of the progress bar for testing the PNGs we already have float dlWeight = 1.f - listWeight; int count = 0; int countFlat = 0; FILE *file; char ip[16]; string url; string path; block png; vector<string> coverList; bool savePNG; bool success; vector<string> fmtURLFlat; vector<string> fmtURLBox; u32 bufferSize = 0x400000; // Maximum download size 4 MB SmartBuf buffer; // Use the cover space as a temporary buffer buffer = smartCoverAlloc(bufferSize); if (!buffer) { _setThrdMsg(L"Not enough memory", 1.f); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } savePNG = m_cfg.getBool(" GENERAL", "keep_png", true); fmtURLBox = stringToVector(m_cfg.getString(" GENERAL", "url_full_covers", FMT_BPIC_URL), '|'); fmtURLFlat = stringToVector(m_cfg.getString(" GENERAL", "url_flat_covers", FMT_PIC_URL), '|'); nbSteps = m_gameList.size(); step = 0; if (m_coverDLGameId.empty()) { coverList.reserve(m_gameList.size()); for (u32 i = 0; i < m_gameList.size() && !m_thrdStop; ++i) { _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg7", L"Listing covers to download..."), listWeight * (float)step / (float)nbSteps); ++step; string id((const char *)m_gameList[i].id, sizeof m_gameList[i].id); path = sfmt("%s/%s.png", m_boxPicDir.c_str(), id.c_str()); if (!missingOnly || (!m_cf.fullCoverCached(id.c_str()) && !checkPNGFile(path.c_str()))) coverList.push_back(id); } } else coverList.push_back(m_coverDLGameId); n = coverList.size(); if (n > 0 && !m_thrdStop) { step = 0; nbSteps = 1 + n * 2; _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg1", L"Initializing network..."), listWeight + dlWeight * (float)step / (float)nbSteps); if (!m_networkInit && _initNetwork(ip) < 0) { _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg2", L"Network initialization failed"), 1.f); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } m_thrdStepLen = dlWeight / (float)nbSteps; m_networkInit = true; gprintf("Going to download %d covers\n", coverList.size()); for (u32 i = 0; i < coverList.size() && !m_thrdStop; ++i) { // Try to get the full cover gprintf("Trying to get the full cover of %s\n", coverList[i].c_str()); success = false; for (u32 j = 0; !success && j < fmtURLBox.size() && !m_thrdStop; ++j) { url = makeURL(fmtURLBox[j], coverList[i], countryCode(coverList[i])); if (j == 0) ++step; m_thrdStep = listWeight + dlWeight * (float)step / (float)nbSteps; _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg3", L"Downloading from %s"), url.c_str()), m_thrdStep); png = downloadfile(buffer.get(), bufferSize, url.c_str(), CMenu::_downloadProgress, this); if ( != NULL) { if (savePNG) { path = sfmt("%s/%s.png", m_boxPicDir.c_str(), coverList[i].c_str()); _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg4", L"Saving %s"), path.c_str()), listWeight + dlWeight * (float)(step + 1) / (float)nbSteps); file = fopen(path.c_str(), "wb"); if (file != NULL) { fwrite(, png.size, 1, file); fclose(file); } } _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg10", L"Making %s"), sfmt("%s.wfc", coverList[i].c_str()).c_str()), listWeight + dlWeight * (float)(step + 1) / (float)nbSteps); if (m_cf.preCacheCover(coverList[i].c_str(),, true)) { ++count; success = true; } } } if (!success && !m_thrdStop) { path = sfmt("%s/%s.png", m_picDir.c_str(), coverList[i].c_str()); if (!checkPNGFile(path.c_str())) { // Try to get the front cover if (m_thrdStop) break; gprintf("Trying to get the front cover of %s\n", coverList[i].c_str()); for (u32 j = 0; !success && j < fmtURLFlat.size() && !m_thrdStop; ++j) { url = makeURL(fmtURLFlat[j], coverList[i], countryCode(coverList[i])); _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg8", L"Full cover not found. Downloading from %s"), url.c_str()), listWeight + dlWeight * (float)step / (float)nbSteps); png = downloadfile(buffer.get(), bufferSize, url.c_str(), CMenu::_downloadProgress, this); if ( != NULL) { if (savePNG) { _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg4", L"Saving %s"), path.c_str()), listWeight + dlWeight * (float)(step + 1) / (float)nbSteps); file = fopen(path.c_str(), "wb"); if (file != NULL) { fwrite(, png.size, 1, file); fclose(file); } } _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg10", L"Making %s"), sfmt("%s.wfc", coverList[i].c_str()).c_str()), listWeight + dlWeight * (float)(step + 1) / (float)nbSteps); if (m_cf.preCacheCover(coverList[i].c_str(),, false)) { ++countFlat; success = true; } } } } } ++step; } gprintf("Finished downloading covers\n"); } if (countFlat == 0) _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg5", L"%i/%i files downloaded."), count, n), 1.f); else _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg9", L"%i/%i files downloaded. %i are front covers only."), count + countFlat, n, countFlat), 1.f); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; }