void StandardScalingBase::RegisterOptions( SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions) { roptions->AddNumberOption("obj_scaling_factor", "Scaling factor for the objective function.", 1., "This option sets a scaling factor for the objective function. " "The scaling is seen internally by Ipopt but the unscaled objective is " "reported in the console output. " "If additional scaling parameters are computed " "(e.g. user-scaling or gradient-based), both factors are multiplied. " "If this value is chosen to be negative, Ipopt will " "maximize the objective function instead of minimizing it."); }
void WarmStartIterateInitializer::RegisterOptions(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions) { roptions->AddLowerBoundedNumberOption( "warm_start_bound_push", "same as bound_push for the regular initializer.", 0.0, true, 1e-3); roptions->AddBoundedNumberOption( "warm_start_bound_frac", "same as bound_frac for the regular initializer.", 0.0, true, 0.5, false, 1e-3); roptions->AddLowerBoundedNumberOption( "warm_start_slack_bound_push", "same as slack_bound_push for the regular initializer.", 0.0, true, 1e-3); roptions->AddBoundedNumberOption( "warm_start_slack_bound_frac", "same as slack_bound_frac for the regular initializer.", 0.0, true, 0.5, false, 1e-3); roptions->AddLowerBoundedNumberOption( "warm_start_mult_bound_push", "same as mult_bound_push for the regular initializer.", 0.0, true, 1e-3); roptions->AddNumberOption( "warm_start_mult_init_max", "Maximum initial value for the equality multipliers.", 1e6); roptions->AddStringOption2( "warm_start_entire_iterate", "Tells algorithm whether to use the GetWarmStartIterate method in the NLP.", "no", "no", "call GetStartingPoint in the NLP", "yes", "call GetWarmStartIterate in the NLP", ""); roptions->SetRegisteringCategory("Uncategorized"); roptions->AddNumberOption( "warm_start_target_mu", "Unsupported!", 0e-3); }
void MumpsSolverInterface::RegisterOptions(SmartPtr<RegisteredOptions> roptions) { roptions->AddBoundedNumberOption( "mumps_pivtol", "Pivot tolerance for the linear solver MUMPS.", 0, false, 1, false, 1e-6, "A smaller number pivots for sparsity, a larger number pivots for " "stability. This option is only available if Ipopt has been compiled " "with MUMPS."); roptions->AddBoundedNumberOption( "mumps_pivtolmax", "Maximum pivot tolerance for the linear solver MUMPS.", 0, false, 1, false, 0.1, "Ipopt may increase pivtol as high as pivtolmax to get a more accurate " "solution to the linear system. This option is only available if " "Ipopt has been compiled with MUMPS."); roptions->AddLowerBoundedIntegerOption( "mumps_mem_percent", "Percentage increase in the estimated working space for MUMPS.", 0, 1000, "In MUMPS when significant extra fill-in is caused by numerical " "pivoting, larger values of mumps_mem_percent may help use the " "workspace more efficiently. On the other hand, if memory requirement " "are too large at the very beginning of the optimization, choosing a " "much smaller value for this option, such as 5, might reduce memory " "requirements."); roptions->AddBoundedIntegerOption( "mumps_permuting_scaling", "Controls permuting and scaling in MUMPS", 0, 7, 7, "This is ICNTL(6) in MUMPS."); roptions->AddBoundedIntegerOption( "mumps_pivot_order", "Controls pivot order in MUMPS", 0, 7, 7, "This is ICNTL(7) in MUMPS."); roptions->AddBoundedIntegerOption( "mumps_scaling", "Controls scaling in MUMPS", -2, 77, 77, "This is ICNTL(8) in MUMPS."); roptions->AddNumberOption( "mumps_dep_tol", "Pivot threshold for detection of linearly dependent constraints in MUMPS.", 0.0, "When MUMPS is used to determine linearly dependent constraints, this " "is determines the threshold for a pivot to be considered zero. This " "is CNTL(3) in MUMPS."); }