int Epetra_TSFOperator::ApplyInverse(const Epetra_MultiVector& in, Epetra_MultiVector& out) const { TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(solver_.ptr().get()==0, std::runtime_error, "no solver provided for Epetra_TSFOperator::ApplyInverse"); TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(!isNativeEpetra_ && !isCompoundEpetra_, std::runtime_error, "Epetra_TSFOperator::ApplyInverse expects either " "a native epetra operator or a compound operator with " "Epetra domain and range spaces"); const Epetra_Vector* cevIn = dynamic_cast<const Epetra_Vector*>(&in); Epetra_Vector* evIn = const_cast<Epetra_Vector*>(cevIn); Epetra_Vector* evOut = dynamic_cast<Epetra_Vector*>(&out); TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(evIn==0, std::runtime_error, "Epetra_TSFOperator::Apply " "cannot deal with multivectors"); TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(evOut==0, std::runtime_error, "Epetra_TSFOperator::Apply " "cannot deal with multivectors"); const EpetraVectorSpace* ed = dynamic_cast<const EpetraVectorSpace*>(A_.range().ptr().get()); const EpetraVectorSpace* er = dynamic_cast<const EpetraVectorSpace*>(A_.domain().ptr().get()); RCP<Thyra::VectorBase<double> > vpIn = rcp(new EpetraVector(rcp(ed, false), rcp(evIn, false))); RCP<Thyra::VectorBase<double> > vpOut = rcp(new EpetraVector(rcp(er, false), rcp(evOut, false))); Vector<double> vIn = vpIn; Vector<double> vOut = vpOut; SolverState<double> state = solver_.solve(A_, vIn, vOut); if (state.finalState() == SolveCrashed) return -1; else if (state.finalState() == SolveFailedToConverge) return -2; else out = EpetraVector::getConcrete(vOut); return 0; }
void LinearPDEConstrainedObj::solveState(const Vector<double>& x) const { Tabs tab(0); PLAYA_MSG2(verb(), tab << "solving state"); PLAYA_MSG3(verb(), tab << "|x|=" << x.norm2()); PLAYA_MSG5(verb(), tab << "x=" << endl << tab << x.norm2()); setDiscreteFunctionVector(designVarVal(), x); /* solve the state equations in order */ for (int i=0; i<stateProbs_.size(); i++) { SolverState<double> status = stateProbs_[i].solve(solvers_[i], stateVarVals(i)); TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(status.finalState() != SolveConverged, std::runtime_error, "state equation could not be solved: status=" << status.stateDescription()); } PLAYA_MSG2(verb(), tab << "done state solve"); /* do postprocessing */ statePostprocCallback(); }
template <class Scalar> inline SolverState<Scalar> BlockTriangularSolver<Scalar> ::solve(const LinearOperator<Scalar>& op, const Vector<Scalar>& rhs, Vector<Scalar>& soln) const { int nRows = op.numBlockRows(); int nCols = op.numBlockCols(); soln = op.domain().createMember(); // bool converged = false; TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(nRows !=, std::runtime_error, "number of rows in operator " << op << " not equal to number of blocks on RHS " << rhs); TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(nRows != nCols, std::runtime_error, "nonsquare block structure in block triangular " "solver: nRows=" << nRows << " nCols=" << nCols); bool isUpper = false; bool isLower = false; for (int r=0; r<nRows; r++) { for (int c=0; c<nCols; c++) { if (op.getBlock(r,c).ptr().get() == 0 || dynamic_cast<const SimpleZeroOp<Scalar>* >(op.getBlock(r,c).ptr().get())) { TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(r==c, std::runtime_error, "zero diagonal block (" << r << ", " << c << " detected in block " "triangular solver. Operator is " << op); continue; } else { if (r < c) isUpper = true; if (c < r) isLower = true; } } } TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(isUpper && isLower, std::runtime_error, "block triangular solver detected non-triangular operator " << op); bool oneSolverFitsAll = false; if ((int) solvers_.size() == 1 && nRows != 1) { oneSolverFitsAll = true; } for (int i=0; i<nRows; i++) { int r = i; if (isUpper) r = nRows - 1 - i; Vector<Scalar> rhs_r = rhs.getBlock(r); for (int j=0; j<i; j++) { int c = j; if (isUpper) c = nCols - 1 - j; if (op.getBlock(r,c).ptr().get() != 0) { rhs_r = rhs_r - op.getBlock(r,c) * soln.getBlock(c); } } SolverState<Scalar> state; Vector<Scalar> soln_r; if (oneSolverFitsAll) { state = solvers_[0].solve(op.getBlock(r,r), rhs_r, soln_r); } else { state = solvers_[r].solve(op.getBlock(r,r), rhs_r, soln_r); } if (nRows > 1) soln.setBlock(r, soln_r); else soln = soln_r; if (state.finalState() != SolveConverged) { return state; } } return SolverState<Scalar>(SolveConverged, "block solves converged", 0, ScalarTraits<Scalar>::zero()); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { try { GlobalMPISession session(&argc, &argv); MPIComm::world().synchronize(); /* create the nonlinear operator */ VectorType<double> type = new EpetraVectorType(); int nProc = MPIComm::world().getNProc(); int nLocalRows = 128/nProc; PoissonBoltzmannOp* prob = new PoissonBoltzmannOp(nLocalRows, type); NonlinearOperator<double> F = prob; /* create the nox solver */ ParameterXMLFileReader reader("nox.xml"); ParameterList noxParams = reader.getParameters(); Out::root() << "solver params = " << noxParams << std::endl; NOXSolver solver(noxParams); Vector<double> soln; SolverState<double> stat = solver.solve(F, soln); TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(stat.finalState() != SolveConverged, runtime_error, "solve failed"); Out::root() << "numerical solution = " << std::endl; Out::os() << soln << std::endl; Vector<double> exact = prob->exactSoln(); Out::root() << "exact solution = " << std::endl; Out::os() << exact << std::endl; //bvbw reddish port hack double temp_val = nLocalRows*nProc; double err = (exact-soln).norm2()/sqrt(temp_val); Out::root() << "error norm = " << err << std::endl; double tol = 1.0e-6; if (err > tol) { Out::root() << "NOX Poisson-Boltzmann test FAILED" << std::endl; return 1; } else { Out::root() << "NOX Poisson-Boltzmann test PASSED" << std::endl; return 0; } } catch(std::exception& e) { Out::root() << "Caught exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; return -1; } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { try { Sundance::init(&argc, &argv); /* We will do our linear algebra using Epetra */ VectorType<double> vecType = new EpetraVectorType(); /* Create a mesh. It will be of type BasisSimplicialMesh, and will * be built using a PartitionedLineMesher. */ MeshType meshType = new BasicSimplicialMeshType(); int nx = 32; MeshSource mesher = new PartitionedRectangleMesher( 0.0, 1.0, nx, 0.0, 1.0, nx, meshType); Mesh mesh = mesher.getMesh(); /* Create a cell filter that will identify the maximal cells * in the interior of the domain */ CellFilter interior = new MaximalCellFilter(); /* Make cell filters for the east and west boundaries */ CellFilter edges = new DimensionalCellFilter(1); CellFilter west = edges.coordSubset(0, 0.0); CellFilter east = edges.coordSubset(0, 1.0); /* Create unknown and test functions */ Expr u = new UnknownFunction(new Lagrange(1), "u"); Expr v = new TestFunction(new Lagrange(1), "v"); /* Create differential operator and coordinate function */ Expr x = new CoordExpr(0); Expr grad = gradient(1); /* We need a quadrature rule for doing the integrations */ QuadratureFamily quad = new GaussianQuadrature(4); /* Define the parameter */ Expr xi = new Sundance::Parameter(0.0); /* Construct a forcing term to provide an exact solution for * validation purposes. This will involve the parameter. */ Expr uEx = x*(1.0-x)*(1.0+xi*exp(x)); Expr f = -(-20 - exp(x)*xi*(1 + 32*x + 10*x*x + exp(x)*(-1 + 2*x*(2 + x))*xi))/10.0; /* Define the weak form, using the parameter expression. This weak form * can be used for all parameter values. */ Expr eqn = Integral(interior, (1.0 + 0.1*xi*exp(x))*(grad*v)*(grad*u) - f*v, quad); /* Define the Dirichlet BC */ Expr h = new CellDiameterExpr(); Expr bc = EssentialBC(east + west, v*u/h, quad); /* We can now set up the linear problem. This can be reused * for different parameter values. */ LinearProblem prob(mesh, eqn, bc, v, u, vecType); /* make a projector for the exact solution. Just like the * problem, this can be reused for different parameter values. */ DiscreteSpace ds(mesh, new Lagrange(1), vecType); L2Projector proj(ds, uEx); /* Get the solver and declare variables for the results */ LinearSolver<double> solver = LinearSolverBuilder::createSolver("aztec-ml.xml"); Expr soln; SolverState<double> state; /* Set up the sweep from xi=0 to xi=xiMax in nSteps steps. */ int nSteps = 10; double xiMax = 2.0; /* Make an array in which to keep the observed errors */ Array<double> err(nSteps); /* Do the sweep */ for (int n=0; n<nSteps; n++) { /* Update the parameter value */ double xiVal = xiMax*n/(nSteps - 1.0); xi.setParameterValue(xiVal); Out::root() << "step n=" << n << " of " << nSteps << " xi=" << xiVal; /* Solve the problem. The updated parameter value is automatically used. */ state = prob.solve(solver, soln); TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(state.finalState() != SolveConverged, std::runtime_error, "solve failed!"); /* Project the exact solution onto a discrrete space for viz. The updated * parameter value is automatically used. */ Expr uEx0 = proj.project(); /* Write the approximate and exact solutions for viz */ FieldWriter w = new VTKWriter("ParameterSweep-" + Teuchos::toString(n)); w.addMesh(mesh); w.addField("u", new ExprFieldWrapper(soln[0])); w.addField("uEx", new ExprFieldWrapper(uEx0[0])); w.write(); /* Compute the L2 norm of the error */ err[n] = L2Norm(mesh, interior, soln-uEx, quad); Out::root() << " L2 error = " << err[n] << endl; } /* The errors are O(h^2), so use that to set a tolerance */ double hVal = 1.0/(nx-1.0); double fudge = 2.0; double tol = fudge*hVal*hVal; /* Find the max error over all parameter values */ double maxErr = *std::max_element(err.begin(), err.end()); /* Check the error */ Sundance::passFailTest(maxErr, tol); } catch(std::exception& e) { Sundance::handleException(e); } Sundance::finalize(); return Sundance::testStatus(); }
void LinearPDEConstrainedObj ::solveStateAndAdjoint(const Vector<double>& x) const { Tabs tab(0); PLAYA_MSG2(verb(), tab << "solving state and adjoint"); PLAYA_MSG3(verb(), tab << "|x|=" << x.norm2()); PLAYA_MSG5(verb(), tab << "x=" << endl << tab << x.norm2()); Tabs tab1; setDiscreteFunctionVector(designVarVal(), x); PLAYA_MSG3(verb(), tab1 << "solving state eqns"); /* solve the state equations in order */ for (int i=0; i<stateProbs_.size(); i++) { SolverState<double> status = stateProbs_[i].solve(solvers_[i], stateVarVals(i)); /* if the solve failed, write out the design var and known state * variables */ if (status.finalState() != SolveConverged) { FieldWriter w = new VTKWriter("badSolve"); w.addMesh(Lagrangian().mesh()); w.addField("designVar", new ExprFieldWrapper(designVarVal())); for (int j=0; j<i; j++) { Expr tmp = stateVarVals(j).flatten(); for (int k=0; k<tmp.size(); k++) { w.addField("stateVar-"+Teuchos::toString(j)+"-"+Teuchos::toString(k), new ExprFieldWrapper(tmp[k])); } } w.write(); } TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(status.finalState() != SolveConverged, std::runtime_error, "state equation " << i << " could not be solved: status=" << status.stateDescription()); } PLAYA_MSG3(verb(), tab1 << "done solving state eqns"); /* do postprocessing */ statePostprocCallback(); PLAYA_MSG3(verb(), tab1 << "solving adjoint eqns"); /* solve the adjoint equations in reverse order */ for (int i=adjointProbs_.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { SolverState<double> status = adjointProbs_[i].solve(solvers_[i], adjointVarVals(i)); /* if the solve failed, write out the design var and known state * and adjoint variables */ if (status.finalState() != SolveConverged) { FieldWriter w = new VTKWriter("badSolve"); w.addMesh(Lagrangian().mesh()); w.addField("designVar", new ExprFieldWrapper(designVarVal())); for (int j=0; j<stateProbs_.size(); j++) { Expr tmp = stateVarVals(j).flatten(); for (int k=0; k<tmp.size(); k++) { w.addField("stateVar-"+Teuchos::toString(j)+"-"+Teuchos::toString(k), new ExprFieldWrapper(tmp[k])); } } for (int j=adjointProbs_.size()-1; j>i; j--) { Expr tmp = adjointVarVals(j).flatten(); for (int k=0; k<tmp.size(); k++) { w.addField("adjointVar-"+Teuchos::toString(j)+"-"+Teuchos::toString(k), new ExprFieldWrapper(tmp[k])); } } w.write(); } TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(status.finalState() != SolveConverged, std::runtime_error, "adjoint equation " << i << " could not be solved: status=" << status.stateDescription()); } PLAYA_MSG3(verb(), tab1 << "done solving adjoint eqns"); PLAYA_MSG2(verb(), tab1 << "done solving state and adjoint eqns"); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { try { int nx = 32; double convTol = 1.0e-8; double lambda = 0.5; Sundance::setOption("nx", nx, "Number of elements"); Sundance::setOption("tol", convTol, "Convergence tolerance"); Sundance::setOption("lambda", lambda, "Lambda (parameter in Bratu's equation)"); Sundance::init(&argc, &argv); Out::root() << "Bratu problem (lambda=" << lambda << ")" << endl; Out::root() << "Newton's method with automated linearization" << endl << endl; VectorType<double> vecType = new EpetraVectorType(); MeshType meshType = new BasicSimplicialMeshType(); MeshSource mesher = new PartitionedLineMesher(0.0, 1.0, nx, meshType); Mesh mesh = mesher.getMesh(); CellFilter interior = new MaximalCellFilter(); CellFilter sides = new DimensionalCellFilter(mesh.spatialDim()-1); CellFilter left = sides.subset(new CoordinateValueCellPredicate(0, 0.0)); CellFilter right = sides.subset(new CoordinateValueCellPredicate(0, 1.0)); BasisFamily basis = new Lagrange(1); Expr u = new UnknownFunction(basis, "w"); Expr v = new TestFunction(basis, "v"); Expr grad = gradient(1); Expr x = new CoordExpr(0); const double pi = 4.0*atan(1.0); Expr uExact = sin(pi*x); Expr R = pi*pi*uExact - lambda*exp(uExact); QuadratureFamily quad4 = new GaussianQuadrature(4); QuadratureFamily quad2 = new GaussianQuadrature(2); DiscreteSpace discSpace(mesh, basis, vecType); Expr uPrev = new DiscreteFunction(discSpace, 0.5); Expr eqn = Integral(interior, (grad*v)*(grad*u) - v*lambda*exp(u) - v*R, quad4); Expr h = new CellDiameterExpr(); Expr bc = EssentialBC(left+right, v*u/h, quad2); NonlinearProblem prob(mesh, eqn, bc, v, u, uPrev, vecType); NonlinearSolver<double> solver = NonlinearSolverBuilder::createSolver("playa-newton-amesos.xml"); Out::root() << "Newton solve" << endl; SolverState<double> state = prob.solve(solver); TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(state.finalState() != SolveConverged, std::runtime_error, "Nonlinear solve failed to converge: message=" << state.finalMsg()); Expr soln = uPrev; FieldWriter writer = new DSVWriter("AutoLinearizedBratu.dat"); writer.addMesh(mesh); writer.addField("soln", new ExprFieldWrapper(soln[0])); writer.write(); Out::root() << "Converged!" << endl << endl; double L2Err = L2Norm(mesh, interior, soln-uExact, quad4); Out::root() << "L2 Norm of error: " << L2Err << endl; Sundance::passFailTest(L2Err, 1.5/((double) nx*nx)); } catch(std::exception& e) { Sundance::handleException(e); } Sundance::finalize(); return Sundance::testStatus(); }