コード例 #1
int SoundDataManager::loadFromFile(const char* pFilePath)
    int nSoundID = 0;

        BREAK_IF(! FileUtils::isFileExisted(pFilePath));
        int nID = BKDRHash(pFilePath);

        // if we have loaded the file before,break
        tEffectElement *pElement = NULL;
        HASH_FIND_INT(m_pEffects, &nID, pElement);
        if (pElement)
            nSoundID = nID;

        // calculate the buffer size we needed
        SoundPlayer TempPlayer;
        int nBufferSize = TempPlayer.GetFileBufferSize(pFilePath);
        // can not calculate the size,load failed
        BREAK_IF(nBufferSize < 0);

        // load the file data
        unsigned char* buffer = NULL;
        buffer = new unsigned char[nBufferSize];
        int nSize = TempPlayer.DecodeFile(buffer, nBufferSize, pFilePath);
        BREAK_IF(nSize < 0);

        // record the id
        nSoundID = nID;

        // add the data to hash map
        pElement = (tEffectElement*)calloc(sizeof(*pElement), 1);
        pElement->nSoundID    = nSoundID;
        pElement->pDataBuffer = buffer;
        pElement->nDataSize   = nBufferSize;
        pElement->FileName    = "";
        pElement->nPlayerSoundID = -1;
        HASH_ADD_INT(m_pEffects, nSoundID, pElement);
    } while (0);

    return nSoundID;