コード例 #1
static SourceLoc getDeclStartPosition(SourceFile &File) {
  SourceManager &SM = File.getASTContext().SourceMgr;
  SourceLoc Winner;

  auto tryUpdateStart = [&](SourceLoc Loc) -> bool {
    if (Loc.isInvalid())
      return false;
    if (Winner.isInvalid()) {
      Winner = Loc;
      return true;
    if (SM.isBeforeInBuffer(Loc, Winner)) {
      Winner = Loc;
      return true;
    return false;

  for (auto D : File.Decls) {
    if (tryUpdateStart(D->getStartLoc())) {
      auto RawComment = D->getRawComment();
      if (!RawComment.isEmpty())

  return Winner;
コード例 #2
bool SemaAnnotator::passCallArgNames(Expr *Fn, TupleExpr *TupleE) {
  ValueDecl *D = extractDecl(Fn);
  if (!D)
    return true; // continue.

  ArrayRef<Identifier> ArgNames = TupleE->getElementNames();
  ArrayRef<SourceLoc> ArgLocs = TupleE->getElementNameLocs();
  for (auto i : indices(ArgNames)) {
    Identifier Name = ArgNames[i];
    if (Name.empty())

    SourceLoc Loc = ArgLocs[i];
    if (Loc.isInvalid())

    CharSourceRange Range{ Loc, Name.getLength() };
    bool Continue = SEWalker.visitCallArgName(Name, Range, D);
    if (!Continue) {
      Cancelled = true;
      return false;

  return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: DeclContext.cpp プロジェクト: XLsn0wKit/swift
static unsigned getLineNumber(DCType *DC) {
  SourceLoc loc = DC->getLoc();
  if (loc.isInvalid())
    return 0;

  const ASTContext &ctx = static_cast<const DeclContext *>(DC)->getASTContext();
  return ctx.SourceMgr.getLineAndColumn(loc).first;
コード例 #4
void SerializedDiagnosticConsumer::
emitDiagnosticMessage(SourceManager &SM,
                      SourceLoc Loc,
                      DiagnosticKind Kind,
                      StringRef Text,
                      const DiagnosticInfo &Info) {

  // Emit the diagnostic to bitcode.
  llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream = State->Stream;
  RecordData &Record = State->Record;
  AbbreviationMap &Abbrevs = State->Abbrevs;

  StringRef filename = "";
  if (Loc.isValid())
    filename = SM.getIdentifierForBuffer(SM.findBufferContainingLoc(Loc));

  // Emit the RECORD_DIAG record.
  addLocToRecord(Loc, SM, filename, Record);

  // FIXME: Swift diagnostics currently have no category.
  // FIXME: Swift diagnostics currently have no flags.

  // Emit the message.
  Stream.EmitRecordWithBlob(Abbrevs.get(RECORD_DIAG), Record, Text);

  // If the location is invalid, do not emit source ranges or fixits.
  if (Loc.isInvalid())

  // Emit source ranges.
  auto RangeAbbrev = State->Abbrevs.get(RECORD_SOURCE_RANGE);
  for (const auto &R : Info.Ranges) {
    if (R.isInvalid())
    addRangeToRecord(R, SM, filename, State->Record);
    State->Stream.EmitRecordWithAbbrev(RangeAbbrev, State->Record);

  // Emit FixIts.
  auto FixItAbbrev = State->Abbrevs.get(RECORD_FIXIT);
  for (const auto &F : Info.FixIts) {
    if (F.getRange().isValid()) {
      addRangeToRecord(F.getRange(), SM, filename, State->Record);
      Stream.EmitRecordWithBlob(FixItAbbrev, Record, F.getText());
コード例 #5
ファイル: LookupVisibleDecls.cpp プロジェクト: erica/swift
void swift::lookupVisibleDecls(VisibleDeclConsumer &Consumer,
                               const DeclContext *DC,
                               LazyResolver *TypeResolver,
                               bool IncludeTopLevel,
                               SourceLoc Loc) {
  if (Loc.isInvalid()) {
    lookupVisibleDeclsImpl(Consumer, DC, TypeResolver, IncludeTopLevel, Loc);

  // Filtering out unusable values.
  class LocalConsumer : public VisibleDeclConsumer {
    const SourceManager &SM;
    SourceLoc Loc;
    VisibleDeclConsumer &Consumer;

    bool isUsableValue(ValueDecl *VD, DeclVisibilityKind Reason) {

      // Check "use within its own initial value" case.
      if (auto *varD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(VD))
        if (auto *PBD = varD->getParentPatternBinding())
          if (!PBD->isImplicit() &&
              SM.rangeContainsTokenLoc(PBD->getSourceRange(), Loc))
            return false;

      switch (Reason) {
      case DeclVisibilityKind::LocalVariable:
        // Use of 'TypeDecl's before declaration is allowed.
        if (isa<TypeDecl>(VD))
          return true;

        return SM.isBeforeInBuffer(VD->getLoc(), Loc);

      case DeclVisibilityKind::VisibleAtTopLevel:
        // TODO: Implement forward reference rule for script mode? Currently,
        // it's not needed because the rest of the file hasn't been parsed.
        // See: https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-284 for the rule.
        return true;

        // Other visibility kind are always usable.
        return true;

    LocalConsumer(const SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc,
                  VisibleDeclConsumer &Consumer)
        : SM(SM), Loc(Loc), Consumer(Consumer) {}

    void foundDecl(ValueDecl *VD, DeclVisibilityKind Reason) {
      if (isUsableValue(VD, Reason))
        Consumer.foundDecl(VD, Reason);
  } LocalConsumer(DC->getASTContext().SourceMgr, Loc, Consumer);

  lookupVisibleDeclsImpl(LocalConsumer, DC, TypeResolver, IncludeTopLevel, Loc);
コード例 #6
ファイル: SwiftSourceDocInfo.cpp プロジェクト: arbales/swift
    void handlePrimaryAST(ASTUnitRef AstUnit) override {
      auto &CompInst = AstUnit->getCompilerInstance();
      auto &SrcFile = AstUnit->getPrimarySourceFile();

      trace::TracedOperation TracedOp;

      SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, 8> Ranges;

      auto Action = [&]() {
        if (trace::enabled()) {
          trace::SwiftInvocation SwiftArgs;
          Invok->raw(SwiftArgs.Args.Args, SwiftArgs.Args.PrimaryFile);
          trace::initTraceFiles(SwiftArgs, CompInst);
          TracedOp.start(trace::OperationKind::RelatedIdents, SwiftArgs,
                        {std::make_pair("Offset", std::to_string(Offset))});

        unsigned BufferID = SrcFile.getBufferID().getValue();
        SourceLoc Loc =
          Lexer::getLocForStartOfToken(CompInst.getSourceMgr(), BufferID, Offset);
        if (Loc.isInvalid())

        SemaLocResolver Resolver(SrcFile);
        SemaToken SemaTok = Resolver.resolve(Loc);
        if (SemaTok.isInvalid())
        if (SemaTok.IsKeywordArgument)

        ValueDecl *VD = SemaTok.CtorTyRef ? SemaTok.CtorTyRef : SemaTok.ValueD;
        if (!VD)
          return; // This was a module reference.

        // Only accept pointing to an identifier.
        if (!SemaTok.IsRef &&
            (isa<ConstructorDecl>(VD) ||
             isa<DestructorDecl>(VD) ||
        if (VD->getName().isOperator())

        RelatedIdScanner Scanner(SrcFile, BufferID, VD, Ranges);
        if (DeclContext *LocalDC = VD->getDeclContext()->getLocalContext()) {
        } else {

      RelatedIdentsInfo Info;
      Info.Ranges = Ranges;
コード例 #7
Optional<FileSpecificDiagnosticConsumer::Subconsumer *>
FileSpecificDiagnosticConsumer::subconsumerForLocation(SourceManager &SM,
                                                       SourceLoc loc) {
  // Diagnostics with invalid locations always go to every consumer.
  if (loc.isInvalid())
    return None;

  // What if a there's a FileSpecificDiagnosticConsumer but there are no
  // subconsumers in it? (This situation occurs for the fix-its
  // FileSpecificDiagnosticConsumer.) In such a case, bail out now.
  if (Subconsumers.empty())
    return None;

  // This map is generated on first use and cached, to allow the
  // FileSpecificDiagnosticConsumer to be set up before the source files are
  // actually loaded.
  if (ConsumersOrderedByRange.empty()) {

    // It's possible to get here while a bridging header PCH is being
    // attached-to, if there's some sort of AST-reader warning or error, which
    // happens before CompilerInstance::setUpInputs(), at which point _no_
    // source buffers are loaded in yet. In that case we return None, rather
    // than trying to build a nonsensical map (and actually crashing since we
    // can't find buffers for the inputs).
    if (!SM.getIDForBufferIdentifier(Subconsumers.begin()->getInputFileName())
             .hasValue()) {
      assert(llvm::none_of(Subconsumers, [&](const Subconsumer &subconsumer) {
        return SM.getIDForBufferIdentifier(subconsumer.getInputFileName())
      return None;
    auto *mutableThis = const_cast<FileSpecificDiagnosticConsumer*>(this);

  // This std::lower_bound call is doing a binary search for the first range
  // that /might/ contain 'loc'. Specifically, since the ranges are sorted
  // by end location, it's looking for the first range where the end location
  // is greater than or equal to 'loc'.
  const ConsumerAndRange *possiblyContainingRangeIter = std::lower_bound(
      ConsumersOrderedByRange.begin(), ConsumersOrderedByRange.end(), loc,
      [](const ConsumerAndRange &entry, SourceLoc loc) -> bool {
        return entry.endsAfter(loc);

  if (possiblyContainingRangeIter != ConsumersOrderedByRange.end() &&
      possiblyContainingRangeIter->contains(loc)) {
    auto *consumerAndRangeForLocation =
        const_cast<ConsumerAndRange *>(possiblyContainingRangeIter);
    return &(*this)[*consumerAndRangeForLocation];

  return None;
コード例 #8
ファイル: SwiftSourceDocInfo.cpp プロジェクト: arbales/swift
    void handlePrimaryAST(ASTUnitRef AstUnit) override {
      auto &CompIns = AstUnit->getCompilerInstance();
      Module *MainModule = CompIns.getMainModule();

      unsigned BufferID = AstUnit->getPrimarySourceFile().getBufferID().getValue();
      SourceLoc Loc =
        Lexer::getLocForStartOfToken(CompIns.getSourceMgr(), BufferID, Offset);
      if (Loc.isInvalid()) {

      trace::TracedOperation TracedOp;
      if (trace::enabled()) {
        trace::SwiftInvocation SwiftArgs;
        ASTInvok->raw(SwiftArgs.Args.Args, SwiftArgs.Args.PrimaryFile);
        trace::initTraceFiles(SwiftArgs, CompIns);
        TracedOp.start(trace::OperationKind::CursorInfoForSource, SwiftArgs,
                       {std::make_pair("Offset", std::to_string(Offset))});

      SemaLocResolver Resolver(AstUnit->getPrimarySourceFile());
      SemaToken SemaTok = Resolver.resolve(Loc);
      if (SemaTok.isInvalid()) {

      CompilerInvocation CompInvok;

      if (SemaTok.Mod) {
        passCursorInfoForModule(SemaTok.Mod, Lang.getIFaceGenContexts(),
                                CompInvok, Receiver);
      } else {
        ValueDecl *VD = SemaTok.CtorTyRef ? SemaTok.CtorTyRef : SemaTok.ValueD;
        bool Failed = passCursorInfoForDecl(VD, MainModule, SemaTok.Ty,
                                            SemaTok.IsRef, BufferID, Lang,
                                            CompInvok, PreviousASTSnaps,
        if (Failed) {
          if (!PreviousASTSnaps.empty()) {
            // Attempt again using the up-to-date AST.
            resolveCursor(Lang, InputFile, Offset, ASTInvok,
                          /*TryExistingAST=*/false, Receiver);
          } else {
コード例 #9
Optional<FileSpecificDiagnosticConsumer::ConsumerSpecificInformation *>
    SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc loc) const {
  // Diagnostics with invalid locations always go to every consumer.
  if (loc.isInvalid())
    return None;

  // This map is generated on first use and cached, to allow the
  // FileSpecificDiagnosticConsumer to be set up before the source files are
  // actually loaded.
  if (ConsumersOrderedByRange.empty()) {

    // It's possible to get here while a bridging header PCH is being
    // attached-to, if there's some sort of AST-reader warning or error, which
    // happens before CompilerInstance::setUpInputs(), at which point _no_
    // source buffers are loaded in yet. In that case we return None, rather
    // than trying to build a nonsensical map (and actually crashing since we
    // can't find buffers for the inputs).
    if (!SM.getIDForBufferIdentifier(SubConsumers.begin()->first).hasValue()) {
      assert(llvm::none_of(SubConsumers, [&](const ConsumerPair &pair) {
            return SM.getIDForBufferIdentifier(pair.first).hasValue();
      return None;
    auto *mutableThis = const_cast<FileSpecificDiagnosticConsumer*>(this);

  // This std::lower_bound call is doing a binary search for the first range
  // that /might/ contain 'loc'. Specifically, since the ranges are sorted
  // by end location, it's looking for the first range where the end location
  // is greater than or equal to 'loc'.
  const ConsumerSpecificInformation *possiblyContainingRangeIter =
          ConsumersOrderedByRange.begin(), ConsumersOrderedByRange.end(), loc,
          [](const ConsumerSpecificInformation &entry, SourceLoc loc) -> bool {
            auto compare = std::less<const char *>();
            return compare(getRawLoc(entry.range.getEnd()).getPointer(),

  if (possiblyContainingRangeIter != ConsumersOrderedByRange.end() &&
      possiblyContainingRangeIter->range.contains(loc)) {
    return const_cast<ConsumerSpecificInformation *>(

  return None;
コード例 #10
Optional<FileSpecificDiagnosticConsumer::Subconsumer *>
    SourceManager &SM, const SourceLoc loc,
    const SourceLoc bufferIndirectlyCausingDiagnostic) {
  const auto subconsumer = subconsumerForLocation(SM, loc);
  if (!subconsumer)
    return None; // No place to put it; might be in an imported module
  if ((*subconsumer)->getConsumer())
    return subconsumer; // A primary file with a .dia file
  // Try to put it in the responsible primary input
  if (bufferIndirectlyCausingDiagnostic.isInvalid())
    return None;
  const auto currentPrimarySubconsumer =
      subconsumerForLocation(SM, bufferIndirectlyCausingDiagnostic);
  assert(!currentPrimarySubconsumer ||
         (*currentPrimarySubconsumer)->getConsumer() &&
             "current primary must have a .dia file");
  return currentPrimarySubconsumer;
コード例 #11
ファイル: SwiftIndexing.cpp プロジェクト: AaronTKD/swift
bool IndexSwiftASTWalker::startEntityRef(ValueDecl *D, SourceLoc Loc) {
  if (!shouldIndex(D))
    return false;

  if (Loc.isInvalid())
    return false;

  if (isa<AbstractFunctionDecl>(D)) {
    CallRefEntityInfo Info;
    if (initCallRefEntityInfo(ExprStack.back(), getParentExpr(), D, Loc, Info))
      return false;

    return startEntity(D, Info);

  } else {
    EntityInfo Info;
    if (initEntityInfo(D, Loc, /*isRef=*/true, Info))
      return false;

    return startEntity(D, Info);
コード例 #12
ファイル: SwiftIndexing.cpp プロジェクト: AaronTKD/swift
bool IndexSwiftASTWalker::startEntityDecl(ValueDecl *D) {
  if (!shouldIndex(D))
    return false;

  SourceLoc Loc = D->getLoc();
  if (Loc.isInvalid() && !IsModuleFile)
    return false;

  if (isa<FuncDecl>(D)) {
    FuncDeclEntityInfo Info;
    if (initFuncDeclEntityInfo(D, Info))
      return false;

    return startEntity(D, Info);

  } else {
    EntityInfo Info;
    if (initEntityInfo(D, Loc, /*isRef=*/false, Info))
      return false;

    return startEntity(D, Info);
コード例 #13
void DiagnosticEngine::emitDiagnostic(const Diagnostic &diagnostic) {
  auto behavior = state.determineBehavior(diagnostic.getID());
  if (behavior == DiagnosticState::Behavior::Ignore)

  // Figure out the source location.
  SourceLoc loc = diagnostic.getLoc();
  if (loc.isInvalid() && diagnostic.getDecl()) {
    const Decl *decl = diagnostic.getDecl();
    // If a declaration was provided instead of a location, and that declaration
    // has a location we can point to, use that location.
    loc = decl->getLoc();

    if (loc.isInvalid()) {
      // There is no location we can point to. Pretty-print the declaration
      // so we can point to it.
      SourceLoc ppLoc = PrettyPrintedDeclarations[decl];
      if (ppLoc.isInvalid()) {
        class TrackingPrinter : public StreamPrinter {
          SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<const Decl *, uint64_t>> &Entries;

              SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<const Decl *, uint64_t>> &Entries,
              raw_ostream &OS) :
            StreamPrinter(OS), Entries(Entries) {}

          void printDeclLoc(const Decl *D) override {
            Entries.push_back({ D, OS.tell() });
        SmallVector<std::pair<const Decl *, uint64_t>, 8> entries;
        llvm::SmallString<128> buffer;
        llvm::SmallString<128> bufferName;
          // Figure out which declaration to print. It's the top-most
          // declaration (not a module).
          const Decl *ppDecl = decl;
          auto dc = decl->getDeclContext();

          // FIXME: Horrible, horrible hackaround. We're not getting a
          // DeclContext everywhere we should.
          if (!dc) {

          while (!dc->isModuleContext()) {
            switch (dc->getContextKind()) {
            case DeclContextKind::Module:
              llvm_unreachable("Not in a module context!");

            case DeclContextKind::FileUnit:
            case DeclContextKind::TopLevelCodeDecl:

            case DeclContextKind::ExtensionDecl:
              ppDecl = cast<ExtensionDecl>(dc);

            case DeclContextKind::GenericTypeDecl:
              ppDecl = cast<GenericTypeDecl>(dc);

            case DeclContextKind::SerializedLocal:
            case DeclContextKind::Initializer:
            case DeclContextKind::AbstractClosureExpr:
            case DeclContextKind::AbstractFunctionDecl:
            case DeclContextKind::SubscriptDecl:

            dc = dc->getParent();

          // Build the module name path (in reverse), which we use to
          // build the name of the buffer.
          SmallVector<StringRef, 4> nameComponents;
          while (dc) {
            dc = dc->getParent();

          for (unsigned i = nameComponents.size(); i; --i) {
            bufferName += nameComponents[i-1];
            bufferName += '.';

          if (auto value = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(ppDecl)) {
            bufferName += value->getNameStr();
          } else if (auto ext = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(ppDecl)) {
            bufferName += ext->getExtendedType().getString();

          // Pretty-print the declaration we've picked.
          llvm::raw_svector_ostream out(buffer);
          TrackingPrinter printer(entries, out);
          ppDecl->print(printer, PrintOptions::printForDiagnostics());

        // Build a buffer with the pretty-printed declaration.
        auto bufferID = SourceMgr.addMemBufferCopy(buffer, bufferName);
        auto memBufferStartLoc = SourceMgr.getLocForBufferStart(bufferID);

        // Go through all of the pretty-printed entries and record their
        // locations.
        for (auto entry : entries) {
          PrettyPrintedDeclarations[entry.first] =

        // Grab the pretty-printed location.
        ppLoc = PrettyPrintedDeclarations[decl];

      loc = ppLoc;

  // Actually substitute the diagnostic arguments into the diagnostic text.
  llvm::SmallString<256> Text;
    llvm::raw_svector_ostream Out(Text);
                         diagnostic.getArgs(), Out);

  // Pass the diagnostic off to the consumer.
  DiagnosticInfo Info;
  Info.ID = diagnostic.getID();
  Info.Ranges = diagnostic.getRanges();
  Info.FixIts = diagnostic.getFixIts();
  for (auto &Consumer : Consumers) {
    Consumer->handleDiagnostic(SourceMgr, loc, toDiagnosticKind(behavior), Text,
コード例 #14
ファイル: CSDiagnostics.cpp プロジェクト: erica/swift
void AssignmentFailure::fixItChangeInoutArgType(const Expr *arg,
                                                Type actualType,
                                                Type neededType) const {
  auto *DC = getDC();
  auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(arg);
  if (!DRE)

  auto *VD = dyn_cast_or_null<VarDecl>(DRE->getDecl());
  if (!VD)

  // Don't emit for non-local variables.
  // (But in script-mode files, we consider module-scoped
  // variables in the same file to be local variables.)
  auto VDC = VD->getDeclContext();
  bool isLocalVar = VDC->isLocalContext();
  if (!isLocalVar && VDC->isModuleScopeContext()) {
    auto argFile = DC->getParentSourceFile();
    auto varFile = VDC->getParentSourceFile();
    isLocalVar = (argFile == varFile && argFile->isScriptMode());
  if (!isLocalVar)

  SmallString<32> scratch;
  SourceLoc endLoc;   // Filled in if we decide to diagnose this
  SourceLoc startLoc; // Left invalid if we're inserting

  auto isSimpleTypelessPattern = [](Pattern *P) -> bool {
    if (auto VP = dyn_cast_or_null<VarPattern>(P))
      P = VP->getSubPattern();
    return P && isa<NamedPattern>(P);

  auto typeRange = VD->getTypeSourceRangeForDiagnostics();
  if (typeRange.isValid()) {
    startLoc = typeRange.Start;
    endLoc = typeRange.End;
  } else if (isSimpleTypelessPattern(VD->getParentPattern())) {
    endLoc = VD->getNameLoc();
    scratch += ": ";

  if (endLoc.isInvalid())

  scratch += neededType.getString();

  // Adjust into the location where we actually want to insert
  endLoc = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(getASTContext().SourceMgr, endLoc);

  // Since we already adjusted endLoc, this will turn an insertion
  // into a zero-character replacement.
  if (!startLoc.isValid())
    startLoc = endLoc;

  emitDiagnostic(VD->getLoc(), diag::inout_change_var_type_if_possible,
                 actualType, neededType)
      .fixItReplaceChars(startLoc, endLoc, scratch);
コード例 #15
ファイル: ParsePattern.cpp プロジェクト: ditedondaw/swift
Parser::parseParameterClause(SourceLoc &leftParenLoc,
                             SmallVectorImpl<ParsedParameter> &params,
                             SourceLoc &rightParenLoc,
                             DefaultArgumentInfo *defaultArgs,
                             ParameterContextKind paramContext) {
  assert(params.empty() && leftParenLoc.isInvalid() &&
         rightParenLoc.isInvalid() && "Must start with empty state");

  // Consume the starting '(';
  leftParenLoc = consumeToken(tok::l_paren);

  // Trivial case: empty parameter list.
  if (Tok.is(tok::r_paren)) {
    rightParenLoc = consumeToken(tok::r_paren);
    return ParserStatus();

  // Parse the parameter list.
  bool isClosure = paramContext == ParameterContextKind::Closure;
  return parseList(tok::r_paren, leftParenLoc, rightParenLoc, tok::comma,
                      /*OptionalSep=*/false, /*AllowSepAfterLast=*/false,
                      [&]() -> ParserStatus {
    ParsedParameter param;
    ParserStatus status;
    SourceLoc StartLoc = Tok.getLoc();

    unsigned defaultArgIndex = defaultArgs ? defaultArgs->NextIndex++ : 0;

    // Attributes.
    bool FoundCCToken;
    parseDeclAttributeList(param.Attrs, FoundCCToken,
                          /*stop at type attributes*/true, true);
    if (FoundCCToken) {
      if (CodeCompletion) {
        CodeCompletion->completeDeclAttrKeyword(nullptr, isInSILMode(), true);
      } else {
        status |= makeParserCodeCompletionStatus();

    // ('inout' | 'let' | 'var')?
    if (Tok.is(tok::kw_inout)) {
      param.LetVarInOutLoc = consumeToken();
      param.SpecifierKind = ParsedParameter::InOut;
    } else if (Tok.is(tok::kw_let)) {
      param.LetVarInOutLoc = consumeToken();
      param.SpecifierKind = ParsedParameter::Let;
    } else if (Tok.is(tok::kw_var)) {
      diagnose(Tok.getLoc(), diag::var_parameter_not_allowed)
      param.LetVarInOutLoc = consumeToken();
      param.SpecifierKind = ParsedParameter::Var;

    // Redundant specifiers are fairly common, recognize, reject, and recover
    // from this gracefully.
    if (Tok.isAny(tok::kw_inout, tok::kw_let, tok::kw_var)) {
      diagnose(Tok, diag::parameter_inout_var_let)
      param.isInvalid = true;

    if (startsParameterName(*this, isClosure)) {
      // identifier-or-none for the first name
      if (Tok.is(tok::kw__)) {
        param.FirstNameLoc = consumeToken();
      } else {
        assert(Tok.canBeArgumentLabel() && "startsParameterName() lied");
        param.FirstName = Context.getIdentifier(Tok.getText());
        param.FirstNameLoc = consumeToken();

      // identifier-or-none? for the second name
      if (Tok.canBeArgumentLabel()) {
        if (!Tok.is(tok::kw__))
          param.SecondName = Context.getIdentifier(Tok.getText());

        param.SecondNameLoc = consumeToken();

      // Operators and closures cannot have API names.
      if ((paramContext == ParameterContextKind::Operator ||
           paramContext == ParameterContextKind::Closure) &&
          !param.FirstName.empty() &&
          param.SecondNameLoc.isValid()) {
        diagnose(param.FirstNameLoc, diag::parameter_operator_keyword_argument,
          .fixItRemoveChars(param.FirstNameLoc, param.SecondNameLoc);
        param.FirstName = param.SecondName;
        param.FirstNameLoc = param.SecondNameLoc;
        param.SecondName = Identifier();
        param.SecondNameLoc = SourceLoc();

      // (':' type)?
      if (consumeIf(tok::colon)) {
        auto type = parseType(diag::expected_parameter_type);
        status |= type;
        param.Type = type.getPtrOrNull();

        // If we didn't parse a type, then we already diagnosed that the type
        // was invalid.  Remember that.
        if (type.isParseError() && !type.hasCodeCompletion())
          param.isInvalid = true;
        // Only allow 'inout' before the parameter name.
        if (auto InOutTy = dyn_cast_or_null<InOutTypeRepr>(param.Type)) {
          SourceLoc InOutLoc = InOutTy->getInOutLoc();
          SourceLoc NameLoc = param.FirstNameLoc;
          diagnose(InOutLoc, diag::inout_must_appear_before_param)
              .fixItInsert(NameLoc, "inout ");
          param.Type = InOutTy->getBase();
    } else {
      // Otherwise, we have invalid code.  Check to see if this looks like a
      // type.  If so, diagnose it as a common error.
      bool isBareType = false;
        BacktrackingScope backtrack(*this);
        isBareType = canParseType() && Tok.isAny(tok::comma, tok::r_paren,

      if (isBareType) {
        // Otherwise, if this is a bare type, then the user forgot to name the
        // parameter, e.g. "func foo(Int) {}"
        SourceLoc typeStartLoc = Tok.getLoc();
        auto type = parseType(diag::expected_parameter_type, false);
        status |= type;
        param.Type = type.getPtrOrNull();

        // Unnamed parameters must be written as "_: Type".
        if (param.Type) {
          diagnose(typeStartLoc, diag::parameter_unnamed)
            .fixItInsert(typeStartLoc, "_: ");
        } else {
          param.isInvalid = true;
      } else {
        // Otherwise, we're not sure what is going on, but this doesn't smell
        // like a parameter.
        diagnose(Tok, diag::expected_parameter_name);
        param.isInvalid = true;
    // '...'?
    if (Tok.isEllipsis())
      param.EllipsisLoc = consumeToken();

    // ('=' expr)?
    if (Tok.is(tok::equal)) {
      SourceLoc EqualLoc = Tok.getLoc();
      status |= parseDefaultArgument(*this, defaultArgs, defaultArgIndex,
                                     param.DefaultArg, paramContext);

      if (param.EllipsisLoc.isValid() && param.DefaultArg) {
        // The range of the complete default argument.
        SourceRange defaultArgRange;
        if (auto init = param.DefaultArg->getExpr())
          defaultArgRange = SourceRange(param.EllipsisLoc, init->getEndLoc());

        diagnose(EqualLoc, diag::parameter_vararg_default)
        param.isInvalid = true;
        param.DefaultArg = nullptr;

    // If we haven't made progress, don't add the parameter.
    if (Tok.getLoc() == StartLoc) {
      // If we took a default argument index for this parameter, but didn't add
      // one, then give it back.
      if (defaultArgs) defaultArgs->NextIndex--;
      return status;

    return status;
コード例 #16
ファイル: ParseType.cpp プロジェクト: A-Goretsky/swift
/// parseTypeTupleBody
///   type-tuple:
///     '(' type-tuple-body? ')'
///   type-tuple-body:
///     type-tuple-element (',' type-tuple-element)* '...'?
///   type-tuple-element:
///     identifier ':' type
///     type
ParserResult<TupleTypeRepr> Parser::parseTypeTupleBody() {
  Parser::StructureMarkerRAII ParsingTypeTuple(*this, Tok);
  SourceLoc RPLoc, LPLoc = consumeToken(tok::l_paren);
  SourceLoc EllipsisLoc;
  unsigned EllipsisIdx;
  SmallVector<TypeRepr *, 8> ElementsR;

  ParserStatus Status = parseList(tok::r_paren, LPLoc, RPLoc,
                                  tok::comma, /*OptionalSep=*/false,
                                  [&] () -> ParserStatus {
    // If this is an inout marker in an argument list, consume the inout.
    SourceLoc InOutLoc;
    consumeIf(tok::kw_inout, InOutLoc);

    // If the tuple element starts with "ident :", then
    // the identifier is an element tag, and it is followed by a type
    // annotation.
    if (Tok.canBeArgumentLabel() && peekToken().is(tok::colon)) {
      // Consume the name
      Identifier name;
      if (!Tok.is(tok::kw__))
        name = Context.getIdentifier(Tok.getText());
      SourceLoc nameLoc = consumeToken();

      // Consume the ':'.

      // Parse the type annotation.
      ParserResult<TypeRepr> type = parseType(diag::expected_type);
      if (type.hasCodeCompletion())
        return makeParserCodeCompletionStatus();
      if (type.isNull())
        return makeParserError();

      // If an 'inout' marker was specified, build the type.  Note that we bury
      // the inout locator within the named locator.  This is weird but required
      // by sema apparently.
      if (InOutLoc.isValid())
        type = makeParserResult(new (Context) InOutTypeRepr(type.get(),

          new (Context) NamedTypeRepr(name, type.get(), nameLoc));
    } else {
      // Otherwise, this has to be a type.
      ParserResult<TypeRepr> type = parseType();
      if (type.hasCodeCompletion())
        return makeParserCodeCompletionStatus();
      if (type.isNull())
        return makeParserError();
      if (InOutLoc.isValid())
        type = makeParserResult(new (Context) InOutTypeRepr(type.get(),


    // Parse '= expr' here so we can complain about it directly, rather
    // than dying when we see it.
    if (Tok.is(tok::equal)) {
      SourceLoc equalLoc = consumeToken(tok::equal);
      auto init = parseExpr(diag::expected_init_value);
      auto inFlight = diagnose(equalLoc, diag::tuple_type_init);
      if (init.isNonNull())
        inFlight.fixItRemove(SourceRange(equalLoc, init.get()->getEndLoc()));

    if (Tok.isEllipsis()) {
      if (EllipsisLoc.isValid()) {
        diagnose(Tok, diag::multiple_ellipsis_in_tuple)
      } else {
        EllipsisLoc = consumeToken();
        EllipsisIdx = ElementsR.size() - 1;
    return makeParserSuccess();

  if (EllipsisLoc.isValid() && ElementsR.empty()) {
    EllipsisLoc = SourceLoc();

  if (EllipsisLoc.isInvalid())
    EllipsisIdx = ElementsR.size();

  return makeParserResult(Status,
                          TupleTypeRepr::create(Context, ElementsR,
                                                SourceRange(LPLoc, RPLoc),
                                                EllipsisLoc, EllipsisIdx));
コード例 #17
ファイル: ParseType.cpp プロジェクト: nauzetvm/Apple-Swift
/// parseTypeTupleBody
///   type-tuple:
///     '(' type-tuple-body? ')'
///   type-tuple-body:
///     type-tuple-element (',' type-tuple-element)* '...'?
///   type-tuple-element:
///     identifier ':' type
///     type
ParserResult<TupleTypeRepr> Parser::parseTypeTupleBody() {
  Parser::StructureMarkerRAII ParsingTypeTuple(*this, Tok);
  SourceLoc RPLoc, LPLoc = consumeToken(tok::l_paren);
  SourceLoc EllipsisLoc;
  unsigned EllipsisIdx;
  SmallVector<TypeRepr *, 8> ElementsR;

  // We keep track of the labels separately, and apply them at the end.
  SmallVector<std::tuple<Identifier, SourceLoc, Identifier, SourceLoc>, 4>

  ParserStatus Status = parseList(tok::r_paren, LPLoc, RPLoc,
                                  tok::comma, /*OptionalSep=*/false,
                                  [&] () -> ParserStatus {
    // If this is a deprecated use of the inout marker in an argument list,
    // consume the inout.
    SourceLoc InOutLoc;
    bool hasAnyInOut = false;
    bool hasValidInOut = false;
    if (consumeIf(tok::kw_inout, InOutLoc)) {
      hasAnyInOut = true;
      hasValidInOut = false;
    // If the tuple element starts with a potential argument label followed by a
    // ':' or another potential argument label, then the identifier is an
    // element tag, and it is followed by a type annotation.
    if (Tok.canBeArgumentLabel() &&
        (peekToken().is(tok::colon) || peekToken().canBeArgumentLabel())) {
      // Consume the name
      Identifier name;
      if (!Tok.is(tok::kw__))
        name = Context.getIdentifier(Tok.getText());
      SourceLoc nameLoc = consumeToken();

      // If there is a second name, consume it as well.
      Identifier secondName;
      SourceLoc secondNameLoc;
      if (Tok.canBeArgumentLabel()) {
        if (!Tok.is(tok::kw__))
          secondName = Context.getIdentifier(Tok.getText());
        secondNameLoc = consumeToken();

      // Consume the ':'.
      if (!consumeIf(tok::colon))
        diagnose(Tok, diag::expected_parameter_colon);

      SourceLoc postColonLoc = Tok.getLoc();

      // Consume 'inout' if present.
      if (!hasAnyInOut && consumeIf(tok::kw_inout, InOutLoc)) {
        hasValidInOut = true;

      SourceLoc extraneousInOutLoc;
      while (consumeIf(tok::kw_inout, extraneousInOutLoc)) {
        diagnose(Tok, diag::parameter_inout_var_let_repeated)

      // Parse the type annotation.
      ParserResult<TypeRepr> type = parseType(diag::expected_type);
      if (type.hasCodeCompletion())
        return makeParserCodeCompletionStatus();
      if (type.isNull())
        return makeParserError();

      if (!hasValidInOut && hasAnyInOut) {
        diagnose(Tok.getLoc(), diag::inout_as_attr_disallowed)
          .fixItInsert(postColonLoc, "inout ");

      // If an 'inout' marker was specified, build the type.  Note that we bury
      // the inout locator within the named locator.  This is weird but required
      // by sema apparently.
      if (InOutLoc.isValid())
        type = makeParserResult(new (Context) InOutTypeRepr(type.get(),

      // Record the label. We will look at these at the end.
      if (Labels.empty()) {
                      std::make_tuple(Identifier(), SourceLoc(),
                                      Identifier(), SourceLoc()));
      Labels.push_back(std::make_tuple(name, nameLoc,
                                       secondName, secondNameLoc));

    } else {
      // Otherwise, this has to be a type.
      ParserResult<TypeRepr> type = parseType();
      if (type.hasCodeCompletion())
        return makeParserCodeCompletionStatus();
      if (type.isNull())
        return makeParserError();
      if (InOutLoc.isValid())
        type = makeParserResult(new (Context) InOutTypeRepr(type.get(),

      if (!Labels.empty()) {
        Labels.push_back(std::make_tuple(Identifier(), SourceLoc(),
                                         Identifier(), SourceLoc()));


    // Parse '= expr' here so we can complain about it directly, rather
    // than dying when we see it.
    if (Tok.is(tok::equal)) {
      SourceLoc equalLoc = consumeToken(tok::equal);
      auto init = parseExpr(diag::expected_init_value);
      auto inFlight = diagnose(equalLoc, diag::tuple_type_init);
      if (init.isNonNull())
        inFlight.fixItRemove(SourceRange(equalLoc, init.get()->getEndLoc()));

    if (Tok.isEllipsis()) {
      if (EllipsisLoc.isValid()) {
        diagnose(Tok, diag::multiple_ellipsis_in_tuple)
      } else {
        EllipsisLoc = consumeToken();
        EllipsisIdx = ElementsR.size() - 1;
    return makeParserSuccess();

  if (EllipsisLoc.isValid() && ElementsR.empty()) {
    EllipsisLoc = SourceLoc();

  if (EllipsisLoc.isInvalid())
    EllipsisIdx = ElementsR.size();

  // If there were any labels, figure out which labels should go into the type
  // representation.
  if (!Labels.empty()) {
    assert(Labels.size() == ElementsR.size());
    bool isFunctionType = Tok.isAny(tok::arrow, tok::kw_throws,
    for (unsigned i : indices(ElementsR)) {
      auto &currentLabel = Labels[i];

      Identifier firstName = std::get<0>(currentLabel);
      SourceLoc firstNameLoc = std::get<1>(currentLabel);
      Identifier secondName = std::get<2>(currentLabel);
      SourceLoc secondNameLoc = std::get<3>(currentLabel);

      // True tuples have labels.
      if (!isFunctionType) {
        // If there were two names, complain.
        if (firstNameLoc.isValid() && secondNameLoc.isValid()) {
          auto diag = diagnose(firstNameLoc, diag::tuple_type_multiple_labels);
          if (firstName.empty()) {
            diag.fixItRemoveChars(firstNameLoc, ElementsR[i]->getStartLoc());
          } else {

        // Form the named type representation.
        ElementsR[i] = new (Context) NamedTypeRepr(firstName, ElementsR[i],

      // If there was a first name, complain; arguments in function types are
      // always unlabeled.
      if (firstNameLoc.isValid() && !firstName.empty()) {
        auto diag = diagnose(firstNameLoc, diag::function_type_argument_label,
        if (secondNameLoc.isInvalid())
          diag.fixItInsert(firstNameLoc, "_ ");
        else if (secondName.empty())
          diag.fixItRemoveChars(firstNameLoc, ElementsR[i]->getStartLoc());
          diag.fixItReplace(SourceRange(firstNameLoc), "_");

      if (firstNameLoc.isValid() || secondNameLoc.isValid()) {
        // Form the named parameter type representation.
        ElementsR[i] = new (Context) NamedTypeRepr(secondName, ElementsR[i],
                                                   secondNameLoc, firstNameLoc);

  return makeParserResult(Status,
                          TupleTypeRepr::create(Context, ElementsR,
                                                SourceRange(LPLoc, RPLoc),
                                                EllipsisLoc, EllipsisIdx));
コード例 #18
ファイル: FrontendTool.cpp プロジェクト: apple/swift
/// Performs the compile requested by the user.
/// \param Instance Will be reset after performIRGeneration when the verifier
///                 mode is NoVerify and there were no errors.
/// \returns true on error
static bool performCompile(std::unique_ptr<CompilerInstance> &Instance,
                           CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
                           ArrayRef<const char *> Args,
                           int &ReturnValue,
                           FrontendObserver *observer) {
  FrontendOptions opts = Invocation.getFrontendOptions();
  FrontendOptions::ActionType Action = opts.RequestedAction;

  IRGenOptions &IRGenOpts = Invocation.getIRGenOptions();

  bool inputIsLLVMIr = Invocation.getInputKind() == InputFileKind::IFK_LLVM_IR;
  if (inputIsLLVMIr) {
    auto &LLVMContext = getGlobalLLVMContext();

    // Load in bitcode file.
    assert(Invocation.getInputFilenames().size() == 1 &&
           "We expect a single input for bitcode input!");
    llvm::ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>> FileBufOrErr =
    if (!FileBufOrErr) {
      return true;
    llvm::MemoryBuffer *MainFile = FileBufOrErr.get().get();

    llvm::SMDiagnostic Err;
    std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> Module = llvm::parseIR(
                                             Err, LLVMContext);
    if (!Module) {
      // TODO: Translate from the diagnostic info to the SourceManager location
      // if available.
      return true;

    // TODO: remove once the frontend understands what action it should perform
    IRGenOpts.OutputKind = getOutputKind(Action);

    return performLLVM(IRGenOpts, Instance->getASTContext(), Module.get());

  ReferencedNameTracker nameTracker;
  bool shouldTrackReferences = !opts.ReferenceDependenciesFilePath.empty();
  if (shouldTrackReferences)

  if (Action == FrontendOptions::Parse ||
      Action == FrontendOptions::DumpParse ||
      Action == FrontendOptions::DumpInterfaceHash)

  if (Action == FrontendOptions::Parse)
    return Instance->getASTContext().hadError();

  if (observer) {

  FrontendOptions::DebugCrashMode CrashMode = opts.CrashMode;
  if (CrashMode == FrontendOptions::DebugCrashMode::AssertAfterParse)
  else if (CrashMode == FrontendOptions::DebugCrashMode::CrashAfterParse)

  ASTContext &Context = Instance->getASTContext();

  if (Action == FrontendOptions::REPL) {
    runREPL(*Instance, ProcessCmdLine(Args.begin(), Args.end()),
    return Context.hadError();

  SourceFile *PrimarySourceFile = Instance->getPrimarySourceFile();

  // We've been told to dump the AST (either after parsing or type-checking,
  // which is already differentiated in CompilerInstance::performSema()),
  // so dump or print the main source file and return.
  if (Action == FrontendOptions::DumpParse ||
      Action == FrontendOptions::DumpAST ||
      Action == FrontendOptions::PrintAST ||
      Action == FrontendOptions::DumpScopeMaps ||
      Action == FrontendOptions::DumpTypeRefinementContexts ||
      Action == FrontendOptions::DumpInterfaceHash) {
    SourceFile *SF = PrimarySourceFile;
    if (!SF) {
      SourceFileKind Kind = Invocation.getSourceFileKind();
      SF = &Instance->getMainModule()->getMainSourceFile(Kind);
    if (Action == FrontendOptions::PrintAST)
      SF->print(llvm::outs(), PrintOptions::printEverything());
    else if (Action == FrontendOptions::DumpScopeMaps) {
      ASTScope &scope = SF->getScope();

      if (opts.DumpScopeMapLocations.empty()) {
      } else if (auto bufferID = SF->getBufferID()) {
        SourceManager &sourceMgr = Instance->getSourceMgr();
        // Probe each of the locations, and dump what we find.
        for (auto lineColumn : opts.DumpScopeMapLocations) {
          SourceLoc loc = sourceMgr.getLocForLineCol(*bufferID,
          if (loc.isInvalid()) continue;

          llvm::errs() << "***Scope at " << lineColumn.first << ":"
            << lineColumn.second << "***\n";
          auto locScope = scope.findInnermostEnclosingScope(loc);
          locScope->print(llvm::errs(), 0, false, false);

          // Dump the AST context, too.
          if (auto dc = locScope->getDeclContext()) {

          // Grab the local bindings introduced by this scope.
          auto localBindings = locScope->getLocalBindings();
          if (!localBindings.empty()) {
            llvm::errs() << "Local bindings: ";
            interleave(localBindings.begin(), localBindings.end(),
                       [&](ValueDecl *value) {
                         llvm::errs() << value->getFullName();
                       [&]() {
                         llvm::errs() << " ";
            llvm::errs() << "\n";

        llvm::errs() << "***Complete scope map***\n";

      // Print the resulting map.
    } else if (Action == FrontendOptions::DumpTypeRefinementContexts)
      SF->getTypeRefinementContext()->dump(llvm::errs(), Context.SourceMgr);
    else if (Action == FrontendOptions::DumpInterfaceHash)
    return Context.hadError();

  // If we were asked to print Clang stats, do so.
  if (opts.PrintClangStats && Context.getClangModuleLoader())

  if (!opts.DependenciesFilePath.empty())
    (void)emitMakeDependencies(Context.Diags, *Instance->getDependencyTracker(),

  if (shouldTrackReferences)
    emitReferenceDependencies(Context.Diags, Instance->getPrimarySourceFile(),
                              *Instance->getDependencyTracker(), opts);

  if (Context.hadError())
    return true;

  // FIXME: This is still a lousy approximation of whether the module file will
  // be externally consumed.
  bool moduleIsPublic =
      !Instance->getMainModule()->hasEntryPoint() &&
      opts.ImplicitObjCHeaderPath.empty() &&

  // We've just been told to perform a typecheck, so we can return now.
  if (Action == FrontendOptions::Typecheck) {
    if (!opts.ObjCHeaderOutputPath.empty())
      return printAsObjC(opts.ObjCHeaderOutputPath, Instance->getMainModule(),
                         opts.ImplicitObjCHeaderPath, moduleIsPublic);
    return Context.hadError();

  assert(Action >= FrontendOptions::EmitSILGen &&
         "All actions not requiring SILGen must have been handled!");

  std::unique_ptr<SILModule> SM = Instance->takeSILModule();
  if (!SM) {
    if (opts.PrimaryInput.hasValue() && opts.PrimaryInput.getValue().isFilename()) {
      FileUnit *PrimaryFile = PrimarySourceFile;
      if (!PrimaryFile) {
        auto Index = opts.PrimaryInput.getValue().Index;
        PrimaryFile = Instance->getMainModule()->getFiles()[Index];
      SM = performSILGeneration(*PrimaryFile, Invocation.getSILOptions(),
                                None, opts.SILSerializeAll);
    } else {
      SM = performSILGeneration(Instance->getMainModule(), Invocation.getSILOptions(),

  if (observer) {

  // We've been told to emit SIL after SILGen, so write it now.
  if (Action == FrontendOptions::EmitSILGen) {
    // If we are asked to link all, link all.
    if (Invocation.getSILOptions().LinkMode == SILOptions::LinkAll)
      performSILLinking(SM.get(), true);
    return writeSIL(*SM, Instance->getMainModule(), opts.EmitVerboseSIL,
                    opts.getSingleOutputFilename(), opts.EmitSortedSIL);

  if (Action == FrontendOptions::EmitSIBGen) {
    // If we are asked to link all, link all.
    if (Invocation.getSILOptions().LinkMode == SILOptions::LinkAll)
      performSILLinking(SM.get(), true);

    auto DC = PrimarySourceFile ? ModuleOrSourceFile(PrimarySourceFile) :
    if (!opts.ModuleOutputPath.empty()) {
      SerializationOptions serializationOpts;
      serializationOpts.OutputPath = opts.ModuleOutputPath.c_str();
      serializationOpts.SerializeAllSIL = true;
      serializationOpts.IsSIB = true;

      serialize(DC, serializationOpts, SM.get());
    return Context.hadError();

  // Perform "stable" optimizations that are invariant across compiler versions.
  if (!Invocation.getDiagnosticOptions().SkipDiagnosticPasses) {
    if (runSILDiagnosticPasses(*SM))
      return true;

    if (observer) {
  } else {
    // Even if we are not supposed to run the diagnostic passes, we still need
    // to run the ownership evaluator.
    if (runSILOwnershipEliminatorPass(*SM))
      return true;

  // Now if we are asked to link all, link all.
  if (Invocation.getSILOptions().LinkMode == SILOptions::LinkAll)
    performSILLinking(SM.get(), true);

    SharedTimer timer("SIL verification (pre-optimization)");

  // Perform SIL optimization passes if optimizations haven't been disabled.
  // These may change across compiler versions.
    SharedTimer timer("SIL optimization");
    if (Invocation.getSILOptions().Optimization >
        SILOptions::SILOptMode::None) {
      StringRef CustomPipelinePath =
      if (!CustomPipelinePath.empty()) {
        runSILOptimizationPassesWithFileSpecification(*SM, CustomPipelinePath);
      } else {
    } else {

  if (observer) {

    SharedTimer timer("SIL verification (post-optimization)");

  // Gather instruction counts if we are asked to do so.
  if (SM->getOptions().PrintInstCounts) {

  // Get the main source file's private discriminator and attach it to
  // the compile unit's flags.
  if (PrimarySourceFile) {
    Identifier PD = PrimarySourceFile->getPrivateDiscriminator();
    if (!PD.empty())
      IRGenOpts.DWARFDebugFlags += (" -private-discriminator "+PD.str()).str();

  if (!opts.ObjCHeaderOutputPath.empty()) {
    (void)printAsObjC(opts.ObjCHeaderOutputPath, Instance->getMainModule(),
                      opts.ImplicitObjCHeaderPath, moduleIsPublic);

  if (Action == FrontendOptions::EmitSIB) {
    auto DC = PrimarySourceFile ? ModuleOrSourceFile(PrimarySourceFile) :
    if (!opts.ModuleOutputPath.empty()) {
      SerializationOptions serializationOpts;
      serializationOpts.OutputPath = opts.ModuleOutputPath.c_str();
      serializationOpts.SerializeAllSIL = true;
      serializationOpts.IsSIB = true;

      serialize(DC, serializationOpts, SM.get());
    return Context.hadError();

  if (!opts.ModuleOutputPath.empty() || !opts.ModuleDocOutputPath.empty()) {
    auto DC = PrimarySourceFile ? ModuleOrSourceFile(PrimarySourceFile) :
    if (!opts.ModuleOutputPath.empty()) {
      SerializationOptions serializationOpts;
      serializationOpts.OutputPath = opts.ModuleOutputPath.c_str();
      serializationOpts.DocOutputPath = opts.ModuleDocOutputPath.c_str();
      serializationOpts.GroupInfoPath = opts.GroupInfoPath.c_str();
      serializationOpts.SerializeAllSIL = opts.SILSerializeAll;
      if (opts.SerializeBridgingHeader)
        serializationOpts.ImportedHeader = opts.ImplicitObjCHeaderPath;
      serializationOpts.ModuleLinkName = opts.ModuleLinkName;
      serializationOpts.ExtraClangOptions =
      if (!IRGenOpts.ForceLoadSymbolName.empty())
        serializationOpts.AutolinkForceLoad = true;

      // Options contain information about the developer's computer,
      // so only serialize them if the module isn't going to be shipped to
      // the public.
      serializationOpts.SerializeOptionsForDebugging =
          !moduleIsPublic || opts.AlwaysSerializeDebuggingOptions;

      serialize(DC, serializationOpts, SM.get());

    if (Action == FrontendOptions::EmitModuleOnly)
      return Context.hadError();

  assert(Action >= FrontendOptions::EmitSIL &&
         "All actions not requiring SILPasses must have been handled!");

  // We've been told to write canonical SIL, so write it now.
  if (Action == FrontendOptions::EmitSIL) {
    return writeSIL(*SM, Instance->getMainModule(), opts.EmitVerboseSIL,
                    opts.getSingleOutputFilename(), opts.EmitSortedSIL);

  assert(Action >= FrontendOptions::Immediate &&
         "All actions not requiring IRGen must have been handled!");
  assert(Action != FrontendOptions::REPL &&
         "REPL mode must be handled immediately after Instance->performSema()");

  // Check if we had any errors; if we did, don't proceed to IRGen.
  if (Context.hadError())
    return true;

  // Cleanup instructions/builtin calls not suitable for IRGen.

  // TODO: remove once the frontend understands what action it should perform
  IRGenOpts.OutputKind = getOutputKind(Action);
  if (Action == FrontendOptions::Immediate) {
    assert(!PrimarySourceFile && "-i doesn't work in -primary-file mode");
    IRGenOpts.UseJIT = true;
    IRGenOpts.DebugInfoKind = IRGenDebugInfoKind::Normal;
    const ProcessCmdLine &CmdLine = ProcessCmdLine(opts.ImmediateArgv.begin(),

    if (observer) {

    ReturnValue =
      RunImmediately(*Instance, CmdLine, IRGenOpts, Invocation.getSILOptions());
    return Context.hadError();

  // FIXME: We shouldn't need to use the global context here, but
  // something is persisting across calls to performIRGeneration.
  auto &LLVMContext = getGlobalLLVMContext();
  std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> IRModule;
  llvm::GlobalVariable *HashGlobal;
  if (PrimarySourceFile) {
    IRModule = performIRGeneration(IRGenOpts, *PrimarySourceFile, std::move(SM),
                                   opts.getSingleOutputFilename(), LLVMContext,
                                   0, &HashGlobal);
  } else {
    IRModule = performIRGeneration(IRGenOpts, Instance->getMainModule(),
                                   opts.getSingleOutputFilename(), LLVMContext,

  // Just because we had an AST error it doesn't mean we can't performLLVM.
  bool HadError = Instance->getASTContext().hadError();
  // If the AST Context has no errors but no IRModule is available,
  // parallelIRGen happened correctly, since parallel IRGen produces multiple
  // modules.
  if (!IRModule) {
    return HadError;

  std::unique_ptr<llvm::TargetMachine> TargetMachine =
    createTargetMachine(IRGenOpts, Context);
  version::Version EffectiveLanguageVersion =
  DiagnosticEngine &Diags = Context.Diags;
  const DiagnosticOptions &DiagOpts = Invocation.getDiagnosticOptions();
  // Delete the compiler instance now that we have an IRModule.
  if (DiagOpts.VerifyMode == DiagnosticOptions::NoVerify) {
  // Now that we have a single IR Module, hand it over to performLLVM.
  return performLLVM(IRGenOpts, &Diags, nullptr, HashGlobal, IRModule.get(),
                  TargetMachine.get(), EffectiveLanguageVersion,
                  opts.getSingleOutputFilename()) || HadError;