コード例 #1
  double SpectrumAlignmentScore::operator()(const PeakSpectrum & s1, const PeakSpectrum & s2) const
    const double tolerance = (double)param_.getValue("tolerance");
    bool is_relative_tolerance = param_.getValue("is_relative_tolerance").toBool();
    bool use_linear_factor = param_.getValue("use_linear_factor").toBool();
    bool use_gaussian_factor = param_.getValue("use_gaussian_factor").toBool();

    if (use_linear_factor && use_gaussian_factor)
      cerr << "Warning: SpectrumAlignmentScore, use either 'use_linear_factor' or 'use_gaussian_factor'!" << endl;

    SpectrumAlignment aligner;
    Param p;
    p.setValue("tolerance", tolerance);
    p.setValue("is_relative_tolerance", (String)param_.getValue("is_relative_tolerance"));

    vector<pair<Size, Size> > alignment;
    aligner.getSpectrumAlignment(alignment, s1, s2);

    double score(0), sum(0), sum1(0), sum2(0);
    for (PeakSpectrum::ConstIterator it1 = s1.begin(); it1 != s1.end(); ++it1)
      sum1 += it1->getIntensity() * it1->getIntensity();

    for (PeakSpectrum::ConstIterator it1 = s2.begin(); it1 != s2.end(); ++it1)
      sum2 += it1->getIntensity() * it1->getIntensity();

    for (vector<pair<Size, Size> >::const_iterator it = alignment.begin(); it != alignment.end(); ++it)
      //double factor(0.0);
      //factor = (epsilon - fabs(s1[it->first].getPosition()[0] - s2[it->second].getPosition()[0])) / epsilon;
      double mz_tolerance(tolerance);

      if (is_relative_tolerance)
        mz_tolerance = mz_tolerance * s1[it->first].getPosition()[0] / 1e6;

      double mz_difference(fabs(s1[it->first].getPosition()[0] - s2[it->second].getPosition()[0]));
      double factor = 1.0;

      if (use_linear_factor || use_gaussian_factor)
        factor = getFactor_(mz_tolerance, mz_difference, use_gaussian_factor);
      sum += sqrt(s1[it->first].getIntensity() * s2[it->second].getIntensity() * factor);

    score = sum / (sqrt(sum1 * sum2));

    return score;
コード例 #2
  ExitCodes main_(int, const char **)
    // parsing parameters

    StringList id_in(getStringList_("id_in"));
    StringList in_raw(getStringList_("in"));
    Size number_of_bins((UInt)getIntOption_("number_of_bins"));
    bool precursor_error_ppm(getFlag_("precursor_error_ppm"));
    bool fragment_error_ppm(getFlag_("fragment_error_ppm"));
    bool generate_gnuplot_scripts(DataValue(getStringOption_("generate_gnuplot_scripts")).toBool());

    if (in_raw.size() != id_in.size())
      writeLog_("Number of spectrum files and identification files differs...");

    // reading input

    vector<vector<PeptideIdentification> > pep_ids;
    vector<vector<ProteinIdentification> > prot_ids;

    IdXMLFile idxmlfile;
    for (Size i = 0; i != id_in.size(); ++i)
      String doc_id;
      idxmlfile.load(id_in[i], prot_ids[i], pep_ids[i], doc_id);

    // read mzML files
    vector<RichPeakMap> maps_raw;

    MzMLFile mzml_file;
    for (Size i = 0; i != in_raw.size(); ++i)
      mzml_file.load(in_raw[i], maps_raw[i]);

    // calculations

    // mapping ids
    IDMapper mapper;
    for (Size i = 0; i != maps_raw.size(); ++i)
      mapper.annotate(maps_raw[i], pep_ids[i], prot_ids[i]);

    // normalize the spectra
    Normalizer normalizer;
    for (vector<RichPeakMap>::iterator it1 = maps_raw.begin(); it1 != maps_raw.end(); ++it1)
      for (RichPeakMap::Iterator it2 = it1->begin(); it2 != it1->end(); ++it2)

    // generate precursor statistics
    vector<MassDifference> precursor_diffs;
    if (getStringOption_("precursor_out") != "")
      for (Size i = 0; i != maps_raw.size(); ++i)
        for (Size j = 0; j != maps_raw[i].size(); ++j)
          if (maps_raw[i][j].getPeptideIdentifications().empty())
          for (vector<PeptideIdentification>::const_iterator it = maps_raw[i][j].getPeptideIdentifications().begin(); it != maps_raw[i][j].getPeptideIdentifications().end(); ++it)
            if (it->getHits().size() > 0)
              PeptideHit hit = *it->getHits().begin();
              MassDifference md;
              Int charge = hit.getCharge();
              if (charge == 0)
                charge = 1;
              md.exp_mz = it->getMZ();
              md.theo_mz = (hit.getSequence().getMonoWeight() + (double)charge * Constants::PROTON_MASS_U) / (double)charge;
              md.charge = charge;

    // generate fragment ions statistics
    vector<MassDifference> fragment_diffs;
    TheoreticalSpectrumGenerator tsg;
    SpectrumAlignment sa;
    double fragment_mass_tolerance(getDoubleOption_("fragment_mass_tolerance"));
    Param sa_param(sa.getParameters());
    sa_param.setValue("tolerance", fragment_mass_tolerance);

    if (getStringOption_("fragment_out") != "")
      for (Size i = 0; i != maps_raw.size(); ++i)
        for (Size j = 0; j != maps_raw[i].size(); ++j)
          if (maps_raw[i][j].getPeptideIdentifications().empty())
          for (vector<PeptideIdentification>::const_iterator it = maps_raw[i][j].getPeptideIdentifications().begin(); it != maps_raw[i][j].getPeptideIdentifications().end(); ++it)
            if (it->getHits().size() > 0)
              PeptideHit hit = *it->getHits().begin();

              RichPeakSpectrum theo_spec;
              tsg.addPeaks(theo_spec, hit.getSequence(), Residue::YIon);
              tsg.addPeaks(theo_spec, hit.getSequence(), Residue::BIon);

              vector<pair<Size, Size> > pairs;
              sa.getSpectrumAlignment(pairs, theo_spec, maps_raw[i][j]);
              //cerr << hit.getSequence() << " " << hit.getSequence().getSuffix(1).getFormula() << " " << hit.getSequence().getSuffix(1).getFormula().getMonoWeight() << endl;
              for (vector<pair<Size, Size> >::const_iterator pit = pairs.begin(); pit != pairs.end(); ++pit)
                MassDifference md;
                md.exp_mz = maps_raw[i][j][pit->second].getMZ();
                md.theo_mz = theo_spec[pit->first].getMZ();
                //cerr << md.exp_mz << " " << md.theo_mz << " " << md.exp_mz - md.theo_mz << endl;
                md.intensity = maps_raw[i][j][pit->second].getIntensity();
                md.charge = hit.getCharge();

    // writing output

    String precursor_out_file(getStringOption_("precursor_out"));
    if (precursor_out_file != "")
      vector<double> errors;
      ofstream precursor_out(precursor_out_file.c_str());
      double min_diff(numeric_limits<double>::max()), max_diff(numeric_limits<double>::min());
      for (Size i = 0; i != precursor_diffs.size(); ++i)
        double diff = getMassDifference(precursor_diffs[i].theo_mz, precursor_diffs[i].exp_mz, precursor_error_ppm);
        precursor_out << diff << "\n";

        if (diff > max_diff)
          max_diff = diff;
        if (diff < min_diff)
          min_diff = diff;

      // fill histogram with the collected values
      double bin_size = (max_diff - min_diff) / (double)number_of_bins;
      Histogram<double, double> hist(min_diff, max_diff, bin_size);
      for (Size i = 0; i != errors.size(); ++i)
        hist.inc(errors[i], 1.0);

      writeDebug_("min_diff=" + String(min_diff) + ", max_diff=" + String(max_diff) + ", number_of_bins=" + String(number_of_bins), 1);

      // transform the histogram into a vector<DPosition<2> > for the fitting
      vector<DPosition<2> > values;
      for (Size i = 0; i != hist.size(); ++i)
        DPosition<2> p;
        p.setX((double)i / (double)number_of_bins * (max_diff - min_diff) + min_diff);

      double mean = Math::mean(errors.begin(), errors.end());
      double abs_dev = Math::absdev(errors.begin(), errors.end(), mean);
      double sdv = Math::sd(errors.begin(), errors.end(), mean);
      sort(errors.begin(), errors.end());
      double median = errors[(Size)(errors.size() / 2.0)];

      writeDebug_("Precursor mean error: " + String(mean), 1);
      writeDebug_("Precursor abs. dev.:  " + String(abs_dev), 1);
      writeDebug_("Precursor std. dev.:  " + String(sdv), 1);
      writeDebug_("Precursor median error:  " + String(median), 1);

      // calculate histogram for gauss fitting
      GaussFitter gf;
      GaussFitter::GaussFitResult init_param (hist.maxValue(), median, sdv/500.0);


        // write gnuplot scripts
        if (generate_gnuplot_scripts)
          ofstream out(String(precursor_out_file + "_gnuplot.dat").c_str());
          for (vector<DPosition<2> >::const_iterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it)
            out << it->getX() << " " << it->getY() << endl;

          ofstream gpl_out(String(precursor_out_file + "_gnuplot.gpl").c_str());
          gpl_out << "set terminal png" << endl;
          gpl_out << "set output \"" << precursor_out_file  << "_gnuplot.png\"" << endl;
          if (precursor_error_ppm)
            gpl_out << "set xlabel \"error in ppm\"" << endl;
            gpl_out << "set xlabel \"error in Da\"" << endl;
          gpl_out << "set ylabel \"frequency\"" << endl;
          gpl_out << "plot '" << precursor_out_file << "_gnuplot.dat' title 'Precursor mass error distribution' w boxes, f(x) w lp title 'Gaussian fit of the error distribution'" << endl;

      catch (Exception::UnableToFit)
        writeLog_("Unable to fit a Gaussian distribution to the precursor mass errors");

    String fragment_out_file(getStringOption_("fragment_out"));
    if (fragment_out_file != "")
      vector<double> errors;
      ofstream fragment_out(fragment_out_file.c_str());
      double min_diff(numeric_limits<double>::max()), max_diff(numeric_limits<double>::min());
      for (Size i = 0; i != fragment_diffs.size(); ++i)
        double diff = getMassDifference(fragment_diffs[i].theo_mz, fragment_diffs[i].exp_mz, fragment_error_ppm);
        fragment_out << diff << endl;

        if (diff > max_diff)
          max_diff = diff;
        if (diff < min_diff)
          min_diff = diff;

      // fill histogram with the collected values
      // here we use the intensities to scale the error
      // low intensity peaks are likely to be random matches
      double bin_size = (max_diff - min_diff) / (double)number_of_bins;
      Histogram<double, double> hist(min_diff, max_diff, bin_size);
      for (Size i = 0; i != fragment_diffs.size(); ++i)
        double diff = getMassDifference(fragment_diffs[i].theo_mz, fragment_diffs[i].exp_mz, fragment_error_ppm);
        hist.inc(diff, fragment_diffs[i].intensity);

      writeDebug_("min_diff=" + String(min_diff) + ", max_diff=" + String(max_diff) + ", number_of_bins=" + String(number_of_bins), 1);

      // transform the histogram into a vector<DPosition<2> > for the fitting
      vector<DPosition<2> > values;
      for (Size i = 0; i != hist.size(); ++i)
        DPosition<2> p;
        p.setX((double)i / (double)number_of_bins * (max_diff - min_diff) + min_diff);

      double mean = Math::mean(errors.begin(), errors.end());
      double abs_dev = Math::absdev(errors.begin(), errors.end(), mean);
      double sdv = Math::sd(errors.begin(), errors.end(), mean);
      sort(errors.begin(), errors.end());
      double median = errors[(Size)(errors.size() / 2.0)];

      writeDebug_("Fragment mean error:  " + String(mean), 1);
      writeDebug_("Fragment abs. dev.:   " + String(abs_dev), 1);
      writeDebug_("Fragment std. dev.:   " + String(sdv), 1);
      writeDebug_("Fragment median error:   " + String(median), 1);

      // calculate histogram for gauss fitting
      GaussFitter gf;
      GaussFitter::GaussFitResult init_param (hist.maxValue(), median, sdv / 100.0);


        // write gnuplot script
        if (generate_gnuplot_scripts)
          ofstream out(String(fragment_out_file + "_gnuplot.dat").c_str());
          for (vector<DPosition<2> >::const_iterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it)
            out << it->getX() << " " << it->getY() << endl;

          ofstream gpl_out(String(fragment_out_file + "_gnuplot.gpl").c_str());
          gpl_out << "set terminal png" << endl;
          gpl_out << "set output \"" << fragment_out_file  << "_gnuplot.png\"" << endl;
          if (fragment_error_ppm)
            gpl_out << "set xlabel \"error in ppm\"" << endl;
            gpl_out << "set xlabel \"error in Da\"" << endl;
          gpl_out << "set ylabel \"frequency\"" << endl;
          gpl_out << "plot '" << fragment_out_file << "_gnuplot.dat' title 'Fragment mass error distribution' w boxes, f(x) w lp title 'Gaussian fit of the error distribution'" << endl;
      catch (Exception::UnableToFit)
        writeLog_("Unable to fit a Gaussian distribution to the fragment mass errors");

    return EXECUTION_OK;