コード例 #1
void InputFieldSpeechButtonElement::setRecognitionResult(int, const SpeechInputResultArray& results)
    m_results = results;

    // The call to setValue() below dispatches an event, and an event handler in the page might
    // remove the input element from DOM. To make sure it remains valid until we finish our work
    // here, we take a temporary reference.
    RefPtr<HTMLInputElement> input(static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(shadowHost()));
    if (input->disabled() || input->readOnly())

    RefPtr<InputFieldSpeechButtonElement> holdRefButton(this);
    if (document() && document()->domWindow()) {
        // Call selectionChanged, causing the element to cache the selection,
        // so that the text event inserts the text in this element even if
        // focus has moved away from it.
        input->dispatchEvent(TextEvent::create(document()->domWindow(), results.isEmpty() ? "" : results[0]->utterance(), TextEventInputOther));

    // This event is sent after the text event so the website can perform actions using the input field content immediately.
    // It provides alternative recognition hypotheses and notifies that the results come from speech input.
    input->dispatchEvent(SpeechInputEvent::create(eventNames().webkitspeechchangeEvent, results));

    // Check before accessing the renderer as the above event could have potentially turned off
    // speech in the input element, hence removing this button and renderer from the hierarchy.
    if (renderer())
コード例 #2
void InputFieldSpeechButtonElement::setRecognitionResult(int, const SpeechInputResultArray& results)
    m_results = results;

    // The call to setValue() below dispatches an event, and an event handler in the page might
    // remove the input element from DOM. To make sure it remains valid until we finish our work
    // here, we take a temporary reference.
    RefPtr<HTMLInputElement> input(static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(shadowAncestorNode()));
    if (input->disabled() || input->isReadOnlyFormControl())

    RefPtr<InputFieldSpeechButtonElement> holdRefButton(this);
    input->setValue(results.isEmpty() ? "" : results[0]->utterance());
    input->dispatchEvent(SpeechInputEvent::create(eventNames().webkitspeechchangeEvent, results));

    // Check before accessing the renderer as the above event could have potentially turned off
    // speech in the input element, hence removing this button and renderer from the hierarchy.
    if (renderer())