MovementAnimation::MovementAnimation(const SpritePtr& piece, const QPoint& destination, bool rotate, double speed) : ConcreteAnimation(piece) , m_source(piece) , m_target(piece) , m_destination(destination) , m_speed(speed) , m_state(Inactive) , m_rotate(rotate) { #ifdef ANIMATION_DEBUG kDebug() << "creating animation " << this << " for piece " << piece.get() << endl; #endif }
SpritePtr ETHGraphicResourceManager::AddFile( VideoPtr video, const str_type::string &path, const str_type::string& resourceDirectory, const bool cutOutBlackPixels) { str_type::string fileName = Platform::GetFileName(path); { SpritePtr sprite = FindSprite(path, fileName, resourceDirectory); if (sprite) return sprite; } SpritePtr pBitmap; str_type::string fixedName(path); Platform::FixSlashes(fixedName); ETHSpriteDensityManager::DENSITY_LEVEL densityLevel; const str_type::string finalFileName(m_densityManager.ChooseSpriteVersion(fixedName, video, densityLevel)); if (!(pBitmap = video->CreateSprite(finalFileName, (cutOutBlackPixels)? 0xFF000000 : 0xFFFF00FF))) { pBitmap.reset(); ETH_STREAM_DECL(ss) << GS_L("(Not loaded) ") << path; ETHResourceProvider::Log(ss.str(), Platform::Logger::ERROR); return SpritePtr(); } m_densityManager.SetSpriteDensity(pBitmap, densityLevel); //#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUG) ETH_STREAM_DECL(ss) << GS_L("(Loaded) ") << fileName; ETHResourceProvider::Log(ss.str(), Platform::Logger::INFO); //#endif m_resource.insert(std::pair<str_type::string, SpriteResource>(fileName, SpriteResource(resourceDirectory, fixedName, pBitmap))); return pBitmap; }
void ETHScriptWrapper::DrawShapedFromPtr( const SpritePtr& sprite, const Vector2 &v2Pos, const Vector2 &v2Size, const GS_DWORD color, const float angle) { m_drawableManager.Insert(boost::shared_ptr<ETHDrawable>( new ETHSpriteDrawer( m_provider, sprite, v2Pos, v2Size, color, angle, sprite->GetRectIndex()))); }
ETHSpriteDrawer::ETHSpriteDrawer( const ETHResourceProviderPtr& provider, const SpritePtr& sprite, const Vector2& pos, const Vector2& size, const Color& color, const float angle, const unsigned int frame) { this->sprite = sprite; this->color0 = color; this->color1 = color; this->color2 = color; this->color3 = color; this->v2Pos = pos; this->v2Size = size; this->angle = angle; this->frame = frame; this->provider = provider; if (this->sprite) this->v2Origin = sprite->GetOrigin(); }
ETHLightmapGen::ETHLightmapGen(ETHRenderEntity* entity, boost::shared_ptr<ETHShaderManager> shaderManager, std::list<ETHLight>::iterator iBegin, std::list<ETHLight>::iterator iEnd, ETHBucketManager& buckets, const Vector3& oldPos, const Vector3& newPos, const float minHeight, const float maxHeight, const ETHSceneProperties &sceneProps) { const SpritePtr& sprite = entity->m_pSprite; const ETHEntityProperties& props = entity->m_properties; if (!sprite || !props.staticEntity || !props.applyLight) { return; } const VideoPtr& video = entity->m_provider->GetVideo(); const Platform::FileLogger* logger = entity->m_provider->GetLogger(); if (video->Rendering()) { ETH_STREAM_DECL(ss) << GS_L("Entity ID #") << entity->GetID() << GS_L(": lightmaps can't be generated during application render."); logger->Log(ss.str(), Platform::FileLogger::ERROR); return; } const Vector2 v2Size = (sprite->GetNumRects() <= 1) ? sprite->GetBitmapSizeF() : sprite->GetRect().size; if (!(entity->m_pLightmap = video->CreateRenderTarget(static_cast<unsigned int>(v2Size.x), static_cast<unsigned int>(v2Size.y)))) { ETH_STREAM_DECL(ss) << GS_L("ETHRenderEntity::GenerateLightmap: coudn't create the render target."); logger->Log(ss.str(), Platform::FileLogger::ERROR); entity->m_pLightmap.reset(); return; } // Paint it black video->SetRenderTarget(entity->m_pLightmap); if (!video->BeginTargetScene(GS_BLACK)) { ETH_STREAM_DECL(ss) << GS_L("ETHRenderEntity::GenerateLightmap: coudn't render to target."); logger->Log(ss.str(), Platform::FileLogger::ERROR); entity->m_pLightmap.reset(); return; } video->EndTargetScene(); entity->m_controller->SetPos(newPos); Vector2 v2CamPos = video->GetCameraPos(); video->SetCameraPos(Vector2(0,0)); for (std::list<ETHLight>::iterator iter = iBegin; iter != iEnd; iter++) { if (!iter->staticLight) continue; SpritePtr tempTarget; if (!(tempTarget = video->CreateRenderTarget(static_cast<unsigned int>(v2Size.x), static_cast<unsigned int>(v2Size.y)))) { ETH_STREAM_DECL(ss) << GS_L("ETHRenderEntity::GenerateLightmap: coudn't create temporary render target."); logger->Log(ss.str(), Platform::FileLogger::ERROR); entity->m_pLightmap.reset(); return; } if (!video->SetRenderTarget(tempTarget)) { ETH_STREAM_DECL(ss) << GS_L("ETHRenderEntity::GenerateLightmap: coudn't set render target."); logger->Log(ss.str(), Platform::FileLogger::ERROR); entity->m_pLightmap.reset(); return; } if (!video->BeginTargetScene(GS_BLACK)) { ETH_STREAM_DECL(ss) << GS_L("ETHRenderEntity::GenerateLightmap: coudn't render to temporary target."); logger->Log(ss.str(), Platform::FileLogger::ERROR); entity->m_pLightmap.reset(); return; } // draw light if (shaderManager->BeginLightPass(entity, &(*iter), video->GetScreenSizeF().y, 0.0f, sceneProps.lightIntensity, 0, true)) { entity->DrawLightPass(sceneProps.zAxisDirection, true); shaderManager->EndLightPass(); } // draw shadows if (entity->GetType() != ETH_VERTICAL) { for (ETHBucketMap::iterator bucketIter = buckets.GetFirstBucket(); bucketIter != buckets.GetLastBucket(); bucketIter++) { for (ETHEntityList::iterator entityIter = bucketIter->second.begin(); entityIter != bucketIter->second.end(); entityIter++) { if (!(*entityIter)->IsStatic()) continue; Vector3 oldPos2 = (*entityIter)->GetPosition(); Vector3 newPos2 = oldPos2-(oldPos-newPos); (*entityIter)->SetOrphanPosition(newPos2); if (shaderManager->BeginShadowPass((*entityIter), &(*iter), maxHeight, minHeight)) { (*entityIter)->DrawShadow(maxHeight, minHeight, sceneProps, *iter, 0, true, true, entity->GetAngle(), entity->GetPosition()); shaderManager->EndShadowPass(); } (*entityIter)->SetOrphanPosition(oldPos2); } } } video->EndTargetScene(); // draw the shadowed light by adding it to the final lightmap video->SetRenderTarget(entity->m_pLightmap); video->BeginTargetScene(GS_BLACK, false); const GS_ALPHA_MODE oldAM = video->GetAlphaMode(); video->SetAlphaMode(GSAM_ADD); tempTarget->Draw(Vector2(0,0)); video->SetAlphaMode(oldAM); video->EndTargetScene(); } entity->m_pLightmap->GenerateBackup(); video->SetRenderTarget(SpritePtr()); video->SetCameraPos(v2CamPos); }
bool ETHRenderEntity::DrawProjShadow(const float maxHeight, const float minHeight, const ETHSceneProperties& sceneProps, const ETHLight& light, ETHSpriteEntity *pParent, const bool maxOpacity, const bool drawToTarget, const float targetAngle, const Vector3& v3TargetPos) { if (!m_pSprite || IsHidden()) return false; VideoPtr video = m_provider->GetVideo(); ETHShaderManagerPtr shaderManager = m_provider->GetShaderManager(); SpritePtr pShadow = shaderManager->GetProjShadow(); Vector3 v3LightPos; Vector3 v3ParentPos(0,0,0); const Vector3 v3EntityPos = GetPosition(); if (pParent) { v3ParentPos = pParent->GetPosition(); v3LightPos = Vector3(v3ParentPos.x, v3ParentPos.y, 0) + light.pos; } else { v3LightPos = light.pos; } // if the object is higher than the light, then the shadow shouldn't be cast on the floor if (v3LightPos.z < v3EntityPos.z) { return true; } const float scale = (m_properties.shadowScale <= 0.0f) ? 1.0f : m_properties.shadowScale; const float opacity = (m_properties.shadowOpacity <= 0.0f) ? 1.0f : m_properties.shadowOpacity; const Vector2 v2Size = GetCurrentSize(); Vector2 v2ShadowSize(v2Size.x, v2Size.y); Vector2 v2ShadowPos(v3EntityPos.x, v3EntityPos.y); // if we are drawing to a target of a rotated entity if (drawToTarget && targetAngle != 0) { // rotate the shadow position according to entity angle Matrix4x4 matRot = RotateZ(-DegreeToRadian(targetAngle)); Vector3 newShadowPos(v2ShadowPos, 0); newShadowPos = newShadowPos - v3TargetPos; newShadowPos = Multiply(newShadowPos, matRot); newShadowPos = newShadowPos + v3TargetPos; v2ShadowPos.x = newShadowPos.x; v2ShadowPos.y = newShadowPos.y; // rotate the light source to cast it correctly Vector3 newPos = v3LightPos - v3TargetPos; newPos = Multiply(newPos, matRot); v3LightPos = newPos + v3TargetPos; } Vector3 diff = v3EntityPos - v3LightPos; const float squaredDist = DP3(diff, diff); float squaredRange = light.range * light.range; if (squaredDist > squaredRange) { return true; } v2ShadowSize.x *= _ETH_SHADOW_SCALEX * scale; // calculate the correct shadow length according to the light height if ((GetPosition().z+v2Size.y) < light.pos.z) // if the light is over the entity { const float planarDist = Distance(GetPositionXY(), ETHGlobal::ToVector2(v3LightPos)); const float verticalDist = Abs((v3EntityPos.z+v2Size.y)-v3LightPos.z); const float totalDist = (planarDist/verticalDist)*Abs(v3LightPos.z); v2ShadowSize.y = totalDist-planarDist; // clamp shadow length to the object's height. This is not realistic // but it looks better for the real-time shadows. v2ShadowSize.y = Min(v2Size.y*_ETH_SHADOW_FAKE_STRETCH, v2ShadowSize.y); } else { v2ShadowSize.y *= ((drawToTarget) ? _ETH_SHADOW_SCALEY : _ETH_SHADOW_SCALEY/4); } // specify a minimum length for the shadow v2ShadowSize.y = Max(v2ShadowSize.y, v2Size.y); ShaderPtr pVS = video->GetVertexShader(); pVS->SetConstant(GS_L("shadowLength"), v2ShadowSize.y * m_properties.shadowLengthScale); pVS->SetConstant(GS_L("entityZ"), Max(m_shadowZ, v3EntityPos.z)); pVS->SetConstant(GS_L("shadowZ"), m_shadowZ); pVS->SetConstant(GS_L("lightPos"), v3LightPos); video->SetSpriteDepth( (GetType() == ETHEntityProperties::ET_VERTICAL) ? ETHEntity::ComputeDepth(m_shadowZ, maxHeight, minHeight) : Max(0.0f, ComputeDepth(maxHeight, minHeight) - m_layrableMinimumDepth)); v2ShadowSize.y = 1.0f; Vector2 lightPos2(v3LightPos.x, v3LightPos.y); const float shadowAngle = ::GetAngle((lightPos2 - Vector2(v3EntityPos.x, v3EntityPos.y))) + DegreeToRadian(targetAngle); squaredRange = Max(squaredDist, squaredRange); float attenBias = 1; // adjust brightness according to ambient light if (!maxOpacity) { attenBias = (1-(squaredDist/squaredRange)); //fade the color according to the light brightness const float colorLen = Max(Max(light.color.x, light.color.y), light.color.z); attenBias *= Min(colorLen, 1.0f); //fade the color according to the ambient light brightness const Vector3 &ambientColor = sceneProps.ambient; const float ambientColorLen = 1.0f-((ambientColor.x + ambientColor.y + ambientColor.z)/3.0f); attenBias = Min(attenBias*ambientColorLen, 1.0f); attenBias *= Max(Min((1-(GetPosition().z/Max(GetCurrentSize().y, 1.0f))), 1.0f), 0.0f); } GS_BYTE alpha = static_cast<GS_BYTE>(attenBias*255.0f*opacity); if (alpha < 8) return true; Color dwShadowColor(alpha,255,255,255); pShadow->SetOrigin(Vector2(0.5f, 0.79f)); pShadow->SetRectMode(Sprite::RM_THREE_TRIANGLES); pShadow->DrawShaped(v2ShadowPos, v2ShadowSize, dwShadowColor, dwShadowColor, dwShadowColor, dwShadowColor, RadianToDegree(shadowAngle)); return true; }
// TODO-TO-DO: this method is too large... bool ETHScene::RenderList(float &minHeight, float &maxHeight, SpritePtr pOutline, SpritePtr pInvisibleEntSymbol, std::list<ETHRenderEntity*> &outParticles, std::list<ETHRenderEntity*> &outHalos, const bool roundUp) { // This multimap will store all entities contained in the visible buckets // It will automatically sort entities to draw them in an "alpha friendly" order std::multimap<float, ETHRenderEntity*> mmEntities; // store the max and min height to assign when everything is drawn maxHeight = m_maxSceneHeight; minHeight = m_minSceneHeight; m_nRenderedEntities = 0; // don't let bucket size be equal to 0 assert(GetBucketSize().x != 0 || GetBucketSize().y != 0); // Gets the list of visible buckets std::list<Vector2> bucketList; const Vector2& v2CamPos = m_provider->GetVideo()->GetCameraPos(); //for debugging pourposes ETHGlobal::GetIntersectingBuckets(bucketList, v2CamPos, m_provider->GetVideo()->GetScreenSizeF(), GetBucketSize(), IsDrawingBorderBuckets(), IsDrawingBorderBuckets()); // Loop through all visible Buckets for (std::list<Vector2>::iterator bucketPositionIter = bucketList.begin(); bucketPositionIter != bucketList.end(); bucketPositionIter++) { ETHBucketMap::iterator bucketIter = m_buckets.Find(*bucketPositionIter); if (bucketIter == m_buckets.GetLastBucket()) continue; if (bucketIter->second.empty()) continue; ETHEntityList::const_iterator iEnd = bucketIter->second.end(); for (ETHEntityList::iterator iter = bucketIter->second.begin(); iter != iEnd; iter++) { ETHSpriteEntity *pRenderEntity = (*iter); // update scene bounding for depth buffer maxHeight = Max(maxHeight, pRenderEntity->GetMaxHeight()); minHeight = Min(minHeight, pRenderEntity->GetMinHeight()); if (pRenderEntity->IsHidden()) continue; // fill the light list for this frame // const ETHEntityFile &entity = pRenderEntity->GetData()->entity; if (pRenderEntity->HasLightSource()) { ETHLight light = *(pRenderEntity->GetLight()); // if it has a particle system in the first slot, adjust the light // brightness according to the number os active particles if (pRenderEntity->GetParticleManager(0) && !pRenderEntity->IsStatic()) { boost::shared_ptr<ETHParticleManager> paticleManager = pRenderEntity->GetParticleManager(0); light.color *= static_cast<float>(paticleManager->GetNumActiveParticles()) / static_cast<float>(paticleManager->GetNumParticles()); } AddLight(light, pRenderEntity->GetPosition()); } // add this entity to the multimap to sort it for an alpha-friendly rendering list const Vector3& v3Pos = pRenderEntity->GetPosition(); const ETH_ENTITY_TYPE type = pRenderEntity->GetType(); const float depth = pRenderEntity->ComputeDepth(maxHeight, minHeight); const float drawHash = ComputeDrawHash(depth, v2CamPos, v3Pos, type); // add the entity to the render map mmEntities.insert(std::pair<float, ETHRenderEntity*>(drawHash, *iter)); m_nRenderedEntities++; } } // Draw visible entities ordered in an alpha-friendly map for (std::multimap<float, ETHRenderEntity*>::iterator iter = mmEntities.begin(); iter != mmEntities.end(); iter++) { ETHRenderEntity *pRenderEntity = (iter->second); m_provider->GetShaderManager()->BeginAmbientPass(pRenderEntity, maxHeight, minHeight); // draws the ambient pass and if we're at the editor, draw the collision box if it's an invisible entity #ifdef _ETHANON_EDITOR if (pOutline && pRenderEntity->IsInvisible() && pRenderEntity->Collidable()) { pRenderEntity->DrawCollisionBox(true, pOutline, GS_WHITE, maxHeight, minHeight, m_sceneProps.zAxisDirection); } #endif m_provider->GetVideo()->RoundUpPosition(roundUp); pRenderEntity->DrawAmbientPass(m_maxSceneHeight, m_minSceneHeight, (m_enableLightmaps && m_showingLightmaps), m_sceneProps); // draw "invisible entity symbol" if we're in the editor #ifdef _ETHANON_EDITOR if (pOutline) { if (pRenderEntity->IsInvisible() && pRenderEntity->Collidable()) { pRenderEntity->DrawCollisionBox(false, pOutline, GS_WHITE, maxHeight, minHeight, m_sceneProps.zAxisDirection); } if (pRenderEntity->IsInvisible() && !pRenderEntity->Collidable()) { const float depth = m_provider->GetVideo()->GetSpriteDepth(); m_provider->GetVideo()->SetSpriteDepth(1.0f); pInvisibleEntSymbol->Draw(pRenderEntity->GetPositionXY()); m_provider->GetVideo()->SetSpriteDepth(depth); } } #endif // fill the halo list // const ETHEntityFile &entity = pRenderEntity->GetData()->entity; if (pRenderEntity->HasLightSource() && pRenderEntity->GetHalo()) { outHalos.push_back(pRenderEntity); } // fill the particle list for this frame if (pRenderEntity->HasParticleSystems()) { outParticles.push_back(pRenderEntity); } // fill the callback list m_tempEntities.AddCallbackWhenEligible(pRenderEntity); m_provider->GetShaderManager()->EndAmbientPass(); //draw light pass for (std::list<ETHLight>::iterator iter = m_lights.begin(); iter != m_lights.end(); iter++) { if (!pRenderEntity->IsHidden()) { if (!(pRenderEntity->IsStatic() && iter->staticLight && m_enableLightmaps)) { m_provider->GetVideo()->RoundUpPosition(roundUp); if (m_provider->GetShaderManager()->BeginLightPass(pRenderEntity, &(*iter), m_maxSceneHeight, m_minSceneHeight, GetLightIntensity())) { pRenderEntity->DrawLightPass(GetZAxisDirection()); m_provider->GetShaderManager()->EndLightPass(); m_provider->GetVideo()->RoundUpPosition(false); if (AreRealTimeShadowsEnabled()) { if (m_provider->GetShaderManager()->BeginShadowPass(pRenderEntity, &(*iter), m_maxSceneHeight, m_minSceneHeight)) { pRenderEntity->DrawShadow(m_maxSceneHeight, m_minSceneHeight, m_sceneProps, *iter, 0); m_provider->GetShaderManager()->EndShadowPass(); } } m_provider->GetVideo()->RoundUpPosition(roundUp); } } } } } mmEntities.clear(); m_nCurrentLights = m_lights.size(); // Show the buckets outline in debug mode #if defined _DEBUG || defined _ETHANON_EDITOR if (m_provider->GetInput()->IsKeyDown(GSK_PAUSE)) { DrawBucketOutlines(); } #endif return true; }