コード例 #1
ファイル: testNDBT.cpp プロジェクト: 4T-Shirt/mysql
int runTestAtrtClient(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step){
  AtrtClient atrt;

  SqlResultSet clusters;
  if (!atrt.getClusters(clusters))
    return NDBT_FAILED;

  int i= 0;
    ndbout << clusters.column("name") << endl;
    if (i++ == 1){
      ndbout << "removing: " << clusters.column("name") << endl;

    ndbout << clusters.column("name") << endl;

  return NDBT_OK;
コード例 #2
ファイル: AtrtClient.cpp プロジェクト: 4T-Shirt/mysql
AtrtClient::doCommand(AtrtCommandType type,
                      const Properties& args){

  int running_timeout= 10;
  int total_timeout= 120;
  int commandId= writeCommand(type,
  if (commandId == -1){
    g_err << "Failed to write command" << endl;
    return false;

  while (true){

    SqlResultSet result;
    if (!readCommand(commandId, result))
      g_err << "Failed to read command "<< commandId << endl;
      return false;

    // Get first row

    // Check if command has completed
    BaseString state(result.column("state"));
    if (state == "done") {
      return true;

    if (state == "new"){
      if (!running_timeout--){
        g_err << "Timeout while waiting for command "
              << commandId << " to start run" << endl;
        return false;
    else if (!total_timeout--){
      g_err << "Timeout while waiting for result of command "
            << commandId << endl;
      return false;


  return false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: testNDBT.cpp プロジェクト: 4T-Shirt/mysql
int runTestDbUtil(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step){
  DbUtil sql;

    // Select all rows from mysql.user
    SqlResultSet result;
    if (!sql.doQuery("SELECT * FROM mysql.user", result))
      return NDBT_FAILED;
    // result.print();

      ndbout << result.column("host") << ", "
             << result.column("uSer") << ", "
             << result.columnAsInt("max_updates") << ", "
             << endl;

      ndbout << result.column("host") << endl;

    // No column name, query should fail
    Properties args;
    SqlResultSet result;
    if (sql.doQuery("SELECT * FROM mysql.user WHERE name=?", args, result))
      return NDBT_FAILED;

    // Select nonexisiting rows from mysql.user
    Properties args;
    SqlResultSet result;
    args.put("0", "no_such_host");
    if (!sql.doQuery("SELECT * FROM mysql.user WHERE host=?", args, result))
      return NDBT_FAILED;
    ndbout << "no rows" << endl;

    // Change args to an find one row
    args.put("0", "localhost");
    if (!sql.doQuery("SELECT host, user FROM mysql.user WHERE host=?",
                     args, result))
      return NDBT_FAILED;

    if (!sql.doQuery("CREATE TABLE sql_client_test (a int, b varchar(255))"))
      return NDBT_FAILED;

    if (!sql.doQuery("INSERT INTO sql_client_test VALUES(1, 'hello'), (2, 'bye')"))
      return NDBT_FAILED;

    // Select all rows from sql_client_test
    SqlResultSet result;
    if (!sql.doQuery("SELECT * FROM sql_client_test", result))
      return NDBT_FAILED;
    // result.print();


    // Select second row from sql_client_test
    Properties args;
    args.put("0", 2);
    if (!sql.doQuery("SELECT * FROM sql_client_test WHERE a=?", args,result))
      return NDBT_FAILED;

      ndbout << "a: " << result.columnAsInt("a") << endl;
        ndbout << "b: " << result.column("b") << endl;
      if (result.columnAsInt("a") != 2){
        ndbout << "hepp1" << endl;
        return NDBT_FAILED;

      if (strcmp(result.column("b"), "bye")){
        ndbout << "hepp2" << endl;
        return NDBT_FAILED;


    if (sql.selectCountTable("sql_client_test") != 2)
      ndbout << "Got wrong count" << endl;
      return NDBT_FAILED;

    if (!sql.doQuery("DROP TABLE sql_client_test"))
      return NDBT_FAILED;


  return NDBT_OK;
コード例 #4
do_change_version(atrt_config& config, SqlResultSet& command,
                  AtrtClient& atrtdb){
   * TODO make option to restart "not" initial
  uint process_id= command.columnAsInt("process_id");
  const char* process_args= command.column("process_args");

  g_logger.info("Change version for process: %d, args: %s",
                process_id, process_args);

  // Get the process
  if (process_id > config.m_processes.size()){
    g_logger.critical("Invalid process id %d", process_id);
    return false;
  atrt_process& proc= *config.m_processes[process_id];

  const char* new_prefix= g_prefix1 ? g_prefix1 : g_prefix;
  const char* old_prefix= g_prefix;
  const char *start= strstr(proc.m_proc.m_path.c_str(), old_prefix);
  if (!start){
    /* Process path does not contain old prefix.  
     * Perhaps it contains the new prefix - e.g. is already
     * upgraded?
    if (strstr(proc.m_proc.m_path.c_str(), new_prefix))
      /* Process is already upgraded, *assume* that this
       * is ok
       * Alternatives could be - error, or downgrade.
      g_logger.info("Process already upgraded");
      return true;
    g_logger.critical("Could not find '%s' in '%s'",
                      old_prefix, proc.m_proc.m_path.c_str());
    return false;

  // Save current proc state
  if (proc.m_save.m_saved == false)
    proc.m_save.m_proc= proc.m_proc;
    proc.m_save.m_saved= true;
  g_logger.info("stopping process...");
  if (!stop_process(proc))
    return false;
  BaseString newEnv = set_env_var(proc.m_proc.m_env, 
  BaseString suffix(proc.m_proc.m_path.substr(strlen(old_prefix)));
  if (process_args && strlen(process_args))
    /* Beware too long args */
    proc.m_proc.m_args.append(" ");

  ndbout << proc << endl;

  g_logger.info("starting process...");
  if (!start_process(proc))
    return false;
  return true;
コード例 #5
do_change_version(atrt_config& config, SqlResultSet& command,
                  AtrtClient& atrtdb){
   * TODO make option to restart "not" initial
  uint process_id= command.columnAsInt("process_id");
  const char* process_args= command.column("process_args");

  g_logger.info("Change version for process: %d, args: %s",
                process_id, process_args);

  // Get the process
  if (process_id > config.m_processes.size()){
    g_logger.critical("Invalid process id %d", process_id);
    return false;
  atrt_process& proc= *config.m_processes[process_id];

  const char* new_prefix= g_prefix1 ? g_prefix1 : g_prefix;
  const char* old_prefix= g_prefix;
  const char *start= strstr(proc.m_proc.m_path.c_str(), old_prefix);
  if (!start){
    /* Process path does not contain old prefix.  
     * Perhaps it contains the new prefix - e.g. is already
     * upgraded?
    if (strstr(proc.m_proc.m_path.c_str(), new_prefix))
      /* Process is already upgraded, *assume* that this
       * is ok
       * Alternatives could be - error, or downgrade.
      g_logger.info("Process already upgraded");
      return true;
    g_logger.critical("Could not find '%s' in '%s'",
                      old_prefix, proc.m_proc.m_path.c_str());
    return false;

  // Save current proc state
  if (proc.m_save.m_saved == false)
    proc.m_save.m_proc= proc.m_proc;
    proc.m_save.m_saved= true;
  g_logger.info("stopping process...");
  if (!stop_process(proc))
    return false;
  BaseString newEnv = set_env_var(proc.m_proc.m_env, 

  ssize_t pos = proc.m_proc.m_path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
  BaseString exename(proc.m_proc.m_path.substr(pos));
  char * exe = find_bin_path(new_prefix, exename.c_str());
  proc.m_proc.m_path = exe;
  if (exe)
  if (process_args && strlen(process_args))
    /* Beware too long args */
    proc.m_proc.m_args.append(" ");

     * In 5.5...binaries aren't compiled with rpath
     * So we need an explicit LD_LIBRARY_PATH
     * So when upgrading..we need to change LD_LIBRARY_PATH
     * So I hate 5.5...
#if defined(__MACH__)
    ssize_t p0 = proc.m_proc.m_env.indexOf(" DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=");
    ssize_t p0 = proc.m_proc.m_env.indexOf(" LD_LIBRARY_PATH=");
    ssize_t p1 = proc.m_proc.m_env.indexOf(' ', p0 + 1);

    BaseString part0 = proc.m_proc.m_env.substr(0, p0);
    BaseString part1 = proc.m_proc.m_env.substr(p1);


    BaseString lib(g_libmysqlclient_so_path);
    ssize_t pos = lib.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
    BaseString libname(lib.substr(pos));
    char * exe = find_bin_path(new_prefix, libname.c_str());
    char * dir = dirname(exe);
#if defined(__MACH__)
    proc.m_proc.m_env.appfmt(" DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s", dir);
    proc.m_proc.m_env.appfmt(" LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s", dir);

  ndbout << proc << endl;

  g_logger.info("starting process...");
  if (!start_process(proc))
    return false;
  return true;
コード例 #6
runUpgrade_Half(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step)
    // Assuming 2 replicas

    AtrtClient atrt;

    const bool waitNode = ctx->getProperty("WaitNode", Uint32(0)) != 0;
    const bool event = ctx->getProperty("CreateDropEvent", Uint32(0)) != 0;
    const char * args = "";
    if (ctx->getProperty("KeepFS", Uint32(0)) != 0)
        args = "--initial=0";

    NodeSet mgmdNodeSet = (NodeSet) ctx->getProperty("MgmdNodeSet", Uint32(0));
    NodeSet ndbdNodeSet = (NodeSet) ctx->getProperty("NdbdNodeSet", Uint32(0));

    SqlResultSet clusters;
    if (!atrt.getClusters(clusters))
        return NDBT_FAILED;

    while (clusters.next())
        uint clusterId= clusters.columnAsInt("id");
        SqlResultSet tmp_result;
        if (!atrt.getConnectString(clusterId, tmp_result))
            return NDBT_FAILED;

        NdbRestarter restarter(tmp_result.column("connectstring"));
        restarter.setReconnect(true); // Restarting mgmd
        g_err << "Cluster '" << clusters.column("name")
              << "@" << tmp_result.column("connectstring") << "'" << endl;

            return NDBT_FAILED;

        // Restart ndb_mgmd(s)
        SqlResultSet mgmds;
        if (!atrt.getMgmds(clusterId, mgmds))
            return NDBT_FAILED;

        uint mgmdCount = mgmds.numRows();
        uint restartCount = getNodeCount(mgmdNodeSet, mgmdCount);

        ndbout << "Restarting "
               << restartCount << " of " << mgmdCount
               << " mgmds" << endl;

        while (mgmds.next() && restartCount --)
            ndbout << "Restart mgmd" << mgmds.columnAsInt("node_id") << endl;
            if (!atrt.changeVersion(mgmds.columnAsInt("id"), ""))
                return NDBT_FAILED;

                return NDBT_FAILED;

        NdbSleep_SecSleep(5); // TODO, handle arbitration

        // Restart one ndbd in each node group
        SqlResultSet ndbds;
        if (!atrt.getNdbds(clusterId, ndbds))
            return NDBT_FAILED;

        Vector<NodeInfo> nodes;
        while (ndbds.next())
            struct NodeInfo n;
            n.nodeId = ndbds.columnAsInt("node_id");
            n.processId = ndbds.columnAsInt("id");
            n.nodeGroup = restarter.getNodeGroup(n.nodeId);

        uint ndbdCount = ndbds.numRows();
        restartCount = getNodeCount(ndbdNodeSet, ndbdCount);

        ndbout << "Restarting "
               << restartCount << " of " << ndbdCount
               << " ndbds" << endl;

        int nodesarray[256];
        int cnt= 0;

        Bitmask<4> seen_groups;
        Bitmask<4> restarted_nodes;
        for (Uint32 i = 0; (i<nodes.size() && restartCount); i++)
            int nodeId = nodes[i].nodeId;
            int processId = nodes[i].processId;
            int nodeGroup= nodes[i].nodeGroup;

            if (seen_groups.get(nodeGroup))
                // One node in this node group already down

            ndbout << "Restart node " << nodeId << endl;

            if (!atrt.changeVersion(processId, args))
                return NDBT_FAILED;

            if (waitNode)
                restarter.waitNodesNoStart(&nodeId, 1);

            nodesarray[cnt++]= nodeId;

        if (!waitNode)
            if (restarter.waitNodesNoStart(nodesarray, cnt))
                return NDBT_FAILED;

        ndbout << "Starting and wait for started..." << endl;
        if (restarter.startAll())
            return NDBT_FAILED;

        if (restarter.waitClusterStarted())
            return NDBT_FAILED;

        if (event && createDropEvent(ctx, step))
            return NDBT_FAILED;

        ndbout << "Half started" << endl;

        if (ctx->getProperty("HalfStartedHold", (Uint32)0) != 0)
            while (ctx->getProperty("HalfStartedHold", (Uint32)0) != 0)
                ndbout << "Half started holding..." << endl;
                ctx->setProperty("HalfStartedDone", (Uint32)1);
            ndbout << "Got half started continue..." << endl;

        // Restart the remaining nodes
        cnt= 0;
        for (Uint32 i = 0; (i<nodes.size() && restartCount); i++)
            int nodeId = nodes[i].nodeId;
            int processId = nodes[i].processId;

            if (restarted_nodes.get(nodeId))

            ndbout << "Restart node " << nodeId << endl;
            if (!atrt.changeVersion(processId, args))
                return NDBT_FAILED;

            if (waitNode)
                restarter.waitNodesNoStart(&nodeId, 1);

            nodesarray[cnt++]= nodeId;
            restartCount --;

        if (!waitNode)
            if (restarter.waitNodesNoStart(nodesarray, cnt))
                return NDBT_FAILED;

        ndbout << "Starting and wait for started..." << endl;
        if (restarter.startAll())
            return NDBT_FAILED;

        if (restarter.waitClusterStarted())
            return NDBT_FAILED;

        if (event && createDropEvent(ctx, step))
            return NDBT_FAILED;

    return NDBT_OK;
コード例 #7
int runUpgrade_NR1(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step) {
    AtrtClient atrt;

    NodeSet mgmdNodeSet = (NodeSet) ctx->getProperty("MgmdNodeSet", Uint32(0));
    NodeSet ndbdNodeSet = (NodeSet) ctx->getProperty("NdbdNodeSet", Uint32(0));

    SqlResultSet clusters;
    if (!atrt.getClusters(clusters))
        return NDBT_FAILED;

    while (clusters.next())
        uint clusterId= clusters.columnAsInt("id");
        SqlResultSet tmp_result;
        if (!atrt.getConnectString(clusterId, tmp_result))
            return NDBT_FAILED;

        NdbRestarter restarter(tmp_result.column("connectstring"));
        restarter.setReconnect(true); // Restarting mgmd
        g_err << "Cluster '" << clusters.column("name")
              << "@" << tmp_result.column("connectstring") << "'" << endl;

        if (restarter.waitClusterStarted())
            return NDBT_FAILED;

        // Restart ndb_mgmd(s)
        SqlResultSet mgmds;
        if (!atrt.getMgmds(clusterId, mgmds))
            return NDBT_FAILED;

        uint mgmdCount = mgmds.numRows();
        uint restartCount = getNodeCount(mgmdNodeSet, mgmdCount);

        ndbout << "Restarting "
               << restartCount << " of " << mgmdCount
               << " mgmds" << endl;

        while (mgmds.next() && restartCount --)
            ndbout << "Restart mgmd " << mgmds.columnAsInt("node_id") << endl;
            if (!atrt.changeVersion(mgmds.columnAsInt("id"), ""))
                return NDBT_FAILED;

            if (restarter.waitConnected())
                return NDBT_FAILED;
            ndbout << "Connected to mgmd"<< endl;

        ndbout << "Waiting for started"<< endl;
        if (restarter.waitClusterStarted())
            return NDBT_FAILED;
        ndbout << "Started"<< endl;

        // Restart ndbd(s)
        SqlResultSet ndbds;
        if (!atrt.getNdbds(clusterId, ndbds))
            return NDBT_FAILED;

        uint ndbdCount = ndbds.numRows();
        restartCount = getNodeCount(ndbdNodeSet, ndbdCount);

        ndbout << "Restarting "
               << restartCount << " of " << ndbdCount
               << " ndbds" << endl;

        while(ndbds.next() && restartCount --)
            int nodeId = ndbds.columnAsInt("node_id");
            int processId = ndbds.columnAsInt("id");
            ndbout << "Restart node " << nodeId << endl;

            if (!atrt.changeVersion(processId, ""))
                return NDBT_FAILED;

            if (restarter.waitNodesNoStart(&nodeId, 1))
                return NDBT_FAILED;

            if (restarter.startNodes(&nodeId, 1))
                return NDBT_FAILED;

            if (restarter.waitNodesStarted(&nodeId, 1))
                return NDBT_FAILED;

            if (createDropEvent(ctx, step))
                return NDBT_FAILED;

    return NDBT_OK;
コード例 #8
runUpgrade_SR(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step)
    /* System restart upgrade.
     * Stop all data nodes
     * Change versions
     * Restart em together.
    AtrtClient atrt;
    NodeSet mgmdNodeSet = All;

    const char * args = "";
    bool skipMgmds = (ctx->getProperty("SkipMgmds", Uint32(0)) != 0);

    SqlResultSet clusters;
    if (!atrt.getClusters(clusters))
        return NDBT_FAILED;

    while (clusters.next())
        uint clusterId= clusters.columnAsInt("id");
        SqlResultSet tmp_result;
        if (!atrt.getConnectString(clusterId, tmp_result))
            return NDBT_FAILED;

        NdbRestarter restarter(tmp_result.column("connectstring"));
        restarter.setReconnect(true); // Restarting mgmd
        g_err << "Cluster '" << clusters.column("name")
              << "@" << tmp_result.column("connectstring") << "'" << endl;

            return NDBT_FAILED;

        /* Now restart to nostart state, prior to SR */
        g_err << "Restarting all data nodes-nostart" << endl;
        if (restarter.restartAll2(NdbRestarter::NRRF_NOSTART) != 0)
            g_err << "Failed to restart all" << endl;
            return NDBT_FAILED;

        ndbout << "Waiting for no-start state" << endl;
        if (restarter.waitClusterNoStart() != 0)
            g_err << "Failed waiting for NoStart state" << endl;
            return NDBT_FAILED;

        // Restart ndb_mgmd(s)
        SqlResultSet mgmds;
        if (!atrt.getMgmds(clusterId, mgmds))
            return NDBT_FAILED;

        uint mgmdCount = mgmds.numRows();
        uint restartCount = getNodeCount(mgmdNodeSet, mgmdCount);

        if (!skipMgmds)
            ndbout << "Restarting "
                   << restartCount << " of " << mgmdCount
                   << " mgmds" << endl;

            while (mgmds.next() && restartCount --)
                ndbout << "Restart mgmd" << mgmds.columnAsInt("node_id") << endl;
                if (!atrt.changeVersion(mgmds.columnAsInt("id"), ""))
                    return NDBT_FAILED;

                    return NDBT_FAILED;

            NdbSleep_SecSleep(5); // TODO, handle arbitration
            ndbout << "Skipping MGMD upgrade" << endl;

        // Restart all ndbds
        SqlResultSet ndbds;
        if (!atrt.getNdbds(clusterId, ndbds))
            return NDBT_FAILED;

        uint ndbdCount = ndbds.numRows();
        restartCount = ndbdCount;

        ndbout << "Upgrading "
               << restartCount << " of " << ndbdCount
               << " ndbds" << endl;

        while (ndbds.next())
            uint nodeId = ndbds.columnAsInt("node_id");
            uint processId = ndbds.columnAsInt("id");

            ndbout << "Upgrading node " << nodeId << endl;

            if (!atrt.changeVersion(processId, args))
                return NDBT_FAILED;

        ndbout << "Waiting for no-start state" << endl;
        if (restarter.waitClusterNoStart() != 0)
            g_err << "Failed waiting for NoStart state" << endl;
            return NDBT_FAILED;

        ndbout << "Starting cluster (SR)" << endl;

        if (restarter.restartAll2(0) != 0)
            g_err << "Error restarting all nodes" << endl;
            return NDBT_FAILED;

        ndbout << "Waiting for cluster to start" << endl;
        if (restarter.waitClusterStarted() != 0)
            g_err << "Failed waiting for Cluster start" << endl;
            return NDBT_FAILED;

        ndbout << "Cluster started." << endl;

    return NDBT_OK;