bool StGLWidget::isPointIn(const StPointD_t& thePointZo) const { const StRectD_t aRectGl = getRectGl(); StPointD_t aPointGl = getPointGl(thePointZo); return aPointGl.x() > aRectGl.left() && aPointGl.x() < aRectGl.right() && aPointGl.y() > aRectGl.bottom() && aPointGl.y() <; }
void StWindowImpl::processEvents() { if(myParentWin == NULL || myToResetDevice) { // window is closed! return; } // check if we are exiting if(myParentWin->ToDestroy()) { myStEvent.Type = stEvent_Close; myStEvent.Close.Time = getEventTime(); signals.onClose->emit(myStEvent.Close); return; } // check onNewIntent event StString aDndFile; myParentWin->setHardwareStereoOn(myToEnableStereoHW); myParentWin->setTrackOrientation(myToTrackOrient); myParentWin->setHideSystemBars(myToHideStatusBar, myToHideNavBar); myParentWin->fetchState(aDndFile, myQuaternion, myToSwapEyesHW, myKeysState); if(!aDndFile.isEmpty()) { std::vector<const char*> aDndList; aDndList.push_back(aDndFile.toCString()); myStEvent.Type = stEvent_FileDrop; myStEvent.DNDrop.Time = getEventTime(); myStEvent.DNDrop.NbFiles = aDndList.size(); myStEvent.DNDrop.Files = &aDndList[0]; myEventsBuffer.append(myStEvent); } updateActiveState(); StPointD_t anOldMousePt = myMousePt; int aPollRes = 0; int aNbEvents = 0; StAndroidPollSource* aSource = NULL; bool toWaitEvents = false; while((aPollRes = ALooper_pollAll(toWaitEvents ? -1 : 0, NULL, &aNbEvents, (void** )&aSource)) >= 0) { if(aSource != NULL) { aSource->process(myParentWin, aSource); } if(myToResetDevice) { break; } // check if we are exiting if(myParentWin->ToDestroy()) { break; } } // check if we are exiting if(myParentWin->ToDestroy()) { myStEvent.Type = stEvent_Close; myStEvent.Close.Time = getEventTime(); signals.onClose->emit(myStEvent.Close); return; } myIsMouseMoved = false; if(myMousePt.x() >= 0.0 && myMousePt.x() <= 1.0 && myMousePt.y() >= 0.0 && myMousePt.y() <= 1.0) { StPointD_t aDspl = myMousePt - anOldMousePt; if(std::abs(aDspl.x()) >= 0.0008 || std::abs(aDspl.y()) >= 0.0008) { myIsMouseMoved = true; } } // update position only when all messages are parsed updateWindowPos(); myIsUpdated = false; // StWindow XLib implementation process events in the same thread // thus this double buffer is not in use // however user events may be posted to it swapEventsBuffers(); }
StPointD_t StGLWidget::getPointIn(const StPointD_t& thePointZo) const { const StRectD_t aRectGl = getRectGl(); StPointD_t aPointGl = getPointGl(thePointZo); return StPointD_t((aPointGl.x() - aRectGl.left()) / (aRectGl.right() - aRectGl.left()), ( - aPointGl.y()) / ( - aRectGl.bottom())); }
StPointD_t StGLWidget::getPointGl(const StPointD_t& thePointZo) const { double oglWidth = myRoot->getRootRectGl().right() - myRoot->getRootRectGl().left(); double oglHeight = myRoot->getRootRectGl().top() - myRoot->getRootRectGl().bottom(); return StPointD_t((thePointZo.x() - 0.5) * oglWidth, (0.5 - thePointZo.y()) * oglHeight); }