コード例 #1
ファイル: Virvo.cpp プロジェクト: nixz/covise
void Virvo::initStateset()
    StateSet *stateset = new StateSet();
    stateset->setMode(GL_LIGHTING, StateAttribute::OFF);
    stateset->setMode(GL_BLEND, StateAttribute::ON);
    stateset->setRenderBinDetails(100, "RenderBin"); // draw after everything else
コード例 #2
ファイル: OcclusionQueryNode.cpp プロジェクト: 3dcl/osg
// Create and return a StateSet appropriate for performing an occlusion
//   query test (disable lighting, texture mapping, etc). Probably some
//   room for improvement here. Could disable shaders, for example.
StateSet* initOQState()
    StateSet* state = new StateSet;
    // TBD Possible bug, need to allow user to set render bin number.
    state->setRenderBinDetails( 9, "RenderBin" );

    state->setMode( GL_LIGHTING, StateAttribute::OFF | StateAttribute::PROTECTED);
    state->setTextureMode( 0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, StateAttribute::OFF | StateAttribute::PROTECTED);
    state->setMode( GL_CULL_FACE, StateAttribute::ON | StateAttribute::PROTECTED);

    ColorMask* cm = new ColorMask( false, false, false, false );
    state->setAttributeAndModes( cm, StateAttribute::ON | StateAttribute::PROTECTED);

    Depth* d = new Depth( Depth::LEQUAL, 0.f, 1.f, false );
    state->setAttributeAndModes( d, StateAttribute::ON | StateAttribute::PROTECTED);

    PolygonMode* pm = new PolygonMode( PolygonMode::FRONT_AND_BACK, PolygonMode::FILL );
    state->setAttributeAndModes( pm, StateAttribute::ON | StateAttribute::PROTECTED);

    PolygonOffset* po = new PolygonOffset( -1., -1. );
    state->setAttributeAndModes( po, StateAttribute::ON | StateAttribute::PROTECTED);

    return state;
コード例 #3
ファイル: sky.cpp プロジェクト: BodyViz/osg
Node *makeSky( void )
    int i, j;
    float lev[] = { -5, -1.0, 1.0, 15.0, 30.0, 60.0, 90.0  };
    float cc[][4] =
        { 0.0, 0.0, 0.15 },
        { 0.0, 0.0, 0.15 },
        { 0.4, 0.4, 0.7 },
        { 0.2, 0.2, 0.6 },
        { 0.1, 0.1, 0.6 },
        { 0.1, 0.1, 0.6 },
        { 0.1, 0.1, 0.6 },
    float x, y, z;
    float alpha, theta;
    float radius = 20.0f;
    int nlev = sizeof( lev )/sizeof(float);

    Geometry *geom = new Geometry;

    Vec3Array& coords = *(new Vec3Array(19*nlev));
    Vec4Array& colors = *(new Vec4Array(19*nlev));
    Vec2Array& tcoords = *(new Vec2Array(19*nlev));
    int ci = 0;

    for( i = 0; i < nlev; i++ )
        for( j = 0; j <= 18; j++ )
            alpha = osg::DegreesToRadians(lev[i]);
            theta = osg::DegreesToRadians((float)(j*20));

            x = radius * cosf( alpha ) * cosf( theta );
            y = radius * cosf( alpha ) * -sinf( theta );
            z = radius * sinf( alpha );

            coords[ci][0] = x;
            coords[ci][1] = y;
            coords[ci][2] = z;

            colors[ci][0] = cc[i][0];
            colors[ci][1] = cc[i][1];
            colors[ci][2] = cc[i][2];
            colors[ci][3] = 1.0;

            tcoords[ci][0] = (float)j/18.0;
            tcoords[ci][1] = (float)i/(float)(nlev-1);



    for( i = 0; i < nlev-1; i++ )
        DrawElementsUShort* drawElements = new DrawElementsUShort(PrimitiveSet::TRIANGLE_STRIP);

        for( j = 0; j <= 18; j++ )

    geom->setVertexArray( &coords );
    geom->setTexCoordArray( 0, &tcoords );

    geom->setColorArray( &colors );
    geom->setColorBinding( Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX );

    Texture2D *tex = new Texture2D;

    StateSet *dstate = new StateSet;

    dstate->setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, tex, StateAttribute::OFF );
    dstate->setTextureAttribute(0, new TexEnv );
    dstate->setMode( GL_LIGHTING, StateAttribute::OFF );
    dstate->setMode( GL_CULL_FACE, StateAttribute::ON );

    // clear the depth to the far plane.
    osg::Depth* depth = new osg::Depth;
    dstate->setAttributeAndModes(depth,StateAttribute::ON );


    geom->setStateSet( dstate );

    Geode *geode = new Geode;
    geode->addDrawable( geom );

    geode->setName( "Sky" );

    return geode;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Impostor.cpp プロジェクト: yueying/osg
ImpostorSprite* Impostor::createImpostorSprite(osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv)
    unsigned int contextID = cv->getState() ? cv->getState()->getContextID() : 0;

     osgSim::ImpostorSpriteManager* impostorSpriteManager = dynamic_cast<osgSim::ImpostorSpriteManager*>(cv->getUserData());
     if (!impostorSpriteManager)
          impostorSpriteManager = new osgSim::ImpostorSpriteManager;

    // default to true right now, will dertermine if perspective from the
    // projection matrix...
    bool isPerspectiveProjection = true;

    const Matrix& matrix = *(cv->getModelViewMatrix());
    const BoundingSphere& bs = getBound();
    osg::Vec3 eye_local = cv->getEyeLocal();

    if (!bs.valid())
        OSG_WARN << "bb invalid"<<std::endl;
        return NULL;

    Vec3 center_local = bs.center();
    Vec3 camera_up_local = cv->getUpLocal();
    Vec3 lv_local = center_local-eye_local;

    float distance_local = lv_local.length();
    lv_local /= distance_local;

    Vec3 sv_local = lv_local^camera_up_local;

    Vec3 up_local = sv_local^lv_local;

    float width = bs.radius();
    if (isPerspectiveProjection)
        // expand the width to account for projection onto sprite.
        width *= (distance_local/sqrtf(distance_local*distance_local-bs.radius2()));

    // scale up and side vectors to sprite width.
    up_local *= width;
    sv_local *= width;

    // create the corners of the sprite.
    Vec3 c00(center_local - sv_local - up_local);
    Vec3 c10(center_local + sv_local - up_local);
    Vec3 c01(center_local - sv_local + up_local);
    Vec3 c11(center_local + sv_local + up_local);

    // calc texture size for eye, bs.

    // convert the corners of the sprite (in world coords) into their
    // equivalent window coordinates by using the camera's project method.
    const osg::Matrix& MVPW = *(cv->getMVPW());
    Vec3 c00_win = c00 * MVPW;
    Vec3 c11_win = c11 * MVPW;

    // adjust texture size to be nearest power of 2.

    float s  = c11_win.x()-c00_win.x();
    float t  = c11_win.y()-c00_win.y();

    // may need to reverse sign of width or height if a matrix has
    // been applied which flips the orientation of this subgraph.
    if (s<0.0f) s = -s;
    if (t<0.0f) t = -t;

    // bias value used to assist the rounding up or down of
    // the texture dimensions to the nearest power of two.
    // bias near 0.0 will almost always round down.
    // bias near 1.0 will almost always round up.
    float bias = 0.7f;

    float sp2 = logf((float)s)/logf(2.0f);
    float rounded_sp2 = floorf(sp2+bias);
    int new_s = (int)(powf(2.0f,rounded_sp2));

    float tp2 = logf((float)t)/logf(2.0f);
    float rounded_tp2 = floorf(tp2+bias);
    int new_t = (int)(powf(2.0f,rounded_tp2));

    const osg::Viewport& viewport = *(cv->getViewport());

    // if dimension is bigger than window divide it down.
    while (new_s>viewport.width()) new_s /= 2;

    // if dimension is bigger than window divide it down.
    while (new_t>viewport.height()) new_t /= 2;

    // create the impostor sprite.
    ImpostorSprite* impostorSprite =

    if (impostorSprite==NULL)
        OSG_WARN<<"Warning: unable to create required impostor sprite."<<std::endl;
        return NULL;

    // update frame number to show that impostor is in action.

    // have successfully created an impostor sprite so now need to
    // add it into the impostor.

    if (cv->getDepthSortImpostorSprites())
        // the depth sort bin should probably be user definable,
        // will look into this later. RO July 2001.
        StateSet* stateset = impostorSprite->getStateSet();

    osg::Texture2D* texture = impostorSprite->getTexture();

    texture->setTextureSize(new_s, new_t);

    // update frame number to show that impostor is in action.

    Vec3* coords = impostorSprite->getCoords();
    Vec2* texcoords = impostorSprite->getTexCoords();

    coords[0] = c01;

    coords[1] = c00;

    coords[2] = c10;

    coords[3] = c11;


    Vec3* controlcoords = impostorSprite->getControlCoords();

    if (isPerspectiveProjection)
        // deal with projection issue by moving the coorners of the quad
        // towards the eye point.
        float ratio = width/(center_local-eye_local).length();
        float one_minus_ratio = 1.0f-ratio;
        Vec3 eye_local_ratio = eye_local*ratio;

        controlcoords[0] = coords[0]*one_minus_ratio + eye_local_ratio;
        controlcoords[1] = coords[1]*one_minus_ratio + eye_local_ratio;
        controlcoords[2] = coords[2]*one_minus_ratio + eye_local_ratio;
        controlcoords[3] = coords[3]*one_minus_ratio + eye_local_ratio;
        // project the control points forward towards the eyepoint,
        // but since this an othographics projection this projection is
        // parallel.
        Vec3 dv = lv_local*width;

        controlcoords[0] = coords[0]-dv;
        controlcoords[1] = coords[1]-dv;
        controlcoords[2] = coords[2]-dv;
        controlcoords[3] = coords[3]-dv;


    Vec3 eye_world(0.0,0.0,0.0);
    Vec3 center_world = bs.center()*matrix;

    osg::Camera* camera = impostorSprite->getCamera();
    if (!camera)
        camera = new osg::Camera;

    camera->setCullCallback(new ImpostorTraverseNodeCallback(this));

    osgUtil::RenderStage* previous_stage = cv->getRenderStage();

    // set up the background color and clear mask.
    osg::Vec4 clear_color = previous_stage->getClearColor();
    clear_color[3] = 0.0f; // set thae alpha to zero.

// adjust camera left,right,up,down to fit (in world coords)

    Vec3 near_local  ( center_local-lv_local*width );
    Vec3 far_local   ( center_local+lv_local*width );
    Vec3 top_local   ( center_local+up_local);
    Vec3 right_local ( center_local+sv_local);

    Vec3 near_world = near_local * matrix;
    Vec3 far_world = far_local * matrix;
    Vec3 top_world = top_local * matrix;
    Vec3 right_world = right_local * matrix;

    float znear = (near_world-eye_world).length();
    float zfar  = (far_world-eye_world).length();

    float top   = (top_world-center_world).length();
    float right = (right_world-center_world).length();

    znear *= 0.9f;
    zfar *= 1.1f;

    // set up projection.
    if (isPerspectiveProjection)
        // deal with projection issue move the top and right points
        // onto the near plane.
        float ratio = znear/(center_world-eye_world).length();
        top *= ratio;
        right *= ratio;

    Vec3 rotate_from = bs.center()-eye_local;
    Vec3 rotate_to   = cv-> getLookVectorLocal();

    osg::Matrix rotate_matrix =



    // tell the camera to use OpenGL frame buffer object where supported.
    camera->setRenderTargetImplementation(osg::Camera::FRAME_BUFFER_OBJECT, osg::Camera::FRAME_BUFFER);

    // set the camera to render before the main camera.

    // attach the texture and use it as the color buffer.
    camera->attach(osg::Camera::COLOR_BUFFER, texture);

    // do the cull traversal on the subgraph

    return impostorSprite;
