void SpecialsPanel::Update() { //std::cout << "SpecialsPanel::Update" << std::endl; for (std::map<std::string, StatisticIcon*>::iterator it = m_icons.begin(); it != m_icons.end(); ++it) DeleteChild(it->second); m_icons.clear(); // get specials to display TemporaryPtr<const UniverseObject> obj = GetUniverseObject(m_object_id); if (!obj) { ErrorLogger() << "SpecialsPanel::Update couldn't get object with id " << m_object_id; return; } const std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, float> >& specials = obj->Specials(); // get specials and use them to create specials icons // for specials with a nonzero for (std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, float> >::const_iterator it = specials.begin(); it != specials.end(); ++it) { const Special* special = GetSpecial(it->first); StatisticIcon* graphic = 0; if (it->second.second > 0.0f) graphic = new StatisticIcon(ClientUI::SpecialIcon(special->Name()), it->second.second, 2, false); else graphic = new StatisticIcon(ClientUI::SpecialIcon(special->Name())); graphic->SetBrowseModeTime(GetOptionsDB().Get<int>("UI.tooltip-delay")); std::string desc = UserString(special->Description()); if (it->second.second > 0.0f) desc += "\n" + boost::io::str(FlexibleFormat(UserString("SPECIAL_CAPACITY")) % DoubleToString(it->second.second, 2, false)); if (it->second.first > 0) desc += "\n" + boost::io::str(FlexibleFormat(UserString("ADDED_ON_TURN")) % boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(it->second.first)); else desc += "\n" + UserString("ADDED_ON_INITIAL_TURN"); if (GetOptionsDB().Get<bool>("UI.autogenerated-effects-descriptions") && !special->Effects().empty()) { desc += boost::io::str(FlexibleFormat(UserString("ENC_EFFECTS_STR")) % EffectsDescription(special->Effects())); } graphic->SetBrowseInfoWnd(boost::shared_ptr<GG::BrowseInfoWnd>( new IconTextBrowseWnd(ClientUI::SpecialIcon(special->Name()), UserString(special->Name()), desc))); m_icons[it->first] = graphic; graphic->InstallEventFilter(this); } const GG::X AVAILABLE_WIDTH = Width() - EDGE_PAD; GG::X x(EDGE_PAD); GG::Y y(EDGE_PAD); for (std::map<std::string, StatisticIcon*>::iterator it = m_icons.begin(); it != m_icons.end(); ++it) { StatisticIcon* icon = it->second; icon->SizeMove(GG::Pt(x, y), GG::Pt(x,y) + GG::Pt(SPECIAL_ICON_WIDTH, SPECIAL_ICON_HEIGHT)); AttachChild(icon); x += SPECIAL_ICON_WIDTH + EDGE_PAD; if (x + SPECIAL_ICON_WIDTH + EDGE_PAD > AVAILABLE_WIDTH) { x = GG::X(EDGE_PAD); y += SPECIAL_ICON_HEIGHT + EDGE_PAD; } } if (m_icons.empty()) { Resize(GG::Pt(Width(), GG::Y0)); } else { Resize(GG::Pt(Width(), y + SPECIAL_ICON_HEIGHT + EDGE_PAD*2)); } }
void SpecialsPanel::Update() { //std::cout << "SpecialsPanel::Update" << std::endl; for (std::map<std::string, StatisticIcon*>::value_type& entry : m_icons) DeleteChild(entry.second); m_icons.clear(); // get specials to display std::shared_ptr<const UniverseObject> obj = GetUniverseObject(m_object_id); if (!obj) { ErrorLogger() << "SpecialsPanel::Update couldn't get object with id " << m_object_id; return; } // get specials and use them to create specials icons // for specials with a nonzero for (const std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, float>>::value_type& entry : obj->Specials()) { const Special* special = GetSpecial(entry.first); StatisticIcon* graphic = nullptr; if (entry.second.second > 0.0f) graphic = new StatisticIcon(ClientUI::SpecialIcon(special->Name()), entry.second.second, 2, false, SPECIAL_ICON_WIDTH, SPECIAL_ICON_HEIGHT); else graphic = new StatisticIcon(ClientUI::SpecialIcon(special->Name()), SPECIAL_ICON_WIDTH, SPECIAL_ICON_HEIGHT); graphic->SetBrowseModeTime(GetOptionsDB().Get<int>("UI.tooltip-delay")); std::string desc = special->Description(); if (entry.second.second > 0.0f) desc += "\n" + boost::io::str(FlexibleFormat(UserString("SPECIAL_CAPACITY")) % DoubleToString(entry.second.second, 2, false)); if (entry.second.first > 0) desc += "\n" + boost::io::str(FlexibleFormat(UserString("ADDED_ON_TURN")) % entry.second.first); else desc += "\n" + UserString("ADDED_ON_INITIAL_TURN"); if (GetOptionsDB().Get<bool>("UI.dump-effects-descriptions") && !special->Effects().empty()) { desc += "\n" + Dump(special->Effects()); } graphic->SetBrowseInfoWnd(std::make_shared<IconTextBrowseWnd>( ClientUI::SpecialIcon(special->Name()), UserString(special->Name()), desc)); m_icons[entry.first] = graphic; graphic->InstallEventFilter(this); } const GG::X AVAILABLE_WIDTH = Width() - EDGE_PAD; GG::X x(EDGE_PAD); GG::Y y(EDGE_PAD); for (std::map<std::string, StatisticIcon*>::value_type& entry : m_icons) { StatisticIcon* icon = entry.second; icon->SizeMove(GG::Pt(x, y), GG::Pt(x,y) + GG::Pt(SPECIAL_ICON_WIDTH, SPECIAL_ICON_HEIGHT)); AttachChild(icon); x += SPECIAL_ICON_WIDTH + EDGE_PAD; if (x + SPECIAL_ICON_WIDTH + EDGE_PAD > AVAILABLE_WIDTH) { x = GG::X(EDGE_PAD); y += SPECIAL_ICON_HEIGHT + EDGE_PAD; } } if (m_icons.empty()) { Resize(GG::Pt(Width(), GG::Y0)); } else { Resize(GG::Pt(Width(), y + SPECIAL_ICON_HEIGHT + EDGE_PAD*2)); } }