コード例 #1
void EnvironmentNode::setAttributeValue(const std::string &attrName, const std::string &value, Status &status, bool allowInvalid, bool forceCreate)
    std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentValue> pEnvValue;

    auto it = m_attributes.find(attrName);
    if (it != m_attributes.end())
        pEnvValue = it->second;

    // Not found on this node. See if the configuration defines the attribute. If so, set the value and move on.
    // If not and the forceCreate flag is set, create it.
    else if (forceCreate)
        std::shared_ptr<SchemaValue> pCfgValue = m_pSchemaItem->getAttribute(attrName);
        pEnvValue = std::make_shared<EnvironmentValue>(shared_from_this(), pCfgValue, attrName);
        addAttribute(attrName, pEnvValue);
        if (!pCfgValue->isDefined())
            status.addMsg(statusMsg::warning, getId(), attrName, "Undefined attribute did not exist in configuration, was created");

    if (pEnvValue)
        pEnvValue->setValue(value, &status, allowInvalid);
        status.addMsg(statusMsg::error, getId(), attrName, "The attribute does not exist and was not created");

コード例 #2
std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentNode> EnvironmentMgr::addNewEnvironmentNode(const std::string &parentNodeId, const std::string &configType, Status &status)
    std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentNode> pNewNode;
    std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentNode> pParentNode = getEnvironmentNode(parentNodeId);
    if (pParentNode)
        std::shared_ptr<SchemaItem> pNewCfgItem;
        std::vector<std::shared_ptr<SchemaItem>> insertableItems;
        for (auto it = insertableItems.begin(); it != insertableItems.end(); ++it)
            if ((*it)->getItemType() == configType)
                pNewNode = addNewEnvironmentNode(pParentNode, *it, status);
            if (pNewNode == nullptr)
                status.addMsg(statusMsg::error, "Configuration type (" + configType + ") not found");
        status.addMsg(statusMsg::error, parentNodeId, "", "", "Unable to find indicated parent node");
    return pNewNode;
コード例 #3
void EnvironmentMgr::validate(Status &status) const
    if (m_pRootNode)
        m_pRootNode->validate(status, true);
        status.addMsg(statusMsg::error, "No environment loaded");
コード例 #4
bool EnvironmentMgr::removeEnvironmentNode(const std::string &nodeId, Status &status)
    bool rc = false;
    std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentNode> pNode = getEnvironmentNode(nodeId);

    if (pNode)
        std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentNode> pParentNode = pNode->getParent();
        if (pParentNode->removeChild(pNode))
            status.addMsg(statusMsg::error, nodeId, "", "", "Unable to remove the node");
        status.addMsg(statusMsg::error, nodeId, "", "", "Unable to find indicated node");

    return rc;
コード例 #5
void SchemaValue::validate(Status &status, const std::string &id, const EnvironmentValue *pEnvValue) const
    bool isValid = true;

    if (pEnvValue == nullptr)
        std::string msg = "Attempt to validate schema value w/o an environment value.";

    // If we have an environment value, more specific information can be provided
    if (pEnvValue)
        std::string curValue = pEnvValue->getValue();
        isValid = m_pType->isValueValid(curValue);

        // See if there is a dependency on another value being set.
        if (!m_requiredIf.empty() && isValid)
            // Required if string format is an xpath. Search this environment value's owning node
            // for a match.
            std::vector<std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentNode>> nodes;
            pEnvValue->getEnvironmentNode()->fetchNodes(m_requiredIf, nodes);
            if (!nodes.empty())
                // Since here is a match for a requiredIf, this value MUST be set
                if (pEnvValue->getValue().empty())
                    isValid = false;
                    std::string msg = "Environment value required based on requiredIf rule " + m_requiredIf + " being set.";
                    status.addMsg(statusMsg::error, pEnvValue->getNodeId(), pEnvValue->getName(), msg);

        // If not valid, provide the reason
        if (!isValid)
            std::string msg;
            if (pEnvValue->wasForced())
                msg = "Value was forced to an invalid value (" + curValue + ").";
                msg = "Value is invalid (" + curValue + ").";
            msg += " Valid value (" + m_pType->getLimitString() + ")";

            status.addMsg(pEnvValue->wasForced() ? statusMsg::warning : statusMsg::error, pEnvValue->getNodeId(), pEnvValue->getName(), msg);

        // Otherwise, the value is valid, but there could be a validate message
            const std::string &validateMsg = m_pType->getValidateMsg();
            if (!validateMsg.empty())
                status.addMsg(status.getMsgLevelFromString(m_pType->getValidateMsgType()), pEnvValue->getNodeId(), pEnvValue->getName(), validateMsg);
コード例 #6
void EnvironmentNode::validate(Status &status, bool includeChildren, bool includeHiddenNodes) const
    if (!m_pSchemaItem->isHidden() || includeHiddenNodes)
        // Check node value
        if (m_pLocalValue)
            m_pLocalValue->validate(status, m_id);

        // Check any attributes
        for (auto attrIt = m_attributes.begin(); attrIt != m_attributes.end(); ++attrIt)
            attrIt->second->validate(status, m_id);

            // If this value must be unique, make sure it is
            if (attrIt->second->getSchemaValue()->isUniqueValue())
                bool found = false;
                std::vector<std::string> allValues;
                std::set<std::string> unquieValues;
                for (auto it = allValues.begin(); it != allValues.end() && !found; ++it)
                    auto ret = unquieValues.insert(*it);
                    found = !ret.second;

                if (found)
                    status.addUniqueMsg(statusMsg::error, m_id, attrIt->second->getName(), "Attribute value must be unique");

            // Does this value need to be from another set of values?
            if (attrIt->second->getSchemaValue()->isFromUniqueValueSet())
                bool found = false;
                std::vector<std::string> allValues;
                for (auto it = allValues.begin(); it != allValues.end() && !found; ++it)
                    found = *it == attrIt->second->getValue();
                if (!found)
                    status.addMsg(statusMsg::error, m_id, attrIt->second->getName(), "Attribute value must be from a unique set");

        // Now check all children
        if (includeChildren)
            for (auto childIt = m_children.begin(); childIt != m_children.end(); ++childIt)
                childIt->second->validate(status, includeChildren, includeHiddenNodes);