コード例 #1
boolean GetPackTextureDirs(DIRLIST **dirlist)
	UInt16					i;
	char					buf[57];

	if (!pakopen)
		return 1;

  if (g_bPK3)
    StrList *pl = g_PK3TexturePaths.Next();
    while (pl != NULL)
      AddToDirListAlphabetized(dirlist, pl->Ref(), 0);
      pl = pl->Next();
    return true;

	for (i = 0; i < dirsize; i++)
		if(!strnicmp(pakdirptr[i].name, "textures", 8))
			strncpy(buf, &(pakdirptr[i].name[9]), 46);
			if(strchr(buf, '\\'))
	      	*strchr(buf, '\\') = '\0';
			else if(strchr(buf, '/'))
	      	*strchr(buf, '/') = '\0';
	      	buf[56] = '\0';

			if(strchr(buf, '.'))

			AddToDirListAlphabetized(dirlist, buf, 0);
	return true;
コード例 #2
// OpenPK3
// -------
// Opens a PK3 ( or zip ) file and creates a list of filenames
// and zip info structures
boolean OpenPK3(const char *filename)
  char cFilename[WORK_LEN];
  char cName[WORK_LEN];
  char cWork[WORK_LEN];
  unz_file_info zInfo;
  unzFile *zFile = new unzFile(unzOpen(filename));
  if (zFile != NULL)
    int nStatus = unzGoToFirstFile(*zFile);
    while (nStatus == UNZ_OK)
      cFilename[0] = '\0';
      unzGetCurrentFileInfo(*zFile, &zInfo, cFilename, WORK_LEN, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
    	__ConvertDOSToUnixName( cWork, cFilename);
      if (strstr(cWork, ".") != NULL)
        PK3FileInfo *pInfo = new PK3FileInfo();
        pInfo->m_pName = __StrDup(cWork);
        memcpy(&pInfo->m_zInfo, (unz_s*)*zFile, sizeof(unz_s));
        pInfo->m_lSize = zInfo.uncompressed_size;
        pInfo->m_zFile = *zFile;
      char *p = strstr(cFilename, TEXTURE_PATH);
      if (p != NULL)
        // FIXME: path differences per os ?
        // catch solo directory entry
        if (strlen(p) > strlen(TEXTURE_PATH) + 1)
          // skip textures + path seperator
          p += strlen(TEXTURE_PATH) + 1;
          int nEnd = strcspn(p, PATH_SEPERATORS);
          strncpy(cName, p, nEnd);
          cName[nEnd] = '\0';

          boolean bFound = false;
          StrList *pl = g_PK3TexturePaths.Next();
          while (pl != NULL)
            if (strcmpi(pl->Ref(), cName) == 0)
              // already have this, continue
              bFound = true;
            pl = pl->Next();
          if (!bFound)
            g_PK3TexturePaths.Add(new Str(cName));
      nStatus = unzGoToNextFile(*zFile);
  return (zFile != NULL);