コード例 #1
ファイル: run_genetic.cpp プロジェクト: Avi2011class/genetic
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  int genCounter = 0;
  int populationCount = 0;
  int sessionScores = 0;
  int fieldMatrix [ 10 ] [ 10 ];
  int c;
  int nr_generations = 1000;
  int nr_steps = 200;
       while (1)
           static struct option long_options[] =
//               {"Number of agents",     required_argument,       0, 'a'},
//               {"Number of cleaning sessions",  required_argument,       0, 'c'},
               {"Number of generations",    required_argument, 0, 'g'},
//               {"Number of survivors",  required_argument, 0, 'n'},
               {"Number of steps in each cleaning session",  required_argument, 0, 's'},
               {0, 0, 0, 0}
           /* getopt_long stores the option index here. */
           int option_index = 0;
           c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "g:s:",
                            long_options, &option_index);
           /* Detect the end of the options. */
           if (c == -1)
           switch (c)
             case 0:
               printf ("option %s", long_options[option_index].name);
               if (optarg)
                 printf (" with arg %s", optarg);
               printf ("\n");
             case 'g':
               printf ("option -%c with value `%s'\n", c, optarg);     
               nr_generations = (int) atol(optarg);
             case 's':
               printf ("option -%c with value `%s'\n", c, optarg);     
               nr_steps = (int) atol(optarg);
//             case 'a':
//             case 'n':      
//             case 'c':
//               printf ("option -%c with value `%s'\n", c, optarg);     
//               break;
             case '?':
               /* getopt_long already printed an error message. */
//               break;
               abort ();
  srand ( time ( NULL ) );

  // initialize agents
  Robby agentArray [ NR_AGENTS ];
  for ( int agent = 0; agent < NR_AGENTS; agent++ ) {
    s.setRandomStrategy ( );
    agentArray [ agent ].setStrategy ( s );

  while ( genCounter < nr_generations ) {

    for ( int agent = 0; agent < NR_AGENTS; agent++ ) {

      agentArray [ agent ].resetStatistics ( );

      for ( int session = 0; session < SESSIONS; session++ ) {
	agentArray [ agent ].setPos ( 0 , 0 );
	agentArray [ agent ].initializeField ( fieldMatrix ) ;
	agentArray [ agent ].resetStatistics ( );

	for ( int steps = 0; steps < nr_steps; steps++ ) {

	  // make one step by figuring out current context, getting the index for that context, getting the action for that index 

	  agentArray [ agent ].updateContext( );
	  agentArray [ agent ].makeMove ( agentArray [ agent ].getStrategy( ).getAction ( agentArray [ agent ].getContext( ).getCoding( ) ), false );

	} // end steps

	// register score for this session

	sessionScores  += agentArray [ agent ].getPoints ( );

      } // END SESSIONS(k): all sessions for an agent done

      int sessionAvg = 0;

      sessionAvg = sessionScores / SESSIONS;
      sessionScores = 0;
      agentArray [ agent ].getStrategy ( ).updateScore ( sessionAvg );
    } // end agents

    for ( int i = 0; i < NR_AGENTS; i++ ) {
      // cout << endl << "agent session scores:" << "agent:" << i << " " << agentArray [ i ].getStrategy ( ).getScore ( );

      if ( ! (st.exists ( agentArray [ i ].getStrategy ( ) ) ) )
	st.addStrategy ( agentArray [ i ].getStrategy ( ) );

    populationCount = 0;
    Strategy survivors [ SURVIVORS ];
    for ( int performers = 0; performers < SURVIVORS; performers++) {
      st.getOne ( survivors [ performers ], performers );
      agentArray [ performers ].setStrategy ( survivors [ performers ] );

      if ( rand () % 100 == 0 ) {
	agentArray [ populationCount ].getStrategy ( ).mutate ( );
	agentArray [ populationCount ].getStrategy ( ).updateMutationCount ( );

    while ( populationCount < NR_AGENTS ) {
      int father = 0; int mother = 1;
      Strategy *temp;

      // first child for one parent pair
      temp =  copulate ( survivors [ father ], survivors [ mother ] );
      agentArray [ populationCount ].setStrategy ( *temp );
      agentArray [ populationCount ].getStrategy ( ). setBirthGeneration ( genCounter ) ;
      delete temp;

      // second child for one parent pair
      temp =  copulate ( survivors [ mother ], survivors [ father ] );
      agentArray [ populationCount ].setStrategy ( *temp );
      agentArray [ populationCount ].getStrategy ( ). setBirthGeneration ( genCounter ) ;
      delete temp;
      // mutate a fraction of the children
      if ( rand () % 4 == 0) {
	agentArray [ populationCount ].getStrategy ( ).mutate ( );
	agentArray [ populationCount ].getStrategy ( ).updateMutationCount ( );
      // decrease the likelihood of lower performing parents to breed
      if ( rand ( ) % 10 == 0 ) {
	father +=2; mother += 2;

    if ( genCounter % 10 == 0 ) {
      st.printStore ();
      cout << endl << "generation average similarity:" << st.averageSimilarity () << endl;

    if (genCounter < nr_generations -1)
      st.resetRanks ( );

  } // end generations
  cout << endl << " FINAL RANKINGS after " << genCounter << " generations " << endl;
  st.printStore ( );

  // testrun the winning strategy for same number of sessions as the generations did
  Robby winningAgent;
  Strategy winner;
  st.getOne ( winner, 0);
  int winnerScore = 0;

  winningAgent.setStrategy ( winner );
  winningAgent.getStrategy ( ).printStrategy ( );

  cout << endl << "WINNERS RANK SCORE: " << winner.getScore ( ) << " BIRTHGEN: " << winner.getBirthGeneration ( ) << " MUTATIONS: " << winner.getMutationCount ( ) ;
  for ( int nr_sessions = 0; nr_sessions < SESSIONS; nr_sessions++ ) {
    cout << endl << "Starting session: " << nr_sessions ;
    winningAgent.setPos ( 0 , 0 );
    winningAgent.initializeField ( fieldMatrix );
    winningAgent.resetStatistics ( );
    for ( int steps = 0; steps < nr_steps; steps++) {
      winningAgent.updateContext ( ) ;
      winningAgent.makeMove ( winningAgent.getStrategy( ).getAction ( winningAgent.getContext( ).getCoding( ) ) , false );

    winnerScore += winningAgent.getPoints ( );
  winnerScore = winnerScore / SESSIONS;

  cout << endl << " WINNER'S testrun average score: " << winnerScore;