コード例 #1
ファイル: unitcomp.cpp プロジェクト: UIKit0/xara-xtreme
INT32 UnitListComponent::ExportUnitDefinition(BaseCamelotFilter *pFilter, Unit* pUnit)
#ifdef DO_EXPORT
	ERROR2IF(pFilter == NULL,0L,"UnitListComponent::ExportUnitDefinition null pFilter");
	ERROR2IF(pUnit == NULL,0L,"UnitListComponent::ExportUnitDefinition null pUnit");
	ERROR2IF(pDocUnitList == NULL,0L,"UnitListComponent::ExportUnitDefinition called with no doc unit list pointer");

	ERROR2IF(pUnit->IsDefault(),0L,"UnitListComponent::ExportUnitDefinition trying to save default unit definition");

	INT32 RecordNumber = 0L;

	// See if we have saved the unit definition out by checking our table
	// If so then do nothing
	CMapPtrToLong::iterator it = pExpUserUnitMap->find(pUnit);
	if (it!=pExpUserUnitMap->end())
		return it->second;

	// Export the definition for this unit
	// First get all the details
//	UnitType type = pUnit->GetUnitType();
	// Set up the prefix/suffix state for this user's unit.
	BOOL Prefix = pUnit->IsPrefix();
	INT32 Tag = 0L;
	INT32 Size = 0L;
	if (Prefix)

	// The main full name of the unit
	String_32 Name = pUnit->GetToken();
	// And the abbreviation
	String_32 Abbrev = pUnit->GetSpecifier();

	// If there are string names, then add it to this size
	// REMEMBER: We save out unicode strings and so we need to double the length of the returned string length
	Size += (Name.Length() + 1) * SIZEOF_XAR_UTF16;
	Size += (Abbrev.Length() + 1) * SIZEOF_XAR_UTF16;

	BOOL ok = TRUE;
	CXaraFileRecord Rec(Tag, Size);
	ok = Rec.Init();

	// Write out the name and abbreviation for this unit
	if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteUnicode(Name);
	if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteUnicode(Abbrev);

	// The size of this unit, 0 if based on
	double UnitSize = pUnit->GetMillipoints();
	if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteDOUBLE(UnitSize);

	// What unit this is based on
	UnitType BaseUnit = pUnit->GetBaseUnitType();
	//INT32 ExportBaseUnit = GetExportUnitType(BaseUnit);
	INT32 ExportBaseUnit = GetWriteUnitReference(BaseUnit, pFilter);
	ERROR2IF(ExportBaseUnit == 0,FALSE,"bad base units reference!");
	if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteINT32(ExportBaseUnit);

	// Write out the multipliers for this unit
	double BaseNumerator = 0.0;
	double BaseDenominator = 0.0;
	BaseNumerator = pUnit->GetBaseNumerator();
	BaseDenominator = pUnit->GetBaseDenominator();
	if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteDOUBLE(BaseNumerator);
	if (ok) ok = Rec.WriteDOUBLE(BaseDenominator);

	// Finally, write the record out to file
	// In the process get the record number that this was written out as
	if (ok) RecordNumber = pFilter->Write(&Rec);	// Get the document comment

	// Add the unit to the user units map so we can remember the references of the
	// exported units and hence whether we have exported this before
	// Reference for this unit is the record number
TRACEUSER( "Neville", _T("Exported user unit reference %d\n"), RecordNumber);
		(*pExpUserUnitMap)[pUnit] = RecordNumber;
	catch (std::bad_alloc&)
	catch (...)

	return RecordNumber;
	return 0L;
コード例 #2
ファイル: tooldlg.cpp プロジェクト: Amadiro/xara-cairo
MsgResult ToolnameDlg::Message(Msg* Message)
	if (IS_OUR_DIALOG_MSG(Message))

		DialogMsg* Msg = (DialogMsg*)Message; 
		BOOL EndDialog = FALSE; 
		switch (Msg->DlgMsg)
			case DIM_CREATE:
			    SetKeyboardFocus (_R(IDC_EDITNEWBARNAME)) ;
				HighlightText    (_R(IDC_EDITNEWBARNAME)) ;
				break ;

			case DIM_COMMIT:
 				// Accept all changes that the user wants to make to toolbars...
 				BOOL VV;
 				String_32 NewBarName = GetStringGadgetValue(_R(IDC_EDITNEWBARNAME),&VV);
				  	UINT32 Number = DialogBarOp::FindUniqueBarNumber();	
					NewBarName._MakeMsg(TEXT("Bar #1%ld"),Number); 
				DialogBarOp* pNewBar = new DialogBarOp(NewBarName);
 				if (pNewBar)
					// The Create function sends a message which we intercept to update
					// the list of bars in the Toolbars... dialog.
					// this is very dangerous in fact it blows up..
					// so I have removed it .. chris.
					/*	if (pNewBar)
						// Find toolbar dialog and close it...
 						ToolbarDlg* pToolbarDlg = ToolbarDlg::GetToolbarDlg();
						if (pToolbarDlg)
					ToolbarDlg* pToolbarDlg = ToolbarDlg::GetToolbarDlg();
 				EndDialog = TRUE;

 			case DIM_CANCEL:
 				// Cancel all changes the user wants to make to toolbars...
 				EndDialog = TRUE;

//			default:

		if (EndDialog)	// Dialog communication over 
			Close();	// Close the dialog 
			End();		// Destroy dialog 

//		return (DLG_EAT_IF_HUNGRY(Msg)); 

//	return OK; 

	// Pass everything on to the base-class . . .
	return DialogOp::Message(Message);