StubCodeGenerator::~StubCodeGenerator() { if (PrintStubCode || _print_code) { CodeBuffer* cbuf = _masm->code(); CodeBlob* blob = CodeCache::find_blob_unsafe(cbuf->insts()->start()); if (blob != NULL) { blob->set_strings(cbuf->strings()); } bool saw_first = false; StubCodeDesc* toprint[1000]; int toprint_len = 0; for (StubCodeDesc* cdesc = _last_stub; cdesc != NULL; cdesc = cdesc->_next) { toprint[toprint_len++] = cdesc; if (cdesc == _first_stub) { saw_first = true; break; } } assert(saw_first, "must get both first & last"); // Print in reverse order: qsort(toprint, toprint_len, sizeof(toprint[0]), compare_cdesc); for (int i = 0; i < toprint_len; i++) { StubCodeDesc* cdesc = toprint[i]; cdesc->print(); tty->cr(); Disassembler::decode(cdesc->begin(), cdesc->end()); tty->cr(); } } }
static void find(intptr_t x, bool print_pc) { address addr = (address)x; CodeBlob* b = CodeCache::find_blob_unsafe(addr); if (b != NULL) { if (b->is_buffer_blob()) { // the interpreter is generated into a buffer blob InterpreterCodelet* i = Interpreter::codelet_containing(addr); if (i != NULL) { i->print(); return; } if (Interpreter::contains(addr)) { tty->print_cr(INTPTR_FORMAT " is pointing into interpreter code (not bytecode specific)", addr); return; } // if (AdapterHandlerLibrary::contains(b)) { AdapterHandlerLibrary::print_handler(b); } // the stubroutines are generated into a buffer blob StubCodeDesc* d = StubCodeDesc::desc_for(addr); if (d != NULL) { d->print(); if (print_pc) tty->cr(); return; } if (StubRoutines::contains(addr)) { tty->print_cr(INTPTR_FORMAT " is pointing to an (unnamed) stub routine", addr); return; } // the InlineCacheBuffer is using stubs generated into a buffer blob if (InlineCacheBuffer::contains(addr)) { tty->print_cr(INTPTR_FORMAT " is pointing into InlineCacheBuffer", addr); return; } VtableStub* v = VtableStubs::stub_containing(addr); if (v != NULL) { v->print(); return; } } if (print_pc && b->is_nmethod()) { ResourceMark rm; tty->print("%#p: Compiled ", addr); ((nmethod*)b)->method()->print_value_on(tty); tty->print(" = (CodeBlob*)" INTPTR_FORMAT, b); tty->cr(); return; } if ( b->is_nmethod()) { if (b->is_zombie()) { tty->print_cr(INTPTR_FORMAT " is zombie nmethod", b); } else if (b->is_not_entrant()) { tty->print_cr(INTPTR_FORMAT " is non-entrant nmethod", b); } } b->print(); return; } if (Universe::heap()->is_in(addr)) { HeapWord* p = Universe::heap()->block_start(addr); bool print = false; // If we couldn't find it it just may mean that heap wasn't parseable // See if we were just given an oop directly if (p != NULL && Universe::heap()->block_is_obj(p)) { print = true; } else if (p == NULL && ((oopDesc*)addr)->is_oop()) { p = (HeapWord*) addr; print = true; } if (print) { oop(p)->print(); if (p != (HeapWord*)x && oop(p)->is_constMethod() && constMethodOop(p)->contains(addr)) { Thread *thread = Thread::current(); HandleMark hm(thread); methodHandle mh (thread, constMethodOop(p)->method()); if (!mh->is_native()) { tty->print_cr("bci_from(%p) = %d; print_codes():", addr, mh->bci_from(address(x))); mh->print_codes(); } } return; } } else if (Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved(addr)) { tty->print_cr(INTPTR_FORMAT " is an unallocated location in the heap", addr); return; } if (JNIHandles::is_global_handle((jobject) addr)) { tty->print_cr(INTPTR_FORMAT " is a global jni handle", addr); return; } if (JNIHandles::is_weak_global_handle((jobject) addr)) { tty->print_cr(INTPTR_FORMAT " is a weak global jni handle", addr); return; } if (JNIHandleBlock::any_contains((jobject) addr)) { tty->print_cr(INTPTR_FORMAT " is a local jni handle", addr); return; } for(JavaThread *thread = Threads::first(); thread; thread = thread->next()) { // Check for privilege stack if (thread->privileged_stack_top() != NULL && thread->privileged_stack_top()->contains(addr)) { tty->print_cr(INTPTR_FORMAT " is pointing into the privilege stack for thread: " INTPTR_FORMAT, addr, thread); return; } // If the addr is a java thread print information about that. if (addr == (address)thread) { thread->print(); return; } } // Try an OS specific find if (os::find(addr)) { return; } if (print_pc) { tty->print_cr(INTPTR_FORMAT ": probably in C++ code; check debugger", addr); Disassembler::decode(same_page(addr-40,addr),same_page(addr+40,addr)); return; } tty->print_cr(INTPTR_FORMAT " is pointing to unknown location", addr); }