static void do_go_cmd(const event& e, void*) { binding *b; char *node_name; char *node_info; vmenu *menu = (vmenu *) e.get_source(); menu->clear("Go"); b = new binding((bfun) &do_go_back_cmd, 0); menu->add_command(b, "Go", "Back"); menu->add_separator("Go"); /* construct list of previously selected objects */ vnode_list *hist = vman->get_selection_history(); for ( s_count_t i=1; /* jump over current object */ (i<20) && (i<hist->size()); i++ ) { vnode *vn = (*hist)[i]; char *tag = vn->get_tag(); if ( tag == tag_suif_object ) { SuifObject *obj = (SuifObject *) vn->get_object(); node_info = (char*)obj->get_meta_class()->get_class_name().c_str(); } else if (tag == tag_code_fragment) { node_info = ""; } else { suif_assert_message( false, ("Unknown tag") ); } node_name = new char[strlen(tag)+strlen(node_info)+100 /*just to be safe*/]; sprintf(node_name, "[%s] (0x%p) %s", tag, vn->get_object(), node_info); b = new binding((bfun) &do_go_to_node_cmd, vn); menu->add_command(b, "Go", node_name); delete [] node_name; } }
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * info_viewer::view * */ void info_viewer::view(vnode* vn) { if ( !vn ) return; text->clear(); text->tag_begin( vn ); fstream& fout = text->fout(); char *tag = vn->get_tag(); text->tag_style(BOLD_BEGIN); fout << "Object: 0x" << (void*)vn->get_object() << '(' << tag << ")\n"; text->tag_style(BOLD_END); /* properties */ text->tag_style( BOLD_BEGIN ); fout << "Properties:\n"; text->tag_style( BOLD_END ); list<vprop *> *plist = vn->get_prop_list(); if ( !plist || plist->empty() ) { fout << "<No properties defined>\n"; } else { for ( s_count_t i = 0; i < plist->size(); i++ ) { vprop* p = (*plist)[i]; if ( p->name() ) { char* desc = p->description(); fout << '[' << p->name() << "]: " << (desc ? desc : "") << endl; } } } fout << endl; SuifObject* obj; if ( tag == tag_suif_object ) { obj = (SuifObject*) vn->get_object(); } else if ( tag == tag_code_fragment ) { code_fragment* f = (code_fragment*) vn->get_object(); obj = (SuifObject*) f->node(); } else { suif_assert_message(false, ("Unknown tag")); } text->tag_style( BOLD_BEGIN ); const MetaClass *m = obj->get_meta_class(); fout << "Suif object type: " << m->get_class_name().c_str() << "\n\n"; text->tag_style( BOLD_END ); // if obj is a file_set_block => print the whole file_set_block // in all other cases just print the obj formater f(suif_env, text, -1 ); //is_file_set_block( obj ) ? -1 : 1 ); if ( is_kind_of<FileSetBlock>( obj ) ) { // print only the annotes FileSetBlock *fb = to<FileSetBlock>(obj); Iter<Annote*> annote_iter = fb->get_annote_iterator(); for ( int i = 0; i < (int)fb->get_annote_count(); i++ ) { Annote* ann = annote_iter.current();; vn = create_vnode( ann ); text->tag_begin( vn ); f.print_zot( ann, fout ); text->tag_end( vn ); fout << endl; } } else { f.print_zot( obj, fout ); fout << endl; } text->tag_end( vn ); text->update(); }