//______________________________________________________________________________ TChain* CreateChainFromCollection(const char *xmlfile) { // Create a chain from the collection of tags. TAlienCollection* coll = TAlienCollection::Open(xmlfile); if (!coll) { ::Error("CreateChainFromTags", "Cannot create an AliEn collection from %s", xmlfile); return NULL; } TGridResult* tagResult = coll->GetGridResult("",kFALSE,kFALSE); AliTagAnalysis *tagAna = new AliTagAnalysis("ESD"); tagAna->ChainGridTags(tagResult); AliRunTagCuts *runCuts = new AliRunTagCuts(); AliLHCTagCuts *lhcCuts = new AliLHCTagCuts(); AliDetectorTagCuts *detCuts = new AliDetectorTagCuts(); AliEventTagCuts *evCuts = new AliEventTagCuts(); // Check if the cuts configuration file was provided if (!gSystem->AccessPathName("ConfigureCuts.C")) { gROOT->LoadMacro("ConfigureCuts.C"); ConfigureCuts(runCuts, lhcCuts, detCuts, evCuts); } TChain *chain = tagAna->QueryTags(runCuts, lhcCuts, detCuts, evCuts); if (!chain || !chain->GetNtrees()) return NULL; chain->ls(); return chain; }
Bool_t AliCFSingleTrackTask( const Bool_t useGrid = 1, const Bool_t readAOD = 0, const Bool_t readTPCTracks = 0, const char * kTagXMLFile="wn.xml" // XML file containing tags ) { TBenchmark benchmark; benchmark.Start("AliSingleTrackTask"); AliLog::SetGlobalDebugLevel(0); Load() ; //load the required libraries TChain * analysisChain ; if (useGrid) { //data located on AliEn TGrid::Connect("alien://") ; // Create an AliRunTagCuts and an AliEventTagCuts Object // and impose some selection criteria AliRunTagCuts *runCuts = new AliRunTagCuts(); AliEventTagCuts *eventCuts = new AliEventTagCuts(); AliLHCTagCuts *lhcCuts = new AliLHCTagCuts(); AliDetectorTagCuts *detCuts = new AliDetectorTagCuts(); eventCuts->SetMultiplicityRange(0,2000); // Create an AliTagAnalysis Object and chain the tags AliTagAnalysis *tagAna = new AliTagAnalysis(); if (readAOD) tagAna->SetType("AOD"); //for aliroot > v4-05 else tagAna->SetType("ESD"); //for aliroot > v4-05 TAlienCollection *coll = TAlienCollection::Open(kTagXMLFile); TGridResult *tagResult = coll->GetGridResult("",0,0); tagResult->Print(); tagAna->ChainGridTags(tagResult); // Create a new esd chain and assign the chain that is returned by querying the tags analysisChain = tagAna->QueryTags(runCuts,lhcCuts,detCuts,eventCuts); } else {// local data //here put your input data path printf("\n\nRunning on local file, please check the path\n\n"); if (readAOD) { analysisChain = new TChain("aodTree"); analysisChain->Add("your_data_path/001/AliAOD.root"); analysisChain->Add("your_data_path/002/AliAOD.root"); } else { analysisChain = new TChain("esdTree"); analysisChain->Add("your_data_path/001/AliESDs.root"); analysisChain->Add("your_data_path/002/AliESDs.root"); } } Info("AliCFSingleTrackTask",Form("CHAIN HAS %d ENTRIES",(Int_t)analysisChain->GetEntries())); //CONTAINER DEFINITION Info("AliCFSingleTrackTask","SETUP CONTAINER"); //the sensitive variables (2 in this example), their indices UInt_t ipt = 0; UInt_t iy = 1; //Setting up the container grid... UInt_t nstep = 4 ; //number of selection steps MC const Int_t nvar = 2 ; //number of variables on the grid:pt,y const Int_t nbin1 = 8 ; //bins in pt const Int_t nbin2 = 8 ; //bins in y //arrays for the number of bins in each dimension Int_t iBin[nvar]; iBin[0]=nbin1; iBin[1]=nbin2; //arrays for lower bounds : Double_t *binLim1=new Double_t[nbin1+1]; Double_t *binLim2=new Double_t[nbin2+1]; //values for bin lower bounds for(Int_t i=0; i<=nbin1; i++) binLim1[i]=(Double_t)ptmin + (ptmax-ptmin)/nbin1*(Double_t)i ; for(Int_t i=0; i<=nbin2; i++) binLim2[i]=(Double_t)ymin + (ymax-ymin) /nbin2*(Double_t)i ; //one "container" for MC AliCFContainer* container = new AliCFContainer("container","container for tracks",nstep,nvar,iBin); //setting the bin limits container -> SetBinLimits(ipt,binLim1); container -> SetBinLimits(iy,binLim2); container -> SetVarTitle(ipt,"pt"); container -> SetVarTitle(iy, "y"); container -> SetStepTitle(0, "generated"); container -> SetStepTitle(1, "in acceptance"); container -> SetStepTitle(2, "reconstructed"); container -> SetStepTitle(3, "after PID"); // SET TLIST FOR QA HISTOS TList* qaList = new TList(); //CREATE THE CUTS ----------------------------------------------- //Event-level cuts: AliCFEventRecCuts* evtRecCuts = new AliCFEventRecCuts("evtRecCuts","Rec-event cuts"); // evtRecCuts->SetUseTPCVertex(); // evtRecCuts->SetRequireVtxCuts(kTRUE); // evtRecCuts->SetVertexNContributors(-2,5); evtRecCuts->SetQAOn(qaList); // Gen-Level kinematic cuts AliCFTrackKineCuts *mcKineCuts = new AliCFTrackKineCuts("mcKineCuts","MC-level kinematic cuts"); mcKineCuts->SetPtRange(ptmin,ptmax); mcKineCuts->SetRapidityRange(ymin,ymax); mcKineCuts->SetChargeMC(charge); mcKineCuts->SetQAOn(qaList); //Particle-Level cuts: AliCFParticleGenCuts* mcGenCuts = new AliCFParticleGenCuts("mcGenCuts","MC particle generation cuts"); mcGenCuts->SetRequireIsPrimary(); mcGenCuts->SetRequirePdgCode(PDG,/*absolute=*/kTRUE); mcGenCuts->SetQAOn(qaList); //Acceptance Cuts AliCFAcceptanceCuts *mcAccCuts = new AliCFAcceptanceCuts("mcAccCuts","MC acceptance cuts"); mcAccCuts->SetMinNHitITS(mintrackrefsITS); mcAccCuts->SetMinNHitTPC(mintrackrefsTPC); mcAccCuts->SetQAOn(qaList); // Rec-Level kinematic cuts AliCFTrackKineCuts *recKineCuts = new AliCFTrackKineCuts("recKineCuts","rec-level kine cuts"); recKineCuts->SetPtRange(ptmin,ptmax); recKineCuts->SetRapidityRange(ymin,ymax); recKineCuts->SetChargeRec(charge); recKineCuts->SetQAOn(qaList); AliCFTrackQualityCuts *recQualityCuts = new AliCFTrackQualityCuts("recQualityCuts","rec-level quality cuts"); if (!readAOD) { // recQualityCuts->SetMinNClusterTRD(0); // recQualityCuts->SetMaxChi2PerClusterTRD(10.); } recQualityCuts->SetStatus(AliESDtrack::kTPCrefit); recQualityCuts->SetQAOn(qaList); AliCFTrackIsPrimaryCuts *recIsPrimaryCuts = new AliCFTrackIsPrimaryCuts("recIsPrimaryCuts","rec-level isPrimary cuts"); if (readAOD) recIsPrimaryCuts->SetAODType(AliAODTrack::kPrimary); else recIsPrimaryCuts->SetMaxNSigmaToVertex(3); recIsPrimaryCuts->SetQAOn(qaList); AliCFTrackCutPid* cutPID = new AliCFTrackCutPid("cutPID","ESD_PID") ; int n_species = AliPID::kSPECIES ; Double_t* prior = new Double_t[n_species]; prior[0] = 0.0244519 ; prior[1] = 0.0143988 ; prior[2] = 0.805747 ; prior[3] = 0.0928785 ; prior[4] = 0.0625243 ; cutPID->SetPriors(prior); cutPID->SetProbabilityCut(0.0); if (readTPCTracks) cutPID->SetDetectors("TPC"); else cutPID->SetDetectors("ALL"); if (readAOD) cutPID->SetAODmode(kTRUE ); else cutPID->SetAODmode(kFALSE); switch(TMath::Abs(PDG)) { case 11 : cutPID->SetParticleType(AliPID::kElectron, kTRUE); break; case 13 : cutPID->SetParticleType(AliPID::kMuon , kTRUE); break; case 211 : cutPID->SetParticleType(AliPID::kPion , kTRUE); break; case 321 : cutPID->SetParticleType(AliPID::kKaon , kTRUE); break; case 2212 : cutPID->SetParticleType(AliPID::kProton , kTRUE); break; default : printf("UNDEFINED PID\n"); break; } cutPID->SetQAOn(qaList); printf("CREATE EVENT LEVEL CUTS\n"); TObjArray* evtList = new TObjArray(0) ; // evtList->AddLast(evtRecCuts); printf("CREATE MC KINE CUTS\n"); TObjArray* mcList = new TObjArray(0) ; mcList->AddLast(mcKineCuts); mcList->AddLast(mcGenCuts); printf("CREATE ACCEPTANCE CUTS\n"); TObjArray* accList = new TObjArray(0) ; accList->AddLast(mcAccCuts); printf("CREATE RECONSTRUCTION CUTS\n"); TObjArray* recList = new TObjArray(0) ; recList->AddLast(recKineCuts); recList->AddLast(recQualityCuts); recList->AddLast(recIsPrimaryCuts); printf("CREATE PID CUTS\n"); TObjArray* fPIDCutList = new TObjArray(0) ; fPIDCutList->AddLast(cutPID); //CREATE THE INTERFACE TO CORRECTION FRAMEWORK USED IN THE TASK printf("CREATE INTERFACE AND CUTS\n"); AliCFManager* man = new AliCFManager() ; man->SetNStepEvent(1); man->SetEventCutsList(0,evtList); man->SetParticleContainer(container); man->SetParticleCutsList(0,mcList); man->SetParticleCutsList(1,accList); man->SetParticleCutsList(2,recList); man->SetParticleCutsList(3,fPIDCutList); //CREATE THE TASK printf("CREATE TASK\n"); // create the task AliCFSingleTrackTask *task = new AliCFSingleTrackTask("AliSingleTrackTask"); task->SetCFManager(man); //here is set the CF manager task->SetQAList(qaList); if (readAOD) task->SetReadAODData() ; if (readTPCTracks) task->SetReadTPCTracks(); //SETUP THE ANALYSIS MANAGER TO READ INPUT CHAIN AND WRITE DESIRED OUTPUTS printf("CREATE ANALYSIS MANAGER\n"); // Make the analysis manager AliAnalysisManager *mgr = new AliAnalysisManager("TestManager"); if (useGrid) mgr->SetAnalysisType(AliAnalysisManager::kGridAnalysis); else mgr->SetAnalysisType(AliAnalysisManager::kLocalAnalysis); AliMCEventHandler* mcHandler = new AliMCEventHandler(); mgr->SetMCtruthEventHandler(mcHandler); AliInputEventHandler* dataHandler ; if (readAOD) dataHandler = new AliAODInputHandler(); else dataHandler = new AliESDInputHandler(); mgr->SetInputEventHandler(dataHandler); // Create and connect containers for input/output //------ input data ------ AliAnalysisDataContainer *cinput0 = mgr->CreateContainer("cchain0",TChain::Class(),AliAnalysisManager::kInputContainer); // ----- output data ----- //slot 0 : default output tree (by default handled by AliAnalysisTaskSE) AliAnalysisDataContainer *coutput0 = mgr->CreateContainer("ctree0", TTree::Class(),AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer,"output.root"); //now comes user's output objects : // output TH1I for event counting AliAnalysisDataContainer *coutput1 = mgr->CreateContainer("chist0", TH1I::Class(),AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer,"output.root"); // output Correction Framework Container (for acceptance & efficiency calculations) AliAnalysisDataContainer *coutput2 = mgr->CreateContainer("ccontainer0", AliCFContainer::Class(),AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer,"output.root"); // output QA histograms AliAnalysisDataContainer *coutput3 = mgr->CreateContainer("clist0", TList::Class(),AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer,"output.root"); cinput0->SetData(analysisChain); mgr->AddTask(task); mgr->ConnectInput(task,0,mgr->GetCommonInputContainer()); mgr->ConnectOutput(task,0,coutput0); mgr->ConnectOutput(task,1,coutput1); mgr->ConnectOutput(task,2,coutput2); mgr->ConnectOutput(task,3,coutput3); printf("READY TO RUN\n"); //RUN !!! if (mgr->InitAnalysis()) { mgr->PrintStatus(); mgr->StartAnalysis("local",analysisChain); } benchmark.Stop("AliSingleTrackTask"); benchmark.Show("AliSingleTrackTask"); return kTRUE ; }
void JetAnalysisManager() { // // Load relevant libraries // gSystem->Load("libTree"); gSystem->Load("libNetx"); gSystem->Load("libProof"); gSystem->Load("libProofPlayer"); gSystem->Load("libGeom"); gSystem->Load("libEG"); gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS"); gSystem->Load("libESD"); gSystem->Load("libJETAN"); // // Connect to alien // TGrid::Connect("alien://"); AliTagAnalysis *TagAna = new AliTagAnalysis(); AliEventTagCuts *EvCuts = new AliEventTagCuts(); AliRunTagCuts *RuCuts = new AliRunTagCuts(); //EvCuts->SetNChargedAbove1GeVRange(1, 1000); //EvCuts->SetMultiplicityRange(11,120); //EvCuts->SetNPionRange(2,10000); TAlienCollection* coll = TAlienCollection::Open("tag100.xml"); TGridResult* TagResult = coll->GetGridResult("", 0, 0); TagResult->Print(); TagAna->ChainGridTags(TagResult); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Get the chain printf("*******************************\n"); printf("*** Getting the Chain ***\n"); printf("*******************************\n"); TChain* chain1 = 0x0; chain1 = TagAna->QueryTags(RuCuts, EvCuts); chain1->ls(); // // Make the analysis manager // AliAnalysisManager *mgr = new AliAnalysisManager("Manager", "Manager"); mgr-> SetDebugLevel(10); AliAnalysisTaskJets *jetana = new AliAnalysisTaskJets("JetAnalysis"); jetana->SetDebugLevel(10); mgr->AddTask(jetana); // Create containers for input/output AliAnalysisDataContainer *cinput1 = mgr->CreateContainer("cchain1",TChain::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kInputContainer); AliAnalysisDataContainer *coutput1 = mgr->CreateContainer("chist1", TH1::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer); mgr->ConnectInput (jetana,0,cinput1); mgr->ConnectOutput(jetana,0,coutput1); cinput1->SetData(chain1); // // Run the analysis // if (mgr->InitAnalysis()) { mgr->PrintStatus(); mgr->StartAnalysis("local", chain1); } }
//_________________________________________________________________________ // Macro that creates esd xml collections by querying the tags. // It addresses the following use cases: // o) The tag files are stored locally. // - One queries the tags by using simple string statements. // - One queries the tags by using the corresponding ilcroot classes. // o) The tag files are stored in the file catalog. // In this case the first thing we do is to query the f.c. // and extract a collection (xml) of tag files. // - One queries the tags by using simple string statements. // - One queries the tags by using the corresponding ilcroot classes. // // In all cases you create the xml file by using the CreateXMLCollection // of the IlcTagAnalysisClass. The first argument of this method is the // name of the output xml collection which is stored locally. // // coll_in: xml collection of tag files // or path to the tag files // // coll_out: name of the output xml collection //_________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t CreateXML(char * coll_in="pp.xml", char * coll_out="global2") { TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); gSystem->Load("libTreePlayer"); //needed in the case of the string statements gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS"); //needed by libANALYSISilc gSystem->Load("libANALYSISilc"); //needed IlcTagAnalysis // Create A tag analysis object and impose some selection criteria IlcTagAnalysis *TagAna = new IlcTagAnalysis(); //Case where the tag files are stored locally //TagAna->ChainLocalTags(coll_in); //Case where the tag files are stored in the file catalog //coll_in (pp.xml) is the xml collection of tag files that was produced //by querying the file catalog: // find -x pp /ilc/sim/PDC_08/LHC08r/270001/* *tag.root > pp.xml TGrid::Connect("alien://pcapiserv01.cern.ch:10000","elopez"); //TGrid::Connect("alien://"); TAlienCollection* coll = TAlienCollection::Open(coll_in); TGridResult* TagResult = coll->GetGridResult("",0,0); cout << endl << "Chain Grid Tags..." << endl; TagAna->ChainGridTags(TagResult); //__________________________// //Usage of string statements// //__________________________// /* const char* runTagCuts = "fIlcRunId==270001"; const char* lhcTagCuts = "fLHCTag.fLHCState==LHC08r"; const char* detTagCuts = "fDetectorTag.fTPC==1"; const char* evTagCuts = "(fEventTag.fTopPtMin >= 1.0)&&(fEventTag.fNumberOfTracks >= 11)&&(fEventTag.fNumberOfTracks <= 12)"; */ //________________________________________________// //Usage of IlcRunTagCuts & IlcEventTagCuts classes// //________________________________________________// // create a RunTagCut object IlcRunTagCuts *runTagCuts = new IlcRunTagCuts(); // runTagCuts->SetRunId(270001); // create an LHCTagCuts object IlcLHCTagCuts *lhcTagCuts = new IlcLHCTagCuts(); // create an DetectorTagCuts object IlcDetectorTagCuts *detTagCuts = new IlcDetectorTagCuts(); // create an EventTagCut object IlcEventTagCuts *evTagCuts = new IlcEventTagCuts(); //evTagCuts->SetMultiplicityRange(11,12); //evTagCuts->SetTopPtMin(1.0); // Query the Tags and create the xml collection cout << endl << "Create XML Collection..." << endl; TagAna->CreateXMLCollection(coll_out, runTagCuts, lhcTagCuts, detTagCuts, evTagCuts); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); return kTRUE; }