void CMobilePhone::RunL(void) { TBuf16<128> string; if(iStatus==KErrNone) { string.Append(_L("Success.")); } else { string.Append(_L("Error (")); string.AppendNum(iStatus.Int()); string.Append(_L(").")); } ShowResult(string); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CSdDisk::ReleaseFiles // This method deletes files created for filling the drive C // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSdDisk::ReleaseDisk(RFs& aFs) { // RDebug::Print(_L("Shareddatatest ## ReleaseDisk")); TInt i = 0; TInt err = KErrNone; do { TBuf16<35> str; str.Copy(KFileName); str.AppendNum(i,EDecimal); err = aFs.Delete (str) ; i++; } while ( err == KErrNone ); }
TBool CTe_LbsIniFileReader::SetNextPoint() { iIndex++; TBuf16<128> findText; findText.Zero(); findText.Append(_L("[")); findText.AppendNum(iIndex); findText.Append(_L("]")); iPoint = iPtr.Find(findText); if (iPoint == KErrNotFound) { return(EFalse); } return(ETrue); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CPixelMetricsMapperAppUi::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand ) { switch ( aCommand ) { case EAknSoftkeyExit: case EEikCmdExit: Exit(); break; case ECmdSwitchOutput: { HBufC* buffer = HBufC::NewLC( 100 ); TPtr bufferPtr = buffer->Des(); TBool last = ETrue; bufferPtr.Append(_L("Output switched to ")); iFileOutputOn = !iFileOutputOn; if (iFileOutputOn) bufferPtr.Append(_L("file.")); else bufferPtr.Append(_L("screen.")); ShowL( *buffer, last ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer ); } break; case ECmdStatus: { ClearL(); // layout HBufC* buffer = HBufC::NewLC( 100 ); TPtr bufferPtr = buffer->Des(); TBool last = ETrue; // Orientation bufferPtr.Append(_L("Orientation: ")); bufferPtr.AppendNum((TInt)iAvkonAppUi->Orientation()); ShowL( *buffer, last ); bufferPtr.Zero(); // Output bufferPtr.Append(_L("Output: ")); if (iFileOutputOn) bufferPtr.Append(_L("File")); else bufferPtr.Append(_L("Screen")); ShowL( *buffer, last ); bufferPtr.Zero(); CAknLayoutConfig::TScreenMode localAppScreenMode = CAknSgcClient::ScreenMode(); TInt hashValue = localAppScreenMode.ScreenStyleHash(); TPixelsTwipsAndRotation pixels = CAknSgcClient::PixelsAndRotation(); TSize pixelSize = pixels.iPixelSize; bufferPtr.Append(_L("LayoutName: ")); if ( (pixelSize.iWidth == 320 || pixelSize.iWidth == 240 )&& (pixelSize.iHeight == 320 || pixelSize.iHeight == 240 )) { if (hashValue==0x996F7AA7) bufferPtr.Append(_L("QVGA2")); else bufferPtr.Append(_L("QVGA1")); } else if ((pixelSize.iWidth == 640 || pixelSize.iWidth == 360 )&& (pixelSize.iHeight == 360 || pixelSize.iHeight == 640 )) { bufferPtr.Append(_L("nHD")); } else if ((pixelSize.iWidth == 640 || pixelSize.iWidth == 480 )&& (pixelSize.iHeight == 480 || pixelSize.iHeight == 640 )) { bufferPtr.Append(_L("VGA")); } else if ((pixelSize.iWidth == 352 || pixelSize.iWidth == 800 )&& (pixelSize.iHeight == 800 || pixelSize.iHeight == 352 )) { bufferPtr.Append(_L("E90")); } else if ((pixelSize.iWidth == 320 || pixelSize.iWidth == 480 || pixelSize.iWidth == 240 || pixelSize.iWidth == 640 )&& (pixelSize.iHeight == 320 || pixelSize.iHeight == 480 || pixelSize.iHeight == 240 || pixelSize.iHeight == 640)) { bufferPtr.Append(_L("HVGA")); } else if ((pixelSize.iWidth == 480 || pixelSize.iWidth == 854 || pixelSize.iWidth == 848 || pixelSize.iWidth == 800 )&& (pixelSize.iHeight == 800 || pixelSize.iHeight == 480 || pixelSize.iHeight == 848 || pixelSize.iHeight == 854)) { bufferPtr.Append(_L("WVGA")); } else { bufferPtr.Append(_L("Unknown")); } ShowL( *buffer, last ); bufferPtr.Zero(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer ); } break; case ECmdSwitchOrientation: { ClearL(); HBufC* buffer = HBufC::NewLC( 100 ); TPtr bufferPtr = buffer->Des(); TBool last = ETrue; #ifndef __SERIES60_31__ if (!iAvkonAppUi->OrientationCanBeChanged()) { bufferPtr.Append(_L("Orientation cannot be changed.")); ShowL( *buffer, last ); bufferPtr.Zero(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer ); break; } #endif //__SERIES60_31__ if ( iAvkonAppUi->Orientation() == CAknAppUiBase::EAppUiOrientationPortrait) { iAvkonAppUi->SetOrientationL(CAknAppUiBase::EAppUiOrientationLandscape); } else if (iAvkonAppUi->Orientation() == CAknAppUiBase::EAppUiOrientationLandscape) { iAvkonAppUi->SetOrientationL(CAknAppUiBase::EAppUiOrientationPortrait); } else { // unspecified iAvkonAppUi->SetOrientationL(CAknAppUiBase::EAppUiOrientationLandscape); } bufferPtr.Append(_L("Orientation changed.")); ShowL( *buffer, last ); bufferPtr.Zero(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer ); break; } case ECmdStartCalculations: { ClearL(); // Get known values TInt index = 0; TBool last = EFalse; if (iFileOutputOn) { TRect screenRect; AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EApplicationWindow, screenRect ); // Add screen dimensions TInt height = screenRect.Height(); TInt width = screenRect.Width(); TBuf16<32> tgt; // HEIGHT tgt.Append(_L("height: \t")); tgt.AppendNum(height, EDecimal); // put max height into text file ShowL( tgt, last ); tgt.Zero(); // WIDTH tgt.Append(_L("width: \t")); tgt.AppendNum(width, EDecimal); // put max width into text file ShowL( tgt, last ); tgt.Zero(); // VERSION TPixelMetricsVersion version = PixelMetrics::Version(); tgt.Append(_L("major_version: \t")); tgt.AppendNum(version.majorVersion, EDecimal); // put major version into text file ShowL( tgt, last ); tgt.Zero(); tgt.Append(_L("minor_version: \t")); tgt.AppendNum(version.minorVersion, EDecimal); // put minor version into text file ShowL( tgt, last ); tgt.Zero(); } TInt myValue = KErrNotFound; for (;;) { if (index==QStyle::PM_Custom_MessageBoxHeight) { last = ETrue; } myValue = PixelMetrics::PixelMetricValue(static_cast<QStyle::PixelMetric>(index)); ShowSingleValueL( index, myValue, last ); if (last) break; // if last before custom values, "jump" to custom base if (index==QStyle::PM_SubMenuOverlap) index = QStyle::PM_CustomBase; index++; } } break; case ECmdCreateHeaderFile: CreateHeaderFileL(); break; default: break; } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CSdDisk::FillDisk() // Fills the diskspace // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSdDisk::FillDisk(RFs& aFs, TInt& aFreeDiskSpaceToLeave) { RFile iEaterFile; TInt fileSize(0); TInt err(KErrNone); TReal64 diskFree = CheckDiskSpace(aFs); // RDebug::Print(_L("Shareddatatest ## Eat disk space") ); // For loop to create eaterfiles for ( TInt i = 0 ; diskFree != 0 ; i++ ) { TBuf16<30> str; str.Copy(KFileName); str.AppendNum(i,EDecimal); // RDebug::Print(_L("Shareddatatest ## Open file %s"), &str); err = iEaterFile.Open( aFs, str, EFileShareAny | EFileWrite ); if ( err == KErrNotFound ) // file does not exist - create it { err = iEaterFile.Create( aFs, str, EFileShareAny | EFileWrite ); } if ( err == KErrNone ) { // Create maximum size eaterfile if there is more disk space available than the maximum file size if ( diskFree > TReal64(KMaxTInt) ) { // RDebug::Print( _L("Shareddatatest ## Creating %d. EaterFile"), i+1); err = iEaterFile.SetSize( KMaxTInt ); diskFree = diskFree - TReal64(KMaxTInt); } // ... And if available disk space is less than maximum file size else { // If aFreeDiskSpaceToLeave parameter says we have to leave some free disk if ( aFreeDiskSpaceToLeave != 0 ) { // RDebug::Print( _L("Shareddatatest ## Creating %d. EaterFile"), i+1); TInt sizeToSet = STATIC_CAST(TInt, I64INT(diskFree)); err = iEaterFile.SetSize( sizeToSet - aFreeDiskSpaceToLeave * 1024 ); iEaterFile.Size( fileSize ); // RDebug::Print( _L("Shareddatatest ## Last EaterFileSize: %d"), fileSize); diskFree = 0; } // Otherwise try to eat all the disk space else { // RDebug::Print( _L("Shareddatatest ## Creating %d. EaterFile"), i+1); TInt sizeToSet = STATIC_CAST(TInt, I64INT(diskFree)); // RDebug::Print( _L("Shareddatatest ## Filesize in the end should be around %d bytes"), sizeToSet); for ( TInt j = 64 ; err != KErrDiskFull ; j-- ) { err = iEaterFile.SetSize( sizeToSet - j * 1024 ); } iEaterFile.Size( fileSize ); // RDebug::Print( _L("Shareddatatest ## Last EaterFileSize: %d bytes"), fileSize); // RDebug::Print( _L("Shareddatatest ## There should be %d bytes of free disk"),sizeToSet - fileSize); diskFree = 0; } } } else { RDebug::Print(_L("Shareddatatest ## Error = %d"), err); diskFree = 0; } // RDebug::Print(_L("Shareddatatest ## Close file")); iEaterFile.Close(); } }