コード例 #1
int main (int argc, char** argv)
  gROOT->ProcessLine("#include <vector>");
  //TFile* f1 = new TFile(argv[1]);
  TChain *tree =  new TChain("tree");
  for (int i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++)
    std::cout << "Adding file " << argv[i] << std::endl;
  //play with input names
//   std::string inputFileName = 
  // find the number of channels directly from the tchain file
  // before creating the variables
  // first, get the list of leaves
  TObjArray *leavescopy = tree->GetListOfLeaves();
  int nLeaves = leavescopy->GetEntries();
  std::vector<std::string> leavesName;
  // fill a vector with the leaves names
//   std::cout << nLeaves << std::endl;
  for(int i = 0 ; i < nLeaves ; i++)
//     std::cout << i << std::endl;
  // count the entries that start with "ch"
  int numOfCh = 0;
  int numOfCry = 0;
  std::string det_prefix("detector");
  std::string cry_prefix("cry");
  for(int i = 0 ; i < nLeaves ; i++)
//     leavesName.push_back(leavescopy->At(i)->GetName());
    if (!leavesName[i].compare(0, det_prefix.size(), det_prefix))
    if (!leavesName[i].compare(0, cry_prefix.size(), cry_prefix))
  //the string "cry" appears 4 times per crystal..
  numOfCry = numOfCry / 4;
  std::cout << numOfCh << std::endl;
  std::cout << numOfCry << std::endl;
  Long64_t Seed;
  int Run;
  int Event;
  float totalEnergyDeposited;
  int NumOptPhotons;
  int NumCherenkovPhotons;
  std::vector<float> *CryEnergyDeposited;
  std::vector<float> **pCryEnergyDeposited;
  std::vector<float> *PosXEnDep; 
  std::vector<float> **pPosXEnDep;
  std::vector<float> *PosYEnDep; 
  std::vector<float> **pPosYEnDep;
  std::vector<float> *PosZEnDep; 
  std::vector<float> **pPosZEnDep;
//   DetectorHit         = new Short_t             [numOfCh];
  CryEnergyDeposited  = new std::vector<float>  [numOfCry];
  pCryEnergyDeposited = new std::vector<float>* [numOfCry];
  PosXEnDep           = new std::vector<float>  [numOfCry];
  pPosXEnDep          = new std::vector<float>* [numOfCry];
  PosYEnDep           = new std::vector<float>  [numOfCry];
  pPosYEnDep          = new std::vector<float>* [numOfCry];
  PosZEnDep           = new std::vector<float>  [numOfCry];
  pPosZEnDep          = new std::vector<float>* [numOfCry];
//   short RunDetectorHit[16];
  std::vector<float> **pEdep;
  std::vector<float> **px;
  std::vector<float> **py;
  std::vector<float> **pz;
  pEdep = new std::vector<float>* [numOfCry];
  px    = new std::vector<float>* [numOfCry];
  py    = new std::vector<float>* [numOfCry];
  pz    = new std::vector<float>* [numOfCry];
  for (int i = 0 ; i < numOfCry ; i++)
    pEdep[i] = 0; 
    px[i] = 0;
    py[i] = 0;
    pz[i] = 0;

  Short_t  *detector;
  detector = new Short_t [numOfCh];
  for (int i = 0 ; i < numOfCry ; i++)
    std::stringstream snames;
    snames << "cry" << i;
    snames<< "cry" << i << "PosXEnDep";    
    snames<< "cry" << i << "PosYEnDep";
    snames<< "cry" << i << "PosZEnDep";

  for (int i = 0 ; i < numOfCh ; i++)
    std::stringstream snames;
    snames << "detector" << i;
  //output ttree
  long long int DeltaTimeTag,ExtendedTimeTag;
  Short_t charge[32]; //adc type is always 32 channels
  Float_t RealX,RealY,RealZ;
  Short_t CrystalsHit;
  Short_t NumbOfInteractions;
  std::vector <float> TotalCryEnergy;	
  std::vector <float>* pTotalCryEnergy; 
  pTotalCryEnergy = &TotalCryEnergy;
  TTree* t1 = new TTree("adc","adc");
  t1->Branch("ExtendedTimeTag",&ExtendedTimeTag,"ExtendedTimeTag/l"); 	//absolute time tag of the event
  t1->Branch("DeltaTimeTag",&DeltaTimeTag,"DeltaTimeTag/l"); 			//delta time from previous event
  //branches of the 32 channels data
  for (int i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i++)
    //empty the stringstreams
    std::stringstream snames,stypes;
    charge[i] = 0;
    snames << "ch" << i;
    stypes << "ch" << i << "/S";  

  long int counter = 0;
  int nEntries = tree->GetEntries();
  std::cout << "nEntries = " << nEntries << std::endl;
  for(int i = 0; i < nEntries ; i++)
    ExtendedTimeTag = 1e-9;
    DeltaTimeTag = 1e-9;
    NumbOfInteractions = 0;
    CrystalsHit = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < numOfCh ; i++)
      //convert to ADC channels, as if it was data from a digitizer
      //mppc gain = 1.25e6
      //adc channel binning 156e-15 C
      double adcCh = detector[i]*1.25e6*1.6e-19/156e-15;
      charge[i*2] = (Short_t) adcCh; 
    RealX = RealY = RealZ = 0;
    // calculate a weigthed energy deposition in x,y,z
    for(int i = 0; i < numOfCry ; i++) //first total energy deposited
      Float_t SumEnergy = 0;
      NumbOfInteractions += px[i]->size();
      if(px[i]->size()) CrystalsHit++;
      for(int j = 0; j < px[i]->size(); j++)
		RealX += (px[i]->at(j) * pEdep[i]->at(j))/totalEnergyDeposited;
      for(int j = 0; j < px[i]->size(); j++)
		RealY += (py[i]->at(j) * pEdep[i]->at(j))/totalEnergyDeposited;
      for(int j = 0; j < px[i]->size(); j++)
		RealZ += (pz[i]->at(j) * pEdep[i]->at(j))/totalEnergyDeposited;
      for(int j = 0; j < px[i]->size(); j++)
		SumEnergy += pEdep[i]->at(j);	
    //find crystal with max energy deposition
    Float_t MaxEnergyCry = 0;
    Short_t MaxEnergyCryNum = -1;
    MaxEnergyCry = *std::max_element(TotalCryEnergy.begin(), TotalCryEnergy.end());
    MaxEnergyCryNum = std::distance(TotalCryEnergy.begin(), (std::max_element(TotalCryEnergy.begin(), TotalCryEnergy.end())));
    if(NumbOfInteractions > 0) // discard events with no energy deposition (they would never trigger the detectors anyway..)
    int perc = ((100*counter)/nEntries); //should strictly have not decimal part, written like this...
    if( (perc % 10) == 0 )
      std::cout << "\r";
      std::cout << perc << "% done... ";
      //std::cout << counter << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::string outFile = "Tree_OUT.root";
  TFile* fOut = new TFile(outFile.c_str(),"recreate");
//   f1->Close();
  return 0;
コード例 #2
void plotter(const char* datafilename, const char* mcfilename, const char *idmvaCorrectionFile = NULL) {

  // READ Transformations
  std::vector<TGraph*> graphs;
  if (idmvaCorrectionFile != NULL) readTransformations(graphs);
    //readTransformations(graphs, idmvaCorrectionFile);

  //std::vector<TGraph*> graphs;
  ifstream myReadFile;
  char output[100];
  int itype = -1;
  if (myReadFile.is_open()) {
    while (!myReadFile.eof()) {
      float xsec;
      myReadFile >> output >> xsec >> itype;
      std::string init(output);
      if (init.substr(0,1) != "#") {
	samples.push_back(std::pair<std::string, int>(output, itype));
	//std::cout << output << " " << itype << std::endl;
  std::cout<< "Debug level 1" << std::endl; 
  //std::string weight = "weight";
  for (int sampletype=0; sampletype<2; sampletype++) {
    TChain* chain = new TChain("PhotonToRECO/fitter_tree");
    if (sampletype == 0)
    TBranchesI branchesI;
    TBranchesF branchesF;
    TBranchesD branchesD;
    TBranchesUI branchesUI;
    TBranchesUC branchesUC;

    auto leafList = chain->GetListOfLeaves();
    for (auto leaf : *leafList) {
      std::string name =((TLeaf*)leaf)->GetName();
      std::string type = ((TLeaf*)leaf)->GetTypeName();
      std::cout << name << type << endl;
            if (type == "Int_t") {
	Int_t a = 0;
	branchesI[name] = a;
	chain->SetBranchAddress(name.c_str(), &(branchesI[name]));
      } else if (type == "Float_t") {
	Float_t a = 0;
	branchesF[name] = a;
	chain->SetBranchAddress(name.c_str(), &(branchesF[name]));
      } else if (type == "Double_t") {
	Double_t a = 0;
	branchesD[name] = a;
	chain->SetBranchAddress(name.c_str(), &(branchesD[name]));
      } else if (type == "UInt_t") {
	UInt_t a = 0;
	branchesUI[name] = a;
	chain->SetBranchAddress(name.c_str(), &(branchesUI[name]));
      } else if (type == "UChar_t") {
	UChar_t a = 0;
	branchesUC[name] = a;
	chain->SetBranchAddress(name.c_str(), &(branchesUC[name]));
	    //std::cout<< "Debug level 1.1" << std::endl; 
    //std::cout<< "Debug level 2" << std::endl; 
    std::map<int, std::vector<TTreeFormula*> > categories;
    std::cout << "Reading categories...." << std::endl;
    std::string line;
    int cat;
    while(!myReadFile.eof()) {
      myReadFile >> cat >> line;
      char a[100];
      if (categories.find(cat) == categories.end() ) {
	sprintf(a, "cat%d_%d", cat, 0);
	std::cout << a << " " << line << std::endl;
	categories[cat].push_back(new TTreeFormula(a, line.c_str(), chain));
      } else {
	sprintf(a, "cat%d_%zu", cat, categories[cat].size());
	std::cout << a << " " << line << std::endl;
	categories[cat].push_back(new TTreeFormula(a, line.c_str(), chain));
    //std::cout<< "Debug level 3" << std::endl; 

    std::vector<HistoDefinition> histoDef;
    std::cout << "Reading plots..." << std::endl;
    std::map<int, HistoContainer> histos;
    histos[samples[sampletype].second] = HistoContainer();
    while(!myReadFile.eof()) {
      // type ncat==1 xbin ybins xmin xmax ymin ymax name xaxis yaxis var cat????
      HistoDefinition temp;
      myReadFile >> temp.type >> temp.log >> temp.ncat >> temp.xbins >> temp.ybins >> temp.xmin >> temp.xmax
		 >> temp.ymin >> temp.ymax >> temp.name >> temp.xaxis >> temp.yaxis >> temp.var;
      TH1F* h = new TH1F("h", "", temp.xbins, temp.xmin, temp.xmax);
      int ncats = categories[temp.ncat].size();
      for (int c=0; c<ncats; c++) {
	std::ostringstream convert; 
	convert << c;
	std::string name = temp.name + "_cat"+ convert.str() + "_" + samples[sampletype].first;  
	std::cout << c << " " << name << std::endl;
      delete h;
    // std::cout<< "Debug level 4 " << chain->GetEntries() << std::endl; 

    for (int z=0; z<chain->GetEntries(); z++) {
      if (z%10000 == 0)
	std::cout << z << std::endl;
      float mass = branchesF["mass"];
      if ((mass > 70 && mass < 110) && branchesI["passingPresel"] == 1 && (branchesF["tag_Pho_mva"]>-0.9 && branchesF["probe_Pho_mva"]>-0.9)) {
	// cout << "mass: " << mass << " - " << "tag_Pho_mva" << branchesF["tag_Pho_mva"] << " - " << "probe_Pho_mva" << branchesF["probe_Pho_mva"] << endl;

	double weight = 1.0; 
	if (sampletype == 1 && isfinite(branchesF["totWeight"])) {
	  weight = branchesF["totWeight"];
	  // std::cout << "weight in the loop: " << weight << "and:  " << branchesD["totWeight"] << std::endl; 
	for (unsigned int s=0; s<samples.size(); s++) {
	  for (unsigned int h=0; h<histoDef.size(); h++) {
	    // std::cout << histoDef[h].name << " " << histoDef[h].var << " " << histoDef[h].ncat << std::endl;
	    std::string name = histoDef[h].name;
	    std::string var = histoDef[h].var;
	    int category = histoDef[h].ncat;
	    double final_weight = weight;
	    // std::cout << "final_weight: " << final_weight << std::endl;
	    for (unsigned int cat=0; cat<categories[category].size(); cat++) {
	      // std::cout<< "Going to draw histogram " << name <<std::endl;
	      if (categories[category][cat]->EvalInstance()) {
		if (name == "idmvaup1" || name == "idmvaup2")
 		  histos[samples[sampletype].second].histoF[name][cat].Fill(branchesF[var]+idmvaShift, final_weight);
		else if (name == "idmvadown1" || name == "idmvadown2")  
 		  histos[samples[sampletype].second].histoF[name][cat].Fill(branchesF[var]-idmvaShift, final_weight);
		else if (name == "idmvatop1" || name == "idmvatop2")
		  if (idmvaCorrectionFile != NULL)

		      if(cat == 0 || cat == 1){ histos[samples[sampletype].second].histoF[name][cat].Fill(graphs[cat+2]->Eval(branchesF[var]), final_weight*graphs[cat+2]->Eval(9999));}
		else if (name == "idmvabottom1" || name == "idmvabottom2")
		    if (idmvaCorrectionFile != NULL)
			if(cat == 0 || cat == 1){ histos[samples[sampletype].second].histoF[name][cat].Fill(graphs[cat]->Eval(branchesF[var]), final_weight*graphs[cat]->Eval(9999));}

		else if (name == "sigmaEoEup1" || name == "sigmaEoEup2")
 		  histos[samples[sampletype].second].histoF[name][cat].Fill(branchesF[var]*(1+sigmaEScale), final_weight);
		else if (name == "sigmaEoEdown1" || name == "sigmaEoEdown2")  
 		  histos[samples[sampletype].second].histoF[name][cat].Fill(branchesF[var]*(1-sigmaEScale), final_weight);
		else if (branchesF.find(var) != branchesF.end())
		  histos[samples[sampletype].second].histoF[name][cat].Fill(branchesF[var], final_weight);
		else if (branchesI.find(var) != branchesI.end())
		  histos[samples[sampletype].second].histoF[name][cat].Fill(branchesI[var], final_weight);
	      // std::cout<< "histo " << name << " drawn" << std::endl;
	      // std::cout<< "Debug level 5 " << z << " " << s << " " << h << " " << " " << cat << std::endl; 
	    // std::cout << "Debug level 6" << std::endl;
	  // std::cout << "Debug level 7" << std::endl;
	// std::cout << "Debug level 8" << std::endl;	
      // std::cout << "Debug level 9" << std::endl;
      if(z==10000) break ;
    std::cout << sampletype << std::endl;
    std::string rootOutputFile = "out_data_test.root";  
    if (sampletype == 1)
      rootOutputFile = "out_zee_test.root";
    TFile* out = new TFile(rootOutputFile.c_str(), "recreate");
    for (unsigned int h=0; h<histoDef.size(); h++) {
      std::string var = histoDef[h].name;
      int cat = categories[histoDef[h].ncat].size();
      for (int c=0; c<cat; c++) {
      //std::cout << "Wrote histo successfully" << var << std::endl; 
コード例 #3
int main (int argc, char** argv)
  gROOT->ProcessLine("#include <vector>"); //needed by ROOT to deal with standard vectors

  //HACK to use the dictionary easily
  std::string fullFileName = "";
  // Code taken from: http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=459511
  std::string path = "";
  pid_t pid = getpid();
  char buf[20] = {0};
  std::string _link = "/proc/";
  _link.append( buf );
  _link.append( "/exe");
  char proc[512];
  int ch = readlink(_link.c_str(),proc,512);
  if (ch != -1) {
    proc[ch] = 0;
    path = proc;
    std::string::size_type t = path.find_last_of("/");
    path = path.substr(0,t);
  fullFileName = path + std::string("/");
  //now even worse, assuming the executable is in build and the .C macro in code
  // std::string command = ".L " + fullFileName.substr(0,fullFileName.size()-7) + "/code/structDictionary.C+";
  std::string command = ".L " + fullFileName + "structDictionary.C+";
  // std::cout << fullFileName << std::endl;
  // std::cout << "command " << command << std::endl;

  // Input Files
  TChain *tree =  new TChain("tree"); // read input files
  for (int i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++)
    std::cout << "Adding file " << argv[i] << std::endl;
  // find the number of channels directly from the tchain file
  // before creating the variables
  // first, get the list of leaves
  TObjArray *leavescopy = tree->GetListOfLeaves();
  int nLeaves = leavescopy->GetEntries();
  std::vector<std::string> leavesName;
  // fill a vector with the leaves names
  for(int i = 0 ; i < nLeaves ; i++)
  // count the entries that start with "ch"
  int numOfCh = 0;
  // int numOfCry = 0;
  std::string det_prefix("detector");
  // std::string cry_prefix("cry");
  for(int i = 0 ; i < nLeaves ; i++)
    //     leavesName.push_back(leavescopy->At(i)->GetName());
    if (!leavesName[i].compare(0, det_prefix.size(), det_prefix))
    // if (!leavesName[i].compare(0, cry_prefix.size(), cry_prefix))
    // numOfCry++;
  //the string "cry" appears 4 times per crystal..
  // numOfCry = numOfCry / 4;
  std::cout << "Detector Channels \t= " << numOfCh << std::endl;
  // std::cout << "Number of Crystals \t= "<< numOfCry << std::endl;

  // Input TTree

  //create the branches in the input ttree and connect to the variables

  // global variables
  // these are 1 number per TTree entry - so 1 number per gamma shot
  Long64_t Seed;                      // seed of the simulation (read every time, but always the same)
  int Run;                            // run id (usually just 1)(read every time, but always the same)
  int Event;                          // event id
  float totalEnergyDeposited;         // total energy deposited in this event, in all the matrix
  int NumOptPhotons;                  // number of optical photons generated in this event, in the entire matrix
  int NumCherenkovPhotons;            // number of Cherenkov photons generated in this event, in the entire matrix

  // energy deposition, each gamma 511 event has a std::vector of struct (type enDep) with all the data of each energy deposition
  std::vector<enDep> *energyDeposition = 0;

  // Total number of photons detected in this event
  // for each TTree entry, a simple number saying how many optical photons entered that
  // specific detector, passed the PDE check and where "detected" (i.e. saved)
  Short_t  *detector;
  detector = new Short_t [numOfCh];

  // optical photons. for each gamma 511 event, every optical photon detected is a struct of type optPhot. a std::vector<optPhot> is saved for each gamma 511
  std::vector<optPhot> *photons = 0;

  // Set Branch Addresses


  for (int i = 0 ; i < numOfCh ; i++)
    std::stringstream snames;
    snames << "detector" << i;

  //output ttree
  // long long int DeltaTimeTag,ExtendedTimeTag;
  // Short_t charge[32]; //adc type is always 32 channels
  // Float_t RealX,RealY,RealZ;
  // Short_t CrystalsHit;
  // Short_t NumbOfInteractions;
  // TTree* t1 = new TTree("adc","adc");
  // t1->Branch("ExtendedTimeTag",&ExtendedTimeTag,"ExtendedTimeTag/l"); 	//absolute time tag of the event
  // t1->Branch("DeltaTimeTag",&DeltaTimeTag,"DeltaTimeTag/l"); 			//delta time from previous event
  // //branches of the 32 channels data
  // for (int i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i++)
  // {
  //   //empty the stringstreams
  //   std::stringstream snames,stypes;
  //   charge[i] = 0;
  //   snames << "ch" << i;
  //   stypes << "ch" << i << "/S";
  //   t1->Branch(snames.str().c_str(),&charge[i],stypes.str().c_str());
  // }
  // t1->Branch("RealX",&RealX,"RealX/F");
  // t1->Branch("RealY",&RealY,"RealY/F");
  // t1->Branch("RealZ",&RealZ,"RealZ/F");
  // t1->Branch("CrystalsHit",&CrystalsHit,"CrystalsHit/S");
  // t1->Branch("NumbOfInteractions",&NumbOfInteractions,"NumbOfInteractions/S");
  long long int DeltaTimeTag,ExtendedTimeTag;
  Short_t charge[16];

  // correct geometry for 4x4 mppc
  // Double_t xmppc[16]={-4.8,-1.6,1.6,4.8,-4.8,-1.6,1.6,4.8,-4.8,-1.6,1.6,4.8,-4.8,-1.6,1.6,4.8};
  // Double_t ymppc[16]={-4.8,-4.8,-4.8,-4.8,-1.6,-1.6,-1.6,-1.6,1.6,1.6,1.6,1.6,4.8,4.8,4.8,4.8};

  Double_t xmppc[16]={-4.8,-4.8,-4.8,-4.8,-1.6,-1.6,-1.6,-1.6,1.6,1.6,1.6,1.6,4.8,4.8,4.8,4.8};
  Double_t ymppc[16]={-4.8,-1.6,1.6,4.8,-4.8,-1.6,1.6,4.8,-4.8,-1.6,1.6,4.8,-4.8,-1.6,1.6,4.8};

  TH2F *flood = new TH2F("FloodHisto","FloodHisto",1000,-7,7,1000,-7,7);
  flood->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X [mm]");
  flood->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y [mm]");
  //   recClean->SetTitle("Reconstruction of entire dataset");
  //   varStream << "FloodY_" << k << ":FloodX_" << k << ">>" << histoString ;

  // TH2F *positions = new TH2F("Positions","Positions",1000,-7,7,1000,-7,7);
  // positions->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X [mm]");
  // positions->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y [mm]");
  // positions->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("N");

  // TH2F *HitPositions = new TH2F("HitPositions","HitPositions",1000,-7,7,1000,-7,7);
  // HitPositions->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X [mm]");
  // HitPositions->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y [mm]");
  // HitPositions->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("N");
  double columsum = 0;
  double rowsum = 0;
  double total = 0;
  double floodx = 0;
  double floody = 0;
  double floodz = 0;

  // TBranch *b_floodx = tree->Branch("FloodX",&floodx,"floodx/F");
  // TBranch *b_floody = tree->Branch("FloodY",&floody,"floody/F");
  // TBranch *b_floodz = tree->Branch("FloodZ",&floodz,"floodz/F");

  //             LOOP ON EVENTS             //
  long int counter = 0;
  int nEntries = tree->GetEntries();
  std::cout << "nEntries = " << nEntries << std::endl;

  TH1F *histoSigmaX = new TH1F("histoSigmaX","Sigma x distribution",1000,0,1);
  histoSigmaX->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sigma x [mm]");

  TH1F *histoSigmaY = new TH1F("histoSigmaY","Sigma y distribution",1000,0,1);
  histoSigmaY->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sigma y [mm]");

  TH1F *histoSigmaZ = new TH1F("histoSigmaZ","Sigma z distribution",1000,0,1);
  histoSigmaZ->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sigma z [mm]");

  TH1F *DeltaR = new TH1F("DeltaR","Delta r distribution",1000,-30,30);
  DeltaR->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Delta r [mm]");

  TH1F *DeltaR_xy = new TH1F("DeltaR_xy","Delta r_xy distribution",1000,-30,30);
  DeltaR_xy->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Delta r_xy [mm]");

  TH1F *DeltaZ = new TH1F("DeltaZ","Delta z distribution",1000,-15,15);
  DeltaZ->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Delta z [mm]");

  TH1F *DeltaE = new TH1F("DeltaE","Delta E distribution",1000,-0.511,0.511);
  DeltaE->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Delta E [MeV]");

  TH2F *DeltaEvsDeltaZ = new TH2F("DeltaZvsDeltaE","DeltaE vs DeltaZ",1000,-15,15,1000,-0.511,0.511);
  DeltaEvsDeltaZ->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Delta z [mm]");
  DeltaEvsDeltaZ->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Delta E [MeV]");

  TH2F *averageZvsRatio = new TH2F("AverageZ vs Ratio","AverageZ vs Ratio",100,0,1,100,-8,8);
  averageZvsRatio->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ratio (Fi/(Fi+Bi))");
  averageZvsRatio->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("AverageZ [mm]");

  TH2F *normalizedZvsRatio = new TH2F("NormalizedZ vs Ratio","NormalizedZ vs Ratio",100,0,1,100,0,1);
  normalizedZvsRatio->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ratio (Fi/(Fi+Bi))");
  normalizedZvsRatio->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("NormalizedZ [fraction of crystal z]");

  TH2F *wivsRatio = new TH2F("wi vs Ratio","wi vs Ratio",100,0,1,100,0,1);
  wivsRatio->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ratio (Fi/(Fi+Bi))");

  TH2F *wMeasuredvsRatioW = new TH2F("wMeasuredvsRatioW","Measured w vs. Weighted average w_0 w_1",100,0,1,100,0,1);
  wMeasuredvsRatioW->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("RatioW = Sum_i(Wi*Ei/Etot)");
  wMeasuredvsRatioW->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Measured W");

  TH2F *uMeasuredVsRatioU = new TH2F("uMeasuredVsRatioU","Measured u vs. Weighted average u_0 u_1",100,-1.3,-1,100,-1.3,-1);
  uMeasuredVsRatioU->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("RatioU = Sum_i(Ui*Ei/Etot)");
  uMeasuredVsRatioU->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Measured U");

  TH2F *vMeasuredVsRatioV = new TH2F("vMeasuredVsRatioV","Measured v vs. Weighted average v_0 v_1",100,1,2,100,1,2);
  vMeasuredVsRatioV->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("RatioV = Sum_i(Vi*Ei/Etot)");
  vMeasuredVsRatioV->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Measured V");

  TH2F *averageZvsWi = new TH2F("AverageZ vs Wi","AverageZ vs Wi",100,0,1,100,-8,8);
  averageZvsWi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("AverageZ [mm]");

  TH2F *kMeasuredvsRatioF = new TH2F("kMeasuredveRatioF","kMeasuredveRatioF",100,0,1,100,0,1);
  kMeasuredvsRatioF->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Measured K");

  TH2F *pmaxiVsRatioF = new TH2F("pmaxiVsRatioF","Pmax_i vs. F_i",100,0,2000,100,0,2000);

  TH2F *kMeasuredvsPmaxi = new TH2F("kMeasuredvsPmaxi","k vs. Ratio(Pmax_i)",100,0,1,100,0,1);
  kMeasuredvsPmaxi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Measured K");

  // for(int i =0 ; i < 2; i++)
  // {
  //   std::stringstream name;
  //   name << "AverageZ vs. (Fi/(Fi+Bi)) - Crystal " << i
  //   averageZvsRatio[i] = new TH2F()
  // }
  long int foundCandidate = 0;
  long int singleCounter = 0;
  long int doubleCounter = 0;
  long int tripleCounter = 0;
  long int multipleCounter = 0;
  // int firstCrystal[64];
  // int secondCrystal[64];
  // for (int i = 0 ; i < 64 ; i++)
  // {
  //   firstCrystal[i] = 0;
  //   secondCrystal[i] = 0;
  // }

  long int globalReturned = 0;
  for(int iEvent = 0; iEvent < nEntries ; iEvent++)
  // for(int iEvent = 5; iEvent < 6 ; iEvent++)
    // std::cout << "iEvent "<<iEvent << std::endl;
    columsum = 0;
    rowsum = 0;
    total = 0;
    floodx = 0;
    floody = 0;
    floodz = 0;

    //first clean the array
    // for(int i = 0; i < 16 ; i++)
    // {
    //   charge[i] = 0;
    // }

    //then fill it with the detector data
    // for(int i = 0; i < numOfCh ; i++)
    // {
    //   charge[i] = detector[i];
    // }

    //calculate weighted energy and fill 2d histo
    for(int i = 0; i < 16 ; i++)
      columsum += detector[i]*ymppc[i];
      rowsum += detector[i]*xmppc[i];
      total += detector[i];
    floodx = rowsum/total;
    floody = columsum/total;
    // b_floodx->Fill();


    std::vector<int> crystals;
    // std::vector<enDep> EventDepositions;

    // stackingaction is last-in-first-out so we need to sort energyDeposition before we check what crystal was hit first
    // check crystal sequence, check for returning gammas, calculate an average xyz per crystal
    std::sort(energyDeposition->begin(), energyDeposition->end(), compareByTime);
    std::vector<std::vector < enDep > > separatedEnDep;
    // float EnDepPerCrystal = 0.0;
    int CurrentID = -1;
    // bool newcrystal = false;
    float RealX = 0.0;
    float RealY = 0.0;
    float RealZ = 0.0;
    std::vector < enDep > CrystalEnDepCollection;

    for(int eEvent = 0; eEvent < energyDeposition->size(); eEvent++) //run on energy depositions and find in how many crystals energy was deposited
      //read the crystal where energy was deposited
      int cry = energyDeposition->at(eEvent).CrystalID;
      //create temp enDep variable and copy this eEvent into it

      // std::cout << eEvent <<" ";
      // std::cout << energyDeposition->at(eEvent).CrystalID << " ";
      // std::cout << energyDeposition->at(eEvent).EnergyDeposited<< " ";
      // std::cout << energyDeposition->at(eEvent).DepositionTime<< " ";
      // std::cout << energyDeposition->at(eEvent).DepositionX<< " ";
      // std::cout << energyDeposition->at(eEvent).DepositionY<< " ";
      // std::cout << energyDeposition->at(eEvent).DepositionZ<< std::endl;

      enDep tempCrystalEnDep;
      tempCrystalEnDep = energyDeposition->at(eEvent);

      // std::cout << eEvent <<" ";
      // std::cout << tempCrystalEnDep.CrystalID << " ";
      // std::cout << tempCrystalEnDep.EnergyDeposited<< " ";
      // std::cout << tempCrystalEnDep.DepositionTime<< " ";
      // std::cout << tempCrystalEnDep.DepositionX<< " ";
      // std::cout << tempCrystalEnDep.DepositionY<< " ";
      // std::cout << tempCrystalEnDep.DepositionZ<< std::endl;

      //if the crystal is changing
      if(eEvent == 0) CurrentID = cry;
      if(cry != CurrentID) // changes everytime the gamma enters a new crystal
        separatedEnDep.push_back(CrystalEnDepCollection); // save the collection of this crystal into the std::vector of collections
        CrystalEnDepCollection.clear(); //clear this collection
        CurrentID = cry; //change the current id

      CrystalEnDepCollection.push_back(tempCrystalEnDep); // save this enDep event into the collection if this crystal

      if(eEvent == energyDeposition->size() -1)
      //loop in the crystals found
      //look for the same id
      bool sameID = false;
      for(int j = 0 ; j < crystals.size(); j++)
        if(crystals[j] == cry) sameID = true;
      if(!sameID) crystals.push_back(cry);
    // std::cout << separatedEnDep.size() << std::endl;

    // for(int iColl = 0 ; iColl < separatedEnDep.size(); iColl++)
    // {
    //   std::cout << separatedEnDep.at(iColl).size()<< std::endl;
    //   for(int iEndep = 0; iEndep < separatedEnDep.at(iColl).size(); iEndep++)
    //   {
    //     std::cout << iColl << " " << iEndep << " " ;
    //     std::cout << separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).CrystalID << " ";
    //     std::cout << separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).EnergyDeposited<< " ";
    //     std::cout << separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).DepositionTime<< " ";
    //     std::cout << separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).DepositionX<< " ";
    //     std::cout << separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).DepositionY<< " ";
    //     std::cout << separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).DepositionZ<< std::endl;
    //   }
    // }

    std::vector<avgCryEnergyDep> averageDepEvents;
    // now the en dep events are collected by crystal
    // run on each collection and find average
    for(int iColl = 0 ; iColl < separatedEnDep.size(); iColl++)
      avgCryEnergyDep tempAvgEnDep;

      tempAvgEnDep.id = separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(0).CrystalID;
      tempAvgEnDep.x = 0;
      tempAvgEnDep.y = 0;
      tempAvgEnDep.z = 0;
      tempAvgEnDep.time = 0;
      tempAvgEnDep.energy = 0;
      tempAvgEnDep.sx = 0;
      tempAvgEnDep.sy = 0;
      tempAvgEnDep.sz = 0;
      for(int iEndep = 0; iEndep < separatedEnDep.at(iColl).size(); iEndep++)
        tempAvgEnDep.energy += separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).EnergyDeposited;
        // std::cout << separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).EnergyDeposited << std::endl;
        tempAvgEnDep.x += separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).DepositionX * separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).EnergyDeposited;
        tempAvgEnDep.y += separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).DepositionY * separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).EnergyDeposited;
        tempAvgEnDep.z += separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).DepositionZ * separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).EnergyDeposited;
        tempAvgEnDep.time += separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).DepositionTime * separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).EnergyDeposited;
      tempAvgEnDep.x = tempAvgEnDep.x / tempAvgEnDep.energy;
      tempAvgEnDep.y = tempAvgEnDep.y / tempAvgEnDep.energy;
      tempAvgEnDep.z = tempAvgEnDep.z / tempAvgEnDep.energy;
      tempAvgEnDep.time = tempAvgEnDep.time / tempAvgEnDep.energy;
      float varx = 0.0;
      float vary = 0.0;
      float varz = 0.0;
      for(int iEndep = 0; iEndep < separatedEnDep.at(iColl).size(); iEndep++)
        varx += (separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).EnergyDeposited * pow(separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).DepositionX  - tempAvgEnDep.x,2)) / tempAvgEnDep.energy;
        vary += (separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).EnergyDeposited * pow(separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).DepositionY  - tempAvgEnDep.y,2)) / tempAvgEnDep.energy;
        varz += (separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).EnergyDeposited * pow(separatedEnDep.at(iColl).at(iEndep).DepositionZ  - tempAvgEnDep.z,2)) / tempAvgEnDep.energy;
      tempAvgEnDep.sx = sqrt(varx);
      tempAvgEnDep.sy = sqrt(vary);
      tempAvgEnDep.sz = sqrt(varz);


    // for (int iAvg = 0 ; iAvg < averageDepEvents.size() ; iAvg++)
    // {
    //   std::cout << "----------------------" << std::endl;
    //   std::cout << averageDepEvents.at(iAvg).id << " " << averageDepEvents.at(iAvg).energy << " " << averageDepEvents.at(iAvg).time << std::endl;
    //   std::cout << "(" << averageDepEvents.at(iAvg).x << "," << averageDepEvents.at(iAvg).y << "," << averageDepEvents.at(iAvg).z <<  ") " << std::endl;
    //   std::cout << "(" << averageDepEvents.at(iAvg).sx << "," << averageDepEvents.at(iAvg).sy << "," << averageDepEvents.at(iAvg).sx <<  ") " << std::endl;
    // }

    //fill a global histogram of energy deposition sigmas in the crystals
    for (int iAvg = 0 ; iAvg < averageDepEvents.size() ; iAvg++)
      // std::cout << "----------------------" << std::endl;
      // std::cout << averageDepEvents.at(iAvg).id << " " << averageDepEvents.at(iAvg).energy << " " << averageDepEvents.at(iAvg).time << std::endl;
      // std::cout << "(" << averageDepEvents.at(iAvg).x << "," << averageDepEvents.at(iAvg).y << "," << averageDepEvents.at(iAvg).z <<  ") " << std::endl;
      // std::cout << "(" << averageDepEvents.at(iAvg).sx << "," << averageDepEvents.at(iAvg).sy << "," << averageDepEvents.at(iAvg).sx <<  ") " << std::endl;

    //two crystals or more hit, but a crystal is hit more than once (like, 28 -> 36 -> 28)
    std::vector <int> checkReturning; // this std::vector has same size of averageDepEvents if there is no returning, smaller if there is
    int returned = 0;
    for (int iAvg = 0 ; iAvg < averageDepEvents.size() ; iAvg++)
      int cry = averageDepEvents.at(iAvg).id;
      bool sameID = false;
      for(int i = 0 ; i < checkReturning.size(); i++)
        if(cry == checkReturning[i])
          sameID = true;
      if(!sameID) checkReturning.push_back(cry);
    globalReturned += returned;

    if(totalEnergyDeposited > 0.400)
      if(averageDepEvents.size() == 2)
        DeltaZ->Fill(averageDepEvents[0].z - averageDepEvents[1].z);
        DeltaE->Fill(averageDepEvents[0].energy - averageDepEvents[1].energy);
        DeltaEvsDeltaZ->Fill(averageDepEvents[0].z - averageDepEvents[1].z,averageDepEvents[0].energy - averageDepEvents[1].energy);
        DeltaR->Fill(sqrt(pow(averageDepEvents[0].x - averageDepEvents[1].x,2)+pow(averageDepEvents[0].y - averageDepEvents[1].y,2)+pow(averageDepEvents[0].z - averageDepEvents[1].z,2)));
        DeltaR_xy->Fill(sqrt(pow(averageDepEvents[0].x - averageDepEvents[1].x,2)+pow(averageDepEvents[0].y - averageDepEvents[1].y,2)));

    //now take only events where energy was deposited in 2 crystals and total energy deposited is around 511KeV
    //very not general, but this is only for testing: choose crystals 28 and 29 (2 crystals on the same mppc)
    //and run only on the 9 relevant mppcs to compute w_near
    // if((crystals[0] == 27 && crystals[1] == 28) | (crystals[0] == 28 && crystals[1] == 27))

    // if(true)
    // std::cout << counter << " " << crystals[0] << " " << crystals[1] << std::endl;
    // if(totalEnergyDeposited > 0.510)
    // {
      // if(crystals.size() == 2)
      // {
      //   firstCrystal[crystals[0]]++;
      //   secondCrystal[crystals[1]]++;
      // }
    // }

    if((crystals[0] == 28 && crystals[1] == 29) /*| (crystals[0] == 29 && crystals[1] == 28)*/)

      if(totalEnergyDeposited > 0.510)
        if(crystals.size() == 2 )

          //consider only non-lateral crystals - not needed if it's restricted to 28 and 29...
          bool isCandidate = true;
          for(int eEvent = 0; eEvent < energyDeposition->size(); eEvent++) //run on energy depositions and check is not on borders
            bool check_b = energyDeposition->at(eEvent).CrystalI < 2 | energyDeposition->at(eEvent).CrystalI > 5 | energyDeposition->at(eEvent).CrystalJ < 2 | energyDeposition->at(eEvent).CrystalJ > 5;
              isCandidate = false;
            //calculate average Z of production in the 2 crystals
            // foundCandidate++;

            //calculate the measured W
            int Measured_pmaxID = 0;
            int Measured_pmax = 0;
            int Measured_pSecond = 0;
            int Measured_totalDetCounts = 0;
            std::vector<int> vToSort;
            for(int i = 0; i < numOfCh ; i++)
              if(i == 1 | i == 2 | i == 3 | i == 5 | i == 6 | i == 7 | i == 9 | i == 10 | i == 11) //just channel 6 (where 28 and 29 are) and surrounding
            std::sort (vToSort.begin(),vToSort.end());
            Measured_pmax = vToSort[vToSort.size()-1];
            Measured_pSecond = vToSort[vToSort.size()-2];

            // {
            //   Measured_totalDetCounts += detector[i];
            //   if(detector[i] > Measured_pmax1)
            //   {
            //     Measured_pmax1 = detector[i];
            //     Measured_pmaxID = i;
            //   }
            // }

            double Measured_w = ((double) Measured_pmax) / ((double)Measured_totalDetCounts);
            // double Measured_w = ((double) Measured_pmax + (double)Measured_pSecond) / (2.0*(double)Measured_totalDetCounts);
            // double Measured_w = ((double) Measured_pmax + (double)Measured_pSecond) / ((double)Measured_totalDetCounts);
            double RatioW = 0.0;
            double RatioF = 0.0;

            //compute k

            // we have u v coordinates for this event (floodx and floody)
            // we roughly measured the center of the two spots,
            // P28 = (-1.087,1.17) - P29 = (-1.087,1.97)
            // now we should calculate the line connecting the two spots in u,v, then the normal, then intersection and bla bla.
            // but we took same x for the two points, so the only coordinate that matters is y
            double SpotsDistance = 1.97 - 1.17;
            // std::cout << floodx << " "<<  floody << std::endl;
            double kDistance = fabs(floody - 1.97);// 28 is 0, 29 is 1 - but maybe i've inverted. whatever
            double Measured_k = kDistance/SpotsDistance;

            std::vector<double> totalEnergyPerCrystal;
            std::vector<double> averageZ;
            std::vector<double> normalizedZ;
            std::vector<double> wi;
            std::vector<double> ratio;
            std::vector<long int> Fi;
            std::vector<long int> Bi;
            std::vector<double> pmax_i;
            std::vector<double> ui;
            std::vector<double> vi;

            for(int j = 0 ; j < crystals.size() ; j++) // we are in a specific crystal
              double temp_totalEnergyPerCrystal = 0.0;
              for(int eEvent = 0; eEvent < energyDeposition->size(); eEvent++)

                if(energyDeposition->at(eEvent).CrystalID == crystals[j])
                temp_totalEnergyPerCrystal += energyDeposition->at(eEvent).EnergyDeposited;

              double temp_averageZ = 0.0;
              for(int eEvent = 0; eEvent < energyDeposition->size(); eEvent++)
                if(energyDeposition->at(eEvent).CrystalID == crystals[j])
                temp_averageZ += (energyDeposition->at(eEvent).DepositionZ *  energyDeposition->at(eEvent).EnergyDeposited)/temp_totalEnergyPerCrystal;

              // now on opticals
              // 1.is averageZ correlated to Fi/(Fi+Bi)?
              // count Fi and Bi for this crystal

              // 2. next, is wi correlated with ratio (actually are they the same?)?
              // so calculate wi
              // divide opticals on the basis of origin crystal
              // count the photons detected by each detector for both origins
              // compute the two wi
              long int temp_Fi = 0;
              long int temp_Bi = 0;
              short detectorSorted[numOfCh];
              for(int iDet = 0; iDet < numOfCh ;iDet++)
                detectorSorted[iDet] = 0;

              for(int oEvent = 0; oEvent < photons->size(); oEvent++)
                // calc origin crystal ID
                int OriginCrystalID = photons->at(oEvent).OriginCrystalI * 8 +  photons->at(oEvent).OriginCrystalJ;
                if(OriginCrystalID == crystals[j])
                  if(photons->at(oEvent).ExitFace == 1)
                  if(photons->at(oEvent).ExitFace == 2)
                  //the array of detectors
                  // std::cout << photons->at(oEvent).PositionX << " "<< (int) ((photons->at(oEvent).PositionX + 6.3) /  3.2) << std::endl;
                  int iDetector = (int) ((photons->at(oEvent).PositionX + 6.3) /  3.2);
                  int jDetector = (int) ((photons->at(oEvent).PositionY + 6.3) /  3.2);
                  int detectorID = iDetector * 4 +  jDetector;

              int pmaxID = 0;
              int pmax = 0;
              int totalDetCounts = 0;
              int allDetCounts = 0;
              double temp_floodx = 0;
              double temp_floody = 0;

              for(int i = 0; i < numOfCh ; i++)
                if(i == 1 | i == 2 | i == 3 | i == 5 | i == 6 | i == 7 | i == 9 | i == 10 | i == 11) //just channel 6 (where 28 and 29 are) and surrounding
                  totalDetCounts += detectorSorted[i];


                allDetCounts += detectorSorted[i];
                temp_floodx += xmppc[i]*detectorSorted[i];
                temp_floody += ymppc[i]*detectorSorted[i];

                if(detectorSorted[i] > pmax)
                  pmax = detectorSorted[i];
                  pmaxID = i;
              temp_floodx = temp_floodx/( (double) allDetCounts);
              temp_floody = temp_floody/( (double) allDetCounts);
              double temp_wi = ((double) pmax) / ((double)totalDetCounts);
              double temp_ratio = ((double) temp_Fi)/((double) temp_Fi+ (double) temp_Bi);
              normalizedZ.push_back((temp_averageZ + 7.5) / 15.0);
              // RatioW += (wi * totalEnergyPerCrystal) / totalEnergyDeposited;


            bool doubleAccepted = true;
            for(int countCry = 0; countCry < wi.size() ;countCry++ )
              if(totalEnergyPerCrystal[countCry] < 0.05) doubleAccepted = false;
              RatioF = ((double) Fi[0])/(( (double) Fi[0])+( (double) Fi[1]));
              double RatioP = ((double) pmax_i[0])/(((double) pmax_i[0])+( (double) pmax_i[1]));
              double RatioU = (totalEnergyPerCrystal[0] * ui[0] + totalEnergyPerCrystal[1] * ui[1] )/ totalEnergyDeposited;
              double RatioV = (totalEnergyPerCrystal[0] * vi[0] + totalEnergyPerCrystal[1] * vi[1] )/ totalEnergyDeposited;
              for(int countCry = 0; countCry < wi.size() ;countCry++ )
                RatioW += (wi[countCry] * totalEnergyPerCrystal[countCry]) / totalEnergyDeposited;
                // std::cout << pmax_i[countCry] << " " << Fi[countCry] << std::endl;


    if(totalEnergyDeposited > 0.510)
      if(crystals.size() == 1) singleCounter++;
      if(crystals.size() == 2) doubleCounter++;
      if(crystals.size() == 3) tripleCounter++;
      if(crystals.size() > 3)  multipleCounter++;
    // std::cout << "Event " << iEvent << " - Dep in crystals = " << crystals.size() << std::endl;

    //calculate the average x and y deposition position
    // double averageX = 0;
    // double averageY = 0;
    // double energyColumnSum = 0;
    // double energyRowSum = 0;
    // for(int i = 0; i < nCrystals ; i++)
    // {
    //   for (int j = 0 ; j < pEdep[i]->size() ; j++)
    //   {
    //     energyRowSum    += px[i]->at(j) * pEdep[i]->at(j);
    //     energyColumnSum += py[i]->at(j) * pEdep[i]->at(j);
    //   }
    // }
    // averageX = energyRowSum / totalEnergyDeposited;
    // averageY = energyColumnSum / totalEnergyDeposited ;
    // positions->Fill(averageX,averageY);

    // ExtendedTimeTag = 1e-9;
    // DeltaTimeTag = 1e-9;
    // NumbOfInteractions = 0;
    // CrystalsHit = 0;
    // for(int i = 0; i < numOfCh ; i++)
    // {
    //   //convert to ADC channels, as if it was data from a digitizer
    //   //mppc gain = 1.25e6
    //   //adc channel binning 156e-15 C
    //   double adcCh = detector[i]*1.25e6*1.6e-19/156e-15;
    //   charge[i*2] = (Short_t) adcCh;
    // }
    // RealX = RealY = RealZ = 0;
    // // calculate a weigthed energy deposition in x,y,z
    // for(int i = 0; i < numOfCry ; i++) //first total energy deposited
    // {
    //   NumbOfInteractions += px[i]->size();
    //   if(px[i]->size()) CrystalsHit++;
    //   for(int j = 0; j < px[i]->size(); j++)
    //   {
    //     RealX += (px[i]->at(j) * pEdep[i]->at(j))/totalEnergyDeposited;
    //   }
    //   for(int j = 0; j < px[i]->size(); j++)
    //   {
    //     RealY += (py[i]->at(j) * pEdep[i]->at(j))/totalEnergyDeposited;
    //   }
    //   for(int j = 0; j < px[i]->size(); j++)
    //   {
    //     RealZ += (pz[i]->at(j) * pEdep[i]->at(j))/totalEnergyDeposited;
    //   }
    // }
    // if(NumbOfInteractions > 0) // discard events with no energy deposition (they would never trigger the detectors anyway..)
    // {
    //   t1->Fill();
    // }

    // std::cout << std::endl;
    // std::cout << "============================================"<< std::endl;
    // std::cout << std::endl;

    int perc = ((100*counter)/nEntries); //should strictly have not decimal part, written like this...
    if( (perc % 10) == 0 )
      std::cout << "\r";
      std::cout << perc << "% done... ";
      //std::cout << counter << std::endl;


  std::cout << std::endl;
  // int sumFirst = 0;
  // int sumSecond = 0;
  // for (int i = 0 ; i < 64; i++)
  // {
  //   std::cout << "First["<< i <<  "] = " << firstCrystal[i] << std::endl;
  //   std::cout << "Second["<< i <<  "] = " << secondCrystal[i] << std::endl;
  //   sumFirst += firstCrystal[i];
  //   sumSecond += secondCrystal[i];
  // }
  // std::cout << "sumFirst = " << sumFirst << " sumSecond = " << sumSecond << std::endl;
  std::cout << "1 cry [511 KeV deposition] events = "    << singleCounter << std::endl;
  std::cout << "2 cry [511 KeV deposition] events = "    << doubleCounter << std::endl;
  std::cout << "3 cry [511 KeV deposition] events = "    << tripleCounter << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Multi cry [511 KeV deposition] events = "<< multipleCounter << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Returned = " << globalReturned << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Candidates = "<< foundCandidate << std::endl;

  TF1 *line = new TF1("line","x",-7,7);
  TF1 *line2 = new TF1("line2","x",0,2000);

  std::string outFile = "FileOut.root";
  TFile* fOut = new TFile(outFile.c_str(),"recreate");

  TCanvas *C_flood = new TCanvas("C_flood","C_flood",800,800);
  TCanvas *C_averageZvsRatio = new TCanvas("C_averageZvsRatio","C_averageZvsRatio",800,800);

  TCanvas *C_normalizedZvsRatio = new TCanvas("C_normalizedZvsRatio","C_normalizedZvsRatio",800,800);

  TCanvas *C_averageZvsWi = new TCanvas("C_averageZvsWi","C_averageZvsWi",800,800);

  TCanvas *C_wivsRatio = new TCanvas("C_wivsRatio","C_wivsRatio",800,800);

  TCanvas *C_wMeasuredvsRatioW = new TCanvas("C_wMeasuredvsRatioW","C_wMeasuredvsRatioW",800,800);

  TCanvas *C_uMeasuredVsRatioU = new TCanvas("C_uMeasuredVsRatioU","C_uMeasuredVsRatioU",800,800);

  TCanvas *C_vMeasuredVsRatioV = new TCanvas("C_vMeasuredVsRatioV","C_vMeasuredVsRatioV",800,800);

  TCanvas *C_kMeasuredvsRatioF = new TCanvas("C_kMeasuredvsRatioF","C_kMeasuredvsRatioF",800,800);

  TCanvas *C_kMeasuredvsPmaxi = new TCanvas("C_kMeasuredvsPmaxi","C_kMeasuredvsPmaxi",800,800);

  TCanvas *C_pmaxiVsRatioF = new TCanvas("C_pmaxiVsRatioF","C_pmaxiVsRatioF",800,800);

  // t1->Write();

  //   f1->Close();

  // std::string outFile = "analysis_OUT.root";
  // TFile* fOut = new TFile(outFile.c_str(),"recreate");

  // flood->Write();
  // positions->Write();
  //   f1->Close();


  return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: simToPet.cpp プロジェクト: marcopizzichemi/Macros
int main (int argc, char** argv)
  gROOT->ProcessLine("#include <vector>"); //needed by ROOT to deal with standard vectors

  //HACK to use the dictionary easily
  std::string fullFileName = "";
  // Code taken from: http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=459511
  std::string path = "";
  pid_t pid = getpid();
  char buf[20] = {0};
  std::string _link = "/proc/";
  _link.append( buf );
  _link.append( "/exe");
  char proc[512];
  int ch = readlink(_link.c_str(),proc,512);
  if (ch != -1) {
    proc[ch] = 0;
    path = proc;
    std::string::size_type t = path.find_last_of("/");
    path = path.substr(0,t);
  fullFileName = path + std::string("/");
  //now even worse, assuming the executable is in build and the .C macro in code
  // std::string command = ".L " + fullFileName.substr(0,fullFileName.size()-7) + "/code/structDictionary.C+";
  std::string command = ".L " + fullFileName + "structDictionary.C+";
  // std::cout << fullFileName << std::endl;
  // std::cout << "command " << command << std::endl;

  // Input Files
  TChain *tree =  new TChain("tree"); // read input files
  for (int i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++)
    std::cout << "Adding file " << argv[i] << std::endl;
  // find the number of channels directly from the tchain file
  // before creating the variables
  // first, get the list of leaves
  TObjArray *leavescopy = tree->GetListOfLeaves();
  int nLeaves = leavescopy->GetEntries();
  std::vector<std::string> leavesName;
  // fill a vector with the leaves names
  for(int i = 0 ; i < nLeaves ; i++)
  // count the entries that start with "ch"
  int numOfCh = 0;
  // int numOfCry = 0;
  std::string det_prefix("detector");
  // std::string cry_prefix("cry");
  for(int i = 0 ; i < nLeaves ; i++)
    //     leavesName.push_back(leavescopy->At(i)->GetName());
    if (!leavesName[i].compare(0, det_prefix.size(), det_prefix))
    // if (!leavesName[i].compare(0, cry_prefix.size(), cry_prefix))
    // numOfCry++;
  //the string "cry" appears 4 times per crystal..
  // numOfCry = numOfCry / 4;
  std::cout << "Detector Channels \t= " << numOfCh << std::endl;
  // std::cout << "Number of Crystals \t= "<< numOfCry << std::endl;

  // Input TTree

  //create the branches in the input ttree and connect to the variables

  // global variables
  // these are 1 number per TTree entry - so 1 number per gamma shot
  Long64_t Seed;                      // seed of the simulation (read every time, but always the same)
  int Run;                            // run id (usually just 1)(read every time, but always the same)
  int Event;                          // event id
  float totalEnergyDeposited;         // total energy deposited in this event, in all the matrix
  int NumOptPhotons;                  // number of optical photons generated in this event, in the entire matrix
  int NumCherenkovPhotons;            // number of Cherenkov photons generated in this event, in the entire matrix

  // energy deposition, each gamma 511 event has a std::vector of struct (type enDep) with all the data of each energy deposition
  std::vector<enDep> *energyDeposition = 0;

  // Total number of photons detected in this event
  // for each TTree entry, a simple number saying how many optical photons entered that
  // specific detector, passed the PDE check and where "detected" (i.e. saved)
  Short_t  *detector;
  detector = new Short_t [numOfCh];

  // optical photons. for each gamma 511 event, every optical photon detected is a struct of type optPhot. a std::vector<optPhot> is saved for each gamma 511
  std::vector<optPhot> *photons = 0;

  // Set Branch Addresses


  for (int i = 0 ; i < numOfCh ; i++)
    std::stringstream snames;
    snames << "detector" << i;

  //output ttree

  std::string outFileName = "treeout.root"; //+ std::string(argv[1]);
  //output ttree
  long long int DeltaTimeTag,ExtendedTimeTag;

  Short_t *charge; //adc type
  charge = new Short_t[numOfCh];
  Float_t RealX,RealY,RealZ;
  Short_t CrystalsHit;
  Short_t NumbOfInteractions;

  TTree* t1 = new TTree("adc","adc");

  t1->Branch("ExtendedTimeTag",&ExtendedTimeTag,"ExtendedTimeTag/l"); 	//absolute time tag of the event
  t1->Branch("DeltaTimeTag",&DeltaTimeTag,"DeltaTimeTag/l"); 			//delta time from previous event
  //branches of the channels data
  for (int i = 0 ; i < numOfCh ; i++)
    //empty the stringstreams
    std::stringstream snames,stypes;
    charge[i] = 0;
    snames << "ch" << i;
    stypes << "ch" << i << "/S";

  //             LOOP ON EVENTS             //
  long int counter = 0;
  int nEntries = tree->GetEntries();
  std::cout << "nEntries = " << nEntries << std::endl;

  for(int iEvent = 0; iEvent < nEntries ; iEvent++)

    ExtendedTimeTag = 1e-9;
    DeltaTimeTag = 1e-9;

    NumbOfInteractions = 0;
    CrystalsHit = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < numOfCh ; i++)
      //convert to ADC channels, as if it was data from a digitizer
      //mppc gain = 1.25e6
      //adc channel binning 156e-15 C
      double adcCh = detector[i]*1.25e6*1.6e-19/156e-15;
      charge[i] = (Short_t) adcCh; //potentially truncation error?

    RealX = RealY = RealZ = 0;

    NumbOfInteractions = energyDeposition->size();

    std::vector<int> crystals;
    for(int eEvent = 0; eEvent < energyDeposition->size(); eEvent++)// run on energy depositions for this gamma event
      // -- counting the crystals where energy was deposited in this event
      //read the crystal where energy was deposited
      int cry = energyDeposition->at(eEvent).CrystalID;
      //loop in the crystals found
      //look for the same id
      bool sameID = false;
      for(int j = 0 ; j < crystals.size(); j++)
        if(crystals[j] == cry) sameID = true;
      if(!sameID) crystals.push_back(cry);  // add the crystal if it was not already counted as hit

      // -- calculate the average coordinate of energy deposition

	      // RealX += (px[i]->at(j) * pEdep[i]->at(j))/totalEnergyDeposited;
      RealX += (energyDeposition->at(eEvent).DepositionX * energyDeposition->at(eEvent).EnergyDeposited)/totalEnergyDeposited;
      RealY += (energyDeposition->at(eEvent).DepositionY * energyDeposition->at(eEvent).EnergyDeposited)/totalEnergyDeposited;
      RealZ += (energyDeposition->at(eEvent).DepositionZ * energyDeposition->at(eEvent).EnergyDeposited)/totalEnergyDeposited;

    CrystalsHit = crystals.size();

    // calculate a weigthed energy deposition in x,y,z
    // for(int i = 0; i < numOfCry ; i++) //first total energy deposited
    // {
    //   NumbOfInteractions += px[i]->size();
    //   if(px[i]->size()) CrystalsHit++;
    //   for(int j = 0; j < px[i]->size(); j++)
    //   {
    //     RealX += (px[i]->at(j) * pEdep[i]->at(j))/totalEnergyDeposited;
    //   }
    //   for(int j = 0; j < px[i]->size(); j++)
    //   {
    //     RealY += (py[i]->at(j) * pEdep[i]->at(j))/totalEnergyDeposited;
    //   }
    //   for(int j = 0; j < px[i]->size(); j++)
    //   {
    //     RealZ += (pz[i]->at(j) * pEdep[i]->at(j))/totalEnergyDeposited;
    //   }
    // }

    if(NumbOfInteractions > 0) // discard events with no energy deposition (they would never trigger the detectors anyway..)


    int perc = ((100*counter)/nEntries); //should strictly have not decimal part, written like this...
    if( (perc % 10) == 0 )
      std::cout << "\r";
      std::cout << perc << "% done... ";
      //std::cout << counter << std::endl;


  // std::cout << std::endl;
  // std::cout << "1 cry [511 KeV deposition] events = "    << singleCounter << std::endl;
  // std::cout << "2 cry [511 KeV deposition] events = "    << doubleCounter << std::endl;
  // std::cout << "3 cry [511 KeV deposition] events = "    << tripleCounter << std::endl;
  // std::cout << "Multi cry [511 KeV deposition] events = "<< multipleCounter << std::endl;
  // std::cout << "Candidates = "<< foundCandidate << std::endl;
  // TF1 *line = new TF1("line","x",-7,7);
  // line->SetLineColor(kRed);
  // TF1 *line2 = new TF1("line2","x",0,2000);
  // line2->SetLineColor(kRed);
  // std::string outFile = "FileOut.root";
  // TFile* fOut = new TFile(outFile.c_str(),"recreate");
  // TCanvas *C_flood = new TCanvas("C_flood","C_flood",800,800);
  // flood->Draw("COLZ");
  // C_flood->Write();
  // TCanvas *C_averageZvsRatio = new TCanvas("C_averageZvsRatio","C_averageZvsRatio",800,800);
  // C_averageZvsRatio->cd();
  // averageZvsRatio->Draw();
  // C_averageZvsRatio->Write();
  // TCanvas *C_normalizedZvsRatio = new TCanvas("C_normalizedZvsRatio","C_normalizedZvsRatio",800,800);
  // C_normalizedZvsRatio->cd();
  // normalizedZvsRatio->Draw();
  // C_normalizedZvsRatio->Write();
  // TCanvas *C_averageZvsWi = new TCanvas("C_averageZvsWi","C_averageZvsWi",800,800);
  // C_averageZvsWi->cd();
  // averageZvsWi->Draw();
  // C_averageZvsWi->Write();
  // TCanvas *C_wivsRatio = new TCanvas("C_wivsRatio","C_wivsRatio",800,800);
  // C_wivsRatio->cd();
  // wivsRatio->Draw();
  // line->Draw("same");
  // C_wivsRatio->Write();
  // TCanvas *C_wMeasuredvsRatioW = new TCanvas("C_wMeasuredvsRatioW","C_wMeasuredvsRatioW",800,800);
  // C_wMeasuredvsRatioW->cd();
  // wMeasuredvsRatioW->Draw();
  // line->Draw("same");
  // C_wMeasuredvsRatioW->Write();
  // TCanvas *C_uMeasuredVsRatioU = new TCanvas("C_uMeasuredVsRatioU","C_uMeasuredVsRatioU",800,800);
  // C_uMeasuredVsRatioU->cd();
  // uMeasuredVsRatioU->Draw();
  // line->Draw("same");
  // C_uMeasuredVsRatioU->Write();
  // TCanvas *C_vMeasuredVsRatioV = new TCanvas("C_vMeasuredVsRatioV","C_vMeasuredVsRatioV",800,800);
  // C_vMeasuredVsRatioV->cd();
  // vMeasuredVsRatioV->Draw();
  // line->Draw("same");
  // C_vMeasuredVsRatioV->Write();
  // TCanvas *C_kMeasuredvsRatioF = new TCanvas("C_kMeasuredvsRatioF","C_kMeasuredvsRatioF",800,800);
  // C_kMeasuredvsRatioF->cd();
  // kMeasuredvsRatioF->Draw();
  // line->Draw("same");
  // C_kMeasuredvsRatioF->Write();
  // TCanvas *C_kMeasuredvsPmaxi = new TCanvas("C_kMeasuredvsPmaxi","C_kMeasuredvsPmaxi",800,800);
  // C_kMeasuredvsPmaxi->cd();
  // kMeasuredvsPmaxi->Draw();
  // line->Draw("same");
  // C_kMeasuredvsPmaxi->Write();
  // TCanvas *C_pmaxiVsRatioF = new TCanvas("C_pmaxiVsRatioF","C_pmaxiVsRatioF",800,800);
  // C_pmaxiVsRatioF->cd();
  // pmaxiVsRatioF->Draw();
  // line2->Draw("same");
  // C_pmaxiVsRatioF->Write();

  // t1->Write();

  //   f1->Close();

  // std::string outFile = "analysis_OUT.root";
  // TFile* fOut = new TFile(outFile.c_str(),"recreate");

  // flood->Write();
  // positions->Write();
  //   f1->Close();
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Writing output to file "<< outFileName << std::endl;

  TFile* fOut = new TFile(outFileName.c_str(),"recreate");


  return 0;