コード例 #1
ファイル: PhaseSpace.C プロジェクト: Y--/root
void PhaseSpace() {

   if (!gROOT->GetClass("TGenPhaseSpace")) gSystem->Load("libPhysics");

   TLorentzVector target(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.938);
   TLorentzVector beam(0.0, 0.0, .65, .65);
   TLorentzVector W = beam + target;

   //(Momentum, Energy units are Gev/C, GeV)
   Double_t masses[3] = { 0.938, 0.139, 0.139} ;

   TGenPhaseSpace event;
   event.SetDecay(W, 3, masses);

   TH2F *h2 = new TH2F("h2","h2", 50,1.1,1.8, 50,1.1,1.8);

   for (Int_t n=0;n<100000;n++) {
      Double_t weight = event.Generate();

      TLorentzVector *pProton = event.GetDecay(0);

      TLorentzVector *pPip    = event.GetDecay(1);
      TLorentzVector *pPim    = event.GetDecay(2);

      TLorentzVector pPPip = *pProton + *pPip;
      TLorentzVector pPPim = *pProton + *pPim;

      h2->Fill(pPPip.M2() ,pPPim.M2() ,weight);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Program.cpp プロジェクト: drewsberry/Psi-Decays
Int_t Program::Code()
    /* Note that TFGenPhaseSpace, as per LHCb standard, is in GeV. Hence all the
    * calculations and graphs hereonin are in GeV. */

    if (!gROOT->GetClass("TGenPhaseSpace"))
        gSystem->Load("libPhysics"); // get and load TGenPhaseSpace class
    psiInvMass = new TH1F("#psi(3770) Decay",
            "#psi(3770) Meson Decay;m(D^{0}#bar{D^{0}}) [GeV/c^{2}];",
            50, 3, 4);
    // Initialise histogram for plot later
    TLorentzVector Psi_3770(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, PSIMASS);
    // Parent Psi 4-momentum in rest frame
    Double_t masses[2] = { DMASS, DMASS };
    // Product particle mass array
    TGenPhaseSpace event; // Declare event of type class TGenPhaseSpace
    event.SetDecay(Psi_3770, 2, masses); // Set up decay parents and products
    for (Int_t n = 0; n < 1000000; n++) // Loop 100,000 times
        Double_t        weight         = event.Generate();
        // Produce weighting for each event
        TLorentzVector  *D_0           = event.GetDecay(0);
        TLorentzVector  *D_0bar        = event.GetDecay(1);
        // Get product 4-vectors from GteDecay()
        TLorentzVector  D_0D_0bar      = *D_0 + *D_0bar;
        // Add 4-vectors together, for purpose of calculating invariant mass
        psiInvMass->Fill(D_0D_0bar.M(), weight);
        // Fill histogram with invariant mass
    TCanvas* PsiInvMassCanv = new TCanvas("PsiInvMassCanv", "PsiInvMassCanv", 500, 500);

    delete PsiInvMassCanv;
    delete psiInvMass;

    return 0;
コード例 #3
void drawing_pion_decay(){

	double Pi_lifetime = 0.26033e-6; //s
	double c = 3e8;//m/s
	TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("test", "test");
	TRandom *r = new TRandom();

	TView *view = TView::CreateView(1, 0, 0);
	view->SetRange(-5, -5, 0, 5, 5, 10);

	for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
		double px = 0.3;
		double py = 0.3;
		double pz = -1; // GeV
		double energy = sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz+M_pion*M_pion);
		//life time
		double t = r->Exp(Pi_lifetime);
		//decay length
		double gamma = energy/M_pion;
		double length = c*t*gamma/1e3;
		// decay position
		double vx = 0;
		double vy = 0;
		double vz = 10 - length;

		TLorentzVector pion(px, py, pz, energy);

		double decay_particle_mass[2] = {M_muon, M_neu};
		TGenPhaseSpace event;
		event.SetDecay(pion, 2, decay_particle_mass);

		TLorentzVector Muon = *(event.GetDecay(0));
		TLorentzVector Neu = *(event.GetDecay(1));
		plot_particle(Muon, vx, vy, vz, 2);
		plot_particle(Neu, vx, vy, vz, 4);


コード例 #4
ファイル: .C プロジェクト: TuringTW/ntu_2015_fall
void recursive_inter_with_air(){
	TFile *f1 = new TFile("muon.root", "recreate");
	TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("test", "test", 600, 700);

	TH1F * mu_c_1 = new TH1F("mu_c_1", "mu_c_1", 100, 0, 500);
	TH1F * mu_c_2 = new TH1F("mu_c_2", "mu_c_2", 100, 0, 500);
	TH1F * mu_c_3 = new TH1F("mu_c_3", "mu_c_3", 100, 0, 500);

	fn_muon_dxde = new TF1("f1", dxde_muon, M_mu, 1000, 1);
	TNtuple * ntuple = new TNtuple("ntuple", "ntuple", "nobs:detz:theta:press");
	// TNtuple *ntuple = new TNtuple("ntuple", "ntuple", "id:flag:e:px:py:pz:x:y:z");
	r = new TRandom();
	// r ->SetSeed(12232);
	for (int ievertex_nt = 0; ievertex_nt < 500; ievertex_nt++)
		n_particle = 0;

		// init muon conunter
		int mu_counter1 = 0;
		int mu_counter2 = 0;
		int mu_counter3 = 0;

		double E = 1000; // GeV
		double theta = 0;
		// double theta = acos(r->Rndm());
		double phi = r->Rndm()*pi*2;
		double x = 0, y = 0, z = 1.0e10; //infinity
		double vertex_z, vertex_x, vertex_y; //km


		Get_Int_Posi(pdg_proton_p, theta, phi, x, y, z, vertex_x, vertex_y, vertex_z);

		Hillas_Split(pdg_proton_p, E, theta, phi, vertex_x, vertex_y, vertex_z);

		double proton_threshold = 10;
		double pion_threshold = 10;
		int i_particle = 0;
		while(i_particle < n_particle){
			int id = Ptcl_bank[i_particle].id;
			int flag = Ptcl_bank[i_particle].flag;
			double e = Ptcl_bank[i_particle].e;
			double x = Ptcl_bank[i_particle].vertex_x;
			double y = Ptcl_bank[i_particle].vertex_y;
			double z = Ptcl_bank[i_particle].vertex_z;
			if (id == pdg_proton_p && flag == 1 && e > proton_threshold)
				Get_Int_Posi(id, theta, phi, x, y, z, vertex_x, vertex_y, vertex_z);
				if (vertex_z > 0)
					Hillas_Split(id, e, theta, phi, vertex_x, vertex_y, vertex_z);
					Ptcl_bank[i_particle].flag = 0;
			if (id == pdg_pion_p &&flag == 1){

				Get_Int_Posi(id, theta, phi, x, y, z, vertex_x, vertex_y, vertex_z)	;			
				double l_to_interaction = sqrt((vertex_x-x)*(vertex_x-x)+(vertex_y-y)*(vertex_y-y)+(vertex_z-z)*(vertex_z-z));
				double l_to_decay = get_decay_length(pdg_pion_p, tau_pion, e);
				if (l_to_decay>l_to_interaction){
					if (vertex_z > 0){
						Hillas_Split(id, e, theta, phi, vertex_x, vertex_y, vertex_z);
						Ptcl_bank[i_particle].flag = 0;
				}else{ // pion decay
					Ptcl_bank[i_particle].flag = 0;
					double px = Ptcl_bank[i_particle].px;
					double py = Ptcl_bank[i_particle].py;
					double pz = Ptcl_bank[i_particle].pz; // GeV
					TLorentzVector pion(px, py, pz, e);
					double decay_particle_mass[2] = {M_mu, M_neu};
					TGenPhaseSpace event;
					event.SetDecay(pion, 2, decay_particle_mass);
					TLorentzVector Muon = *(event.GetDecay(0));
					TLorentzVector Neu = *(event.GetDecay(1));

					double mu_theta = Muon.Theta();
					double mu_phi = Muon.Phi();
					if (mu_theta>pi/2.)	{
						double mu_E = Muon.E();
						double muon_decay_time = r ->Exp(tau_muon);
						double muon_decay_length = get_decay_length(pdg_muon_n, tau_muon, mu_E);

						float det_x = 0;
						float det_y = 0;
						float det_z = 0;
						double l_mu_vtx_to_det = sqrt(pow(vertex_x-det_x,2)+pow(vertex_y-det_y,2)+pow(vertex_z-det_z,2));
						// cout << "MuE" << mu_E << " Mass" <<M_mu<< " dl" << muon_decay_length << " lvd" << l_mu_vtx_to_det << endl;
						if (muon_decay_length > l_mu_vtx_to_det)	

							double mu_stop_x;
							double mu_stop_y;
							double mu_stop_z;

							get_muon_stop_position(mu_E, mu_theta, mu_phi, vertex_x, vertex_y, vertex_z, mu_stop_x, mu_stop_y, mu_stop_z);
							double l_muon_stop = sqrt(pow(vertex_x-mu_stop_x,2)+pow(vertex_y-mu_stop_y,2)+pow(vertex_z-mu_stop_z,2));
							// cout << l_muon_stop << " " << l_mu_vtx_to_det <<endl;
							if (l_muon_stop > l_mu_vtx_to_det)
		mu_c_1 ->Fill(mu_counter1);
		mu_c_2 ->Fill(mu_counter2);
		mu_c_3 ->Fill(mu_counter3);

		// for (int i_particle = 0; i_particle < n_particle; ++i_particle){
		// 	int id = Ptcl_bank[i_particle].id;
		// 	int flag = Ptcl_bank[i_particle].flag;
		// 	double e = Ptcl_bank[i_particle].e;
		// 	double px = Ptcl_bank[i_particle].px;
		// 	double py = Ptcl_bank[i_particle].py;
		// 	double pz = Ptcl_bank[i_particle].pz;
		// 	double x = Ptcl_bank[i_particle].vertex_x;
		// 	double y = Ptcl_bank[i_particle].vertex_y;
		// 	double z = Ptcl_bank[i_particle].vertex_z;
		// 	ntuple->Fill(id, flag, e, px, py, pz, x, y, z);
		// }

	mu_c_3 ->Draw();
	mu_c_2 ->SetLineColor(2);
	mu_c_2 ->Draw("same");
	mu_c_1 ->SetLineColor(4);
	mu_c_1 ->Draw("same");
	// ntuple->Draw("z");
コード例 #5
 * The main function.
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	int seed = 1234;
	string output_filename("JakeFitResult.root");
	string output_directory("./executables/DalitzFit/");
	string input_filename("JPSIPSMC.ACC.root");
	string input_directory("./executables/DalitzFit/");
	string output_file_suffix("");
	if (argc > 1)
		output_directory = argv[1];
	if (argc > 2)
		output_filename = argv[2];
	if (argc > 3)
		input_directory = argv[3];
	if (argc > 4)
		input_filename = argv[4];
	if (argc > 5)
		seed = atoi(argv[5]);
	if (argc > 6)
		output_file_suffix = argv[6];

	// create correct output file name
	boost::filesystem::path input_file(input_filename);
	string input_file_path = input_directory + "/" + input_filename;
	if (output_file_suffix != "")
		input_file_path = input_directory + "/" + input_file.stem().string()
				+ "_" + output_file_suffix + input_file.extension().string();

	Logging log("log", boost::log::trivial::debug); //initialize logging

	BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<< "  ComPWA Copyright (C) 2013  Mathias Michel ";
	BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<< "  This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see license.txt";
	BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<< std::endl;

	DalitzKinematics* kin =
					"jpsi", "gamma", "pi0", "pi0"));

	//DPKinematics kin("J/psi","gamma","pi0","pi0");
	//DPKinematics kin("D0","gamma","K-","K+");
	//static dataPoint* point = dataPoint::instance(kin);

	bool useFctTree = false, resultGen = true;

	const char* pPath = getenv("COMPWA_DIR");
	std::string path = "";
	try {
		path = std::string(pPath);
	} catch (std::logic_error& ex) {
		BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error)<<"Environment Variable COMPWA_DIR not set?"<<std::endl;

	std::string resoFile = path + "/executables/DalitzFit/Jake_ypipi.xml";
	boost::property_tree::ptree pt;
	read_xml(resoFile, pt, boost::property_tree::xml_parser::trim_whitespace);
	auto fitAmpPtr = new AmpSumIntensity("amp",normStyle::none,
			std::shared_ptr<Efficiency>(new UnitEfficiency()), nFitEvents);
	std::shared_ptr<Amplitude> amps( fitAmpPtr );

	BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<< "Load Modules";
    std::string file = "executables/DalitzFit/JPSIDATA.ACC.root";
    std::shared_ptr<JakeReader> myReader(
        new JakeReader(file, "kin"));
	//std::shared_ptr<RootReader> myReader(
			//new RootReader(input_file_path, "data"));
	myReader->resetWeights(); //setting weights to 1
	std::shared_ptr<JakeReader> myPHSPReader(
			new JakeReader(input_file_path, "kin"));
	myPHSPReader->setEfficiency(shared_ptr<Efficiency>(new UnitEfficiency())); //setting efficiency to 1

	//std::shared_ptr<Amplitude> amps(new AmpSumIntensity(M, Br, m1, m2, m3,"J/psi","gamma","pi0","pi0", ini));
	// Initiate parameters
	ParameterList par;
	std::shared_ptr<Optimizer::ControlParameter> esti;
	amps->FillParameterList(par); //perfect startvalues
	esti = MinLogLH::createInstance(amps, myReader, myPHSPReader, nStartEvent,
	MinLogLH* contrPar = dynamic_cast<MinLogLH*>(&*(esti->Instance()));
	std::shared_ptr<FunctionTree> tree;
	if (useFctTree) {
		tree = contrPar->getTree();

	//  if(useFctTree){//using tree?
	//    esti = MinLogLH::createInstance(amps, myReader, myPHSPReader, nStartEvent, nFitEvents);
	//  }else{
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug)<<"allMasses: try to get MassContainer...";
	//    allMasses myEvtMasses(myReader->getMasses(nStartEvent,nFitEvents));
	//    allMasses myPhspMasses(myPHSPReader->getMasses(nStartEvent,nFitEvents));
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug)<<"EvtMasses: "<< myEvtMasses.nEvents <<" events and "<< myEvtMasses.nInvMasses <<" inv masses";
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug)<<"PHSPMasses: "<< myPhspMasses.nEvents <<" events and "<< myPhspMasses.nInvMasses <<" inv masses";
	////    physicsTree = amps->functionTree(myPhspMasses,myEvtMasses);
	//    allMasses emptyMasses;
	////    amps->iniFunctionTree(myEvtMasses,myPhspMasses,emptyMasses);
	////    physicsTree = amps->getPhysicsTree();
	//    if(!physicsTree){
	//      BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error)<<"Physics Trees not setup correctly, quitting";
	//      return 0;
	//    }
	////    phspTree = amps->getPhspTree();
	//    if(!phspTree){
	//      BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error)<<"Phsp Trees not setup correctly, quitting";
	//      return 0;
	//    }
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug)<<"Check Trees: ";
	//    if(!physicsTree->sanityCheck()) return 0;
	//    if(!phspTree->sanityCheck()) return 0;
	//    //BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<<physicsTree<<std::endl;
	//    //BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<<phspTree<<std::endl;
	//    physicsTree->recalculate();
	//    phspTree->recalculate();
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug)<<physicsTree<<std::endl;
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug)<<phspTree<<std::endl;
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug)<<"Evt Tree: "<<(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<DoubleParameter>(physicsTree->head()->getValue()))->GetValue();
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug)<<"Phsp Tree: "<<(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<DoubleParameter>(phspTree->head()->getValue()))->GetValue();
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<<"Trees are set up"<<std::endl;
	//    esti = MinLogLH::createInstance(physicsTree, phspTree, myEvtMasses.nEvents);

	//    dataPoint myPoint(myReader->getEvent(0));
	//    std::shared_ptr<TreeNode> LogNode = (physicsTree->head()->getChildren())[0];
	//    std::shared_ptr<TreeNode> IntNode = (LogNode->getChildren())[0];
	//    std::shared_ptr<TreeNode> AmpNodeEff = (IntNode->getChildren())[0];
	//    std::shared_ptr<TreeNode> AmpNode = (AmpNodeEff->getChildren())[1];
	//    std::shared_ptr<TreeNode> ResNode = (AmpNode->getChildren())[0];
	//    std::shared_ptr<TreeNode> BWNode = (ResNode->getChildren())[0];
	//    std::shared_ptr<TreeNode> ADNode = (ResNode->getChildren())[2];
	//    std::shared_ptr<MultiComplex> resoChild = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MultiComplex>( ResNode->getValue() );
	//    std::shared_ptr<MultiDouble> intensChild = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MultiDouble>( IntNode->getValue() );
	//    std::shared_ptr<MultiComplex> bwChild = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MultiComplex>( BWNode->getValue() );
	//    std::shared_ptr<MultiDouble> adChild = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MultiDouble>( ADNode->getValue() );
	//    std::shared_ptr<MultiComplex> ampChild = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MultiComplex>( AmpNode->getValue() );
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "InvMasses first Evt from dataPoint: \t" << myPoint.getVal("m23sq") << " \t " << myPoint.getVal("m13sq");
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "InvMasses first Evt from allMasses: \t" << (myEvtMasses.masses_sq[std::make_pair(2,3)])[0] << " \t " << (myEvtMasses.masses_sq[std::make_pair(1,3)])[0];
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "First BW first Evt classical: \t" <<  (amps->getFirstBW(myPoint,par));
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "First BW first Evt from tree: \t" << (bwChild->GetValue()*adChild->GetValue());
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "FirstReso first Evt classical: \t" <<  amps->getFirstReso(myPoint,par);
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "FirstReso first Evt from tree: \t" << resoChild->GetValue();
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "First Amp first Evt classical: \t" <<  amps->getFirstAmp(myPoint,par);
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "First Amp first Evt from tree: \t" << ampChild->GetValue();
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Intensity of first data event classical: \t" << amps->intensity(myPoint,par).GetParameterValue(0);
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Intensity of first data event from tree: \t" << intensChild->GetValue();
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug)<<"Finish consistency checks"<<std::endl;
	//  }

	//std::shared_ptr<ControlParameter> esti = MinLogLH::createInstance(amps, myReader, myPHSPReader);
	//std::shared_ptr<Estimator> esti(new MinLogLH(amps, myReader, myPHSPReader));
	std::shared_ptr<Optimizer::Optimizer> opti(new Optimizer::Minuit2::MinuitIF(esti, par));

	ParameterList test;
	 return 1;*/

	//return 0;
	BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<< "LH with optimal parameters: " << esti->controlParameter(par);
	if (useFctTree)
	double startInt[par.GetNDouble()], optiInt[par.GetNDouble()];
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < par.GetNDouble(); i++) {
		std::shared_ptr<DoubleParameter> tmp = par.GetDoubleParameter(i);
		optiInt[i] = tmp->GetValue();
		//if (/*i < 2 ||*/ i > 10 /*|| i%4==2 || i%4==3 */) { //omega's and f0 fixed
			//if(i<2 || i>3 || i%2==1){ //omega's and f0 fixed
		//	tmp->FixParameter(true);
		//} else {
		//	tmp->FixParameter(true); if(i==5) tmp->FixParameter(false);
		//	BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug)<< *tmp;
			//tmp->SetValue(tmp->GetValue()+0.5);			///((i+1)));
		//	tmp->SetError(tmp->GetValue());
		//	if (!tmp->GetValue())
		//		tmp->SetError(1.);
		startInt[i] = tmp->GetValue();

	BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<< "LH with following parameters: " << esti->controlParameter(par);
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < par.GetNDouble(); i++) {
		BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<< par.GetDoubleParameter(i)->GetName() << " = " << par.GetDoubleParameter(i)->GetValue();

	// std::cout << "Fixing 5 of 7 parameters " << std::endl;
	//for(unsigned int i=2; i<par.GetNDouble(); i++){
	//    par.GetDoubleParameter(i).FixParameter(true);
	//  }

	BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<< "Start Fit";
	std::shared_ptr<FitResult> genResult = opti->exec(par);
	BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<< "Final LH = " << genResult->getResult();

	BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<< "Optimierte intensitäten: " << esti->controlParameter(par);
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < par.GetNDouble(); i++) {
		BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<< par.GetDoubleParameter(i)->GetName() << " = " << par.GetDoubleParameter(i)->GetValue()
		<< "   [ start: " << startInt[i] << " ," << " optimal: " << optiInt[i] << " ]";

	/*AmplitudeSetup iniTrue(resoFile);	//put start parameters here
	std::shared_ptr<Amplitude> trueAmp(
			new AmpSumIntensity(iniTrue, AmpSumIntensity::normStyle::none,
					std::shared_ptr<Efficiency>(new UnitEfficiency()),
	ParameterList truePar;
	trueAmp->fillStartParVec(truePar); //true values

	string output_file_path = output_directory + "/fitresult.txt";
	if (output_file_suffix != "")
		output_file_path = output_directory + "/fitresult_" + output_file_suffix
				+ ".txt";
	output_file_path = output_directory + "/simplefitresult.txt";
	if (output_file_suffix != "")
		output_file_path = output_directory + "/simplefitresult_"
				+ output_file_suffix + ".txt";

	//  if(useFctTree){
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug)<<physicsTree<<std::endl;
	//    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug)<<phspTree<<std::endl;
	//  }

	if (!resultGen)
		return 0;

	//Plot result
	TH2D* bw12 = new TH2D("bw12", "inv. mass-sq of particles 1&2 Generated",
			1000, 0., 10., 1000, 0., 10.);
	bw12->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{12}^{2} / GeV^{2}");
	TH2D* bw13 = new TH2D("bw13", "inv. mass-sq of particles 1&3 Generated",
			1000, 0., 10., 1000, 0., 10.);
	bw13->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{13}^{2} / GeV^{2}");
	TH2D* bw23 = new TH2D("bw23", "inv. mass-sq of particles 2&3 Generated",
			1000, 0., 10., 1000, 0., 10.);
	bw23->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{23}^{2} / GeV^{2}");

	JakeReader myReaderPHSP(input_file_path, "kin");
	unsigned int maxEventsPHSP = myReaderPHSP.getNEvents();
	//double masssq12PHSP, masssq13PHSP, masssq23PHSP;
	TH2D* bw12PHSP = new TH2D("bw12PHSP", "inv. mass-sq of particles 1&2 PHSP",
			1000, 0., 10., 1000, 0., 10.);
	bw12PHSP->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{12}^{2} / GeV^{2}");
	TH2D* bw13PHSP = new TH2D("bw13PHSP", "inv. mass-sq of particles 1&3 PHSP",
			1000, 0., 10., 1000, 0., 10.);
	bw13PHSP->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{13}^{2} / GeV^{2}");
	TH2D* bw23PHSP = new TH2D("bw23PHSP", "inv. mass-sq of particles 2&3 PHSP",
			1000, 0., 10., 1000, 0., 10.);
	bw23PHSP->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{23}^{2} / GeV^{2}");

	TH2D* bw12FIT = new TH2D("bw12FIT",
			"inv. mass-sq of particles 1&2 FitResult", 1000, 0., 10., 1000, 0.,
	bw12FIT->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{12}^{2} / GeV^{2}");
	TH2D* bw13FIT = new TH2D("bw13FIT",
			"inv. mass-sq of particles 1&3 FitResult", 1000, 0., 10., 1000, 0.,
	bw13FIT->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{13}^{2} / GeV^{2}");
	TH2D* bw23FIT = new TH2D("bw23FIT",
			"inv. mass-sq of particles 2&3 FitResult", 1000, 0., 10., 1000, 0.,
	bw23FIT->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{23}^{2} / GeV^{2}");

	TH2D* bw12DIFF = new TH2D("bw12DIFF",
			"inv. mass-sq of particles 1&2 FitResult", 1000, 0., 10., 1000, 0.,
	bw12DIFF->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{12}^{2} / GeV^{2}");
	TH2D* bw13DIFF = new TH2D("bw13DIFF",
			"inv. mass-sq of particles 1&3 FitResult", 1000, 0., 10., 1000, 0.,
	bw13DIFF->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{13}^{2} / GeV^{2}");
	TH2D* bw23DIFF = new TH2D("bw23DIFF",
			"inv. mass-sq of particles 2&3 FitResult", 1000, 0., 10., 1000, 0.,
	bw23DIFF->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{23}^{2} / GeV^{2}");

	double masssq12, masssq13, masssq23;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < myReader->getNEvents(); i++) {
		Event event(myReader->getEvent(i));

		//myReader.getEvent(-1, a, b, masssq);
		//if(!myReader.getEvent(i, event)) continue; TODO: try exception
		if (!event.getNParticles() == 3)
		//if(!event) continue;
		//cout << "Event: \t" << i << "\t NParticles: \t" << event.getNParticles() << endl;
		const Particle &a(event.getParticle(0));
		const Particle &b(event.getParticle(1));
		const Particle &c(event.getParticle(2));
		masssq12 = pow(a.E + b.E, 2) - pow(a.px + b.px, 2) - pow(a.py + b.py, 2)
				- pow(a.pz + b.pz, 2);
		masssq13 = pow(a.E + c.E, 2) - pow(a.px + c.px, 2) - pow(a.py + c.py, 2)
				- pow(a.pz + c.pz, 2);
		masssq23 = pow(b.E + c.E, 2) - pow(b.px + c.px, 2) - pow(b.py + c.py, 2)
				- pow(b.pz + c.pz, 2);

		bw12->Fill(masssq12, masssq13);
		bw13->Fill(masssq13, masssq12);
		bw23->Fill(masssq23, masssq12);

	// TH2D* bw12DIFF = (TH2D*)bw12->Clone("bw12DIFF");
	// TH2D* bw13DIFF = (TH2D*)bw13->Clone("bw13DIFF");
	// TH2D* bw23DIFF = (TH2D*)bw23->Clone("bw23DIFF");

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < maxEventsPHSP; i++) {
		Event event(myReaderPHSP.getEvent(i));

		//myReader.getEvent(-1, a, b, masssq);
		//if(!myReader.getEvent(i, event)) continue; TODO: try exception
		if (!event.getNParticles() == 3)
		//if(!event) continue;
		//cout << "Event: \t" << i << "\t NParticles: \t" << event.getNParticles() << endl;
		const Particle &a(event.getParticle(0));
		const Particle &b(event.getParticle(1));
		const Particle &c(event.getParticle(2));
		masssq12 = pow(a.E + b.E, 2) - pow(a.px + b.px, 2) - pow(a.py + b.py, 2)
				- pow(a.pz + b.pz, 2);
		masssq13 = pow(a.E + c.E, 2) - pow(a.px + c.px, 2) - pow(a.py + c.py, 2)
				- pow(a.pz + c.pz, 2);
		masssq23 = pow(b.E + c.E, 2) - pow(b.px + c.px, 2) - pow(b.py + c.py, 2)
				- pow(b.pz + c.pz, 2);

		bw12PHSP->Fill(masssq12, masssq13);
		bw13PHSP->Fill(masssq13, masssq12);
		bw23PHSP->Fill(masssq23, masssq12);

		vector<double> x;
		//  bw13FIT->Fill(masssq13,masssq12,1000*amps->intensity(x,par));
		// bw23FIT->Fill(masssq23,masssq12,1000*amps->intensity(x,par));

	TRandom3 rando;
	TLorentzVector W(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, M);		//= beam + target;

	//(Momentum, Energy units are Gev/C, GeV)
	Double_t masses[3] = { m1, m2, m2 };
	TGenPhaseSpace event;
	event.SetDecay(W, 3, masses);

	TLorentzVector *pGamma, *pPip, *pPim, pPm23, pPm13, pPm12;
	double weight, m23sq, m13sq, m12sq, maxTest = 0;
	ParameterList paras(par);
	if (useFctTree) {

	BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<< "Einschwingen";
	unsigned int schwingFactor = 10;
	if (myReader->getNEvents() < 1000)
		schwingFactor = 1000;
	for (unsigned int schwing = 0;
			schwing < schwingFactor * myReader->getNEvents(); schwing++) {
		weight = event.Generate();

		pGamma = event.GetDecay(0);
		pPip = event.GetDecay(1);
		pPim = event.GetDecay(2);

		pPm23 = *pPim + *pPip;
		pPm13 = *pGamma + *pPim;
		pPm12 = *pGamma + *pPip;

		m23sq = pPm23.M2();
		m13sq = pPm13.M2();
		m12sq = pPm12.M2();

		dataPoint point;
		} catch (BeyondPhsp& ex){

		//		m12sq = kin.getThirdVariableSq(m23sq,m13sq);
		//point->setMsq(3,m12sq); point->setMsq(4,m13sq); point->setMsq(5,m23sq);
		//		m12sq=M*M+m1*m1+m2*m2+m3*m3-m13sq-m23sq;
		if (std::fabs(m12sq - kin->getThirdVariableSq(m23sq, m13sq)) > 0.01) {
			std::cout << m12sq << " " << kin->getThirdVariableSq(m23sq, m13sq)
					<< std::endl;
			std::cout << "   " << m23sq << " " << m13sq << " " << m12sq
					<< std::endl;

		//call physics module
		vector<double> x;
		//ParameterList intensL = amps->intensity(x, paras);
		double AMPpdf = amps->intensity(point).GetDoubleParameterValue(0);
		//double AMPpdf = intensL.GetDoubleParameter(0)->GetValue();
		//double AMPpdf = testBW.intensity(x, minPar);

		//double m13pdf = totAmp13.getVal();//fun_combi2->Eval(m13);
		if (maxTest < (weight * AMPpdf))
			maxTest = (weight * AMPpdf);


	maxTest *= 1.1;
	BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<< "Start generation of y pi0 pi0 Dalitz Result";
	unsigned int i = 0;
	do {
		weight = event.Generate();

		pGamma = event.GetDecay(0);
		pPip = event.GetDecay(1);
		pPim = event.GetDecay(2);

		pPm23 = *pPim + *pPip;
		pPm13 = *pGamma + *pPim;
		pPm12 = *pGamma + *pPip;

		m23sq = pPm23.M2();
		m13sq = pPm13.M2();
		m12sq = pPm12.M2();

		dataPoint dataP;
		dataP.setVal(0, m23sq);
		dataP.setVal(1, m13sq);

		// m12sq=M*M-m13sq-m23sq;
		//cout << tmpm12_sq << "\t" << M*M << "\t" << m13_sq << "\t" << m23_sq << endl;
		//  m12sq=0.0001;
		// }

		TParticle fparticleGam(22, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, *pGamma, W);
		TParticle fparticlePip(211, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, *pPip, W);
		TParticle fparticlePim(-211, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, *pPim, W);

		//call physics module
		//dataPoint dataP; dataP.setVal("m23sq",m23sq);	dataP.setVal("m13sq",m13sq);
		//        vector<double> x;
		//        x.push_back(sqrt(m23sq));
		//        x.push_back(sqrt(m13sq));
		//        x.push_back(sqrt(m12sq));
		double AMPpdf = amps->intensity(dataP).GetDoubleParameterValue(0);
		//double AMPpdf = amps->intensity(x, par);

		double test = rando.Uniform(0, maxTest);

		//double m13pdf = totAmp13.getVal();//fun_combi2->Eval(m13);
		if (maxTest < (weight * AMPpdf))
			cout << "Einschwingen zu kurz!" << endl;
		if (test < (weight * AMPpdf)) {

			bw12FIT->Fill(m12sq, m13sq);
			bw13FIT->Fill(m13sq, m12sq);
			bw23FIT->Fill(m23sq, m12sq);

			if(i%1000 == 0) BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug)<< "Event " << i;

	} while (i < (myReader->getNEvents()/10.));

	bw12DIFF->Add(bw12, 1.0);
	bw23DIFF->Add(bw23, 1.0);
	bw13DIFF->Add(bw13, 1.0);
	// bw12DIFF = new TH2D(*bw12 - *bw12FIT);
	// bw23DIFF = new TH2D(*bw23 - *bw23FIT);
	// bw13DIFF = new TH2D(*bw13 - *bw13FIT);

	boost::filesystem::path output_file(output_filename);
	output_file_path = output_directory + "/" + output_filename;
	if (output_file_suffix != "")
		output_file_path = output_directory + "/" + output_file.stem().string()
				+ "_" + output_file_suffix + output_file.extension().string();

	TFile output(output_file_path.c_str(), "RECREATE", "ROOT_Tree");

	BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<< "Done";

	return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Program.cpp プロジェクト: drewsberry/Psi-Decays
Int_t Program::Code()
    /* Note that TFGenPhaseSpace, as per LHCb standard, is in GeV. Hence all the
     * calculations and graphs hereonin are in GeV. */
    gStyle->SetOptStat(0); // Get rid of annoying statistics

    const Int_t NRGBs = 5;
    const Int_t NCont = 35;
    Double_t stops[NRGBs] = { 0.00, 0.34, 0.61, 0.84, 1.00 };
    Double_t red[NRGBs]   = { 0.00, 0.00, 0.87, 1.00, 0.51 };
    Double_t green[NRGBs] = { 0.00, 0.81, 1.00, 0.20, 0.00 };
    Double_t blue[NRGBs]  = { 0.51, 1.00, 0.12, 0.00, 0.00 };
    TColor::CreateGradientColorTable(NRGBs, stops, red, green, blue, NCont);
    gStyle -> SetNumberContours(NCont);
    if (!gROOT->GetClass("TGenPhaseSpace")) // Get "TGenPhaseSpace" class
        gSystem->Load("libPhysics"); // Load it if successful

    DK_DKHist = new TH2F("DK-DK",
        "DK-DK; m^{2}(D^{0}K^{+}) [(GeV/c^{2})^{2}];m^{2}(#bar{D^{0}}K^{+}) [(GeV/c^{2})^{2}]",
         50, 5, 12, 50, 5, 12);
    DK_DDHist = new TH2F("DK-DD",
        "DK-DD;m^{2}(D^{0}#bar{D^{0}}) [(GeV/c^{2})^{2}];m^{2}(D^{0}K^{+}) [(GeV/c^{2})^{2}]",
         50, 12, 25, 50, 5, 12);
    D_DHist = new TH1F("D-D",
        "B^{+} Meson Decay;m(D^{0}#bar{D^{0}}) [GeV/c^{2}]", 
         50, 3.5, 5);
    // Declare the histograms to be ploted later

    TLorentzVector B_plus(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, BPLUSMASS);
    // Lorentz Vector for the parent B+ (in rest frame)

    Double_t masses[3] = { DMASS, DMASS, KPLUSMASS };
    // Array of masses for the product particles

    TGenPhaseSpace event; // Declare event of type class TGenPhaseSpace
    event.SetDecay(B_plus, 3, masses); // Set the decay up

    for (Int_t n = 0; n < 1000000; n++)
        Double_t        weight          = event.Generate();
        // Generate weightings for each decay

        TLorentzVector  *D_0           = event.GetDecay(0);
        TLorentzVector  *D_0bar        = event.GetDecay(1);
        TLorentzVector  *K_plus        = event.GetDecay(2);
        /* Set decay products equal to result from GetDecay().
         * Note that the order of particles must correspond to the order
         * of the particles in the masses array, and that pointers to
         * TLorentzVectors are returned. */

        TLorentzVector  D_0K_plus      = *K_plus + *D_0;
        TLorentzVector  D_0barK_plus   = *K_plus + *D_0bar;
        TLorentzVector  D_0D_0bar      = *D_0 + *D_0bar;
        /* Add together all possible combinations of the three decay products.
         * Note the TLorentzVectors are pointers, so need to be dereferenced.
         * For use in calculating the invariant mass of the combinations*/

        DK_DKHist->Fill(D_0K_plus.M2(), D_0barK_plus.M2(), weight);
        DK_DDHist->Fill(D_0D_0bar.M2(), D_0K_plus.M2(), weight);
        // Fill the histograms with weighted invariant mass squared

        D_DHist->Fill(D_0D_0bar.M(), weight);
        // Fill the histograms with weighted invariant mass

    TCanvas *ThreeDCanv = new TCanvas("ThreeDCanv", "ThreeDCanvas", 1000, 500);




    TCanvas *ThreeDCanvDK_DK = new TCanvas("ThreeDCanvDK_DK", "ThreeDCanvasDK_DK", 500, 500);



    TCanvas *ThreeDCanvDK_DD = new TCanvas("ThreeDCanvDK_DD", "ThreeDCanvasDK_DD", 500, 500);


    TCanvas *TwoDCanv = new TCanvas("TwoDCanv", "TwoDCanvas", 500, 500);



    delete TwoDCanv;
    delete ThreeDCanv;
    delete DK_DKHist;
    delete DK_DDHist;
    delete D_DHist;

    return 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: PhaseSpace.C プロジェクト: goi42/lhcb
void PhaseSpace( int d ) {
	int decay(d);

	gROOT->ProcessLine(".x ~/lhcb/lhcbStyle.C");
	if (!gROOT->GetClass("TGenPhaseSpace")) gSystem->Load("libPhysics");

	const double mBs(5.36677);
	const double mBd(5.2794);
	const double mLb(5.6195);
	const double mpi(0.13957);
	const double mK(0.493677);
	const double mp(0.938272);
	const double mJpsi(3.096916);
	const double mPsi(3.686093);

	TLorentzVector Lb;
	Double_t masses[3];
	double min(5.2);
	double max(5.5);
	string title1;
	string title2;

	switch (decay) {
		case 1:
			cout << "Simluated decay: Bs -> psi(2S) K K" << endl;
			Lb = TLorentzVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mBs);
			masses[0] = mPsi; masses[1] = mK; masses[2] = mK;
			min = 5.2;
			max = 5.35;
			cout << "Reconstructed final state: psi(2S) K pi" << endl;
			cout << "Reconstructed final state: psi(2S) pi K" << endl;
			title1 = "m(#psi(2S)K(K#rightarrow#pi)) [GeV]";
			title2 = "m(#psi(2S)(K#rightarrow#pi)K) [GeV]";
		case 2:
			cout << "Simluated decay: Bd -> psi(2S) pi pi" << endl;
			Lb = TLorentzVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mBd);
			masses[0] = mPsi; masses[1] = mpi; masses[2] = mpi;
			min = 5.2;
			max = 5.5;
			cout << "Reconstructed final state: psi(2S) pi K" << endl;
			cout << "Reconstructed final state: psi(2S) K pi" << endl;
			title1 = "m(#psi(2S)#pi(#pi#rightarrowK)) [GeV]";
			title2 = "m(#psi(2S)(#pi#rightarrowK)#pi) [GeV]";
		case 3:
			cout << "Simluated decay: Bs -> psi(2S) pi pi" << endl;
			Lb = TLorentzVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mBs);
			masses[0] = mPsi; masses[1] = mpi; masses[2] = mpi;
			min = 5.4;
			max = 5.7;
			cout << "Reconstructed final state: psi(2S) pi K" << endl;
			cout << "Reconstructed final state: psi(2S) K pi" << endl;
			title1 = "m(#psi(2S)#pi(#pi#rightarrowK)) [GeV]";
			title2 = "m(#psi(2S)(#pi#rightarrowK)#pi) [GeV]";
		case 4:
			cout << "Simluated decay: Lb -> psi(2S) K p" << endl;
			Lb = TLorentzVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mLb);
			masses[0] = mPsi; masses[1] = mK; masses[2] = mp;
			min = 4.9;
			max = 5.4;
			cout << "Reconstructed final state: psi(2S) K pi" << endl;
			cout << "Reconstructed final state: psi(2S) pi K" << endl;
			title1 = "m(#psi(2S)K(p#rightarrow#pi)) [GeV]";
			title2 = "m(#psi(2S)(K#rightarrow#pi)(p#rightarrowK) [GeV]";
		case 5:
			cout << "Simluated decay: Lb -> psi(2S) pi p" << endl;
			Lb = TLorentzVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mLb);
			masses[0] = mPsi; masses[1] = mpi; masses[2] = mp;
			min = 5.2;
			max = 5.5;
			cout << "Reconstructed final state: psi(2S) pi K" << endl;
			cout << "Reconstructed final state: psi(2S) K pi" << endl;
			title1 = "m(#psi(2S)#pi(p#rightarrowK)) [GeV]";
			title2 = "m(#psi(2S)(#pi#rightarrowK)(p#rightarrow#pi) [GeV]";
		case 6:
			cout << "Simluated decay: Bs -> psi(2S) K pi" << endl;
			Lb = TLorentzVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mBs);
			masses[0] = mPsi; masses[1] = mK; masses[2] = mpi;
			min = 5.5;
			max = 5.8;
			cout << "Reconstructed final state: psi(2S) K p" << endl;
			cout << "Reconstructed final state: psi(2S) p pi" << endl;
			title1 = "m(#psi(2S)K(#pi#rightarrowp)) [GeV]";
			title2 = "m(#psi(2S)(K#rightarrowp)#pi) [GeV]";

	TGenPhaseSpace event;
	event.SetDecay(Lb, 3, masses);

	TH1F *h1 = new TH1F("h1","h1", 50, 5.2, 5.8);
	TH1F *h2 = new TH1F("h2","h2", 50, min, max);
	TH1F *h3 = new TH1F("h3","h3", 50, min, max);
	TH2F *h4 = new TH2F("h4","h4", 50, 4.5*4.5, 5.5*5.5, 50, 3.6*3.6, 5.7*5.7);

	for (Int_t n=0;n<10000;n++) {
		Double_t weight = event.Generate();

		TLorentzVector *pPsi = event.GetDecay(0);

		TLorentzVector *pHadron1 = event.GetDecay(1);
		TLorentzVector *pHadron2 = event.GetDecay(2);

		TLorentzVector pHadron1_as_kaon  (pHadron1->Px(), pHadron1->Py(), pHadron1->Pz(), sqrt(pHadron1->P()*pHadron1->P() + mK *mK)); 
		TLorentzVector pHadron1_as_pion  (pHadron1->Px(), pHadron1->Py(), pHadron1->Pz(), sqrt(pHadron1->P()*pHadron1->P() + mpi*mpi)); 
		TLorentzVector pHadron1_as_proton(pHadron1->Px(), pHadron1->Py(), pHadron1->Pz(), sqrt(pHadron1->P()*pHadron1->P() + mp *mp)); 
		TLorentzVector pHadron2_as_kaon  (pHadron2->Px(), pHadron2->Py(), pHadron2->Pz(), sqrt(pHadron2->P()*pHadron2->P() + mK *mK)); 
		TLorentzVector pHadron2_as_pion  (pHadron2->Px(), pHadron2->Py(), pHadron2->Pz(), sqrt(pHadron2->P()*pHadron2->P() + mpi*mpi)); 
		TLorentzVector pHadron2_as_proton(pHadron2->Px(), pHadron2->Py(), pHadron2->Pz(), sqrt(pHadron2->P()*pHadron2->P() + mp *mp)); 
		TLorentzVector pB        = *pPsi + *pHadron1         + *pHadron2;
		TLorentzVector pB_wrong1;
		TLorentzVector pB_wrong2;
		switch (decay) {
			case 1:
				pB_wrong1 = *pPsi + *pHadron1 + pHadron2_as_pion;
				pB_wrong2 = *pPsi +  pHadron1_as_pion + *pHadron2;
			case 2:
				pB_wrong1 = *pPsi + *pHadron1 + pHadron2_as_kaon;
				pB_wrong2 = *pPsi +  pHadron1_as_kaon + *pHadron2;
			case 3:
				pB_wrong1 = *pPsi + *pHadron1 + pHadron2_as_kaon;
				pB_wrong2 = *pPsi +  pHadron1_as_kaon + *pHadron2;
			case 4:
				pB_wrong1 = *pPsi + *pHadron1 + pHadron2_as_pion;
				pB_wrong2 = *pPsi +  pHadron1_as_pion + pHadron2_as_kaon;
			case 5:
				pB_wrong1 = *pPsi + *pHadron1 + pHadron2_as_kaon;
				pB_wrong2 = *pPsi +  pHadron1_as_kaon + pHadron2_as_pion;
			case 6:
				pB_wrong1 = *pPsi + *pHadron1 + pHadron2_as_proton;
				pB_wrong2 = *pPsi +  pHadron1_as_proton + *pHadron2;
		TLorentzVector pPsiHadron1 = *pPsi + *pHadron1;
		TLorentzVector pPsiHadron2 = *pPsi + *pHadron2;

		h1->Fill(pB.M() ,weight);
		h2->Fill(pB_wrong1.M() ,weight);
		h3->Fill(pB_wrong2.M() ,weight);
		h4->Fill(pPsiHadron1.M2() ,pPsiHadron2.M2() ,weight);
	TCanvas * c = new TCanvas();
	//h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m(#psi(2S)p#pi) [GeV]");
	//h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m(#psi(2S)pK) [GeV]");
	char buf[20];
	sprintf(buf, "plot%d.pdf", decay);
コード例 #8
int main( int argc, const char *argv[] )

	// 					  //
	// -- Initializing -- //
	// 				      //

	int nEvents = 3;

	// Event parameters
	int nParticles = 2;

	// Auxiliary vector(s)
	TLorentzVector k0 (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

	// Fortran COMMON blocks
	masses_.rmtau             = m_tau;
	couplings_.wcl            = 1.0;
	couplings_.gh_tautau      = 1.0;
	amplitudes_.rh_6f_tautau  = 0.0;
	amplitudes_.rh_6f_taum    = 0.0;
	amplitudes_.rh_6f_taup    = 0.0;
	amplitudes_.rh_6f_res     = 0.0;
	amplitudes_.rh_6f_res_nwa = 0.0;

	// Ampltiudes
	//cval cdec_taum[2][2];
	CMatrix_2_2 cdec_taum;
	CMatrix_2_2 cdec_taup;
	CMatrix_2_2 ch_tautau;

	TauMatrix h_tautau;
	TauMatrix taum;
	TauMatrix taup;
	TauMatrix c7_568;
	h_tautau.SetName("H->tau- tau+");

	// -- Generate HiggsDecays with TGenPhaseSpace -- //
	TGenPhaseSpace HiggsDecay;
	TLorentzVector Higgs(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, m_higgs);
	double TauMasses[2] = {m_tau, m_tau};
	TGenPhaseSpace p568Decay;
	TGenPhaseSpace p734Decay;

	double LeptonMasses1[3] = {m_nu_tau, m_ele, m_nu_ele};
	double LeptonMasses2[3] = {m_nu_tau, m_muo, m_nu_muo};

	HiggsDecay.SetDecay(Higgs, 2, TauMasses);
	TH2F *h2 = new TH2F("h2","h2", 50,1.1,1.8, 50,1.1,1.8);

	double p1_[4];
	double p2_[4];
	double p3_[4];
	double p4_[4];
	double p5_[4];
	double p6_[4];
	double p7_[4];
	double p8_[4];

	std::cout << "\n\n#########################" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "### Consistency check ###" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "#########################\n" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "Process:" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "H -->  (tau+) (tau-) --> (3 leptons) (3 leptons)\n" << std::endl;

	std::cout << Form("m_higgs (used in phase space gen): %8.4f [GeV]", m_higgs) << std::endl;
	std::cout << Form("masses_.rmtau (used in rh_6f):     %8.4f [GeV]", masses_.rmtau) << std::endl;
	std::cout << Form("m_tau (used in phase space gen):   %8.4f [GeV]", m_tau) << std::endl;
	std::cout << Form("m_ele (used in phase space gen):   %8.4f [GeV]", m_ele) << std::endl;
	std::cout << Form("m_muo (used in phase space gen):   %8.4f [GeV]", m_muo) << std::endl;
	std::cout << Form("and all neutrinos are massless") << std::endl;
	for (int iEv = 0; iEv < nEvents; iEv++)

		std::cout << Form("\n################\n### iEv: %3d ###\n################", iEv) << std::endl;

		// Higgs Decay
	   Double_t weight = HiggsDecay.Generate();

		std::cout << "weight: " << weight << std::endl;

		// Get tau+ and tau-
	   TLorentzVector *p734 = HiggsDecay.GetDecay(1);
	   TLorentzVector *p568 = HiggsDecay.GetDecay(0);

		TVector3 p734_BoostVector = p734->BoostVector();
		TVector3 p568_BoostVector = p568->BoostVector();

		// Make taus decay
		p734Decay.SetDecay( (*p734), 3, LeptonMasses1 );
		p568Decay.SetDecay( (*p568), 3, LeptonMasses2 );

	   Double_t weight1 = p568Decay.Generate();
	   Double_t weight2 = p734Decay.Generate();

		std::cout << "weight1: " << weight1 << std::endl;
		std::cout << "weight2: " << weight2 << std::endl;

	   TLorentzVector *p7 = p734Decay.GetDecay(0); // v_tau
	   TLorentzVector *p3 = p734Decay.GetDecay(1); // ele-
	   TLorentzVector *p4 = p734Decay.GetDecay(2); // v_ele_bar
	   TLorentzVector *p8 = p568Decay.GetDecay(0); // v_tau_bar
	   TLorentzVector *p6 = p568Decay.GetDecay(1); // mu+
	   TLorentzVector *p5 = p568Decay.GetDecay(2); // v_muo
 		double p568k0 = k0 * (*p568);
 		double p734k0 = k0 * (*p734);
 		double p3k0 = k0 * (*p3);
 		double p4k0 = k0 * (*p4); 
 		double p5k0 = k0 * (*p5);
 		double p6k0 = k0 * (*p6);
		double p7k0 = k0 * (*p7);
		double p8k0 = k0 * (*p8);

	   TLorentzVector *sum = new TLorentzVector;
		(*sum) = (*p8) + (*p6) + (*p5) + (*p7) + (*p3) + (*p4);

		std::cout << "\n# --- Generated momenta --- #\n";
		std::cout << "- sum: "; displayTLorentzVector(sum);
		std::cout << "- p734 "; displayTLorentzVector(p734);
		std::cout << "- p568 "; displayTLorentzVector(p568);
		std::cout << "- p7   (v_tau )"; displayTLorentzVector(p7);
		std::cout << "- p3       (e-)"; displayTLorentzVector(p3);
		std::cout << "- p4   (v_ebar)"; displayTLorentzVector(p4);
		std::cout << "- p8 (v_taubar)"; displayTLorentzVector(p8);
		std::cout << "- p6    (muon+)"; displayTLorentzVector(p6);
		std::cout << "- p5     (v_mu)"; displayTLorentzVector(p5);

		// -- Unpolarized term -- //
		double taum_amp = p734->Dot((*p4)) * p3->Dot((*p7));
		double taup_amp = p568->Dot((*p5)) * p6->Dot((*p8));

		// -- Polarized term -- //

		// polarization vectors
		TLorentzVector polvec_taum;
		TLorentzVector polvec_taup;

		//  standard polarization vector with p and k0
		for(int nu = 0; nu<4; nu++)
			polvec_taum[nu] = ( (*p734)[nu]/m_tau) - (m_tau/p734k0)*k0[nu];
			polvec_taup[nu] = ( (*p568)[nu]/m_tau) - (m_tau/p568k0)*k0[nu];

		double taum_pol_amp = m_tau*( polvec_taum * (*p4) ) * ( (*p3) * (*p7) ); // (ek')(qk)
		double taup_pol_amp = m_tau*( polvec_taup * (*p5) ) * ( (*p6) * (*p8) ); // (ek')(qk)

		std::cout << Form("\n# --- Standard calculation --- #") << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("Unpolarized case:") << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- tau- (pk')(qk) (unpolarized): %.4f", taum_amp ) << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- tau+ (pk')(qk) (unpolarized): %.4f", taup_amp ) << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- tau-/tau+ (unpolarized): %.4f", taum_amp/taup_amp ) << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("Polarized case:") << std::endl;

		std::cout << Form("- tau- m_tau*(ek')(qk) (polarized term): %.4f", taum_pol_amp ) << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- tau+ m_tau*(ek')(qk) (polarized term): %.4f", taup_pol_amp ) << std::endl;

		double taum_standard_pol_1 = taum_amp - taum_pol_amp;
		double taum_standard_pol_2 = taum_amp + taum_pol_amp;
		double taup_standard_pol_1 = taup_amp - taup_pol_amp;
		double taup_standard_pol_2 = taup_amp + taup_pol_amp;

		std::cout << Form("- taum_standard_pol_1 ((pk')(qk)-m_tau*(ek')(qk)): %.4f", taum_standard_pol_1) << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- taum_standard_pol_2 ((pk')(qk)+m_tau*(ek')(qk)): %.4f", taum_standard_pol_2) << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- taup_standard_pol_1 ((pk')(qk)-m_tau*(ek')(qk)): %.4f", taup_standard_pol_1) << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- taup_standard_pol_2 ((pk')(qk)+m_tau*(ek')(qk)): %.4f", taup_standard_pol_2) << std::endl;

		for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			p1_[e2m[i]] = (*p568)[i];
			p2_[e2m[i]] = (*p734)[i];
			p3_[e2m[i]] = (*p3)[i];
			p4_[e2m[i]] = (*p4)[i];
			p5_[e2m[i]] = (*p5)[i];
			p6_[e2m[i]] = (*p6)[i];
			p7_[e2m[i]] = (*p7)[i];
			p8_[e2m[i]] = (*p8)[i];

//		double rh_tautau_val = rh_tautau_(p1_,p2_);
//		std::cout << Form("rh_tautau: %.2f\n", rh_tautau_val) << std::endl;

		std::cout << Form("\n# --- Helicity amplitude calculation --- #") << std::endl;
		double rh_6f_val = rh_6f_(p3_,p4_,p5_,p6_,p7_,p8_);

		h_tautau.ReadInCMatrix_2_2( taumatrices_.ch_tautau );
		taum.ReadInCMatrix_2_2(     taumatrices_.cdec_taum );
		taup.ReadInCMatrix_2_2(     taumatrices_.cdec_taup );
		c7_568.ReadInCMatrix_2_2(   taumatrices_.c7_568    );


		double taum_rh_6f_pol_1 = std::abs(taum.m[1][0])*std::abs(taum.m[1][0]);
		double taum_rh_6f_pol_2 = std::abs(taum.m[1][1])*std::abs(taum.m[1][1]);

		double taup_rh_6f_pol_1 = std::abs(taup.m[0][1])*std::abs(taup.m[0][1]);
		double taup_rh_6f_pol_2 = std::abs(taup.m[1][1])*std::abs(taup.m[1][1]);

		taum_rh_6f_pol_1 = taum_rh_6f_pol_1/p3k0/p4k0/p7k0/p734k0;
		taum_rh_6f_pol_2 = taum_rh_6f_pol_2/p3k0/p4k0/p7k0/p734k0;

		taup_rh_6f_pol_1 = taup_rh_6f_pol_1/p5k0/p6k0/p8k0/p568k0;
		taup_rh_6f_pol_2 = taup_rh_6f_pol_2/p5k0/p6k0/p8k0/p568k0;

//		for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
//		for (int j=0; j<2; j++)
//		{
//		  std::cout << Form("rh_6f_tau-[%d][%d].r: %.4f \n",i,j,cdec_taum[i][j].r);
//		  std::cout << Form("rh_6f_tau-[%d][%d].i: %.4f \n",i,j,cdec_taum[i][j].i);
//		}
//		for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
//		for (int j=0; j<2; j++)
//		{
//		  std::cout << Form("rh_6f_tau+[%d][%d].r: %.4f \n",i,j,cdec_taup[i][j].r);
//		  std::cout << Form("rh_6f_tau+[%d][%d].i: %.4f \n",i,j,cdec_taup[i][j].i);
//		}
		double taum_unpol = taum.CalcSumOfSquares();
		double taup_unpol = taup.CalcSumOfSquares();

		taum_unpol = taum_unpol/p3k0/p4k0/p7k0/p734k0;
		taup_unpol = taup_unpol/p5k0/p6k0/p8k0/p568k0;

		std::cout << Form("- taum_unpolarized (calc via sum of square of tau elements): %.4f", taum_unpol) << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- taup_unpolarized (calc via sum of square of tau elements): %.4f", taup_unpol) << std::endl;

		std::cout << Form("- taum_rh_6f_pol_1 (calc via square): %.4f", taum_rh_6f_pol_1) << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- taum_rh_6f_pol_2 (calc via square): %.4f", taum_rh_6f_pol_2) << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- taup_rh_6f_pol_1 (calc via square): %.4f", taup_rh_6f_pol_1) << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- taup_rh_6f_pol_2 (calc via square): %.4f", taup_rh_6f_pol_2) << std::endl;

		std::cout << Form("- (taum_rh_6f_pol_1-taum_rh_6f_pol_2) (calc via square): %.4f", taum_rh_6f_pol_1-taum_rh_6f_pol_2) << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- (taup_rh_6f_pol_1-taup_rh_6f_pol_2) (calc via square): %.4f", taup_rh_6f_pol_1-taup_rh_6f_pol_2) << std::endl;

		std::cout << Form("- rh_6f_taum (passed through FORTRAN common): %.4f", amplitudes_.rh_6f_taum) << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- rh_6f_taup (passed through FORTRAN common): %.4f", amplitudes_.rh_6f_taup ) << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- rh_6f tau-/tau+ (passed through FORTRAN common): %.4f", amplitudes_.rh_6f_taum/amplitudes_.rh_6f_taup	) << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- rh_6f_res (passed through FORTRAN common): %.4f", amplitudes_.rh_6f_res ) << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- rh_6f_res_nwa (passed through FORTRAN common): %.4f", amplitudes_.rh_6f_res_nwa ) << std::endl;

		std::cout << Form("\n# --- Comparison --- #") << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- rh_6f_taum/taum ratio (unpolarized): %.4f", amplitudes_.rh_6f_taum/taum_amp ) << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- rh_6f_taup/taup ratio (unpolarized): %.4f", amplitudes_.rh_6f_taup/taup_amp ) << std::endl;

		std::cout << Form("- taum_pol_1 (rh_6f/standard ratio) (polarized): %.4f", taum_rh_6f_pol_1/taum_standard_pol_1 ) << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- taum_pol_2 (rh_6f/standard ratio) (polarized): %.4f", taum_rh_6f_pol_2/taum_standard_pol_2 ) << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- taup_pol_1 (rh_6f/standard ratio) (polarized): %.4f", taup_rh_6f_pol_1/taup_standard_pol_1 ) << std::endl;
		std::cout << Form("- taup_pol_2 (rh_6f/standard ratio) (polarized): %.4f", taup_rh_6f_pol_2/taup_standard_pol_2 ) << std::endl;

		//std::cout << Form("rh_6f: %.2f", rh_6f_val) << std::endl;
		//	double LeptonMasses1[3] = {m_nu_tau, m_ele, m_nu_ele};
		//	double LeptonMasses2[3] = {m_nu_tau, m_muo, m_nu_muo};
		// H(p) -> e-(p3) vebar(p4) vmu(p5) mu+(p6) vtau(p7) vtaubar(p8)                 
