int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // initialize globalArgs globalArgs.data_folder = " "; globalArgs.arg_pathToSetupFile = " "; globalArgs.results_folder = " "; globalArgs.save_all = 0; // Get paremeter from the command int opt =0; opt = getopt(argc, argv, optString); if(opt == -1){ std::cerr << "There is no opption in the command! Type \"output -h\" for help." << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while(opt != -1){ switch(opt){ case 'd': globalArgs.data_folder= optarg; //std::cout<<"-p option path= "<<globalArgs.arg_pathToData<<std::endl; break; case 'S': globalArgs.arg_pathToSetupFile = optarg; break; case 'o': globalArgs.results_folder = optarg; break; case 'a': globalArgs.save_all = 1; break; case 'h': case '?': std::cerr << "Usage: output -d pathToData -S pathToSetupFile -o pathToResultsFolder [-a]" << std::endl; std::cerr << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<std::endl; std::cerr << " '-d'+'-S'+'-o' options are necessary!"<<std::endl; std::cerr << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<std::endl; std::cerr << " use '-a' option afterwards to save all the plots of the analysis to further check."<<std::endl; std::cerr << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<std::endl; std::cerr << "Example: ./output -d /Users/Analysis_waveforms/ov_scan_pde_H2014/ -S /Users/Analysis_waveforms/config_file.txt -o /Users/Analysis_waveforms/Plots/ [-a]"<<std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; default: break; } opt = getopt(argc, argv, optString); } if((strncmp(globalArgs.data_folder," ",1) == 0|| strncmp(globalArgs.arg_pathToSetupFile," ",1) == 0)){ std::cerr << "ERROR: -d or -S option is not set! Both of them has to be set correctly!"<<std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(strncmp(globalArgs.results_folder," ",1) == 0){ std::cerr << "ERROR: -o option is not set! It has to be set up correctly!"<<std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ifstream setupFile(globalArgs.arg_pathToSetupFile); if(!setupFile){ std::cerr << "Failure: could not open file: \"" << globalArgs.arg_pathToSetupFile << "\"." << std::endl; std::cerr << "Please check if the path is correct or not!" << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //////////////// //Define thresholds //////////////// //in nanoseconds const double reject_time = 4; vector <Double_t> reject_time_v; //used for AP, delayed x-talk and long tau fit //in percentage of pe const double after_pulse_th = 0.38; vector <Double_t> after_pulse_th_v; const double direct_xtalk_th = 1.17; vector <Double_t> direct_xtalk_th_v; const double xtalk_th = 0.85; vector <Double_t> xtalk_th_v; const double time_dist_th = 0.4; vector <Double_t> time_dist_th_v; //////////////// //////////////// //Read setup file: string s; vector <TString> vol_folders; Int_t data_size; while (true) { Double_t rt; Double_t ap; Double_t delay; Double_t imme; getline(setupFile, s); if (setupFile.eof()) break; const char* searchString = s.c_str(); char volt [20]; Int_t numfiles; if (s.find("#") == 0 || s=="") { continue; // Skip commented or empty lines } //Find the voltages if(sscanf(searchString, "V || %s ||", volt)==1){ vol_folders.push_back(volt); reject_time_v.push_back(reject_time); after_pulse_th_v.push_back(after_pulse_th); direct_xtalk_th_v.push_back(direct_xtalk_th); xtalk_th_v.push_back(xtalk_th); time_dist_th_v.push_back(time_dist_th); } if(sscanf(searchString, "V/th || %s ||", volt)==1){ vol_folders.push_back(volt); getline(setupFile, s); const char* thresholds_string = s.c_str(); sscanf(thresholds_string, "Rej_t: %lf, AP_th: %lf, Delay_th: %lf, Imm_th: %lf", &rt,&ap,&delay,&imme); reject_time_v.push_back(rt); after_pulse_th_v.push_back(ap); direct_xtalk_th_v.push_back(imme); xtalk_th_v.push_back(delay); time_dist_th_v.push_back(time_dist_th); } //Find data size if(sscanf(searchString, "Files at each voltage || %d ||", &numfiles)==1){ data_size = numfiles; } } //Initialize variables const Int_t vol_size = vol_folders.size(); int singleplot=0; Int_t Event=0; Char_t Category[15]; TGraph* waveform = 0; Double_t Amp; Double_t V_meas; double pe = 0.07; int row = 0; int full_n_file = 0; int ap_n_file = 0; int xtalk_n_file = 0; int dxtalk_n_file = 0; int time_dist_n_file = 0; int direct_xtalk_pulse; Double_t direct_xtalk_pulse_cnt=0; int xtalk_pulse; Double_t xtalk_pulse_cnt = 0; int after_pulse; Double_t after_pulse_cnt=0; Double_t event_cnt = 0; double sig_max = 0; double time_of_max = 0; double sig_max_first = 0; double time_of_max_first = 0; int max_cnt = 0; int max_noise_cnt = 0; int max_found = 0; /*const char * Voltage="56.5V"; int event=0; if (singleplot) { single_plot(Voltage,event); }*/ //Create a root tree with the graph of the waveform of each event and //classify them TString filename = globalArgs.results_folder; filename.Append("noiseanalysis.root"); TFile *hfile = 0; hfile = TFile::Open(filename,"RECREATE"); TTree *tree = new TTree("T","Noise Analysis"); tree->Branch("Event",&Event,"Event/I"); tree->Branch("Category",Category,"Category/C"); //Uncomment if every single waveform is desired to be saved by its own on the root file //tree->Branch("waveform","TGraph",&waveform); tree->Branch("V_meas",&V_meas,"V_meas/D"); //OV of the measurement TGraph* Correl_noise[4]; Correl_noise[0] = new TGraph(); Correl_noise[1] = new TGraph(); Correl_noise[2] = new TGraph(); Correl_noise[3] = new TGraph(); TGraph *Expfit_longtau[vol_size]; TGraph *Expfit_AP[vol_size]; //Fiting functions of long tau and AP recharge TF1 *exp_longtau= new TF1("exptau","[0]*exp(-x/[1])",0,180 * ns); TF1 *exp= new TF1("exp","[0]*(1-exp(-x/[1]))+[2]*exp(-x/[3])",0,180 * ns); TCanvas* c1[vol_size]; TCanvas* c2[vol_size]; TCanvas* c3[vol_size]; TCanvas* c4[vol_size]; TMultiGraph *Cleanwaves[vol_size]; TCanvas* expfit_longtau_c[vol_size]; TCanvas* expfit_AP_c[vol_size]; cout<<"////////////"<< endl; cout<<"****----->Voltage Breakdown calculation ***"<< endl; vector <Double_t> pe_volt; TGraph *Vbias_ver= new TGraph(); //Change to not recalculate the pe //pe_volt.push_back(6.87435e-02); /*pe_volt.push_back( 1.20426e-01); pe_volt.push_back(1.75262e-01); pe_volt.push_back(2.30936e-01); pe_volt.push_back(2.87958e-01);*/ //pe_volt.push_back( 3.44156e-01); //Double_t VBD=55.9006; //Calculate Voltage breakdown and value of pe for (int i=0; i<vol_size; i++) { pe_volt.push_back(Amplitude_calc(, data_size)); V_meas =; Vbias_ver->SetPoint(i,, V_meas); } TCanvas* ca= new TCanvas("Voltage Breakdown calculation","Voltage Breakdown calculation",100,100,900,700); Vbias_ver->SetTitle("Voltage Breakdown calculation"); Vbias_ver->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Bias Volatge [V]"); Vbias_ver->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); Vbias_ver->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Mean peak amplitude [V]"); Vbias_ver->Draw("AP*"); ca->SetGrid(); TPaveText * pv = new TPaveText(0.2,0.65,0.35,0.74,"brNDC"); cout<<"////////////"<< endl; cout<<"****----->Voltage Breakdown fit ***"<< endl; TFitResultPtr fit = Vbias_ver->Fit("pol1","S"); Double_t VBD= fit->Value(0); Char_t VBD_text[20]; sprintf(VBD_text,"V_{BD} = %2.2f",VBD); pv->AddText(VBD_text); pv->Draw(); if (globalArgs.save_all==1) ca->Write(); cout<<"////////////"<< endl; cout<<"****----->Noise analysis ***"<< endl; cout<<"////////////"<< endl; ///////////////// // Loop over all Voltages measured ///////////////// for (int i=0; i<vol_size; i++) { //Important to reinitialize, the value color* = kOrange-11 is used to plot axis of TGraph() int color1 = kOrange-11; int color2 = kOrange-11; int color3 = kOrange-11; int color4 = kOrange-11; direct_xtalk_pulse_cnt = 0; xtalk_pulse_cnt = 0; after_pulse_cnt = 0; event_cnt = 0; //Events on the Voltage measured cout<<"****----->Voltage analyzed: "<< << endl; //Define amplitude measured at which OV Double_t pe =; V_meas =; //Define canvases to save and check results Char_t canvas_title[40]; sprintf(canvas_title,"Direct CrossTalk OV = %2.2f V",V_meas); c1[i] = new TCanvas(canvas_title,canvas_title,100,100,900,700); sprintf(canvas_title,"Delayed CrossTalk OV = %2.2f V",V_meas); c2[i] = new TCanvas(canvas_title,canvas_title,100,100,900,700); sprintf(canvas_title,"After Pulse OV = %2.2f V",V_meas); c3[i] = new TCanvas(canvas_title,canvas_title,100,100,900,700); sprintf(canvas_title,"Clean OV = %2.2f V",V_meas); c4[i] = new TCanvas(canvas_title,canvas_title,100,100,900,700); Cleanwaves[i]=new TMultiGraph(); sprintf(canvas_title,"Exponential fit, #tau_l OV = %2.2f V",V_meas); expfit_longtau_c[i] = new TCanvas(canvas_title,canvas_title,300,100,900,500); sprintf(canvas_title,"Exponential fit OV = %2.2f V",V_meas); expfit_AP_c[i] = new TCanvas(canvas_title,canvas_title,300,100,900,500); Expfit_longtau[i]= new TGraph(); Expfit_AP[i]= new TGraph(); //loop over every measurement on a folder for (int j=0; j<data_size; j++) { Char_t datafilename[200]; Char_t datashortfilename[100]; sprintf(datafilename,"%s%s/C1H%05i.csv",globalArgs.data_folder,,j); sprintf(datashortfilename,"%s_C1H%05i",,j); //Get the data of a single file: waveform = new TGraph(datafilename,"%lg %lg","/t;,"); if (waveform->IsZombie()) continue; waveform->SetName(datashortfilename); waveform->SetTitle(""); Int_t ROWS_DATA = waveform->GetN(); Double_t *time = waveform->GetX(); Double_t *volts = waveform->GetY(); Amp = waveform->GetY()[0]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Data filtering into the different type of events // direct x-talk AP delayed x-talk ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// after_pulse = 0; xtalk_pulse = 0; direct_xtalk_pulse = 0; sig_max = 0; max_cnt = 0; max_found = 0; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // direct x-talk for (row = 0; row < ROWS_DATA; row++) { if ((time[row]>0 * ns)&(volts[row] > * pe)) {// time larger 0ns direct_xtalk_pulse++; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // after-pulse threshold for (row = 0; row < ROWS_DATA; row++) { if ((time[row]>*ns)&(volts[row] > * pe)) {// time larger 4ns and ap_th after_pulse++; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // delayed x-talk for (row = 0; row < ROWS_DATA; row++) { if ((time[row]>*ns)&(volts[row] > * pe)) {// time larger 4ns and larger xtalk_th xtalk_pulse++; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Detect peaks in data after 4ns, count the number of maxima and // measure the time of arrival of first maxima, used later for AP exp fit ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// max_noise_cnt = 0; for (row = 0; row < ROWS_DATA; row++) { if (time[row] >*ns) {// time larger 4ns if (volts[row] > sig_max) { sig_max = volts[row]; // set the max time_of_max = time[row]; // time max max_noise_cnt++; // set the histeresis cnt }else if (max_noise_cnt > 0) max_noise_cnt--; // count down if no new max is reached // decide if real max or only noise, threshold has to be reached in case of a real max if (max_noise_cnt>2 && sig_max > * pe) { max_cnt++; if (max_cnt == 1) { sig_max_first = sig_max; // sig max time_of_max_first = time_of_max; // time max max_found = 1; //printf("First max found: sig=%f time=%f ns max_noise_cnt=%d\n", sig_max, time_of_max / ns, max_noise_cnt); } //printf("Max number is: %d cnt=%d\n", max_cnt, max_noise_cnt); } } // 4ns } //loop over time bool clean = true; //The pulse is clean until the contrary can be demonstrated char graph_title[50]; //Check for imm x-talk and plot if (direct_xtalk_pulse > 0){ direct_xtalk_pulse_cnt++; sprintf(Category,"ImmCrosstalk"); c1[i]->cd(); //Set graph color, and counting to draw axis and title color1=color1+2; if (color1>kOrange+110) { color1=kOrange-8; }else if (color1>kOrange+109){ color1=kOrange-7; } waveform->SetLineColor(color1); waveform->SetMarkerColor(color1); //Format the graph sprintf(graph_title,"Direct CrossTalk OV = %2.2f V",V_meas); waveform = format_graph(waveform,graph_title,2.5*pe); if (color1>kOrange-8) { waveform->Draw("SAME"); }else{ waveform->Draw("AL"); c1[i]->SetGrid(); } clean = false; } // only delayed x-talk if (xtalk_pulse > 0 && direct_xtalk_pulse == 0){ xtalk_pulse_cnt++; sprintf(Category,"DelCrosstalk"); c2[i]->cd(); //Set graph color, and counting to draw axis and title color2=color2+2; if (color2>kOrange+110) { color2=kOrange-8; }else if (color2>kOrange+109){ color2=kOrange-7; } waveform->SetLineColor(color2); waveform->SetMarkerColor(color2); //Format the graph sprintf(graph_title,"Delayed cross-talk OV = %2.2f V",V_meas); waveform = format_graph(waveform,graph_title,1.2*pe); if (color2>kOrange-8) { waveform->Draw("SAME"); }else{ waveform->Draw("AL"); c2[i]->SetGrid(); } clean = false; } // Only after pulse if (after_pulse > 0 && xtalk_pulse == 0 && direct_xtalk_pulse == 0){ after_pulse_cnt++; sprintf(Category,"AfterPulse"); c3[i]->cd(); //Set graph color, and counting to draw axis and title color3=color3+2; if (color3>kOrange+110) { color3=kOrange-8; }else if (color3>kOrange+109){ color3=kOrange-7; } waveform->SetLineColor(color3); waveform->SetMarkerColor(color3); //Format the graph sprintf(graph_title,"After pulse OV = %2.2f V",V_meas); waveform = format_graph(waveform,graph_title,1.2*pe); if (color3>kOrange-8) { waveform->Draw("SAME"); }else{ waveform->Draw("AL"); c3[i]->SetGrid(); } clean = false; //Fill for the exponential fit Expfit_AP[i]->SetPoint(after_pulse_cnt-1,time_of_max,sig_max); } // Only clean graphs for the sample if (clean){ sprintf(Category,"Clean"); if (color4 < 860 && j <100) { //Max 100 clean graphs on the plot Cleanwaves[i]->Add(waveform); c4[i]->cd(); //Set graph color, and counting to draw axis and title color4=color4+2; if (color4>kOrange+110) { color4=kOrange-8; }else if (color4>kOrange+109){ color4=kOrange-7; } waveform->SetLineColor(color4); waveform->SetMarkerColor(color4); //Format the graph sprintf(graph_title,"Clean pulse OV = %2.2f V",V_meas); waveform = format_graph(waveform,graph_title,1.2*pe); if (color4>kOrange-8) { waveform->Draw("SAME"); }else{ waveform->Draw("AL"); c4[i]->SetGrid(); } } } tree->Fill(); Event ++;//Total number of events analyzed on the run if (Event%500==0) { cout<<"****----->Events analyzed:"<< Event << endl; } event_cnt++; } cout<<"////////////"<< endl; cout<<"****----->Long tau fit ***"<< endl; expfit_longtau_c[i]->cd(); Cleanwaves[i]->Draw("AP*"); // Fit parameters and limits to calculate slow component of the pulse exp_longtau->SetParameter(0,pe*0.2); exp_longtau->SetParLimits(0,0.05*pe,0.5*pe); exp_longtau->SetParameter(1,80*ns); exp_longtau->SetParLimits(1,4*ns,200*ns); Cleanwaves[i]->Fit("exptau","","",*ns,60*ns); // Fit boundaries for the slow component of the pulse Double_t amp0 = exp_longtau->GetParameter(0); Double_t tau = exp_longtau->GetParameter(1); if (globalArgs.save_all==1) expfit_longtau_c[i]->Write(); c4[i]->cd(); TF1* exp_tau_plot =(TF1*) exp_longtau->Clone(); exp_tau_plot->Draw("SAME");//Draw fit-line over clean waveforms cout<<"////////////"<< endl; cout<<"****----->After pulse fit ***"<< endl; expfit_AP_c[i]->cd(); Expfit_AP[i]->Draw("AP*"); // Fit parameters and limits to calculate AP recharge exp->SetParameter(0,pe); exp->SetParLimits(0,0.5*pe,1.5*pe); exp->SetParameter(1,30*ns); exp->SetParLimits(1,4*ns,500*ns); exp->SetParameter(2,amp0); exp->FixParameter(2,amp0); exp->SetParameter(3,tau); exp->FixParameter(3,tau); Expfit_AP[i]->Fit("exp"); if (globalArgs.save_all==1) expfit_AP_c[i]->Write(); c3[i]->cd(); TF1* exp_plot =(TF1*) exp->Clone(); exp_plot->Draw("SAME"); //Draw fit-line over AP waveforms //Final result: Correlated noise Correl_noise[0]->SetPoint(i,V_meas,direct_xtalk_pulse_cnt/event_cnt*100); Correl_noise[1]->SetPoint(i,V_meas,after_pulse_cnt/event_cnt*100); Correl_noise[2]->SetPoint(i,V_meas,xtalk_pulse_cnt/event_cnt*100); Correl_noise[3]->SetPoint(i,V_meas, Correl_noise[0]->GetY()[i]+Correl_noise[1]->GetY()[i]+Correl_noise[2]->GetY()[i]); //Save/print reults: if (globalArgs.save_all==1){ c1[i]->Write(); c2[i]->Write(); c3[i]->Write(); c4[i]->Write(); } sprintf(canvas_title,"%sImmcrosstalk_%s.pdf",globalArgs.results_folder,; c1[i]->Print(canvas_title,"pdf"); sprintf(canvas_title,"%sDelcrosstalk_%s.pdf",globalArgs.results_folder,; c2[i]->Print(canvas_title,"pdf"); sprintf(canvas_title,"%sAfterpulse_%s.pdf",globalArgs.results_folder,; c3[i]->Print(canvas_title,"pdf"); sprintf(canvas_title,"%sClean_%s.pdf",globalArgs.results_folder,; c4[i]->Print(canvas_title,"pdf"); } //Save TTree with hist of noise //Save each event with its OV and the noise classification tree->Write(); //Create final plot of total correlated noise TCanvas* c5 = new TCanvas("Correlated Noise","Correlated Noise",100,100,900,700); Double_t tot_max_noise = TMath::MaxElement(Correl_noise[3]->GetN(),Correl_noise[3]->GetY()); Correl_noise[3]->SetTitle("Correlated Noise"); Correl_noise[3]->SetMarkerColor(kRed); Correl_noise[3]->SetLineColor(kRed); Correl_noise[3]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,tot_max_noise+2); Correl_noise[3]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Noise [%]"); Correl_noise[3]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("OverVoltage [V]"); Correl_noise[3]->Draw("ALP*"); Correl_noise[0]->SetTitle("Direct Cross-Talk"); Correl_noise[1]->SetTitle("After Pulse"); Correl_noise[2]->SetTitle("Delayed Cross-Talk"); Correl_noise[0]->SetLineColor(kBlue); Correl_noise[1]->SetLineColor(kOrange+7); Correl_noise[2]->SetLineColor(kGreen+2); Correl_noise[0]->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); Correl_noise[1]->SetMarkerColor(kOrange+7); Correl_noise[2]->SetMarkerColor(kGreen+2); Correl_noise[0]->Draw("LP*"); Correl_noise[1]->Draw("LP*"); Correl_noise[2]->Draw("LP*"); TLegend* leg = new TLegend(0.15,0.65,0.47,0.87); leg->AddEntry(Correl_noise[3],"Total","lp"); leg->AddEntry(Correl_noise[0],"Direct Cross-Talk","lp"); leg->AddEntry(Correl_noise[1],"After Pulse","lp"); leg->AddEntry(Correl_noise[2],"Delayed Cross-Talk","lp"); leg->Draw(); c5->SetGrid(); TString final_plot_name = globalArgs.results_folder; final_plot_name.Append("Correlated Noise.pdf"); c5->Print(final_plot_name,"pdf"); c5->Write(); delete hfile; return 0; }
void AnalysisSparse(Bool_t save_output = kFALSE) { gStyle->SetGridColor(kGray); // TString tmpstr(fname); // if (tmpstr.Contains("data")) { // Printf("!!! Real Data !!!"); // mc = kFALSE; // } TString gtitle = Form("Monte Carlo, %s", graph_name.Data()); grapht = graph_name.Data(); Double_t grx[999], gry[999], gry2[999], gry3[999], gry4[999], gry_eff[999], gry_fix[999], grxE[999]; Double_t gry22[999], gry22E[999], grx22E[999]; Double_t gry_true[999], gry_true_eff[999], gry_true_effE[999]; TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE); TFile::SetCacheFileDir(gSystem->HomeDirectory()); TFile *f = TFile::Open(fname.Data(), "CACHEREAD"); if (!f) return; TList *l; f->GetObject(lname.Data(), l); if (!l) return; Int_t bf[999], bl[999]; Int_t nn = FindExactRange(((THnSparse *)(l->FindObject(s1name.Data())))-> Projection(1), del_step, bf, bl); // Int_t nn = FindRange5(bf, bl); Bool_t binhaluska = kFALSE; if (binAnders) { nn = 8; bf[0] = 6;bf[1] = 9;bf[2] = 11;bf[3] = 16;bf[4] = 21;bf[5] = 26; bl[0] = 8;bl[1] = 10;bl[2] = 15;bl[3] = 20;bl[4] = 25;bl[5] = 30; bf[6] = 31;bf[7] = 41; bl[6] = 40;bl[7] = 50; } Printf("number of intervals = %d =>", nn); Int_t count = 0; Double_t ptmean = 0, value = 0; Int_t fitStatus = -1; gStyle->SetOptStat(0); TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c", "Signal & Background"); c->Divide(5, 5); c->Modified(); c->Draw(); TCanvas *c2 = (TCanvas *)c->DrawClone("c2"); c2->SetTitle("Phi mesons (raw)"); c2->Modified(); c2->Draw(); TCanvas *c3, *c4; if (mc) { c3 = (TCanvas *)c->DrawClone("c3"); c3->SetTitle("Phi mesons (gen)"); c3->Modified(); c3->Draw(); c4 = (TCanvas *)c->DrawClone("c4"); c4->SetTitle("Phi mesons (true)"); c4->Modified(); c4->Draw(); } for (Int_t i = 0; i < nn; i++) { c->cd(count + 1)->SetGrid(); h1 = (TH1D *)PullHisto(l, s1name.Data(), bf[i], bl[i], ptmean); h1->SetLineColor(kRed); h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("inv. mass, GeV/c^2"); h1->Draw("hist"); h3_p = (TH1D *)PullHisto(l, s3name_p.Data(), bf[i], bl[i], ptmean); h3_m = (TH1D *)PullHisto(l, s3name_m.Data(), bf[i], bl[i], ptmean); // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if (count==0) h3_p = h1; // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! else { h3_p->Add(h3_m); // h3_p->Add((TH1D *)PullHisto(l, smix.Data(), bf[i], bl[i], ptmean)); // h3_p->Add((TH1D *)PullHisto(l, smixpp.Data(), bf[i], bl[i], ptmean)); // h3_p->Add((TH1D *)PullHisto(l, smixmm.Data(), bf[i], bl[i], ptmean)); Norm(h1, h3_p, norm[0], norm[1]); } h3_p->SetLineColor(kBlue); h3_p->Draw("hist, same"); if (mc) { c3->cd(count + 1)->SetGrid(); Printf("%s", s1namegen.Data()); hg = (TH1D *)PullHisto(l, s1namegen.Data(), bf[i], bl[i], ptmean); hg->SetLineColor(kMagenta); hg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("inv. mass, GeV/c^2"); hg->Draw("hist"); c4->cd(count + 1)->SetGrid(); ht = (TH1D *)PullHisto(l, s1nametrue.Data(), bf[i], bl[i], ptmean); ht->SetLineColor(kMagenta-5); ht->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("inv. mass, GeV/c^2"); ht->Draw("hist"); } c2->cd(count + 1)->SetGrid(); TH1 *hh = (TH1 *)h1->Clone("hh"); hh->SetLineColor(kRed+1); hh->Add(h3_p, -1); /// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ////////// if ((ilist == 3) && (count < 2)) hh->Reset(); // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hh->Draw("hist"); // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ff->SetParameters(0.1, 1.02, 0.004, -25000., 0., 0., 0.); ff->SetLineColor(hh->GetLineColor()); ff->SetLineWidth(1); // ff->SetLineStyle(kDashed); // where fit Double_t fmin = 1.02-2*0.004; Double_t fmax = 1.02+2*0.004; // Double_t fmin = 0.995; // Double_t fmax = 1.185; // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bool_t hisfun = kFALSE; // kFALSE = integral from function Double_t hisfun_k = 1.0/hh->GetBinWidth(10); // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if (binhaluska) if (i > 9) hisfun_k = 0.5/hh->GetBinWidth(10); Printf("======= %f", hisfun_k); // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // wehere integral (his or fun) Double_t fmini = 1.02-2*0.004; Double_t fmaxi = 1.02+2*0.004; hh->Fit(ff, "Q", "", fmin, fmax); hh->Fit(ff, "Q", "", fmin, fmax); fitStatus = hh->Fit(ff, "Q", "", fmin, fmax); TF1 *pp3 = new TF1("pp3", "[0]+x*[1]+x*x*[2]+x*x*x*[3]", fmin, fmax); pp3->SetParameters(ff->GetParameter(3), ff->GetParameter(4), ff->GetParameter(5), ff->GetParameter(6)); pp3->SetLineWidth(1); pp3->SetLineColor(h3_p->GetLineColor()); pp3->Draw("same"); // ff->SetRange(fmin, fmax); // ff->DrawCopy("same"); value = hh->Integral(hh->FindBin(fmini), hh->FindBin(fmaxi)); if (!hisfun) value = ff->Integral(fmini, fmaxi)*hisfun_k - pp3->Integral(fmini, fmaxi)*hisfun_k; if (value < 0) value = 0; if ((fitStatus != 0) || (ff->GetParameter(2) > 0.1)) { printf(" SKIP Data"); value = 0; } grx[count] = ptmean; if (binhaluska) { if (count < 10) grxE[count] = 0.25; // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! else grxE[count] = 0.50; // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! } else // grxE[count] = (1.30-1.10)/2.0; // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grxE[count] = 0.05; gry[count] = value; Double_t tmp1 = h1->Integral(h1->FindBin(fmini), h1->FindBin(fmaxi)); Double_t tmp2 = h3_p->Integral(h3_p->FindBin(fmini), h3_p->FindBin(fmaxi)); Double_t tmp_sg = tmp1 - tmp2; Double_t tmp_bg = tmp2; // if ((tmp_sg <= -tmp_bg) || (tmp_bg < 33.0)) { // gry3[count] = 0.0; // gry4[count] = 0.0; // } // else { gry3[count] = tmp_sg/tmp_bg; gry4[count] = tmp_sg/TMath::Sqrt(tmp_sg + tmp_bg); // } // Printf("%4.2f, %10f, %10f, %10f", ptmean, tmp1, tmp2, gry3[count]); if (mc) { c3->cd(count + 1); // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ff->SetParameters(1, 1.02, 0.004, 0., 0., 0., 0.); hg->Fit(ff, "Q", "", fmin, fmax); hg->Fit(ff, "Q", "", fmin, fmax); fitStatus = hg->Fit(ff, "Q", "", fmin, fmax); /* TF1 *pp3 = new TF1("pp3", "[0]+x*[1]+x*x*[2]+x*x*x*[3]", fmin, fmax); pp3->SetParameters(ff->GetParameter(3), ff->GetParameter(4), ff->GetParameter(5), ff->GetParameter(6)); pp3->SetLineWidth(1); pp3->SetLineColor(h3_p->GetLineColor()); pp3->Draw("same"); */ value = hg->Integral(hg->FindBin(fmini), hg->FindBin(fmaxi)); if (!hisfun) value = ff->Integral(fmini, fmaxi)*hisfun_k; //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!pp3->Integral(fmini, fmaxi)*hisfun_k; if (value <= 0) value = -1; if ((fitStatus != 0) || (ff->GetParameter(2) > 0.1)) { printf(" SKIP MC"); value = -1; } gry2[count] = value; Double_t superfactor = CalculateFactor(l, 0.1); if (useCF) { gry22E[i] = TMath::Sqrt(gry2[i])*superfactor; // gry22E[i] = 0.0001; gry22[i] = gry2[i]*superfactor; grx22E[i] = 0.05; } gry_eff[count] = gry[count]/gry2[count]; c4->cd(count + 1); // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ff->SetParameters(1, 1.02, 0.004, 0., 0., 0., 0.); ht->Fit(ff, "Q", "", fmin, fmax); ht->Fit(ff, "Q", "", fmin, fmax); fitStatus = ht->Fit(ff, "Q", "", fmin, fmax); /* TF1 *pp3 = new TF1("pp3", "[0]+x*[1]+x*x*[2]+x*x*x*[3]", fmin, fmax); pp3->SetParameters(ff->GetParameter(3), ff->GetParameter(4), ff->GetParameter(5), ff->GetParameter(6)); pp3->SetLineWidth(1); pp3->SetLineColor(h3_p->GetLineColor()); pp3->Draw("same"); */ value = ht->Integral(ht->FindBin(fmini), ht->FindBin(fmaxi)); if (!hisfun) value = ff->Integral(fmini, fmaxi)*hisfun_k; //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!pp3->Integral(fmini, fmaxi)*hisfun_k; if (value <= 0) value = -1; if ((fitStatus != 0) || (ff->GetParameter(2) > 0.1)) { printf(" SKIP true"); value = -1; } gry_true[count] = value; gry_true_eff[count] = gry_true[count]/gry2[count]; // Propagation of uncertainty (A/B) Double_t AAA = gry_true[count]; Double_t AAAE = TMath::Sqrt(AAA); Double_t BBB = gry2[count]; Double_t BBBE = TMath::Sqrt(BBB); Double_t EEE = TMath::Sqrt((AAAE/AAA)*(AAAE/AAA)+(BBBE/BBB)*(BBBE/BBB)); EEE = EEE*gry_true_eff[count]; gry_true_effE[count] = EEE; } Printf("=> %6.4f", ptmean); count++; } new TCanvas(); TGraph *gr = new TGraph(count, grx, gry); gr->SetMarkerStyle(8); gr->SetMarkerColor(hh->GetLineColor()); gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{t}, GeV/c"); gr->SetTitle(Form("raw phi, %s", gtitle.Data())); gr->Draw("AP"); cc3 = new TCanvas(); TGraph *gr3 = new TGraph(count, grx, gry3); gr3->SetMarkerStyle(22); gr3->SetMarkerColor(kBlue+1); gr3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{t}, GeV/c"); gr3->SetTitle(Form("SIG / BKG, %s", gtitle.Data())); gr3->SetMinimum(0); gr3->Draw("AP"); cc4 = new TCanvas(); TGraph *gr4 = new TGraph(count, grx, gry4); gr4->SetMarkerStyle(23); gr4->SetMarkerColor(kBlue-1); gr4->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{t}, GeV/c"); gr4->SetTitle(Form("Significance, %s", gtitle.Data())); gr4->SetMinimum(0); gr4->Draw("AP"); ccc = new TCanvas("ccc","ccc",0,0,900,300); ccc->Divide(2, 1, 0.001, 0.001); ccc->cd(1); gr3->Draw("AP"); ccc->cd(2); gr4->Draw("AP"); TString blabla = "mc"; if (!mc) blabla = "data"; // gr3->SaveAs(Form("SB_%s_%s.C", blabla.Data(), grapht.Data())); // gr4->SaveAs(Form("Sig_%s_%s.C", blabla.Data(), grapht.Data())); // ccc->SaveAs(Form("%s_%s_2.eps", blabla.Data(), grapht.Data())); // c->SaveAs(Form("%s_%s_0.eps", blabla.Data(), grapht.Data())); // c2->SaveAs(Form("%s_%s_1.eps", blabla.Data(), grapht.Data())); // cc3->SaveAs(Form("%s_%s_2.eps", blabla.Data(), grapht.Data())); // gr3->SaveAs(Form("sig_bck_%s_%s.C", blabla.Data(), grapht.Data())); if (mc) { new TCanvas(); TGraph *gr2 = new TGraph(count, grx, gry2); gr2->SetMarkerStyle(8); gr2->SetMarkerColor(hg->GetLineColor()); gr2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{t}, GeV/c"); gr2->SetTitle(Form("gen phi, %s", gtitle.Data())); gr2->Draw("AP"); new TCanvas(); TGraphErrors *gr22 = new TGraphErrors(count, grx, gry22, grx22E, gry22E); gr22->SetMarkerStyle(8); gr22->SetMarkerColor(kCyan); gr22->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{t}, GeV/c"); gr22->SetTitle(Form("gen phi, %s", gtitle.Data())); gr22->Draw("AP"); c = new TCanvas(); c->SetGrid(); TGraph *gr_e = new TGraph(count, grx, gry_eff); gr_e->SetMarkerStyle(22); gr_e->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); gr_e->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{t}, GeV/c"); gr_e->SetTitle(Form("efficiency (raw), %s", grapht.Data())); gr_e->Draw("AP"); Printf("Save as '\033[1meffi_raw_%s\033[0m' file", grapht.Data()); for (Int_t i = 0; i < gr_e->GetN(); i++) Printf("%f %f", gr_e->GetX()[i], gr_e->GetY()[i]); cvb = new TCanvas(); cvb->cd(); TGraph *gr_true = new TGraph(count, grx, gry_true); gr_true->SetMarkerStyle(8); gr_true->SetMarkerColor(ht->GetLineColor()); gr_true->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{t}, GeV/c"); gr_true->SetTitle(Form("true phi, %s", gtitle.Data())); gr_true->Draw("AP"); c = new TCanvas(); c->cd(); c->SetGrid(); TGraphErrors *gr_true_eff = new TGraphErrors(count, grx, gry_true_eff, grxE, gry_true_effE); gr_true_eff->SetMarkerStyle(20); // gr_true_eff->SetMarkerSize(0.75); gr_true_eff->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); gr_true_eff->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{t}, GeV/c"); gr_true_eff->SetTitle(Form("efficiency (true), %s", grapht.Data())); gr_true_eff->Draw("AEP"); m_gr->Add(gr_true_eff); Printf("Save as '\033[1meffi_true_%s\033[0m' file", grapht.Data()); TString tout; Double_t oux, ouy, ouxe, ouye; for (Int_t i = 0; i < gr_true_eff->GetN(); i++) { oux = gr_true_eff->GetX()[i]; ouy = gr_true_eff->GetY()[i]; ouy = MinusCheck(ouy); ouxe = gr_true_eff->GetErrorX(i); ouye = gr_true_eff->GetErrorY(i); ouye = NanCheck(ouye); Printf("%f %f %f %f", gr_true_eff->GetX()[i], gr_true_eff->GetY()[i], gr_true_eff->GetErrorX(i), gr_true_eff->GetErrorY(i)); if (!save_output) continue; gSystem->mkdir(dir_prefix.Data()); tout = Form("%f %f %f %f", oux, ouy, ouxe, ouye); if (i == 0) tout = Form("Printf(\"%s\"); > %s/effi_%s", tout.Data(), dir_prefix.Data(), grapht.Data()); else tout = Form("Printf(\"%s\"); >> %s/effi_%s", tout.Data(), dir_prefix.Data(), grapht.Data()); // Printf(":::::: %s", tout.Data()); gROOT->ProcessLine(tout.Data()); } // ------------------ c = new TCanvas("cfinal", "mc_effi", 1200, 450); c->Divide(2, 1, 0.001, 0.001); c->Modified(); c->Draw(); c->cd(1); gr_true->SetMinimum(0); gr_true->SetTitle(Form("phi (true & raw), %s", gtitle.Data())); gr_true->SetMarkerColor(kGreen+1); gr_true->Draw("AP"); gr->SetMarkerColor(kRed+1); gr->Draw("P"); c->cd(2)->SetGrid(); gr_true_eff->SetMinimum(0); gr_true_eff->SetTitle(Form("efficiency, %s", grapht.Data())); gr_true_eff->SetMarkerColor(kGreen+1); gr_true_eff->Draw("AP"); gr_e->SetMarkerColor(kRed+1); gr_e->Draw("P"); // c->SaveAs(Form("%s_%s.eps", blabla.Data(), grapht.Data())); return; } // TGraph *geff = new TGraph(Form("effi_raw_%s", grapht.Data())); // TGraph *geff = new TGraph(Form("effi_true_%s", grapht.Data())); // TGraph *geff = new TGraph("effi_true_Phi2010_qualityonly"); TGraph *geff = new TGraph("effi_true_PhiNsigma_qualityonly"); if (geff->IsZombie()) return; geff->SetMarkerStyle(22); geff->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); geff->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{t}, GeV/c"); geff->SetTitle(Form("efficiency, %s", grapht.Data())); c = new TCanvas(); c->SetGrid(); geff->Draw("AP"); Double_t tpcsigma = 9999.9; if (ilist == 1) tpcsigma = 1.0; if (ilist == 2) tpcsigma = 1.5; if (ilist == 3) tpcsigma = 2.0; if (ilist == 4) tpcsigma = 2.5; if (ilist == 5) tpcsigma = 3.0; Double_t sss = TMath::Erf(tpcsigma/TMath::Sqrt(2.0)); if (noSigma) sss = 1.0; Printf("sigma = %10f", sss); // for (Int_t i = 0; i < count; i++) // geff->GetY()[i] = (sss*sss)/(geff->GetY()[i]); // geff->SetMaximum(1.0); // geff->Draw("AP"); for (Int_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { Double_t deno = geff->Eval(grx[i])*sss*sss; if (deno < 0.00001) deno = 1; gry_fix[i] = gry[i]/deno; } new TCanvas; TGraph *gr_fix = new TGraph(count, grx, gry_fix); gr_fix->SetMarkerStyle(21); gr_fix->SetMarkerColor(hh->GetLineColor()); gr_fix->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{t}, GeV/c"); gr_fix->SetTitle(Form("corrected phi * #sigma^{2}, %s", gtitle.Data())); if (noSigma) gr_fix->SetTitle(Form("corrected phi (no #sigma), %s", gtitle.Data())); gr_fix->Draw("AP"); //--------------------- c = new TCanvas("cfinald", "data_correct", 1200, 450); c->Divide(2, 1, 0.001, 0.001); c->Modified(); c->Draw(); c->cd(1); gr->SetMinimum(0); gr->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); gr->Draw("AP"); c->cd(2); gr_fix->SetMinimum(0); gr_fix->SetMarkerColor(kGreen+3); gr_fix->Draw("AP"); TString bla9 = Form("qualityonly_PID2_%s", grapht.Data()); if (noSigma) bla9 = Form("%s_noSig.C", bla9.Data()); else bla9 = Form("%s.C", bla9.Data()); // gr_fix->SaveAs(bla9.Data()); // TPad *cp = new TPad("cpf", "", 0.45,0.45,0.99,0.92); TPad *cp = new TPad("cpf", "", 0.60,0.55,0.99,0.93); cp->SetLogy(); cp->Draw(); cp->cd(); TGraph *cloneg = ((TGraph *)gr_fix->Clone()); cloneg->SetTitle(); cloneg->SetMarkerSize(0.8); cloneg->Draw("AP"); // c->SaveAs(Form("%s_%s.eps", blabla.Data(), grapht.Data())); f->Close(); }