コード例 #1
ファイル: Gmp_Raster.C プロジェクト: xulongwu4/gmp_tools
Int_t Gmp_Raster::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )

  // clears the event structure
  // loops over all modules defined in the detector map
  // copies raw data into local variables
  // pedestal subtraction is not foreseen for the raster


  UInt_t chancnt = 0;
  Int_t chan = 0;
  Int_t data = 0;
  Int_t k = 0;

  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fDetMap->GetSize(); i++ ){
    THaDetMap::Module* d = fDetMap->GetModule( i );

    for (Int_t j=0; j< evdata.GetNumChan( d->crate, d->slot ); j++) {
      chan = evdata.GetNextChan( d->crate, d->slot, j);
      if ((chan>=d->lo)&&(chan<=d->hi)) {
	data = evdata.GetData( d->crate, d->slot, chan, 0 );
	k = chancnt+d->first + chan - d->lo -1;
	if (k<2) {
	  fRawPos(k)= data;
	else if (k<4) {
	  fRawSlope(k-2)= data;
	else {
	  Warning( Here("Decode()"), "Illegal detector channel: %d", k );

  if (fNfired!=4) {
    Warning( Here("Decode()"), "Number of fired Channels out of range. Setting beam position to nominal values");
  return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: THaBPM.C プロジェクト: xulongwu4/analyzer
Int_t THaBPM::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )

  // clears the event structure
  // loops over all modules defined in the detector map
  // copies raw data into local variables
  // performs pedestal subtraction

  const char* const here = "Decode()";

  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fDetMap->GetSize(); i++ ){
    THaDetMap::Module* d = fDetMap->GetModule( i );
    for (Int_t j=0; j< evdata.GetNumChan( d->crate, d->slot ); j++) {
      Int_t chan = evdata.GetNextChan( d->crate, d->slot, j);
      if ((chan>=d->lo)&&(chan<=d->hi)) {
	Int_t data = evdata.GetData( d->crate, d->slot, chan, 0 );
	UInt_t k = d->first + chan - d->lo -1;
	if ((k<NCHAN)&&(fRawSignal(k)==-1)) {
	  fRawSignal(k)= data;
	else {
	  Warning( Here(here), "Illegal detector channel: %d", k );

  if (fNfired!=NCHAN) {
    Warning( Here(here), "Number of fired Channels out of range. "
	     "Setting beam position to nominal values");
  else {

  return 0;
コード例 #3
Int_t THaScintillator::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )
  // Decode scintillator data, correct TDC times and ADC amplitudes, and copy
  // the data to the local data members.
  // This implementation makes the following assumptions about the detector map:
  // - The first half of the map entries corresponds to ADCs,
  //   the second half, to TDCs.
  // - The first fNelem detector channels correspond to the PMTs on the
  //   right hand side, the next fNelem channels, to the left hand side.
  //   (Thus channel numbering for each module must be consecutive.)

  // Loop over all modules defined for this detector

  for( Int_t i = 0; i < fDetMap->GetSize(); i++ ) {
    THaDetMap::Module* d = fDetMap->GetModule( i );
    bool adc = ( d->model ? fDetMap->IsADC(d) : (i < fDetMap->GetSize()/2) );

    // Loop over all channels that have a hit.
    for( Int_t j = 0; j < evdata.GetNumChan( d->crate, d->slot ); j++) {

      Int_t chan = evdata.GetNextChan( d->crate, d->slot, j );
      if( chan < d->lo || chan > d->hi ) continue;     // Not one of my channels

      Int_t nhit = evdata.GetNumHits(d->crate, d->slot, chan);
      if( nhit > 1 )
        if (d->model != 250)
	Warning( Here("Decode"), "%d hits on %s channel %d/%d/%d",
		 nhit, adc ? "ADC" : "TDC", d->crate, d->slot, chan );
      // Get the data. Scintillators are assumed to have only single hit (hit=0)
      Int_t data = evdata.GetData( d->crate, d->slot, chan, 0 );

      // Get the detector channel number, starting at 0
      Int_t k = d->first + chan - d->lo - 1;

      if( k<0 || k>NDEST*fNelem ) {
	// Indicates bad database
	Warning( Here("Decode()"), "Illegal detector channel: %d", k );
//        cout << "adc,j,k = " <<adc<<","<<j<< ","<<k<< endl;
      // Copy the data to the local variables.
      DataDest* dest = fDataDest + k/fNelem;
      k = k % fNelem;
      if( adc ) {
	dest->adc[k]   = static_cast<Double_t>( data );
	dest->adc_p[k] = data - dest->ped[k];
	dest->adc_c[k] = dest->adc_p[k] * dest->gain[k];
      } else {
	dest->tdc[k]   = static_cast<Double_t>( data );
	dest->tdc_c[k] = (data - dest->offset[k])*fTdc2T;
  if ( fDebug > 3 ) {
    printf("\n\nEvent %d   Trigger %d Scintillator %s\n:",
	   evdata.GetEvNum(), evdata.GetEvType(), GetPrefix() );
    printf("   paddle  Left(TDC    ADC   ADC_p)   Right(TDC   ADC   ADC_p)\n");
    for ( int i=0; i<fNelem; i++ ) {
      printf("     %2d     %5.0f    %5.0f  %5.0f     %5.0f    %5.0f  %5.0f\n",

  return fLTNhit+fRTNhit;
コード例 #4
ファイル: THaShower.C プロジェクト: xulongwu4/analyzer-1.6
Int_t THaShower::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )
  // Decode shower data, scale the data to energy deposition
  // ( in MeV ), and copy the data into the following local data structure:
  // fNhits           -  Number of hits on shower;
  // fA[]             -  Array of ADC values of shower blocks;
  // fA_p[]           -  Array of ADC minus ped values of shower blocks;
  // fA_c[]           -  Array of corrected ADC values of shower blocks;
  // fAsum_p          -  Sum of shower blocks ADC minus pedestal values;
  // fAsum_c          -  Sum of shower blocks corrected ADC values;

  // Loop over all modules defined for shower detector
  for( UShort_t i = 0; i < fDetMap->GetSize(); i++ ) {
    THaDetMap::Module* d = fDetMap->GetModule( i );

    // Loop over all channels that have a hit.
    for( Int_t j = 0; j < evdata.GetNumChan( d->crate, d->slot ); j++) {

      Int_t chan = evdata.GetNextChan( d->crate, d->slot, j );
      if( chan > d->hi || chan < d->lo ) continue;    // Not one of my channels.

      // Get the data. shower blocks are assumed to have only single hit (hit=0)
      Int_t data = evdata.GetData( d->crate, d->slot, chan, 0 );

      // Copy the data to the local variables.
      Int_t k = *(*(fChanMap+i)+(chan-d->lo)) - 1;
      if( k<0 || k>=fNelem )
	Warning( Here("Decode()"), "Bad array index: %d. Your channel map is "
		 "invalid. Data skipped.", k );
	fA[k]   = data;                   // ADC value
	fA_p[k] = data - fPed[k];         // ADC minus ped
	fA_c[k] = fA_p[k] * fGain[k];     // ADC corrected
	if( fA_p[k] > 0.0 )
	  fAsum_p += fA_p[k];             // Sum of ADC minus ped
	if( fA_c[k] > 0.0 )
	  fAsum_c += fA_c[k];             // Sum of ADC corrected

  if ( fDebug > 3 ) {
    printf("\nShower Detector %s:\n",GetPrefix());
    int ncol=3;
    for (int i=0; i<ncol; i++) {
      printf("  Block  ADC  ADC_p  ");

    for (int i=0; i<(fNelem+ncol-1)/ncol; i++ ) {
      for (int c=0; c<ncol; c++) {
	int ind = c*fNelem/ncol+i;
	if (ind < fNelem) {
	  printf("  %3d  %5.0f  %5.0f  ",ind+1,fA[ind],fA_p[ind]);
	} else {
	  //	  printf("\n");

  return fNhits;
コード例 #5
ファイル: THaVDCPlane.C プロジェクト: xulongwu4/analyzer-1.6
Int_t THaVDCPlane::Decode( const THaEvData& evData )
  // Converts the raw data into hit information
  // Logical wire numbers a defined by the detector map. Wire number 0
  // corresponds to the first defined channel, etc.

  // TODO: Support "reversed" detector map modules a la MWDC

  if (!evData.IsPhysicsTrigger()) return -1;

  // the event's T0-shift, due to the trigger-type
  // only an issue when adding in un-retimed trigger types
  Double_t evtT0=0;
  if ( fglTrg && fglTrg->Decode(evData)==kOK ) evtT0 = fglTrg->TimeOffset();

  Int_t nextHit = 0;

  bool only_fastest_hit = false, no_negative = false;
  if( fVDC ) {
    // If true, add only the first (earliest) hit for each wire
    only_fastest_hit = fVDC->TestBit(THaVDC::kOnlyFastest);
    // If true, ignore negative drift times completely
    no_negative      = fVDC->TestBit(THaVDC::kIgnoreNegDrift);

  // Loop over all detector modules for this wire plane
  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fDetMap->GetSize(); i++) {
    THaDetMap::Module * d = fDetMap->GetModule(i);

    // Get number of channels with hits
    Int_t nChan = evData.GetNumChan(d->crate, d->slot);
    for (Int_t chNdx = 0; chNdx < nChan; chNdx++) {
      // Use channel index to loop through channels that have hits

      Int_t chan = evData.GetNextChan(d->crate, d->slot, chNdx);
      if (chan < d->lo || chan > d->hi)
	continue; //Not part of this detector

      // Wire numbers and channels go in the same order ...
      Int_t wireNum  = d->first + chan - d->lo;
      THaVDCWire* wire = GetWire(wireNum);
      if( !wire || wire->GetFlag() != 0 ) continue;

      // Get number of hits for this channel and loop through hits
      Int_t nHits = evData.GetNumHits(d->crate, d->slot, chan);

      Int_t max_data = -1;
      Double_t toff = wire->GetTOffset();

      for (Int_t hit = 0; hit < nHits; hit++) {

	// Now get the TDC data for this hit
	Int_t data = evData.GetData(d->crate, d->slot, chan, hit);

	// Convert the TDC value to the drift time.
	// Being perfectionist, we apply a 1/2 channel correction to the raw
	// TDC data to compensate for the fact that the TDC truncates, not
	// rounds, the data.
	Double_t xdata = static_cast<Double_t>(data) + 0.5;
	Double_t time = fTDCRes * (toff - xdata) - evtT0;

	// If requested, ignore hits with negative drift times
	// (due to noise or miscalibration). Use with care.
	// If only fastest hit requested, find maximum TDC value and record the
	// hit after the hit loop is done (see below).
	// Otherwise just record all hits.
	if( !no_negative || time > 0.0 ) {
	  if( only_fastest_hit ) {
	    if( data > max_data )
	      max_data = data;
	  } else
	    new( (*fHits)[nextHit++] )  THaVDCHit( wire, data, time );

    // Count all hits and wires with hits
    //    fNWiresHit++;

      } // End hit loop

      // If we are only interested in the hit with the largest TDC value
      // (shortest drift time), it is recorded here.
      if( only_fastest_hit && max_data>0 ) {
	Double_t xdata = static_cast<Double_t>(max_data) + 0.5;
	Double_t time = fTDCRes * (toff - xdata) - evtT0;
	new( (*fHits)[nextHit++] ) THaVDCHit( wire, max_data, time );
    } // End channel index loop
  } // End slot loop

  // Sort the hits in order of increasing wire number and (for the same wire
  // number) increasing time (NOT rawtime)


  if ( fDebug > 3 ) {
    printf("\nVDC %s:\n",GetPrefix());
    int ncol=4;
    for (int i=0; i<ncol; i++) {
      printf("     Wire    TDC  ");

    for (int i=0; i<(nextHit+ncol-1)/ncol; i++ ) {
      for (int c=0; c<ncol; c++) {
	int ind = c*nextHit/ncol+i;
	if (ind < nextHit) {
	  THaVDCHit* hit = static_cast<THaVDCHit*>(fHits->At(ind));
	  printf("     %3d    %5d ",hit->GetWireNum(),hit->GetRawTime());
	} else {
	  //	  printf("\n");

  return 0;
