コード例 #1
ファイル: BuildPatchManifest.cpp プロジェクト: johndpope/UE4
void FBuildPatchAppManifest::EnumerateChunkPartInventory(const TArray<FGuid>& ChunksRequired, TMap<FGuid, TArray<FFileChunkPart>>& ChunkPartsAvailable) const
	// Use a set to optimize
	TSet<FGuid> ChunksReqSet(ChunksRequired);
	// For each file in the manifest, check what chunks it is made out of, and grab details for the ones in ChunksRequired
	for (auto FileManifestIt = Data->FileManifestList.CreateConstIterator(); FileManifestIt && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError(); ++FileManifestIt)
		const FFileManifestData& FileManifest = *FileManifestIt;
		uint64 FileOffset = 0;
		for (auto ChunkPartIt = FileManifest.FileChunkParts.CreateConstIterator(); ChunkPartIt && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError(); ++ChunkPartIt)
			const FChunkPartData& ChunkPart = *ChunkPartIt;
			if (ChunksReqSet.Contains(ChunkPart.Guid))
				TArray<FFileChunkPart>& FileChunkParts = ChunkPartsAvailable.FindOrAdd(ChunkPart.Guid);
				FFileChunkPart FileChunkPart;
				FileChunkPart.Filename = FileManifest.Filename;
				FileChunkPart.ChunkPart = ChunkPart;
				FileChunkPart.FileOffset = FileOffset;
			FileOffset += ChunkPart.Size;
コード例 #2
bool FChunkManifestGenerator::LoadAssetRegistry(const FString& SandboxPath, const TSet<FName>* PackagesToKeep)
	UE_LOG(LogChunkManifestGenerator, Display, TEXT("Loading asset registry."));

	// Load generated registry for each platform
	check(Platforms.Num() == 1);

	for (auto Platform : Platforms)
		/*FString PlatformSandboxPath = SandboxPath.Replace(TEXT("[Platform]"), *Platform->PlatformName());
		FArchive* AssetRegistryReader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader(*PlatformSandboxPath);*/

		FString PlatformSandboxPath = SandboxPath.Replace(TEXT("[Platform]"), *Platform->PlatformName());
		FArrayReader FileContents;
		if (FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(FileContents, *PlatformSandboxPath) == false)
		FArchive* AssetRegistryReader = &FileContents;

		TMap<FName, FAssetData*> SavedAssetRegistryData;
		TArray<FDependsNode*> DependencyData;
		if (AssetRegistryReader)
			AssetRegistry.LoadRegistryData(*AssetRegistryReader, SavedAssetRegistryData, DependencyData);
		for (auto& LoadedAssetData : AssetRegistryData)
			if (PackagesToKeep &&
				PackagesToKeep->Contains(LoadedAssetData.PackageName) == false)

			FAssetData* FoundAssetData = SavedAssetRegistryData.FindRef(LoadedAssetData.ObjectPath);
			if ( FoundAssetData )
				delete FoundAssetData;

		for (const auto& SavedAsset : SavedAssetRegistryData)
			if (PackagesToKeep && PackagesToKeep->Contains(SavedAsset.Value->PackageName))
			delete SavedAsset.Value;
	return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Delegates.cpp プロジェクト: Galvarezss/Unreal.js
	void ClearDelegateObjects()
		for (auto obj : DelegateObjects)
コード例 #4
void EmptyD3DSamplerStateCache()
	for (auto Iter = GSamplerStateCache.CreateIterator(); Iter; ++Iter )
		auto* State = Iter.Value();
		// Manually release

コード例 #5
ファイル: D3D11State.cpp プロジェクト: xiangyuan/Unreal4
void EmptyD3DSamplerStateCache()
#if LOCK_GSamplerStateCache
	FScopeLock Lock(&GSamplerStateCacheLock);
	for (auto Iter = GSamplerStateCache.CreateIterator(); Iter; ++Iter )
		auto* State = Iter.Value();
		// Manually release

コード例 #6
void FBlueprintCompileReinstancer::GenerateFieldMappings(TMap<UObject*, UObject*>& FieldMapping)


	for (auto& Prop : PropertyMap)
		FieldMapping.Add(Prop.Value, FindField<UProperty>(ClassToReinstance, *Prop.Key.ToString()));

	for (auto& Func : FunctionMap)
		UFunction* NewFunction = ClassToReinstance->FindFunctionByName(Func.Key, EIncludeSuperFlag::ExcludeSuper);
		FieldMapping.Add(Func.Value, NewFunction);

	UObject* NewCDO = ClassToReinstance->GetDefaultObject();
	FieldMapping.Add(OriginalCDO, NewCDO);
コード例 #7
		for (TMap<TWeakObjectPtr<UFunction>, PoolMapping>::TIterator It(Pool); It; ++It)
			PoolMapping& PM = It.Value();
			// Delete all the non-prototype versions of the message in the pool
			MessagePoolElem* Elem = PM.FreeList;
			while (Elem)
				MessagePoolElem* NextElem = Elem->Next();
				delete (*Elem)->Msg;
				delete Elem;
				Elem = NextElem;


		// Optional:  Delete all global objects allocated by libprotobuf.
コード例 #8
	 * Process a string command to the logging suppression system 
	 * @param CmdString, string to process
	 * @param FromBoot, if true, this is a boot time command, and is handled differently
	void ProcessCmdString(const FString& CmdString, bool FromBoot = false)
		// How to use the log command : `log <category> <verbosity>
		// e.g., Turn off all logging : `log global none
		// e.g., Set specific filter  : `log logshaders verbose
		// e.g., Combo command        : `log global none, log logshaders verbose

		static FName NAME_BootGlobal(TEXT("BootGlobal"));
		static FName NAME_Reset(TEXT("Reset"));
		FString Cmds = CmdString;
		Cmds = Cmds.Trim().TrimQuotes();
		TArray<FString> SubCmds;
		Cmds.ParseIntoArray(SubCmds, TEXT(","), true);
		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < SubCmds.Num(); Index++)
			static FString LogString(TEXT("Log "));
			FString Command = SubCmds[Index].Trim();
			if (Command.StartsWith(*LogString))
				Command = Command.Right(Command.Len() - LogString.Len());
			TArray<FString> CommandParts;
			if (CommandParts.Num() < 1)
			FName Category(*CommandParts[0]);
			if (Category == NAME_Global && FromBoot)
				Category = NAME_BootGlobal; // the boot time global is a special one, since we want things like "log global none, log logshaders verbose"
			TArray<FLogCategoryBase*> CategoryVerbosities;
			uint8 Value = 0;
			if (FromBoot)
				// now maybe this was already set at boot, in which case we override what it had
				uint8* Boot = BootAssociations.Find(Category);
				if (Boot)
					Value = *Boot;
					// see if we had a boot global override
					Boot = BootAssociations.Find(NAME_BootGlobal);
					if (Boot)
						Value = *Boot;
				for (TMultiMap<FName, FLogCategoryBase*>::TKeyIterator It(ReverseAssociations, Category); It; ++It)
					checkSlow(!(It.Value()->Verbosity & ELogVerbosity::BreakOnLog)); // this bit is factored out of this variable, always
					Value = It.Value()->Verbosity | (It.Value()->DebugBreakOnLog ? ELogVerbosity::BreakOnLog : 0);
			if (CommandParts.Num() == 1)
				// only possibility is the reset and toggle command which is meaningless at boot
				if (!FromBoot)
					if (Category == NAME_Reset)
						for (TMap<FLogCategoryBase*, FName>::TIterator It(Associations); It; ++It)
							FLogCategoryBase* Verb = It.Key();
							// store off the last non-zero one for toggle
							checkSlow(!(Verb->Verbosity & ELogVerbosity::BreakOnLog)); // this bit is factored out of this variable, always
							if (Verb->Verbosity)
								// currently on, store this in the pending and clear it
								ToggleAssociations.Add(Category, Verb->Verbosity);
						if (Value & ELogVerbosity::VerbosityMask)
							// currently on, toggle it
							Value = Value & ~ELogVerbosity::VerbosityMask;
							// try to get a non-zero value from the toggle backup
							uint8* Toggle = ToggleAssociations.Find(Category);
							if (Toggle && *Toggle)
								Value |= *Toggle;
								Value |= ELogVerbosity::All;

				// now we have the current value, lets change it!
				for (int32 PartIndex = 1; PartIndex < CommandParts.Num(); PartIndex++)
					FName CmdToken = FName(*CommandParts[PartIndex]);
					static FName NAME_Verbose(TEXT("Verbose"));
					static FName NAME_VeryVerbose(TEXT("VeryVerbose"));
					static FName NAME_All(TEXT("All"));
					static FName NAME_Default(TEXT("Default"));
					static FName NAME_On(TEXT("On"));
					static FName NAME_Off(TEXT("Off"));
					static FName NAME_Break(TEXT("Break"));
					static FName NAME_Fatal(TEXT("Fatal"));
					static FName NAME_Log(TEXT("Log"));
					static FName NAME_Display(TEXT("Display"));
					if (CmdToken == NAME_None)
						Value &= ~ELogVerbosity::VerbosityMask;
						Value |= ELogVerbosity::Fatal;
					else if (CmdToken == NAME_Fatal)
						Value &= ~ELogVerbosity::VerbosityMask;
						Value |= ELogVerbosity::Fatal;
					else if (CmdToken == NAME_Error)
						Value &= ~ELogVerbosity::VerbosityMask;
						Value |= ELogVerbosity::Error;
					else if (CmdToken == NAME_Warning)
						Value &= ~ELogVerbosity::VerbosityMask;
						Value |= ELogVerbosity::Warning;
					else if (CmdToken == NAME_Log)
						Value &= ~ELogVerbosity::VerbosityMask;
						Value |= ELogVerbosity::Log;
					else if (CmdToken == NAME_Display)
						Value &= ~ELogVerbosity::VerbosityMask;
						Value |= ELogVerbosity::Display;
					else if (CmdToken == NAME_Verbose)
						Value &= ~ELogVerbosity::VerbosityMask;
						Value |= ELogVerbosity::Verbose;
					else if (CmdToken == NAME_VeryVerbose || CmdToken == NAME_All)
						Value &= ~ELogVerbosity::VerbosityMask;
						Value |= ELogVerbosity::VeryVerbose;
					else if (CmdToken == NAME_Default)
						if (CategoryVerbosities.Num() && !FromBoot)
							Value = CategoryVerbosities[0]->DefaultVerbosity;
					else if (CmdToken == NAME_Off)
						Value &= ~ELogVerbosity::VerbosityMask;
						Value |= ELogVerbosity::Fatal;
					else if (CmdToken == NAME_On)
						Value &= ~ELogVerbosity::VerbosityMask;
							// try to get a non-zero value from the toggle backup
							uint8* Toggle = ToggleAssociations.Find(Category);
							if (Toggle && *Toggle)
								Value |= *Toggle;
								Value |= ELogVerbosity::All;
					else if (CmdToken == NAME_Break)
						Value ^= ELogVerbosity::BreakOnLog;
			if (Category != NAME_Reset)
				if (FromBoot)
					if (Category == NAME_BootGlobal)
						// changing the global at boot removes everything set up so far
					BootAssociations.Add(Category, Value);
					for (int32 CategoryIndex = 0; CategoryIndex < CategoryVerbosities.Num(); CategoryIndex++)
						FLogCategoryBase* Verb = CategoryVerbosities[CategoryIndex];
					if (Category == NAME_Global)
						// if this was a global change, we need to change them all
				// store off the last non-zero one for toggle
				if (Value & ELogVerbosity::VerbosityMask)
					// currently on, store this in the pending and clear it
					ToggleAssociations.Add(Category, Value & ELogVerbosity::VerbosityMask);
コード例 #9
// TODO: Refactor this (and some other stuff) into a preprocessing step for use by any compiler?
bool FNiagaraCompiler::MergeInFunctionNodes()
	struct FReconnectionInfo
		UEdGraphPin* From;
		TArray<UEdGraphPin*> To;

		//Fallback default value if an input connection is not connected.
		FString FallbackDefault;

			: From(NULL)
	TMap<FName, FReconnectionInfo> InputConnections;
	TMap<FName, FReconnectionInfo> OutputConnections;

	TArray<class UEdGraphPin*> FuncCallInputPins;
	TArray<class UEdGraphPin*> FuncCallOutputPins;

	//Copies the function graph into the main graph.
	//Removes the Function call in the main graph and the input and output nodes in the function graph, reconnecting their pins appropriately.
	auto MergeFunctionIntoMainGraph = [&](UNiagaraNodeFunctionCall* InFunc, UNiagaraGraph* FuncGraph)

		check(InFunc && FuncGraph);
		if (InFunc->FunctionScript)
			//Get all the pins that are connected to the inputs of the function call node in the main graph.
			for (UEdGraphPin* FuncCallInputPin : FuncCallInputPins)
				FName InputName(*FuncCallInputPin->PinName);
				FReconnectionInfo& InputConnection = InputConnections.FindOrAdd(InputName);
				if (FuncCallInputPin->LinkedTo.Num() > 0)
					check(FuncCallInputPin->LinkedTo.Num() == 1);
					UEdGraphPin* LinkFrom = FuncCallInputPin->LinkedTo[0];
					check(LinkFrom->Direction == EGPD_Output);
					InputConnection.From = LinkFrom;
					//This input has no link so we need the default value from the pin.
					InputConnection.FallbackDefault = FuncCallInputPin->GetDefaultAsString();
			//Get all the pins that are connected to the outputs of the function call node in the main graph.
			for (UEdGraphPin* FuncCallOutputPin : FuncCallOutputPins)
				FName OutputName(*FuncCallOutputPin->PinName);
				for (UEdGraphPin* LinkTo : FuncCallOutputPin->LinkedTo)
					check(LinkTo->Direction == EGPD_Input);
					FReconnectionInfo& OutputConnection = OutputConnections.FindOrAdd(OutputName);

			//Remove the function call node from the graph now that we have everything we need from it.

			//Keep a list of the Input and Output nodes we see in the function graph so that we can remove (most of) them later.
			TArray<UEdGraphNode*, TInlineAllocator<64>> ToRemove;

			//Search the nodes in the function graph, finding any connections to input or output nodes.
			for (UEdGraphNode* FuncGraphNode : FuncGraph->Nodes)
				if (UNiagaraNodeInput* InputNode = Cast<UNiagaraNodeInput>(FuncGraphNode))
					check(InputNode->Pins.Num() == 1);
					//Get an array of "To" pins from one or more input nodes referencing each named input.
					FReconnectionInfo& InputConnection = InputConnections.FindOrAdd(InputNode->Input.Name);
					if (InputConnection.From)
						//We have a connection from the function call so remove the input node and connect to that.
						//This input has no connection from the function call so what do we do here? 
						//For now we just leave the input node and connect back to it. 
						//This will mean unconnected pins from the function call will look for constants or attributes. 
						//In some cases we may want to just take the default value from the function call pin instead?
						//Maybe have some properties on the function call defining that.
						InputConnection.From = InputNode->Pins[0];

					TArray<UEdGraphPin*>& LinkToPins = InputNode->Pins[0]->LinkedTo;
					for (UEdGraphPin* ToPin : LinkToPins)
						check(ToPin->Direction == EGPD_Input);
				else if (UNiagaraNodeOutput* OutputNode = Cast<UNiagaraNodeOutput>(FuncGraphNode))
					//Unlike the input nodes, we don't have the option of keeping these if there is no "From" pin. The default values from the node pins should be used.

					//For each output, get the "From" pin to be reconnected later.
					for (int32 OutputIdx = 0; OutputIdx < OutputNode->Outputs.Num(); ++OutputIdx)
						FName OutputName = OutputNode->Outputs[OutputIdx].Name;

						UEdGraphPin* OutputNodePin = OutputNode->Pins[OutputIdx];
						check(OutputNodePin->LinkedTo.Num() <= 1);
						FReconnectionInfo& OutputConnection = OutputConnections.FindOrAdd(OutputName);
						UEdGraphPin* LinkFromPin = OutputNodePin->LinkedTo.Num() == 1 ? OutputNodePin->LinkedTo[0] : NULL;
						if (LinkFromPin)
							check(LinkFromPin->Direction == EGPD_Output);
							OutputConnection.From = LinkFromPin;
							//This output is not connected so links to it in the main graph must use it's default value.
							OutputConnection.FallbackDefault = OutputNodePin->GetDefaultAsString();

			//Remove all the In and Out nodes from the function graph.
			for (UEdGraphNode* Remove : ToRemove)

			//Copy the nodes from the function graph over into the main graph.
			FuncGraph->MoveNodesToAnotherGraph(SourceGraph, false);

			//Finally, do all the reconnection.
			auto MakeConnection = [&](FReconnectionInfo& Info)
				for (UEdGraphPin* LinkTo : Info.To)
					if (Info.From)
						LinkTo->DefaultValue = Info.FallbackDefault;
			for (TPair<FName, FReconnectionInfo>& ReconnectInfo : InputConnections){ MakeConnection(ReconnectInfo.Value); }
			for (TPair<FName, FReconnectionInfo>& ReconnectInfo : OutputConnections){ MakeConnection(ReconnectInfo.Value); }

	//Helper struct for traversing nested function calls.
	struct FFunctionContext
		//True if this context's function has been merged into the main graph.
		bool bProcessed;
		//The index of this context into the ContextPool. 
		int32 PoolIdx;
		//Pointer back to the parent context for traversal.
		FFunctionContext* Parent;
		//The function call node for this function in the source/parent graph.
		UNiagaraNodeFunctionCall* Function;
		//The graph for this function that we are going to merge into the main graph.
		UNiagaraGraph* FunctionGraph;
		//The script from which the graph is copied. Used for re entrance check.
		UNiagaraScript* Script;

		//Contexts for function calls in this function graph.
		TArray<FFunctionContext*, TInlineAllocator<64>> SubFunctionCalls;

			: bProcessed(false)
			, PoolIdx(INDEX_NONE)
			, Parent(NULL)
			, Function(NULL)
			, FunctionGraph(NULL)
			, Script(NULL)

		We don't allow re-entrant functions as this would cause an infinite loop of merging in graphs.
		Maybe in the future if we allow branching in the VM we can allow this.
		bool CheckForReentrance()const
			UNiagaraNodeFunctionCall* Func = Function;
			FFunctionContext* Curr = Parent;
			while (Curr)
				if (Curr->Script == Script)
					return true;

				Curr = Curr->Parent;
			return false;

		FString GetCallstack()const
			FString Ret;
			const FFunctionContext* Curr = this;
			while (Curr)
				if (Curr->Script)


				Curr = Curr->Parent;
			return Ret;

	//A pool of contexts on the stack to avoid loads of needless, small heap allocations.
	TArray<FFunctionContext, TInlineAllocator<512>> ContextPool;

	FFunctionContext RootContext;
	FFunctionContext* CurrentContext = &RootContext;
	CurrentContext->FunctionGraph = SourceGraph;
	CurrentContext->Script = Script;

	//Depth first traversal of all function calls.
	while (CurrentContext)
		//Find any sub functions and process this function call.
		if (!CurrentContext->bProcessed)
			CurrentContext->bProcessed = true;

			//Find any sub functions and check for re-entrance.
			if (CurrentContext->FunctionGraph)
				for (UEdGraphNode* Node : CurrentContext->FunctionGraph->Nodes)
					UNiagaraNodeFunctionCall* FuncNode = Cast<UNiagaraNodeFunctionCall>(Node);
					if (FuncNode)
						int32 NewIdx = ContextPool.AddZeroed();
						FFunctionContext* SubFuncContext = &ContextPool[NewIdx];
						SubFuncContext->Parent = CurrentContext;
						SubFuncContext->Function = FuncNode;
						SubFuncContext->PoolIdx = NewIdx;
						SubFuncContext->Script = FuncNode->FunctionScript;

						if (SubFuncContext->CheckForReentrance())
							FString Callstack = SubFuncContext->GetCallstack();
							MessageLog.Error(TEXT("Reentrant function call!\n%s"), *Callstack);
							return false;

						//Copy the function graph as we'll be modifying it as we merge in with the main graph.
						UNiagaraScriptSource* FuncSource = CastChecked<UNiagaraScriptSource>(FuncNode->FunctionScript->Source);
						SubFuncContext->FunctionGraph = CastChecked<UNiagaraGraph>(FEdGraphUtilities::CloneGraph(FuncSource->NodeGraph, NULL, &MessageLog));

			//Merge this function into the main graph now.
			if (CurrentContext->Function && CurrentContext->FunctionGraph)
				MergeFunctionIntoMainGraph(CurrentContext->Function, CurrentContext->FunctionGraph);

		if (CurrentContext->SubFunctionCalls.Num() > 0)
			//Move to the next sub function.
			CurrentContext = CurrentContext->SubFunctionCalls.Pop();
			//Done processing this function so remove it and move back to the parent.
			if (CurrentContext->PoolIdx != INDEX_NONE)

			CurrentContext = CurrentContext->Parent;

	return true;
コード例 #10
void IGameplayCueInterface::ClearTagToFunctionMap()
コード例 #11
ファイル: SGraphPin.cpp プロジェクト: johndpope/UE4
FReply SGraphPin::OnPinMouseDown( const FGeometry& SenderGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	bIsMovingLinks = false;

	if (MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::LeftMouseButton)
		if (!GraphPinObj->bNotConnectable && IsEditable.Get())
			if (MouseEvent.IsAltDown())
				// Alt-Left clicking will break all existing connections to a pin
				const UEdGraphSchema* Schema = GraphPinObj->GetSchema();
				Schema->BreakPinLinks(*GraphPinObj, true);
				return FReply::Handled();

			auto OwnerNodePinned = OwnerNodePtr.Pin();
			if (MouseEvent.IsControlDown() && (GraphPinObj->LinkedTo.Num() > 0))
				// Get a reference to the owning panel widget
				TSharedPtr<SGraphPanel> OwnerPanelPtr = OwnerNodePinned->GetOwnerPanel();

				// Obtain the set of all pins within the panel
				TSet<TSharedRef<SWidget> > AllPins;

				// Construct a UEdGraphPin->SGraphPin mapping for the full pin set
				TMap< UEdGraphPin*, TSharedRef<SGraphPin> > PinToPinWidgetMap;
				for( TSet< TSharedRef<SWidget> >::TIterator ConnectorIt(AllPins); ConnectorIt; ++ConnectorIt )
					const TSharedRef<SWidget>& SomePinWidget = *ConnectorIt;
					const SGraphPin& PinWidget = static_cast<const SGraphPin&>(SomePinWidget.Get());

					PinToPinWidgetMap.Add(PinWidget.GetPinObj(), StaticCastSharedRef<SGraphPin>(SomePinWidget));

				// Define a local struct to temporarily store lookup information for pins that we are currently linked to
				struct LinkedToPinInfo
					// Pin name string
					FString PinName;

					// A weak reference to the node object that owns the pin
					TWeakObjectPtr<UEdGraphNode> OwnerNodePtr;

				// Build a lookup table containing information about the set of pins that we're currently linked to
				TArray<LinkedToPinInfo> LinkedToPinInfoArray;
				for( TArray<UEdGraphPin*>::TIterator LinkArrayIter(GetPinObj()->LinkedTo); LinkArrayIter; ++LinkArrayIter )
					if (auto PinWidget = PinToPinWidgetMap.Find(*LinkArrayIter))

						LinkedToPinInfo PinInfo;
						PinInfo.PinName = (*PinWidget)->GetPinObj()->PinName;
						PinInfo.OwnerNodePtr = (*PinWidget)->OwnerNodePtr.Pin()->GetNodeObj();

				// Control-Left clicking will break all existing connections to a pin
				// Note that for some nodes, this can cause reconstruction. In that case, pins we had previously linked to may now be destroyed.
				const UEdGraphSchema* Schema = GraphPinObj->GetSchema();
				Schema->BreakPinLinks(*GraphPinObj, true);

				// Check to see if the panel has been invalidated by a graph change notification
				if (!OwnerPanelPtr->Contains(OwnerNodePinned->GetNodeObj()))
					// Force the panel to update. This will cause node & pin widgets to be reinstanced to match any reconstructed node/pin object references.

					// Obtain the full set of pins again after the update

					// Rebuild the UEdGraphPin->SGraphPin mapping for the full pin set
					for( TSet< TSharedRef<SWidget> >::TIterator ConnectorIt(AllPins); ConnectorIt; ++ConnectorIt )
						const TSharedRef<SWidget>& SomePinWidget = *ConnectorIt;
						const SGraphPin& PinWidget = static_cast<const SGraphPin&>(SomePinWidget.Get());

						PinToPinWidgetMap.Add(PinWidget.GetPinObj(), StaticCastSharedRef<SGraphPin>(SomePinWidget));
				// Now iterate over our lookup table to find the instances of pin widgets that we had previously linked to
				TArray<TSharedRef<SGraphPin>> PinArray;
				for(auto LinkedToPinInfoIter = LinkedToPinInfoArray.CreateConstIterator(); LinkedToPinInfoIter; ++LinkedToPinInfoIter)
					LinkedToPinInfo PinInfo = *LinkedToPinInfoIter;
					UEdGraphNode* OwnerNodeObj = PinInfo.OwnerNodePtr.Get();
					if(OwnerNodeObj != NULL)
						for(auto PinIter = PinInfo.OwnerNodePtr.Get()->Pins.CreateConstIterator(); PinIter; ++PinIter)
							UEdGraphPin* Pin = *PinIter;
							if(Pin->PinName == PinInfo.PinName)
								if (auto pWidget = PinToPinWidgetMap.Find(Pin))

				if(PinArray.Num() > 0)
					bIsMovingLinks = true;

					return FReply::Handled().BeginDragDrop(SpawnPinDragEvent(OwnerPanelPtr.ToSharedRef(), PinArray, /*bIsShiftOperation=*/ false));
					// Shouldn't get here, but just in case we lose our previous links somehow after breaking them, we'll just skip the drag.
					return FReply::Handled();
			// Start a drag-drop on the pin
			if (ensure(OwnerNodePinned.IsValid()))
				TArray<TSharedRef<SGraphPin>> PinArray;

				return FReply::Handled().BeginDragDrop(SpawnPinDragEvent(OwnerNodePinned->GetOwnerPanel().ToSharedRef(), PinArray, MouseEvent.IsShiftDown()));
				return FReply::Unhandled();
			// It's not connectable, but we don't want anything above us to process this left click.
			return FReply::Handled();
		return FReply::Unhandled();
コード例 #12
ファイル: BuildPatchChunk.cpp プロジェクト: johndpope/UE4
void FChunkWriter::FQueuedChunkWriter::GetChunkFilesizes(TMap<FGuid, int64>& OutChunkFileSizes)
	FScopeLock ScopeLock(&ChunkFileSizesCS);
コード例 #13
void FVulkanVertexDeclaration::EmptyCache()