コード例 #1
TOptional<FExpressionError> ParseEscapedChar(FExpressionTokenConsumer& Consumer)
	FTokenStream& Stream = Consumer.GetStream();

	TOptional<FStringToken> Token = Stream.ParseSymbol(EscapeChar);
	if (!Token.IsSet())
		return TOptional<FExpressionError>();

	FStringToken& TokenValue = Token.GetValue();

	// Accumulate the next character into the token
	TOptional<FStringToken> EscapedChar = Consumer.GetStream().ParseSymbol(&TokenValue);
	if (!EscapedChar.IsSet())
		return TOptional<FExpressionError>();

	// Check for a valid escape character
	const TCHAR Character = *EscapedChar->GetTokenStartPos();
	if (IsValidEscapeChar(Character))
		// Add the token to the consumer - this moves the read position in the stream to the end of the token.
		Consumer.Add(TokenValue, FEscapedCharacter(Character));

	return TOptional<FExpressionError>();
コード例 #2
/** Parse an escaped character */
TOptional<FExpressionError> ParseEscapedChar(FExpressionTokenConsumer& Consumer, bool bEmitErrors)
	static const TCHAR* ValidEscapeChars = TEXT("{`");

	TOptional<FStringToken> Token = Consumer.GetStream().ParseSymbol(EscapeChar);
	if (!Token.IsSet())
		return TOptional<FExpressionError>();

	// Accumulate the next character into the token
	TOptional<FStringToken> EscapedChar = Consumer.GetStream().ParseSymbol(&Token.GetValue());
	if (!EscapedChar.IsSet())
		return TOptional<FExpressionError>();

	// Check for a valid escape character
	const TCHAR Character = *EscapedChar->GetTokenStartPos();
	if (FCString::Strchr(ValidEscapeChars, Character))
		// Add the token to the consumer. This moves the read position in the stream to the end of the token.
		Consumer.Add(Token.GetValue(), FEscapedCharacter(Character));
		return TOptional<FExpressionError>();
	else if (bEmitErrors)
		FString CharStr;
		CharStr += Character;
		FFormatOrderedArguments Args;
		return FExpressionError(FText::Format(LOCTEXT("InvalidEscapeCharacter", "Invalid escape character '{0}'"), Args));
		return TOptional<FExpressionError>();