RooDataHist * genHistFromModelPdf(const char * name, RooAbsPdf *model, RooRealVar *var, double ScaleLumi, int range, int rebin, int seed ) { double genEvents = model->expectedEvents(*var); TRandom3 *rndm = new TRandom3(); rndm->SetSeed(seed); double nEvt = rndm->PoissonD( genEvents) ; int intEvt = ( (nEvt- (int)nEvt) >= 0.5) ? (int)nEvt +1 : int(nEvt); RooDataSet * data = model->generate(*var , intEvt ); cout<< " expected events for " << name << " = "<< genEvents << endl; cout<< " data->numEntries() for name " << name << " == " << data->numEntries()<< endl; // cout<< " nEvt from PoissonD for" << name << " == " << nEvt<< endl; //cout<< " cast of nEvt for" << name << " == " << intEvt<< endl; RooAbsData *binned_data = data->binnedClone(); TH1 * toy_hist = binned_data->createHistogram( name, *var, Binning(range/rebin ) ); for(int i = 1; i <= toy_hist->GetNbinsX(); ++i) { toy_hist->SetBinError( i, sqrt( toy_hist->GetBinContent(i)) ); if(toy_hist->GetBinContent(i) == 0.00) { cout<< " WARNING: histo " << name << " has 0 enter in bin number " << i << endl; } if(toy_hist->GetBinContent(i) < 0.1) { toy_hist->SetBinContent(i, 0.0); toy_hist->SetBinError(i, 0.0); cout<< " WARNING: setting value 0.0 to histo " << name << " for bin number " << i << endl; } } RooDataHist * toy_rooHist = new RooDataHist(name, name , RooArgList(*var), toy_hist ); return toy_rooHist; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { file = TFile::Open("~/lhcb/rd/Kll/tuples/fromPatrick/Kmm_Q17_reduced.root"); DecayTree = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(file->Get("finalTree_KMuMu")); cosTheta = new RooRealVar("cosThetaL", "cosThetaL", -1., 1.); sWeight = new RooRealVar("sWeight", "sWeight", -5., 5.); data = new RooDataSet("data", "", DecayTree, RooArgList(*cosTheta,*sWeight), 0, "sWeight");"results.txt",std::ofstream::out); r.SetSeed(123456); Double_t a(0.), b(0.); for(Int_t j=-2; j<3; ++j) { for(Int_t k=0; k<10; ++k) { for(Int_t i=0; i<20; ++i) { a = k/-10.; b = j/10.; fit(i,a,b); } } } fout.close(); return 0; }
void plot_distortion(){ TRandom3* rand = new TRandom3(); // TF1 *func = new TF1("func","TMath::Abs([0]+[1]*x)",0,12); // // rand->SetSeed(0); // Double_t slope=0.2*rand->Gaus(0,1); // Double_t anchor_point=3.5; // //want offset to be set by requiring func at anchor point to be 1 // Double_t offset=(1-slope*anchor_point); // func->SetParameter(0,offset); // func->SetParameter(1,slope); //FN distortion TF1 *func = new TF1("func","[0]/(0.2*pow(x,0.1))+[1]",0,12); rand->SetSeed(0); Double_t scaling =0.2*rand->Gaus(0,1); func->SetParameter(0,scaling); func->SetParameter(1,0); //set offset so that func(FinalEnergy)=1; func->SetParameter(1,1-1*func->Eval(12)); func->Draw(); }
int decroissance_pi(float _p_pi = 1.0){ // random.seed(60934386) TRandom3 rand; rand.SetSeed(); //float _p_pi; //cout << "Entrez l'impulsion des pions (en GeV) : p = "; //cin >> _p_pi; double x[1000] = {0.0}; double y[1000] = {0.0}; for (int i=0;i<1000;i++){ //double _theta_cm_mu = rand.Uniform(TMath::Pi()); double _theta_cm_mu = TMath::ACos(gRandom->Uniform(2.0)-1.0); double _phi_cm_mu = rand.Uniform(2*TMath::Pi()); if (i < 10){ cout << "i: " << i << " th_cm_mu = " << _theta_cm_mu << endl; } double _theta_lab_mu = 0.0, _p_lab_mu = 0.0; ThetaLab_mu(_p_pi, _theta_cm_mu, _theta_lab_mu, _p_lab_mu); cout << "th_lab_mu= " << _theta_lab_mu << " _p_lab_mu= " << _p_lab_mu << endl; x[i] = 1000*_theta_lab_mu; y[i] = _p_lab_mu; } TGraph *graph = new TGraph(1000, x, y); graph->SetTitle("Theta vs p_{LAB}"); graph->Draw("A*"); return 0; }
void histo_graph(TH1D *histo,TGraph *graph,Int_t N_to_fill) { Int_t N_Points=graph->GetN(); Double_t x,y; Double_t y_min=0.0; Double_t y_max=0.0; Double_t x_min=0.0; Double_t x_max=0.0; for (Int_t i=0;i<N_Points;i++) { graph->GetPoint(i,x,y); if (y>y_max) y_max=y; if (x>x_max) x_max=x; if (y<y_min) y_min=y; if (x<x_min) x_min=x; } Double_t histo_x_min=histo->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); Double_t histo_x_max=histo->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); if (histo_x_min>x_min) x_min=histo_x_min; if (histo_x_max<x_max) x_max=histo_x_max; //reverse graph order if necessary TGraph graph2(N_Points); Double_t x0,xNm1; graph->GetPoint(0,x0,y); graph->GetPoint(N_Points-1,xNm1,y); if (xNm1<x0) { for (Int_t iPoint=0;iPoint<N_Points;iPoint++) { Double_t x,y; graph->GetPoint(N_Points-iPoint,x,y); graph2.SetPoint(iPoint,x,y); } graph=&graph2; } TRandom3 r; r.SetSeed(0); Int_t N_tried=0; Int_t N_filled=0; while (N_filled<N_to_fill) { N_tried++; //rejection method x=r.Uniform(x_min,x_max); y=r.Uniform(0.0,y_max); if (y<graph->Eval(x)) { histo->Fill(x); N_filled++; } } printf("x_max=%8.6g; x_min=%8.6g; y_max=%8.6g; N_filled=%d; N_tried=%d\n",x_max,x_min,y_max,N_filled,N_tried); Double_t norm=(x_max-x_min)*y_max*N_filled/N_tried; histo->Scale(norm/histo->Integral("width")); }
void randomize(TH1F* hist, unsigned int seed, unsigned int debug=0.) { TRandom3* rnd = new TRandom3(seed); rnd->SetSeed(); for(int idx=0; idx<hist->GetNbinsX(); ++idx){ if(debug>0){ std::cerr << "[" << idx+1 << "] : " << "mean=" << hist->GetBinContent(idx+1) << " rnd=" << rnd->Poisson(hist->GetBinContent(idx+1)) << std::endl; } float value = rnd->Poisson(hist->GetBinContent(idx+1)); hist->SetBinContent(idx+1, value); hist->SetBinError(idx+1, TMath::Sqrt(value)); } // Make sure there is no rounding error, and the total is truly an integer. hist->Scale(TMath::Nint(hist->Integral())/hist->Integral()); delete rnd; }
void createTBevents(int input){ printf("Starting Simulation of data\n"); //creating the output file char outputFileName[100] = {"OutputFile.root"}; printf("Creating output file: %s \n",outputFileName); TFile * outputFile = new TFile(outputFileName,"RECREATE"); //Counter for event number unsigned int eventNr; //Counter for total number of hits unsigned int hitsTotal = 0; short int col, row, adc; short int ladder = 2; short int mod = 3; short int disk = 2; short int blade = 2; short int panel = 2; //create the tree to store the data TTree *bpixTree[3]; char title[30]; for (int i=1; i<4; i++){ sprintf(title,"BPIX_Digis_Layer%1d",i); bpixTree[i-1]= new TTree(title,title); bpixTree[i-1]->Branch("Event", &eventNr, "Event/i"); bpixTree[i-1]->Branch("Ladder", &ladder, "Ladder/S"); bpixTree[i-1]->Branch("Module", &mod, "Module/S"); bpixTree[i-1]->Branch("adc", &adc, "adc/S"); bpixTree[i-1]->Branch("col", &col, "col/S"); bpixTree[i-1]->Branch("row", &row, "row/S"); } //Maximum number of events. Events does not correspond with Hits unsigned int maxEventNr = input; //Number of Hits per Event //This should be randomized later and be dependant on the rate double meanHitsPerEvent = 2; //Maximum particle flux [MHz cm^-2] int maxParticleFlux = 500; //number of hits in current event int hitsInEvent = -1; //create a random number generator TRandom3 * random = new TRandom3(); TRandom3 * randomrow = new TRandom3(); TRandom3 * randomcol = new TRandom3(); TRandom3 * randomadc = new TRandom3(); //using custom function to distribute values //values used from TF1 * fx = new TF1("xfunc", "[0]*exp(2.59349*exp(-0.5*((-x+3.24273/.15+[1]/.15)/7.07486*.15)**2)+2.07765*exp(-0.5*((-x+9.33060e-01/.15+[1]/.15)/2.24067*.15)**2)-4.21847)",0, 52); fx->SetParameters(1,337.0); fx->SetParameters(2,1.74); TF1 * fy = new TF1("yfunc", AsyGaus,0,80,4); fy->SetParNames("mean","sigma1","sigma2","amplitude"); fy->SetParameter("mean",43); fy->SetParameter("sigma1",11.4); fy->SetParameter("sigma2",15.0); fy->SetParameter("amplitude",347.0); TF1 * fadc = new TF1("adcfunc", langaufun,0,400,4); fadc->SetParNames("scale","mpv","area","sigma"); fadc->SetParameter("scale",19); fadc->SetParameter("mvp",220); fadc->SetParameter("area",10000); fadc->SetParameter("sigma",30); while (eventNr < maxEventNr){ //printf("eventNr: %d \n",eventNr); //Function used for fitting according to Xin an Stefano //Start by generating the number of hits per event //following a poisson distribution random->SetSeed(0); hitsInEvent = random->Poisson(meanHitsPerEvent); //printf("hitsInEvent %d \n", hitsInEvent); hitsTotal += hitsInEvent; if(hitsInEvent < 0){ printf("ERROR: Number of hits in event is negative!!!\n"); break; } //distribute the hits in the event over the roc accorsing to gaus distribution /* for(int i = 0; i < hitsInEvent; ++i){ //random row value randomrow->SetSeed(0); row = randomrow->Gaus(40,10); //random column value randomcol->SetSeed(0); col = randomcol->Gaus(25,8); //printf("row: %d | col: %d | adc: %d\n",row,col,adc); bpixTree[2]->Fill(); } */ for(int i = 0; i < hitsInEvent; ++i){ //random row value row = fy->GetRandom(); //random column value col = fx->GetRandom(); //random adc value adc = fadc->GetRandom(); //printf("row: %d | col: %d | adc: %d\n",row,col,adc); bpixTree[1]->Fill(); } ++ eventNr; } printf("Total number of Hits: %d\n",hitsTotal); printf("Writing output file: %s \n", outputFileName); outputFile->cd(); outputFile->Write(); outputFile->Close(); printf("DONE!\n"); }
void RAA_read_data_pbpb(int startfile = 0, int endfile = 1, int radius = 4, std::string algo = "Vs", std::string jet_type = "PF", std::string kFoname="test_output.root"){ TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); TH1::SetDefaultSumw2(); TH2::SetDefaultSumw2(); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); bool printDebug = false; if(printDebug)cout<<"radius = "<<radius<<endl; TDatime date; std::string infile_Forest; infile_Forest = "jetRAA_PbPb_data_forests.txt"; std::ifstream instr_Forest(infile_Forest.c_str(),std::ifstream::in); std::string filename_Forest; if(printDebug)cout<<"reading from "<<startfile<<" to "<<endfile<<endl; for(int ifile = 0;ifile<startfile;ifile++){ instr_Forest>>filename_Forest; } const int N = 4; //6 TChain * jetpbpb[N]; // Float_t ScaleFactor_55_NeqScale[nbins_cent] = {53.6 * 1e6, 53.6 * 1e6, 214.4 * 1e6, 214.4 * 1e6, 214.4 * 1e6, 214.4 * 1e6}; // Float_t ScaleFactor_65_NeqScale[nbins_cent] = {53.6 * 1e6, 53.6 * 1e6, 214.4 * 1e6, 214.4 * 1e6, 214.4 * 1e6, 214.4 * 1e6}; // Float_t ScaleFactor_80_NeqScale[nbins_cent] = {53.6 * 1e6, 53.6 * 1e6, 214.4 * 1e6, 214.4 * 1e6, 214.4 * 1e6, 214.4 * 1e6}; string dir[N]; dir[0] = "hltanalysis"; dir[1] = "skimanalysis"; dir[2] = Form("ak%s%d%sJetAnalyzer",algo.c_str(),radius,jet_type.c_str()); dir[3] = "hiEvtAnalyzer"; // dir[4] = "hltobject"; string trees[N] = { "HltTree", "HltTree", "t", "HiTree" // , "jetObjTree" }; for(int t = 0;t<N;t++){ jetpbpb[t] = new TChain(string(dir[t]+"/"+trees[t]).data()); }//tree loop ends for(int ifile = startfile; ifile<endfile; ++ifile){ instr_Forest>>filename_Forest; if(printDebug)cout<<"HiForest filename = "<<filename_Forest.c_str()<<endl; jetpbpb[0]->Add(filename_Forest.c_str()); jetpbpb[1]->Add(filename_Forest.c_str()); jetpbpb[2]->Add(filename_Forest.c_str()); jetpbpb[3]->Add(filename_Forest.c_str()); if(printDebug)cout << "Tree loaded " << string(dir[0]+"/"+trees[0]).data() << endl; if(printDebug)cout << "Entries : " << jetpbpb[0]->GetEntries() << endl; if(printDebug)cout << "Tree loaded " << string(dir[1]+"/"+trees[1]).data() << endl; if(printDebug)cout << "Entries : " << jetpbpb[1]->GetEntries() << endl; if(printDebug)cout << "Tree loaded " << string(dir[2]+"/"+trees[2]).data() << endl; if(printDebug)cout << "Entries : " << jetpbpb[2]->GetEntries() << endl; if(printDebug)cout << "Tree loaded " << string(dir[3]+"/"+trees[3]).data() << endl; if(printDebug)cout << "Entries : " << jetpbpb[3]->GetEntries() << endl; } jetpbpb[2]->AddFriend(jetpbpb[0]); jetpbpb[2]->AddFriend(jetpbpb[1]); jetpbpb[2]->AddFriend(jetpbpb[3]); // Forest files int nref_F; float pt_F[1000]; float rawpt_F[1000]; float eta_F[1000]; float phi_F[1000]; float chMax_F[1000]; float trkMax_F[1000]; float chSum_F[1000]; int chN_F[1000]; float phSum_F[1000]; float neSum_F[1000]; float trkSum_F[1000]; float phMax_F[1000]; float neMax_F[1000]; float eMax_F[1000]; float muMax_F[1000]; float eSum_F[1000]; float muSum_F[1000]; float jtpu_F[1000]; float chHardMax_F[1000]; float trkHardMax_F[1000]; float chHardSum_F[1000]; float phHardSum_F[1000]; float trkHardSum_F[1000]; float phHardMax_F[1000]; int jet40_F; int jet60_F; int jet80_F; int L1_sj36_F; int L1_sj52_F; int L1_sj36_p_F; int L1_sj52_p_F; int jet40_p_F; int jet60_p_F; int jet80_p_F; float vz_F; int evt_F; int run_F; int lumi_F; int hiNpix_F; int hiNpixelTracks_F; int hiBin_F; float hiHF_F; float hiZDC_F; float hiZDCplus_F; float hiZDCminus_F; int hiNtracks_F; int hiNtracksPtCut_F; int hiNtracksEtaCut_F; int hiNtracksEtaPtCut_F; int pcollisionEventSelection_F; int pHBHENoiseFilter_F; jetpbpb[3]->SetBranchAddress("evt",&evt_F); jetpbpb[3]->SetBranchAddress("run",&run_F); jetpbpb[3]->SetBranchAddress("lumi",&lumi_F); jetpbpb[3]->SetBranchAddress("hiBin",&hiBin_F); jetpbpb[3]->SetBranchAddress("hiHF", &hiHF_F); jetpbpb[3]->SetBranchAddress("hiNpix",&hiNpix_F); jetpbpb[3]->SetBranchAddress("hiNpixelTracks",&hiNpixelTracks_F); jetpbpb[3]->SetBranchAddress("hiNtracks",&hiNtracks_F); jetpbpb[3]->SetBranchAddress("hiNtracksPtCut",&hiNtracksPtCut_F); jetpbpb[3]->SetBranchAddress("hiNtracksEtaCut",&hiNtracksEtaCut_F); jetpbpb[3]->SetBranchAddress("hiNtracksEtaPtCut",&hiNtracksEtaPtCut_F); jetpbpb[3]->SetBranchAddress("hiZDC", &hiZDC_F); jetpbpb[3]->SetBranchAddress("hiZDCplus", &hiZDCplus_F); jetpbpb[3]->SetBranchAddress("hiZDCminus", &hiZDCminus_F); jetpbpb[3]->SetBranchAddress("vz",&vz_F); jetpbpb[1]->SetBranchAddress("pcollisionEventSelection",&pcollisionEventSelection_F); jetpbpb[1]->SetBranchAddress("pHBHENoiseFilter",&pHBHENoiseFilter_F); //jetpbpb[0]->SetBranchAddress("pprimaryvertexFilter",&pprimaryvertexFilter_F); //jetpbpb[0]->SetBranchAddress("pVertexFilterCutGplus",&pVertexFilterCutGplus_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("nref",&nref_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("jtpt",pt_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("jteta",eta_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("jtphi",phi_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("rawpt",rawpt_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("jtpu",jtpu_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("chargedMax",&chMax_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("chargedSum",&chSum_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("chargedN",&chN_F); //jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("chargedHardMax",&chMax_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("chargedHardSum",&chSum_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("trackMax",&trkMax_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("trackSum",&trkSum_F); //jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("trackHardMax",&trkMax_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("trackHardSum",&trkSum_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("photonMax",&phMax_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("photonSum",&phSum_F); //jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("photonHardMax",&phMax_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("photonHardSum",&phSum_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("neutralMax",&neMax_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("neutralSum",&neSum_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("eSum",eSum_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("eMax",eMax_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("muSum",muSum_F); jetpbpb[2]->SetBranchAddress("muMax",muMax_F); jetpbpb[0]->SetBranchAddress("HLT_HIJet40_v1",&jet40_F); jetpbpb[0]->SetBranchAddress("HLT_HIJet40_v1_Prescl",&jet40_p_F); jetpbpb[0]->SetBranchAddress("HLT_HIJet60_v1",&jet60_F); jetpbpb[0]->SetBranchAddress("HLT_HIJet60_v1_Prescl",&jet60_p_F); jetpbpb[0]->SetBranchAddress("HLT_HIJet80_v1",&jet80_F); jetpbpb[0]->SetBranchAddress("HLT_HIJet80_v1_Prescl",&jet80_p_F); jetpbpb[0]->SetBranchAddress("L1_SingleJet36_BptxAND",&L1_sj36_F); jetpbpb[0]->SetBranchAddress("L1_SingleJet36_BptxAND_Prescl",&L1_sj36_p_F); jetpbpb[0]->SetBranchAddress("L1_SingleJet52_BptxAND",&L1_sj52_F); jetpbpb[0]->SetBranchAddress("L1_SingleJet52_BptxAND_Prescl",&L1_sj52_p_F); // TFile * fJERJES = TFile::Open("JERJES_PF_PbPb_pp.root"); // TH1F * hJES_mean[nbins_cent]; // hJES_mean[0] = (TH1F*)fJERJES->Get(Form("ak%dJetAnalyzer/hMean_PbPb_R%d_PuPF_05",radius, radius)); // hJES_mean[1] = (TH1F*)fJERJES->Get(Form("ak%dJetAnalyzer/hMean_PbPb_R%d_PuPF_510",radius, radius)); // hJES_mean[2] = (TH1F*)fJERJES->Get(Form("ak%dJetAnalyzer/hMean_PbPb_R%d_PuPF_1030",radius, radius)); // hJES_mean[3] = (TH1F*)fJERJES->Get(Form("ak%dJetAnalyzer/hMean_PbPb_R%d_PuPF_3050",radius, radius)); // hJES_mean[4] = (TH1F*)fJERJES->Get(Form("ak%dJetAnalyzer/hMean_PbPb_R%d_PuPF_5070",radius, radius)); // hJES_mean[5] = (TH1F*)fJERJES->Get(Form("ak%dJetAnalyzer/hMean_PbPb_R%d_PuPF_7090",radius, radius)); // Declare the output File and the necessary histograms after that: // std::string outdir=""; // std::string outfile=outdir+kFoname; TFile *fout = new TFile(kFoname.c_str(),"RECREATE"); fout->cd(); // TH1F * hpbpb_Jet80[nbins_cent]; // TH1F * hpbpb_Jet60[nbins_cent]; // TH1F * hpbpb_Jet40[nbins_cent]; // TH1F * hpbpb_JetComb[nbins_cent]; // TH1F * hpbpb_JEC_Jet80[nbins_cent]; // TH1F * hpbpb_JEC_Jet60[nbins_cent]; // TH1F * hpbpb_JEC_Jet40[nbins_cent]; // TH1F * hpbpb_JEC_JetComb[nbins_cent]; // TH1F * hpbpb_JEC_minus_Jet80[nbins_cent]; // TH1F * hpbpb_JEC_minus_Jet60[nbins_cent]; // TH1F * hpbpb_JEC_minus_Jet40[nbins_cent]; // TH1F * hpbpb_JEC_minus_JetComb[nbins_cent]; // TH1F * hpbpb_JEC_gaus_Jet80[nbins_cent]; // TH1F * hpbpb_JEC_gaus_Jet60[nbins_cent]; // TH1F * hpbpb_JEC_gaus_Jet40[nbins_cent]; // TH1F * hpbpb_JEC_gaus_JetComb[nbins_cent]; // TH1F * hpbpb_Smear_Jet80[nbins_cent]; // TH1F * hpbpb_Smear_Jet60[nbins_cent]; // TH1F * hpbpb_Smear_Jet40[nbins_cent]; // TH1F * hpbpb_Smear_JetComb[nbins_cent]; std::string var[19] = {"jtpt" ,"rawpt", "jteta", "jtphi", "trkMax", "trkSum", "trkHardSum", "chMax", "chSum", "chHardSum","phMax", "phSum", "phHardSum", "neMax", "neSum", "eMax", "eSum", "muMax", "muSum" }; TH1F * hJetQA[2][19][nbins_cent]; for(int i = 0;i<nbins_cent;++i){ /* hpbpb_Jet80[i] = new TH1F(Form("hpbpb_HLT80_R%d_%s_cent%d",radius,etaWidth,i),Form("Spectra from Jet 80 R%d %s %2.0f - %2.0f cent",radius,etaWidth,5*boundaries_cent[i],5*boundaries_cent[i+1]),1000, 0, 1000); hpbpb_Jet60[i] = new TH1F(Form("hpbpb_HLT65_R%d_%s_cent%d",radius,etaWidth,i),Form("Spectra from Jet 65 && !jet80 R%d %s %2.0f - %2.0f cent",radius,etaWidth,5*boundaries_cent[i],5*boundaries_cent[i+1]),1000, 0, 1000); hpbpb_Jet40[i] = new TH1F(Form("hpbpb_HLT55_R%d_%s_cent%d",radius,etaWidth,i),Form("Spectra from Jet 55 && !jet60 && !jet80 R%d %s %2.0f - %2.0f cent",radius,etaWidth,5*boundaries_cent[i],5*boundaries_cent[i+1]),1000, 0, 1000); hpbpb_JetComb[i] = new TH1F(Form("hpbpb_HLTComb_R%d_%s_cent%d",radius,etaWidth,i),Form("Trig Combined Spectra R%d %s %2.0f - %2.0f cent",radius,etaWidth,5*boundaries_cent[i],5*boundaries_cent[i+1]),1000, 0, 1000); hpbpb_JEC_Jet80[i] = new TH1F(Form("hpbpb_JEC_HLT80_R%d_%s_cent%d",radius,etaWidth,i),Form("Spectra from Jet 80 R%d %s %2.0f - %2.0f cent",radius,etaWidth,5*boundaries_cent[i],5*boundaries_cent[i+1]),1000, 0, 1000); hpbpb_JEC_Jet60[i] = new TH1F(Form("hpbpb_JEC_HLT65_R%d_%s_cent%d",radius,etaWidth,i),Form("Spectra from Jet 65 && !jet80 R%d %s %2.0f - %2.0f cent",radius,etaWidth,5*boundaries_cent[i],5*boundaries_cent[i+1]),1000, 0, 1000); hpbpb_JEC_Jet40[i] = new TH1F(Form("hpbpb_JEC_HLT55_R%d_%s_cent%d",radius,etaWidth,i),Form("Spectra from Jet 55 && !jet60 && !jet80 R%d %s %2.0f - %2.0f cent",radius,etaWidth,5*boundaries_cent[i],5*boundaries_cent[i+1]),1000, 0, 1000); hpbpb_JEC_JetComb[i] = new TH1F(Form("hpbpb_JEC_HLTComb_R%d_%s_cent%d",radius,etaWidth,i),Form("Trig Combined Spectra R%d %s %2.0f - %2.0f cent",radius,etaWidth,5*boundaries_cent[i],5*boundaries_cent[i+1]),1000, 0, 1000); hpbpb_JEC_minus_Jet80[i] = new TH1F(Form("hpbpb_JEC_minus_HLT80_R%d_%s_cent%d",radius,etaWidth,i),Form("Spectra from Jet 80 R%d %s %2.0f - %2.0f cent",radius,etaWidth,5*boundaries_cent[i],5*boundaries_cent[i+1]),1000, 0, 1000); hpbpb_JEC_minus_Jet60[i] = new TH1F(Form("hpbpb_JEC_minus_HLT65_R%d_%s_cent%d",radius,etaWidth,i),Form("Spectra from Jet 65 && !jet80 R%d %s %2.0f - %2.0f cent",radius,etaWidth,5*boundaries_cent[i],5*boundaries_cent[i+1]),1000, 0, 1000); hpbpb_JEC_minus_Jet40[i] = new TH1F(Form("hpbpb_JEC_minus_HLT55_R%d_%s_cent%d",radius,etaWidth,i),Form("Spectra from Jet 55 && !jet60 && !jet80 R%d %s %2.0f - %2.0f cent",radius,etaWidth,5*boundaries_cent[i],5*boundaries_cent[i+1]),1000, 0, 1000); hpbpb_JEC_minus_JetComb[i] = new TH1F(Form("hpbpb_JEC_minus_HLTComb_R%d_%s_cent%d",radius,etaWidth,i),Form("Trig Combined Spectra R%d %s %2.0f - %2.0f cent",radius,etaWidth,5*boundaries_cent[i],5*boundaries_cent[i+1]),1000, 0, 1000); hpbpb_JEC_gaus_Jet80[i] = new TH1F(Form("hpbpb_JEC_gaus_HLT80_R%d_%s_cent%d",radius,etaWidth,i),Form("Spectra from Jet 80 R%d %s %2.0f - %2.0f cent",radius,etaWidth,5*boundaries_cent[i],5*boundaries_cent[i+1]),1000, 0, 1000); hpbpb_JEC_gaus_Jet60[i] = new TH1F(Form("hpbpb_JEC_gaus_HLT65_R%d_%s_cent%d",radius,etaWidth,i),Form("Spectra from Jet 65 && !jet80 R%d %s %2.0f - %2.0f cent",radius,etaWidth,5*boundaries_cent[i],5*boundaries_cent[i+1]),1000, 0, 1000); hpbpb_JEC_gaus_Jet40[i] = new TH1F(Form("hpbpb_JEC_gaus_HLT55_R%d_%s_cent%d",radius,etaWidth,i),Form("Spectra from Jet 55 && !jet60 && !jet80 R%d %s %2.0f - %2.0f cent",radius,etaWidth,5*boundaries_cent[i],5*boundaries_cent[i+1]),1000, 0, 1000); hpbpb_JEC_gaus_JetComb[i] = new TH1F(Form("hpbpb_JEC_gaus_HLTComb_R%d_%s_cent%d",radius,etaWidth,i),Form("Trig Combined Spectra R%d %s %2.0f - %2.0f cent",radius,etaWidth,5*boundaries_cent[i],5*boundaries_cent[i+1]),1000, 0, 1000); hpbpb_Smear_Jet80[i] = new TH1F(Form("hpbpb_Smear_HLT80_R%d_%s_cent%d",radius,etaWidth,i),Form("Spectra from Jet 80 R%d %s %2.0f - %2.0f cent",radius,etaWidth,5*boundaries_cent[i],5*boundaries_cent[i+1]),1000, 0, 1000); hpbpb_Smear_Jet60[i] = new TH1F(Form("hpbpb_Smear_HLT65_R%d_%s_cent%d",radius,etaWidth,i),Form("Spectra from Jet 65 && !jet80 R%d %s %2.0f - %2.0f cent",radius,etaWidth,5*boundaries_cent[i],5*boundaries_cent[i+1]),1000, 0, 1000); hpbpb_Smear_Jet40[i] = new TH1F(Form("hpbpb_Smear_HLT55_R%d_%s_cent%d",radius,etaWidth,i),Form("Spectra from Jet 55 && !jet60 && !jet80 R%d %s %2.0f - %2.0f cent",radius,etaWidth,5*boundaries_cent[i],5*boundaries_cent[i+1]),1000, 0, 1000); hpbpb_Smear_JetComb[i] = new TH1F(Form("hpbpb_Smear_HLTComb_R%d_%s_cent%d",radius,etaWidth,i),Form("Trig Combined Spectra R%d %s %2.0f - %2.0f cent",radius,etaWidth,5*boundaries_cent[i],5*boundaries_cent[i+1]),1000, 0, 1000); */ for(int k = 0; k<2; ++k){ for(int j = 0; j<19; ++j){ if(j==2) hJetQA[k][j][i] = new TH1F(Form("hJetQA_%dwJetID_%s_cent%d",k,var[j].c_str(),i),Form(";%s;",var[j].c_str()),100, -5, +5); else if(j==3) hJetQA[k][j][i] = new TH1F(Form("hJetQA_%dwJetID_%s_cent%d",k,var[j].c_str(),i),Form(";%s;",var[j].c_str()),100, -4, +4); else if(j<=1)hJetQA[k][j][i] = new TH1F(Form("hJetQA_%dwJetID_%s_cent%d",k,var[j].c_str(),i),Form(";%s;",var[j].c_str()),500, 0, 500); else if(j>=4)hJetQA[k][j][i] = new TH1F(Form("hJetQA_%dwJetID_%s_cent%d",k,var[j].c_str(),i),Form(";%s;",var[j].c_str()),200, 0, 2); } } } // float ue_fluctuation[nbins_cent] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; // if(radius == 4) { // ue_fluctuation[0] = 5.0; // ue_fluctuation[1] = 1.5; // ue_fluctuation[2] = 0.3; // ue_fluctuation[3] = 0.1; // ue_fluctuation[4] = 0.1; // ue_fluctuation[5] = 0.01; // } // if(radius == 3) { // ue_fluctuation[0] = 3.17; // ue_fluctuation[1] = 0.7; // ue_fluctuation[2] = 0.1; // ue_fluctuation[3] = 0.1; // ue_fluctuation[4] = 0.1; // ue_fluctuation[5] = 0.01; // } // if(radius == 2) { // ue_fluctuation[0] = 1.5; // ue_fluctuation[1] = 0.4; // ue_fluctuation[2] = 0.2; // ue_fluctuation[3] = 0.1; // ue_fluctuation[4] = 0.1; // ue_fluctuation[5] = 0.01; // } // float ue_fluctuation = 6.0; // if(radius == 4) ue_fluctuation = 6.0; // if(radius == 3) ue_fluctuation = 4.0; // if(radius == 2) ue_fluctuation = 2.0; // the UE Smear corresponds to doing recpt = recpt * (1 + rnd.Gaus(0, (float)ue_fluctuation[cBin]/recpt); // now start the event loop for each file. if(printDebug) cout<<"Running through all the events now"<<endl; Long64_t nentries = jetpbpb[0]->GetEntries(); if(printDebug) nentries = 10; TRandom3 rnd; rnd.SetSeed(endfile); for(int nEvt = 0; nEvt < nentries; ++ nEvt) { if(nEvt%10000 == 0)cout<<nEvt<<"/"<<nentries<<endl; if(printDebug)cout<<"nEvt = "<<nEvt<<endl; jetpbpb[0]->GetEntry(nEvt); jetpbpb[1]->GetEntry(nEvt); jetpbpb[2]->GetEntry(nEvt); jetpbpb[3]->GetEntry(nEvt); if(printDebug) cout<<"forest values = "<<hiBin_F<<", "<<evt_F<<", "<<run_F<<", "<<lumi_F<<", "<<vz_F<<endl; if(pHBHENoiseFilter_F == 0) continue; if(pcollisionEventSelection_F == 0) continue; if(fabs(vz_F)>15) continue; // if(!isGoodEvent_eS) continue; int cBin = findBin(hiBin_F);//tells us the centrality of the event. if(cBin == -1) continue; // int jetCounter = 0; // for(int g = 0;g<nref_F;g++){ // if(eta_F[g]>=-2 && eta_F[g]<2){ //to select inside // if(pt_F[g]>=50) jetCounter++; // }//eta selection cut // }// jet loop // jet_select->GetEntry(nGoodEvt); // ++nGoodEvt; Float_t weight_eS = 1.0; //if(cBin == nbins_cent) continue; // // apply the correct supernova selection cut rejection here: // if(hiNpix_F >= (38000 - 500*jetCounter)){ // if(printDebug) cout<<"removed this supernova event"<<endl; // continue; // } // if((float)hiZDCminus_F/1350 >= (90 - 0.0204 * hiHF_F)) continue; // //! Sort the jetTree jets according to pT // std::vector < Jet > vJet; // for(int jet2 = 0; jet2<nref_jS; ++jet2){ // //cout <<"\t \t jetTree *** "<< jet2 << ", pT " << pt_jS[jet2] << ", chSum : "<< chSum_jS[jet2] << endl; // Jet ijet; // = jet2; // = pt_jS[jet2]; // vJet.push_back(ijet); // } // std::sort (vJet.begin(), vJet.end(), compare_pt); // std::vector < Jet >::const_iterator itr; // int jet=0; // for(itr=vJet.begin(); itr!=vJet.end(); ++itr, ++jet){ // int jetLoc = (*itr).id; // if(isMultiMatch_jS[jetLoc]) { // ++itr; // jetLoc = (*itr).id; // if(itr == vJet.end()) break; // } // if(fabs(eta_jS[jetLoc]) > 2) continue; // //if(isPFElecCut_eS[jet] != 1) continue; // // if(isMiMatch_eS[jet]) continue; // if(pt_jS[jetLoc] <15) continue; // bool PFElecCut = false; // Float_t Sumcand = chSum_jS[jetLoc] + phSum_jS[jetLoc] + neSum_jS[jetLoc] + muSum_jS[jetLoc]; // if(isCaloMatch_jS[jetLoc] == 1){ // if(calopt_jS[jetLoc]/pt_jS[jetLoc] > 0.5 && calopt_jS[jetLoc]/pt_jS[jetLoc] <= 0.85 && eMax_jS[jetLoc]/Sumcand < ((Float_t)18/7 *(Float_t)calopt_jS[jetLoc]/pt_jS[jetLoc] - (Float_t)9/7)) PFElecCut = true; // if(calopt_jS[jetLoc]/pt_jS[jetLoc] > 0.85) PFElecCut = true; // if(calopt_jS[jetLoc]/pt_jS[jetLoc] <= 0.5 && eMax_jS[jetLoc]/Sumcand < 0.05) PFElecCut = true; // } // if(isCaloMatch_jS[jetLoc] == 0) // if(eMax_jS[jetLoc]/Sumcand < 0.05 ) PFElecCut = true; // // if(!PFElecCut) continue; // // if(printDebug && (fabs(eta_jS[jet] > 2))) cout<<"jets with |eta| > 2 in jetTree"<<endl; // // if(printDebug && (fabs(eta_F[jet] > 2))) cout<<"jets with |eta| > 2 in Forest"<<endl; // if(printDebug && index_eS[jet] >= 0 )cout<<jet<<", hiForest pT = "<<pt_F[jet]<<", jetTree pT = "<<pt_jS[jetLoc]<<", electronCut = "<<isPFElecCut_eS[jetLoc]<<", Calo pT = "<<calopt_F[index_eS[jet]]<<", onFly flag calculation = "<<PFElecCut<<", eMax from hiForest = "<<eMax_F[jet]<<", eMax from jet Tree = "<<eMax_jS[jetLoc]<<endl; // if(printDebug)cout<<jet<<", hiForest pT = "<<pt_F[jet]<<", jetTree pT = "<<pt_jS[jetLoc]<<", electronCut = "<<isPFElecCut_eS[jetLoc]<<", eMax from hiForest = "<<eMax_F[jet]<<", eMax from jet Tree = "<<eMax_jS[jetLoc]<<endl; for( int jet = 0; jet<nref_F; jet++ ){ if( fabs(eta_F[jet]) > 2.0 ) continue; //if( isPFElecCut_eS[jet] != 1 ) continue; //if( chMax_F[jet] < 7 && trkMax_F[jet] < 7 && neMax_F[jet] < 8 ) continue; // if( trkMax_F[jet] < 7 && neMax_F[jet] < 8 ) continue; // bool PFElecCut = false; // Float_t calopfpt = (float) calopt_eS[jet]/pt_F[jet]; // Float_t Sumcand = chSum_F[jet] + phSum_F[jet] + neSum_F[jet] + muSum_F[jet]; float recpt = pt_F[jet]; float rawpt = rawpt_F[jet]; if(recpt<=30) continue; // #if 0 // int recpt_loc = 0; // for(int j = 0; j<ptSelection; ++j) // if(recpt > ptBoundary[j]) recpt_loc = j; // if(isClMatch_eS[jet] == 1) heMaxSumcand_vs_calopfpt_RecopTSelection[recpt_loc][cBin]->Fill(calopfpt, (float)eMax_F[jet]/Sumcand); // else heMaxSumcand_vs_calopfpt_RecopTSelection[recpt_loc][cBin]->Fill(0.0, (float)eMax_F[jet]/Sumcand); // #endif // if(isClMatch_eS[jet] == 1){ // if(calopfpt > 0.5 && calopfpt <= 0.85 && eMax_F[jet]/Sumcand < ((Float_t)18/7 *(Float_t)calopfpt - (Float_t)9/7)) PFElecCut = true; // if(calopfpt > 0.85) PFElecCut = true; // if(calopfpt <= 0.5 && eMax_F[jet]/Sumcand < 0.05) PFElecCut = true; // } // if(isClMatch_eS[jet] == 0) // if(eMax_F[jet]/Sumcand < 0.05 ) PFElecCut = true; // if(isPFElecCut_eS[jet] != PFElecCut && printDebug) // cout<<" pf e cut not same, run = "<<run_F<<" "<<run_eS<<", event = "<<evt_F<<" "<<evt_eS<<" , lumi = "<<lumi_F<<" "<<lumi_eS<<endl; // if(!PFElecCut) continue; // also need to cut on the high pT jets from the Jet 55 sample. unmatched PF jets with pfpt > 110 and calopt < 30 including -999, check on their high track content. at the moment dont worry about this. // float JEC_Smear = recpt; // float JEC_minus_Smear = recpt; // float JEC_gaus_Smear = recpt; // float UE_Smear = recpt; // // this is some percentage (+ or -) from 0 to 1-JES // //float RanJES = (float)(rnd.Gaus(0.0,fabs(1.-hJES_mean[cBin]->GetBinContent(hJES_mean[cBin]->FindBin(recpt))))); // // this is some scale up and down (+ or -) from 0 to ue_fluct, so if ue_fluct is 10, the jet can change by 1sigma -10 or +10 // float RanUE = (float)(rnd.Gaus(0.0,(float)ue_fluctuation[cBin])); // UE_Smear = recpt+RanUE; // float JEC_5pcent_Smear = (float)recpt * (1. + (float)0.05/nbins_cent*(nbins_cent-cBin)); // if(radius == 2 )JEC_Smear = (float)recpt * (1. + (float)0.01/nbins_cent*(nbins_cent-cBin)); // if(radius == 3 )JEC_Smear = (float)recpt * (1. + (float)0.01/nbins_cent*(nbins_cent-cBin)); // if(radius == 4 )JEC_Smear = (float)recpt * (1. + (float)0.01/nbins_cent*(nbins_cent-cBin)); // float Shift = 0.0; // for(int bin = 0; bin<nbins_jec; ++bin) // if(recpt > ptbins_jec[bin]) // Shift = jec_shift[bin]; // JEC_Smear = (float)recpt * (1.0 + Shift); // JEC_minus_Smear = (float)recpt * (1.0 - Shift); // JEC_gaus_Smear = (float)recpt * (rnd.Gaus(1, Shift)); //JEC_Smear = recpt*(1 + RanJES); // if(recpt >= 105 && recpt < 106){ // hJet_100GeV_input[cBin]->Fill(recpt); // hJet_100GeV_JECSmear[cBin]->Fill(JEC_Smear); // hJet_100GeV_JEC_5pcentSmear[cBin]->Fill(JEC_5pcent_Smear); // hJet_100GeV_UESmear[cBin]->Fill(UE_Smear); // } // float recpt = pt_F[jet]; // float JEC_Smear = recpt; // float UE_Smear = recpt; // float pm = (float)(rnd.Gaus(0.0, 1.0)); // if(pm > 0) { // JEC_Smear = (float)(recpt * (1. + (float)(rnd.Gaus(0.0, (float)fabs(1. - hJES_mean[cBin]->GetBinContent(hJES_mean[cBin]->FindBin(recpt))))))); // UE_Smear = (float)(recpt * (1. + (float)(rnd.Gaus(0.0, (float)ue_fluctuation[cBin]/recpt)))); // } // if(pm < 0){ // JEC_Smear = (float)(recpt * (1. - (float)(rnd.Gaus(0.0, (float)fabs(1. - hJES_mean[cBin]->GetBinContent(hJES_mean[cBin]->FindBin(recpt))))))); // UE_Smear = (float)(recpt * (1. - (float)(rnd.Gaus(0.0, (float)ue_fluctuation[cBin]/recpt)))); // } // if(jet60_F == 1) hpbpb_HLT65[cBin]->Fill(recpt); // if(jet40_F == 1) hpbpb_HLT55[cBin]->Fill(recpt); // if(jet40_F == 1 && jet60_F == 0 && jet80_F == 0){ // //if(recpt > 140) continue; // hpbpb_Jet40[cBin]->Fill(recpt, jet40_p_F* wght); // hpbpb_Smear_Jet40[cBin]->Fill(UE_Smear, jet40_p_F* wght); // hpbpb_JEC_Jet40[cBin]->Fill(JEC_Smear, jet40_p_F* wght); // hpbpb_JEC_minus_Jet40[cBin]->Fill(JEC_minus_Smear, jet40_p_F* wght); // hpbpb_JEC_gaus_Jet40[cBin]->Fill(JEC_gaus_Smear, jet40_p_F* wght); // // hpbpb_TrgObj55[cBin]->Fill(recpt, jet40_p_F* wght); // // hpbpb_raw_TrgObj55[cBin]->Fill(rawpt_F[jet], jet40_p_F* wght); // // hpbpb_anaBin_TrgObj55[cBin]->Fill(recpt, jet40_p_F* wght); // // hpbpb_JEC_TrgObj55[cBin]->Fill(JEC_Smear, jet40_p_F* wght); // // hpbpb_JEC_5pcent_TrgObj55[cBin]->Fill(JEC_5pcent_Smear, jet40_p_F* wght); // // hpbpb_Smear_TrgObj55[cBin]->Fill(UE_Smear, jet40_p_F* wght); // } // if(jet60_F == 1 && jet80_F == 0){ // //if(recpt > 140) continue; // hpbpb_Jet60[cBin]->Fill(recpt,wght); // hpbpb_Smear_Jet60[cBin]->Fill(UE_Smear, wght); // hpbpb_JEC_Jet60[cBin]->Fill(JEC_Smear, wght); // hpbpb_JEC_minus_Jet60[cBin]->Fill(JEC_minus_Smear, wght); // hpbpb_JEC_gaus_Jet60[cBin]->Fill(JEC_gaus_Smear, wght); // // hpbpb_TrgObj65[cBin]->Fill(recpt, wght); // // hpbpb_raw_TrgObj65[cBin]->Fill(rawpt_F[jet], wght); // // hpbpb_anaBin_TrgObj65[cBin]->Fill(recpt, wght); // // hpbpb_JEC_TrgObj65[cBin]->Fill(JEC_Smear, wght); // // hpbpb_JEC_5pcent_TrgObj65[cBin]->Fill(JEC_5pcent_Smear, wght); // // hpbpb_Smear_TrgObj65[cBin]->Fill(UE_Smear, wght); // } // if(jet80_F == 1){ // hpbpb_Jet80[cBin]->Fill(recpt, wght); // hpbpb_Smear_Jet80[cBin]->Fill(UE_Smear,wght); // hpbpb_JEC_Jet80[cBin]->Fill(JEC_Smear, wght); // hpbpb_JEC_minus_Jet80[cBin]->Fill(JEC_minus_Smear, wght); // hpbpb_JEC_gaus_Jet80[cBin]->Fill(JEC_gaus_Smear, wght); // // hpbpb_TrgObj80[cBin]->Fill(recpt, wght); // // hpbpb_raw_TrgObj80[cBin]->Fill(rawpt_F[jet], wght); // // hpbpb_anaBin_TrgObj80[cBin]->Fill(recpt, wght); // // hpbpb_JEC_TrgObj80[cBin]->Fill(JEC_Smear, wght); // // hpbpb_JEC_5pcent_TrgObj80[cBin]->Fill(JEC_5pcent_Smear, wght); // // hpbpb_Smear_TrgObj80[cBin]->Fill(UE_Smear, wght); // } if(1){ hJetQA[0][0][cBin]->Fill(recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[0][1][cBin]->Fill(rawpt_F[jet], weight_eS); hJetQA[0][2][cBin]->Fill(eta_F[jet], weight_eS); hJetQA[0][3][cBin]->Fill(phi_F[jet], weight_eS); hJetQA[0][4][cBin]->Fill(trkMax_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[0][5][cBin]->Fill(trkSum_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[0][6][cBin]->Fill(trkHardSum_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[0][7][cBin]->Fill(chMax_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[0][8][cBin]->Fill(chSum_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[0][9][cBin]->Fill(chHardSum_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[0][10][cBin]->Fill(phMax_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[0][11][cBin]->Fill(phSum_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[0][12][cBin]->Fill(phHardSum_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[0][13][cBin]->Fill(neMax_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[0][14][cBin]->Fill(neSum_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[0][15][cBin]->Fill(eMax_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[0][16][cBin]->Fill(eSum_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[0][17][cBin]->Fill(muMax_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[0][18][cBin]->Fill(muSum_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); // apply JetID // charged hadron fraction > 0 // charged hadron multiplicity > 0 // charged EM fraction < 0.99 if(chSum_F[jet]/recpt<0.99 && chSum_F[jet]/recpt>0 && neSum_F[jet]/recpt<0.99 && chN_F[jet]>0 && eSum_F[jet]/recpt<0.99){ hJetQA[1][0][cBin]->Fill(recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[1][1][cBin]->Fill(rawpt_F[jet], weight_eS); hJetQA[1][2][cBin]->Fill(eta_F[jet], weight_eS); hJetQA[1][3][cBin]->Fill(phi_F[jet], weight_eS); hJetQA[1][4][cBin]->Fill(trkMax_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[1][5][cBin]->Fill(trkSum_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[1][6][cBin]->Fill(trkHardSum_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[1][7][cBin]->Fill(chMax_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[1][8][cBin]->Fill(chSum_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[1][9][cBin]->Fill(chHardSum_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[1][10][cBin]->Fill(phMax_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[1][11][cBin]->Fill(phSum_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[1][12][cBin]->Fill(phHardSum_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[1][13][cBin]->Fill(neMax_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[1][14][cBin]->Fill(neSum_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[1][15][cBin]->Fill(eMax_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[1][16][cBin]->Fill(eSum_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[1][17][cBin]->Fill(muMax_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); hJetQA[1][18][cBin]->Fill(muSum_F[jet]/recpt, weight_eS); } } }// jet loop if(printDebug)cout<<endl; }// event loop /* for(int i = 0; i<nbins_cent; ++i){ hpbpb_Jet80[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_80_NeqScale[i]); hpbpb_Jet60[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_65_NeqScale[i]); hpbpb_Jet40[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_55_NeqScale[i]); hpbpb_JetComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_Jet80[i]); hpbpb_JetComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_Jet60[i]); hpbpb_JetComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_Jet40[i]); divideBinWidth(hpbpb_JetComb[i]); divideBinWidth(hpbpb_Jet80[i]); divideBinWidth(hpbpb_Jet60[i]); divideBinWidth(hpbpb_Jet40[i]); hpbpb_JEC_Jet80[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_80_NeqScale[i]); hpbpb_JEC_Jet60[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_65_NeqScale[i]); hpbpb_JEC_Jet40[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_55_NeqScale[i]); hpbpb_JEC_JetComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_JEC_Jet80[i]); hpbpb_JEC_JetComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_JEC_Jet60[i]); hpbpb_JEC_JetComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_JEC_Jet40[i]); divideBinWidth(hpbpb_JEC_JetComb[i]); divideBinWidth(hpbpb_JEC_Jet80[i]); divideBinWidth(hpbpb_JEC_Jet60[i]); divideBinWidth(hpbpb_JEC_Jet40[i]); hpbpb_JEC_minus_Jet80[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_80_NeqScale[i]); hpbpb_JEC_minus_Jet60[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_65_NeqScale[i]); hpbpb_JEC_minus_Jet40[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_55_NeqScale[i]); hpbpb_JEC_minus_JetComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_JEC_minus_Jet80[i]); hpbpb_JEC_minus_JetComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_JEC_minus_Jet60[i]); hpbpb_JEC_minus_JetComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_JEC_minus_Jet40[i]); divideBinWidth(hpbpb_JEC_minus_JetComb[i]); divideBinWidth(hpbpb_JEC_minus_Jet80[i]); divideBinWidth(hpbpb_JEC_minus_Jet60[i]); divideBinWidth(hpbpb_JEC_minus_Jet40[i]); hpbpb_JEC_gaus_Jet80[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_80_NeqScale[i]); hpbpb_JEC_gaus_Jet60[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_65_NeqScale[i]); hpbpb_JEC_gaus_Jet40[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_55_NeqScale[i]); hpbpb_JEC_gaus_JetComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_JEC_gaus_Jet80[i]); hpbpb_JEC_gaus_JetComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_JEC_gaus_Jet60[i]); hpbpb_JEC_gaus_JetComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_JEC_gaus_Jet40[i]); divideBinWidth(hpbpb_JEC_gaus_JetComb[i]); divideBinWidth(hpbpb_JEC_gaus_Jet80[i]); divideBinWidth(hpbpb_JEC_gaus_Jet60[i]); divideBinWidth(hpbpb_JEC_gaus_Jet40[i]); hpbpb_Smear_Jet80[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_80_NeqScale[i]); hpbpb_Smear_Jet60[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_65_NeqScale[i]); hpbpb_Smear_Jet40[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_55_NeqScale[i]); hpbpb_Smear_JetComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_Smear_Jet80[i]); hpbpb_Smear_JetComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_Smear_Jet60[i]); hpbpb_Smear_JetComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_Smear_Jet40[i]); divideBinWidth(hpbpb_Smear_JetComb[i]); divideBinWidth(hpbpb_Smear_Jet80[i]); divideBinWidth(hpbpb_Smear_Jet60[i]); divideBinWidth(hpbpb_Smear_Jet40[i]); // hpbpb_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_TrgObj80[i]); // hpbpb_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_TrgObj65[i]); // hpbpb_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_TrgObj55[i]); // divideBinWidth(hpbpb_TrgObjComb[i]); // divideBinWidth(hpbpb_TrgObj80[i]); // divideBinWidth(hpbpb_TrgObj65[i]); // divideBinWidth(hpbpb_TrgObj55[i]); // hpbpb_NoPileup_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_NoPileup_TrgObj80[i]); // hpbpb_NoPileup_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_NoPileup_TrgObj65[i]); // hpbpb_NoPileup_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_NoPileup_TrgObj55[i]); // divideBinWidth(hpbpb_NoPileup_TrgObjComb[i]); // divideBinWidth(hpbpb_NoPileup_TrgObj80[i]); // divideBinWidth(hpbpb_NoPileup_TrgObj65[i]); // divideBinWidth(hpbpb_NoPileup_TrgObj55[i]); // hpbpb_944Scale_TrgObj80[i] = (TH1F*)hpbpb_TrgObj80[i]->Clone(Form("hpbpb_HLT80_944Scale_R%d_20_eta_20_cent%d", radius, i)); // hpbpb_944Scale_TrgObj65[i] = (TH1F*)hpbpb_TrgObj65[i]->Clone(Form("hpbpb_HLT65_944Scale_R%d_20_eta_20_cent%d", radius, i)); // hpbpb_944Scale_TrgObj55[i] = (TH1F*)hpbpb_TrgObj55[i]->Clone(Form("hpbpb_HLT55_944Scale_R%d_20_eta_20_cent%d", radius, i)); // hpbpb_944Scale_TrgObj80[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_944Scale[i]); // hpbpb_944Scale_TrgObj65[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_944Scale[i]); // hpbpb_944Scale_TrgObj55[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_944Scale[i]); // hpbpb_944Scale_TrgObjComb[i] = (TH1F*)hpbpb_944Scale_TrgObj80[i]->Clone(Form("hpbpb_HLTComb_944Scale_R%d_20_eta_20_cent%d",radius, i)); // hpbpb_944Scale_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_944Scale_TrgObj65[i]); // hpbpb_944Scale_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_944Scale_TrgObj55[i]); // hpbpb_NeqScalePerCent_TrgObj80[i] = (TH1F*)hpbpb_TrgObj80[i]->Clone(Form("hpbpb_HLT80_NeqScalePerCent_R%d_20_eta_20_cent%d", radius, i)); // hpbpb_NeqScalePerCent_TrgObj65[i] = (TH1F*)hpbpb_TrgObj65[i]->Clone(Form("hpbpb_HLT65_NeqScalePerCent_R%d_20_eta_20_cent%d", radius, i)); // hpbpb_NeqScalePerCent_TrgObj55[i] = (TH1F*)hpbpb_TrgObj55[i]->Clone(Form("hpbpb_HLT55_NeqScalePerCent_R%d_20_eta_20_cent%d", radius, i)); // hpbpb_NeqScalePerCent_TrgObj80[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_80_NeqScalePerCent[i]); // hpbpb_NeqScalePerCent_TrgObj65[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_65_NeqScalePerCent[i]); // hpbpb_NeqScalePerCent_TrgObj55[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_55_NeqScalePerCent[i]); // hpbpb_NeqScalePerCent_TrgObjComb[i] = (TH1F*)hpbpb_NeqScalePerCent_TrgObj80[i]->Clone(Form("hpbpb_HLTComb_NeqScalePerCent_R%d_20_eta_20_cent%d",radius, i)); // hpbpb_NeqScalePerCent_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_NeqScalePerCent_TrgObj65[i]); // hpbpb_NeqScalePerCent_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_NeqScalePerCent_TrgObj55[i]); // hpbpb_NeqScale_TrgObj80[i] = (TH1F*)hpbpb_TrgObj80[i]->Clone(Form("hpbpb_HLT80_NeqScale_R%d_20_eta_20_cent%d", radius, i)); // hpbpb_NeqScale_TrgObj65[i] = (TH1F*)hpbpb_TrgObj65[i]->Clone(Form("hpbpb_HLT65_NeqScale_R%d_20_eta_20_cent%d", radius, i)); // hpbpb_NeqScale_TrgObj55[i] = (TH1F*)hpbpb_TrgObj55[i]->Clone(Form("hpbpb_HLT55_NeqScale_R%d_20_eta_20_cent%d", radius, i)); // hpbpb_NeqScale_TrgObj80[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_80_NeqScale[i]); // hpbpb_NeqScale_TrgObj65[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_65_NeqScale[i]); // hpbpb_NeqScale_TrgObj55[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_55_NeqScale[i]); // hpbpb_NeqScale_TrgObjComb[i] = (TH1F*)hpbpb_NeqScale_TrgObj80[i]->Clone(Form("hpbpb_HLTComb_NeqScale_R%d_20_eta_20_cent%d",radius, i)); // hpbpb_NeqScale_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_NeqScale_TrgObj65[i]); // hpbpb_NeqScale_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_NeqScale_TrgObj55[i]); // hpbpb_raw_TrgObj80[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_80_NeqScale[i]); // hpbpb_raw_TrgObj65[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_65_NeqScale[i]); // hpbpb_raw_TrgObj55[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_55_NeqScale[i]); // hpbpb_raw_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_raw_TrgObj80[i]); // hpbpb_raw_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_raw_TrgObj65[i]); // hpbpb_raw_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_raw_TrgObj55[i]); // divideBinWidth(hpbpb_raw_TrgObjComb[i]); // divideBinWidth(hpbpb_raw_TrgObj80[i]); // divideBinWidth(hpbpb_raw_TrgObj65[i]); // divideBinWidth(hpbpb_raw_TrgObj55[i]); // hpbpb_anaBin_TrgObj80[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_80_NeqScale[i]); // hpbpb_anaBin_TrgObj65[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_65_NeqScale[i]); // hpbpb_anaBin_TrgObj55[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_55_NeqScale[i]); // hpbpb_anaBin_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_anaBin_TrgObj80[i]); // hpbpb_anaBin_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_anaBin_TrgObj65[i]); // hpbpb_anaBin_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_anaBin_TrgObj55[i]); // divideBinWidth(hpbpb_anaBin_TrgObjComb[i]); // divideBinWidth(hpbpb_anaBin_TrgObj80[i]); // divideBinWidth(hpbpb_anaBin_TrgObj65[i]); // divideBinWidth(hpbpb_anaBin_TrgObj55[i]); // hpbpb_Smear_TrgObj80[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_80_NeqScale[i]); // hpbpb_Smear_TrgObj65[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_65_NeqScale[i]); // hpbpb_Smear_TrgObj55[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_55_NeqScale[i]); // hpbpb_Smear_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_Smear_TrgObj80[i]); // hpbpb_Smear_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_Smear_TrgObj65[i]); // hpbpb_Smear_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_Smear_TrgObj55[i]); // divideBinWidth(hpbpb_Smear_TrgObjComb[i]); // hpbpb_JEC_TrgObj80[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_80_NeqScale[i]); // hpbpb_JEC_TrgObj65[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_65_NeqScale[i]); // hpbpb_JEC_TrgObj55[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_55_NeqScale[i]); // hpbpb_JEC_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_JEC_TrgObj80[i]); // hpbpb_JEC_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_JEC_TrgObj65[i]); // hpbpb_JEC_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_JEC_TrgObj55[i]); // divideBinWidth(hpbpb_JEC_TrgObjComb[i]); // hpbpb_JEC_5pcent_TrgObj80[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_80_NeqScale[i]); // hpbpb_JEC_5pcent_TrgObj65[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_65_NeqScale[i]); // hpbpb_JEC_5pcent_TrgObj55[i]->Scale(1./ScaleFactor_55_NeqScale[i]); // hpbpb_JEC_5pcent_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_JEC_5pcent_TrgObj80[i]); // hpbpb_JEC_5pcent_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_JEC_5pcent_TrgObj65[i]); // hpbpb_JEC_5pcent_TrgObjComb[i]->Add(hpbpb_JEC_5pcent_TrgObj55[i]); // divideBinWidth(hpbpb_JEC_5pcent_TrgObjComb[i]); } */ fout->Write(); // myfile1.close(); // myfile2.close(); timer.Stop(); cout<<"Macro finished: "<<endl; cout<<"CPU time (min) = "<<(Float_t)timer.CpuTime()/60<<endl; cout<<"Real time (min) = "<<(Float_t)timer.RealTime()/60<<endl; }//macro end
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { if (argc!=3) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " input_file output_file." << endl; return 1; } // variables in tree int run_id; int event_id; string * parent = 0; double t0; double t1; double energy; double maxDx; double maxDy; double maxDz; double maxDd; double primaryX; double primaryY; double primaryZ; // open the file for read TFile f(argv[1], "READ"); TTree * tree = (TTree *) f.Get("simple_out"); TBranch * b_parent; // mapping tree->SetMakeClass(1); tree->SetBranchAddress("runId", &run_id); tree->SetBranchAddress("eventId", &event_id); tree->SetBranchAddress("parent", &parent, &b_parent); tree->SetBranchAddress("t0", &t0); tree->SetBranchAddress("t1", &t1); tree->SetBranchAddress("energy", &energy); tree->SetBranchAddress("maxDx", &maxDx); tree->SetBranchAddress("maxDy", &maxDy); tree->SetBranchAddress("maxDz", &maxDz); tree->SetBranchAddress("maxDd", &maxDd); tree->SetBranchAddress("primaryX", &primaryX); tree->SetBranchAddress("primaryY", &primaryY); tree->SetBranchAddress("primaryZ", &primaryZ); // ROI double fwhm_0_5 = 0.005 * Q_value; double fwhm_1 = 0.01 * Q_value; double fwhm_3 = 0.03 * Q_value; double sigma_0_5 = getSigma(fwhm_0_5); double sigma_1 = getSigma(fwhm_1); double sigma_3 = getSigma(fwhm_3); double l_edge_0_5 = Q_value - 2 * sigma_0_5; double u_edge_0_5 = Q_value + 2 * sigma_0_5; double l_edge_1 = Q_value - 2 * sigma_1; double u_edge_1 = Q_value + 2 * sigma_1; double l_edge_3 = Q_value - 2 * sigma_3; double u_edge_3 = Q_value + 2 * sigma_3; cout << "0.5% FHWM " << fwhm_0_5 << " - sigma " << sigma_0_5 << endl; cout << "1.0% FHWM " << fwhm_1 << " - sigma " << sigma_1 << endl; cout << "3.0% FHWM " << fwhm_3 << " - sigma " << sigma_3 << endl; cout << "0.5% FHWM - (" << l_edge_0_5 << ", " << u_edge_0_5 << ")." << endl; cout << "1.0% FHWM - (" << l_edge_1 << ", " << u_edge_1 << ")." << endl; cout << "3.0% FHWM - (" << l_edge_3 << ", " << u_edge_3 << ")." << endl; // output file, only with the smeared energy. TFile fo(argv[2], "RECREATE"); TTree * out_tree = new TTree ("smear_e", "smeared energy"); // output variables double e_smear_0_5, e_smear_1, e_smear_3; string pparent; out_tree->Branch("runId", &run_id, "runId/I"); out_tree->Branch("eventId", &event_id, "eventId/I"); out_tree->Branch("parent", &pparent); out_tree->Branch("energy", &energy, "energy/D"); out_tree->Branch("e_smear_0_5", &e_smear_0_5, "e_smear_0_5/D"); out_tree->Branch("e_smear_1", &e_smear_1, "e_smear_1/D"); out_tree->Branch("e_smear_3", &e_smear_3, "e_smear_3/D"); out_tree->Branch("maxDx", &maxDx, "maxDx/D"); out_tree->Branch("maxDy", &maxDy, "maxDy/D"); out_tree->Branch("maxDz", &maxDz, "maxDz/D"); out_tree->Branch("maxDd", &maxDd, "maxDd/D"); out_tree->Branch("primaryX", &primaryX, "primaryX/D"); out_tree->Branch("primaryY", &primaryY, "primaryY/D"); out_tree->Branch("primaryZ", &primaryZ, "primaryZ/D"); long nEntries = tree->GetEntries(); cout << nEntries << endl; // loop over entries and smear the energy tr.SetSeed(0); // TCanvas c1("c1", "c1", 800, 600); // TH1D * th_esm = new TH1D("th_esm", "smeared energy", 500, 2200, 2700); // for (int i=0; i<1000; ++i) { // double esm = smearEnergy(Q_value, sigma_3); // th_esm->Fill(esm); // } // th_esm->Draw(); // c1.Print("esm.png"); vector<double> es; // selected energy int n_0_5(0), ns_0_5(0); int n_1(0), ns_1(0); int n_3(0), ns_3(0); double dn_0_5(0), dn_1(1), dn_3(2); // variable for n calculated from integration TTree * count_tree = new TTree ("count_tree", "tree of counts"); count_tree->Branch("ns_0_5", &ns_0_5, "ns_0_5/I"); count_tree->Branch("ns_1", &ns_1, "ns_1/I"); count_tree->Branch("ns_3", &ns_3, "ns_3/I"); double times = 6.0; TF1 * f1 = new TF1("gaus_smear", smearFunc, 2200, 2700, 2); for (long i=0; i<nEntries; ++i) { tree->GetEntry(i); e_smear_0_5 = 0; e_smear_1 = 0; e_smear_3 = 0; // calculate the integration of n if (energy > 2200 && energy < 2700) { f1->SetParameter(0, sigma_0_5); f1->SetParameter(1, energy); dn_0_5 += f1->Integral(Q_value-2*sigma_0_5, Q_value+2*sigma_0_5); f1->SetParameter(0, sigma_1); dn_1 += f1->Integral(Q_value-2*sigma_1, Q_value+2*sigma_1); f1->SetParameter(0, sigma_3); dn_3 += f1->Integral(Q_value-2*sigma_3, Q_value+2*sigma_3); } // end the calculation of integration if (energy>Q_value-times*sigma_0_5 && energy<Q_value+times*sigma_0_5) { e_smear_0_5 = smearEnergy(energy, sigma_0_5); if (energy>Q_value-2*sigma_0_5 && energy<Q_value+2*sigma_0_5) { n_0_5++; } if (e_smear_0_5>Q_value-2*sigma_0_5&&e_smear_0_5<Q_value+2*sigma_0_5) { ns_0_5++; } } if (energy>Q_value-times*sigma_1 && energy<Q_value+times*sigma_1) { e_smear_1 = smearEnergy(energy, sigma_1); if (energy>Q_value-2*sigma_1 && energy<Q_value+2*sigma_1) { n_1++; } if (e_smear_1>Q_value-2*sigma_1&&e_smear_1<Q_value+2*sigma_1) { ns_1++; } } if (energy>Q_value-times*sigma_3 && energy<Q_value+times*sigma_3) { e_smear_3 = smearEnergy(energy, sigma_3); if (energy>Q_value-2*sigma_3 && energy<Q_value+2*sigma_3) { n_3++; } if (e_smear_3>Q_value-2*sigma_3&&e_smear_3<Q_value+2*sigma_3) { ns_3++; } es.push_back(energy); pparent = * parent; // cout << event_id << " " << * parent << endl; out_tree->Fill(); } } // print out the values cout << "0.5%: " << n_0_5 << " (original), " << ns_0_5 << " (smeared), " << dn_0_5 << "(smeared with integration)." << endl; cout << "1.0%: " << n_1 << " (original), " << ns_1 << " (smeared), " << dn_1 << "(smeared with integration)." << endl; cout << "3.0%: " << n_3 << " (original), " << ns_3 << " (smeared), " << dn_3 << "(smeared with integration)." << endl; out_tree->Write(); // further simulation for (int i=0; i<500; ++i) { ns_0_5 = 0; ns_1 = 0; ns_3 = 0; for (size_t j=0; j<es.size(); ++j) { double e = es[j]; if (e>Q_value-times*sigma_0_5&&e<Q_value+times*sigma_0_5) { double ex = smearEnergy(e, sigma_0_5); if (ex>Q_value-2*sigma_0_5&&e<Q_value+2*sigma_0_5) { ns_0_5++; } } if (e>Q_value-times*sigma_1&&e<Q_value+times*sigma_1) { double ex = smearEnergy(e, sigma_1); if (ex>Q_value-2*sigma_1&&e<Q_value+2*sigma_1) { ns_1++; } } if (e>Q_value-times*sigma_3&&e<Q_value+times*sigma_3) { double ex = smearEnergy(e, sigma_3); if (ex>Q_value-2*sigma_3&&e<Q_value+2*sigma_3) { ns_3++; } } } count_tree->Fill(); } count_tree->Write(); fo.Close(); f.Close(); }
void kdTreeBinning() { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // C r e a t e r a n d o m s a m p l e w i t h r e g u l a r b i n n i n g p l o t t i n g // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const UInt_t DATASZ = 10000; const UInt_t DATADIM = 2; const UInt_t NBINS = 50; Double_t smp[DATASZ * DATADIM]; double mu[2] = {0,2}; double sig[2] = {2,3}; TRandom3 r; r.SetSeed(1); for (UInt_t i = 0; i < DATADIM; ++i) for (UInt_t j = 0; j < DATASZ; ++j) smp[DATASZ * i + j] = r.Gaus(mu[i], sig[i]); UInt_t h1bins = (UInt_t) sqrt(NBINS); TH2D* h1 = new TH2D("h1BinTest", "Regular binning", h1bins, -5., 5., h1bins, -5., 5.); for (UInt_t j = 0; j < DATASZ; ++j) h1->Fill(smp[j], smp[DATASZ + j]); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // C r e a t e K D T r e e B i n n i n g o b j e c t w i t h T H 2 P o l y p l o t t i n g // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TKDTreeBinning* kdBins = new TKDTreeBinning(DATASZ, DATADIM, smp, NBINS); UInt_t nbins = kdBins->GetNBins(); UInt_t dim = kdBins->GetDim(); const Double_t* binsMinEdges = kdBins->GetBinsMinEdges(); const Double_t* binsMaxEdges = kdBins->GetBinsMaxEdges(); TH2Poly* h2pol = new TH2Poly("h2PolyBinTest", "KDTree binning", kdBins->GetDataMin(0), kdBins->GetDataMax(0), kdBins->GetDataMin(1), kdBins->GetDataMax(1)); for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nbins; ++i) { UInt_t edgeDim = i * dim; h2pol->AddBin(binsMinEdges[edgeDim], binsMinEdges[edgeDim + 1], binsMaxEdges[edgeDim], binsMaxEdges[edgeDim + 1]); } for (UInt_t i = 1; i <= kdBins->GetNBins(); ++i) h2pol->SetBinContent(i, kdBins->GetBinDensity(i - 1)); std::cout << "Bin with minimum density: " << kdBins->GetBinMinDensity() << std::endl; std::cout << "Bin with maximum density: " << kdBins->GetBinMaxDensity() << std::endl; TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("glc1", "TH2Poly from a kdTree",0,0,600,800); c1->Divide(1,3); c1->cd(1); h1->Draw("lego"); c1->cd(2); h2pol->Draw("COLZ L"); c1->Update(); /* Draw an equivalent plot showing the data points */ /*-------------------------------------------------*/ std::vector<Double_t> z = std::vector<Double_t>(DATASZ, 0.); for (UInt_t i = 0; i < DATASZ; ++i) z[i] = (Double_t) h2pol->GetBinContent(h2pol->FindBin(smp[i], smp[DATASZ + i])); TGraph2D *g = new TGraph2D(DATASZ, smp, &smp[DATASZ], &z[0]); gStyle->SetPalette(1); g->SetMarkerStyle(20); c1->cd(3); g->Draw("pcol"); c1->Update(); // --------------------------------------------------------- // make a new TH2Poly where bins are ordered by the density // --------------------------------------------------------- TH2Poly* h2polrebin = new TH2Poly("h2PolyBinTest", "KDTree binning", kdBins->GetDataMin(0), kdBins->GetDataMax(0), kdBins->GetDataMin(1), kdBins->GetDataMax(1)); h2polrebin->SetFloat(); /*---------------------------------*/ /* Sort the bins by their density */ /*---------------------------------*/ kdBins->SortBinsByDensity(); for (UInt_t i = 0; i < kdBins->GetNBins(); ++i) { const Double_t* binMinEdges = kdBins->GetBinMinEdges(i); const Double_t* binMaxEdges = kdBins->GetBinMaxEdges(i); h2polrebin->AddBin(binMinEdges[0], binMinEdges[1], binMaxEdges[0], binMaxEdges[1]); } for (UInt_t i = 1; i <= kdBins->GetNBins(); ++i){ h2polrebin->SetBinContent(i, kdBins->GetBinDensity(i - 1));} std::cout << "Bin with minimum density: " << kdBins->GetBinMinDensity() << std::endl; std::cout << "Bin with maximum density: " << kdBins->GetBinMaxDensity() << std::endl; // now make a vector with bin number vs position for (UInt_t i = 0; i < DATASZ; ++i) z[i] = (Double_t) h2polrebin->FindBin(smp[i], smp[DATASZ + i]); TGraph2D *g2 = new TGraph2D(DATASZ, smp, &smp[DATASZ], &z[0]); g2->SetMarkerStyle(20); // plot new TH2Poly (ordered one) and TGraph2D // The new TH2Poly has to be same as old one and the TGraph2D should be similar to // the previous one. It is now made using as z value the bin number TCanvas* c4 = new TCanvas("glc4", "TH2Poly from a kdTree (Ordered)",50,50,800,800); c4->Divide(2,2); c4->cd(1); h2polrebin->Draw("COLZ L"); // draw as scatter plot c4->cd(2); g2->Draw("pcol"); c4->Update(); // make also the 1D binned histograms TKDTreeBinning* kdX = new TKDTreeBinning(DATASZ, 1, &smp[0], 20); TKDTreeBinning* kdY = new TKDTreeBinning(DATASZ, 1, &smp[DATASZ], 40); kdX->SortOneDimBinEdges(); kdY->SortOneDimBinEdges(); TH1* hX=new TH1F("hX", "X projection", kdX->GetNBins(), kdX->GetOneDimBinEdges()); for(int i=0; i<kdX->GetNBins(); ++i){ hX->SetBinContent(i+1, kdX->GetBinDensity(i)); } TH1* hY=new TH1F("hY", "Y Projection", kdY->GetNBins(), kdY->GetOneDimBinEdges()); for(int i=0; i<kdY->GetNBins(); ++i){ hY->SetBinContent(i+1, kdY->GetBinDensity(i)); } c4->cd(3); hX->Draw(); c4->cd(4); hY->Draw(); }
void SimRC_eventisuareatotale(int seed) { double x[N_events], y[N_events], z[N_events], zfin[N_events], x1final[N_events], y1final[N_events], xfin[N_events], yfin[N_events], phi[N_events], theta[N_events], x1[N_events], y1[N_events], z1[N_events], phi1[N_events], theta1[N_events]; // all the necessary array double uniform, u; TRandom3 *rand = new TRandom(); rand->SetSeed(seed); // to set the seed int counterge = 0; //to count good events int k = 0; //dynamic counter for (int i = 0; i < N_events; i++) { //rand->SetSeed(0); //forget about this, it's wrong; I kept it only to remember not to use it x[i] = rand->Uniform(-square,L+square); //generates N_events values along X y[i] = rand->Uniform(-square, D+square); phi[i] = rand->Uniform(0, 2*PI); uniform = 0; u = 2; while (M*u > M*cos(uniform)*cos(uniform)*sin(uniform)) { //rejection condition u = rand->Uniform(0, 1); uniform = rand->Uniform(0, PI / 2); }; theta[i] = uniform; if (x[i] >= 0 && x[i] <= L && y[i] >= 0 && y[i] <= D) { z[i] = 0; x1[counterge] = x[i]; y1[counterge] = y[i]; z1[counterge] = z[i]; theta1[counterge] = theta[i]; phi1[counterge] = phi[i]; x1final[counterge] = x[i]; y1final[counterge] = y[i]; counterge++; k++; //cout << k << endl; } else if (x[i] < 0 && phi[i] >PI / 2 && phi[i] < PI && (y[i] - x[i] * tan(phi[i])) > 0 && (y[i] - x[i] * tan(phi[i])) < D && theta[i] > atan(x[i] / (cos(phi[i]) * sp))) { z[i] = -x[i] / (cos(phi[i]) * tan(theta[i])); x1[counterge] = x[i]; y1[counterge] = y[i]; z1[counterge] = z[i]; theta1[counterge] = theta[i]; phi1[counterge] = phi[i]; x1final[counterge] = 0; y1final[counterge] = (y[i] - x[i] * tan(phi[i])); counterge++; k++; //cout << k << endl; } else if (x[i] < 0 && phi[i] >PI / 2 && phi[i] < PI && (y[i] + x[i] * tan(PI-phi[i])) > D && x[i]-(D-y[i])/ tan(PI-phi[i]) > 0 && x[i] - (D - y[i]) / tan(PI-phi[i]) <L && theta[i] > atan((y[i]-D) / (sin(PI-phi[i]) * sp))) { z[i] = -(y[i] - D) / (sin(PI - phi[i]) * tan(theta[i])); x1[counterge] = x[i]; y1[counterge] = y[i]; z1[counterge] = z[i]; theta1[counterge] = theta[i]; phi1[counterge] = phi[i]; y1final[counterge] = D; x1final[counterge] = x[i] - (D - y[i]) / tan(PI - phi[i]); counterge++; k++; //cout << k << endl; } else if (x[i] < 0 && phi[i] >PI && phi[i] < 3*PI/2 && (y[i] - x[i] * tan(phi[i])) > 0 && (y[i] - x[i] * tan(phi[i])) < D && theta[i] > atan(-x[i] / (cos(PI-phi[i]) * sp))) { z[i] = -x[i] / (cos(phi[i]) * tan(theta[i])); x1[counterge] = x[i]; y1[counterge] = y[i]; z1[counterge] = z[i]; theta1[counterge] = theta[i]; phi1[counterge] = phi[i]; x1final[counterge] = 0; y1final[counterge] = (y[i] - x[i] * tan(phi[i])); counterge++; k++; //cout << k << endl; } else if (x[i] < 0 && phi[i] >PI && phi[i] < 3 * PI / 2 && x[i] - y[i] / tan(phi[i]) > 0 && x[i] - y[i] / tan(phi[i]) < L&& (y[i] - x[i] * tan(phi[i])) < 0 && theta[i] > atan(-y[i] / (sin(phi[i]-PI) * sp))) { z[i] = y[i] / (sin(phi[i] - PI) * tan(theta[i])); x1[counterge] = x[i]; y1[counterge] = y[i]; z1[counterge] = z[i]; theta1[counterge] = theta[i]; phi1[counterge] = phi[i]; y1final[counterge] = 0; x1final[counterge] = x[i] - y[i] / tan(phi[i]); counterge++; k++; //cout << k << endl; } else if (x[i] > L && phi[i] > 0 && phi[i] < PI / 2 && (y[i] - (x[i] - L) * tan(phi[i])) > 0 && (y[i] - (x[i] - L) * tan(phi[i])) < D && theta[i] > atan((x[i] - L) / (cos(phi[i]) * sp))) { z[i] = -(x[i] - L) / (cos(phi[i]) * tan(theta[i])); x1[counterge] = x[i]; y1[counterge] = y[i]; z1[counterge] = z[i]; theta1[counterge] = theta[i]; phi1[counterge] = phi[i]; x1final[counterge] = L; y1final[counterge] = y[i] - (x[i] - L) * tan(phi[i]); counterge++; k++; //cout << k << endl; } else if (x[i] > L && phi[i] > 0 && phi[i] < PI / 2 && (y[i] - (x[i] - L) * tan(phi[i])) > D && x[i] - (y[i] - D) / tan(phi[i]) > 0 && x[i] - (y[i] - D) / tan(phi[i]) < L && theta[i] > atan((y[i]-D) / (sin(phi[i]) * sp))) { z[i] = -(y[i] - D) / (sin(phi[i]) * tan(theta[i])); x1[counterge] = x[i]; y1[counterge] = y[i]; z1[counterge] = z[i]; theta1[counterge] = theta[i]; phi1[counterge] = phi[i]; y1final[counterge] = D; x1final[counterge] = x[i] - (y[i] - D) / tan(phi[i]); counterge++; k++; //cout << k << endl; } else if (x[i] > L && phi[i] > 3 * PI / 2 && (y[i] + (x[i]-L) / tan(phi[i] - 3 * PI / 2)) > 0 && (y[i] + (x[i]-L) / tan(phi[i] - 3 * PI / 2)) < D && theta[i] > atan((x[i]-L) / (sin(phi[i] - 3 * PI / 2) * sp))) { z[i] = -(x[i] - L) / (sin(phi[i] - 3 * PI / 2) * tan(theta[i])); x1[counterge] = x[i]; y1[counterge] = y[i]; z1[counterge] = z[i]; theta1[counterge] = theta[i]; phi1[counterge] = phi[i]; x1final[counterge] = L; y1final[counterge] = y[i] + (x[i] - L) / tan(phi[i] - 3 * PI / 2); counterge++; k++; //cout << k << endl; } else if (x[i] > L && phi[i] > 3 * PI / 2 && x[i] + y[i] * tan(phi[i] - 3 * PI / 2) > 0 && x[i] + y[i] * tan(phi[i] - 3 * PI / 2) < L && (y[i] + (x[i] - L) / tan(phi[i] - 3 * PI / 2)) < 0 && theta[i] > atan(-y[i] / (sin(2*PI-phi[i]) * sp))) { z[i] = y[i] / (sin(2 * PI - phi[i]) * tan(theta[i])); x1[counterge] = x[i]; y1[counterge] = y[i]; z1[counterge] = z[i]; theta1[counterge] = theta[i]; phi1[counterge] = phi[i]; y1final[counterge] = 0; x1final[counterge] = x[i] + y[i] * tan(phi[i] - 3 * PI / 2); counterge++; k++; //cout << k << endl; } else if (y[i] < 0 && phi[i] > PI && phi[i] < 3 * PI/2 && (x[i] - y[i] / tan(phi[i]-PI)) > 0 && (x[i] - y[i] / tan(phi[i]-PI)) < L && theta[i] > atan(-y[i] / (sin(phi[i]-PI) * sp))) { z[i] = y[i] / (sin(phi[i]-PI) * tan(theta[i])); x1[counterge] = x[i]; y1[counterge] = y[i]; z1[counterge] = z[i]; theta1[counterge] = theta[i]; phi1[counterge] = phi[i]; x1final[counterge] = x [i] - y[i] / tan(phi[i] - PI); y1final[counterge] = 0; counterge++; k++; //cout << k << endl; } //else if (y[i] < 0 && phi[i] > PI && phi[i] < 3 * PI / 2 && (x[i] - y[i] / tan(phi[i] - PI)) > 0 - D / (tan(phi[i] - PI)) && (x[i] - y[i] / tan(phi[i] - PI)) < 0 && theta[i] > atan(-x[i] / (cos(phi[i]-PI) * sp))) { //counterge++; //z[i] = -x[i] / (cos(phi[i] - PI) * tan(theta[i])); //xfinal[i] = 0; //yfinal[i] = -x[i]*tan(phi[i]-PI)+y[i];//correggere //k++; //cout << k << endl; //i++; //} else if (y[i] < 0 && phi[i] > 3 * PI / 2 && phi[i] < 2 * PI && (x[i] + y[i] / tan(2 * PI - phi[i])) > 0 && (x[i] + y[i] / tan(2*PI-phi[i])) < L && theta[i] > atan(-y[i] / (sin(2*PI-phi[i]) * sp))) { z[i] = y[i] / (sin(2*PI-phi[i]) * tan(theta[i])); x1[counterge] = x[i]; y1[counterge] = y[i]; z1[counterge] = z[i]; theta1[counterge] = theta[i]; phi1[counterge] = phi[i]; x1final[counterge] = x[i] + y[i] / tan(2 * PI - phi[i]); y1final[counterge] = 0; counterge++; k++; //cout << k << endl; } //else if (y[i] < 0 && phi[i] > 3 * PI / 2 && (x[i] + y[i] / tan(2 * PI - phi[i])) > L && (x[i] + y[i] / tan(phi[i])) < L + D / (tan(2 * PI - phi[i])) && theta[i] > atan((x[i] - L) / (cos(2 * PI - phi[i]) * sp))) { //counterge++; //z[i] = (x[i] - L) / (cos(2 * PI - phi[i]) * tan(theta[i])); //xfinal[i] = L; //yfinal[i] = (x[i] - L) * tan(2 * PI - phi[i]) + y[i];//correggere //k++; //cout << k << endl; //i++; //} else if (y[i] > D && phi[i] > 0 && phi[i] < PI / 2 && (x[i] - (y[i] - D) / tan(phi[i])) > 0 && (x[i] - (y[i] - D) / tan(phi[i])) < L && theta[i] > atan((y[i] - D) / (sin(phi[i]) * sp))) { z[i] = -(y[i] - D) / (sin(phi[i]) * tan(theta[i])); x1[counterge] = x[i]; y1[counterge] = y[i]; z1[counterge] = z[i]; theta1[counterge] = theta[i]; phi1[counterge] = phi[i]; x1final[counterge] = x[i] - (y[i] - D) / tan(phi[i]); y1final[counterge] = D; counterge++; k++; //cout << k << endl; } //else if (y[i] > D && phi[i] > 0 && phi[i] < PI / 2 && (x[i] - (y[i] - D) / tan(phi[i])) > L && (x[i] - (y[i] - D) / tan(phi[i])) < L + D / (tan(phi[i])) && theta[i] > atan((x[i]-L) / (cos(phi[i]) * sp))) { //counterge++; //z[i] = (x[i] - L) / (cos(phi[i]) * tan(theta[i])); //xfinal[i] = L; //correggere //yfinal[i] = y[i] - (x[i]-L)/tan(phi[i]); //k++; //cout << k << endl; //i++; //} else if (y[i] > D && phi[i] > PI / 2 && phi[i] < PI && (x[i] + (y[i] - D) / tan(PI - phi[i])) > 0 && (x[i] + (y[i] - D) / tan(PI - phi[i])) < L && theta[i] > atan ( (y[i] - D) / (sin(PI-phi[i]) * sp))) { z[i] = -(y[i] - D) / (sin(PI-phi[i]) * tan(theta[i])); x1[counterge] = x[i]; y1[counterge] = y[i]; z1[counterge] = z[i]; theta1[counterge] = theta[i]; phi1[counterge] = phi[i]; x1final[counterge] = x[i] + (y[i] - D) / tan(PI - phi[i]); y1final[counterge] = D; counterge++; k++; //cout << k << endl; } //else if (y[i] > D && phi[i] > PI / 2 && phi[i] < PI && (x[i] + (y[i] - D) / tan(PI - phi[i])) > 0 - D / (tan(PI - phi[i])) && (x[i] + (y[i] - D) / tan(PI - phi[i])) < 0 && theta[i] > atan(-x[i] / (cos(PI-phi[i]) * sp))) { //counterge++; //z[i] = -x[i] / (cos(PI - phi[i]) * tan(theta[i])); //xfinal[i] = 0; //yfinal[i] = y[i]+x[i]/tan(PI-phi[i]);//correggere //k++; //cout << k << endl; //i++; //} else continue; //calculations need to be checked } double counter = 0; // counter for coincidence events double counterz = 0; double counterzcoin = 0; for (int i = 0; i < counterge; i++) { xfin[i] = x1[i] - (H + z1[i]) * tan(theta1[i]) * cos(phi1[i]); // these should be correct yfin[i] = y1[i] - (H + z1[i]) * tan(theta1[i]) * sin(phi1[i]); if (0 <= xfin[i] && xfin[i] <= L && yfin[i] >= 0 && yfin[i] <= D) counter++; if (z1[i] != 0) counterz++; //counts the event fallen on the sp thick side if (0 <= xfin[i] && xfin[i] <= L && yfin[i] >= 0 && yfin[i] <= D && z[i] != 0) counterzcoin++; } cout << "Il numero di eventi e': " << counterge << endl << "Il numero di eventi in coincidenza e': " << counter << endl << "La percentuale in coincidenza e': " << counter/counterge * 100 << "%" << endl << "Il numero di eventi totali controllato e': " << N_events << endl << "Il numero totale buono di eventi e': " << counterge << endl << "Il numero totale di eventi passato lateralmente e': " << counterz << endl << "Il numero totale di eventi passati lateralmente e in coincidenza e' : " << counterzcoin << endl; // this ends the program /*const int n1 = 2*counterge; //I write the files all in one file to plot in the end double xfinal1[n1]; double yfinal1[n1]; double zfinal1[n1]; for (int i = 0; i < counterge; i++) { xfinal1[i] = x1final[i]; yfinal1[i] = y1final[i]; zfinal1[i] = z1[i]; xfinal1[i + counterge] = xfin[i]; yfinal1[i + counterge] = yfin[i]; zfinal1[i + counterge] = -H; } TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "", 200, 10, 600, 400); //finally the plot c1->SetFillColor(10); c1->SetGrid(); TGraph2D *grafico = new TGraph2D(n1, xfinal1, yfinal1, zfinal1); grafico->SetTitle("Slabs coincidence 3D, H = 0.08 m, square = 10 m"); grafico->SetMarkerColor(2); grafico->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X-Axis [m]"); grafico->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Axis [m]"); grafico->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Z-Axis [m]"); grafico->Draw("PCOL");*/ return; }
void sqrtByFill(){ //OPTIONS AND CUTS______________ bool useBlueBeam = true; bool useYellowBeam = true; bool randomizeSpin = false; bool fullEta = true; double PI = 3.14159265359; //LOAD LIBS_____________________ cout << "\n"; gROOT->Macro("StRoot/LoadLibs.C"); gSystem->Load("pionPair"); cout << " loading of pionPair library done" << endl; //______________________________ //SET UP INPUT FILE_____________ TFile* infile = new TFile("/star/u/klandry/ucladisk/2012IFF/schedOut_Full_4_2/allPairs_4_2.root"); string outFileName = "./resultsNew_4_22/pairsFrom4_2ByFill.root"; //______________________________ //SET UP TREE TO RECEIVE INPUT__ pionPair* pair1 = new pionPair(); TTree* pairTree = infile->Get("pionPairTree"); pairTree->SetBranchAddress("pionPair", &pair1); //______________________________ double histMin = -PI; double histMax = PI; const int binNumber = 16; TH1D * hNumberUp = new TH1D("hNumberUp","hNumberUp",binNumber,histMin,histMax); TH1D * hNumberDown = new TH1D("hNumberDown","hNumberDown",binNumber,histMin,histMax); TH1D * hAut = new TH1D("Aut","Aut",binNumber,histMin,histMax); TH1D* polOfBin[16]; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { stringstream ss; ss << i; string fullname = "hPolOfBin_phiSRbin_" + ss.str(); cout << fullname << endl; polOfBin[i] = new TH1D(fullname.c_str(),fullname.c_str(),25,0,1); } //BEAM POLARIZATION_____________ ifstream polFile;"/star/u/klandry/ucladisk/2012IFF/BeamPolarization2012.txt"); map<int, double> polarizationOfFill_Y; map<int, double> polErrOfFill_Y; map<int, double> polarizationOfFill_B; map<int, double> polErrOfFill_B; int fill; int beamE; int startT; string plusminus; double pAvrgBlue; double pErrAvrgBlue; double pInitialBlue; double pErrInitialBlue; double dPdTBlue; double dPdTErrBlue; double pAvrgYellow; double pErrAvrgYellow; double pInitialYellow; double pErrInitialYellow; double dPdTYellow; double dPdTErrYellow; string header; for (int i=0; i<19; i++){polFile >> header;} while (!polFile.eof()) { polFile >> fill; polFile >> beamE; polFile >> startT; polFile >> pAvrgBlue; polFile >> plusminus; polFile >> pErrAvrgBlue; polFile >> pInitialBlue; polFile >> plusminus; polFile >> pErrInitialBlue; polFile >> dPdTBlue; polFile >> plusminus; polFile >> dPdTErrBlue; polFile >> pAvrgYellow; polFile >> plusminus; polFile >> pErrAvrgYellow; polFile >> pInitialYellow; polFile >> plusminus; polFile >> pErrInitialYellow; polFile >> dPdTYellow; polFile >> plusminus; polFile >> dPdTErrYellow; polarizationOfFill_B[fill] = pAvrgBlue/100.; polErrOfFill_B[fill] = pErrAvrgBlue/100.; polarizationOfFill_Y[fill] = pAvrgYellow/100.; polErrOfFill_Y[fill] = pErrAvrgYellow/100.; } double avgPolOfBinUp[binNumber]; double polOfBinSumUp[binNumber]; double avgPerrorOfBinUp[binNumber]; double pErrorOfBinUp[binNumber]; double avgPolOfBinDown[binNumber]; double polOfBinSumDown[binNumber]; double avgPerrorOfBinDown[binNumber]; double pErrorOfBinDown[binNumber]; for (int i=0; i<binNumber; i++) { avgPolOfBinUp[i] = 0; polOfBinSumUp[i] = 0; avgPerrorOfBinUp[i] = 0; pErrorOfBinUp[i] = 0; avgPolOfBinDown[i] = 0; polOfBinSumDown[i] = 0; avgPerrorOfBinDown[i] = 0; pErrorOfBinDown[i] = 0; } //CUTS__________________________ double lowLimitPt = ptBinStart[0]; double hiLimitPt = ptBinEnd[4]; double lowLimitEta = etaBinStart[3]; //set up do only do eta bin 3 double hiLimitEta = etaBinEnd[3]; double lowLimitMass = massBinStart[0]; double hiLimitMass = massBinEnd[4]; //______________________________ // ====================================================================== //============================================================================ //START ANALYSIS============================================================== //============================================================================ // ====================================================================== //* cout << "\n"; cout << "<----STARTING ANALYSIS---->" << endl; cout << "\n"; cout << pairTree->GetEntries() << " pairs to analyze" << endl; int blueFillNo; int yellowFillNo; int phiSRbin; vector<double> fillAsyms; vector<double> fillAsymsE; vector<double> fillVec; TLorentzVector sum; TLorentzVector sumY; TLorentzVector sumB; //random number for randomizing spin. //set seed to zero to gaurenty unique numbers each time. TRandom3 r; r.SetSeed(0); int rand5 = 0; int rand6 = 0; int rand9 = 0; int rand10 = 0; int totalPairsFinal = 0; int blueD = 0; int blueU = 0; int yellowD = 0; int yellowU = 0; int pionStarNumber = 0; int runsProcessed = 0; double currentFillNo = 0; double currentRunNo = 0; for (int iPair = pionStarNumber; iPair < pairTree->GetEntries(); iPair++) { if (iPair%10000 == 0) {cout << "processing pair number " << iPair << endl;} //if (iPair == pionStarNumber+300000){break;} pairTree->GetEntry(iPair); //if (runsProcessed > 4){break;} if (pair1->runInfo().beamFillNumber(1) != currentFillNo && currentFillNo != 0 && currentFillNo != 16427) //if (pair1->runInfo().runId() != currentRunNo && currentRunNo != 0) { runsProcessed++; cout << "runsProcessed " << runsProcessed << endl; double* asym = new double(); double* asymE = new double(); calcAsyms(hAut, hNumberUp, hNumberDown, polOfBin, asym, asymE); fillAsyms.push_back(*asym); fillAsymsE.push_back(*asymE); fillVec.push_back(runsProcessed); hNumberUp->Reset(); hNumberDown->Reset(); hAut->Reset(); for (int i=0; i<binNumber; i++) { polOfBin[i]->Reset(); } } else if (currentRunNo == 16427) { //fillAsyms.push_back(*asym); //fillAsymsE.push_back(*asymE); //fillVec.push_back(runsProcessed); hNumberUp->Reset(); hNumberDown->Reset(); hAut->Reset(); for (int i=0; i<binNumber; i++) { polOfBin[i]->Reset(); } } currentRunNo = pair1->runInfo().runId(); currentFillNo = pair1->runInfo().beamFillNumber(1); if (pair1->withinRadius(0.05, 0.3)) { bool triggerFired = false; bool fromKaon = false; bool passInitialCut_B = false; bool passInitialCut_Y = false; bool passDCAcut = false; StTriggerId trigId = pair1->triggerIds(); //JP0,JP1,JP2,AJP if (trigId.isTrigger(370601) || trigId.isTrigger(370611) || trigId.isTrigger(370621) || trigId.isTrigger(370641)) { triggerFired = true; } //BHT0VPD,BHT1VPD,BHT2BBC,BHT2 if (trigId.isTrigger(370501) || trigId.isTrigger(370511) || trigId.isTrigger(370522) || trigId.isTrigger(370531)) { triggerFired = true; } if (triggerFired) { blueFillNo = pair1->runInfo().beamFillNumber(1); //1 = blue beam yellowFillNo = pair1->runInfo().beamFillNumber(0); //0 = yellow beam sum = pair1->piPlusLV() + pair1->piMinusLV(); sumB = sum; //blue beam. //yellow beam must rotate around y axis by pi so the eta cut can be the same for both beams. sumY = sum; sumY.RotateY(PI); if (sumB.Pt() >= lowLimitPt && sumB.Pt() <= hiLimitPt && sumB.M() >= lowLimitMass && sumB.M() <= hiLimitMass && sumB.Eta() >= lowLimitEta && sumB.Eta() <= hiLimitEta) { passInitialCut_B = true; } if (sumY.Pt() >= lowLimitPt && sumY.Pt() <= hiLimitPt && sumY.M() >= lowLimitMass && sumY.M() <= hiLimitMass && sumY.Eta() >= lowLimitEta && sumY.Eta() <= hiLimitEta) { passInitialCut_Y = true; } if (passInitialCut_B && useBlueBeam) { //BLUE BEAM SPIN UP: spin bin 9 and 10 if (pair1->spinBit() == 9 || pair1->spinBit() == 10) { hNumberUp->Fill(pair1->phiSR('b')); phiSRbin = hNumberUp->FindBin(pair1->phiSR('b')); polOfBin[phiSRbin-1]->Fill(polarizationOfFill_B[blueFillNo]); /*if (iPair > 39000) { cout << "polarization = " << polarizationOfFill_B[blueFillNo] << " " << blueFillNo << endl; }*/ } //BLUE BEAM SPIN DOWN: spin bin 5 and 6 if (pair1->spinBit() == 5 || pair1->spinBit() == 6) { hNumberDown->Fill(pair1->phiSR('b')); phiSRbin = hNumberDown->FindBin(pair1->phiSR('b')); polOfBin[phiSRbin-1]->Fill(polarizationOfFill_B[blueFillNo]); } }//done with blue beam if (passInitialCut_Y && useYellowBeam) { //YELLOW BEAM SPIN UP: spin bin 6 and 10 if (pair1->spinBit() == 6 || pair1->spinBit() == 10) { hNumberUp->Fill(pair1->phiSR('y')); phiSRbin = hNumberUp->FindBin(pair1->phiSR('y')); polOfBin[phiSRbin-1]->Fill(polarizationOfFill_Y[yellowFillNo]); } //YELLOW BEAM SPIN DOWN: spin bit 5 and 9 if (pair1->spinBit() == 5 || pair1->spinBit() == 9) { hNumberDown->Fill(pair1->phiSR('y')); phiSRbin = hNumberDown->FindBin(pair1->phiSR('y')); polOfBin[phiSRbin-1]->Fill(polarizationOfFill_Y[yellowFillNo]); } }//done with yellow beam }//end trigger check }//end radius check }//end pion tree loop cout << "out of tree loop" << endl; cout << fillAsyms.size() << endl; TGraphErrors* gAsymVsFill = new TGraphErrors(fillAsyms.size(), &fillVec[0], &fillAsyms[0], 0, &fillAsymsE[0]); gAsymVsFill->Draw("AP"); TFile* outFile = new TFile(outFileName.c_str(),"recreate"); gAsymVsFill->Write(); }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { TStopwatch watch; gRandom = new TRandom3(0); // set random seed gROOT->ProcessLine(".L loader.c+"); // Initialize struct objects (see dictionaries) // Gas setup TString gasmixt[6] = { "C5H12", "CF4", "", "60", "40", "" }; TString output = gasmixt[0] + "-" + gasmixt[1] + "-" + gasmixt[2] + "-" + gasmixt[3] + "-" + gasmixt[4] + "-" + gasmixt[5]; std::string workingdir = "includes/"; workingdir.append("GEM5"); // Name of the working directory which contains the GEM files workingdir.append("/"); std::string particleType = "mu"; Double_t particleEnergy = 100.e9; bool debug = true; Int_t it = 100; // Load GEM dimensions GEMconfig g; loadGEMconfig(workingdir, g); // Load the field map ComponentAnsys123* fm = new ComponentAnsys123(); std::string efile = workingdir + "ELIST.lis"; std::string nfile = workingdir + "NLIST.lis"; std::string mfile = workingdir + "MPLIST.lis"; std::string sfile = workingdir + "PRNSOL.lis"; std::string wfile = workingdir + "WSOL.lis"; std::string dfile = workingdir + "WSOLD.lis"; if(!fm->Initialise(efile, nfile, mfile, sfile, "mm")) { std::cout << "Error while loading the ANSYS field map files." << std::endl; } fm->EnableMirrorPeriodicityX(); fm->EnableMirrorPeriodicityY(); if(debug) { fm->PrintRange(); } fm->SetWeightingField(wfile, "readout"); fm->SetWeightingField(dfile, "ions"); // Gas setup MediumMagboltz* gas = new MediumMagboltz(); gas->SetComposition((std::string)gasmixt[0], atof(gasmixt[3]), (std::string)gasmixt[1], atof(gasmixt[4]), (std::string)gasmixt[2], atof(gasmixt[5])); gas->SetTemperature(293.15); gas->SetPressure(760.0); //gas->SetMaxElectronEnergy(200.); gas->EnableDebugging(); gas->Initialise(); gas->DisableDebugging(); //const double rPenning = 0.57; //const double lambdaPenning = 0.; //gas->EnablePenningTransfer(rPenning, lambdaPenning, "ar"); gas->LoadIonMobility(GARFIELD + "Data/IonMobility_Ar+_Ar.txt"); //gas->LoadIonMobility(GARFIELD + "Data/IonMobility_CO2+_CO2"); //Associate the gas with the corresponding field map material. const int nMaterials = fm->GetNumberOfMaterials(); for(int i=0; i<nMaterials; ++i) { const double eps = fm->GetPermittivity(i); if(fabs(eps - 1.) < 1.e-3) fm->SetMedium(i, gas); } if(debug) { fm->PrintMaterials(); } // Sensor setup Sensor* sensor = new Sensor(); sensor->AddComponent(fm); sensor->SetArea(-5.*(g.pitch), -5.*(g.pitch), 0.0, 5.*(g.pitch), 5.*(g.pitch), g.totalT); // Setup HEED TrackHeed* heed = new TrackHeed(); heed->SetSensor(sensor); //heed->DisableDeltaElectronTransport(); heed->SetParticle(particleType); heed->SetMomentum(particleEnergy); if(debug) { heed->EnableDebugging(); } // Setup electron transport AvalancheMicroscopic* aval = new AvalancheMicroscopic(); aval->SetSensor(sensor); //aval->EnableAvalancheSizeLimit(1000); sensor->AddElectrode(fm, "readout"); sensor->AddElectrode(fm, "ions"); const double tMin = 0.; const double tMax = 75.; const double tStep = 0.2; const int nTimeBins = int((tMax - tMin)/tStep); sensor->SetTimeWindow(0., tStep, nTimeBins); aval->EnableSignalCalculation(); ViewSignal* signalView = new ViewSignal(); signalView->SetSensor(sensor); TH1D* h; // tmp storage of timing histogram // Setup ion transport AvalancheMC* iondrift = new AvalancheMC(); iondrift->SetSensor(sensor); iondrift->EnableSignalCalculation(); iondrift->SetDistanceSteps(2e-4); // Calculate avalanche int ne, ni, np, status, nc; double ec, extra; double x0, y0, z0, t0, e0, x1, y1, z1, t1, e1, x2, y2, z2, t2, e2, x3, y3, z3, t3, e3; double vx0, vy0, vz0, vx1, vy1, vz1; TRandom3 r; r.SetSeed(0); TString savefile = workingdir + "output/" + output + ".root"; TFile f(savefile, "recreate"); TDirectory *dir = f.mkdir("signals"); dir->cd(); // Prepare tree for charged particle and clusters particle p; TTree *pTree = new TTree("pTree", "Charged particle"); pTree->Branch("x0", &p.x0); pTree->Branch("y0", &p.y0); pTree->Branch("z0", &p.z0); pTree->Branch("vx0", &p.vx0); pTree->Branch("vy0", &p.vy0); pTree->Branch("vz0", &p.vz0); pTree->Branch("t0", &p.t0); pTree->Branch("e0", &p.e0); pTree->Branch("type", "TString", &p.type); pTree->Branch("noClusters", &p.noClusters); pTree->Branch("stoppingpower", &p.stoppingPower); pTree->Branch("lambda", &p.lambda); pTree->Branch("clusters", "std::vector<cluster>", &p.clusters); // Prepare tree for electrons avalancheE aE; TTree *ETree = new TTree("eTree", "Avalanche electrons"); ETree->Branch("x0", &aE.x0); ETree->Branch("y0", &aE.y0); ETree->Branch("z0", &aE.z0); ETree->Branch("vx0", &aE.vx0); ETree->Branch("vy0", &aE.vy0); ETree->Branch("vz0", &aE.vz0); ETree->Branch("t0", &aE.t0); ETree->Branch("e0", &aE.e0); ETree->Branch("ne", &; ETree->Branch("x1", &aE.x1); ETree->Branch("y1", &aE.y1); ETree->Branch("z1", &aE.z1); ETree->Branch("t1", &aE.t1); ETree->Branch("e1", &aE.e1); ETree->Branch("x2", &aE.x2); ETree->Branch("y2", &aE.y2); ETree->Branch("z2", &aE.z2); ETree->Branch("t2", &aE.t2); ETree->Branch("e2", &aE.e2); ETree->Branch("status", &aE.status); // Prepare tree for ions avalancheI aI; TTree *ITree = new TTree("iTree", "Avalanche ions"); ITree->Branch("x0", &aI.x0); ITree->Branch("y0", &aI.y0); ITree->Branch("z0", &aI.z0); ITree->Branch("t0", &aI.t0); ITree->Branch("ni", &; ITree->Branch("x1", &aI.x1); ITree->Branch("y1", &aI.y1); ITree->Branch("z1", &aI.z1); ITree->Branch("t1", &aI.t1); ITree->Branch("x2", &aI.x2); ITree->Branch("y2", &aI.y2); ITree->Branch("z2", &aI.z2); ITree->Branch("t2", &aI.t2); ITree->Branch("status", &aI.status); // Start iteration std::cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; for(int i=0; i<it; i++) { if(debug) { std::cout << "Progress: " << 100.*(i+1)/it << "%" << std::endl; } system("mail -s 'timeResolution10' [email protected] <<< 'Progress: " + int2str(i) + "' "); // Set random velocity direction, in positive hemisphere const double ctheta = 1. - r.Uniform(); const double stheta = sqrt(1. - ctheta*ctheta); const double phi = TwoPi*r.Uniform(); vx0 = cos(phi)*stheta; vy0 = sin(phi)*stheta; vz0 = ctheta; // Set initial time t0 = 0.0; // Generate random (x,y) position in unit cell x0 = r.Uniform()*g.pitch/2; y0 = r.Uniform()*g.pitch*TMath::Sqrt(3)/2; z0 = 0.; // Set muon perpendicular in midpoint of GEM x0 = 0.; y0 = 0.; vx0 = 0.; vy0 = 0.; vz0 = 1.; heed->NewTrack(x0, y0, z0, t0, vx0, vy0, vz0); // generate particle track // Storage of TRACK coordinates and primary ionization properties p.x0 = x0; p.y0 = y0; p.z0 = z0; p.vx0 = vx0; p.vy0 = vy0; p.vz0 = vz0; p.t0 = t0; p.e0 = particleEnergy; p.type = particleType; p.noClusters = 0; p.lambda = 1/heed->GetClusterDensity(); p.stoppingPower = heed->GetStoppingPower(); // Loop over clusters int l=0; while(heed->GetCluster(x0, y0, z0, t0, nc, ec, extra)) { // Skip the clusters which are not in the drift region if(z0 > g.driftT) { continue; } if(debug) { std::cout << " cluster " << l << " (# electrons = " << nc << ", ec = " << ec <<" )" << std::endl; } cluster c; // Storage of cluster information p.noClusters++; c.x0 = x0; c.y0 = y0; c.z0 = z0; c.t0 = t0; = nc; // amount of primary electrons = ec; // energy transferred to gas // Loop over electrons in cluster for(int j=0; j<nc; j++) { heed->GetElectron(j, x1, y1, z1, t1, e1, vx1, vy1, vz1); c.x1.push_back(x1); c.y1.push_back(y1); c.z1.push_back(z1); c.t1.push_back(t1); c.e1.push_back(e1); c.vx1.push_back(vx1); c.vy1.push_back(vy1); c.vz1.push_back(vz1); // Calculate the drift of electrons and ions aval->AvalancheElectron(x1, y1, z1, t1, e1, vx1, vy1, vz1); aval->GetAvalancheSize(ne, ni); np = aval->GetNumberOfElectronEndpoints(); if(debug) { std::cout << " avalanche electrons = " << np << std::endl; } = ne; aE.x0 = x1; aE.y0 = y1; aE.z0 = z1; aE.vx0 = vx1; aE.vy0 = vy1; aE.vz0 = vz1; aE.t0 = t1; aE.e0 = e1; = ni; aI.x0 = x1; aI.y0 = y1; aI.z0 = z1; aI.t0 = t1; // Loop over all electrons in avalanche for(int k=0; k<np; k++) { aval->GetElectronEndpoint(k, x2, y2, z2, t2, e2, x3, y3, z3, t3, e3, status); aE.x1.push_back(x2); aE.y1.push_back(y2); aE.z1.push_back(z2); aE.t1.push_back(t2); aE.e1.push_back(e2); aE.x2.push_back(x3); aE.y2.push_back(y3); aE.z2.push_back(z3); aE.t2.push_back(t3); aE.e2.push_back(e3); aE.status.push_back(status); iondrift->DriftIon(x2, y2, z2, t2); iondrift->GetIonEndpoint(0, x2, y2, z2, t2, x3, y3, z3, t3, status); aI.x1.push_back(x2); aI.y1.push_back(y2); aI.z1.push_back(z2); aI.t1.push_back(t2); aI.x2.push_back(x3); aI.y2.push_back(y3); aI.z2.push_back(z3); aI.t2.push_back(t3); aI.status.push_back(status); } ETree->Fill(); ITree->Fill(); // Reset vectors aE.x1.clear(); aE.y1.clear(); aE.z1.clear(); aE.t1.clear(); aE.e1.clear(); aE.x2.clear(); aE.y2.clear(); aE.z2.clear(); aE.t2.clear(); aE.e2.clear(); aE.status.clear(); aI.x1.clear(); aI.y1.clear(); aI.z1.clear(); aI.t1.clear(); aI.e1.clear(); aI.x2.clear(); aI.y2.clear(); aI.z2.clear(); aI.t2.clear(); aI.e2.clear(); aI.status.clear(); } p.clusters.push_back(c); l++; } pTree->Fill(); p.clusters.clear(); signalView->PlotSignal("readout"); h = signalView->GetHistogram(); h->Write("signal"); sensor->SetTransferFunction(transferf); sensor->ConvoluteSignal(); signalView->PlotSignal("readout"); h = signalView->GetHistogram(); h->Write("signalT"); sensor->ClearSignal(); }; // go to top directory ETree->Write(); ITree->Write(); pTree->Write(); f.Close(); std::cout << "--------------- TIMING ---------------" << std::endl; std::cout << watch.CpuTime() << std::endl; return 0; }
void estimate_uncertainty(int N=1000) { double a,b,c,d; TRandom3 rand; double mean = 0.0; double sigma = 0.25; double sigma1 = 0.22; TH1F *hA = new TH1F("hA","numerator 1;A;counts", 200,0,2); TH1F *hB = new TH1F("hB","denominator 1;B;counts", 200,0,2); TH1F *hC = new TH1F("hC","numerator 2;C;counts", 200,0,2); TH1F *hD = new TH1F("hD","denominator 2;D;counts", 200,0,2); TH1F *hR1 = new TH1F("hR1","ratio 1;single ratio;counts",200,0,2); TH1F *hR2 = new TH1F("hR2","ratio 2;single raito;counts",200,0,2); TH1F *hDR = new TH1F("hDR","double ratio;double ratio;counts",200,0,2); hA->Sumw2(); hB->Sumw2(); hC->Sumw2(); hD->Sumw2(); hR1->Sumw2(); hR2->Sumw2(); hDR->Sumw2(); hA->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); hB->SetMarkerColor(kRed); hC->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); hD->SetMarkerColor(kGreen+2); hB->SetMarkerStyle(21); hC->SetMarkerStyle(24); hD->SetMarkerStyle(25); hR2->SetMarkerColor(kRed); hR2->SetMarkerStyle(24); hA->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(1); hR1->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(1); hDR->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(1); rand.SetSeed(0); for (int i=0; i<N; ++i) { // a = rand.Gaus(mean, sigma1); // b = a; a = rand.Gaus(mean, sigma1); a *= rand.Gaus(mean, sigma); b = rand.Gaus(mean, sigma1); b *= rand.Gaus(mean, sigma); // c = rand.Gaus(mean, sigma1); // d = c; c = rand.Gaus(mean, sigma1); c *= rand.Gaus(mean, sigma); d = rand.Gaus(mean, sigma1); d *= rand.Gaus(mean, sigma); a += 1; b += 1; c += 1; d += 1; hA->Fill(a); hB->Fill(b); hC->Fill(c); hD->Fill(d); hR1->Fill( (a/b) ); hR2->Fill( (c/d) ); hDR->Fill( (a/b) / (c/d) ); } TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",1200,600); c1->Divide(3,1); c1->cd(1); hA->Draw(); hB->Draw("same"); hC->Draw("same"); hD->Draw("same"); c1->cd(2); hR1->Draw(); hR2->Draw("same"); c1->cd(3); hDR->Draw(); cout << "Mean = " << hDR->GetMean() << " RMS = " << hDR->GetRMS() << endl; return; }
void sqrtMethodSameSign(int ptBin, double ptCutLo, double ptCutHi, int massBin, double mCutLo, double mCutHi, int etaBin, double etaCutLo, double etaCutHi){ //OPTIONS AND CUTS------------ bool useBlueBeam = true; bool useYellowBeam = true; bool randomizeSpin = false; double PI = 3.14159265359; cout << "\n"; if (useBlueBeam && useYellowBeam){cout << "using both beams-----" << endl;} if (useBlueBeam && !useYellowBeam){cout << "using blue beam------" << endl;} if (!useBlueBeam && useYellowBeam){cout << "using yellow beam----" << endl;} cout << "\n"; if (randomizeSpin){cout << "randomizing spin-----" << endl;} //PION PAIR CUTS: /* double ptCutLo = 4; double ptCutHi = 10; double mCutLo = .4; double mCutHi = 1; double etaCutLo = -1.4; double etaCutHi = 1.4; //*/ //double phiCutLo = -.5; //double phiCutHi = .5; //---------------------------- //LOAD LIBS cout << "\n"; gROOT->Macro("StRoot/LoadLibs.C"); gSystem->Load("sameSignPair"); cout << " loading of sameSignPair library done" << endl; //SET UP INPUT FILE TFile* infile = new TFile("/star/u/klandry/ucladisk/2012IFF/schedOut_samesign_4_14/allSameSign_4_14.root"); //SET UP TREE TO RECEIVE INPUT sameSignPair* pair1 = new sameSignPair(); TTree* pairTree = infile->Get("sameSignTree"); pairTree->SetBranchAddress("sameSignPair", &pair1); //SET UP HISTOGRAMS //event variable histograms TH1D* hInvarM = new TH1D("invarM","invarM",80,0,2); TH1D* hEtaTot = new TH1D("etaTot","etaTot",60,-1.5,1.5); TH1D* hPhiR = new TH1D("hPhiR","hPhiR",60,-4,4); TH1D* hPhiS = new TH1D("hPhiS","hPhiS",60,-4,4); TH1D* hPhiSR = new TH1D("hPhiSR","hPhiSR",60,-4,4); TH1D* hTheta = new TH1D("hTheta","hTheta",30,-0.85,4); TH1D* hCosTheta = new TH1D("hCosTheta","hCosTheta",80,-1,1); TH1D* hZ = new TH1D("hZ","hZ",80,0,1); TH1D* hPtot = new TH1D("hPtot","hPtot",80,0,20); TH1D* hPtTOT = new TH1D("hPt","hPt",80,0,15); //histos for asym analysis double histMin = -PI; double histMax = PI; const int binNumber = 16; TH1D * hNumberUp = new TH1D("hNumberUp","hNumberUp",binNumber,histMin,histMax); TH1D * hNumberDown = new TH1D("hNumberDown","hNumberDown",binNumber,histMin,histMax); TH1D * hDiff = new TH1D("hNumberSum","hNumberSum",binNumber,histMin,histMax); TH1D * hAut = new TH1D("Aut","Aut",binNumber,histMin,histMax); //BEAM POLARIZATION ifstream polFile;"/star/u/klandry/ucladisk/2012IFF/BeamPolarization2012.txt"); map<int, double> polarizationOfFill_Y; map<int, double> polErrOfFill_Y; map<int, double> polarizationOfFill_B; map<int, double> polErrOfFill_B; int fill; int beamE; int startT; string plusminus; double pAvrgBlue; double pErrAvrgBlue; double pInitialBlue; double pErrInitialBlue; double dPdTBlue; double dPdTErrBlue; double pAvrgYellow; double pErrAvrgYellow; double pInitialYellow; double pErrInitialYellow; double dPdTYellow; double dPdTErrYellow; string header; for (int i=0; i<19; i++){polFile >> header;} while (!polFile.eof()) { polFile >> fill; polFile >> beamE; polFile >> startT; polFile >> pAvrgBlue; polFile >> plusminus; polFile >> pErrAvrgBlue; polFile >> pInitialBlue; polFile >> plusminus; polFile >> pErrInitialBlue; polFile >> dPdTBlue; polFile >> plusminus; polFile >> dPdTErrBlue; polFile >> pAvrgYellow; polFile >> plusminus; polFile >> pErrAvrgYellow; polFile >> pInitialYellow; polFile >> plusminus; polFile >> pErrInitialYellow; polFile >> dPdTYellow; polFile >> plusminus; polFile >> dPdTErrYellow; polarizationOfFill_B[fill] = pAvrgBlue/100.; polErrOfFill_B[fill] = pErrAvrgBlue/100.; polarizationOfFill_Y[fill] = pAvrgYellow/100.; polErrOfFill_Y[fill] = pErrAvrgYellow/100.; } double avgPolOfBinUp[binNumber]; double polOfBinSumUp[binNumber]; double avgPerrorOfBinUp[binNumber]; double pErrorOfBinUp[binNumber]; double avgPolOfBinDown[binNumber]; double polOfBinSumDown[binNumber]; double avgPerrorOfBinDown[binNumber]; double pErrorOfBinDown[binNumber]; for (int i=0; i<binNumber; i++) { avgPolOfBinUp[i] = 0; polOfBinSumUp[i] = 0; avgPerrorOfBinUp[i] = 0; pErrorOfBinUp[i] = 0; avgPolOfBinDown[i] = 0; polOfBinSumDown[i] = 0; avgPerrorOfBinDown[i] = 0; pErrorOfBinDown[i] = 0; } // ====================================================================== //============================================================================ //START ANALYSIS============================================================== //============================================================================ // ====================================================================== cout << pairTree->GetEntries() << endl; cout << "\n"; cout << "<----STARTING ANALYSIS---->" << endl; cout << "\n"; double blueFillNo; double yellowFillNo; int bin; TLorentzVector sum; TLorentzVector sumY; TLorentzVector sumB; //random number for randomizing spin. //set seed to zero to gaurenty unique numbers each time. TRandom3 r; r.SetSeed(0); int rand5 = 0; int rand6 = 0; int rand9 = 0; int rand10 = 0; int totalPairsFinal = 0; int blueD = 0; int blueU = 0; int yellowD = 0; int yellowU = 0; int pionStarNumber = 0; for (int iPair = pionStarNumber; iPair < pairTree->GetEntries(); iPair++) { if (iPair%10000 == 0) {cout << "processing pair number " << iPair << endl;} //if (iPair == pionStarNumber+2000000){break;} pairTree->GetEntry(iPair); if (pair1->withinRadius(0.05, 0.3)) { bool triggerFired = false; bool fromKaon = false; StTriggerId trigId = pair1->triggerIds(); //JP0,JP1,JP2,AJP if (trigId.isTrigger(370601) || trigId.isTrigger(370611) || trigId.isTrigger(370621) || trigId.isTrigger(370641)) { triggerFired = true; } //BHT0VPD,BHT1VPD,BHT2BBC,BHT2 if (trigId.isTrigger(370501) || trigId.isTrigger(370511) || trigId.isTrigger(370522) || trigId.isTrigger(370531)) { triggerFired = true; } if (pair1->invarientMass() > .4921 && pair1->invarientMass() < .4990) { fromKaon = true; } if (triggerFired) { blueFillNo = pair1->runInfo().beamFillNumber(1); //1 = blue beam yellowFillNo = pair1->runInfo().beamFillNumber(0); //0 = yellow beam //cout << blueFillNo << " " << yellowFillNo << endl; if (polarizationOfFill_B[blueFillNo] == 0 || polarizationOfFill_Y[yellowFillNo] == 0) //0 is gap { continue; } hInvarM->Fill(pair1->invarientMass()); sum = pair1->pion1LV() + pair1->pion2LV(); sumB = sum; //blue beam. //yellow beam must rotate around y axis by pi so the eta cut can be the same for both beams. sumY = sum; sumY.RotateY(PI); //cout << pair1->phiS('y')-pair1->phiR('y') << " " << pair1->phiSR('y') << endl; //option for randomizing spin if (randomizeSpin) { int origSpinBit = pair1->spinBit(); double randomSpin = r.Uniform(0, 1); int randomSpinBit; if (randomSpin >=0 && randomSpin <0.25) {randomSpinBit = 5; rand5++;} if (randomSpin >=0.25 && randomSpin <0.5){randomSpinBit = 6; rand6++;} if (randomSpin >=0.5 && randomSpin <0.75){randomSpinBit = 9; rand9++;} if (randomSpin >=0.75 && randomSpin <1.0){randomSpinBit = 10; rand10++;} pair1->setSpinBit(randomSpinBit); } //cout << pair1->sinPhiSR('b') << " " << pair1->cosPhiSR('b') << " " << pair1->phiSR('b') << endl; //MANUALLY ALTER ANGLES FOR TESTING----- /* double testPhiS_y = -pair1->phiS('y'); double testPhiR_y = pair1->phiR('y'); double testPhiS_b = -pair1->phiS('b'); double testPhiR_b = pair1->phiR('b'); double testPhiSR_y = testPhiS_y - testPhiR_y; double testPhiSR_b = testPhiS_b - testPhiR_b; //cout << testPhiS_b << " " << testPhiR_b << " " << testPhiS_y << " " << testPhiR_y << endl; if (testPhiSR_y > PI) { testPhiSR_y -= 2*PI; } if (testPhiSR_y < -PI) { testPhiSR_y += 2*PI; } if (testPhiSR_b > PI) { testPhiSR_b -= 2*PI; } if (testPhiSR_b < -PI) { testPhiSR_b += 2*PI; } //cout << testPhiSR_b << " " << testPhiSR_y << endl; //*/ //CHECK CUTS if (sumB.Pt() > ptCutLo && sumB.Pt() < ptCutHi && sumB.M() > mCutLo && sumB.M() < mCutHi && sumB.Eta() > etaCutLo && sumB.Eta() < etaCutHi && useBlueBeam == true) { //BLUE BEAM SPIN UP: spin bin 9 and 10 if (pair1->spinBit() == 9 || pair1->spinBit() == 10) { blueU++; //make sure to set it back if you randomized it for up/down. //still need origional spin bit to calc anlge. if (randomizeSpin){pair1->setSpinBit(origSpinBit);} bin = hNumberUp->FindBin(pair1->phiSR('b')); hNumberUp->Fill(pair1->phiSR('b')); //bin = hNumberUp->FindBin(testPhiSR_b); //hNumberUp->Fill(testPhiSR_b); polOfBinSumUp[bin] += polarizationOfFill_B[blueFillNo]; pErrorOfBinUp[bin] += polErrOfFill_B[blueFillNo]; //If rondomized spin, have to set the spin bit back to random //for next spin bit check if (randomizeSpin){pair1->setSpinBit(randomSpinBit);} } //BLUE BEAM SPIN DOWN: spin bin 5 and 6 if (pair1->spinBit() == 5 || pair1->spinBit() == 6) { blueD++; if (randomizeSpin){pair1->setSpinBit(origSpinBit);} bin = hNumberDown->FindBin(pair1->phiSR('b')); hNumberDown->Fill(pair1->phiSR('b')); //bin = hNumberDown->FindBin(testPhiSR_b); //hNumberDown->Fill(testPhiSR_b); polOfBinSumDown[bin] += polarizationOfFill_B[blueFillNo]; pErrorOfBinDown[bin] += polErrOfFill_B[blueFillNo]; if (randomizeSpin){pair1->setSpinBit(randomSpinBit);} } }//end blue cuts if (sumY.Pt()>ptCutLo && sumY.Pt() < ptCutHi && sumY.M() > mCutLo && sumY.M() < mCutHi && sumY.Eta() > etaCutLo && sumY.Eta() < etaCutHi && useYellowBeam == true) { //YELLOW BEAM SPIN UP: spin bin 6 and 10 if (pair1->spinBit() == 6 || pair1->spinBit() == 10) { yellowU++; if (randomizeSpin){pair1->setSpinBit(origSpinBit);} bin = hNumberUp->FindBin(pair1->phiSR('y')); hNumberUp->Fill(pair1->phiSR('y')); //bin = hNumberUp->FindBin(testPhiSR_y); //hNumberUp->Fill(testPhiSR_y); polOfBinSumUp[bin] += polarizationOfFill_Y[yellowFillNo]; pErrorOfBinUp[bin] += polErrOfFill_Y[yellowFillNo]; if (randomizeSpin){pair1->setSpinBit(randomSpinBit);} } //YELLOW BEAM SPIN DOWN: spin bit 5 and 9 if (pair1->spinBit() == 5 || pair1->spinBit() == 9) { yellowD++; if (randomizeSpin){pair1->setSpinBit(origSpinBit);} bin = hNumberDown->FindBin(pair1->phiSR('y')); hNumberDown->Fill(pair1->phiSR('y')); //bin = hNumberDown->FindBin(testPhiSR_y); //hNumberDown->Fill(testPhiSR_y); polOfBinSumDown[bin] += polarizationOfFill_Y[yellowFillNo]; pErrorOfBinDown[bin] += polErrOfFill_Y[yellowFillNo]; if (randomizeSpin){pair1->setSpinBit(randomSpinBit);} } }//end yellow cuts }//end triger check }//end radius check }//end pairTree loop //CALCULATE ASYMMETRY BIN BY BIN cout << "\n"; cout << "<----CALCULATING ASYMMETRY---->" << endl; cout << "\n"; for (int ibin=1; ibin<=binNumber; ibin++) { if (ibin <= binNumber*0.5) { double nUp = hNumberUp->GetBinContent(ibin); double nUpPi = hNumberUp->GetBinContent(ibin+binNumber*0.5); double nDown = hNumberDown->GetBinContent(ibin); double nDownPi = hNumberDown->GetBinContent(ibin+binNumber*0.5); int binIndexPi = ibin+binNumber*0.5; double avgPolA = (polOfBinSumUp[ibin]+polOfBinSumDown[binIndexPi])/(nUp+nDownPi); double avgPolB = (polOfBinSumUp[binIndexPi]+polOfBinSumDown[ibin])/(nUpPi+nDown); double realAvgPol = (polOfBinSumUp[ibin]+polOfBinSumDown[binIndexPi]+polOfBinSumUp[binIndexPi]+polOfBinSumDown[ibin])/(nUp+nUpPi+nDown+nDownPi); } else { double nUp = hNumberUp->GetBinContent(ibin); double nUpPi = hNumberUp->GetBinContent(ibin-binNumber*0.5); double nDown = hNumberDown->GetBinContent(ibin); double nDownPi = hNumberDown->GetBinContent(ibin-binNumber*0.5); int binIndexPi = ibin-binNumber*0.5; double avgPolA = (polOfBinSumUp[ibin]+polOfBinSumDown[binIndexPi])/(nUp+nDownPi); double avgPolB = (polOfBinSumUp[binIndexPi]+polOfBinSumDown[ibin])/(nUpPi+nDown); double realAvgPol = (polOfBinSumUp[ibin]+polOfBinSumDown[binIndexPi]+polOfBinSumUp[binIndexPi]+polOfBinSumDown[ibin])/(nUp+nUpPi+nDown+nDownPi); double realAvgPolE = (pErrorOfBinUp[ibin]+pErrorOfBinDown[binIndexPi]+pErrorOfBinUp[binIndexPi]+pErrorOfBinDown[ibin])/(nUp+nUpPi+nDown+nDownPi); } cout << avgPolA << " " << avgPolB << endl; hDiff->SetBinContent(ibin, sqrt(nUp*nDownPi) - sqrt(nDown*nUpPi)); //hAut->SetBinContent(ibin, (1/avgPolA * sqrt(nUp*nDownPi) - 1/avgPolB * sqrt(nDown*nUpPi)) / (sqrt(nUp*nDownPi) + sqrt(nDown*nUpPi)) ); hAut->SetBinContent(ibin, 1/realAvgPol * (sqrt(nUp*nDownPi) - sqrt(nDown*nUpPi)) / (sqrt(nUp*nDownPi) + sqrt(nDown*nUpPi)) ); //error if (realAvgPol*pow(sqrt(nUp*nDownPi)+sqrt(nDown*nUpPi), 2) != 0) { double a = sqrt(nUp*nDownPi); double b = sqrt(nUpPi*nDown); double firstTerm = realAvgPol**2 * (nUpPi*nDown*(nUp+nDownPi) + nDownPi*nUp*(nUpPi+nDown)); //double secondTerm = ((nUp*nDownPi)**2 +(nUpPi*nDown)**2 - 2*nUp*nDown*nUpPi*nDownPi)*realAvgPolE**2; double secondTerm = 0; double binError = 1/realAvgPol**2 * 1/(a+b)**2 * sqrt(firstTerm + secondTerm); } else { double binError = 0.01; cout << "bin " << ibin << " Has problem with error" << endl; } hAut->SetBinError(ibin, binError); }//end Asym calc //DRAW HISTOGRAMS hInvarM->Draw(); TCanvas* cNup = new TCanvas(); hNumberUp->Draw(); TCanvas* cNdown = new TCanvas(); hNumberDown->Draw(); TCanvas* cAut = new TCanvas(); cAut->SetName("cAut"); TF1* fitFunc = new TF1("fitFunc","[0]*cos(x)+[1]",-PI,PI); hAut->Fit("fitFunc","R"); hAut->Draw(); hAut->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#phi_{S} - #phi_{R}"); char title[150]; sprintf(title, "%.1f < P_{T}^{#pi^{1}#pi^{2}} < %.1f %.1f < M_{inv}^{#pi^{1}#pi^{2}} < %.1f %.1f < #eta^{#pi^{1}#pi^{2}} < %.1f", ptCutLo, ptCutHi, mCutLo, mCutHi, etaCutLo, etaCutHi); hAut->SetTitle(title); cout << "Asym = " << hAut->GetFunction("fitFunc")->GetParameter(0) << endl; cout << "error = " << hAut->GetFunction("fitFunc")->GetParError(0) << endl; cout << "chi2 = " << hAut->GetFunction("fitFunc")->GetChisquare() << endl; cout << "Nup = " << hNumberUp->GetEntries() << endl; cout << "Ndown = " << hNumberDown->GetEntries() << endl; cout << "ran5 = " << rand5 << endl; cout << "ran6 = " << rand6 << endl; cout << "ran9 = " << rand9 << endl; cout << "ran10 = " << rand10 << endl; cout << "blueU = " << blueU << endl; cout << "blueD = " << blueD << endl; cout << "yellowU = " << yellowU << endl; cout << "yellowD = " << yellowD << endl; //SAVE CANVAS stringstream pt; stringstream eta; stringstream mass; string part1 = "_ptBin"; string part2 = "_massBin"; string part3 = "_etaBin"; string ptBinStr; string etaBinStr; string massBinStr; pt << ptBin; eta << etaBin; mass << massBin; if (ptBin == 9){ptBinStr = "All";} else{ ptBinStr = pt.str();} if (massBin == 9){massBinStr = "All";} else{ massBinStr = mass.str();} if (etaBin == 9){etaBinStr = "All";} else{ etaBinStr = eta.str();} cout << "total pairs " << totalPairsFinal << endl; stringstream pionNum; pionNum << pionStarNumber; string pionNumStr = pionNum.str(); string outFileName = "./results_samesign_4_14/sameSign"+part1+ptBinStr+part2+massBinStr+part3+etaBinStr+".root"; TFile* outFile = new TFile(outFileName.c_str(),"Recreate"); cout << "---WRITING FILE---" << endl; //cAut->SaveAs(outFileName.c_str()); hAut->Write(); hNumberUp->Write(); hNumberDown->Write(); cout << "---END---" << endl; }
void sqrtBins(){ //OPTIONS AND CUTS______________ bool useBlueBeam = false; bool useYellowBeam = true; bool randomizeSpin = false; bool fullEta = false; double PI = 3.14159265359; cout << "\n"; if (useBlueBeam && useYellowBeam){cout << "using both beams-----" << endl;} if (useBlueBeam && !useYellowBeam){cout << "using blue beam------" << endl;} if (!useBlueBeam && useYellowBeam){cout << "using yellow beam----" << endl;} cout << "\n"; if (randomizeSpin){cout << "randomizing spin-----" << endl;} //______________________________ //LOAD LIBS_____________________ cout << "\n"; gROOT->Macro("StRoot/LoadLibs.C"); gSystem->Load("pionPair"); cout << " loading of pionPair library done" << endl; //______________________________ //SET UP INPUT FILE_____________ TFile* infile = new TFile("/star/u/klandry/ucladisk/2012IFF/schedOut_Full_4_2/allPairs_4_2.root"); string outFileName = "./resultsNew_4_22/yellowEtaGT0_pairs_4_2.root"; //______________________________ //SET UP TREE TO RECEIVE INPUT__ pionPair* pair1 = new pionPair(); TTree* pairTree = infile->Get("pionPairTree"); pairTree->SetBranchAddress("pionPair", &pair1); //______________________________ //SET UP HISTOGRAMS_____________ //event variable histograms /* TH1D* hInvarM = new TH1D("invarM","invarM",80,0,2); TH1D* hEtaTot = new TH1D("etaTot","etaTot",60,-1.5,1.5); TH1D* hPhiR = new TH1D("hPhiR","hPhiR",60,-4,4); TH1D* hPhiS = new TH1D("hPhiS","hPhiS",60,-4,4); TH1D* hPhiSR = new TH1D("hPhiSR","hPhiSR",60,-4,4); TH1D* hTheta = new TH1D("hTheta","hTheta",30,-0.85,4); TH1D* hCosTheta = new TH1D("hCosTheta","hCosTheta",80,-1,1); TH1D* hZ = new TH1D("hZ","hZ",80,0,1); TH1D* hPtot = new TH1D("hPtot","hPtot",80,0,20); TH1D* hPtTOT = new TH1D("hPt","hPt",80,0,15); */ //histos for asym analysis double histMin = -PI; double histMax = PI; TH1D * hNumberUp = new TH1D("hNumberUp","hNumberUp",nPhisrBins,histMin,histMax); TH1D * hNumberDown = new TH1D("hNumberDown","hNumberDown",nPhisrBins,histMin,histMax); TH1D * hNumberUp_Pt[nPtBins]; TH1D * hNumberDown_Pt[nPtBins]; TH1D * hNumberUp_Mass[nMassBins]; TH1D * hNumberDown_Mass[nMassBins]; TH1D * hNumberUp_Eta[nEtaBins]; TH1D * hNumberDown_Eta[nEtaBins]; createFiveBins(hNumberUp_Pt,nPhisrBins,histMin,histMax,"hNumUp_Ptbin_"); createFiveBins(hNumberDown_Pt,nPhisrBins,histMin,histMax,"hNumDwn_Ptbin_"); createFiveBins(hNumberUp_Mass,nPhisrBins,histMin,histMax,"hNumUp_Massbin_"); createFiveBins(hNumberDown_Mass,nPhisrBins,histMin,histMax,"hNumDwn_Massbin_"); createFourBins(hNumberUp_Eta,nPhisrBins,histMin,histMax,"hNumUp_Etabin_"); createFourBins(hNumberDown_Eta,nPhisrBins,histMin,histMax,"hNumDwn_Etabin_"); TH1D* hAut_Pt[nPtBins]; TH1D* hAut_Mass[nMassBins]; TH1D* hAut_Eta[nEtaBins]; createFiveBins(hAut_Pt, nPhisrBins, histMin, histMax, "hAut_Ptbin_"); createFiveBins(hAut_Mass, nPhisrBins, histMin, histMax, "hAut_Massbin_"); createFourBins(hAut_Eta, nPhisrBins, histMin, histMax, "hAut_Etabin_"); /* TH1D* polOfBinUp_Pt[nPtBins][binNumber]; TH1D* polOfBinDown_Pt[nPtBins][binNumber]; TH1D* polOfBinUp_Mass[nMassBins][binNumber]; TH1D* polOfBinDown_Mass[nMassBins][binNumber]; TH1D* polOfBinUp_Eta[nEtaBins][binNumber]; TH1D* polOfBinDown_Eta[nEtaBins][binNumber]; createPolHists(polOfBinUp_Pt, 25, 0, 1, "hPolOfBinUp_Ptbin_"); createPolHists(polOfBinDown_Pt, 25, 0, 1, "hPolOfBinDown_Ptbin_"); createPolHists(polOfBinUp_Mass, 25, 0, 1, "hPolOfBinUp_Massbin_"); createPolHists(polOfBinDown_Mass, 25, 0, 1, "hPolOfBinDown_Massbin_"); createPolHists(polOfBinUp_Eta, 25, 0, 1, "hPolOfBinUp_Etabin_"); createPolHists(polOfBinDown_Eta, 25, 0, 1, "hPolOfBinDown_Etabin_"); */ TH1D* polOfBin_Pt[nPtBins][nPhisrBins]; TH1D* polOfBin_Mass[nMassBins][nPhisrBins]; TH1D* polOfBin_Eta[nEtaBins][nPhisrBins]; createPolHists(polOfBin_Pt, 25, 0, 1, "hPolOfBin_Ptbin_"); createPolHists(polOfBin_Mass, 25, 0, 1, "hPolOfBin_Massbin_"); createPolHistsEta(polOfBin_Eta, 25, 0, 1, "hPolOfBin_Etabin_"); //HISTOGRAMS TO HOLD PT MASS AND ETA VALES TH1D* hPt[nPtBins]; TH1D* hMass[nMassBins]; TH1D* hEta[nEtaBins]; createFiveBins(hPt, 500, 3.0, 50, "hPt_Ptbin_"); createFiveBins(hMass, 1000, 0.0, 100, "hMass_Massbin_"); createFourBins(hEta, 20, -1.4, 1.4, "hEta_Etabin_"); //TH1D * hDiff = new TH1D("hNumberSum","hNumberSum",binNumber,histMin,histMax); //TH1D * hAut = new TH1D("Aut","Aut",binNumber,histMin,histMax); //______________________________ //BEAM POLARIZATION_____________ ifstream polFile;"/star/u/klandry/ucladisk/2012IFF/BeamPolarization2012.txt"); map<int, double> polarizationOfFill_Y; map<int, double> polErrOfFill_Y; map<int, double> polarizationOfFill_B; map<int, double> polErrOfFill_B; int fill; int beamE; int startT; string plusminus; double pAvrgBlue; double pErrAvrgBlue; double pInitialBlue; double pErrInitialBlue; double dPdTBlue; double dPdTErrBlue; double pAvrgYellow; double pErrAvrgYellow; double pInitialYellow; double pErrInitialYellow; double dPdTYellow; double dPdTErrYellow; string header; for (int i=0; i<19; i++){polFile >> header;} while (!polFile.eof()) { polFile >> fill; polFile >> beamE; polFile >> startT; polFile >> pAvrgBlue; polFile >> plusminus; polFile >> pErrAvrgBlue; polFile >> pInitialBlue; polFile >> plusminus; polFile >> pErrInitialBlue; polFile >> dPdTBlue; polFile >> plusminus; polFile >> dPdTErrBlue; polFile >> pAvrgYellow; polFile >> plusminus; polFile >> pErrAvrgYellow; polFile >> pInitialYellow; polFile >> plusminus; polFile >> pErrInitialYellow; polFile >> dPdTYellow; polFile >> plusminus; polFile >> dPdTErrYellow; polarizationOfFill_B[fill] = pAvrgBlue/100.; polErrOfFill_B[fill] = pErrAvrgBlue/100.; polarizationOfFill_Y[fill] = pAvrgYellow/100.; polErrOfFill_Y[fill] = pErrAvrgYellow/100.; } double avgPolOfBinUp[nPhisrBins]; double polOfBinSumUp[nPhisrBins]; double avgPerrorOfBinUp[nPhisrBins]; double pErrorOfBinUp[nPhisrBins]; double avgPolOfBinDown[nPhisrBins]; double polOfBinSumDown[nPhisrBins]; double avgPerrorOfBinDown[nPhisrBins]; double pErrorOfBinDown[nPhisrBins]; for (int i=0; i<nPhisrBins; i++) { avgPolOfBinUp[i] = 0; polOfBinSumUp[i] = 0; avgPerrorOfBinUp[i] = 0; pErrorOfBinUp[i] = 0; avgPolOfBinDown[i] = 0; polOfBinSumDown[i] = 0; avgPerrorOfBinDown[i] = 0; pErrorOfBinDown[i] = 0; } //______________________________ //CUTS__________________________ double lowLimitPt = ptBinStart[0]; double hiLimitPt = ptBinEnd[4]; double lowLimitEta = etaBinStart[0]; double hiLimitEta = etaBinEnd[3]; double lowLimitMass = massBinStart[0]; double hiLimitMass = massBinEnd[4]; double blueLowLimitEta = 0; double yellowLowLimitEta = 0; //this is for testing individual beams //hiLimitEta = 0; if (fullEta) { assert(hiLimitEta > 0); assert(lowLimitEta < 0); } cout << "Pt between " << lowLimitPt << " and " << hiLimitPt << endl; cout << "M between " << lowLimitMass << " and " << hiLimitMass << endl; cout << "Eta between " << lowLimitEta << " and " << hiLimitEta << endl; //______________________________ //* // ====================================================================== //============================================================================ //START ANALYSIS============================================================== //============================================================================ // ====================================================================== //* cout << "\n"; cout << "<----STARTING ANALYSIS---->" << endl; cout << "\n"; cout << pairTree->GetEntries() << " pairs to analyze" << endl; int blueFillNo; int yellowFillNo; int phiSRbin; TLorentzVector sum; TLorentzVector sumY; TLorentzVector sumB; //random number for randomizing spin. //set seed to zero to gaurenty unique numbers each time. TRandom3 r; r.SetSeed(0); int rand5 = 0; int rand6 = 0; int rand9 = 0; int rand10 = 0; int totalPairsFinal = 0; int blueD = 0; int blueU = 0; int yellowD = 0; int yellowU = 0; int pionStarNumber = 0; int test = 0; for (int iPair = pionStarNumber; iPair < pairTree->GetEntries(); iPair++) { if (iPair%10000 == 0) {cout << "processing pair number " << iPair << endl;} //if (iPair == pionStarNumber+100000){break;} pairTree->GetEntry(iPair); if (pair1->withinRadius(0.05, 0.3)) { bool triggerFired = false; bool fromKaon = false; bool passInitialCut_B = false; bool passInitialCut_Y = false; bool passDCAcut = false; StTriggerId trigId = pair1->triggerIds(); //JP0,JP1,JP2,AJP if (trigId.isTrigger(370601) || trigId.isTrigger(370611) || trigId.isTrigger(370621) || trigId.isTrigger(370641)) { triggerFired = true; } //BHT0VPD,BHT1VPD,BHT2BBC,BHT2 if (trigId.isTrigger(370501) || trigId.isTrigger(370511) || trigId.isTrigger(370522) || trigId.isTrigger(370531)) { triggerFired = true; } if (triggerFired) { blueFillNo = pair1->runInfo().beamFillNumber(1); //1 = blue beam yellowFillNo = pair1->runInfo().beamFillNumber(0); //0 = yellow beam sum = pair1->piPlusLV() + pair1->piMinusLV(); sumB = sum; //blue beam. //yellow beam must rotate around y axis by pi so the eta cut can be the same for both beams. sumY = sum; sumY.RotateY(PI); //blue low limit eta is 0 yellow high limit eta is 0 this is a test if (sumB.Pt() >= lowLimitPt && sumB.Pt() <= hiLimitPt && sumB.M() >= lowLimitMass && sumB.M() <= hiLimitMass && sumB.Eta() >= lowLimitEta && sumB.Eta() <= hiLimitEta) { passInitialCut_B = true; } if (sumY.Pt() >= lowLimitPt && sumY.Pt() <= hiLimitPt && sumY.M() >= lowLimitMass && sumY.M() <= hiLimitMass && sumY.Eta() >= yellowLowLimitEta && sumY.Eta() <= hiLimitEta) { passInitialCut_Y = true; } if (passInitialCut_B && useBlueBeam) { //BLUE BEAM SPIN UP: spin bin 9 and 10 if (pair1->spinBit() == 9 || pair1->spinBit() == 10) { fillCorrectPtBin(hNumberUp_Pt, sumB, pair1->phiSR('b'), polOfBin_Pt, polarizationOfFill_B[blueFillNo],hPt); fillCorrectMassBin(hNumberUp_Mass, sumB, pair1->phiSR('b'), polOfBin_Mass, polarizationOfFill_B[blueFillNo],hMass); if(fullEta){fillCorrectEtaBin(hNumberUp_Eta, sumB, pair1->phiSR('b'), polOfBin_Eta, polarizationOfFill_B[blueFillNo],hEta);} } //BLUE BEAM SPIN DOWN: spin bin 5 and 6 if (pair1->spinBit() == 5 || pair1->spinBit() == 6) { fillCorrectPtBin(hNumberDown_Pt, sumB, pair1->phiSR('b'), polOfBin_Pt, polarizationOfFill_B[blueFillNo],hPt); fillCorrectMassBin(hNumberDown_Mass, sumB, pair1->phiSR('b'), polOfBin_Mass, polarizationOfFill_B[blueFillNo],hMass); if(fullEta){fillCorrectEtaBin(hNumberDown_Eta, sumB, pair1->phiSR('b'), polOfBin_Eta, polarizationOfFill_B[blueFillNo],hEta);} } }//done with blue beam if (passInitialCut_Y && useYellowBeam) { //YELLOW BEAM SPIN UP: spin bin 6 and 10 if (pair1->spinBit() == 6 || pair1->spinBit() == 10) { fillCorrectPtBin(hNumberUp_Pt, sumY, pair1->phiSR('y'), polOfBin_Pt, polarizationOfFill_Y[yellowFillNo],hPt); fillCorrectMassBin(hNumberUp_Mass, sumY, pair1->phiSR('y'), polOfBin_Mass, polarizationOfFill_Y[yellowFillNo],hMass); if(fullEta){fillCorrectEtaBin(hNumberUp_Eta, sumY, pair1->phiSR('y'), polOfBin_Eta, polarizationOfFill_Y[yellowFillNo],hEta);} } //YELLOW BEAM SPIN DOWN: spin bit 5 and 9 if (pair1->spinBit() == 5 || pair1->spinBit() == 9) { fillCorrectPtBin(hNumberDown_Pt, sumY, pair1->phiSR('y'), polOfBin_Pt, polarizationOfFill_Y[yellowFillNo],hPt); fillCorrectMassBin(hNumberDown_Mass, sumY, pair1->phiSR('y'), polOfBin_Mass, polarizationOfFill_Y[yellowFillNo],hMass); if(fullEta){fillCorrectEtaBin(hNumberDown_Eta, sumY, pair1->phiSR('y'), polOfBin_Eta, polarizationOfFill_Y[yellowFillNo],hEta);} } }//done with yellow beam }//end trigger check }//end radius check }//end pion tree loop //CALCULATE ASYMMETRY BIN BY BIN cout << "\n"; cout << "<----CALCULATING ASYMMETRY---->" << endl; cout << "\n"; double asymsPt[5]; double asymsMass[5]; double asymsEta[4]; double asymsPtE[5]; double asymsMassE[5]; double asymsEtaE[4]; cout << "\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << "\n \n calcing pt asym " << endl; calcAsym(hAut_Pt, hNumberUp_Pt, hNumberDown_Pt, polOfBin_Pt, asymsPt, asymsPtE); cout << "\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << "\n \n calcing mass asym " << endl; calcAsym(hAut_Mass, hNumberUp_Mass, hNumberDown_Mass, polOfBin_Mass, asymsMass, asymsMassE); cout << "\n"; cout << "\n"; if (fullEta) { cout << "\n \n calcing eta asym " << endl; calcAsymEta(hAut_Eta, hNumberUp_Eta, hNumberDown_Eta, polOfBin_Eta, asymsEta, asymsEtaE); } //PLOT ASYMMETRIES cout << "\n"; cout << "<----PLOTTING ASYMMETRIES---->" << endl; cout << "\n"; double ptPoints[5]; double ptPointsErr[5]; double massPoints[5]; double massPointsErr[5]; double etaPoints[5]; double etaPointsErr[5]; getPtPoints(hPt, ptPoints, ptPointsErr); getMassPoints(hMass, massPoints, massPointsErr); if(fullEta){getEtaPoints(hEta, etaPoints, etaPointsErr);} TCanvas* cAsymPt = new TCanvas(); TGraphErrors* gAsymPt = new TGraphErrors(nPtBins,ptPoints,asymsPt,ptPointsErr,asymsPtE); gAsymPt->Draw("AP"); TCanvas* cAsymMass = new TCanvas(); TGraphErrors* gAsymMass = new TGraphErrors(nMassBins,massPoints,asymsMass,massPointsErr,asymsMassE); gAsymMass->Draw("AP"); if (fullEta) { TCanvas* cAsymEta = new TCanvas(); TGraphErrors* gAsymEta = new TGraphErrors(nEtaBins,etaPoints,asymsEta,etaPointsErr,asymsEtaE); gAsymEta->Draw("AP"); } //DRAW HISTOGRAMS cout << "\n"; cout << "<----DRAWING HISTOGRAMS---->" << endl; cout << "\n"; TCanvas* cPt = new TCanvas("cPt","cPt",1200,600); TCanvas* cMass = new TCanvas("cMass","cMass",1200,600); if(fullEta){TCanvas* cEta = new TCanvas("cEta","cEta",800,600);} //drawAllBins(hPt, cPt); //drawAllBins(hMass, cMass); drawFiveBins(hAut_Pt, cPt); drawFiveBins(hAut_Mass, cMass); if(fullEta){drawFourBins(hAut_Eta, cEta);} TFile* outFile = new TFile(outFileName.c_str(),"recreate"); writeFiveBins(hPt); writeFiveBins(hMass); writeFourBins(hEta); writeFiveBins(hAut_Pt); writeFiveBins(hAut_Mass); if(fullEta){writeFourBins(hAut_Eta);} gAsymPt->Write(); gAsymMass->Write(); if(fullEta){gAsymEta->Write();} /* cPt->SaveAs("./resultsNew_4_22/ptCanvasFullrangeLoEta.png"); cPt->SaveAs("./resultsNew_4_22/ptCanvasFullrangeLoEta.pdf"); cMass->SaveAs("./resultsNew_4_22/massCanvasFullrangeLoEta.png"); cMass->SaveAs("./resultsNew_4_22/massCanvasFullrangeLoEta.pdf"); if(fullEta) { cEta->SaveAs("./resultsNew_4_22/etaCanvasFullrangeHiEta.png"); cEta->SaveAs("./resultsNew_4_22/etaCanvasFullrangeHiEta.pdf"); } */ for (int ibin = 1; ibin <= 16; ibin++) { cout << "bin " << ibin << endl; cout << "Nup = " << hNumberUp_Mass[0]->GetBinContent(ibin) << endl; cout << "Ndown = " << hNumberDown_Mass[0]->GetBinContent(ibin) << endl; } cout << "<----END---->" << endl; }
int main() { TRandom3 u; u.SetSeed(0); vector <double> s_vec; vector <double> mu_vec; //Starting values for the param //---------------------------- double start_s, start_mu; start_s=10; start_mu=1; s_vec.push_back(start_s); mu_vec.push_back(start_mu); // Read the data data are the observables, fdata the density evaluated at data //------------- vector<double> data; vector<double> fdata; double temp_data,temp_fdata; ifstream file("data.txt"); while (!file.eof()) { file >> temp_data >> temp_fdata; data.push_back(temp_data); fdata.push_back(temp_fdata); } data.pop_back(); fdata.pop_back(); //Function for likelihood //--------------------- TF1* f1 = new TF1("density",density,-20,20,2); const int nMCmax=1000; //MCMC running //----------- for (int nMC=0; nMC<nMCmax; nMC++){ double width=.1; s_vec.push_back(s_vec[nMC]+width*u.Gaus(0,1)); mu_vec.push_back(mu_vec[nMC]+width*u.Gaus(0,1)); double like_i=0; double like_f=0; for (int k=0; k<data.size(); k++){ //initial likelihood //------------------ f1->SetParameter(0,s_vec[nMC]); f1->SetParameter(1,mu_vec[nMC]); like_i=like_i+log(f1->Eval(data[k])); //cout << k << " " << like_i<< " " <<data[k] << endl; //final likelihood //------------------ f1->SetParameter(0,s_vec[nMC+1]); f1->SetParameter(1,mu_vec[nMC+1]); like_f=like_f+log(f1->Eval(data[k])); } //cout << like_i<<" "<<like_f<<" " <<s_vec[nMC]<<" " << s_vec[nMC+1]<<" " <<mu_vec[nMC]<<" " << mu_vec[nMC+1]<< endl; //Acceptance probability //---------------------- double prob_ratio=exp(like_f-like_i); double accept=TMath::Min(1.,prob_ratio); if (u.Binomial(1,accept)==0) { s_vec.pop_back(); mu_vec.pop_back(); s_vec.push_back(s_vec[nMC]); mu_vec.push_back(mu_vec[nMC]); } cout <<accept << " " << prob_ratio<<" " << like_i<<" "<<like_f<< " " <<s_vec[nMC]<<" " << s_vec[nMC+1]<<" " <<mu_vec[nMC]<<" " << mu_vec[nMC+1]<< endl; //cout << like_i<<" "<<like_f<<" " <<s_vec[nMC]<<" " << s_vec[nMC+1]<<" " <<mu_vec[nMC]<<" " << mu_vec[nMC+1]<< endl; } //End of MCMC running //----------- double s_tabl[nMCmax+1]; double mu_tabl[nMCmax+1]; double nMC_tabl[nMCmax+1]; for (int k=0; k<=nMCmax; k++) { nMC_tabl[k]=k; s_tabl[k]=s_vec[k]; mu_tabl[k]=mu_vec[k]; } TGraph *gr_s = new TGraph (nMCmax, nMC_tabl, s_tabl); gr_s->SetLineColor(kRed); gr_s->SetLineWidth(2); gr_s->SetName("Sigma"); TGraph *gr_mu = new TGraph (nMCmax, nMC_tabl, mu_tabl); gr_mu->SetLineColor(kBlue); gr_mu->SetLineWidth(2); gr_mu->SetName("Mean"); TFile f("graph_MCMC_simplified.root","recreate"); gr_s->Write(); gr_mu->Write(); f.Close(); return 0; }
void flagMultCands( TString fname, TString tname ) { TFile *inFile = new TFile( fname, "UPDATE" ); TTree *tree = (TTree*)inFile->Get( tname ); if ( tree->FindBranch( "pass_multcand" ) ) { cout << "pass_multcand branch already exists so I won't add it" << endl; delete inFile; return; } ULong64_t eventNumber; int itype; bool pass_bdt; bool pass_pid; bool pass_rhokst; bool pass_massveto; UInt_t nCandidate; ULong64_t totCandidates; tree->SetBranchAddress( "eventNumber" , &eventNumber ); tree->SetBranchAddress( "itype" , &itype ); tree->SetBranchAddress( "pass_bdt" , &pass_bdt ); tree->SetBranchAddress( "pass_pid" , &pass_pid ); tree->SetBranchAddress( "pass_rhokst" , &pass_rhokst ); tree->SetBranchAddress( "pass_massveto" , &pass_massveto ); tree->SetBranchAddress( "totCandidates" , &totCandidates ); tree->SetBranchAddress( "nCandidate" , &nCandidate ); map< ULong64_t, ULong64_t > multCandEventNumbers; cout << "Finding multiple candidates" << endl; // first loop tree and save number of all multiple candidates for ( int ev=0; ev<tree->GetEntries(); ev++ ) { tree->GetEntry(ev); if ( ev%10000==0 ) cout << ev << "/" << tree->GetEntries() << endl; //if ( itype>0 && pass_bdt && pass_pid && (!pass_rhokst) && (!pass_massveto) && totCandidates > 1 ) { if ( itype>0 && pass_bdt && pass_pid && (!pass_massveto) && totCandidates > 1 ) { multCandEventNumbers[eventNumber] = totCandidates; } } // now randomly select which one to keep map< ULong64_t, UInt_t > eventToKeep; TRandom3 rand; rand.SetSeed(2016); for ( map<ULong64_t,ULong64_t>::iterator it=multCandEventNumbers.begin(); it!=multCandEventNumbers.end(); it++) { UInt_t keep = rand.Integer( it->second ); eventToKeep[it->first] = keep; } cout << "Adding flag pass_multcand to tree" << endl; // then loop again and write the random choice back in bool pass_multcand; TBranch *bpt = tree->Branch( "pass_multcand", &pass_multcand, "pass_multcand/O" ); for ( int ev=0; ev<tree->GetEntries(); ev++ ) { tree->GetEntry(ev); if ( ev%10000==0 ) cout << ev << "/" << tree->GetEntries() << endl; pass_multcand = true; if ( totCandidates > 1 && eventToKeep[eventNumber] != nCandidate ) pass_multcand = false; bpt->Fill(); } tree->Write(); delete inFile; }
int xAna::HggTreeWriteLoop(const char* filename, int ijob, bool correctVertex, bool correctEnergy, bool setRho0 ) { //bool invDRtoTrk = false; if( _config == 0 ) { cout << " config file was not set properly... bail out" << endl; return -1; } if (fChain == 0) return -1; Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast(); // nentries = 10000; cout << "nentries: " << nentries << endl; Long64_t entry_start = ijob *_config->nEvtsPerJob(); Long64_t entry_stop = (ijob+1)*_config->nEvtsPerJob(); if( _config->nEvtsPerJob() < 0 ) { entry_stop = nentries; } if( entry_stop > nentries ) entry_stop = nentries; cout << " *** doing entries from: " << entry_start << " -> " << entry_stop << endl; if( entry_start > entry_stop ) return -1; EnergyScaleReader enScaleSkimEOS; /// skim EOS bugged so need to undo the energy scale in the skim EnergyScaleReader enScale; // enScaleSkimEOS.setup( "ecalCalibFiles/EnergyScale2012_Lisbon_9fb.txt" ); enScale.setup( _config->energyScaleFile() ); Float_t HiggsMCMass = _weight_manager->getCrossSection()->getHiggsMass(); Float_t HiggsMCPt = -1; bool isHiggsSignal = false; if( HiggsMCMass > 0 ) isHiggsSignal = true; mode_ = _weight_manager->getCrossSection()->mode(); isData = false; if(mode_==-1) isData = true; // mode_ = ijob; // DoCorrectVertex_ = correctVertex; DoCorrectEnergy_ = correctEnergy; DoSetRho0_ = setRho0; doJetRegression = _config->getDoJetRegression(); doControlSample = _config->getDoControlSample(); phoID_2011[0] = new TMVA::Reader("!Color:Silent"); phoID_2011[1] = new TMVA::Reader("!Color:Silent"); phoID_2012[0] = new TMVA::Reader("!Color:Silent"); phoID_2012[1] = new TMVA::Reader("!Color:Silent"); DiscriDiPho_2011 = new TMVA::Reader("!Color:Silent"); DiscriDiPho_2012 = new TMVA::Reader("!Color:Silent"); if(doJetRegression!=0) jetRegres = new TMVA::Reader("!Color:Silent"); Setup_MVA(); if( _config->setup() == "ReReco2011" ) for( int i = 0 ; i < 2; i++ ) phoID_mva[i] = phoID_2011[i]; else for( int i = 0 ; i < 2; i++ ) phoID_mva[i] = phoID_2012[i]; MassResolution massResoCalc; massResoCalc.addSmearingTerm(); if( _config->setup() == "ReReco2011" ) Ddipho_mva = DiscriDiPho_2011; else Ddipho_mva = DiscriDiPho_2012; float Ddipho_cat[5]; Ddipho_cat[4] = -1; if( _config->setup() == "ReReco2011" ) { Ddipho_cat[0] = 0.89; Ddipho_cat[1] = 0.72; Ddipho_cat[2] = 0.55; Ddipho_cat[3] = +0.05; } else { Ddipho_cat[0] = 0.91; Ddipho_cat[1] = 0.79; Ddipho_cat[2] = 0.49; Ddipho_cat[3] = -0.05; } // else { Ddipho_cat[0] = 0.88; Ddipho_cat[1] = 0.71; Ddipho_cat[2] = 0.50; Ddipho_cat[3] = -0.05; } DiscriVBF_UseDiPhoPt = true; DiscriVBF_UsePhoPt = true; DiscriVBF_cat.resize(2); DiscriVBF_cat[0] = 0.985; DiscriVBF_cat[1] = 0.93; DiscriVBF_useMvaSel = _config->doVBFmvaCat(); /// depending on the selection veto or not on electrons (can do muele, elemu,eleele) bool vetoElec[2] = {true,true}; if( _config->invertElectronVeto() ) { vetoElec[0] = false; vetoElec[1] = false; } if( _config->isEleGamma() ) { vetoElec[0] = false; vetoElec[1] = true ; } if( _config->isGammaEle() ) { vetoElec[0] = true ; vetoElec[1] = false; } cout << " --------- veto electron config -----------" << endl; cout << " Leading Pho VetoElec: " << vetoElec[0] << endl; cout << " Trailing Pho VetoElec: " << vetoElec[1] << endl; DoDebugEvent = true; bool DoPreselection = true; // bool DoPrint = true; TString VertexFileNamePrefix; TRandom3 *rnd = new TRandom3(); rnd->SetSeed(0); /// output tree and cross check file".xcheck.txt"); // _xcheckTextFile = cout; _minitree = new MiniTree( filename ); TTree * tSkim = 0; if( _config->doSkimming() ) tSkim = (TTree*) fChain->CloneTree(0); InitHists(); _minitree->mc_wXsec = _weight_manager->xSecW(); _minitree->mc_wNgen = 100000./_weight_manager->getNevts(); if( isData ) { _minitree->mc_wXsec = 1; _minitree->mc_wNgen = 1; } Int_t isprompt0 = -1; Int_t isprompt1 = -1; set<Long64_t> syncEvt; cout <<" ================ mode " << mode_ <<" =============================== "<<endl; /// setupType has to be passed via config file // photonOverSmearing overSmearICHEP("Test52_ichep"); photonOverSmearing overSmearHCP( "oversmear_hcp2012" ); photonOverSmearing overSmear( _config->setup() ); int overSmearSyst = _config->getEnergyOverSmearingSyst(); Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////// Start the loop //////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// vector<int> nEvts; vector<string> nCutName; nCutName.push_back("TOTAL :"); nEvts.push_back(0); nCutName.push_back("2 gammas :"); nEvts.push_back(0); nCutName.push_back("triggers :"); nEvts.push_back(0); nCutName.push_back("nan weight :"); nEvts.push_back(0); nCutName.push_back("presel kin cuts:"); nEvts.push_back(0); nCutName.push_back("pass 2 gam incl:"); nEvts.push_back(0); nCutName.push_back("pass all :"); nEvts.push_back(0); nCutName.push_back(" --> pass 2 gam lep: "); nEvts.push_back(0); nCutName.push_back(" --> pass 2 gam vbf: "); nEvts.push_back(0); vector<int> selVtxSumPt2(3); selVtxSumPt2[0] = 0; selVtxSumPt2[1] = -1; selVtxSumPt2[2] = -1; for (Long64_t jentry=entry_start; jentry< entry_stop ; ++jentry) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < -9999) break; if( jentry % 10000 == 0) cout<<"processing event "<<jentry<<endl; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; /// reset minitree variables _minitree->initEvent(); // study mc truth block if( !isData ) { fillMCtruthInfo_HiggsSignal(); _minitree->fillMCtrueOnly(); } /// reco analysis unsigned icutlevel = 0; nEvts[icutlevel++]++; if( nPho < 2 ) continue; nEvts[icutlevel++]++; /// set synchronisation flag if( syncEvt.find(event) != syncEvt.end() ) DoDebugEvent = true; else DoDebugEvent = false; if( DoDebugEvent ) _xcheckTextFile << "==========================================================" << endl; if( DoDebugEvent ) _xcheckTextFile << "================= debugging event: " << event << endl; /// PU & BSz reweightings if( !isData ) { int itpu = 1; /// 0 without OOT PU - 1 with OOT PU _minitree->mc_wPU = _weight_manager->puW( nPU[itpu] ); // PUwei = _weight_manager->puWTrue( puTrue[itpu] ); } hTotEvents->Fill(1,_minitree->mc_wPU); bool sigWH = false ; bool sigZH = false ; int mc_whzh_type = 0; _minitree->mc_wHQT = 1; if( isHiggsSignal ) { if ( _weight_manager->getCrossSection()->getMCType() == "vh" ) for( Int_t i=0; i < nMC && i <= 1; ++i ) { if( abs(mcPID[i]) == 24 ) sigWH=true; if( abs(mcPID[i]) == 23 ) sigZH=true; } if( sigWH ) mc_whzh_type = 1; if( sigZH ) mc_whzh_type = 2; for( Int_t i=0; i<nMC; ++i) if ( abs(mcPID[i]) == 25 ) HiggsMCPt = mcPt[i]; if( _weight_manager->getCrossSection()->getMCType() == "ggh" && _config->setup().find( "ReReco2011" ) != string::npos ) _minitree->mc_wHQT = getHqTWeight(HiggsMCMass, HiggsMCPt); } if ((mode_ == 2 || mode_ ==1 || mode_ == 18 || mode_ == 19) && processID==18) continue; // Remove double counting in gamma+jets and QCDjets Int_t mcIFSR_pho = 0; Int_t mcPartonic_pho = 0; if (mode_ == 1 || mode_ == 2 || mode_ == 3 || mode_ == 18 || mode_ == 19 ) { for (Int_t i=0; i<nMC; ++i) { if (mcPID[i] == 22 && (fabs(mcMomPID[i]) < 6 || mcMomPID[i] == 21)) mcIFSR_pho++; if (mcPID[i] == 22 && mcMomPID[i] == 22) mcPartonic_pho++; } } // if pythia is used for diphoton.. no IFSR removing from QCD and Gjets!!!!!! if ((mode_==1 || mode_ == 2 || mode_ == 18 ) && mcIFSR_pho >= 1 && mcPartonic_pho >=1) continue; if ((mode_ == 3 || mode_ == 19 )&& mcIFSR_pho == 2) continue; bool prompt2= false; bool prompt1= false; bool prompt0= false; vertProb = -1; if (mode_ == 2 || mode_ == 1 || mode_ == 18 ){ if ( mcPartonic_pho >= 1 && mcIFSR_pho >= 1 ) prompt2 = true; else if ( mcPartonic_pho >= 1 && mcIFSR_pho == 0 ) prompt1 = true; else if ( mcPartonic_pho == 0 && mcIFSR_pho == 0 ) prompt0 = true; } else if(mode_ == 3 || mode_ == 19 ){ if ( mcIFSR_pho >= 2 ) prompt2 = true; else if ( mcIFSR_pho == 1 ) prompt1 = true; else if ( mcIFSR_pho == 0 ) prompt0 = true; if( prompt1 ) _minitree->mc_wXsec = 1.3*_weight_manager->xSecW(); } if(mode_==1 || mode_==2 || mode_==3 || mode_==18 || mode_==19){ if(prompt0)isprompt0=1; else isprompt0=0; if(prompt1)isprompt1=1; else isprompt1=0; } if( mode_ == 20 && isZgamma() ) continue; /// wei weight is just temporary and may not contain all info. float wei = _minitree->mc_wXsec * _minitree->mc_wPU * _minitree->mc_wNgen * _minitree->mc_wHQT; if( isData && !PassTriggerSelection() ) continue; nEvts[icutlevel++]++; if( std::isinf( wei ) || std::isnan( wei ) )continue; nEvts[icutlevel++]++; //// ********************* define S4 variable **********************//// for( int i=0; i<nPho; ++i){ if( _config->setup() == "ReReco2011" ) phoS4ratio[i] = 1; else phoS4ratio[i] = phoE2x2[i] / phoE5x5[i]; } //// ************************************************************* //// if( !isData ) { //// ************** MC corrections (mostly MC) ******************* //// // 1. energy shifting / smearing for( int i=0; i<nPho; ++i) if( fabs(phoSCEta[i]) <= 2.5 ) { float smearing = overSmear.randOverSmearing(phoSCEta[i],phoR9[i],isInGAP_EB(i),overSmearSyst); phoRegrE[i] *= (1 + smearing); phoE[i] *= (1 + smearing); /// from MassFactorized in gglobe: energyCorrectedError[ipho] *=(l.pho_isEB[ipho]) ? 1.07 : 1.045 ; float smearFactor = 1; if( _config->setup() == "ReReco2011" ) smearFactor = fabs(phoSCEta[i]) < 1.45 ? 1.07: 1.045; phoRegrErr[i] *= smearFactor; } // 2. reweighting of photon id variables (R9...) for (int i=0; i<nPho; ++i) ReweightMC_phoIdVar(i); //// ************************************************************* //// } //// ********** Apply regression energy ************* //// float phoStdE[500]; for( int i=0; i<nPho; ++i) if( fabs(phoSCEta[i]) <= 2.5 ) { if( isData ){ float enCorrSkim = 1;//enScaleSkimEOS.energyScale( phoR9[i], phoSCEta[i], run); float phoEnScale = enScale.energyScale( phoR9[i], phoSCEta[i], run)/enCorrSkim; phoRegrE[i] *= phoEnScale; phoE[i] *= phoEnScale; } phoStdE[i] = phoE[i]; phoE[i] = phoRegrE[i]; /// transform calo position abd etaVtx, phiVtx with SC position for( int x = 0 ; x < 3; x++ ) phoCaloPos[i][x] = phoSCPos[i][x]; for( int ivtx = 0 ; ivtx < nVtxBS; ivtx++ ) { TVector3 xxi = getCorPhotonTVector3(i,ivtx); phoEtaVtx[i][ivtx] = xxi.Eta(); phoPhiVtx[i][ivtx] = xxi.Phi(); } /// additionnal smearing to go to data energy resolution phoRegrSmear[i] = phoE[i]*overSmearHCP.meanOverSmearing(phoSCEta[i],phoR9[i],isInGAP_EB(i),0); phoEt[i] = phoE[i] / cosh(phoEta[i]); } //// ************************************************* //// /// lepton selection int iElecVtx(-1), iMuonVtx(-1); vector<int> elecIndex = selectElectronsHCP2012( wei, iElecVtx ); vector<int> muonIndex = selectMuonsHCP2012( wei, iMuonVtx ); vector<int> event_vtx; vector<int> event_ilead ; vector<int> event_itrail; vector<TLorentzVector> event_plead ; vector<TLorentzVector> event_ptrail; TLorentzVector leptag; int lepCat = -1; bool exitLoop = false; for( int ii = 0 ; ii < nPho ; ++ii ) { for( int jj = (ii+1); jj < nPho ; ++jj ) { // Preselection 2nd leg if (DoPreselection && !preselectPhoton(ii,phoEt[ii])) continue; if (DoPreselection && !preselectPhoton(jj,phoEt[jj])) continue; /// define i, j locally, so when they are inverted this does not mess up the loop int i = ii; int j = jj; if(phoEt[j] > phoEt[i]){ i = jj; j = ii; } // Select vertex int selVtx = 0; TLorentzVector gi,gj; double mij(-1); vector<int> selVtxIncl; if(_config->vtxSelType()==0) selVtxIncl = getSelectedVertex(i,j,true,true ); else //use sumpt2 ranking selVtxIncl = selVtxSumPt2; selVtx = selVtxIncl[0]; if( selVtx < 0 ) continue; /// check lepton tag if( muonIndex.size() > 0 ) { //selVtx = iMuonVtx; leptag.SetPtEtaPhiM( muPt[muonIndex[0]], muEta[muonIndex[0]], muPhi[muonIndex[0]],0); if( selectTwoPhotons(i,j,selVtx,gi,gj,vetoElec) ) { lepCat = 0; } } /// check electron tag only if muon tag failed if( elecIndex.size() > 0 && lepCat == -1 ) { //selVtx = iElecVtx; leptag.SetPtEtaPhiM( elePt[elecIndex[0]], eleEta[elecIndex[0]], elePhi[elecIndex[0]],0); if( selectTwoPhotons(i,j,selVtx,gi,gj,vetoElec) ) { lepCat = 1; if( fabs( (leptag+gi).M() - 91.19 ) < 10 || fabs( (leptag+gj).M() - 91.19 ) < 10 ) lepCat = -1; /// this is not actually the cut, but it should be but ok (dR(pho,eleTrk) > 1 no dR(pho,anyTrk) > 1 ) if(phoCiCdRtoTrk[i] < 1 || phoCiCdRtoTrk[j] <1 ) lepCat = -1; } } if( lepCat >= 0 ) { mij = (gi+gj).M(); if( _config->analysisType() == "MVA" ) if( gi.Pt() / mij < 45./120. || gj.Pt() / mij < 30./120. ) lepCat = -1; if( _config->analysisType() == "baselineCiC4PF" ) if( gi.Pt() / mij < 45./120. || gj.Pt() < 25. ) lepCat = -1; if( leptag.DeltaR(gi) < 1.0 || leptag.DeltaR(gj) < 1.0 ) lepCat = -1; } if( lepCat >= 0 ) { cout << " ****** keep leptag event pts[photons] i: " << i << " j: " << j << " -> event: " << ientry << endl; cout << " leptonCat: " << lepCat << endl; /// if one pair passes lepton tag then no need to go further /// fill in variables event_vtx.resize( 1); event_vtx[0] = selVtx; event_ilead.resize( 1); event_ilead[0] = i; event_itrail.resize(1); event_itrail[0] = j; event_plead.resize( 1); event_plead[0] = gi; event_ptrail.resize(1); event_ptrail[0] = gj; exitLoop = true; break; } else { /// inclusive + VBF + MetTag preselection /// apply kinematic cuts if( !selectTwoPhotons(i,j,selVtx,gi,gj,vetoElec) ) continue; /// drop photon pt cuts from inclusive cuts (add them in categorisation only) mij = (gi+gj).M(); if( ! _config->doSkimming() && ( gi.Pt() < _config->pt1Cut() || gi.Pt() < _config->pt2Cut() || gi.Pt()/mij < _config->loosePt1MCut() || gj.Pt()/mij < _config->loosePt2MCut() ) ) continue; } /// here i = lead; j = trail (selectTwoPhotons does that) /// fill in variables event_vtx.push_back( selVtx ); event_ilead.push_back( i ); event_itrail.push_back( j ); event_plead.push_back( gi ); event_ptrail.push_back( gj ); } if( exitLoop ) break; } if(event_ilead.size()==0 || event_itrail.size()==0)continue; if(event_vtx.size() == 0 ) continue; // no pairs selected nEvts[icutlevel++]++; // Now decide which photon-photon pair in the event to select // for lepton tag (size of arrays is 1, so dummy selection) unsigned int selectedPair = 0; float sumEt = -1; for (unsigned int p=0; p < event_vtx.size(); p++) { float tempSumEt = event_plead[p].Pt() + event_ptrail[p].Pt(); if( tempSumEt > sumEt) { sumEt = tempSumEt; selectedPair = p; } } int ilead = event_ilead[ selectedPair ]; int itrail = event_itrail[ selectedPair ]; int selVtx = event_vtx[ selectedPair ]; TLorentzVector glead = event_plead[selectedPair]; TLorentzVector gtrail = event_ptrail[selectedPair]; TLorentzVector hcand = glead + gtrail; int CAT4 = cat4(phoR9[ilead], phoR9[itrail], phoSCEta[ilead], phoSCEta[itrail]); if( glead.Pt() < _config->pt1Cut() ) continue; if( gtrail.Pt() < _config->pt2Cut() ) continue; if( hcand.M() < _config->mggCut() ) continue; nEvts[icutlevel++]++; _minitree->mtree_runNum = run; _minitree->mtree_evtNum = event; _minitree->mtree_lumiSec = lumis; // TLorentzVector g1,g2; // g1.SetPtEtaPhiM(phoE[ilead ]/cosh(phoEta[ilead]),phoEta[ilead ], phoPhi[ilead ], 0); // g2.SetPtEtaPhiM(phoE[itrail]/cosh(phoEta[ilead]),phoEta[itrail], phoPhi[itrail], 0); // TLorentzVector lgg = g1 + g2; //_minitree->mtree_massDefVtx = lgg.M(); _minitree->mtree_massDefVtx = hcand.M()/sqrt(phoE[ilead]*phoE[itrail])*sqrt(phoStdE[ilead]*phoStdE[itrail]); // calc again vertex to get correct vertex probability (can be different from last one in loop) vector<int> sortedVertex; if(_config->vtxSelType()==0) sortedVertex = getSelectedVertex( ilead, itrail, true, true ); else //use sumpt2 ranking sortedVertex = selVtxSumPt2; if( sortedVertex.size() < 2 ) sortedVertex.push_back(-1); if( sortedVertex.size() < 3 ) sortedVertex.push_back(-1); if( lepCat >= 0 ) { /// lepton tag sortedVertex[0] = selVtx; sortedVertex[1] = -1; sortedVertex[2] = -1; // vertProb = 1; } _minitree->mtree_rho = rho2012; _minitree->mtree_rho25 = rho25; _minitree->mtree_zVtx = vtxbs[selVtx][2]; _minitree->mtree_nVtx = nVtxBS; _minitree->mtree_ivtx1 = selVtx; _minitree->mtree_ivtx2 = sortedVertex[1]; _minitree->mtree_ivtx3 = sortedVertex[2]; _minitree->mtree_vtxProb = vertProb; _minitree->mtree_vtxMva = vertMVA; _minitree->mtree_mass = hcand.M(); _minitree->mtree_pt = hcand.Pt(); _minitree->mtree_piT = hcand.Pt()/hcand.M(); _minitree->mtree_y = hcand.Rapidity(); /// spin variables TLorentzVector gtmp1 = glead; gtmp1.Boost( -hcand.BoostVector() ); TLorentzVector gtmp2 = gtrail; gtmp2.Boost( -hcand.BoostVector() ); _minitree->mtree_cThetaLead_heli = cos( gtmp1.Angle(hcand.BoostVector()) ); _minitree->mtree_cThetaTrail_heli = cos( gtmp2.Angle(hcand.BoostVector()) ); _minitree->mtree_cThetaStar_CS = 2*(glead.E()*gtrail.Pz() - gtrail.E()*glead.Pz())/(hcand.M()*sqrt(hcand.M2()+hcand.Pt()*hcand.Pt())); /// fill photon id variables in main tree _minitree->mtree_minR9 = +999; _minitree->mtree_minPhoIdEB = +999; _minitree->mtree_minPhoIdEE = +999; _minitree->mtree_maxSCEta = -1; _minitree->mtree_minSCEta = +999; for( int i = 0 ; i < 2; i++ ) { int ipho = -1; if( i == 0 ) ipho = ilead; if( i == 1 ) ipho = itrail; fillPhotonVariablesToMiniTree( ipho, selVtx, i ); if( _minitree->mtree_r9[i] < _minitree->mtree_minR9 ) _minitree->mtree_minR9 = _minitree->mtree_r9[i]; if( fabs( _minitree->mtree_sceta[i] ) < 1.5 && _minitree->mtree_mvaid[i] < _minitree->mtree_minPhoIdEB ) _minitree->mtree_minPhoIdEB = _minitree->mtree_mvaid[i]; if( fabs( _minitree->mtree_sceta[i] ) >= 1.5 && _minitree->mtree_mvaid[i] < _minitree->mtree_minPhoIdEE ) _minitree->mtree_minPhoIdEE = _minitree->mtree_mvaid[i]; if( fabs( _minitree->mtree_sceta[i] ) > _minitree->mtree_maxSCEta ) _minitree->mtree_maxSCEta = fabs(_minitree->mtree_sceta[i]); if( fabs( _minitree->mtree_sceta[i] ) < _minitree->mtree_minSCEta ) _minitree->mtree_minSCEta = fabs(_minitree->mtree_sceta[i]); } //------------ compute diphoton mva (add var to minitree inside function) ----------------// massResoCalc.setP4CalPosVtxResoSmear( glead,gtrail, TVector3(phoCaloPos[ilead ][0], phoCaloPos[ilead ][1],phoCaloPos[ilead ][2]), TVector3(phoCaloPos[itrail][0], phoCaloPos[itrail][1],phoCaloPos[itrail][2]), TVector3(vtxbs[selVtx][0], vtxbs[selVtx][1], vtxbs[selVtx][2]), _minitree->mtree_relResOverE, _minitree->mtree_relSmearing ); _minitree->mtree_massResoTot = massResoCalc.relativeMassResolutionFab_total( vertProb ); _minitree->mtree_massResoEng = massResoCalc.relativeMassResolutionFab_energy( ); _minitree->mtree_massResoAng = massResoCalc.relativeMassResolutionFab_angular(); float diphotonmva = DiPhoID_MVA( glead, gtrail, hcand, massResoCalc, vertProb, _minitree->mtree_mvaid[0],_minitree->mtree_mvaid[1] ); // ---- Start categorisation ---- // _minitree->mtree_lepTag = 0; _minitree->mtree_metTag = 0; _minitree->mtree_vbfTag = 0; _minitree->mtree_hvjjTag = 0; // 1. lepton tag if( lepCat >= 0 ) { _minitree->mtree_lepTag = 1; _minitree->mtree_lepCat = lepCat; _minitree->mtree_fillLepTree = true; // if( lepCat == 0 ) fillMuonTagVariables(lepTag,glead,gtrail,elecIndex[0],selVtx); // if( lepCat == 1 ) fillElecTagVariables(lepTag,glead,gtrail,muonIndex[0],selVtx); } // 3. met tag (For the jet energy regression, MET needs to be corrected first.) _minitree->mtree_rawMet = recoPfMET; _minitree->mtree_rawMetPhi = recoPfMETPhi; // if( !isData ) { /// bug in data skim, met correction already applied //3.1 Soft Jet correction (FC?) applyJEC4SoftJets(); //3.2 smearing if( !isData ) METSmearCorrection(ilead, itrail); //3.3 shifting (even in data? but different in data and MC) METPhiShiftCorrection(); //3.4 scaling if( isData) METScaleCorrection(ilead, itrail); // } _minitree->mtree_corMet = recoPfMET; _minitree->mtree_corMetPhi = recoPfMETPhi; // 2. dijet tag Int_t nVtxJetID = -1; if( _config->doPUJetID() ) nVtxJetID = nVtxBS; //vector<int> goodJetsIndex = selectJets( ilead, itrail, nVtxJetID, wei, selVtx ); vector<int> goodJetsIndex = selectJetsJEC( ilead, itrail, nVtxJetID, wei, selVtx ); int vbftag(-1),hstratag(-1),catjet(-1); dijetSelection( glead, gtrail, goodJetsIndex, wei, selVtx, vbftag, hstratag, catjet); _minitree->mtree_vbfTag = vbftag; _minitree->mtree_hvjjTag = hstratag; _minitree->mtree_vbfCat = catjet; // 2x. radion analysis // take the very same photon candidates as in the H->GG analysis above _minitree->radion_evtNum = event; *(_minitree->radion_gamma1) = glead; *(_minitree->radion_gamma2) = gtrail; vector<int> goodJetsIndexRadion = selectJetsRadion(nVtxJetID, selVtx); _minitree->radion_bJetTags->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_genJetPt ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_eta ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_cef ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_nef ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_mef ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_nconstituents ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_chf ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_JECUnc ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_ptLeadTrack ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_vtxPt ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_vtx3dL ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_SoftLeptPtCut ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_dPhiMETJet ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_nch ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_vtx3deL ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_vtxMass ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_ptRaw ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_EnRaw ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_SoftLeptptRelCut->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_SoftLeptdRCut ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_partonID ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_dRJetGenJet ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_MET = recoPfMET; _minitree->radion_rho25 = rho25; for (unsigned i = 0; i < goodJetsIndexRadion.size(); i++) { int iJet = goodJetsIndexRadion[i]; //_minitree->radion_bJetTags->AddAt(jetCombinedSecondaryVtxMVABJetTags[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_bJetTags->AddAt(jetCombinedSecondaryVtxBJetTags[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_genJetPt ->AddAt(jetGenJetPt[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_eta ->AddAt(jetEta[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_cef ->AddAt(jetCEF[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_nef ->AddAt(jetNEF[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_mef ->AddAt(jetMEF[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_nconstituents ->AddAt(jetNConstituents[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_chf ->AddAt(jetCHF[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_JECUnc ->AddAt(jetJECUnc[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_ptLeadTrack ->AddAt(jetLeadTrackPt[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_vtxPt ->AddAt(jetVtxPt[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_vtx3dL ->AddAt(jetVtx3dL[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_SoftLeptPtCut ->AddAt(jetSoftLeptPt[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_nch ->AddAt(jetNCH[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_vtx3deL ->AddAt(jetVtx3deL[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_vtxMass ->AddAt(jetVtxMass[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_ptRaw ->AddAt(jetRawPt[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_EnRaw ->AddAt(jetRawEn[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_SoftLeptptRelCut ->AddAt(jetSoftLeptPtRel[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_SoftLeptdRCut ->AddAt(jetSoftLeptdR[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_partonID ->AddAt(jetPartonID[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_dRJetGenJet ->AddAt(sqrt(pow(jetEta[iJet]-jetGenEta[iJet],2)+pow(jetPhi[iJet]-jetGenPhi[iJet],2)), i); float tmpPi = 3.1415927, tmpDPhi=fabs(jetPhi[iJet]-recoPfMETPhi); if(tmpDPhi>tmpPi) tmpDPhi=2*tmpPi-tmpDPhi; _minitree->radion_jet_dPhiMETJet ->AddAt(tmpDPhi, i); TLorentzVector* jet = new((*(_minitree->radion_jets))[_minitree->radion_jets->GetEntriesFast()]) TLorentzVector(); jet->SetPtEtaPhiE(jetPt[iJet], jetEta[iJet], jetPhi[iJet], jetEn[iJet]); } // Continue step 3. if ( MetTagSelection(glead,gtrail,goodJetsIndex) && _minitree->mtree_vbfTag == 0 && _minitree->mtree_lepTag == 0 && _minitree->mtree_corMet > 70. && fabs( phoSCEta[ilead] ) < 1.45 && fabs( phoSCEta[itrail]) < 1.45 ) _minitree->mtree_metTag = 1; //----------- categorisation (for now incl + vbf + lep + met) -----------// _minitree->mtree_catBase = CAT4; _minitree->mtree_catMva = -1; for( int icat_mva = 0 ; icat_mva < 4; icat_mva++ ) if( diphotonmva >= Ddipho_cat[icat_mva] ) { _minitree->mtree_catMva = icat_mva; break; } if ( _minitree->mtree_lepTag == 1 ) { _minitree->mtree_catBase = _minitree->mtree_lepCat + 6; _minitree->mtree_catMva = _minitree->mtree_lepCat + 6; } else if( _minitree->mtree_vbfTag == 1 ) { _minitree->mtree_catBase = _minitree->mtree_vbfCat + 4; _minitree->mtree_catMva = _minitree->mtree_vbfCat + 4; } else if( _minitree->mtree_metTag == 1 ) { _minitree->mtree_catBase = 8; _minitree->mtree_catMva = 8; } if( diphotonmva < Ddipho_cat[3] ) _minitree->mtree_catMva = -1; /// photon pt cut was dropped from the inclusive cuts if( _minitree->mtree_catMva < 4 && (glead.Pt()/hcand.M() < 1./3. || gtrail.Pt()/hcand.M() < 1./4.) ) _minitree->mtree_catMva = -1; if( _minitree->mtree_catBase < 4 && (glead.Pt()/hcand.M() < 1./3. || gtrail.Pt()/hcand.M() < 1./4.) ) _minitree->mtree_catBase = -1; //------------ MC weighting factors and corrections if( !isData ) { /// needs to be recomputed for each event (because reinit var for each event) _minitree->mc_wNgen = 100000./_weight_manager->getNevts(); _minitree->mc_wXsec = _weight_manager->xSecW(mc_whzh_type); if( ( mode_ == 3 || mode_ == 19 ) && isprompt1 == 1 ) _minitree->mc_wXsec *= 1.3; _minitree->mc_wBSz = _weight_manager->bszW(vtxbs[selVtx][2]-mcVtx[0][2]); _minitree->mc_wVtxId = _weight_manager->vtxPtCorrW( hcand.Pt() ); /// photon identification float wPhoId[] = { 1., 1.}; for( int i = 0 ; i < 2; i++ ) { wPhoId[i] = 1; int index = -1; if( i == 0 ) index = ilead; if( i == 1 ) index = itrail; wPhoId[i] *= _weight_manager->phoIdPresel(phoR9[index],phoSCEta[index]); if( _config->analysisType() == "baselineCiC4PF" ) wPhoId[i] *= _weight_manager->phoIdCiC(phoR9[index],phoSCEta[index]); if( _config->analysisType() == "MVA" ) wPhoId[i] *= _weight_manager->phoIdMVA(phoR9[index],phoSCEta[index]); if( vetoElec[i] ) wPhoId[i] *= _weight_manager->phoIdEleVeto(phoR9[index],phoSCEta[index]); } _minitree->mc_wPhoEffi = wPhoId[0]*wPhoId[1]; /// trigger efficiency _minitree->mc_wTrigEffi = 0.9968; /// FIX ME /// cross section volontary not included in total weight _minitree->mc_wei = _minitree->mc_wPU * _minitree->mc_wBSz * _minitree->mc_wHQT * /// = 1 but in 2011 _minitree->mc_wVtxId * _minitree->mc_wPhoEffi * _minitree->mc_wTrigEffi * _minitree->mc_wNgen; wei = _minitree->mc_wei; } nEvts[icutlevel++]++; if( _minitree->mtree_lepTag ) nEvts[icutlevel+0]++; if( _minitree->mtree_vbfTag ) nEvts[icutlevel+1]++; //// following crap can be removed when the synchornization will be successfull. if( DoDebugEvent ) { _minitree->setSynchVariables(); _xcheckTextFile << " pho1 pos: " << phoPos[ilead] << endl; _xcheckTextFile << " ieta1 : " << phoSeedDetId1[ilead] << " iphi1: " << phoSeedDetId2[ilead] << endl; _xcheckTextFile << " pho2 pos: " << phoPos[itrail] << endl; _xcheckTextFile << " ieta1 : " << phoSeedDetId1[itrail] << " iphi1: " << phoSeedDetId2[itrail] << endl; _xcheckTextFile << " oversmear 1: " << overSmear.meanOverSmearing(phoSCEta[ilead],phoR9[ilead] ,isInGAP_EB(ilead),0) << endl; _xcheckTextFile << " oversmear 2: " << overSmear.meanOverSmearing(phoSCEta[itrail],phoR9[itrail],isInGAP_EB(itrail),0) << endl; _xcheckTextFile << " mass reso (eng only): " << _minitree->mtree_massResoEng << endl; _xcheckTextFile << " mass reso (ang only): " << _minitree->mtree_massResoAng << endl; for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _minitree->sync_iName.size(); i++ ) cout << _minitree->sync_iName[i] << ":" << *_minitree->sync_iVal[i] << " "; for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _minitree->sync_lName.size(); i++ ) cout << _minitree->sync_lName[i] << ":" << *_minitree->sync_lVal[i] << " "; for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _minitree->sync_fName.size(); i++ ) cout << _minitree->sync_fName[i] << ":" << *_minitree->sync_fVal[i] << " "; cout << endl; cout << " myVtx = " << selVtx << "; 1=" << sortedVertex[1] << " 2= " << sortedVertex[2] << endl; for( int ivtx = 0; ivtx < nVtxBS; ivtx++ ) { cout << " etas[ ivtx = " << ivtx << "] = " << phoEtaVtx[ilead][ivtx] << " - " << phoEtaVtx[itrail][ivtx] << " - zVtx = " << vtxbs[ivtx][2] << endl; } } _minitree->fill(); if( _config->doSkimming() && tSkim ) { /// undo all modifs before filling the skim fChain->GetEntry(jentry); tSkim->Fill(); } //--------------- // } }// end for entry if( _config->doSkimming() ) { _minitree->mtree_file->cd(); TH1F *hEvents = new TH1F("hEvents","hEvents",2,0,2); hEvents->SetBinContent(1,_weight_manager->getNevts()); hEvents->SetBinContent(2,nEvts[nEvts.size()-1]); hEvents->Write(); tSkim->Write(); _minitree->mtree_file->Close(); } else _minitree->end(); for( unsigned icut = 0 ; icut < nEvts.size(); icut++ ) cout << nCutName[icut] << nEvts[icut] << endl; delete rnd; return nEvts[nEvts.size()-1]; }
int main() { #ifndef NO_ROOT TRandom3 r;r.SetSeed( (unsigned)time(NULL) ) ; FindMatch A; A.SetMaxWindow(1); // create a basic spill random time distributions vector<uint64_t> t; uint64_t lastTime=100; for(int i=0;i<200; ++i) // ~ eventInSPill { lastTime += TMath::Floor(r.Uniform(5,30.) ); t.push_back(lastTime); } vector<uint64_t> time1,time2; // with a certain probability k, accept time1, time2. Smear time2 guas + a constant diff uint64_t delta=TMath::Floor(r.Uniform(10,100) ); for(unsigned int i=0; i<t.size(); ++i) { // 0.0005 for 2000 if (r.Uniform() > 0.05) time1.push_back(t[i]); if (r.Uniform() > 0.05) time2.push_back( TMath::Floor( r.Gaus(t[i],1.1) ) + delta ); } // A.SetTimes(time1,time2); printf("------- START -------\n"); printf("-- > t.size = %lu\n",t.size()); printf("-- > t1.size = %lu\n",time1.size()); printf("-- > t2.size = %lu\n",time2.size()); long max=TMath::Max(time1.size(),time2.size()); long diff=TMath::Abs(long(time1.size()) -long(time2.size()) ) + A.GetMaxWindow() ; double time = pow(max,diff) * 0.11/220.; // 116 ms -- ad hoc factors string timeStr=""; if (time > 3600 ) { long h=TMath::Floor(time/3600.); timeStr += Form("%ld h ",h); time -= 3600*h; } if(time >60 ) { long m=TMath::Floor(time/60.); timeStr += Form("%ld m ",m); time -= 60*m; } timeStr += Form("%lf s",time); printf("-- > time unit estimation = %s\n", timeStr.c_str()); //uint64_t myStart=(uint64_t)time(NULL); timeval tv_start; gettimeofday(&tv_start,NULL); int status=A.Run(); //uint64_t myStop=(uint64_t)time(NULL); timeval tv_stop; gettimeofday(&tv_stop,NULL); //printf("USER TIME: %u\n",(unsigned int)(myStop-myStart)); printf("USER TIME: %ld usec\n", Utility::timevaldiff( &tv_start, &tv_stop) ); printf(" status=%d == 0\n", status ) ; printf(" alpha=%lf\n", A.GetAlpha() ) ; printf(" Window (If SLOW REDUCE)=%d\n", A.GetMaxWindow() ) ; printf(" Converged=%d\n", int(A.Converged()) ) ; // PLOT { TCanvas *c=new TCanvas("c","c",800,800); TH1D *h0 =new TH1D("time" ,"time;time;time" ,1000,0,2000.); TH1D *h1 =new TH1D("time1","time1;time;time1",1000,0,2000.); TH1D *h2 =new TH1D("time2","time2;time;time2",1000,0,2000.); TH1D *h2_shifted =new TH1D("time2_shift","time2;time;time2",2000,0,2000.) ; h2_shifted->SetLineColor(kRed); TPad *p0= new TPad("p0","p0",0,0,1,0.35); p0->SetTopMargin(0); p0->SetBottomMargin(.05/.35); TPad *p1= new TPad("p1","p1",0,0.35,1,.65);p1->SetTopMargin(0); p1->SetBottomMargin(0); TPad *p2= new TPad("p2","p2",0,0.65,1,1);p2->SetTopMargin(.05/.35); p2->SetBottomMargin(0); p0->Draw(); p1->Draw(); p2->Draw(); // fill and draw time, time1,time2 for(unsigned int i=0;i<t.size();++i) h0->Fill( t[i] ); for(unsigned int i=0;i<time1.size();++i) h1->Fill( time1[i] ,0.5); for(unsigned int i=0;i<time2.size();++i) h2->Fill( time2[i] ,0.5); p2->cd(); h0->Draw("HIST"); h0->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,1.2); p1->cd(); h1->Draw("HIST"); h1->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,1.2); p0->cd(); h2->Draw("HIST"); h2->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,1.2); c->cd(); vector<pair<uint_t,uint_t> > matched=A.GetMatch(); // positions in time1/time2 // compute delta double delta=0; for(uint_t i=0;i<matched.size();++i) delta += int64_t(time1[matched[i].first])-int64_t(time2[matched[i].second]); delta /= matched.size(); for(unsigned int i=0;i< matched.size() ;i++ ) { TLine *l=new TLine(); //l->SetName( Form("Line_%u",i) ); l->SetLineWidth(2); uint64_t x1=time1[matched[i].first]; uint64_t x2=time2[matched[i].second]; h2_shifted->Fill(int64_t(x2)+delta,1); double max=h0->GetBinLowEdge(h0->GetNbinsX()+2); double min=h0->GetBinLowEdge(1); // LeftMargin double rm= p2->GetRightMargin(); double lm= p2->GetLeftMargin(); l->DrawLineNDC( (1.-rm-lm)*(x1-min)/(max-min)+lm,.38, (1.-lm-rm)*(x2-min)/(max-min)+lm,0.07); } p0->cd(); h2_shifted->Draw("HIST SAME"); h2->Draw("HIST SAME"); // redraw c->SaveAs("Matched.png"); c->SaveAs("Matched.pdf"); c->SaveAs("Matched.root"); } return 0; #else printf("ROOT is Required: Recompile w/ ROOT\n"); return 1; #endif }