コード例 #1
			static TScopedPointer<FVTuneExternalProfiler> ProfilerVTune( new FVTuneExternalProfiler() );
			if( !ProfilerVTune->Initialize() )
コード例 #2
void FDedicatedServerModule::ShutdownModule()
	m_bShutdown = true;

		if( m_hAutoUpdateTicker.IsValid() ) FTicker::GetCoreTicker().RemoveTicker( m_hAutoUpdateTicker );

		if( g_pConsole.IsValid() && m_hTick.IsValid() )

コード例 #3
ファイル: ParserHelper.cpp プロジェクト: Foreven/Unreal4-1
 * Finds the metadata for the struct specified
 * @param	Struct	the struct to search for
 * @return	pointer to the metadata for the struct specified, or NULL
 *			if the struct doesn't exist in the list (for example, if it
 *			is declared in a package that is already compiled and has had its
 *			source stripped)
FStructData* FClassMetaData::FindStructData( UScriptStruct* Struct )
	FStructData* Result = NULL;
	TScopedPointer<FStructData>* pStructData = StructData.Find(Struct);
	if ( pStructData != NULL )
		Result = pStructData->GetOwnedPointer();

	if ( Result == NULL )
		UClass* OwnerClass = Struct->GetOwnerClass();
		FClassMetaData* OwnerClassData = GScriptHelper.FindClassData(OwnerClass);
		if ( OwnerClassData && OwnerClassData != this )
			Result = OwnerClassData->FindStructData(Struct);

	return Result;
コード例 #4
ファイル: ParserHelper.cpp プロジェクト: Foreven/Unreal4-1
 * Finds the metadata for the property specified
 * @param	Prop	the property to search for
 * @return	pointer to the metadata for the property specified, or NULL
 *			if the property doesn't exist in the list (for example, if it
 *			is declared in a package that is already compiled and has had its
 *			source stripped)
FTokenData* FClassMetaData::FindTokenData( UProperty* Prop )

	FTokenData* Result = nullptr;
	UObject* Outer = Prop->GetOuter();
	UClass* OuterClass = nullptr;
	if (Outer->IsA<UStruct>())
		Result = GlobalPropertyData.Find(Prop);

		if (Result == nullptr)
			OuterClass = Cast<UClass>(Outer);

			if (Result == nullptr && OuterClass != nullptr && OuterClass->GetSuperClass() != OuterClass)
				OuterClass = OuterClass->GetSuperClass();
		UFunction* OuterFunction = Cast<UFunction>(Outer);
		if ( OuterFunction != NULL )
			// function parameter, return, or local property
			FFunctionData* FuncData = nullptr;
			if (FFunctionData::TryFindForFunction(OuterFunction, FuncData))
				FPropertyData& FunctionParameters = FuncData->GetParameterData();
				Result = FunctionParameters.Find(Prop);
				if ( Result == NULL )
					Result = FuncData->GetReturnTokenData();
				OuterClass = OuterFunction->GetOwnerClass();
			// struct property
			UScriptStruct* OuterStruct = Cast<UScriptStruct>(Outer);
			check(OuterStruct != NULL);

			TScopedPointer<FStructData>* pStructInfo = StructData.Find(OuterStruct);
			if ( pStructInfo != NULL )
				FStructData* StructInfo = pStructInfo->GetOwnedPointer();

				FPropertyData& StructProperties = StructInfo->GetStructPropertyData();
				Result = StructProperties.Find(Prop);
				OuterClass = OuterStruct->GetOwnerClass();

	if (Result == nullptr && OuterClass != nullptr)
		FClassMetaData* SuperClassData = GScriptHelper.FindClassData(OuterClass);
		if (SuperClassData && SuperClassData != this)
			Result = SuperClassData->FindTokenData(Prop);

	return Result;
コード例 #5
IPlatformFile* FPlatformFileManager::GetPlatformFile(const TCHAR* Name)
	IPlatformFile* PlatformFile = NULL;

	// Check Core platform files (Profile, Log) by name.
	if (FCString::Strcmp(FLoggedPlatformFile::GetTypeName(), Name) == 0)
		static TScopedPointer<IPlatformFile> AutoDestroySingleton(new FLoggedPlatformFile());
		PlatformFile = AutoDestroySingleton.GetOwnedPointer();
	else if (FCString::Strcmp(TProfiledPlatformFile<FProfiledFileStatsFileDetailed>::GetTypeName(), Name) == 0)
		static TScopedPointer<IPlatformFile> AutoDestroySingleton(new TProfiledPlatformFile<FProfiledFileStatsFileDetailed>());
		PlatformFile = AutoDestroySingleton.GetOwnedPointer();
	else if (FCString::Strcmp(TProfiledPlatformFile<FProfiledFileStatsFileSimple>::GetTypeName(), Name) == 0)
		static TScopedPointer<IPlatformFile> AutoDestroySingleton(new TProfiledPlatformFile<FProfiledFileStatsFileSimple>());
		PlatformFile = AutoDestroySingleton.GetOwnedPointer();
	else if (FCString::Strcmp(FPlatformFileReadStats::GetTypeName(), Name) == 0)
		static TScopedPointer<IPlatformFile> AutoDestroySingleton(new FPlatformFileReadStats());
		PlatformFile = AutoDestroySingleton.GetOwnedPointer();
	else if (FCString::Strcmp(FPlatformFileOpenLog::GetTypeName(), Name) == 0)
		static TScopedPointer<IPlatformFile> AutoDestroySingleton(new FPlatformFileOpenLog());
		PlatformFile = AutoDestroySingleton.GetOwnedPointer();
	else if (FCString::Strcmp(FCachedReadPlatformFile::GetTypeName(), Name) == 0)
		static TScopedPointer<IPlatformFile> AutoDestroySingleton(new FCachedReadPlatformFile());
		PlatformFile = AutoDestroySingleton.GetOwnedPointer();
		// Try to load a module containing the platform file.
		class IPlatformFileModule* PlatformFileModule = FModuleManager::LoadModulePtr<IPlatformFileModule>(Name);
		if (PlatformFileModule != NULL)
			// TODO: Attempt to create platform file
			PlatformFile = PlatformFileModule->GetPlatformFile();

	return PlatformFile;
コード例 #6
void FDedicatedServerModule::StartupModule()
		if( IsRunningDedicatedServer() )
			bool bUseConsole = FParse::Param( FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT( "console" ) );

			if( bUseConsole && !TIsSame<decltype( GLogConsole ), FServerConsole>::Value )
				g_pConsole = new FServerConsole();

				if( g_pConsole.IsValid() )
					g_pConsole->Show( true );

					GLog->RemoveOutputDevice( GLogConsole );

					GLogConsole = g_pConsole.GetOwnedPointer();

					GLog->AddOutputDevice( GLogConsole );

				m_hTick = Async<void>( EAsyncExecution::Thread, [this]() -> void
					while( !m_bShutdown )
						if( g_pConsole.IsValid() && g_pConsole->IsShown() ) g_pConsole->Tick();

				} );

			bool bUseAutoUpdate = FParse::Param( FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT( "autoupdate" ) );
			if( bUseAutoUpdate )
				FString sVersion = GConfig->GetStr( TEXT( "OnlineSubsystemSteam" ), TEXT( "GameVersion" ), GEngineIni );
				IOnlineSubsystem* pSteam = IOnlineSubsystem::Get( STEAM_SUBSYSTEM );

				m_hAutoUpdateTicker = FTicker::GetCoreTicker().AddTicker( FTickerDelegate::CreateLambda( [=]( float fDeltaTime ) -> bool
					UE_LOG( LogDedicatedServer, Display, TEXT( "Checking for updates..." ) );

					// ToDo: Do we have alternatives to the Steam API check?
					if( pSteam )
						TSharedRef<class IHttpRequest> hHTTPRequest = FHttpModule::Get().CreateRequest();

						// Note: UpToDateCheck is expecting a uint32 where the rest of Steamworks uses a semver / integer string, so we have to convert it here...
						hHTTPRequest->SetURL( FString::Printf( TEXT( "https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamApps/UpToDateCheck/v0001/?appid=%s&version=%s" ), *pSteam->GetAppId(), *sVersion.Replace( TEXT( "." ), TEXT( "" ) ) ) );
						hHTTPRequest->SetVerb( TEXT( "GET" ) );
						hHTTPRequest->OnProcessRequestComplete().BindLambda( [=]( FHttpRequestPtr pHTTPRequest, FHttpResponsePtr pHTTPResponse, bool bSucceeded ) -> void
							if( bSucceeded && pHTTPResponse->GetResponseCode() == EHttpResponseCodes::Ok )
								TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> pJSONObject;
								TSharedRef<TJsonReader<>> hJSONReader = TJsonReaderFactory<>::Create( pHTTPResponse->GetContentAsString() );
								if( FJsonSerializer::Deserialize( hJSONReader, pJSONObject ) && pJSONObject.IsValid() )
									TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> pResponse = pJSONObject->GetObjectField( TEXT( "response" ) );
									if( pResponse.IsValid() && pResponse->GetBoolField( TEXT( "success" ) ) )
										if( !pResponse->GetBoolField( TEXT( "up_to_date" ) ) )
											// ToDo: find a better way which also respects the message field...
											FString sRequiredVersion = FString::FromInt( pResponse->GetIntegerField( TEXT( "required_version" ) ) );
											UE_LOG( LogDedicatedServer, Warning, TEXT( "The server is outdated( %s -> %s ), restarting..." ), *sVersion, ( sRequiredVersion.Equals( sVersion ) ? *sRequiredVersion : *Str2SemVer( sRequiredVersion ) )/*, pResponse->GetStringField( "message" )*/ );
											GIsRequestingExit = true;
											m_bShutdown = true;
										else UE_LOG( LogDedicatedServer, Display, TEXT( "The server is using the most recent version( %s )" ), *sVersion );
						} );


					if( m_bShutdown ) return false;
					return true;
				} ), 60.0f );
コード例 #7
	virtual IPlatformFile* GetPlatformFile() override
		static TScopedPointer<IPlatformFile> AutoDestroySingleton(new FSandboxPlatformFile(true));
		return AutoDestroySingleton.GetOwnedPointer();
コード例 #8
	virtual IPlatformFile* GetPlatformFile() override
		static TScopedPointer<IPlatformFile> AutoDestroySingleton(new FStreamingNetworkPlatformFile());
		return AutoDestroySingleton.GetOwnedPointer();
コード例 #9
	void FAsyncSoundFileImportTask::DoWork()

		// Create a new sound file object
		TScopedPointer<FSoundFile> SoundFileInput = TScopedPointer<FSoundFile>(new FSoundFile());
		// Open the file
		ESoundFileError::Type Error = SoundFileInput->OpenFileForReading(ImportSettings.SoundFilePath);

		TSharedPtr<ISoundFileData> SoundFileData;
		Error = SoundFileInput->GetSoundFileData(SoundFileData);

		// Get the input file's description
		const FSoundFileDescription& InputDescription = SoundFileData->GetDescription();

		// Get the input file's channel map
		const TArray<ESoundFileChannelMap::Type>& InputChannelMap = SoundFileData->GetChannelMap();

		// Build a description for the new file
		FSoundFileDescription NewSoundFileDescription;
		NewSoundFileDescription.NumChannels = InputDescription.NumChannels;
		NewSoundFileDescription.NumFrames = InputDescription.NumFrames;
		NewSoundFileDescription.FormatFlags = ImportSettings.Format;
		NewSoundFileDescription.SampleRate = ImportSettings.SampleRate;
		NewSoundFileDescription.NumSections = 0;
		NewSoundFileDescription.bIsSeekable = 1;

		// Open it as an empty file for reading and writing
		ISoundFileInternal* SoundFileInternal = (ISoundFileInternal*)SoundFile.Get();
		Error = SoundFileInternal->OpenEmptyFileForImport(NewSoundFileDescription, InputChannelMap);

		// Set the original description on the new sound file
		Error = SoundFileInternal->SetImportFileInfo(InputDescription, ImportSettings.SoundFilePath);

		// Set the encoding quality (will only do anything if import target is Ogg-Vorbis)
		Error = SoundFileInternal->SetEncodingQuality(ImportSettings.EncodingQuality);

		// Set the state of the sound file to be loading
		Error = SoundFileInternal->BeginImport();

		// Create a buffer to do the processing 
		SoundFileCount ProcessBufferSamples = 1024 * NewSoundFileDescription.NumChannels;
		TArray<double> ProcessBuffer;
		ProcessBuffer.Init(0.0, ProcessBufferSamples);

		// Find the max value if we've been told to do peak normalization on import
		double MaxValue = 0.0;
		SoundFileCount SamplesRead = 0;
		bool bPerformPeakNormalization = ImportSettings.bPerformPeakNormalization;
		if (bPerformPeakNormalization)
			Error = SoundFileInput->ReadSamples(ProcessBuffer.GetData(), ProcessBufferSamples, SamplesRead);

			while (SamplesRead)
				for (SoundFileCount Sample = 0; Sample < SamplesRead; ++Sample)
					if (ProcessBuffer[Sample] > FMath::Abs(MaxValue))
						MaxValue = ProcessBuffer[Sample];

				Error = SoundFileInput->ReadSamples(ProcessBuffer.GetData(), ProcessBufferSamples, SamplesRead);

			// If this happens, it means we have a totally silent file
			if (MaxValue == 0.0)
				bPerformPeakNormalization = false;

			// Seek the file back to the beginning
			SoundFileCount OutOffset;
			SoundFileInput->SeekFrames(0, ESoundFileSeekMode::FROM_START, OutOffset);

		// Now perform the encoding to the target file
		Error = SoundFileInput->ReadSamples(ProcessBuffer.GetData(), ProcessBufferSamples, SamplesRead);

		while (SamplesRead)

			// Normalize the samples if we're told to
			if (bPerformPeakNormalization)
				for (int32 Sample = 0; Sample < SamplesRead; ++Sample)
					ProcessBuffer[Sample] /= MaxValue;

			SoundFileCount SamplesWritten;
			Error = SoundFileInternal->WriteSamples((const double*)ProcessBuffer.GetData(), SamplesRead, SamplesWritten);

			Error = SoundFileInput->ReadSamples(ProcessBuffer.GetData(), ProcessBufferSamples, SamplesRead);


		// We're done doing the encoding
		Error = SoundFileInternal->EndImport();