コード例 #1
void TBDataParser::OnCharacters(const char *characters)
	if(_currentElement != NULL && !strcmp(_currentElement->Data(),"vector")) {
		TString *string = new TString(characters);
		TObjArray *values = string->Tokenize(", ");

		for(Int_t i = 0; i < values->GetEntries(); i++) {
			TObjString *object = (TObjString *) values->At(i);
			TString value = object->GetString().ReplaceAll("\n", "").ReplaceAll("\t", "").ReplaceAll(" ", "").ReplaceAll("\0", "");
			if(value.IsFloat()) {

		if(_vectorsStack->GetEntries() == 1) {
			_motherVecEntries = _vector->GetEntries();
		} else if(_currentMethod != NULL && !strcmp(_currentMethod->Data(),"all")) {
			for(Int_t i = 1; i < _motherVecEntries; i++) {
				TObjString *object = (TObjString *) values->First();
				TString value = object->GetString().ReplaceAll("\n", "").ReplaceAll("\t", "").ReplaceAll(" ", "").ReplaceAll("\0", "");



コード例 #2
Double_t CalcLednicR(Double_t zr, Double_t zt, Double_t v)
  TString cmd = Form("echo '%0.5f,%0.5f,%0.5f'", zr, zt, v);
  cmd+= " | ./lednic_input.exe";
  Printf("%s", cmd.Data());
  cmd = gSystem->GetFromPipe(cmd.Data());
  if (!cmd.IsFloat()) {
    Printf("Problem with program 'lednic_input.exe'");
    return 0;
  return cmd.Atof();
コード例 #3
//void main_makePlots()
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Output filenames options - for creation of a log file and a histogram file in the given directory
    TString dir = "control_plots/";
    TString tst = fileTimeStamp();
    TString pfx = "_plots_";
    TString sfx = "_NO_MET_CUT";

  // Process input
        cout << "\n    ERROR: Please enter a decay chain, dataset, and (optional) a max number of events.\n" << endl;
        return 1;

    TString decayChain       = argv[1];
    TString dataset          = argv[2];
    TString maxEventsStr     = ""     ;
        maxEventsStr = argv[3];
            cout << "\n    ERROR: Please enter the number of events you want to process for your third option"
                    "\n    (or nothing if you want to process them all).\n"
                 << endl;
            return 1;

    if(decayChain!="Zuu" && decayChain!="Zee" && decayChain!="Zttuu" && decayChain!="Zttee")
        cout << "\n    ERROR: Please specify one of the following decay chains for your first option: Zuu, Zee, Zttuu, Zttee\n" << endl;
        return 1;

  // Open files and map trees
    TFile* f_input;
    if     (dataset == "muon"    ) f_input = TFile::Open(fn_muon   );
    else if(dataset == "elec"    ) f_input = TFile::Open(fn_elec   );
    else if(dataset == "dy"      ) f_input = TFile::Open(fn_dy     );
    else if(dataset == "dy1j"    ) f_input = TFile::Open(fn_dy1j   );
    else if(dataset == "ww"      ) f_input = TFile::Open(fn_ww     );
    else if(dataset == "wz"      ) f_input = TFile::Open(fn_wz     );
    else if(dataset == "zz"      ) f_input = TFile::Open(fn_zz     );
    else if(dataset == "tthad"   ) f_input = TFile::Open(fn_tthad  );
    else if(dataset == "ttlep"   ) f_input = TFile::Open(fn_ttlep  );
    else if(dataset == "ttsemi"  ) f_input = TFile::Open(fn_ttsemi );
    else if(dataset == "t_s"     ) f_input = TFile::Open(fn_t_s    );
    else if(dataset == "t_t"     ) f_input = TFile::Open(fn_t_t    );
    else if(dataset == "t_tw"    ) f_input = TFile::Open(fn_t_tw   );
    else if(dataset == "tbar_s"  ) f_input = TFile::Open(fn_tbar_s );
    else if(dataset == "tbar_t"  ) f_input = TFile::Open(fn_tbar_t );
    else if(dataset == "tbar_tw" ) f_input = TFile::Open(fn_tbar_tw);
        cout << "\n    ERROR: Please specify one of the following datasets for your second option:"
                "\n                muon, elec, dy, dy1j, ww, wz, zz, tthad, ttlep, ttsemi, t(bar)_(s/t/tw)\n" << endl;
        return 1;

    // If tau tau decays specified on a non-dy set.
    if( (decayChain=="Zttuu" || decayChain=="Zttee") && (dataset!="dy" && dataset!="dy1j"))
        cout << "\n    ERROR: Tau decay split only valid for DY datasets\n" << endl;
        return 1;

    TTree* t_input = (TTree*)f_input->Get("tree");
  // Create an instance of the ZCControlPlotMaker and input options
    ZCControlPlotMaker *plotMaker = new ZCControlPlotMaker();
    TString outputFileName = dir+tst+pfx+decayChain+"_"+dataset+sfx;
    TString options = decayChain;
    if(dataset!="muon" && dataset!="elec") options+=",sim";
    if(dataset=="dy")                      options+=",dy";

  // Process tree and save output
         t_input->Process(plotMaker, options, maxEventsStr.Atoi() );
    else t_input->Process(plotMaker, options                      );
    cout << plotMaker->saveOutputToFile(outputFileName) << endl;

return 0;

コード例 #4
ファイル: cnvnator.cpp プロジェクト: VivekTodur/CNVnator
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
  string usage = "\nCNVnator ";
  usage += "v???";
  usage += "\n\nUsage:\n";
  usage += argv[0];
  usage += " -root out.root  [-genome name] [-chrom 1 2 ...] -tree  file1.bam ...\n";
  usage += argv[0];
  usage += " -root out.root  [-genome name] [-chrom 1 2 ...] -merge file1.root ...\n";
  usage += argv[0];
  usage += " -root file.root [-genome name] [-chrom 1 2 ...] [-d dir] -his bin_size\n";
  usage += argv[0];
  usage += " -root file.root [-chrom 1 2 ...] -stat      bin_size\n";
  usage += argv[0];
  usage += " -root file.root                  -eval      bin_size\n";
  usage += argv[0];
  usage += " -root file.root [-chrom 1 2 ...] -partition bin_size [-ngc]\n";
  // usage += argv[0];
  //usage += " -root file.root [-chrom 1 2 ...] -spartition bin_size [-gc]\n";
  usage += argv[0];
  usage += " -root file.root [-chrom 1 2 ...] -call      bin_size [-ngc]\n";
  usage += argv[0];
  usage += " -root file.root -genotype bin_size [-ngc]\n";
  usage += argv[0];
  usage += " -root file.root -view     bin_size [-ngc]\n";
  usage += argv[0];
  usage += " -pe   file1.bam ... -qual val(20) -over val(0.8) [-f file]\n";
  usage += "\n";
  usage += "Valid genomes (-genome option) are: NCBI36, hg18, GRCh37, hg19\n";

  if (argc < 2) {
    cerr<<"Not enough parameters."<<endl;
    return 0;

#ifdef USE_YEPPP
  YepStatus yepStatus = yepLibrary_Init();
  if (yepStatus != YepStatusOk) {
    cerr<<"Yeppp library initialization failed with status "<<yepStatus<<"."<<endl;
    return 1;

  static const int OPT_TREE       = 0x00001;
  static const int OPT_MERGE      = 0x00002;
  static const int OPT_HIS        = 0x00004;
  static const int OPT_HISMERGE   = 0x00008;
  static const int OPT_STAT       = 0x00010;
  static const int OPT_PARTITION  = 0x00020;
  static const int OPT_EPARTITION = 0x00040;
  static const int OPT_CALL       = 0x00080;
  static const int OPT_VIEW       = 0x00100;
  static const int OPT_GENOTYPE   = 0x00200;
  static const int OPT_EVAL       = 0x00400;
  static const int OPT_PE         = 0x00800;
  static const int OPT_PANEL      = 0x01000;
  static const int OPT_FIT        = 0x02000;

  static const int OPT_SPARTITION = 0x04000;
  static const int OPT_HIS_NEW    = 0x08000;
  static const int OPT_AGGREGATE  = 0x10000;

  // tree, merge, his, stat, partition, spartition, call, view, genotype
  int max_opts = 10000, n_opts = 0, opts[max_opts], bins[max_opts], gbin = 0;
  for (int i = 0;i < n_opts;i++) bins[i] = 0;
  bool useGCcorr = true,useATcorr = false;
  bool forUnique = false,relaxCalling = false;
  string out_root_file(""),call_file(""),group_name("");
  string chroms[1000],data_files[100000],root_files[100000] = {""},dir = ".";
  int n_chroms = 0,n_files = 0,n_root_files = 0,range = 128, qual = 20;
  double over = 0.8;
  Genome *genome = NULL;

  int index = 1;
  while (index < argc) {
    string option = argv[index++];
    if (option == "-tree"  || option == "-merge" || option == "-pe") {
      if (option == "-tree")  opts[n_opts++] = OPT_TREE;
      if (option == "-merge") opts[n_opts++] = OPT_MERGE;
      if (option == "-pe")    opts[n_opts++] = OPT_PE;
      while (index < argc && argv[index][0] != '-')
	if (strlen(argv[index++]) > 0) data_files[n_files++] = argv[index - 1];
    } else if (option == "-his"        || option == "-his_new"    ||
	       option == "-hismerge"   ||
	       option == "-stat"       || option == "-eval"       ||
	       option == "-partition"  || option == "-spartition" ||
	       option == "-epartition" ||
	       option == "-call"       || option == "-view"       ||
	       option == "-genotype"   || option == "-aggregate") {
      int bs = 0;
      if (index < argc && argv[index][0] != '-') {
	TString tmp = argv[index++];
	if (!tmp.IsDigit()) {
	  cerr<<"Bin size must be integer for option '"<<option<<"'."<<endl;
	  return 0;
	bs = tmp.Atoi();
      if (option == "-his")        opts[n_opts] = OPT_HIS;
      if (option == "-hismerge")   opts[n_opts] = OPT_HISMERGE;
      if (option == "-stat")       opts[n_opts] = OPT_STAT;
      if (option == "-partition")  opts[n_opts] = OPT_PARTITION;
      if (option == "-epartition") opts[n_opts] = OPT_EPARTITION;
      if (option == "-spartition") opts[n_opts] = OPT_SPARTITION;
      if (option == "-call")       opts[n_opts] = OPT_CALL;
      if (option == "-view")       opts[n_opts] = OPT_VIEW;
      if (option == "-genotype")   opts[n_opts] = OPT_GENOTYPE;
      if (option == "-his_new")    opts[n_opts] = OPT_HIS_NEW;
      if (option == "-eval")       opts[n_opts] = OPT_EVAL;
      if (option == "-aggregate")  opts[n_opts] = OPT_AGGREGATE;
      bins[n_opts++] = bs;
    } else if (option == "-panel") {
      opts[n_opts++] = OPT_PANEL;
    } else if (option == "-fit")   {
      opts[n_opts++] = OPT_FIT;
      if (index < argc && argv[index][0] != '-') group_name = argv[index++];
      else {
	cout<<"Please provide name of a sample group."<<endl;
	return 0;
    } else if (option == "-outroot") {
      if (index < argc && argv[index][0] != '-') out_root_file = argv[index++];
      else {
	cout<<"Please provide new root-file name."<<endl;
	return 0;
    } else if (option == "-root") {
      while (index < argc && argv[index][0] != '-')
	if (strlen(argv[index++]) > 0)
	  root_files[n_root_files++] = argv[index - 1];
      if (n_root_files == 0) {
	cerr<<"Please provide root-file name."<<endl;
	return 0;
    } else if (option == "-outroot") {
      if (index < argc && argv[index][0] != '-') out_root_file = argv[index++];
      else {
	cout<<"Please provide new root-file name."<<endl;
	return 0;
    } else if (option == "-chrom") {
      while (index < argc && argv[index][0] != '-')
	chroms[n_chroms++] = argv[index++];
      if (n_chroms == 0) {
	cerr<<"Provide chromosome names."<<endl;
	return 0;
    } else if (option == "-ngc") {
      useGCcorr = false;
    } else if (option == "-at") {
      useATcorr = true;
    } else if (option == "-genome") {
      if (index < argc)	genome = Genome::get(argv[index++]);
    } else if (option == "-d") {
      if (index < argc && argv[index][0] != '-')
	dir = argv[index++];
      else cerr<<"No directory is given."<<endl;
    } else if (option == "-qual") {
      if (index >= argc || argv[index][0] == '-') {
	cerr<<"No quality value is provided."<<endl;
	return 0;
      TString tmp = argv[index++];
      if (!tmp.IsDigit()) {
	cerr<<"Quality value must be integer."<<endl;
	return 0;
      qual = tmp.Atoi();
    } else if (option == "-over") {
      if (index >= argc || argv[index][0] == '-') {
	cerr<<"No fraction of overlap is provided."<<endl;
	return 0;
      TString tmp = argv[index++];
      if (!tmp.IsFloat()) {
	cerr<<"Fraction of overlap must be number."<<endl;
	return 0;
      over = tmp.Atof();
    } else if (option == "-f") {
      if (index >= argc || argv[index][0] == '-') {
	cerr<<"No file name is provided."<<endl;
	return 0;
      call_file = argv[index++];
    } else if (option == "-unique") {
      forUnique = true;
    } else if (option == "-range") {
      range = atoi(argv[index++]);
    } else if (option == "-relax") {
      relaxCalling = true;
    } else if (option[0] == '-') {
      cerr<<"Unknown option '"<<option<<"'.\n"<<endl;

  if (out_root_file.length() <= 0) out_root_file = root_files[0];
  if (out_root_file.length() <= 0)
    cerr<<"WARNING: no name of root-file provided."<<endl;

  for (int o = 0;o < n_opts;o++) {
    int option = opts[o];
    int bin = bins[o]; if (bin <= 0) bin = gbin;
    if (option == OPT_TREE) { // tree
      HisMaker maker(out_root_file,genome);
    if (option == OPT_MERGE) { // merge
      HisMaker maker(out_root_file,genome);
    if (option == OPT_HIS ||
	option == OPT_HISMERGE) { // his
      HisMaker maker(out_root_file,bin,useGCcorr,genome);
      if (option == OPT_HISMERGE)
    if (option == OPT_STAT) { // stat
      HisMaker maker(out_root_file,bin,useGCcorr,genome);
    if (option == OPT_PARTITION) { // partition
      HisMaker maker(out_root_file,bin,useGCcorr,genome);
    if (option == OPT_EPARTITION) { // exome partition
      HisMaker maker(out_root_file,bin,useGCcorr,genome);
    if (option == OPT_CALL) { // call
      HisMaker maker(out_root_file,bin,useGCcorr,genome);
    if (option == OPT_VIEW) { // view
      HisMaker maker(out_root_file,bin,useGCcorr,genome);
      TApplication theApp("App",0,0);
    if (option == OPT_GENOTYPE) { // genotype
      HisMaker maker(out_root_file,bin,useGCcorr,genome);
      TApplication theApp("App",0,0);
    if (option == OPT_EVAL) { // eval
      HisMaker maker(out_root_file,bin,useGCcorr,genome);
    if (option == OPT_PE) { // pe
      HisMaker maker("null",genome);
      if (call_file.length() > 0) 
      else {
	TApplication theApp("App",0,0);
    if (option == OPT_SPARTITION) { // spartition
      HisMaker maker(out_root_file,bin,useGCcorr,genome);
    if (option == OPT_HIS_NEW) { // his_new
      HisMaker maker(out_root_file,bin,useGCcorr,genome);
    // EXOnator options
    if (option == OPT_PANEL) { // panel
      EXOnator exonator(out_root_file);
    if (option == OPT_FIT) { // fit
      EXOnator exonator(out_root_file);
    if (option == OPT_AGGREGATE) { // aggregate
      HisMaker maker(out_root_file,bin,useGCcorr,genome);

  return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: MovieMaker.C プロジェクト: CMSAachen3B/RWTH3b
void DrawMLPoutputMovie( TFile* file, const TString& methodType, const TString& methodTitle )
   gROOT->SetBatch( 1 );

   // define Canvas layout here!
   const Int_t width = 600;   // size of canvas

   // this defines how many canvases we need
   TCanvas* c = 0;

   Float_t nrms = 4;
   Float_t xmin = -1.2;
   Float_t xmax = 1.2;
   Float_t ymin = 0;
   Float_t ymax = 0;
   Float_t maxMult = 6.0;
   Int_t   countCanvas = 0;
   Bool_t  first = kTRUE;
   TString     dirname  = methodType + "/" + methodTitle + "/" + "EpochMonitoring";
   TDirectory *epochDir = (TDirectory*)file->Get( dirname );
   if (!epochDir) {
      cout << "Big troubles: could not find directory \"" << dirname << "\"" << endl;

   // now read all evolution histograms
   TIter keyItTit(epochDir->GetListOfKeys());
   TKey *titkeyTit;
   while ((titkeyTit = (TKey*)keyItTit())) {
      if (!gROOT->GetClass(titkeyTit->GetClassName())->InheritsFrom("TH1F")) continue;
      TString name = titkeyTit->GetName();
      if (!name.BeginsWith("convergencetest___")) continue;
      if (!name.Contains("_train_"))              continue; // only for training so far
      if (name.EndsWith( "_B"))                   continue;
      // must be signal histogram
      if (!name.EndsWith( "_S")) {
         cout << "Big troubles with histogram: " << name << " -> should end with _S" << endl;
      // create canvas
      TString ctitle = Form("TMVA response %s",methodTitle.Data());
      c = new TCanvas( Form("canvas%d", countCanvas), ctitle, 0, 0, width, (Int_t)width*0.78 ); 
      TH1F* sig = (TH1F*)titkeyTit->ReadObj();
      sig->SetTitle( Form("TMVA response for classifier: %s", methodTitle.Data()) );
      TString dataType = (name.Contains("_train_") ? "(training sample)" : "(test sample)");
      // find background
      TString nbn = sig->GetName(); nbn[nbn.Length()-1] = 'B';            
      TH1F* bgd = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(epochDir->Get( nbn ));
      if (bgd == 0) {
         cout << "Big troubles with histogram: " << bgd << " -> cannot find!" << endl;
      cout << "sig = " << sig->GetName() << endl;
      cout << "bgd = " << bgd->GetName() << endl;
      // set the histogram style
      TMVAGlob::SetSignalAndBackgroundStyle( sig, bgd );
      // normalise both signal and background
      TMVAGlob::NormalizeHists( sig, bgd );
      // set only first time, then same for all plots
      if (first) {
         if (xmin == 0 && xmax == 0) {
            xmin = TMath::Max( TMath::Min(sig->GetMean() - nrms*sig->GetRMS(), 
                                          bgd->GetMean() - nrms*bgd->GetRMS() ),
                               sig->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() );
            xmax = TMath::Min( TMath::Max(sig->GetMean() + nrms*sig->GetRMS(), 
                                          bgd->GetMean() + nrms*bgd->GetRMS() ),
                               sig->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() );
         ymin = 0;
         ymax = TMath::Max( sig->GetMaximum(), bgd->GetMaximum() )*maxMult;
         first = kFALSE;
      // build a frame
      Int_t nb = 100;
      TString hFrameName(TString("frame") + methodTitle);
      TObject *o = gROOT->FindObject(hFrameName);
      if(o) delete o;
      TH2F* frame = new TH2F( hFrameName, sig->GetTitle(), 
                              nb, xmin, xmax, nb, ymin, ymax );
      frame->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( methodTitle + " response" );
      frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("(1/N) dN^{ }/^{ }dx");
      TMVAGlob::SetFrameStyle( frame );
      // find epoch number (4th token)
      TObjArray* tokens = name.Tokenize("_");
      TString es = ((TObjString*)tokens->At(4))->GetString();
      if (!es.IsFloat()) {
         cout << "Big troubles in epoch parsing: \"" << es << "\" is not float" << endl;
      Int_t epoch = es.Atoi();
      // eventually: draw the frame
      c->GetPad(0)->SetLeftMargin( 0.105 );
      frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset( 1.2 );
      // Draw legend               
      TLegend *legend= new TLegend( c->GetLeftMargin(), 1 - c->GetTopMargin() - 0.12, 
                                    c->GetLeftMargin() + 0.5, 1 - c->GetTopMargin() );
      legend->SetFillStyle( 1 );
      legend->AddEntry(sig,TString("Signal ")     + dataType, "F");
      legend->AddEntry(bgd,TString("Background ") + dataType, "F");
      legend->SetMargin( 0.15 );
      TText* t = new TText();            
      t->SetTextSize( 0.04 );
      t->SetTextColor( 1 );
      t->SetTextAlign( 31 );
      t->DrawTextNDC( 1 - c->GetRightMargin(), 1 - c->GetTopMargin() + 0.015, Form( "Epoch: %i", epoch) );
      // overlay signal and background histograms
      // save to file
      TString dirname  = "movieplots";
      TString foutname = dirname + "/" + name;
      foutname.Resize( foutname.Length()-2 );
      foutname += ".gif";
      cout << "storing file: " << foutname << endl;