bool TabBar::AddButton(const int id, const QString & title, const QIcon & icon) { TabButton * button = new TabButton(this, id); button->setText(title); button->setIcon(icon); layout_.addWidget(button); buttons_.push_back(button); connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked(const int, bool)), this, SLOT(OnClicked(const int, bool))); return true; }
TabWidget::TabWidget( QWidget* parent ) { qDebug() << "[TABWIDGET] Constructing"; mGrabbedWidget = 0; mTabs = 0; // set the tab position setTabsPosition(); mStatusBar = &mStatusBar->getInstance(); // create the tabbar mBar = new TabBar; setTabBar( mBar ); // connect the mouse clicks connect( mBar, SIGNAL( tabRightClicked( int, QPoint ) ), this, SLOT( tabRightClicked( int, QPoint ) ) ); connect( mBar, SIGNAL( tabMiddleClicked( int, QPoint ) ), this, SLOT( tabMiddleClicked( int, QPoint ) ) ); TabButton* newTabButton = new TabButton( this ); TabButton* mMenuButton = new TabButton( this ); connect( newTabButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( addUnityBrowser()) ); connect( newTabButton, SIGNAL( middleClicked() ), this, SLOT( addUnityBrowserWithSR() ) ); connect( mMenuButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), mMenuButton, SLOT( showMenu()) ); mMenuButton->setMenu( kueueMainMenu() ); newTabButton->setIcon( QIcon( ":icons/menus/newtab.png" ) ); mMenuButton->setIcon( QIcon(":/icons/kueue.png") ); if ( Settings::unityEnabled() ) { setCornerWidget( newTabButton, Qt::TopRightCorner ); } setCornerWidget( mMenuButton, Qt::TopLeftCorner ); // create the main browser tabs... mQueueBrowser = new QueueBrowser( this ); mSubownerBrowser = new SubownerBrowser( this ); mPersonalTab = new BrowserWithSearch( mQueueBrowser, this ); mSubownerTab = new BrowserWithSearch( mSubownerBrowser, this ); connect( mQueueBrowser, SIGNAL( setMenus() ), this, SLOT( setMenus() ) ); connect( mSubownerBrowser, SIGNAL( setMenus() ), this, SLOT( setMenus() ) ); connect( mQueueBrowser, SIGNAL( expandAll() ), this, SLOT( expandAllTables() ) ); connect( mQueueBrowser, SIGNAL( closeAll() ), this, SLOT( closeAllTables() ) ); mQmonBrowser = new QMonBrowser( this ); mMonitorTab = new BrowserWithSearch( mQmonBrowser, this ); mStatsBrowser = new StatsBrowser( this ); mStatsTab = new BrowserWithSearch( mStatsBrowser, this ); if ( Settings::unityEnabled() ) { addUnityBrowser(); rebuildMaps(); } mSubVisible = true; // ...and add them to the tabbar insertTab( 0, mPersonalTab, QIcon( ":icons/conf/targets.png" ), "Personal queue" ); insertTab( 1, mSubownerTab, QIcon( ":icons/conf/targets.png" ), "Subowned SRs" ); insertTab( 2, mMonitorTab, QIcon( ":/icons/conf/monitor.png" ), "Queue monitor" ); insertTab( 3, mStatsTab, QIcon( ":/icons/conf/stats.png" ), "Statistics" ); QShortcut* search = new QShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_F ), this ); connect( search, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( showSearch() ) ); refreshTabs(); }