ref<Geometry> Extrusion::extrude() { if (silhouette().empty()) { Log::error("Extrusion::extrude(): no silhouette defined.\n"); return NULL; } if (positionPath().empty()) { Log::error("Extrusion::extrude() needs at least a non empty positionPath().\n"); return NULL; } if (!scalingPath().empty() && scalingPath().size() != positionPath().size()-2) { Log::error("Extrusion::extrude(): scalingPath() must have the same number of control points as positionPath().\n"); return NULL; } if (!rotationPath().empty() && rotationPath().size() != positionPath().size()-2) { Log::error("Extrusion::extrude(): rotationPath() must have the same number of control points as positionPath().\n"); return NULL; } if (!colorPath().empty() && colorPath().size() != positionPath().size()-2) { Log::error("Extrusion::extrude(): colorPath() must have the same number of control points as positionPath().\n"); return NULL; } ref<Geometry> geom = new Geometry; size_t segments = positionPath().size()-2; std::vector<fvec3> verts; verts.resize( silhouette().size() * segments ); vl::fmat4 m = fmat4::getRotation(fvec3(0,1,0),positionPath()[1]-positionPath()[0]); // initialize silhouette on the x/z plane std::vector<vl::fvec3> projected_sil; projected_sil.resize(silhouette().size()); for(unsigned i=0; i<silhouette().size(); ++i) { projected_sil[i] = m * vl::fvec3(silhouette()[i].x(),0,silhouette()[i].y()) + positionPath()[0]; } // initialize plane normals from 1 to n-1 (end points are excluded) std::vector<fvec3> plane_normals; plane_normals.resize(positionPath().size()); for(unsigned i=1; i<plane_normals.size()-1; ++i) { fvec3 p0 = positionPath()[i-1] - positionPath()[i]; fvec3 p1 = positionPath()[i+1] - positionPath()[i]; p0.normalize(); p1.normalize(); plane_normals[i] = (p1-p0).normalize(); } for(unsigned i=1; i<positionPath().size()-1; ++i) { for(int j=0; j<(int)silhouette().size(); ++j) { fvec3 V = (positionPath()[i] - positionPath()[i-1]).normalize(); const fvec3& P = projected_sil[j]; const fvec3& orig = positionPath()[i]; const fvec3& N = plane_normals [i]; float d = dot(N,orig); float t = dot(V,N) ? (d-dot(P,N))/dot(V,N) : 0 /*error*/; // project current projected_sil on next plane along p0->p1 vector*(i-1)) = projected_sil[j] = P + V*t; } } // rotation if(!rotationPath().empty()) { for(unsigned i=1; i<positionPath().size()-1; ++i) { fvec3 r = (positionPath()[i+1] - positionPath()[i]).normalize(); fmat4 mat = vl::fmat4::getRotation(rotationPath()[i-1],r); fvec3 c; for(int j=0; j<(int)silhouette().size(); ++j) c +=*(i-1)); c /= (float)silhouette().size(); for(int j=0; j<(int)silhouette().size(); ++j)*(i-1)) = (mat*(*(i-1))-c))+c; } } // scaling if(!scalingPath().empty()) { for(unsigned i=1; i<positionPath().size()-1; ++i) { float s = scalingPath()[i-1]; fvec3 c; for(int j=0; j<(int)silhouette().size(); ++j) c +=*(i-1)); c /= (float)silhouette().size(); for(int j=0; j<(int)silhouette().size(); ++j)*(i-1)) = (s*(*(i-1))-c))+c; } } int prof_count = silhouetteMode() == SilhouetteClosed ? (int)silhouette().size() : (int)silhouette().size()-1; ref<DrawElementsUInt> de = new DrawElementsUInt(PT_QUADS); geom->drawCalls()->push_back(de.get()); de->indexBuffer()->resize(4 * prof_count * (segments-1)); for(size_t iseg=0; iseg<segments-1; ++iseg) { for(int iquad=0; iquad<prof_count; ++iquad) { de->indexBuffer()->at(iquad*4+iseg*4*prof_count + 3) = (iseg + 0) * (GLuint)silhouette().size() + iquad; de->indexBuffer()->at(iquad*4+iseg*4*prof_count + 2) = (iseg + 0) * (GLuint)silhouette().size() + (iquad+1)%silhouette().size(); de->indexBuffer()->at(iquad*4+iseg*4*prof_count + 1) = (iseg + 1) * (GLuint)silhouette().size() + (iquad+1)%silhouette().size(); de->indexBuffer()->at(iquad*4+iseg*4*prof_count + 0) = (iseg + 1) * (GLuint)silhouette().size() + iquad; } } // bottom/top caps size_t tess_bottom_count = 0; size_t tess_top_count = 0; if(fillBottom()) { size_t start = verts.size(); Tessellator tessellator; tessellator.contours().push_back((int)silhouette().size()); for(unsigned i=0; i<silhouette().size(); ++i) tessellator.contourVerts().push_back((dvec3)verts[i]); tessellator.setWindingRule(vl::TW_TESS_WINDING_NONZERO); tessellator.tessellate(); for(unsigned i=0; i<tessellator.tessellatedTris().size(); ++i) verts.push_back(tessellator.tessellatedTris()[i]); if (tessellator.tessellatedTris().size()) geom->drawCalls()->push_back( new DrawArrays(PT_TRIANGLES, start, tessellator.tessellatedTris().size()) ); tess_bottom_count = tessellator.tessellatedTris().size(); } if(fillTop()) { size_t start = verts.size(); Tessellator tessellator; tessellator.contours().push_back(silhouette().size()); for(unsigned i=0; i<silhouette().size(); ++i) tessellator.contourVerts().push_back((dvec3)verts[verts.size()-i-1-tess_bottom_count]); tessellator.setWindingRule(vl::TW_TESS_WINDING_NONZERO); tessellator.tessellate(); for(unsigned i=0; i<tessellator.tessellatedTris().size(); ++i) verts.push_back(tessellator.tessellatedTris()[i]); if (tessellator.tessellatedTris().size()) geom->drawCalls()->push_back( new DrawArrays(PT_TRIANGLES, start, tessellator.tessellatedTris().size()) ); tess_top_count = tessellator.tessellatedTris().size(); } ref<ArrayFloat3> vert_array = new ArrayFloat3; geom->setVertexArray( vert_array.get() ); vert_array->initFrom(verts); if (!colorPath().empty()) { ref<ArrayFloat4> col_array = new ArrayFloat4; geom->setColorArray(col_array.get()); col_array->resize(geom->vertexArray()->size()); int offs = 0; for(size_t iseg=0; iseg<segments; ++iseg) { for(unsigned j=0; j<silhouette().size(); ++j, ++offs) col_array->at(offs) = colorPath()[iseg]; } if (fillBottom()) { for(unsigned j=0; j<tess_bottom_count; ++j, ++offs) col_array->at(offs) = colorPath()[0]; } if (fillTop()) { for(unsigned j=0; j<tess_top_count; ++j, ++offs) col_array->at(offs) = colorPath().back(); } } if (!smooth()) geom->convertDrawCallToDrawArrays(); geom->computeNormals(); return geom; }
void Extruder::extrude(){ if (silhouette().empty()) { Log::error("Extrusion::extrude(): no silhouette defined.\n"); this->errFlag = true; return ; } if (positionPath().empty()) { Log::error("Extrusion::extrude() needs at least a non empty positionPath().\n"); this->errFlag = true; return ; } if (!scalingPath().empty() && scalingPath().size() != positionPath().size()-2) { Log::error("Extrusion::extrude(): scalingPath() must have the same number of control points as positionPath().\n"); this->errFlag = true; return ; } if (!rotationPath().empty() && rotationPath().size() != positionPath().size()-2) { Log::error("Extrusion::extrude(): rotationPath() must have the same number of control points as positionPath().\n"); this->errFlag = true; return ; } if (!colorPath().empty() && colorPath().size() != positionPath().size()-2) { Log::error("Extrusion::extrude(): colorPath() must have the same number of control points as positionPath().\n"); this->errFlag = true; return ; } size_t segments = positionPath().size()-2; currPos = vertices.size(); vertices.resize( currPos + silhouette().size() * segments ); vl::fmat4 m = fmat4::getRotation(fvec3(0,1,0),positionPath()[1]-positionPath()[0]); // initialize silhouette on the x/z plane std::vector<vl::fvec3> projected_sil; projected_sil.resize(silhouette().size()); for(unsigned i=0; i<silhouette().size(); ++i) { projected_sil[i] = m * vl::fvec3(silhouette()[i].x(),0,silhouette()[i].y()) + positionPath()[0]; } // initialize plane normals from 1 to n-1 (end points are excluded) std::vector<fvec3> plane_normals; plane_normals.resize(positionPath().size()); for(unsigned i=1; i<plane_normals.size()-1; ++i) { fvec3 p0 = positionPath()[i-1] - positionPath()[i]; fvec3 p1 = positionPath()[i+1] - positionPath()[i]; p0.normalize(); p1.normalize(); plane_normals[i] = (p1-p0).normalize(); } for(unsigned i=1; i<positionPath().size()-1; ++i) { for(int j=0; j<(int)silhouette().size(); ++j) { fvec3 V = (positionPath()[i] - positionPath()[i-1]).normalize(); const fvec3& P = projected_sil[j]; const fvec3& orig = positionPath()[i]; const fvec3& N = plane_normals [i]; float d = dot(N,orig); float t = dot(V,N) ? (d-dot(P,N))/dot(V,N) : 0; // project current projected_sil on next plane along p0->p1 vector*(i-1)) = projected_sil[j] = P + V*t; } } // rotation if(!rotationPath().empty()) { for(unsigned i=1; i<positionPath().size()-1; ++i) { fvec3 r = (positionPath()[i+1] - positionPath()[i]).normalize(); fmat4 mat = vl::fmat4::getRotation(rotationPath()[i-1],r); fvec3 c; for(int j=0; j<(int)silhouette().size(); ++j) c +=*(i-1)); c /= (float)silhouette().size(); for(int j=0; j<(int)silhouette().size(); ++j)*(i-1)) = (mat*(*(i-1))-c))+c; } } // scaling if(!scalingPath().empty()) { for(unsigned i=1; i<positionPath().size()-1; ++i) { float s = scalingPath()[i-1]; fvec3 c; for(int j=0; j<(int)silhouette().size(); ++j) c +=*(i-1)); c /= (float)silhouette().size(); for(int j=0; j<(int)silhouette().size(); ++j)*(i-1)) = (s*(*(i-1))-c))+c; } } int prof_count = silhouetteMode() == SilhouetteClosed ? (int)silhouette().size() : (int)silhouette().size()-1; currDE = de->indexBuffer()->size(); de->indexBuffer()->resize(currDE + 4 * prof_count * (segments-1)); for(size_t iseg=0; iseg<segments-1; ++iseg) { for(int iquad=0; iquad<prof_count; ++iquad) { de->indexBuffer()->at(currDE + iquad*4+iseg*4*prof_count + 3) = currPos + (iseg + 0) * (GLuint)silhouette().size() + iquad; de->indexBuffer()->at(currDE + iquad*4+iseg*4*prof_count + 2) = currPos +(iseg + 0) * (GLuint)silhouette().size() + (iquad+1)%silhouette().size(); de->indexBuffer()->at(currDE + iquad*4+iseg*4*prof_count + 1) = currPos +(iseg + 1) * (GLuint)silhouette().size() + (iquad+1)%silhouette().size(); de->indexBuffer()->at(currDE + iquad*4+iseg*4*prof_count + 0) = currPos +(iseg + 1) * (GLuint)silhouette().size() + iquad; } } // bottom/top caps size_t tess_bottom_count = 0; size_t tess_top_count = 0; if(fillBottom()) { size_t start = vertices.size(); Tessellator tessellator; tessellator.contours().push_back((int)silhouette().size()); for(unsigned i=0; i<silhouette().size(); ++i){ tessellator.contourVerts().push_back((dvec3)vertices[currPos+i]); } tessellator.setWindingRule(vl::TW_TESS_WINDING_NONZERO); tessellator.tessellate(); for(unsigned i=0; i<tessellator.tessellatedTris().size(); ++i){ vertices.push_back(tessellator.tessellatedTris()[i]); } if (tessellator.tessellatedTris().size()){ geom->drawCalls()->push_back( new DrawArrays(PT_TRIANGLES, start, tessellator.tessellatedTris().size()) ); }tess_bottom_count = tessellator.tessellatedTris().size(); } if(fillTop()) { size_t start = vertices.size(); Tessellator tessellator; tessellator.contours().push_back(silhouette().size()); for(unsigned i=0; i<silhouette().size(); ++i){ tessellator.contourVerts().push_back((dvec3)vertices[vertices.size()-i-1-tess_bottom_count]); } tessellator.setWindingRule(vl::TW_TESS_WINDING_NONZERO); tessellator.tessellate(); for(unsigned i=0; i<tessellator.tessellatedTris().size(); ++i){ vertices.push_back(tessellator.tessellatedTris()[i]); } if (tessellator.tessellatedTris().size()){ geom->drawCalls()->push_back( new DrawArrays(PT_TRIANGLES, start, tessellator.tessellatedTris().size()) ); } tess_top_count = tessellator.tessellatedTris().size(); } }