Reference<Texture<Spectrum> > MakeSpectrumTexture(const string &name, const Transform &tex2world, const TextureParams &tp) { Texture<Spectrum> *tex = NULL; if (name == "constant") tex = CreateConstantSpectrumTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "scale") tex = CreateScaleSpectrumTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "mix") tex = CreateMixSpectrumTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "bilerp") tex = CreateBilerpSpectrumTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "imagemap") tex = CreateImageSpectrumTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "uv") tex = CreateUVSpectrumTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "checkerboard") tex = CreateCheckerboardSpectrumTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "dots") tex = CreateDotsSpectrumTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "fbm") tex = CreateFBmSpectrumTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "wrinkled") tex = CreateWrinkledSpectrumTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "marble") tex = CreateMarbleSpectrumTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "windy") tex = CreateWindySpectrumTexture(tex2world, tp); else Warning("Spectrum texture \"%s\" unknown.", name.c_str()); tp.ReportUnused(); return tex; }
Reference<Texture<float> > MakeFloatTexture(const string &name, const Transform &tex2world, const TextureParams &tp) { Texture<float> *tex = NULL; if (name == "constant") tex = CreateConstantFloatTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "scale") tex = CreateScaleFloatTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "mix") tex = CreateMixFloatTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "bilerp") tex = CreateBilerpFloatTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "imagemap") tex = CreateImageFloatTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "uv") tex = CreateUVFloatTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "checkerboard") tex = CreateCheckerboardFloatTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "dots") tex = CreateDotsFloatTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "fbm") tex = CreateFBmFloatTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "wrinkled") tex = CreateWrinkledFloatTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "marble") tex = CreateMarbleFloatTexture(tex2world, tp); else if (name == "windy") tex = CreateWindyFloatTexture(tex2world, tp); else Warning("Float texture \"%s\" unknown.", name.c_str()); tp.ReportUnused(); return tex; }
Reference<Material> MakeMaterial(const string &name, const Transform &mtl2world, const TextureParams &mp) { Material *material = NULL; if (name == "matte") material = CreateMatteMaterial(mtl2world, mp); else if (name == "plastic") material = CreatePlasticMaterial(mtl2world, mp); else if (name == "translucent") material = CreateTranslucentMaterial(mtl2world, mp); else if (name == "glass") material = CreateGlassMaterial(mtl2world, mp); else if (name == "mirror") material = CreateMirrorMaterial(mtl2world, mp); else if (name == "mix") { string m1 = mp.FindString("namedmaterial1", ""); string m2 = mp.FindString("namedmaterial2", ""); Reference<Material> mat1 = graphicsState.namedMaterials[m1]; Reference<Material> mat2 = graphicsState.namedMaterials[m2]; if (!mat1) { Error("Named material \"%s\" undefined. Using \"matte\"", m1.c_str()); mat1 = MakeMaterial("matte", curTransform[0], mp); } if (!mat2) { Error("Named material \"%s\" undefined. Using \"matte\"", m2.c_str()); mat2 = MakeMaterial("matte", curTransform[0], mp); } material = CreateMixMaterial(mtl2world, mp, mat1, mat2); } else if (name == "metal") material = CreateMetalMaterial(mtl2world, mp); else if (name == "substrate") material = CreateSubstrateMaterial(mtl2world, mp); else if (name == "uber") material = CreateUberMaterial(mtl2world, mp); else if (name == "skin") material = CreateSkinMaterial(mtl2world, mp); else if (name == "skindj") material = CreateSkinDJMaterial(mtl2world, mp); else if (name == "subsurface") material = CreateSubsurfaceMaterial(mtl2world, mp); else if (name == "skinsubsurface") material = CreateSkinSubsurfaceMaterial(mtl2world, mp); else if (name == "kdsubsurface") material = CreateKdSubsurfaceMaterial(mtl2world, mp); else if (name == "measured") material = CreateMeasuredMaterial(mtl2world, mp); else if (name == "shinymetal") material = CreateShinyMetalMaterial(mtl2world, mp); else Warning("Material \"%s\" unknown.", name.c_str()); mp.ReportUnused(); if (!material) Error("Unable to create material \"%s\"", name.c_str()); return material; }
COREDLL Reference<Texture<Spectrum> > MakeSpectrumTexture(const string &name, const Transform &tex2world, const TextureParams &tp) { TexturePlugin *plugin = GetPlugin<TexturePlugin>(name, texturePlugins, PluginSearchPath); if (plugin) { Reference<Texture<Spectrum> > ret = plugin->CreateSpectrumTex(tex2world, tp); tp.ReportUnused(); return ret; } return NULL; }
COREDLL Reference<Material> MakeMaterial(const string &name, const Transform &mtl2world, const TextureParams &mp) { MaterialPlugin *plugin = GetPlugin<MaterialPlugin>(name, materialPlugins, PluginSearchPath); if (plugin) { Reference<Material> ret = plugin->CreateMaterial(mtl2world, mp); mp.ReportUnused(); return ret; } return NULL; }
std::shared_ptr<Material> MakeMaterial(const std::string &name, const TextureParams &mp) { Material *material = nullptr; if (name == "" || name == "none") return nullptr; else if (name == "matte") material = CreateMatteMaterial(mp); else if (name == "plastic") material = CreatePlasticMaterial(mp); else if (name == "translucent") material = CreateTranslucentMaterial(mp); else if (name == "glass") material = CreateGlassMaterial(mp); else if (name == "hair") material = CreateHairMaterial(mp); else if (name == "mirror") material = CreateMirrorMaterial(mp); else if (name == "mix") { std::string m1 = mp.FindString("namedmaterial1", ""); std::string m2 = mp.FindString("namedmaterial2", ""); std::shared_ptr<Material> mat1 = graphicsState.namedMaterials[m1]; std::shared_ptr<Material> mat2 = graphicsState.namedMaterials[m2]; if (!mat1) { Error("Named material \"%s\" undefined. Using \"matte\"", m1.c_str()); mat1 = MakeMaterial("matte", mp); } if (!mat2) { Error("Named material \"%s\" undefined. Using \"matte\"", m2.c_str()); mat2 = MakeMaterial("matte", mp); } material = CreateMixMaterial(mp, mat1, mat2); } else if (name == "metal") material = CreateMetalMaterial(mp); else if (name == "substrate") material = CreateSubstrateMaterial(mp); else if (name == "uber") material = CreateUberMaterial(mp); else if (name == "subsurface") material = CreateSubsurfaceMaterial(mp); else if (name == "kdsubsurface") material = CreateKdSubsurfaceMaterial(mp); else if (name == "fourier") material = CreateFourierMaterial(mp); else Warning("Material \"%s\" unknown.", name.c_str()); if ((name == "subsurface" || name == "kdsubsurface") && (renderOptions->IntegratorName != "path" && (renderOptions->IntegratorName != "volpath"))) Warning( "Subsurface scattering material \"%s\" used, but \"%s\" " "integrator doesn't support subsurface scattering. " "Use \"path\" or \"volpath\".", name.c_str(), renderOptions->IntegratorName.c_str()); mp.ReportUnused(); if (!material) Error("Unable to create material \"%s\"", name.c_str()); return std::shared_ptr<Material>(material); }