int main( int argc, char** argv ) { // get camera calibration in form of an undistorter object. // if no undistortion is required, the undistorter will just pass images through. std::string calibFile; Undistorter* undistorter = 0; if(Parse::arg(argc, argv, "-c", calibFile) > 0) { undistorter = Undistorter::getUndistorterForFile(calibFile.c_str()); } if(undistorter == 0) { printf("need camera calibration file! (set using -c FILE)\n"); exit(0); } w = undistorter->getOutputWidth(); h = undistorter->getOutputHeight(); w_inp = undistorter->getInputWidth(); h_inp = undistorter->getInputHeight(); float fx = undistorter->getK().at<double>(0, 0); float fy = undistorter->getK().at<double>(1, 1); float cx = undistorter->getK().at<double>(2, 0); float cy = undistorter->getK().at<double>(2, 1); Sophus::Matrix3f K; K << fx, 0.0, cx, 0.0, fy, cy, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0; Resolution::getInstance(w, h); Intrinsics::getInstance(fx, fy, cx, cy); gui.initImages(); Output3DWrapper* outputWrapper = new PangolinOutput3DWrapper(w, h, gui); // make slam system SlamSystem * system = new SlamSystem(w, h, K, doSlam); system->setVisualization(outputWrapper); // open image files: first try to open as file. std::string source; if(!(Parse::arg(argc, argv, "-f", source) > 0)) { printf("need source files! (set using -f FOLDER or KLG)\n"); exit(0); } Bytef * decompressionBuffer = new Bytef[Resolution::getInstance().numPixels() * 2]; IplImage * deCompImage = 0; if(source.substr(source.find_last_of(".") + 1) == "klg") { logReader = new RawLogReader(decompressionBuffer, deCompImage, source); numFrames = logReader->getNumFrames(); } else { if(getdir(source, files) >= 0) { printf("found %d image files in folder %s!\n", (int)files.size(), source.c_str()); } else if(getFile(source, files) >= 0) { printf("found %d image files in file %s!\n", (int)files.size(), source.c_str()); } else { printf("could not load file list! wrong path / file?\n"); } numFrames = (int)files.size(); } boost::thread lsdThread(run, system, undistorter, outputWrapper, K); while(!pangolin::ShouldQuit()) { if(lsdDone.getValue() && !system->finalized) { system->finalize(); } gui.preCall(); gui.drawKeyframes(); gui.drawFrustum(); gui.drawImages(); gui.postCall(); } lsdDone.assignValue(true); lsdThread.join(); delete system; delete undistorter; delete outputWrapper; return 0; }
void run(SlamSystem * system, Undistorter* undistorter, Output3DWrapper* outputWrapper, Sophus::Matrix3f K) { // get HZ double hz = 30; cv::Mat image = cv::Mat(h, w, CV_8U); int runningIDX=0; float fakeTimeStamp = 0; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) { if(lsdDone.getValue()) break; cv::Mat imageDist = cv::Mat(h, w, CV_8U); if(logReader) { logReader->getNext(); cv::Mat3b img(h, w, (cv::Vec3b *)logReader->rgb); cv::cvtColor(img, imageDist, CV_RGB2GRAY); } else { imageDist = cv::imread(files[i], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); if(imageDist.rows != h_inp || imageDist.cols != w_inp) { if(imageDist.rows * imageDist.cols == 0) printf("failed to load image %s! skipping.\n", files[i].c_str()); else printf("image %s has wrong dimensions - expecting %d x %d, found %d x %d. Skipping.\n", files[i].c_str(), w,h,imageDist.cols, imageDist.rows); continue; } } assert(imageDist.type() == CV_8U); undistorter->undistort(imageDist, image); assert(image.type() == CV_8U); if(runningIDX == 0) { system->randomInit(, fakeTimeStamp, runningIDX); } else { system->trackFrame(, runningIDX, hz == 0, fakeTimeStamp); } gui.pose.assignValue(system->getCurrentPoseEstimateScale()); runningIDX++; fakeTimeStamp+=0.03; if(fullResetRequested) { printf("FULL RESET!\n"); delete system; system = new SlamSystem(w, h, K, doSlam); system->setVisualization(outputWrapper); fullResetRequested = false; runningIDX = 0; } } lsdDone.assignValue(true); }