コード例 #1
/**Move the tool pos / axis pos to a new position given
 * by the input click position in vp space.
void ViewWrapper2D::setAxisPos(Vector3D click_vp)
	ToolPtr tool = mServices->getToolManager()->getManualTool();

	Transform3D sMr = mSliceProxy->get_sMr();
	Transform3D rMpr = mServices->getPatientService()->get_rMpr();
	Transform3D prMt = tool->get_prMt();

	// find tool position in s
	Vector3D tool_t(0, 0, tool->getTooltipOffset());
	Vector3D tool_s = (sMr * rMpr * prMt).coord(tool_t);

	// find click position in s.
	Transform3D vpMs = mView->get_vpMs();
	Vector3D click_s = vpMs.inv().coord(click_vp);

	// compute the new tool position in slice space as a synthesis of the plane part of click and the z part of original.
	Vector3D cross_s(click_s[0], click_s[1], tool_s[2]);
	// compute the position change and transform to patient.
	Vector3D delta_s = cross_s - tool_s;
	Vector3D delta_pr = (rMpr.inv() * sMr.inv()).vector(delta_s);

	// MD is the actual tool movement in patient space, matrix form
	Transform3D MD = createTransformTranslate(delta_pr);
	// set new tool position to old modified by MD:
	tool->set_prMt(MD * prMt);
コード例 #2
void LandmarkRegistrationWidget::setManualToolPosition(Vector3D p_r)
	Transform3D rMpr = mServices->patient()->get_rMpr();
	Vector3D p_pr = rMpr.inv().coord(p_r);

	// set the picked point as offset tip
	ToolPtr tool = mServices->tracking()->getManualTool();
	Vector3D offset = tool->get_prMt().vector(Vector3D(0, 0, tool->getTooltipOffset()));
	p_pr -= offset;
	p_r = rMpr.coord(p_pr);

	// TODO set center here will not do: must handle
	Vector3D p0_pr = tool->get_prMt().coord(Vector3D(0, 0, 0));
	tool->set_prMt(createTransformTranslate(p_pr - p0_pr) * tool->get_prMt());
コード例 #3
/**Move the tool pos / axis pos to a new position given
 * by delta movement in vp space.
void ViewWrapper2D::shiftAxisPos(Vector3D delta_vp)
	delta_vp = -delta_vp;
	ToolPtr tool = mServices->getToolManager()->getManualTool();

	Transform3D sMr = mSliceProxy->get_sMr();
	Transform3D rMpr = mServices->getPatientService()->get_rMpr();
	Transform3D prMt = tool->get_prMt();
	Transform3D vpMs = mView->get_vpMs();
	Vector3D delta_s = vpMs.inv().vector(delta_vp);

	Vector3D delta_pr = (rMpr.inv() * sMr.inv()).vector(delta_s);

	// MD is the actual tool movement in patient space, matrix form
	Transform3D MD = createTransformTranslate(delta_pr);
	// set new tool position to old modified by MD:
	tool->set_prMt(MD * prMt);