コード例 #1
void NeuralNetwork::test(TrainingSet &testSet)
	vector<InputImage *>* data = testSet.getData();

	int numCorrect = 0;
	for (vector<InputImage *>::iterator testImage = data->begin(); testImage != data->end(); ++testImage)
		Mat *trainingImageMat = (*testImage)->getImage();
		vector<int> *actualLabel = (*testImage)->getLabelVector();

		// Get V
		Mat V = parameters * (*trainingImageMat);

		// Compute prediction
		vector<float> predictions(LABEL_SIZE);
		predictHelper(V, predictions);

		// Find max for prediction
		float max = 0;
		int maxInd = 0;
		int count = 0;
		for (vector<float>::iterator it = predictions.begin(); it != predictions.end(); ++it)
			if (*it > max)
				max = *it;
				maxInd = count;

		char predictedChar = InputImage::oneHotIndexToChar(maxInd);
		cout << "Predicted: " << predictedChar << " | Actual: " << (*testImage)->getCharLabel() << endl;
		if (tolower(predictedChar) == tolower((*testImage)->getCharLabel()))

	float percentCorrect = ((float)numCorrect / (float)data->size()) * 100;
	cout << "Percent correct: " << (int)percentCorrect << "%" << endl;
コード例 #2
void NeuralNetwork::train(TrainingSet &trainingSet)
	vector<InputImage *>* data = trainingSet.getData();

	vector<float> G;

	// Repeat until convergence
	bool hasConverged = false;
	int count = 0;
	float avgCrossEntropy = 100;
	time_t timer;
	int k = 0;
	while (!hasConverged)
		if (count > MIN_TRAIN_TIME)
			hasConverged = true;

		if (count % 5 == 0)
			cout << count << "th cycle with " << avgCrossEntropy << " avg cross entropy" << endl;
			cout << difftime(time(0), timer) << " seconds elapsed" << endl;

		// Reset average crossentropy
		avgCrossEntropy = 0;

		// Get predictions
		vector<vector<float>> allPredictions;
		vector<InputImage *> inputImages;
		for (int m = k; m < k + BATCH_SIZE; ++m)
			int ind = m % data->size();

			Mat *trainingImageMat = data->at(ind)->getImage();
			vector<int> *actualLabel = data->at(ind)->getLabelVector();

			// Get V
			Mat V = parameters * (*trainingImageMat);

			// Compute prediction
			vector<float> predictions(LABEL_SIZE);
			predictHelper(V, predictions);

			avgCrossEntropy -= (logf(predictions[data->at(ind)->getLabelIndex()]));


		// Update parameters
		for (int i = 0; i < parameters.rows; ++i)
			for (int j = 0; j < parameters.cols; ++j)
				float grad = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:grad)
				for (int p = 0; p < BATCH_SIZE; p++)
					grad += inputImages.at(p)->getImage()->at<float>(j, 0) * (inputImages.at(p)->getLabelVector()->at(i) - allPredictions[p][i]);

				parameters.at<float>(i, j) += TRAINING_STEP * grad;

		// Average the cross entropy
		avgCrossEntropy /= BATCH_SIZE;

		k += BATCH_SIZE;

	// Save to file
	ofstream nnsave;
	for (int i = 0; i < parameters.rows; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < parameters.cols; ++j)
			nnsave << parameters.at<float>(i, j) << "\t";
		nnsave << endl;
	nnsave << endl;

	//cout << parameters << endl;