コード例 #1
	// recursive function which does all search logic
	void DFBB(StarcraftStateType & s, int depth)
		// increase the node expansion count
		//graphVizOutput(s, false);
		// the time at which the last thing in the queue will finish
		int finishTime = s.getLastFinishTime();
		if (finishTime >= upperBound)
		int lookupVal = TT.lookup(s.hashAllUnits(1), s.hashAllUnits(2));
		if (lookupVal != -1 && lookupVal < finishTime)

		TT.save(s.hashAllUnits(1), s.hashAllUnits(2), finishTime);
		int bucket = getBucket(finishTime);
		int armyValue = s.getArmyValue();
		if (armyValue > armyValues[bucket])
		    armyValues[bucket] = armyValue;
		    buildOrders[bucket] = getBuildOrder(s);
		// if we are using search timeout and we are over the limit
		if (params.searchTimeLimit && (nodesExpanded % 1000 == 0) && (searchTimer.getElapsedTimeInMilliSec() > params.searchTimeLimit))
			// throw an exception to unroll the recursion
			throw 1;
		// get the legal action set
		ActionSet legalActions = s.getLegalActionsMonteCarlo(params.goal); 

		// if we have children, update the counter
		if (!legalActions.isEmpty())
			numGenerations += 1;
			numChildren += legalActions.numActions();
		// while there are still legal actions to perform
		while (!legalActions.isEmpty()) 
			// get the next action
			Action nextAction = legalActions.popAction();

			bool stillLegal = true;
			StarcraftStateType child(s);
			// set the repetitions if we are using repetitions, otherwise set to 1
			int repeat = params.useRepetitions ? params.getRepetitions(nextAction) : 1;

			// for each repetition of this action
			for (int r = 0; r < repeat; ++r)
				// if the action is still legal
				if (child.isLegalMonteCarlo(nextAction, params.goal))
					int readyTime = child.resourcesReady(nextAction); 
					child.doAction(nextAction, readyTime);
				// if it's not legal, break the chain
					stillLegal = false;
			//if (stillLegal)
			    DFBB(child, depth+1);