コード例 #1
  Tuple* UnMarshaller::get_tuple() {
    size_t count;
    stream >> count;

    Tuple* tup = Tuple::create(state, count);

    for(size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      tup->put(state, i, unmarshal());

    return tup;
コード例 #2
ファイル: jit_util.cpp プロジェクト: Azzurrio/rubinius
  Object* rbx_zsuper_send(STATE, CallFrame* call_frame, CallSite* call_site, Object* block) {
    Object* const recv = call_frame->self();

    VariableScope* scope = call_frame->method_scope(state);

    MachineCode* v = scope->method()->machine_code();
    Object* splat_obj = 0;
    Array* splat = 0;

    size_t arg_count = v->total_args;

    if(v->splat_position >= 0) {
      splat_obj = scope->get_local(state, v->splat_position);
      splat = try_as<Array>(splat_obj);
      if(splat) {
        arg_count += splat->size();
      } else {

    Tuple* tup = Tuple::create_dirty(state, arg_count);
    for(int i = 0; i < v->total_args; i++) {
      tup->put(state, i, scope->get_local(state, i));

    if(splat) {
      for(native_int i = 0; i < splat->size(); i++) {
        tup->put(state, i + v->total_args, splat->get(state, i));
    } else if(splat_obj) {
      tup->put(state, v->total_args, splat_obj);

    Arguments out_args(call_site->name(), recv, block, arg_count, 0);
    out_args.use_tuple(tup, arg_count);

    return call_site->execute(state, call_frame, out_args);
コード例 #3
ファイル: metrics.cpp プロジェクト: claudijd/rubinius
    void Metrics::update_ruby_values(STATE) {
      GCDependent guard(state, 0);

      Tuple* values = values_.get();
      int index = 0;

      for(MetricsMap::iterator i = metrics_map_.begin();
          i != metrics_map_.end();
        values->put(state, index++, Integer::from(state, (*i)->second));
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_object.hpp プロジェクト: AndreMeira/rubinius
  void test_dup_ignores_singleton_class() {
    Tuple* tup = Tuple::create(state, 1);
    tup->put(state, 0, Qtrue);

    // Force it to exist.

    Tuple* tup2 = as<Tuple>(tup->duplicate(state));


    TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(tup->singleton_class(state), tup2->singleton_class(state));
コード例 #5
ファイル: tuple.cpp プロジェクト: rubinius/rubinius
  Tuple* Tuple::from(STATE, native_int fields, ...) {
    Tuple* tup = Tuple::create(state, fields);
    va_list ar;

    va_start(ar, fields);
    for(native_int i = 0; i < fields; i++) {
      Object *obj = va_arg(ar, Object*);
      // fields equals size so bounds checking is unecessary
      tup->put(state, i, obj);

    return tup;
コード例 #6
ファイル: lookuptable.cpp プロジェクト: marnen/rubinius
  Object* LookupTable::store(STATE, Object* key, Object* val) {
    unsigned int num_entries, num_bins, bin;
    Object* new_ent;
    Tuple* cur;
    Tuple* entry;

    num_entries = entries_->to_native();
    num_bins = bins_->to_native();

    if(max_density_p(num_entries, num_bins)) {
      redistribute(state, num_bins <<= 1);

    bin = find_bin(key_hash(key), num_bins);
    cur = entry = try_as<Tuple>(values_->at(state, bin));

    while(entry) {
      if(entry->at(state, 0) == key) {
        entry->put(state, 1, val);
        return val;
      cur = entry;
      entry = try_as<Tuple>(entry->at(state, 2));

    new_ent = entry_new(state, key, val);
    if(cur) {
      cur->put(state, 2, new_ent);
    } else {
      values_->put(state, bin, new_ent);

    entries(state, Fixnum::from(num_entries + 1));
    return val;
コード例 #7
ファイル: system.cpp プロジェクト: angelim/rubinius
  Tuple* System::vm_thread_state(STATE) {
    ThreadState* ts = state->thread_state();
    Tuple* tuple = Tuple::create(state, 5);

    Symbol* reason = 0;
    switch(ts->raise_reason()) {
    case cNone:
      reason = state->symbol("none");
    case cException:
      reason = state->symbol("exception");
    case cReturn:
      reason = state->symbol("return");
    case cBreak:
      reason = state->symbol("break");
    case cExit:
      reason = state->symbol("exit");
    case cCatchThrow:
      reason = state->symbol("catch_throw");
      reason = state->symbol("unknown");

    tuple->put(state, 0, reason);
    tuple->put(state, 1, ts->raise_value());
    tuple->put(state, 2, ts->destination_scope());
    tuple->put(state, 3, ts->current_exception());
    tuple->put(state, 4, ts->throw_dest());

    return tuple;
コード例 #8
ファイル: arguments.cpp プロジェクト: Azzurrio/rubinius
  Object* Arguments::shift(STATE) {
    Object* first = arguments_[0];

    if(argument_container_) {
      Tuple* tup = Tuple::create_dirty(state, total() - 1);
      for(uint32_t i = 1; i < total_; i++) {
        tup->put(state, i - 1, get_argument(i));

      use_tuple(tup, total_ - 1);
    } else {

    return first;
コード例 #9
  InstructionSequence* UnMarshaller::get_iseq() {
    size_t count;
    long op;
    stream >> count;

    InstructionSequence* iseq = InstructionSequence::create(state, count);
    Tuple* ops = iseq->opcodes();

    for(size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      stream >> op;
      ops->put(state, i, Fixnum::from(op));


    return iseq;
コード例 #10
ファイル: make_array.hpp プロジェクト: JesseChavez/rubinius
    inline void make_array(STATE, CallFrame* call_frame, intptr_t count) {
      Object* t2;
      Array* ary = Array::create(state, count);
      Tuple* tup = ary->tuple();

      if(unlikely(state->vm()->allocation_tracking())) {
      int j = count - 1;
      for(; j >= 0; j--) {
        t2 = stack_pop();
        tup->put(state, j, t2);
      ary->total(state, Fixnum::from(count));
コード例 #11
ファイル: array.cpp プロジェクト: code0100fun/rubinius
  void Array::unshift(STATE, Object* val) {
    native_int new_size = total_->to_native() + 1;
    native_int lend = start_->to_native();

    if(lend > 0) {
      tuple_->put(state, lend-1, val);
      start(state, Fixnum::from(lend-1));
      total(state, Fixnum::from(new_size));
    } else {
      Tuple* nt = Tuple::create(state, new_size);
      nt->copy_from(state, tuple_, start_, total_,
      nt->put(state, 0, val);

      total(state, Fixnum::from(new_size));
      start(state, Fixnum::from(0));
      tuple(state, nt);
コード例 #12
ファイル: array.cpp プロジェクト: saifalharthi/rubinius
  Array* Array::new_range(STATE, Fixnum* start, Fixnum* count) {
    Array* ary = state->new_object<Array>(class_object(state));
    ary->total(state, count);
    ary->start(state, Fixnum::from(0));

    native_int total = count->to_native();
    if(total <= 0) {
      ary->tuple(state, Tuple::create(state, 0));
    } else {
      Tuple* tup = Tuple::create(state, total);
      Tuple* orig = tuple_;

      for(native_int i = 0, j = start->to_native(); i < total; i++, j++) {
        tup->put(state, i, orig->at(state, j));

      ary->tuple(state, tup);
    return ary;
コード例 #13
ファイル: marshal.cpp プロジェクト: Emily/rubinius
  InstructionSequence* UnMarshaller::get_iseq() {
    size_t count;
    char data[OPCODE_LENGTH];
    stream >> count;

    // Read off newline

    InstructionSequence* iseq = InstructionSequence::create(state, count);
    Tuple* ops = iseq->opcodes();

    for(size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      stream.getline(data, OPCODE_LENGTH);
      long op = strtol(data, NULL, 10);
      ops->put(state, i, Fixnum::from(op));


    return iseq;
コード例 #14
ファイル: metrics.cpp プロジェクト: Azzurrio/rubinius
    void Metrics::init_ruby_metrics(STATE) {
      LookupTable* map = LookupTable::create(state);
      Module* mod = as<Module>(G(rubinius)->get_const(state, state->symbol("Metrics")));
      mod->set_const(state, "Map", map);

      Tuple* values = Tuple::create(state, metrics_map_.size());
      mod->set_const(state, "Values", values);

      int index = 0;

      for(MetricsMap::iterator i = metrics_map_.begin();
          i != metrics_map_.end();
        values->put(state, index, Bignum::from(state, (*i)->second));

        Object* key = reinterpret_cast<Object*>(state->symbol((*i)->first.c_str()));
        map->store(state, key, Fixnum::from(index++));
コード例 #15
ファイル: lookuptable.cpp プロジェクト: marnen/rubinius
  Object* LookupTable::remove(STATE, Object* key) {
    hashval bin;
    Object* val;
    Tuple* entry;
    Tuple* lst;


    size_t num_entries = entries_->to_native();
    size_t num_bins = bins_->to_native();

    if(min_density_p(num_entries, num_bins) && (num_bins >> 1) >= LOOKUPTABLE_MIN_SIZE) {
      redistribute(state, num_bins >>= 1);

    bin = find_bin(key_hash(key), num_bins);
    entry = try_as<Tuple>(values_->at(state, bin));

    lst = NULL;

    while(entry) {
      Object* link = entry->at(state, 2);

      if(entry->at(state, 0) == key) {
        val = entry->at(state, 1);
        if(lst) {
          lst->put(state, 2, link);
        } else {
          values_->put(state, bin, link);
        entries(state, Fixnum::from(entries_->to_native() - 1));
        return val;

      lst = entry;
      entry = try_as<Tuple>(link);

    return Qnil;
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_object.hpp プロジェクト: AndreMeira/rubinius
  void test_duplicate() {
    Tuple* tup = Tuple::create(state, 1);
    tup->put(state, 0, Qtrue);

    tup->set_ivar(state, state->symbol("@name"), state->symbol("foo"));

    Tuple* tup2 = as<Tuple>(tup->duplicate(state));

    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(tup2->at(state, 0), Qtrue);
    TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(tup->id(state), tup2->id(state));

    TS_ASSERT(tup->ivars_ != tup2->ivars_);

    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(tup2->get_ivar(state, state->symbol("@name")),

    tup->ivars_ = as<CompactLookupTable>(tup->ivars_)->to_lookuptable(state);
    Tuple* tup3 = as<Tuple>(tup->duplicate(state));

    TS_ASSERT(tup->ivars_ != tup2->ivars_);
    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(tup3->get_ivar(state, state->symbol("@name")),
コード例 #17
ファイル: regexp.cpp プロジェクト: thiagopradi/rubinius
  static Tuple* _md_region_to_tuple(STATE, OnigRegion *region, int pos) {
    Tuple* tup = Tuple::create(state, region->num_regs - 1);
    for(int i = 1; i < region->num_regs; i++) {
      int beg = region->beg[i];

      Tuple* sub;

      // If onig says the beginning is less than 0, then it's indicating
      // that there was no match for it. This happens with an optional
      // match like (a)?. We want to preserve this knowledge so we
      // don't add pos to it.
      if(beg < 0) {
        sub = Tuple::from(state, 2,
      } else {
        sub = Tuple::from(state, 2,
                          Fixnum::from(region->beg[i] + pos),
                          Fixnum::from(region->end[i] + pos));
      tup->put(state, i - 1, sub);
    return tup;
コード例 #18
ファイル: zsuper.hpp プロジェクト: JesseChavez/rubinius
    inline bool zsuper(STATE, CallFrame* call_frame, intptr_t literal) {
      Object* block = stack_pop();
      Object* const recv = call_frame->self();

      VariableScope* scope = call_frame->method_scope(state);

      MachineCode* mc = scope->method()->machine_code();
      Object* splat_obj = 0;
      Array* splat = 0;

      size_t arg_count = mc->total_args;

      if(mc->splat_position >= 0) {
        splat_obj = scope->get_local(state, mc->splat_position);
        splat = try_as<Array>(splat_obj);
        if(splat) {
          arg_count += splat->size();
        } else {

      Tuple* tup = Tuple::create(state, arg_count);
      native_int tup_index = 0;

      native_int fixed_args;
      if(splat) {
        fixed_args = mc->splat_position;
      } else if(mc->keywords) {
        fixed_args = mc->total_args - 1;
      } else {
        fixed_args = mc->total_args;
      for(native_int i = 0; i < fixed_args; i++) {
        tup->put(state, tup_index++, scope->get_local(state, i));

      if(splat) {
        for(native_int i = 0; i < splat->size(); i++) {
          tup->put(state, tup_index++, splat->get(state, i));
      } else if(splat_obj) {
        tup->put(state, tup_index++, splat_obj);

      if(mc->post_args) {
        native_int post_position = mc->splat_position + 1;
        for(native_int i = post_position; i < post_position + mc->post_args; i++) {
          tup->put(state, tup_index++, scope->get_local(state, i));

      if(mc->keywords) {
        native_int placeholder_position = splat_obj ? mc->total_args : mc->total_args - 1;
        native_int keywords_position = placeholder_position + 1;

        Object* placeholder = scope->get_local(state, placeholder_position);
        Array* ary = Array::create(state, 2);

        for(native_int i = keywords_position; i <= mc->keywords_count; i++) {
          ary->set(state, 0, as<Symbol>(call_frame->compiled_code->local_names()->at(state, i)));
          ary->set(state, 1, scope->get_local(state, i));

          placeholder->send(state, state->symbol("[]="), ary);

        tup->put(state, tup_index++, scope->get_local(state, placeholder_position));

      CallSite* call_site = reinterpret_cast<CallSite*>(literal);

      Arguments new_args(call_site->name(), recv, block, arg_count, 0);
      new_args.use_tuple(tup, arg_count);

      Object* ret;

      Symbol* current_name = call_frame->original_name();
      if(call_site->name() != current_name) {
        call_site->name(state, current_name);

      ret = call_site->execute(state, new_args);

