コード例 #1
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    //parse args
    if (argc != 5) {
        std::cout << "This program requires 4 arguments in the following format!" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "sender <host address of emulator> <udp port number of emulator in FWD direction>" << "\n"
                  << "<udp port number of sender to receive acks> <fileName>" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Example: sender 49998 11234 test.txt" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    const char* ipAddr = argv[1];
    if (0 == strcmp(ipAddr, "localhost")) {
        ipAddr = "";

    unsigned long remoteIp = inet_addr(ipAddr);
    int remotePort = atoi(argv[2]);
    int senderPort = atoi(argv[3]);
    const char* fileName = argv[4];

    int totalPackets = 0;
    int totalBytes = 0;

    int sentPackets = 0;
    int sentBytes = 0;

    int seqNum = 0;
    signal(SIGALRM, signal_alarm_handler);
    bool timer_on = false;
    list<Packet *> packetsToSend;
    list<Packet *> packetsSent;

    //Open the file and prepare the packets for transmission
    ifstream transferFile(fileName);
    ofstream seqLog(seqFile);
    ofstream ackLog(ackFile);

    if (!(seqLog.is_open() && ackLog.is_open())) {
        return 1;

    if (transferFile.is_open()) {
        char buffer[Packet::MAX_DATA_LENGTH];

        while(false == transferFile.eof()) {
            transferFile.read(buffer, Packet::MAX_DATA_LENGTH);
            Packet* packet = Packet::createPacket(seqNum, transferFile.gcount(), buffer);
            packetsToSend.insert(packetsToSend.end(), packet);

            LOG("Inserted packet %i in the queue\n", totalPackets);

            seqNum %= Packet::MAX_SEQ_NUMBER;
            totalBytes += packet->getLength();
    } else {
        LOG("The input file was not found..\n");
        return 1;


    //Add EOT packet
    Packet *eotPacket = Packet::createEOT(seqNum);
    packetsToSend.insert(packetsToSend.end(), eotPacket);

    LOG("Packets ready for transmission: %i\n", totalPackets);
    LOG("Total data to be sent: %i\n", totalBytes);

    //open a udp socket and listen for str
    UDPSocket udpSocket;
    int ret = udpSocket.open(senderPort);
    ASSERT(ret == 0);
    LOG("Sender is transmitting & receiving on UDP Port %i\n", senderPort);

    * Core Logic
    * The sender can be in three states
    * 1. SEND_DATA : Sends a packet as long as data is available and window size is permitted
    * 2. RECV_ACK : Receives an acknowledgement for a previously sent data
    * 3. RESEND_DATA: If an ACK is not received for a previously sent data within timer, resend the data
    while ((packetsToSend.size() > 0) || (packetsSent.size() > 0)) {
        if (udpSocket.hasData()) {
            g_state = SENDER_RECV_ACK;

        * Within the WINDOW_SIZE, if data is available, send it.
        * Remove it from packetsToSend, and add it to packetsSent
        * If timer is off, turn it on.
        case SENDER_SEND_DATA: {
            if (packetsSent.size() < WINDOW_SIZE && packetsToSend.size() > 0) {
                list<Packet *>::iterator itr = packetsToSend.begin();
                Packet *packet = (*itr);
                char *packetData = packet->getUDPData();
                udpSocket.write(remoteIp, remotePort, packetData, packet->getUDPSize());
                sentBytes += packet->getLength();

                seqLog << packet->getSeqNum() << endl;
                LOG("Sent packet seqnum %i, packet number %i\n", packet->getSeqNum(), sentPackets);
                LOG("Sent bytes: %i\n", sentBytes);

                if (false == timer_on) {
                    timer_on = true;


                packetsSent.insert(packetsSent.end(), packet);

        * 1. RECV Packet.
        * 2. Check if the ack number belongs to any packets in packetsSent.
        * 3. If yes, delete all packets upto and before.
        * 4. If not, discard packet
        * 5. If any packets are sent and not recieved ack, start timer again.
        case SENDER_RECV_ACK: {
            char buffer[Packet::MAX_PACKET_LENGTH];
            unsigned long ip;
            int port;
            int length = Packet::MAX_PACKET_LENGTH;
            udpSocket.read(buffer, length, ip, port);

            Packet *packet = Packet::parseUDPData(buffer);
            int seqNum = packet->getSeqNum();
            ackLog << seqNum << endl;

            //since it is cumulative keep deleting until seq num is found on packetsSent
            list<Packet *>::iterator itr = packetsSent.begin();
            while (itr != packetsSent.end() && comparePacket((*itr)->getSeqNum(), seqNum) <= 0) { //less than or equal
                Packet *sentPacket = (*itr);
                itr = packetsSent.begin();



            if (packetsSent.size() > 0) {

            g_state = SENDER_SEND_DATA;


        * 1. Resend data if timeout.
        * 2. Send all packets in packetsToSend
        case SENDER_RESEND_DATA: {
            for (list<Packet *>::iterator itr = packetsSent.begin(); itr != packetsSent.end(); ++itr) {
                Packet *packet = (*itr);
                char *packetData = packet->getUDPData();
                udpSocket.write(remoteIp, remotePort, packetData, packet->getUDPSize());

                seqLog << packet->getSeqNum() << endl;
                LOG("Resent packet seqnum %i\n", packet->getSeqNum());

                if (false == timer_on) {
                    timer_on = true;


        default: {
            ASSERT(0); //invalid state

    LOG("End of Transmission. Exiting \n");

    ASSERT(totalBytes == sentBytes);
    ASSERT(totalPackets == sentPackets);

    return 0;