コード例 #1
ファイル: continent_sheet.cpp プロジェクト: CCChaos/RyzomCore
void CContinentParameters::build(const NLGEORGES::UFormElm &item)
	// Name.
	item.getValueByName (Name, "Name");

	// WorldMap
	item.getValueByName (WorldMap, "WorldMap");

	//Zone min/max
	item.getValueByName (ZoneMin, "ZoneMin");
	item.getValueByName (ZoneMax, "ZoneMax");

	// Load Light Landscape Day.
	const UFormElm *elm;
	if (item.getNodeByName (&elm, "LightLandscapeDay") && elm)

	// Load Light Landscape Night.
	if (item.getNodeByName (&elm, "LightLandscapeNight") && elm)

	// Load Light Landscape Dusk.
	if (item.getNodeByName (&elm, "LightLandscapeDusk") && elm)
		if (!LandscapeLightDusk.build(*elm)) LandscapeLightDusk.blend(LandscapeLightDay, LandscapeLightNight, 0.5f);
	else LandscapeLightDusk.blend(LandscapeLightDay, LandscapeLightNight, 0.5f);

	// Load Landscape PointLightMaterial
	if (item.getNodeByName (&elm, "LandscapePointLightMaterial") && elm)
		CGeorgesHelper::convert (LandscapePointLightMaterial, *elm);
		LandscapePointLightMaterial= CRGBA::White;

	// Load Light Entity Day.
	if (item.getNodeByName (&elm, "LightEntityDay") && elm)

	// Load Light Entity Night.
	if (item.getNodeByName (&elm, "LightEntityNight") && elm)

	// Load Light Entity Dusk
	if (item.getNodeByName (&elm, "LightEntityDusk") && elm)
		if (!EntityLightDusk.build(*elm)) EntityLightDusk.blend(EntityLightDay, EntityLightNight, 0.5f);
	else EntityLightDusk.blend(EntityLightDay, EntityLightNight, 0.5f);

	// Load Light Root Day.
	if (item.getNodeByName (&elm, "LightRootDay") && elm)

	// Load Light Root Night.
	if (item.getNodeByName (&elm, "LightRootNight") && elm)

	// Load Light Root Dusk
	if (item.getNodeByName (&elm, "LightRootDusk") && elm)
		if (!RootLightDusk.build(*elm)) RootLightDusk.blend(RootLightDay, RootLightNight, 0.5f);
	else RootLightDusk.blend(RootLightDay, RootLightNight, 0.5f);

	// Load Entity sun contribution power.
	item.getValueByName (EntitySunContributionPower, "EntitySunPower");

	// Load Entity sun contribution max threshold.
	item.getValueByName (EntitySunContributionMaxThreshold, "EntitySunMaxThreshold");

	// Load PACS RBank.
	item.getValueByName (PacsRBank, "PacsRBank");

	// Load PACS RBank.
	item.getValueByName (PacsGR, "PacsGR");

	// Load IG list filename.
	item.getValueByName (LandscapeIG, "LandscapeIG");

	// Load Sky day filename.
	item.getValueByName (SkyDay, "SkyDay");

	// Load Sky night filename.
	item.getValueByName (SkyNight, "SkyNight");

	// Load Sky fog part filename.
	item.getValueByName (SkyFogPartName, "SkyFogPart");

	// Load Sky ig filename.
	item.getValueByName (BackgroundIGName, "SkyIg");

	// Load IG for canopy for each season
	for (uint season = 0; season < EGSPD::CSeason::Invalid; ++season)
		item.getValueByName(CanopyIGfileName[season], (EGSPD::CSeason::toString( (EGSPD::CSeason::TSeason)season) + "CanopyIG").c_str());

	// Load the form
	string filename;
	if (item.getValueByName (filename, "Ecosystem"))
		UFormLoader *loader = UFormLoader::createLoader();
		if (loader)
			// Load the form
			CSmartPtr<UForm> form = loader->loadForm (filename.c_str ());

			// Form loaded ?
			if (form)
				// Root node
				elm = &form->getRootNode ();

				// MicroVeget.
				elm->getValueByName (MicroVeget, "MicroVeget");

				// Small bank.
				elm->getValueByName (SmallBank, "SmallBank");

				// Far bank.
				elm->getValueByName (FarBank, "FarBank");

				// Coarse mesh texture.
				elm->getValueByName (CoarseMeshMap, "CoarseMeshMap");
				nlwarning("CContinent::build : Can't load form %s.", filename.c_str());

	// Load all "Zone Constructible".
	if(item.getNodeByName(&elm, "ZCs") && elm)
		// Get number of ZC
		uint nbZC;
			// For each village
			for(uint i = 0; i < nbZC; ++i)
				// Village pointer
				const UFormElm *zc;
				if(elm->getArrayNode(&zc, i) && zc)
					// Get the zone associated.
					CZC zone;
					zone.EnableRuins= true;
					if(!zc->getValueByName(zone.Name, "Zone"))
						nlwarning("CContinent::build : key 'Zone' not found.");
					if(!zc->getValueByName(zone.ForceLoadDist, "ForceLoadDist"))
						nlwarning("CContinent::build : key 'ForceLoadDist' not found.");
					if(!zc->getValueByName(zone.LoadDist, "LoadDist"))
						nlwarning("CContinent::build : key 'LoadDist' not found.");
					if(!zc->getValueByName(zone.UnloadDist, "UnloadDist"))
						nlwarning("CContinent::build : key 'UnloadDist' not found.");
					if(!zc->getValueByName(zone.EnableRuins, "EnableRuins"))
						nlwarning("CContinent::build : key 'EnableRuins' not found.");

			nlwarning("CContinent::build : it seems 'ZCs' is not an array.");

	// build fog map descriptor

	// Load Sky ig filename.
	item.getValueByName (Indoor, "Indoor");

	// Load the landmark list
	if(item.getNodeByName (&elm, "LandMarks") && elm)
		// Get number of village
		uint numLandMarks;
		nlverify (elm->getArraySize (numLandMarks));

		// For each village
		for(uint k = 0; k < numLandMarks; ++k)
			// Village pointer
			const UFormElm *landMarkForm;
			if (elm->getArrayNode (&landMarkForm, k) && landMarkForm)

	// LocalizedName
	item.getValueByName (LocalizedName, "LocalizedName");

	// Micro-life primitives
	if(item.getNodeByName(&elm, "MicroLifePrimitives") && elm)
		// Get number of prims
		uint numPrims;
			// For each prims
			for(uint i = 0; i < numPrims; ++i)
				std::string primFilename;
				if (elm->getArrayValue(primFilename, i))
			nlwarning("CContinent::build : it seems 'ZCs' is not an array.");

	// Read Season related parameters
	for (uint season = 0; season < EGSPD::CSeason::Invalid; ++season)
		item.getValueByName(TileColorMono[season], (EGSPD::CSeason::toString( (EGSPD::CSeason::TSeason)season) + "TileColorMono").c_str());
		item.getValueByName(TileColorFactor[season], (EGSPD::CSeason::toString( (EGSPD::CSeason::TSeason)season ) + "TileColorFactor").c_str());
		item.getValueByName(StaticLightingFactor[season], (EGSPD::CSeason::toString( (EGSPD::CSeason::TSeason)season ) + "StaticLightingFactor").c_str());
		item.getValueByName(SkySheet[season],  ("SkySheet" + EGSPD::CSeason::toString( (EGSPD::CSeason::TSeason)season )).c_str());

		// A continent may want to force some season instead another. read it
		ForceDisplayedSeason[season]= (EGSPD::CSeason::TSeason)season;
		string	strSeason;
		item.getValueByName(strSeason, ("DisplayedSeasonFor" + EGSPD::CSeason::toString( (EGSPD::CSeason::TSeason)season)).c_str());
		EGSPD::CSeason::TSeason		readSeason= ForceDisplayedSeason[season]= EGSPD::CSeason::fromString(strSeason);
			ForceDisplayedSeason[season]= readSeason;
コード例 #2
ファイル: georges2csv.cpp プロジェクト: mixxit/solinia
	Scanning the files ... this is the business!!
void scanFiles(const CSString &filespec)
	std::vector<std::string> filenames;

	buildFileVector(filenames, filespec);

	// if there s no file, nothing to do
	if (filenames.empty())

	// display the table header line
	for (unsigned i=0;i<fields.size();i++)
		fprintf(Outf,"%s%s",SEPARATOR, fields[i]._name.c_str());

	UFormLoader *formLoader = NULL;
	NLMISC::TTime last = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime ();
	NLMISC::TTime start = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime ();

	NLMISC::CSmartPtr<UForm> form;

	for (uint j = 0; j < filenames.size(); j++)
		if	(NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime () > last + 5000)
			last = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime ();
			if	(j>0)
				nlinfo ("%.0f%% completed (%d/%d), %d seconds remaining", (float)j*100.0/filenames.size(),j,filenames.size(), (filenames.size()-j)*(last-start)/j/1000);


		//std::string p = NLMISC::CPath::lookup (filenames[j], false, false);
		std::string p = filenames[j];
		if (p.empty()) continue;

		// create the georges loader if necessary
		if (formLoader == NULL)
			WarningLog->addNegativeFilter("CFormLoader: Can't open the form file");
			formLoader = UFormLoader::createLoader ();

		// Load the form with given sheet id
//		form = formLoader->loadForm (sheetIds[j].toString().c_str ());
		form = formLoader->loadForm (filenames[j].c_str ());
		if	(form)
			// the form was found so read the true values from George
//			std::string s;
			for	(unsigned i=0;i<fields.size();i++)
				UFormElm::TWhereIsValue where;
				UFormElm	*fieldForm=NULL;
				std::string	valueString;
				form->getRootNode ().getNodeByName(&fieldForm, fields[i]._name.c_str());

				if	(fieldForm)
					if	(fieldForm->isArray())	//	if its an array
						uint	arraySize=0,arrayIndex=0;
						while (arrayIndex<arraySize)
							if	(fieldForm->getArrayValue(valueString,arrayIndex,fields[i]._evaluated, &where))
								;//addQuotesRoundString	(valueString);
								setErrorString	(valueString, fields[i]._evaluated, where);

							if (arrayIndex<arraySize)	//	another value in the array..

						if	(form->getRootNode ().getValueByName(valueString,fields[i]._name.c_str(),fields[i]._evaluated,&where))	//fieldForm->getValue(valueString,fields[i]._evaluated))
							;//addQuotesRoundString	(valueString);
							setErrorString	(valueString, fields[i]._evaluated, where);
//				else	//	node not found.
//				{
//					setErrorString	(valueString, fields[i]._evaluated, where);
//				}


				fprintf(Outf,"%s%s", SEPARATOR, valueString.c_str());
//				UFormElm::TWhereIsValue where;
//				bool result=form->getRootNode ().getValueByName(s,fields[i]._name.c_str(),fields[i]._evaluated,&where);
//				if (!result)
//				{
//					if (fields[i]._evaluated)
//					{
//						s="ERR";
//					}
//					else
//					{
//						switch(where)
//						{
//						case UFormElm::ValueForm: s="ValueForm"; break;
//						case UFormElm::ValueParentForm: s="ValueParentForm"; break;
//						case UFormElm::ValueDefaultDfn: s="ValueDefaultDfn"; break;
//						case UFormElm::ValueDefaultType: s="ValueDefaultType"; break;
//						default: s="ERR";
//						}
//					}
//				}
//				else
//				{
//					// add quotes round strings
//					std::string hold=s;
//					s.erase();
//					s='\"';
//					for (unsigned i=0;i<hold.size();i++)
//					{
//						if (hold[i]=='\"')
//							s+="\"\"";
//						else
//							s+=hold[i];
//					}
//					s+='\"';
//				}
//				fprintf(Outf,"%s%s", SEPARATOR, s);


	// free the georges loader if necessary
	if (formLoader != NULL)
		UFormLoader::releaseLoader (formLoader);
		WarningLog->removeFilter ("CFormLoader: Can't open the form file");

	// housekeeping
//	sheetIds.clear ();
	filenames.clear ();

コード例 #3
ファイル: georges2csv.cpp プロジェクト: mixxit/solinia
 * CSV -> Georges
void	convertCsvFile( const string &file, bool generate, const string& sheetType )
	const uint			BUFFER_SIZE = 16*1024;
	char			lineBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
	FILE			*s;

	vector<string>	fields;
	vector<string>	args;

	if ((s = fopen(file.c_str(), "r")) == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "Can't find file %s to convert\n", file.c_str());


	UFormLoader *formLoader = UFormLoader::createLoader ();
	NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CForm> form;
	NLMISC::CSmartPtr<UFormDfn> formDfn;

	fgets(lineBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, s);
	explode(std::string(lineBuffer), std::string(SEPARATOR), fields);

	vector<bool> activeFields( fields.size(), true );

	// Load DFN (generation only)
	set<CDfnField>	dfnFields;
	if ( generate )
		formDfn = formLoader->loadFormDfn( (sheetType + ".dfn").c_str() );
		if ( ! formDfn )
			nlerror( "Can't find DFN for %s", sheetType.c_str() );
		fillFromDFN( formLoader, dfnFields, formDfn, "", sheetType );

		// Display missing fields and check fields against DFN
		uint i;
		for ( i=1; i!=fields.size(); ++i )
			eraseCarriageReturnsAndMakeBlankNonAsciiChars( fields[i] );
			if ( fields[i].empty() )
				nlinfo( "Skipping field #%u (empty)", i );
				activeFields[i] = false;
			else if ( nlstricmp( fields[i], "parent" ) == 0 )
				strlwr( fields[i] ); // non-const version
				set<CDfnField>::iterator ist = dfnFields.find( CDfnField(fields[i]) );
				if ( ist == dfnFields.end() )
					nlinfo( "Skipping field #%u (%s, not found in %s DFN)", i, fields[i].c_str(), sheetType.c_str() );
					activeFields[i] = false;
		for ( i=1; i!=fields.size(); ++i )
			if ( activeFields[i] )
				nlinfo( "Selected field: %s", fields[i].c_str() );

	string addExtension = "." + sheetType;
	uint dirmapLetterIndex = ~0;
	bool dirmapLetterBackward = false;
	vector<string> dirmapDirs;
	string dirmapSheetCode;
	bool WriteEmptyProperties = false, WriteSheetsToDisk = true;
	bool ForceInsertParents = false;

	if ( generate )
		// Get the directory mapping
			CConfigFile dirmapcfg;
			dirmapcfg.load( sheetType + "_dirmap.cfg" );

			if ( OutputPath.empty() )
				CConfigFile::CVar *path = dirmapcfg.getVarPtr( "OutputPath" );
				if ( path )
					OutputPath = path->asString();
				if ( ! OutputPath.empty() )
					if ( OutputPath[OutputPath.size()-1] != '/' )
						OutputPath += '/';
					else if ( ! CFile::isDirectory( OutputPath ) )
						nlwarning( "Output path does not exist" );

			CConfigFile::CVar *letterIndex1 = dirmapcfg.getVarPtr( "LetterIndex" );
			if ( letterIndex1 && letterIndex1->asInt() > 0 )
				dirmapLetterIndex = letterIndex1->asInt() - 1;

				CConfigFile::CVar *letterWay = dirmapcfg.getVarPtr( "LetterWay" );
				dirmapLetterBackward = (letterWay && (letterWay->asInt() == 1));
				CConfigFile::CVar dirs = dirmapcfg.getVar( "Directories" );
				for ( uint idm=0; idm!=dirs.size(); ++idm )
					dirmapDirs.push_back( dirs.asString( idm ) );
					nlinfo( "Directory: %s", dirmapDirs.back().c_str() );
					if ( ! CFile::isExists( OutputPath + dirmapDirs.back() ) )
						CFile::createDirectory( OutputPath + dirmapDirs.back() );
						if ( ! CFile::isDirectory( OutputPath + dirmapDirs.back() ) )
							nlwarning( "Already existing but not a directory!" );

				nlinfo( "Mapping letter #%u (%s) of sheet name to directory", dirmapLetterIndex + 1, dirmapLetterBackward?"backward":"forward" );
			CConfigFile::CVar *sheetCode = dirmapcfg.getVarPtr( "AddSheetCode" );
			if ( sheetCode )
				dirmapSheetCode = sheetCode->asString();
			nlinfo( "Sheet code: %s", dirmapSheetCode.c_str() );

			if ( ! dirmapLetterBackward )
				dirmapLetterIndex += dirmapSheetCode.size();

			CConfigFile::CVar *wep = dirmapcfg.getVarPtr( "WriteEmptyProperties" );
			if ( wep )
				WriteEmptyProperties = (wep->asInt() == 1);
			nlinfo( "Write empty properties mode: %s", WriteEmptyProperties ? "ON" : "OFF" );

			CConfigFile::CVar *wstd = dirmapcfg.getVarPtr( "WriteSheetsToDisk" );
			if ( wstd )
				WriteSheetsToDisk = (wstd->asInt() == 1);
			nlinfo( "Write sheets to disk mode: %s", WriteSheetsToDisk ? "ON" : "OFF" );

			CConfigFile::CVar *fiparents = dirmapcfg.getVarPtr( "ForceInsertParents" );
			if ( fiparents )
				ForceInsertParents = (fiparents->asInt() == 1);
			nlinfo( "Force insert parents mode: %s", ForceInsertParents ? "ON" : "OFF" );
		catch ( EConfigFile& e )
			nlwarning( "Problem in directory mapping: %s", e.what() );

		nlinfo( "Using output path: %s", OutputPath.c_str() );
		nlinfo( "Press a key to generate *.%s", sheetType.c_str() );
		nlinfo( "Generating...." );

		nlinfo("Updating modifications (only modified fields are updated)");

	set<string> newSheets;
	uint nbNewSheets = 0, nbModifiedSheets = 0, nbUnchangedSheets = 0, nbWritten = 0;
	while (!feof(s))
		lineBuffer[0] = '\0';
		fgets(lineBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, s);
		explode(std::string(lineBuffer), std::string(SEPARATOR), args);

		if (args.size() < 1)

		eraseCarriageReturnsAndMakeBlankNonAsciiChars( args[0] );

		// Skip empty lines
		if ( args[0].empty() || (args[0] == string(".")+sheetType) )

		//nldebug( "%s: %u", args[0].c_str(), args.size() );
		string	filebase = dirmapSheetCode+args[0]; /*+"."+sheetType;*/
		if (filebase.find("."+sheetType) == string::npos)
			filebase += "." + sheetType;
		strlwr	(filebase);
		string	filename, dirbase;
		bool	isNewSheet=true;

		// Locate existing sheet
//		map<string, string>::iterator it = inputSheetPathContent.find( CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension( filebase ) );
		map<string, string>::iterator it = inputSheetPathContent.find( CFile::getFilename( filebase ) );
		if	(it == inputSheetPathContent.end())
			// Not found
			if ( ! generate )
				if ( ! filebase.empty() )
					nlwarning( "Sheet %s not found", filebase.c_str( )); 
				// Load template sheet
				filename = strlwr( static_cast<const string&>(filebase) );
				form = (CForm*)formLoader->loadForm( (string("_empty.") + sheetType).c_str() );
				if (form == NULL)
					nlerror( "Can't load sheet _empty.%s", sheetType.c_str() );

				// Deduce directory from sheet name
				if ( dirmapLetterIndex != ~0 )
					if ( dirmapLetterIndex < filebase.size() )
						uint letterIndex;
						char c;
						if ( dirmapLetterBackward )
							letterIndex = filebase.size() - 1 - (CFile::getExtension( filebase ).size()+1) - dirmapLetterIndex;
							letterIndex = dirmapLetterIndex;
						c = tolower( filebase[letterIndex] );
						vector<string>::const_iterator idm;
						for ( idm=dirmapDirs.begin(); idm!=dirmapDirs.end(); ++idm )
							if ( (! (*idm).empty()) && (tolower((*idm)[0]) == c) )
								dirbase = (*idm) + "/";
						if ( idm==dirmapDirs.end() )
							nlinfo( "Directory mapping not found for %s (index %u)", filebase.c_str(), letterIndex );
							dirbase = ""; // put into root
						nlerror( "Can't map directory with letter #%u, greater than size of %s + code", dirmapLetterIndex, filebase.c_str() );

				nlinfo( "New sheet: %s", filebase.c_str() );
				if ( ! newSheets.insert( filebase ).second )
					nlwarning( "Found duplicate sheet: %s", filebase.c_str() );
				isNewSheet = true;
		else // an existing sheet was found

			// Load sheet (skip if failed)
			dirbase = "";
			filename = (*it).second; // whole path
			form = (CForm*)formLoader->loadForm( filename.c_str() );
			if (form == NULL)
				nlwarning( "Can't load sheet %s", filename.c_str() );

			isNewSheet = false;

		const	UFormElm	&rootForm=form->getRootNode();
		bool displayed = false;
		bool isModified = false;
		uint i;
		for (	i=1;	i<args.size		()
					&&	i<fields.size	();	++i )
			const string	&var = fields[i];
			string			&val = args[i];

			eraseCarriageReturnsAndMakeBlankNonAsciiChars( val );

			// Skip column with inactive field (empty or not in DFN)
			if ( (! activeFields[i]) )

			// Skip setting of empty cell except if required
			if ( (! WriteEmptyProperties) && val.empty() )

			// Special case for parent sheet
			if	(var == "parent") // already case-lowered
				vector<string> parentVals;
				explode( val, std::string(ARRAY_SEPARATOR), parentVals );
				if ( (parentVals.size() == 1) && (parentVals[0].empty()) )

				if ( (isNewSheet || ForceInsertParents) && (! parentVals.empty()) )
					// This is slow. Opti: insertParent() should have an option to do it without loading the form
					//	parent have same type that this object (postulat).
					uint	nbinsertedparents=0;

					for ( uint p=0; p!=parentVals.size(); ++p )
						string	localExtension=(parentVals[p].find(addExtension)==string::npos)?addExtension:"";
						string	parentName=parentVals[p]+localExtension;

						CSmartPtr<CForm> parentForm = (CForm*)formLoader->loadForm(CFile::getFilename(parentName.c_str()).c_str());
						if ( ! parentForm )
							nlwarning( "Can't load parent form %s", parentName.c_str() );
							form->insertParent( p, parentName.c_str(), parentForm );
							displayed = true;

					nlinfo( "Inserted %u parent(s)", nbinsertedparents );
				// NOTE: Changing the parent is not currently implemented!

			const	UFormElm	*fieldForm=NULL;
			if	(rootForm.getNodeByName(&fieldForm, var.c_str()))
				UFormDfn	*dfnForm=const_cast<UFormElm&>(rootForm).getStructDfn();
				vector<string> memberVals;
				explode( val, std::string(ARRAY_SEPARATOR), memberVals );
				uint32	memberIndex=0;
				while (memberIndex<memberVals.size())
					const	uint	currentMemberIndex=memberIndex;
					std::string		memberVal=memberVals[memberIndex];
					if	(!memberVal.empty())
						if (memberVal[0] == '"')
							memberVal.erase(0, 1);
						if (memberVal.size()>0 && memberVal[memberVal.size()-1] == '"')
						if (memberVal == "ValueForm" ||
							memberVal == "ValueParentForm" ||
							memberVal == "ValueDefaultDfn" ||
							memberVal == "ValueDefaultType" ||
							memberVal == "ERR")

					//				nlassert(fieldDfn);
					//				virtual bool getEntryFilenameExt (uint entry, std::string &name) const = 0;
					//				virtual bool getEntryFilename (uint entry, std::string &name) const = 0;
					if (dfnForm)
						string	fileName;
						string	fileNameExt;
						bool	toto=false;
						static	string	filenameTyp("filename.typ");
						string	extension;
						uint	fieldIndex;
						if (dfnForm->getEntryIndexByName (fieldIndex, var))	//	field exists.
							if (fileName==filenameTyp)
								if (	!fileNameExt.empty()
									&&	fileNameExt!="*.*")
									string::size_type	index=fileNameExt.find(".");
									if (index==string::npos)	//	not found.
									if	(memberVal.find(extension)==string::npos)	// extension not found.

					if	(dfnForm->isAnArrayEntryByName(var))
						if	(	!isNewSheet
							&&	fieldForm!=NULL)
							uint arraySize;
							const UFormElm *arrayNode = NULL;
							if (fieldForm->isArray() 
								&& fieldForm->getArraySize(arraySize) && arraySize == memberVals.size())
								string	test;
								if	(	fieldForm->getArrayValue(test, currentMemberIndex)
									&&	test==memberVal	)
						//nldebug( "%s: %s '%s'", args[0].c_str(), var.c_str(), memberVal.c_str() );
						// need to put the value at the correct index.
						const	std::string	fieldName=NLMISC::toString("%s[%d]", var.c_str(), currentMemberIndex).c_str();
						const_cast<UFormElm&>(rootForm).setValueByName(memberVal.c_str(), fieldName.c_str());
						displayed = true;
						if	(!isNewSheet)
							string	test;
							if	(	rootForm.getValueByName(test,var.c_str())
								&&	test==memberVal	)
						//nldebug( "%s: %s '%s'", args[0].c_str(), var.c_str(), memberVal.c_str() );
						const_cast<UFormElm&>(rootForm).setValueByName(memberVal.c_str(), var.c_str());
						displayed = true;
					if	(!isNewSheet)
						isModified = true;
						if (!displayed)
							nlinfo("in %s:", filename.c_str());
						displayed = true;
						nlinfo("%s = %s", var.c_str(), memberVal.c_str());


			else	//	field Node not found :\ (bad)

		if ( ! isNewSheet )
			if ( isModified )

		// Write sheet
		if ( isNewSheet || displayed )
			if ( WriteSheetsToDisk )
				string	path = isNewSheet ? OutputPath : "";
				string	ext = (filename.find( addExtension ) == string::npos) ? addExtension : "";
				string	absoluteFileName=path + dirbase + filename + ext;
//				nlinfo("opening: %s",  absoluteFileName.c_str() );
				COFile	output(absoluteFileName);
				if	(!output.isOpen())
					nlinfo("creating path: %s",  (path + dirbase).c_str() );
					NLMISC::CFile::createDirectory(path + dirbase);

//				nlinfo("opening2: %s",  absoluteFileName.c_str() );
				output.open	(absoluteFileName);
				if (!output.isOpen())
					nlinfo("ERROR! cannot create file path: %s",  absoluteFileName.c_str() );
					form->write(output, true);
					if	(!CPath::exists(filename + ext))

			clearSheet( form, &form->getRootNode() );

	nlinfo( "%u sheets processed (%u new, %u modified, %u unchanged - %u written)", nbNewSheets+nbModifiedSheets+nbUnchangedSheets, nbNewSheets, nbModifiedSheets, nbUnchangedSheets, nbWritten );
	UFormLoader::releaseLoader (formLoader);
コード例 #4
ファイル: weather_everywhere.cpp プロジェクト: mixxit/solinia
 * Initialization
void CWeatherEverywhere::init()
	// Init weather manager (with weather setup sheets)
	std::vector<CSheetId> sheetVec;
	CSheetId::buildIdVector( sheetVec, "weather_setup" ); // list weather_setup sheets
	std::vector<const CWeatherSetupSheetBase *> weatherSheets;
	std::vector<std::string> weatherSheetNames;
	for ( uint k=0; k!=sheetVec.size(); ++k )
		const CWeatherSetupSheetBase *sheet = CSheets::getWeatherSetupSheet( sheetVec[k] ); // get static sheet
		if ( sheet )
			weatherSheetNames.push_back( sheetVec[k].toString() );
			weatherSheets.push_back( sheet );
	CWeatherManager weatherManager;
	weatherManager.init( weatherSheets, weatherSheetNames );

	// Load the continents (george forms). The sorted list is found in CStaticWorld.
	const CStaticWorld *staticWorld = CSheets::getWorldForm( CSheetId("ryzom.world") );
	nlassert( staticWorld );
	nlassertex( staticWorld->Continents.size() == CONTINENT::NB_CONTINENTS, ("ryzom.world should contain exactly the same number of continents as the enum size CONTINENT::TContinent (=%u), not %u", (uint)(CONTINENT::NB_CONTINENTS), staticWorld->Continents.size()) ); 
	UFormLoader *formLoader = UFormLoader::createLoader();
	_WeatherFunctionsBySeasonByContinent.resize( staticWorld->Continents.size() );
	for ( uint iContinent=0; iContinent!=CONTINENT::NB_CONTINENTS; ++iContinent )
		_WeatherFunctionsBySeasonByContinent[iContinent] = new CWeatherFunction [EGSPD::CSeason::Invalid];
		CSmartPtr<UForm> continentForm = formLoader->loadForm( staticWorld->Continents[iContinent].toString().c_str() ); // load continent form
		if ( continentForm == NULL )
			nlwarning( "Continent sheet '%s' not found", staticWorld->Continents[iContinent].toString().c_str() );
			for ( uint iSeason=0; iSeason!=EGSPD::CSeason::Invalid; ++iSeason )
				string seasonStr = EGSPD::CSeason::toString( (EGSPD::CSeason::TSeason) iSeason);
				const UFormElm *seasonWFNode = NULL;
				if ( continentForm->getRootNode().getNodeByName( &seasonWFNode, (seasonStr + string("WeatherFunction")).c_str() ) && seasonWFNode )
					CWeatherFunctionSheet wfs;
					wfs.build( *seasonWFNode );
					_WeatherFunctionsBySeasonByContinent[iContinent][iSeason].buildFromSheet( wfs, weatherManager );
					// Not a warning because indoor continent does not have any weather function
					nlinfo( "%s has no node %s", staticWorld->Continents[iContinent].toString().c_str(), (seasonStr + string("WeatherFunction")).c_str() );
	// Use always first weather function param sheet
	if ( CSheets::getWeatherFunctionParamsSheets().begin() != CSheets::getWeatherFunctionParamsSheets().end() )
		_WeatherFunctionParamsSheet = &(*CSheets::getWeatherFunctionParamsSheets().begin()).second;